November 8, 2001 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E2037 Street, which will provide low income housing and the City of Worcester Human Rights Com- HONORING OUR DEFENDERS OF for families in Worcester. In 1995 and 1996, mission. In 1997, he founded the Safe Homes DEMOCRACY under Mr. Hamilton’s leadership, Bay State of Central , an organization that Savings Bank was one of the top 5 SBA lend- provides mentoring programs, consulting serv- HON. CAROLYN McCARTHY ers to minority-owned businesses in the Com- ices for alternative foster parenting programs, OF NEW YORK monwealth of Massachusetts, Mr. Hamilton and a drop in recreation and resource center. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES was recently appointed President of Medway Beginning as a group of concerned citizens, Cooperative Savings Bank. with Mr. Toney’s leadership this program was Thursday, November 8, 2001 Dr. McNeil came to Worcester in 1956 to at- recently adopted as a formal program of The Mrs. MCCARTHY of New York. Mr. Speak- tend graduate school at Clark University; she Bridge of Central Massachusetts. As early as er, the tragic events of September 11th make never left and has made the City of Worcester 1984 when he started college with a major in the observance of Veterans Day particularly her home. Dr. McNeil has served on the fac- urban studies, he was concerned with creating poignant this year. Engaged in a battle, dif- ulty of Assumption College, Anna Maria Col- safe, inclusive communities for all people. His ferent from any other in our nation’s history, lege, and the College of the Holy Cross. Dur- focus was initially directed to enforcement we are once again calling upon the brave ing the course of her 27-year career at the through course work in Criminal Justice and members of the U.S. Armed Forces to defend College of the Holy Cross, she served as service as a police officer (March 1987–April democracy and freedom, Since we began the Chairwoman of the Department of Psychology, 1995). After the tragic death of his life partner, tradition of honoring American veterans after Director of African American Studies, and As- Mr. Toney’s energies shifted to a new focus, World War I, Veterans Day has passed with sistant Dean. Her election as the President of homophobia. Mr. Toney has worked as a con- varying degrees of observance. This year the New England Psychological Association sultant and program director for AIDS Project however, perhaps more than ever before, we symbolized her professional achievement. In Worcester, AIDS Action Committee (Boston), understand what our nation’s armed forces 1998 Dr. McNeil was elected to the Worcester Healthy Boston Coalition for GLBT Youth, have given to preserve our freedom and secu- school committee where she has worked to Massachusetts Prevention Center, Massachu- rity. foster equity of education for all students. Dr. setts Department of Education, and Massa- On October 8th, 1954, President Dwight D. McNeil’s volunteer activities include serving as chusetts Department of Social Services. He Eisenhower redesignated Armistice Day as a board member for the Alliance for Edu- served as member of the City of Worcester ‘‘Veterans Day’’ for the millions of veterans cation, the Age Center of Worcester, the Human Rights Commission from 1997–2000. who honorably served this nation. President EcoTarium, and a member of the Distribution He is currently a member of the Arts Worces- Eisenhower also issued the first ‘Veterans Day Committee of the Health Foundation of Central ter Board of Directors. Mr. Toney, his partner, Proclamation’ to ‘‘help preserve in the hearts Mass. She is also a board member of Greater and his daughter are currently working on a and lives of all our citizens the spirit of patriot- Worcester Community Foundation, Family book for children, which truly reflects all as- ism, the love of country and the willingness to Services and the Worcester Art Museum. pects of diversity. serve and sacrifice for the common good sym- Daniel Patrick Reilly, installed as the bolized by this very special day.’’ fourth Bishop of the Roman Catholic Diocese f And so, in honor of those who served in the of Worcester in December 1994, is a beloved military and those who are now stationed leader. His efforts in Worcester resulted in the HONORING RANDY KEVORKIAN around the world protecting our national inter- formation of the covenant with the New Eng- ests, and promoting peace and security, it is land Synod (Lutheran), the Episcopal Diocese my earnest hope, that all Americans, join of Western Massachusetts and the Roman HON. GEORGE RADANOVICH hands to insure the proper and widespread Catholic Diocese of Worcester and Springfield. OF CALIFORNIA observance of this day. While the effect our He was one of the essential leaders in the veterans have had on world history is great, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES aftermath of the loss of six Worcester fire they are not distant historical footnotes, but fighters in December of 1999. He studied for Thursday, November 8, 2001 are as close as a father or mother, brother or the priesthood at Our Lady of Providence Mi- sister, grandfather or grandmother, friend and nors Seminary, Warwick, RI and ordained to Mr. RADANOVICH. Mr. Speaker, I rise neighbor, and co-workers. Let us, as a grateful the priesthood on May 30, 1953 after five today to honor Randy Kevorkian for receiving nation, pay the appropriate homage to our vet- years of philosophical and theological study at the Distinguished Service Award from the Cali- erans who have contributed so much to the the Grand Seminaire in Saint Brieue, France. fornia Department of Corrections. The Cali- preservation of this country. Following his ordination, Bishop Reilly served fornia Department of Corrections presents the While we all desire peace, when war could at SS. Peter & Paul Cathedral , Provi- award annually to employees who go above not be avoided, our veterans put their lives on dence as an associate pastor. He also pur- and beyond the call of duty. the line, many paying the ultimate sacrifice. To sued graduate studies in Business Administra- Randy Kevorkian is a Parole Agent III. He all those who wore the uniform, or may have tion at and Harvard University. has been an agent since 1988 and has seen their comrades die around them, or pos- He served 22 years as a priest in the Diocese worked in numerous assignments in the sibly suffered injuries that continue to affect of Providence. In June 1975, Pope Paul VI Visalia and Fresno parole offices. Kevorkian them today. We honor and thank you. named him Bishop of the Diocese of Norwich, organized the ‘‘Another Way’’ program, a juve- f CT, where he served until being named the nile delinquency prevention and intervention Bishop of Worcester. Bishop Reilly has held program in the Central Valley. The program al- VETERANS DAY, THE PRICE OF many posts in the National Conference of lows parole agents and parolees to speak with FREEDOM Catholic (NCCB); he currently sits on atrisk kids about the dangers of drugs and the NCCB’s Committee on Pastoral Practices. gangs. HON. JANICE D. SCHAKOWSKY He rendered great support and assistance to Over the past 13 years, Kevorkian has ad- OF ILLINOIS Haiti and to India and their people. Currently dressed more than 85,000 young people and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES he is a member of the boards of trustees at made more than 1,200 presentations at junior Thursday, November 8, 2001 The Catholic Near East Welfare Association, and senior high schools, local juvenile halls Ms. SCHAKOWSKY. Mr. Speaker, I rise on Assumption College, and Saint Vincent Hos- and group homes. pital. He holds Honorary doctoral degrees this Veterans Day to pay tribute to our nation’s from Anna Maria College, Assumption Col- The Distinguished Service Medal is awarded heroes. The veterans of this country have lege, and the College of the Holy Cross, in for an employee’s exemplary work conduct given so much to protect and secure our way Worcester. with the department for a period of months or of life. Now more than ever, it is our duty to Mr. Al Toney’s life work is the elimination of years, or involvement in a specific assignment commemorate their actions, and to commend homophobia and racism. As a self-identified of unusual benefit to the department. their commitment. gay African American male, he has experi- Mr. Speaker, I rise to recognize Randy I rise to thank our veterans for having the enced homophobia and racism first hand. A Kevorkian for earning the Distinguished Serv- courage and strength to fight for American val- former Worcester Police Officer, Mr. Toney ice Award from the California Department of ues. Though we are saddened by recent has served in leadership position for the Gay Corrections. I urge my colleagues to join me events, we can look to the valiant history of Officers Action League of New England, the in wishing Mr. Kevorkian many more years of our nation’s bravest for comfort. We can rest Gay and Lesbian Coalition of Central Mass., continued success. assured that the dream of America is worth

VerDate 112000 04:01 Nov 09, 2001 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A08NO8.015 pfrm04 PsN: E08PT1 E2038 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks November 8, 2001 fighting, dying, and living for. We know be- pital, a 95 bed extended care center, a dialy- of the children of the United States, will be cause from every corner of the earth, the sis unit, a home health agency, infusion serv- used to reach out to the unfortunate children down trodden, the disenfranchised, and the ices, a hospice program, and outpatient in far off Afghanistan. oppressed come to seek out this dream. We healthcare services. Yet as the Santa Maria The students of North Elementary School know America is the beacon of hope and community continues to grow, the medical heard and met that challenge. I recently re- change, we can see it in the diversity of our center must expand as well. The addition of ceived a check for $348.00, made out to citizenry. the Marian Medical Center West will help al- America’s Fund for Afghan Children—that’s On September 11, 2001, a generation leviate overcrowding in the hospital’s main fa- one dollar for each student in North Elemen- blanketed by the quilt of peace and tranquility cility by providing 36 inpatient beds and ex- tary. But this was only a part of the total was awakened. This quilt of peace, stitched panded outpatient facilities. money the students raised. In fact, through a with the blood, sweat, and tears of brave The Marian Medical Center has provided variety of efforts in the month of October—in- American soldiers, was torn in a manner un- services to thousands of Santa Maria resi- cluding a Student Council penny drive and a imaginable only two months ago. Today, a dents over the last 60 years and with the addi- PTA sponsored fundraising dinner—the stu- generation comforted by a freedom so deep, tion of the new center thousands of more citi- dents of North Elementary managed to gather so common, so prevalent, and so easily taken zens can be served in the future. I am hon- an amazing sum: $1,668, over five times what for granted, can more easily identify the price ored to have the opportunity of recognizing the our President requested, The remainder of the for which it was paid. Marian Medical Center West on its grand money, it was decided, will go to the Red This generation is reminded that the sac- opening, and it pleases me that this facility Cross to aid victims of the September 11th rifice of Americans made our way of life pos- continues to prosper. tragedy here in the United States. sible. Young Americans with dreams in their f The students, parents, faculty, and mem- eyes and hope in their hearts, bought our free- bers of the Taylorville community should be dom. The tears of families who lost loved ones HONORING JAMES KRAMER AND recognized for their fine efforts. The terrorists were exchanged for our security. The peace BRIAN COTTER believed they could accomplish their goals that we have come to know, was purchased with the murder of American innocents; but by men and women that so loved our country HON. SCOTT McINNIS the American citizens have responded with aid that they risked and often gave their lives—en- OF COLORADO to the innocents of Afghanistan. Nothing else suring that freedom is not only a concept that IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES could better show how utterly Al Qaeda has we dream about, but a reality that we live. failed. Thursday, November 8, 2001 So it is with gratitude and the utmost re- Mr. Speaker, as President Bush said in his spect that we remember those who fought, Mr. MCINNIS. Mr. Speaker, all Americans announcement of the Fund for Afghan Chil- and those who were lost for the love of our have been going through very trying times dren, ‘‘One of the truest weapons that we nation. We move forward more vigilant, more since the terrorist attacks on September 11, have against terrorism is to show the world aware, and more determined. As we pay trib- 2001. Despite our struggle, we have pulled to- the true strength of character of the American ute to our nation’s freedom fighters, we stand gether and become a stronger nation due to people.’’ The children of North Elementary with a new pride in America. Our hopes and the resolve of our citizens. Today, I would like have shown that character, and they deserve prayers go out to those who are deployed, to recognize two patriots from Pueblo, Colo- our thanks. May God bless them, and may even now, to carry the torch in the fight for rado who have made significant contributions God bless the United States of America. freedom. At the dawning of a new day of un- to our nation’s recovery efforts. f certainty, we can look to the American values Pueblo County Coroner James Kramer, and of freedom, justice, and equality to lead us to Brian Cotter, a mortician, were members of TRIBUTE TO DR. CLARENCE peace. We thank the countless heroes, our the Disaster Mortuary Response Team that ROMERO veterans, for giving their freedom and their went to New York City to aid in the recovery lives, so that we may live free. effort at the World Trade Center disaster site. HON. KEN CALVERT f They were at ground zero with other forensic OF CALIFORNIA HONORING THE MARIAN MEDICAL pathologists helping to recover and identify the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES individuals who we lost in the disaster. CENTER WEST Thursday, November 8, 2001 Mr. Speaker, James Kramer and Brian Cot- ter committed their expertise to our country Mr. CALVERT. Mr. Speaker, it is an honor HON. LOIS CAPPS during an overwhelming time of need. Just as today to rise and pay tribute to Doctor Clar- OF CALIFORNIA we have seen with the rest of the country, ence Romero, associate professor of psy- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES both James and Brian provided some stability chology, at Riverside Community College Thursday, November 8, 2001 to our nation at a time of crisis. I am proud to upon being named the 2001 United States Mrs. CAPPS. Mr. Speaker, today I would have this opportunity to recognize these up- Professor of the Year. My congressional dis- like to pay tribute to the most recent addition standing individuals for their significant con- trict is privileged to have Dr. Romero teaching of the Marian Medical Center, the Marian tributions to the recovery and relief effort in our young adults as he is one of only four Medical Center West. New York City following the World Trade Cen- awardees recognized each year for extraor- Since its inception on May 20, 1940, the ter disaster. James Kramer and Brian Cotter dinary dedication to undergraduate teaching. Marian Medical establishment has found the deserve our recognition and praise. Skillful, enthusiastic and innovative teachers perpetual need to keep expanding in order to f change the lives of countless students for the better serve the growing community of Santa better by encouraging curiosity and under- Maria, California. In 1940, eight Sisters of St. TRIBUTE TO STUDENTS OF NORTH standing and by contributing to the develop- Francis of Penance and Christian Charity were ELEMENTARY SCHOOL IN ment of mind and spirit. assigned to Santa Maria to manage and staff TAYLORVILLE, IL The United States Professors of the Year a hospital for the growing community of ap- program, presented by The Carnegie Founda- proximately 8,000 people. The new facility was HON. JOHN SHIMKUS tion for the Advancement of Teaching and di- named Our Lady of Perpetual Help Hospital, OF ILLINOIS rected by the Council for Advancement and by its first administrator, Sister Noella IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Support of Education, is the nation’s most highly respected program to recognize out- Dieringer. Thursday, November 8, 2001 Three years later, in 1943, the 1000th baby standing faculty. The Professor of the Year was born at the hospital, and it became appar- Mr. SHIMKUS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to represents the thousands of dedicated univer- ent that the Santa Maria community was grow- pay tribute to the students of North Elemen- sity and college instructors throughout the na- ing fast. Sister Marilyn Ingram worked hard to tary School in Taylorville, Illinois, and their im- tion who serve their students, their community secure land in the Santa Maria area, and, portant and heartwarming efforts to help those and their state with vigor and talent. through the generosity of Captain and Mrs. affected by terrorism. Mr. Speaker, the United States has long Allan Hancock, a new facility, Marian Hospital, On October 11th, 2001, President Bush supported excellence in undergraduate teach- was able to open its doors in 1967. made a request of the children of America. He ing through competitively funding faculty sala- Today, the Marian Medical Center has ex- challenged each of them to earn and send in ries and other initiatives making our system of panded to include a 130 bed acute care hos- one dollar. This money, sent by the kindness higher education the envy of many nations.

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