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' » &!f, XXI y. ..vriy ! m&'Vj. I J I '}?%m WHOLE NUMBEB 1674. HORWALK, CONNECTICUT, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1880. VOL. LXIII.--NUMBEB g.

,! Olivia. steamer,and 3 o'clock next morning she went TED. "Oh, Ted! my husband will pay you fpr "He Know'd. I'd be Thar. NORWALK GAZETTE, All the Latest Styles in REAL ESTATE. HELEN OF TYRE down. A heavy sea capsized our bale, and this!" Derrick Dood (F, K. Gass^way) in San Francisco we had hard work getting on it again. My He stopped. Post. . PUBLISHED EVERY TUESDAY RI0R1IRS, OR SAIIE.—Three Building Lots on the HENRY W. LONGFLLOW. BY KLI.EN M. HTJTOHINSON. St. John Farm, at a bargain, For partic­ "It's very dusty," and Mrs. Laure Amber- "Aunt Laure, its no use to go. I can't companion, whose name I learned was Cox, The. following perfectly true story is hard­ Fulars call on or address, BEJf J. J. STXJJ1GES, What phantom is this that ley shook slightly the glossy folds of her Real Estate Broker, No. i Gazette Building, Nor­ appears Witli jibe and pout and dainty frown got discouraged, and' soon after daylight find the ford, it's got so dark." ly entitled to a place in this column, but as The Second Oldest roper la tlie State. FALL AND WINTER. gray traveling dress. walk, Conn. 4t4 .Through the purple mists of the yean, For this, for that, Olivia teased: slipped off the bale and went down without He waB panting. * its lack of humor is 3omewhat atoned for by A trivial remark, but her husband glanced Itself but a mist like these ? I kissed her cheek, and smiled her down, a struggle." "Are you afraid, Ted ?,' a very obvious" moral, and as it would doubt­ quietly at the half-averted face. OFFICE IN GAZETTE BUILDING. MILLINEBY, To Let. 'A. woman of cloud and of fire; • ' Until her saucy urging ccascd, The man taken by me from the other bale "The tree," he replied. "Wasn't it an old less fail to reach the public in any other way, "You are displeased, Laure." large house containing 10 rooms with Bor­ It is she; it is Helen of Tyre, And angry tears shone in her eyes, proved to be Capt. Stephen Manchester, dry one ?" we give it herewith: A ough and Well Water; suitable for one or Young Mrs Amberley bit her beautiful NOW BEADY AT two families. Enquire oi The town in the midst of the MM I » With "Nay, my lore; it were not wise, pilot of the Lexington. He had fastened "Dry and withered, I believe—yes." The-other day we met on KcHrny street an A. H. BYINGTON & CO. . JACOB WEEKS, lips in a moment's silence. My fair Olivia." himself to his bale with a rope strand and "We must go back." old Washoe acquaintance, called Jem Briggp, Cor. Main Street and Union Ave. O Tyre! in thy crowded streets "I think I might have my choice, Alger­ A.*H. BYINGTON, J. B. ELLS, G. N. ELLS. was nearly frozen. "As soon as he- could "Why ?" whose usually seedy miner's apparel was on Mrs,Wilmot Faivcett's The phantom appears and retreats, But soon, with this and that forgot, non." OR SAI,!!' Oli KENT House on East speak he said: He did not answer, but hurried her on. this occasion replaced by a gorgeous display F Avenue. CHAS. S. PKOWITT. And the Isralitee, that sell I wooed my sweet Olivia's smiles; "It does seem a little hard,doesn't it dear ?" "After the fire broke out I remained for­ "Ted, what is that noise I hear? Dogs Subscription $2.00 per year, in advance. H and 3 James' Block, "Water The lilies and lions of brasf, She turned to sunshine on the spot; lifting lightly the little gloved hand and kiss­ of velvet vest, check pants, red tie, and pon­ ward. Quite a number of passengers were barking?" derous gold watch chain, while his honest Street. Property to Let. * Look up as they see her pas?, I fell before her fairy wiles; ing it. Single Copies 5 Cents. near me, and they made desperate efforts to "Hurry, hurry!" pulling her on over the SUITABLE FOR FACTORY PURPOSES. And murmur "Jezebel!" Yet wondered then, and wonder still, Certainly Algernon Amberly wished to in­ and.simple face shone above these evidences check the flames. There were no buckets at backward path. of prosperity with the placid contentment of ATEIt STREET, SOUTH NORWALK, CT. How 'twas she got her own sweet will- dulge his bride of a month, but he continu - Formerly occupied by the Excelsior GaS Then another phantom is seei hand, "but they broke open the boxes of "Why must we go back to that trSe Entered at the Post Office at Norwalk, Conn.f W My wife, Olivia. ed: a full harvest moon. PURE MILK. Machine Co. Also Dock and lower part of small At her side, in a gray gabadinc, specie, and throwing the money away used Ted?" as Second-Ulass matter. building and a lolt. Apply to JACOB M. LAY- —LippincoWs for February. "In taking one of these children of my "Hello, Jem," we said, "glad to see you Delivered in Norwalk and South Norwalk, at TON, Agent, South Norwalk, lionn. - 3t8 With beard that floats to his waist; the buckets to cast water on the flames, and "It is dry, you said ?" your door, every