1. Family Name: FLORINA 2. First Name: JERLIU 3. Nationality: Albanian, 4. Citizenship Republic of 5. Date/ Place of Birth: 17.12.1969, Prishtina 6. Gender: F 7. Contact details: Email: [email protected] Tel: +38344122151

8. Education Degree: Institution: University of Sarajevo, Faculty of Architecture Degree Date: 2014 Degree : Doctor of Technical Science in Architecture and Urbanism (Dr.Sc.)

Institution: University of Prishtina, Faculty of Arts, Postgraduate studies Degree Date: 2003 Degree : Master of Arts (Mr. Art.)

Institution: University of Prishtina, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture Degree Date: 1996 Degree : Graduate Engineer of Architecture (Grad. Eng. Arch)

9. Academic Degree: Assistant Professor (Prof. Asst.) Institution: University of Prishtina “Hasan Prishtina” Degree Date: 2016

10. Scientific Publications: Scientific Monograph Florina Jerliu (2017) Trashëgimia Kulturore e Kosovës: Konceptet dhe Kontekstet e Mbrojtjes / Cultural Heritage of Kosovo: Concepts and Contexts of Protection, 2017, Botime Artini, Prishtina. ISBN 978- 9951-690-38-6 Florina Jerliu (2016) Mbrojtja e Trashëgimisë Ndërtimore. Historia, Konceptet teorike, Definicionet, Metodat dhe Teknikat e mbrojtjes / Protection of the Built Heritage. History, Theoretical Concepts, Definitions, Methods and Techniques of Preservation, Libri Shkollor, Prishtina. ISBN 978-9951-23-070-4 Florina Jerliu (2013) Post-conflict Planning. Archis Interventions in Prishtina, Kosovo. In: K. Vockler. Ed. (2013) “SEE Urban Transformation in Southeastern .” ERSTE Foundation Series Volume 2. Lit Verlag, ISBN 3643902867, 9783643902863. ff..52-71. Scientific journal Vlora Navakazi, Florina Jerliu. Modernization Tendencies in Architecture and Street Infrastructure in Kosovo during the Tanzimat Reforms. Pollack Periodica. Vol. 14, (2019) Florina Jerliu, Vlora Navakazi. The Socialist Modernization of Prishtina-Interrogating Types of Urban and Architectural Contributions to the City. Mesto a Dejiny [The City and History]. Vol. 7 (2), 2018. pp.55-74 Florina Jerliu, Bujar Bajçinovci. Environmental Impact of Uncontrolled Urban Growth in the Postwar Context: The Case of Kosovo. Pollution Research. vol. 37 (1): "In Print March 2018, ISSN: 0257-8050, pp.33-37 1

Bujar Bajçinovci, Florina Jerliu. Integrated Design as an Evolutive Transdisciplinary Strategy, European Journal of Technology and Design, 2016, Vol.(13), Is. 3, ISSN 2308-6505, E-ISSN 2310-3450, doi: 10.13187/ejtd.2016.13.90, pp. 90-98 Bujar Bajçinovci, Florina Jerliu. Achieving Energy Efficiency in Accordance with Bioclimatic Architecture Principles. Environmental and Climate Technologies, 2016, vol. 18, ISSN 2255-8837, doi: 10.1515/rtuect-2016-0013, pp. 54–63 Florina Jerliu, Bujar Bajçinovci. Documenting initiatives on urban transformation in South-East Europe, Journal for Studies in Management and Planning, vol. 2, Is.8 (2016), ISSN: 2395-0463, pp.51-60 Florina Jerliu. Historia dhe trashëgimia kulturore e Kosovës në kontekstin shtetformues: Çështje të interpretimit / History and cultural heritage of Kosovo in the state-building context: issues of interpretation, Studime Shoqërore 3, ASHAK, 2016. pp.183-204. Florina Jerliu. Preservation of City’s Heritage in The Contemporary State-Building Context: The Case of Prishtina. Architecture & Science Journal Vol.1 No.2. 2014. ISSN 2303-5404, ff. 45-56 V. Geci, Florina Jerliu, Archis Interventions in Prishtina. Vol. 11: Cities Unbuilt, Edition 1, march 2007, ISBN 978 90 77966 11 2, pp. 80-93. Florina Jerliu. Invisible Architects. Vol. 11: Cities Unbuilt, Edition 1, march 2007, ISBN 978 90 77966 11 2, pp. 78. Florina Jerliu. Qytetet tona dhe vlerat evropiane. Arkitektura përtej ndërtesës / Our cities and the European values. Architecture beyond a building. Forum A+P, N.5. 2010. ISSN 2227-7994, pp.70-81 Florina Jerliu, Kai Vockler. The City in Transition: Archis Interventions Prishtina. European Magazine Feb 2012 / No.6, pp. 32-34 Abstracts and articles from the International and National Conferences Kaltrina Thaci, Florina Jerliu. ICOMOS members Kosovo (Not a National Committee), poster presentation in: ICOMOS South-East Europe Regional meeting, , Montenegro, September 2019 Florina Jerliu. of Kosovo: The content and the state of protection. International Conference on Protecting the Cultural Heritage of the Muslim World, Istanbul. In Print: 2018, Conference Proceedings, ff. 81-95 Bujar Bajçinovci, Florina Jerliu. The Concept of “Modelarium” and its Impact on Creativity and Artistic Education. International Conference „Art, creativity and innovation in education". “George Enescu” National University of Arts from Iaşi. November 2016. Iaşi, Romania. Doi: 10.1515/rae-2017-0030 Florina Jerliu, Milot Berisha. Archaeological Park. Planning for a sustainable future. First International Conference “Cultural Heritage and Tourism” Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sport (MCYS) , Ostober 2015, Prishtina. MYSC Publication, pp.82-89 Florina Jerliu, Mrine Godanca, Rrona Berisha. Healthy City Paradigm: Integrating health consideration in urban planning and management in Kosovo. International interdisciplinary conference “Health promotion and education: From policy to practice, from practice to policy”, National Institute of Public Health of Kosovo (NIPHK) in collaboration with Medical Faculty, University of Prishtina, June 2015, Book of Abstracts: p.68 Florina Jerliu, Vlora Navakazi. The legacy of in Prishtina. 5th International Conference on Hazards and Modern Heritage "Importance of Place". April 2013, CICOPBH, Sarajevo Vol. 2 No. 1, 2013, ISSN 2232-965X, Book of Abstracts: pp. 158; Conference Proceedings: pp. 741-755 Vlora Navakazi, Florina Jerliu. The influence of technical rules of the enacted after the Tanzimat Reforms, in urban and architectural development of cities in Kosovo. 5th International Conference on Hazards and Modern Heritage "Importance of Place". April 2013, CICOPBH, Sarajevo Vol. 2 No. 1, 2013ISSN 2232-965X, Book of Abstracts: ff. 154, Conference Proceedings: ff. 707-718 Florina Jerliu. Initiatives on Urban Transformation in South-East Europe: case Prishtina. 1st Annual International Conference on Business, Technology and Innovation. 2012. UBT / University of Vlora, Conference Proceedings. ISSN66488, Conference Proceedings: pp. 102-118 Florina Jerliu. Treatment of Urban Pathology of Prishtina. International Conference “International Experiences and Challenges in Kosovo”. 2009. UBT Publishing. ISBN9789951550017, Conference Proceedings: pp. 41-51

Other publications IPA 2019/2020 Action Documents for Competiveness, Innovation, Agriculture and rural development:


supporting tourism development. GIZ Office Prishtina/ EU Project Preparatory Facility National Strategy for Cultural Heritage of Kosovo 2017-2027. Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sport (MCYS) Prishtina 2017. (Author of the strategy document), http://mkrs- Academic Component of the Junik Summer Camp “Stones that Talk”, 2015. JP - EU/CoE Support to the Promotion of Cultural Diversity Council of Europe Office in (Author of research) ECA Sustainable Cities Initiative: Social Sustainability Assessment- Prishtina City Synthesis Report. World Bank’s Europe and Central Asia (ECA) Sustainable Cities Initiative and the WB- Urban Partnership. Program (UPP) for Strengthening Local Governments in South-Eastern-Europe. March 2013. (Author of research) report.pdf Prishtina Dynamic City. AI Prishtina, in the framework of Archis SEE Network. 11-30 November 2013. Museum if Kosovo, Prishtina. (First author. Exhibition catalogue) Prishtina Dynamic City. Knowledge and Education –key factors for future development of Prishtina. AI Prishtina, in the framework of Archis SEE Network. 2009. (co-Autor of study) Legislation and analysis of the implementation of spatial and urban planning in Albania, Kosovo, Macedonia, , BiH and Turkey as compares to the case of Denmark. Association of Municipalities and Towns of Slovenia; NALAS: Network of Associations of Local Authorities of South East Europe, 2009. (co-Author of research). ISBN 978-961-91519-2-1. Manual for Treatment of Illegal Construction. AI Prishtina, in the framework of Archis SEE Network. 2009. (First author). The new Prishtina. AI Prishtina, in the framework of Archis SEE Network. 2007. (First author) pdf Guideline for Urban Planning and Management. Municipality of Prishtina / UK Embassy Kosovo, 2008. (Author of the policy document) Midterm development strategy of Prishtina 2008-2011. Municipality of Prishtina. 2008. (co-author/ consultant) Urban-Architectural Preliminary Analysis of the schematic design for the Presidential Complex of the Republic of Kosovo. Office of the President of the Republic of Kosovo. May 2009. (Author of the fisibility study) Terms of Reference/Design Brief for Municipal Development Plan 2010-2020 & Urban Development Plan for Prishtina 2010-2020. Municipality of Prishtina. 2010. (Author) Prishtina Governance Program 2010-2013. Municipality of Prishtina. 2009. (co-Author). Cooperation framework for identifying investment options for improving municipal energy efficiency in the field of municipal services in Kosovo. Modernization of Municipal Services /Program of Energy Efficiency. A GTZ/AMK project. 2006. (Author of research) Assessment (pre-auditing) and recommendations for intervention for nine (9) municipal buildings.” GTZ/AKK . Modernization of Municipal Services /Program of Energy Efficiency. GTZ/AMK. 2006. (co- Authore of research) Integrated Rehabilitation Project Plan/Survey of the Architectural and Archaeological Heritage (IRPP/SAAH). European Commission - Council of Europe Joint Programme Kosovo/UNMIK, 2004. (consultant) Lecture notes: Florina Jerliu. Teoria dhe Kriticizmi në Arkitekturë / Theory and Criticism in Architecture. WUS Austria / UP, 2005. Published by “Course Development Program“ (CDP+) WUS Austria/University of Prishtina Shqipe Nixha, Florina Jerliu. Historia e Arkitekturës: Prej Renesancës deri te Moderna / : From the Renaissance to the Modern. Department of Architecture, Faculty of Civ. Eng and Architecture University of Prishtina, 2007 Reviews/Editorials:

Review for the book: Edi Shukriu (2017) Saint Prenda Church . Development and Origine, Published by MCYS 3

Founder and Editor in Chief of the Journal for architecture: "Architecture - Theoretical Discourse.” No.1. April 2013; No. 2 April 2014, No. 3, October 2015, Prishtina. Presentations/ invited speaker in International and National Conferences/ Seminars, Workshops: Re-interpretation of Cultural Heritage: Narratives, Landmarks, and Methodologies – Keynote Speaker in: (Re)Contextualizing Contested Heritage. Building Capacity & Designing Participatory Approaches To Preserve Cultural Heritage By The Youth, organized by University of Leeds and University of Prishtina, 13 may 2020, Prishtinë Architectural Heritage: preservation and its typological diversity– Panel: Cultural Heritage of Kosovo: Politics and Poetics of Heritagization” - Seminar XXXVIII of the Albanian Language, organizaed by University of Prishtina, Prishtina, 23 August 2019 Cultural Heritage of Kosovo – Keynote Speaker in: Permanent Seminar of the Anthropological Institute, Academy of Albanological Sciences of Albania. 26 April 2019, Tirana, Albania Training course for students on protection, preservation and management of cultural heritage sites, supported by OSBE and in cooperation with ICROM senior profesor Amra Hadzimuhamedovic Principles of Urban Conservation. Heritage Lab Workshop CHwB, 7 October 2018, Letnica, Kosovo “Janjeva 2018” – Documentation of the historic town of Janjevo, students’ workshop supported by MCYS, March-April 2018 (shih datat) Prishtine Mon Amour – Youth, Space & Urban Transformation: Conference AIA Europe Chapter, April 5- 8, 2018, Prishtina Serbian manipulation with Kosovo's cultural heritage lists in the past and at present: Conference “Beyond the war: preservation of cultural heritage in Croatia and Kosovo”, University La Sapienza, University of Prishtina and Institute of History, 1 December 2017, Rome, Italy Integrated Conservation: “Workshop on Sustainable Urban Development” , Ec Ma Ndryshe, 30 June - 3 July 2017, Durres, Albania The vision for the city: introduction of City Action Plan Gjilan: Regional Conference “Socially Inclusive Cities”, World Bank -Austria Urban Partnership Program, 26-28 March 2017, Zagreb, Croatia The role of architect in preservation of cultural heritage: Regional Conference “EU/UNDP Confidence Building through Cultural Protection in Kosovo”, 20-21 March 2017, Prishtina Historic Center of Prishtina – retrospective and development options: “School for Urban Planning and Development, Module 2. Integrated conservation of cultural heritage”. Ec Ma Ndryshe, 4 June 2016, Durres, Albania Analysis of architectural heritage categories in Kosovo. Scientific round-table “Cultural Heritage of Kosovo Now " Academy of Science and Arts of Kosovo, 13 May 2016, ASHAK, Prishtina Prishtina, its heritage and touristic potential: “Tourism Strategy 2016 Workshop”, Österreichisch- Kosovarischen Gesellschaft (OeKG), 3 December 2015, Prishtina Historic Urban Landscape Approach explained: “Training on Rehabilitation and management of Cultural Heritage Sites. Regional Cooperation Council/Task Force on Culture and Society dhe MYSC. 27 August 2014, Prizren. Preserving Historic Urban Landscape: “Preserving Historic Urban Landscape - Summer School at the Balkans” IRCICA-Research Centre for Islamic History, Art and Culture” dhe “Al–Turath Foundation”. 8 August 2014, Prizren. Documenting Urban Transformation In South-East Europe: Case Prishtina: “2nd International Conference on Urban and Spatial Planning “Prishtina in Regional Context”; University AAB, Prishtinë. 10 April 2014, Prishtina. The Value analysis – how to valorize a monument/site/object: “15th Regional Restoration Camp Mitrovica – Vushtrri”. CHwB Regional Office, 19 October, 2013, Mitrovica. Prishtina City Note - Social Sustainability Audit: “Regional Workshop on Local Social Accountability / World Bank’s Europe and Central Asia (ECA) Sustainable Cities Initiative and the WB-Austria Urban Partnership”. Program (UPP). 19-20 March 2013. Skopje, Macedonia The city in transition: Demanio Marittimo Km-278”, MAXXI Fondazione, June 27, 2012, Marzocca, Italy The New Prishtina. The Qualification of the Urban Development in Prishtina: International forum „European Forum Alpbach 2009“. Alpbach Architecture Symposium “From Vienna to Istanbul Urban Diversity”. 17 August 2009. Alpbach, Austria Dissenting Architectural Practices – Kosovo: International Conference “Operation City 2008. The Neoliberal Frontline: Urban Struggles in Post-Socialist Societies”, 6 December 2008. Zagreb. Croatia 4

11. Selected urban-architectural projects: 2017-18 Design of National Museum Exhibition, Prishtina, MCYS (co-author) 2015 Design Concept and Supervision of Rehabilitation works in the Museum of Independence, MCYS, Prishtina 2014-15 Archaeological Site “Ulpiana”. Landscape Design project & concept for archaeo-touristic development and promotion. Author. (Phase I) 2011/12 Protestant Church in Prishtina, Main design cc800 m2. Co-author 2009 Office of the President of Republic of Kosovo. Interior redesign and Management of the OPRK. Coauthor/ project co-manager. 2008/13 Architectural Design Projects for various mixed use buildings in settlements Arbëria 3, Tophane, Prishtina 2007 Main architectural design and Professional Supervision of Renovation works in public buildings in Gjakova, Gjilan, Kamenica, Prizren and Istog (GTZ/AMK Program for Energy Efficiency). Position: Project Manager 2006 Theatre and Opera House “Dr. I.“. Architectural design participation in the Competition opened by MCYS, Prishtina. Second Place, co-author 2006 “Renovation of the Building of Municipal Assembly of Podujeva, ‘at the town’s park” Podujeva. Project Design and supervision of works; Author / GTZ Consultant. 2006 AUK Dormitory and University Library (American University in Kosovo) Prishtina. Pre-design, Position: Coauthor. 2005 Regulatory Plan “Arbëria 3”, Prishtina, Municipality of Prishtina Position: Coauthor 2004 Architectural design for Reconstruction of the Children’s Theatre “Dodona”, Prishtina, Investor: Municipality of Prishtina. Position: Author/project manager. 2004 “Strategic Plan – Urban Development of Prishtina 2004-2020”. Local expert/ member of the working group in drafting of the Prishtina city master plan 2002-03 General Urban Plan, Prizren 2003-2013”. Investor: Municipality of Prizren; Title: Member of the drafting group; (Responsibilities: developing strategies, preliminary analysis, data processing – urban profile, urban analysis)

12. Work experience record:

Academic experience Dates: 2020 onwards Location: Prishtina, Kosovo Name of the Institution: Faculty of Architecture, University of Prishtina “Hasan Prishtina” Position: Member of the Senate of the University of Prishtina Description: Responsibilities as per the Statute of UP

Dates: 2017 -2020 Location: Prishtina, Kosovo Name of the Institution: University of Prishtina “Hasan Prishtina” Position: Head of the Department of Architecture, Faculty of Civ. Eng. and Arch. Description: Responsibilities as per Decis.# 6625/1 dt. 18/2/2017

Dates: 2016 onwards Location: Prishtina, Kosovo Name of the Institution: University of Prishtina “Hasan Prishtina”, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Department of Architecture Position: Assistant Professor Description: Teaching in subjects: Theory and Practice of Restoration, Protection of Architectural Heritage, History of Architecture – Renaissance, Classicism; Theory and Criticism in Architecture; History of Art


Dates: 2018 onwards Location: Prishtina, Kosovo Name of the Institution: University of Prishtina “Hasan Prishtina”, Faculty of Arts, Department of Conceptual Arts and New Media, Department of Graphic Design Position: Assistant Professor Description: Teaching in subjects: Aesthetics of Space, 2018-2019 - Public Art 1, Public Art 2, Public Art 3

Dates: 2018 onwards Location: Prishtina, Kosovo Name of the Institution: University of Prishtina “Hasan Prishtina”, Faculty of Philosophy, Department of Anthropology and Department of Archaeology Position: Assistant Professor Description: Teaching in subjects: History of Art

Dates: 2004-2015 Location: Prishtina, Kosovo Name of the Institution: University of Prishtina “Hasan Prishtina” Position: Assistant (appointed for lectures from 2010) Description: Teaching in the subjects: Protection of Architectural Heritage, History of Architecture - Renaissance; Theory and Criticism in Architecture

Dates: 1997-1999 Location: Prishtina, Kosovo Name of the Institution: University of Prishtina “Hasan Prishtina” Position: Teaching Assistant Description: Teaching in the subjects: Design of Economic Buildings

Professional experience Dates: 2006 onwards Location: Prishtina, Kosovo Name of the Institution: Archis Intervention Prishtina (AI Prishtina) Position: Co-founder / Program manager Description: NGO for urbanism and architecture: Cities in Transition: Strategies for urban development with focus in Prishtina

Dates: 03/2003 – 10/2008 Location: Prishtina, Kosovo Name of the Institution: Association of Architects of Kosovo Position: President Description: Capacity building of the Association (AAK); contribution to the legal framework concerning building sector in Kosovo, architecture and urban planning

Dates: 2006 onwards Location: Prishtina, Kosovo Name of the Institution: proARCH, bureau of Architecture Position: Co-owner / Architect Description: professional practice: Architectural design urban planning and consulting

Dates: 2009 - 2014 Location: Prishtina, Kosovo Name of the Institution: NALAS (Network of Associations of Local Authorities in Southeastern Europe) Position: National Expert for Urban Planning for AKM (Association of Kosovo Municipalities) 6

Description: representation of Kosovo in NALAS Task Force for Urban Planning,

Dates: 2008 -2010 Location: Prishtina, Kosovo Name of the Institution: Mayor of Prishtina Position: Pro-bono Adviser for Urban Planning and Management Description: Local governance: Professional Advice on Urban Planning and Urban Management in Prishtina

Dates: 12/2006 – 12/2007 Location: Prishtina, Kosovo Name of the Institution: GTZ Prishtina, Prishtina Position: Local expert / Consultant for Energy Efficiency Description: Governmental Organization; Project: Modernization of Municipal Services – Energy Efficiency

Dates: 1999-2000 Location: Prishtina, Kosovo Name of the Institution: US Office Prishtina Position: Protocol/Political Assistant Description: Protocol Assistant to the Chief of Mission / Political Assistant in Political Dept

Dates: 1998-1999 Location: Prishtina, Kosovo Name of the Institution: US Kosovo Diplomatic Observer Mission, Prishtina (US KDOM) Position: Special Asst. / Adviser to the Chief of Mission Description: Assistance / adviser in field observation; senior translator for US Delegation in Peace Talks for Kosovo at the Rambouillet Conference

Dates: 1994-1998 Location: Prishtina, Kosovo Name of the Institution: International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) – Sub delegation Prishtina. Position: Senior Logistics Assistant Description: International Humanitarian Sector. management of humanitarian logistic monitoring system

Dates: 1996 Location: Geneva, Switzerland Name of the Institution: HQ International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) Position: Administrative Assistant in Europe Department Description: Assistance in Administration task to the Admin Officer

Dates: 09/1990-09/1991 Location: Saignelegier, Switzerland Name of the Institution: Bureau for Architecture "Ada S.A." Position: Apprentice of architecture Description: Assisted the Chief architect in delivering architectural designs Managerial experience in International Research Programs Dates: 2016-2017 Location: Prishtina, Kosovo Name of the Institution: USAID Program “Advancing Kosovo Together”, in cooperation with MAPL, 7

IKAP and AUK Position: Trainer of the component: "Challenges in Implementing Municipal Development Projects: Good Planning in the Field of Urbanism and Architecture" Description: Training for managers (officials) from Project Offices and Procurement Directors in Kosovo municipalities - Project and Public Contracts Management Cycle

Dates: 2015-2017 Location: Prishtina-Tirana-Vienna Name of the Institution: World Bank-Austria: Social Sustainability and Citizen Engagement (SSCE) Initiative of the Urban Partnership Program (UPP) Phase II. Position: Project Manager for Kosovo Description: Member of the Comparative Study Team / regional level

Dates: 2012 - 2013 Location: Prishtina-Tirana-Vienna Name of the Institution: ECA Sustainable Cities Initiative: Social Sustainability Assessment. World Bank’s Europe and Central Asia (ECA) Sustainable Cities Initiative and the WB- Austria Urban Partnership Program (UPP) for Strengthening Local Governments in South-Eastern-Europe. accountability-in-the-balkans/ Position: Project Manager for Kosovo Description: Member of the Comparative Study Team / regional level Experience in other projects and activities Dates: 09-11/2018 Location: Prishtina, Kosovo Name of the Institution: GIZ Office Prishtina/ EU Project Preparatory Facility Position: NKE Senior Expert Description: Drating of IPA 2019/2020 Action Documents for Competiveness, Innovation, Agriculture and rural development: supporting tourism development

Dates: 2017 Location: Prishtina, Kosovo Project: Designing the Concept for the National Museum of Kosovo's Exposition Position: Member of the working group (Minister of MCYS decision)

Dates: 23-25 November 2017 Location: Berat and Gjirokaster, Albania Project: Study Visit / Workshop for architecture students "Theory and Practice of Conservation and Restoration - World Heritage Locations”, supported by OSCE Mission in Kosovo Position: Organizer of Workshop / Study visit

Dates: 23-24 November 2016 Location: Museum of Kosovo, Prishtina, Kosovo Project: Exhibition of Architecture Students "Documentation of Architectural Heritage" supported by OSCE Mission in Kosovo and Museum of Kosovo Position: Organizer /Exhibition curator

Dates: 2016 Location: Prishtina, Kosovo Project: Drafting of the Regulation on Awards in the field of cultural heritage Position: Member of the working group (Minister of MCYS decision)

