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Contributors P1: MRM/FYX P2: MRM/FYX QC: MRM/UKS T1: MRM KI048-Christensen March 3, 2004 17:29 Contributors Ronald P. Abeles, PhD, Office of Behavioral and Social Sci- S. Beth Bellman, Department of Psychology, University of ences Research, National Institutes of Health Iowa Nancy E. Adler, PhD, Department of Psychiatry, University of Rochelle L. Bergstrom, MS, Department of Psychology, North California, San Francisco Dakota State University Melissa A. Alderfer, PhD, Department of Psychology, The Ali A. Berlin, MA, Department of Medical and Clinical Children’s Hospital of Phildelphia Psychology, Uniformed Services University of the Health Sci- ences, Bethesda, Maryland David G. Altman, PhD, Department of Public Health Sci- ences, Wake Forest University School of Medicine Jim Blascovich, PhD, Department of Psychology, University of California, Santa Barbara Norman B. Anderson, PhD, American Psychological Association George A. Bonanno, PhD, Department of Counseling and Clinical Psychology, Teachers College, Columbia University Katherine L. Applegate, PhD, Weight Loss Surgery Center, Duke University Medical Center Jack W. Brehm, PhD, Department of Psychology, University of Kansas William C. Bailey, PhD, Lung Health Center, University of Alabama at Birmingham Joan E. Broderick, PhD, Department of Psychiatry, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, New York Albert Bandura, PhD, Department of Psychology, Stanford University Jessica S. Brown, Department of Psychology, Florida State University John C. Barefoot, PhD, Department of Behavioral Psychiatry, Duke University James Bunde, Department of Psychology, University of Iowa Andrew Baum, PhD, Departments of Psychiatry and Psychol- Mali Bunde, Department of Psychology, University of Iowa ogy, University of Pittsburgh James Butler, PhD, Behavioral and Community Health Ser- Heidi T. Beckman, PhD, Prairie View at Newton Medical vices, University of Pittsburgh Office Plaza, Newton, Kansas Lucie M. T. Byrne-Davis, MSc, Medical Research Council Andrew Beer, Department of Psychology, University of Health Services Research Collaboration, University of Bristol, Iowa Bristol, England 345 P1: MRM/FYX P2: MRM/FYX QC: MRM/UKS T1: MRM KI048-Christensen March 3, 2004 17:29 Contributors 346 Linda D. Cameron, PhD, Department of Psychology, Univer- Judith C. Daniluk, PhD, Department of Counseling Psychol- sity of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand ogy, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada Kate B. Carey, PhD, Department of Psychology, Syracuse Uni- Sharon Danoff-Burg, PhD, Department of Psychology, Uni- versity versity at Albany, State University of New York Michael P.Carey, PhD, Center for Health and Behavior, Syra- W. Hobart Davies, PhD, Department of Psychology, Univer- cuse University sity of Wisconsin – Milwaukee Yolanda Cartwright, PhD, RD, School of Public Health, Uni- Gerald M. Devins, PhD, Department of Psychiatry, University versity of Minnesota Health Services and University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada Delwyn Catley, PhD, Department of Psychology, University Mary Amanda Dew, PhD, Departments of Psychiatry, Psy- of Missouri–Kansas City chology, and Epidemiology, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine Heather Champion, Department of Public Health Sciences, Wake Forest University School of Medicine Michael Diefenbach, PhD, Division of Population Science, Fox Chase Cancer Center, Philadelphia Alan J. Christensen, PhD, Department of Psychology, Univer- sity of Iowa Richard A. Dienstbier, PhD, Department of Psychology, University of Nebraska–Lincoln Karin Coifman, Department of Counseling and Clinical Psy- chology, Teachers College, Columbia University Amanda J. Dillard, Department of Psychology, North Dakota State University Mark Conner, PhD, School of Psychology, University of Leeds, Leeds, England Andrea F. DiMartini, MD, Department of Psychiatry, Univer- sity of Pittsburgh School of Medicine Richard J. Contrada, PhD, Department of Psychology, Rutgers—The State University of New Jersey Kathleen R. Diviak, PhD, Health Research and Policy Centers, University of Illinois at Chicago Beth L. Cook, PhD, Department of Psychiatry, University of California, San Francisco Sara L. Dolan, Department of Psychology, University of Iowa Matthew J. Cordova, PhD, Pacific Graduate School of Psy- Kathleen Dracup, RN, DCSc, FAAN, School of Nursing, chology, Palo Alto, California University of California, San Francisco Erin S. Costanzo, MA, Department of Psychology, University Paul R. Duberstein, PhD, Departments of Psychiatry and On- of Iowa cology, University of Rochester Medical Center Julie K. Cremeans-Smith, MA, Department of Psychology, Christopher L. Edwards, PhD, Department of Psychology, Kent State University Duke University Medical Center Carolyn E. Cutrona, PhD, Institute for