morning ,dead half-sister, I wish to make a choice looking so well. Look like you'd struck it It is Simon Magus, the Seer; kept doing so till they saw that further ef­ "Ted, what is that howling ?" rich recently." To Rent. For the Gazette. which will be -of the 'most benefit to the AT 6 CENTS PER QUART, He speaks, and she pauses to hear fort was useless. They tried to build a raft, Her voice shook with a vague fear now. Advertising Kates: HREE ROOMS near center ol village. family. The elder girls can earn their own "So I have," said Jem;»and then as his The words he utters in haste. "Here it is!" Four lines or IOBS, 1insertion 50 eta.; 3 times 8100 By REMSON BROS. 51tf T Apply at this Office. Burning of the Lexington. and threw the baggage cars over thinking living. The younger is very pretty, and will honest face saddened a little, he continued, • they thus might save some. About this time He placed her with her back against the One Square, one insertion, - - 100 be adopted by a good and wealthy family if "but I've" just had a mighty tough loss, Per week, for continuance, ------50 For Sale. He says"From this evil fame, the main deck fell in. People were jumping old dry tree. Some Incidents of tlie Catastro­ we do not take her away, while Ted—" though. My partner—Ned Bimber—you re­ One Square, Six Months, ------7 00 €. El. Eieiidail, 91. D. HE desirable property owned bv the subscri­ From this life of sorrow and shame, into the sea every minute. About thirty "I brought some matches," he panted. member Ned ?—ha3 gone up the shaft." one year—with paper, - - 15 00 T ber on corner ot Wall and River Streets, I will lift thee and make thee mine! phe as Ro-tlescrlbcd by Captain "Ted I" interrupted Laure, impatiently. 44 41 41 44 consisting ot one-half of the three story wooden persons were on the forecastle a little after "Matchcs 1 What for ?" "Dead, eh ?" Two " • ~ • 25 00 building and the two story brick extension. Will Thoa hast been Queen Candace, "Ted is at an undesirable age, and not 44 44 John F. Bulkley, of Westporr, He snatched some dry leaves together, tore Three " " " - - - SO 00 be sold ag a whole or separately, as desired, or midnight, The heat soon became unbearable "Yes. I'll tell you how it was. You see Sforwalls., Conn. ; j -And Helen of Troy, and shalt lie an Eye Witness, after a Xiapse of particularly brilliant and interesting; but as Quarter ol a Column, one time, - - .- - 5 00 the corner stcre will be tented at a reasonable and all went overboard. I got on a bale of some strips from his old cotton jackot sleeve, Ned and I had a quarrel about two years ago. v Office second price. For further information apply to The Intelligence Divine!" he is the one who stands most in need of help. One quarter coiamn, one year, - - - - 50 00 door west from O. E.EhKELSON, on the premises, Forty Years. cotton where there was another man, and and lighted the whole. Don't matter what it wasrtslk about. Mebbe One hall column, ono time, ----- 10 00 Norwalk, Nov. 2Alh,1879. 3tp47 I think we ought to take him." Danbury K. It. tib, Bweet as the breath of morn, shoved off from the boat. It was then 12:30 Then he! threw on dead branches, all piled Ned was wrong, and met; e I was; but all One half column, one year, - - - - - 80 00 Depot. Dental "Such a shock of tow hair, and so horribly Full column, one time, ------2.0 00 operations in all OOMS TO BSNTifor a small family in To the fallen and forlorn s [As the brief allusion to this appalling ca­ o'clock. My companion said his name was against the further side of the tree-trunk. the same, neither of us wC^d back down— branches as for­ bashful!" pouted beauty-loving Laure. Fall column, one year, » - - - - - 150 00 R center of the village. Apply at GAZETTE Are whispered words of praise, lamity made iti the GAZETTE a week or two McKenney. He tried for a while to keep "Ted, what is that f6r ?" coupl'er dam fools, you'll- say; and so we merly. Painless OFFICE. 46 "I know the little girl would please you extractionof For the famished heart believes ago, (it then being the fortieth anniversary warm by thrashing his hands, but soon gave "Wolves, wolves! Don't you see them ?" were—and the upshot was we parted and One inch constitutes a square. teeth by aid oi best, but perhaps the boy will develop better LArOHINe The falsehood that tempts and deceives, of the event), has led to conflicting comments up. About 3 o'clock lie-fell back on the bale cried the boy, throwing out his arms. "But agreed never to see each other again." GAS a specialty Farm for Sale. than the girl," replied Amberly, in a tone of Special Notices 25 per cent, advance on And the promise that betrays. in various State papers as to the facts in the and died, and the first heavy sea that came you need't be afraid ;• they, can't hurt you "And didn't you ?" HE subscriberofl'crs forsalehisFarm,situated decision his wife had already learned to the above. N. B.