International Summits For Determining The Legal Status Of The Caspian Sea: Historical Analysis PJAEE, 17 (6) (2020) International Summits For Determining The Legal Status Of The Caspian Sea: Historical Analysis 1Bakyt Baishov, 2Gulfairus Zhapekova, 3Alibek Aman, 4Aidyn Abdenov, 5Zhazira Orazaeva 1PhD Doctoral Student, Eurasian National University L.N.Gumilev, Kazakhstan, Nur-Sultan 2Ph.D., Аssociate Professor Eurasian National University L.N.Gumilev,Kazakhstan, Nur-Sultan 3,4,5 Ph.D., K.Zhubanov Aktobe regional university, Kazakhstan, Aktobe Email:
[email protected] Bakyt Baishov, Gulfairus Zhapekova, Alibek Aman, Aidyn Abdenov, Zhazira Orazaeva: International Summits For Determining The Legal Status Of The Caspian Sea: Historical Analysis -- Palarch’s Journal Of Archaeology Of Egypt/Egyptology 17(6). ISSN 1567-214x Keywords: communique; summit; Soviet-Iranian agreements; declaration; Caspian Sea; Convention; moratorium; integration; delegation ABSTRACT It is known that in world history up to date, there have been many conflicts and disputes over the division of borders. It is not a secret that there are countries that for a long time could not normalize their relations because of their border requirements. From this point of view, the successful separation of the sea in a historically short period of time, which has never happened, in particular, the successful separation of the Caspian Sea between neighboring countries, is a source of pride for any country. Taking into account that the study of any completed historical- political process is the task of historians, the study of the history of summits to divide the Caspian Sea can be considered one of the tasks that must be overcome by domestic historical science.