Sahel: fighting inequality to respond to development and security challenges OXFAM BRIEFING PAPER – JULY 2019 Despite its development potential, the Sahel faces an unprecedented crisis. Today, there is a multifaceted predicament on top of the pre-existing development challenges that the region has been tackling. This has security, humanitarian, and environmental aspects. The crisis also has its roots in the inequality and the strong sense of injustice among the region’s people, particularly the youth. Inequality is profound and is seen in all aspects of life. The governments of the Sahelian countries and the international community must respond to these urgent problems, making the fight against inequality a top priority. Strong, well-coordinated responses engaging all stakeholders must go beyond the current narrow focus on security, and can result in lasting solutions. © Oxfam International July 2019 This paper was written by Jean Denis Crola (6-pm). Oxfam acknowledges Imma de Miguel Gonzalez for her comments and inputs, as well as Aurore Mathieu; Robin Guittard; Nicolas Vercken; Marc Cohen; Jaime Atienza; Susana Ruiz Rodriguez; Sandra Lhote-Fernandes; Louis-Nicolas Jandeaux; Quentin Parrinello; Armelle Lecompte; Claire Le Privé; Azara Remaila Zanogo; Ismael Boly; Charlotte Masselot; Lucas Vazquez Bassat; and the Oxfam teams in Burkina Faso, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Senegal and Chad for their assistance in the production of the report. It is part of a series of papers written to inform public debate on development and humanitarian policy issues. For further information on the issues raised in this paper please email
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