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Structural Setting B D.I. Gravestock and STRUCTURAL SETTING B. Jensen-Schmidt Chapter 5 INTRODUCTION Devonian to mid-Carboniferous Alice Springs Orogeny, as shown by stress vectors in Figure 5.1. The Cooper Basin is entirely covered by the Mesozoic Eromanga Basin. It is one of a number of remnant Late Cambro-Ordovician strata of the eastern Warburton Carboniferous to Early Permian depocentres which lay in Basin, which underlies the Cooper, have been deformed by the Australian interior of the Gondwana Supercontinent post-Ordovician northwest compression and intruded by (Fig. 5.1). The Cooper Basin differs from these other Middle to Late Carboniferous granite (Gatehouse et al., depocentres by containing an additional sequence which 1995). The age of this deformation is also correlated with ranges in age from Late Permian to Middle Triassic and the Alice Springs Orogeny and the stress vector is spans the Permo-Triassic boundary without a break in interpreted as a compromise between the other two, given deposition. It also differs in being the only basin with major that both orogenies were nearly simultaneous. oil and gas production. Early Permian strata in the The Cooper Basin is divided into southern and northern neighbouring Pedirka Basin to the west are unconformably parts by a line of anticlinal ridges in South-West Queensland overlain by Triassic and younger sequences of the Simpson (Arrabury–Karmona Trend; Battersby, 1976) which and Eromanga Basins. The more distant Arckaringa, separates predominantly Triassic depocentres, mostly in Troubridge and Nadda Basins to the south and southwest Queensland, from predominantly Permian depocentres, contain sedimentary rocks which are no younger than Early mostly in South Australia. This chapter is concerned with Permian. the structural setting of the depocentres which make up the East of the Cooper, the Galilee Basin unconformably South Australian portion of the southern Cooper Basin, i.e. overlies the Devonian Adavale Basin which was deformed those which contain the greatest thicknesses of productive by east–west compression during the mid-Carboniferous Permian strata. Kanimblan Orogeny (see e.g. Mathur, 1987). West of the Cooper, the Pedirka Basin unconformably overlies the MORPHOLOGY OF THE COOPER BASIN Neoproterozoic to Devonian Amadeus Basin which was FLOOR deformed by north–south compression during the Late The apparent lack of preserved Devonian strata, and exposure on the basin floor of granites that had been deeply emplaced only ten million years previously, indicates considerable and rapid uplift ~300 million years ago of the region that was to become the Cooper Basin. The BONAPARTE LAURA BROWSE Gondwana glaciation was triggered in part by uplift of central Australia and thus the Cooper Basin floor was an ‘erosional land surface carved out of the ground uplifted EROMANGA 60° during the Kanimblan and Alice Springs Orogenies’ GALILEE BOWEN (Veevers, 1984, p.239). Early relief was thus topographic CANNING T CANAWAY A FAULT S rather than structural (cf. Wopfner, 1981; Kuang, 1985) as PEDIRKA M A N observed by Thornton (1979). ARCKARINGA COOPER O R O Irregularity of the Cooper Basin floor can be appreciated SOUTHERN G CARNARVON E N from examination of an isopach of the basal strata 70° (Merrimelia Formation – Tirrawarra Sandstone) and a NADDA GUNNEDAH PERTH DENMAN Bouguer gravity map at the same scale, as shown in Figure COLLIE 5.2a. If the top of Tirrawarra Sandstone approximates a time TROUBRIDGE SYDNEY plane (top of palynozone PP1.2), then the isopach can be viewed as a crude topographic map and on this basis a TASMANIA number of features are notable, namely: 80° • a linear trough filled with sediments up to 500 m WILKES thick striking east–west in the southern part of the 0 1000 South Pole basin KILOMETRES ANTARCTICA 98-1115 • an arcuate chain of asymmetric, elongate troughs trending northeast–southwest Fig. 5.1 Late Palaeozoic sedimentary basins on the Australian portion of Gondwana; Late Carboniferous latitudes have been • relatively thin strata (<250 m) in the northwest and taken from palaeomagnetic data. southeast 47 48 Petroleum geology of South Australia. Vol. 4: Cooper Basin. (a) (b) D D B B C C A A G G E E F F 98-1149 Fig. 5.2 (a) Bouguer gravity map of the Cooper Basin and adjacent Birdsville Track Ridge. (b) Isopach map of the combined thickness of Merrimelia Formation and Tirrawarra Sandstone. Locations denoted by letter in each figure are: A, margin of Patchawarra Trough; B, Moomba structure; C, flank of Wooloo Trough; D, Bulyeroo structure; E, Toolachee South and Munkarie area; F, undrilled region between Mulga and Kumbarie wells; G, Murteree Ridge. Petroleum geology of South Australia. Vol. 4: Cooper Basin. • outcrop areas of irregular shape surrounded by thin Depth (<100 m) shelves of sediments. (km) PERMIAN TRIASSIC JURASSIC CRETACEOUS TERTIARY The areas that outcropped at that time are interpreted as Stage I Stage II Stage III highlands, some glaciated, the largest being