Dates: 2015 8

Location: Prishtina, Kosovo Project: “Cultural Heritage of Kosovo" exhibition organized by OSCE Mission in Kosovo Position: Member of the jury

Dates: 2015 Location: Prizren, Kosovo Project: Training "Promoting Cultural Heritage in Kosovo" organized by OSCE Mission in Kosovo Position: Tutor

Dates: 12/2013 – 08/2014 Location: Istanbul - Prishtina Project: ”Preserving Historic Urban Landscape - Summer School at the Balkans ” organizuar nga IRCICA ‘Research Centre for Islamic History, Art and Culture’ and ‘Al–Turath Foundation’ Position: Assistant Program Coordinator / Representative from UP (joint project of 28 universities).

Dates: 2014 Location: Prishtina, Kosovo Project: Defining the boundaries of the Historic Center of Prishtina Position: Member of the Steering Committee (MCYS decision)

Dates: 2014 Location: Prishtina, Kosovo Project: Ecoweek Prishtina-Sustainability & Green Architecture, FNA, UP. Position: Tutor in Workshop “Parking Lot, Prishtina Start Up”

Dates: 2012 Location: Prishtina, Kosovo Project: The competition for architecture students “Albanian Tower in the Memories of Modern Architects” (supported by CoE/MCSY) Position: Member of the jury

Dates: 2011 Location: Prishtina, Kosovo Project: The competition for architecture students, FNA: "Beyond the Threshold" Position: Member of the jury

Dates: 2011 Location: Prishtina, Kosovo Project: Designing Curriculum for Studies at the Department of Architecture, FNA, UP Position: Member of the Commission (as per Decision by the Dean of FCEA)

Dates: 2010 Location: Prishtina, Kosovo Project: Modernization of Municipal Services, Kosovo” (MMS) Phase III for 2011 – 2013 Position: Member of the GTZ Monitoring Mission for GTZ Projects in Kosovo (contract)

Dates: 2009 Location: Prishtina, Kosovo Project: Drafting of the “Regulation on Treatment of Unauthorized Buildings” for the Municipality of Prishtina 9

Position: Member of the working group (as per Decision by Mayor)

Dates: 2007 Location: Prishtina, Kosovo Project: UP and Franco-German Fund for Culture: Workshop / Exhibition of Architecture Students "City of the Future-Future of the City: Prishtina-Paris-Berlin" Position: Workshop Co-organizer / Exhibition Curator

Dates: 2007 Location: Prishtina, Kosovo Project: UP, CHwB, Museum of Kosovo, Municipality of Prishtina: Ekspozita “Days of ” Position: Co-organizer / Curator of the architecture students’ exhibition

Dates: 2005 Location: Prishtina, Kosovo Project: Drafting of Administrative Instructions: AI for the “Licensing of Architects and Engineers in the Field of Construction” and AI for the “Licensing of Design Companies in the Field of Construction” Position: Member of the working group (as per Decision by MESP)

Dates: 2004 Location: Prishtina, Kosovo Project: Amending the Law no. 2004/15 on construction; Functional Committee of the Assembly of Kosovo and Association of Architects of Kosovo Position: Initiated and drafted Amendments to the Law

13. Education and training: Dates: March 2017 Title of qualification Certification Seminar awarded: Principal Hybrid Teaching for the 21st-Century Classroom. University of Prishtina subjects/occupational skills covered: Name and type of Arizona State University – Melikian Center institution providing University of Prishtina & Center for Excellence in Teaching education and training: Level of national and National level international classification:

Dates: March 2017 Title of qualification Certification Seminar awarded: Principal Crafting Course Syllabi for 21st-Century Student Learners. University of Prishtina subjects/occupational skills covered: Name and type of Arizona State University – Melikian Center institution providing University of Prishtina & Center for Excellence in Teaching education and training: Level of national and National level international classification:


Dates: February 2004 Title of qualification Certification Seminar awarded: Principal “Standards for Civil Engineering works - Access for creation fundamental bases subjects/occupational of Standards in the construction sector in Kosovo” skills covered: Name and type of USAID-KCBS; Berlin , Germany institution providing education and training: Level of national and International level international classification:

