The University of Northern British Columbia Northern Medical Program 3333 University Way, Prince George, BC, V2N 4Z9
[email protected] S ARAH N. DE L EEUW 1-250-960-5993 POSITIONS (April 2016 - 2021). Appointed Adjunct Research Professor, Department of Geography and Environmental Studies. Carleton University. (May 2013). Promoted and Tenured to Associate Professor, Northern Medical Program, The University of Northern British Columbia (UNBC), Faculty of Medicine at the University of British Columbia (UBC). Affiliate status, Departments of Geography and Community Health Science, UNBC. (May 2013). Affiliate Associate Professor, School of Population and Public Health, The University of British Columbia (UBC). (July 2008 – May 2013). Assistant Professor, Northern Medical Program, The University of Northern British Columbia (UNBC), Faculty of Medicine at the University of British Columbia (UBC). Affiliate status, Departments of Geography and Community Health Science, UNBC. (July 2008 – May 2013). Affiliate Assistant Professor, School of Population and Public Health, The University of British Columbia (UBC). EDUCATION 2007-2008. Post-Doctoral Fellowship. Department of Geography and Regional Planning. University of Arizona. Tucson Arizona. Supervisor: Dr. John Paul Jones 2003-2007. Doctorate of Philosophy (PhD). Department of Geography, Queen’s University. Thesis title: Artful Places: Creativity and Colonialism in British Columbia’s “Indian” Residential Schools. Supervisors: Dr. Audrey Kobayashi and Dr. Anne Godlewska Examiner: Dr. Cole Harris 2000-2002. Master of Arts (MA). Interdisciplinary Studies, English and Geography, University of Northern British Columbia. Thesis title: Along Highway 16: A Creative Meditation on the Geography of Northern British Columbia. Supervisor: Dr. Julia Emberley Examiner: Dr. Kevin Hutchins 1991-1996. Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA).