Exile Bosch Charged With Murder V enezuela Indicts 4 in Cuban Air Crash 3 - 14° By Joanne Omang I'oaada from the hotel, while Ricar- wmasnean ewe Portion Sal-rico do's girlfriend and his 'secretary both , , Nov. 2—A confirmed in Caracas that they had Venezuelan Judge today indicted four passed on a message for Posada: The lien, including Cuban refugee leader truck has left with a full load." The , on murder charges in two men have since said they went fat the crash of a Cuban jetliner Oct. 6. the Caribbean to check prices on cam- era equipment. The crash off the coast of Barbados All but Lugo were also charged killed 73 perseass, 57 of them Cuban, with illegal possession of weapons. after a reported bombing. It has be- The indictments leave undecided come the focus of leftist charges that for the present the question • of a terrorist network of Cuban refugees, whether the case is to continue in the orchestrated by the Central Intelli- civil courts or be transferred to milt- gence Agency, is seeking the over• tary jurisdiction, The decision is .eit- throw of Cuban Prime Minister Fidel pected to be made shortly by the gay, Castro. eminent, some of whose highest mem- The homicide charges—which were bers have argued that a military trial termed 'qualified," meaning they are would preempt any future opposition less than first-degree murder—carry a claim that eventual rulings might be maximum penalty of 30 years in jail politically tainted. under the Venezuelan civil code. They President Carlos Andres Perez and Indicate that sufficient evidence has several of his ministers have repeat- been collected to convince Judge De- edly sworn to follow, the plane crash lia Estava Moreno that the Cubans investigation wherever it might lead, Airlines DC-B actually was blown up saying they refuse to tolerate the use deliberately, an issue that has been ORLANDO BOSCH of Venezuelan territory for contested in some circles here. of either the left or the right. Still, The charges surprised observers by ,.. involvement seemed tenuous the case has raised the ticklish pro- going heavily against Bosch, whose in- beim of reconciling Perez' pro-Castro volvement in the case had seemed to bomb, were arrested in Trinidad the stand with the rightist elements in.his be the most tenuous. His attorney said day after the crash when a taxi driver party. last week that a charge of falsification taking them to their hotel overheard The numerous Cuban exiles here of documents, also leveled today, was them discussing and laughing about and the pprty's rightists have stopped the only possible one he could fore- the incident, just short of applauding any terrorist see, a reference to the false Costa Ri- Trinidad police later said they had attack or other difficulties suffered by can passport with which Bosch en- proof that Ricardo contacted his boss the Castro government. tered the country. The indictments make it unlikely that Bosch, 49, will be handed over soon to U. S. authorities, who have asked that he be returned as a parole violater. He is also wanted for ques- tioning In the in Wash- ington Sept. 21 of former Chilean For- eign Minister Orlando Letelier and in connection with several bombings and deaths in Miami, according to Wash- ington sources. A Venezeulan spokesman said the trial and appeals could take "several months". and that Bosch could not be sent out of the country until the pro- cedures are completed. Also charged were Bosch's fellow Cuban refugee, ; 47, a former Venezuelan security agent and owner of a private detec- tive agency; Hernan Ricardo Losano, 25, a photographer and one of Poss. da's employees; and Freddy Lugo, 31, also a photographer. Five others were released without charges. Ricardo and Lugo, suspected of be- ing the ones who actually planted the