Dates: September – November 1997 Title of qualification Certification Program awarded: Principal “Democracy, Human Rights, Peaceful Conflict Resolution" subjects/occupational Political Science and Diplomatic / Negotiating Skills skills covered: Name and type of “Nansen Humanistic Academy” , Lillehammer, Norway institution providing education and training: Level of national and International level international classification:

14. Additional information: Organization Communication Skills - 1990s: experience in facilitating and organizing round-tables and al skills and workshops on conflict management in the former . After 1999: experience in the competences: chairing and representation of the Association of Architects of Kosovo (chairperson), representation of Association of Kosovo Municipalities (national expert), representation of NGOs "AIP" and "IKS" (founder and member board), representation of FA, UP in the international academic platforms. Skills in drafting policies and legislation - Experience in drafting policies for Kosovo cities (Prishtina, Gjilan), urban plans (Prishtina, Prizren), strategic policies in the cultural heritage sector, legislation in the field of architecture, construction and cultural heritage; special experience as initiator and leader of the process of treatment of illegal constructions (since 2007), and participant in all activities (drafting of the regulation, manual with minimum standards, first draft Law, communication with citizens, etc.), drafter of he National Strategy for Cultural Heritage 2017-2027. Organizational / management skills - in the NGO sector: skills in managing national and regional projects and international donations; in the private sector: experience in conducting urban-architectural projects and managing partnerships with design and construction companies; in the academic sector: experience in initiating and managing cooperative projects (with MCYS, OSCE, CHwB, Archis Interventions, FES, etc.), including experience in establishing and editing the magazine "Architecture: Theoretical Discourse". Computer Fully computer literate: good command of Microsoft Office™ tools and vector software skills and competences Language skills: (1 to 5: 1 lowest - 5 fluent) Language. Speaking Writing Reading Albanian (native) English 5 5 5 Serbo-Croat 5 5 5 11

French 4 3 4 Turkish 3 3 3 15. Awards and Membership:

2020 onwards Member of the National Council for Recognition (with the decision of the Minister of MESTI, no. 31/01B, dt. 28/4/2020) 2020 onwards Member of the Steering Council of the Kosovo Archaeological Institute (with the decision of the Minister of MCSY, nr. 77/2020, dt. 22/6/2020) 2017 onwards Member of the ICOMOS International 2017 Member of the Jury: Award Prize in the Field of Cultural Heritage (with the decision of the Minister of MCYS) 2015 -2018 Member of Steering Council of the Kosovo Institute for Protection of Monuments (KIPM) (with the decision of the Minister of MCYS) 2015-2017 Member of the OeKG Advisory Board (Österreichisch-Kosovarischen Gesellschaft / Austrian-Kosovo Association) 2011-15 Member of Council, FNA, University of Prishtina 2006 onwards Founding Member and Manager of the Foundation for Architecture and Urbanism “Archis Intervention Prishtina” (AI Prishtina, in partnership with AI Berlin and AI Amsterdam) 2004 onwards Founding Member and Member of the Board of Directors of the Foundation “Kosovo Stability Initiative” (IKS) 2014 Member of the Advisory Board for the Kosovo Pavilion at the Venice Biennale - Exhibition of Architecture (with the decision of the Minister of MCYS) 2009 -14 Member of NALAS-it (Network of Associations of Local Authorities in Southeastern Europe) – Urban Planning Task Force 2009-11 Member of the Advisory Board of Experts for Urban Planning and Development: The Cabinet of the Mayor of Prishtina. 2005-08 Member of the Technical Building Committee, Kosovo Standardization Agency (MTI) 2003-08 President of the Association of Architects of Kosovo 2003-08 Member of the Committee for Planning, Urbanism and Construction, Municipal Assembly of Prishtina 1997-99 Founding Member and member of the board of "Nansen Group Prishtina" Youth Network. Supported by "Nansen Humanistic Academy", Lillehammer, Norway 1986-88 Founder / member / rhythm guitar / singer /lyrics in Kosovar rock band "Temples of Silence" awards March 2018 Annual Prize for Scientific Work “Zef Mirdita” (MYSC Prizes the field of cultural heritage) August 2000 Superior Honor Award: Department of State , USA June 2000 Certificate of Appreciation: USA Office Prishtina