Social and Behavioral Shawna L. Ehlers, PhD, Department of Clinical and Health Research and Department of Psychology, Iowa State University Psychology, University of Florida Jamie A. Cvengros, Department of Psychology, University of Merrill F. Elias, PhD, Department of Mathematics and Statis- Iowa tics, Boston University Ralph B. D’Agostino, PhD, Department of Mathematics and Scott Engel, MS, Department of Psychology, North Dakota Statistics, Boston University State University J. Alexander Dale, PhD, Department of Psychology, Allegheny Jeanne L. Esler, PhD, Department of Psychiatry, Rhode Island College, Meadville, Pennsylvania Hospital, Providence P1: MRM/FYX P2: MRM/FYX QC: MRM/UKS T1: MRM KI048-Christensen March 3, 2004 17:29 347 Contributors Susan A. Everson-Rose, MPH, PhD, Department of Preven- Mazy E. Gillis, PhD, Department of Psychology, Wayne State tative Medicine, Rush–Presbyterian–St. Luke’s Medical Center, University, Detroit, Michigan Chicago Karen Glanz, PhD, MPH, Social and Behavioral Sciences Pro- Craig K. Ewart, PhD, Center for Health and Behavior, Syracuse gram, University of Hawaii University Alan G. Glaros, PhD, School of Dentistry, University of Perry G. Fine, MD, School of Medicine, University of Utah Missouri–Kansas City Susan Folkman, PhD, Osher Center for Integrative Medicine, Janice Kiecolt-Glaser, PhD, Department of Psychiatry, Ohio University of California, San Francisco State Univesrity Wilbert E. Fordyce, PhD, Department of Rehabilitation Ronald Glaser, PhD, Department of Molecular Virol- Medicine and Pain Service, University of Washington School ogy, Immunology, and Medical Genetics, Ohio State of Medicine University Christopher R. France, PhD, Department of Psychology,Ohio David C. Glass, PhD, State University of New York at Stony University Brook Andrea J. Frank, Department of Psychology,University of Iowa Deanna M. Golden-Kreutz, PhD, Department of Psychology, Ohio State University Christina L. Franklin, Department of Psychology, University of Iowa Laura Gorman, PhD, Department of Psychology, University of Iowa Patricia Freiburger, Department of Neuroscience, Neuropsy- chiatric Research Institute, Fargo, North Dakota Elizabeth K. Gray, Department of Psychology, University of Iowa Derek R. Freres, PhD, Department of Psychology, University of Pennsylvania Peter J. Green, PhD, Department of Psychology, Barton Col- lege, Wilson, North Carolina Gerald W. Friedland, MD, FRCPE, Stanford University School of Medicine Angela J. Grippo, Department of Psychology, University of Iowa Michael A. Friedman, PhD, Department of Psychology, Rutgers—The State University of New Jersey Perry N. Halkitis, PhD, Department of Applied Psychology, New York University David B. Fruehstorfer, MEd, Department of Psychology, Kent State University Thomas L. Haney, Department of Behavioral Psychiatry, Duke University Judy Garber, PhD, Department of Psychology,VanderbiltUni- versity Vicki S. Helgeson, PhD, Department of Psychology, Carnegie Mellon University Kelli A. Gardner, Department of Psychology, Iowa State Uni- versity Elise J. Herndon, MA, Department of Psychology, University of South Carolina Marc Gellman, PhD, Department of Psychology, University of Miami Thaddeus A. Herzog, PhD, University of South Florida, H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center and Research Institute, Tampa, Meg Gerrard, PhD, Department of Psychology,Iowa State Uni- Florida vesity Jennifer Hoffman Goldberg, PhD, Stanford Center for Re- Frederick Gibbons, PhD, Department of Psychology, Iowa search in Disease Prevention, Stanford University School of State University Medicine P1: MRM/FYX P2: MRM/FYX QC: MRM/UKS T1: MRM KI048-Christensen March 3, 2004 17:29 Contributors 348 Steven D. Hollon, PhD, Department of Psychology,Vanderbilt Connie L. Kohler, PhD, Department of Health Behavior, Uni- University versity of Alabama at Birmingham Michael F. Hoyt, PhD, Department of Psychiatry, Kaiser Per- Willem J. Kop, PhD, Department of Medical and Clinical Psy- manente Medical Center, San Rafael, California chology, Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences, Bethesda, Maryland L. K. George Hsu, MD, Department of Psychiatry, Tufts University School of Medicine David Krantz, PhD, Department of Medical and Clinical Psy- chology, Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences, Jennifer S. Hunt, PhD, Department of Psychology, University Bethesda, Maryland of Nebraska–Lincoln Zlatan Krizan, Department of Psychology, University of Iowa Barry E. Hurwitz, PhD, Department of Psychology, University of Miami Edward Krupat, PhD, Department of Psychology, Mas- sachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Science, Boston Ida Jeltova, PhD, School Psychology PsyD Program, Fairleigh Dickinson University, Teaneck, New Jersey Kristin Kuntz, MA, Department of Psychology, Ohio State University
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