west of the 0 southern Cooper Basin (designated A in Figure 5.2), Moomba 27 composed of Early Cambrian Mooracoochie Volcanics. The elevated areas (therefore bald of sediment and coloured pale Cuttapirrie 1 1 blue) designated B, C and D are composed mainly of Carboniferous granite which has been intersected in more than 23 wells, notably those in Moomba and Big Lake Fields 2 ) ) g n i n and the Nappamerri Trough (Gatehouse et al., 1995). These n i i t f ri arg areas are characterised by pronounced negative anomalies arg on d m i m e s i rn rn on the gravity map and thus the negative gravity anomalies rat e oll e t h c le 3 t e as labelled E and F are also interpreted to be granite plutons c ou (e (s buried beyond the reach of the drill. ac 300 200 100 0 The shape of the elevated area labelled G in Figure 5.2 Time(Ma) has been altered by structural reactivation in the late Early 98-0947 Permian and Triassic and thus the shape of the original Fig. 5.3 Interpretive burial history of Moomba 27 and landform is partly obscured. Faults on the margins of the Cuttapirrie 1. Permian and Triassic strata in Moomba 27 are asymmetric troughs have also been reactivated and thus the 561 m and 195 m respectively; compare Cuttapirrie 1 where ‘landscape’ depicted in Figure 5.2b should not be taken too Permian strata are 243 m thick and Triassic 267 m thick (after literally. Nevertheless, the figure is useful in showing that Moussavi-Harami, 1996a). original depocentres were elongate, narrow features and that topographic extremes varied from at least 600 m (the The curves which represent Stage III subsidence are maximum thickness of basal strata) to possibly 5000 m initially steep during the remaining Cretaceous and (emplacement depth of granite uplifted to be exposed on the relatively shallow from Late Paleocene to present day. basin floor), although this upper limit would have been Gallagher and Lambeck (1989) suggested that the steep reduced considerably by erosion. For comparison, peaks in portions of the curves are due to increased sedimentation the modern Transantarctic Mountains range from 2700 to rates as global sea-level rise increased accommodation. The 4300 m in elevation. Tertiary to Recent portions of the curves correspond with a BASIN-FORMING MECHANISM thermal decay model. The burial history of the Cooper Basin region was The 10 million year prehistory of the Cooper Basin was interrupted between the Late Triassic and Early Jurassic an epoch of granite emplacement, uplift and glaciation. The (~212-190 Ma) and again during the late Barremian stage of first two phenomena are clearly associated with high thermal the Early Cretaceous (~118 Ma), giving rise to the three-part activity in the upper crust and it was the cessation of heat subsidence curves shown in Figure 5.3. The interruptions flow which caused the Cooper and Eromanga Basins to appear to arise from intraplate tectonic responses to plate subside. Cooling has resulted in thermal contraction margin stresses, followed by extended periods of relative characterised by exponential decay of heat flow with time. tectonic quiescence. Thus, the partition between Stage I and Tectonic subsidence curves are thus pseudo-exponential or Stage II is attributed to large-scale tectonics (collision) on linear as shown by Gallagher (1988) for the Cooper Basin the eastern plate margin (Veevers, 1984; Gallagher, 1988) and Gallagher and Lambeck (1989) for the overlying and the partition between Stage II and Stage III is attributed Eromanga Basin using data from 40 wells. to accelerated rifting on the southern margin of Australia Burial history analysis of 14 wells (Moussavi-Harami, prior to the separation of Antarctica 95 million years ago. A 1996a) yielded subsidence curves which indicate a review of the wider events on the Australian continental three-stage burial history from the base of the Cooper Basin plate is provided in Chapter 6. to the present day. Curves for Moomba 27 (representing relatively thick Permian and thin Triassic) and Cuttapirrie 1 COOPER BASIN STRUCTURAL STYLE (representing relatively thin Permian and relatively thick Authors from the time of Kapel (1966a) to Apak et al. Triassic) are shown in Figure 5.3. They have been generated (1997) have stressed the importance of fault reactivation in using BURY software (see Ch. 9). the structural evolution of the Cooper Basin. This was Stage I is characterised by pseudo-exponential foreshadowed by Sprigg (1958, p.2475) who commented subsidence curves in both wells between 285 and 208 Ma, an prior to discovery of Permian strata beneath the Mesozoic: epoch which spans Late Carboniferous to Triassic ‘persistent structural lineaments in the form of major deposition in the Cooper Basin. transcurrent faults have also exerted strong influence on The portions of the burial history curves labelled Stage II basin configuration and upon the development of fold represent non-marine Jurassic to Early Cretaceous subsi- patterns since earliest geological history’.
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