—Dr.Kendall spends Mondays in Eidge- T in the Town of Greenfield, in Saratoga Co-, case, some claiming that two persons were washed him "off." now. Oh. Aunt Laure, they'll never come "No Sir; we didn't—more shame for us, field. 42 New York State, ten miles lrom the town of Sara­ know. So she follows from land to laud saved, others that there wa3 only one, and Capt. Bulkley continuing, said: "I then near us now, for they are afraid of fire, and Local Notices in Reading Columns, 25 toga, pleasantly situated on a rise ot ground, 95 as had been pards fifteen years together. Cents per line. acres of land, with one Dwelling House, two large The wizard's beckoning hand, that one survivor landed at Roton Point, He was so certain he was right—that the Darns, Grainery and other out buildings, will be cruised to the southward and found upon the the tree is burning." Well,about a year ago Ned got a good gravel THE As a leaf is blown by the gust, which is not true, the writer has interview- poor, friendless, unformed boy was most in Yearly Advertisers restricted to the businoss sold cheap. Half the purchase money can remain floating fragments of the wreck the bodies Laure had sank upon the ground, fainting claim up on the Feather, and struck i^hick. contemplated at the time of contract, but are on mortgage, if desired, or will exchange for vil­ Till she vanishes into night! need of protection and training—that he lage property. For lurther particulars inquire of Capt. John F. Bulkley, of Westport, who of two men, both frozen—one a mulatto with terror. Cleaned up over two hundred thousand in permitted to make monthly changes ot their could not allow his wife's fancy to decide 3m49 SILAS P. TUTTLE, Norwalk, Conn O reader, stoop down and write saw the burning, and rescued three persons, named Sands, the other, a white man whose "Oh; Ted, dear Ted!" she sobbed, "I'll six months." advertisements. this important matter, much as he regretted With thy finger in the dust. • and from liim received" the following state­ name none could ever tell. Sands was iden­ help you!" for the flame dying down for an "And how were you getting on ?" Marriages and Deaths inserted gratuitously. Farm for Sale. her disappointment. Mt Iron forks ment which should be considered as substan­ tified and taken to Brooklyn, the other was instant, the boy began snatching up handf uls "Oh! clean broke; working up on the Obituary or Funeral Notices 15 cents per line. HE subscriber offers for sale the well known O town in the midst of the seae, The younger child—the little Nellie—was T larm belonging to the estate ol Sylvanns See- tially correct.] placed in a stranger's grave where his ashes of the dry grass. Com. for four dollars a day. Well, I was All unusual cuts and devices 25 per cent, CO'S SHOPS are running every day (except Sun­ ly, deceased. Said farm is situated in the town of With thy rafts of cedar trees, as pretty as a picture, and at the charming extra. days) all (lay long and are prepared to execute New Canaan, on the main road leadinglrom New By this casualty, which occurred Monday still remain, in Fairfield. I then with glass For hours they worked, piling all the infla- kinder sneakin' glad to hear of Ned's luck; any kind of They merchandise and thy ships, age. He could not but sympathize with Canaan to Stamtord, within fifteen minutes walk night, Jan. 13, 1840—forty years ago, one in hand took position at the masthead in mable material t|iey could find around the but the next thing I heard was' that he had to the village churches, schools and railroad Thou, too, art becoming as naught, Laure's wishes, but his young wife was short depot. There is about S^acres of land, one large hundred and twenty-two out of one hundred hope of finding other sufferers, tftad after trunk of the cottonwood, while those strange been killed by the mine's caving in on hita. convenient Dwelling House, with Barns, Grainer- A phantom, a shadow, a thought, sighted. ' W. c. BURKE, Jr., M. D., and twenty-sis persons lost their lives. As sailing a short distance saw a man clinging dancing sparks so near the ground—the He lived just long enough to make his will. iesand other out-buildings. Half the purchase A name upon men's ships. He was older than she, and felt obliged to PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, MACHINERY WORE money can remain on bond and mortgage, if de- the burning was witnessed by many residing to a piece of the wreck. He proved to be fierce eyes of the wolves, which Laure saw Well, the lawyer found that Ned was worth Bired. For inrther particulars inquire ot —Atlantic Monthly. decide the matter according to his best judg­ Office over 1st National Bank) South 3m49 SILASP TUTTLE, Norwalk, Conn. on the Connecticut shore, particularly by Charles B. Smith, the steamer's fireman. plainly now—reluctantly retreated when the about $220,000, the will gave $5,000 to each - Nbrwalk. that may be offered* ment. OFFICE HOURS 8 to 9 a. m,; 1 to 2 p. m., 0:30 people in Southport, Westport and Nor walk, When taken on board he stated that he got flames blazed, at last, to the topmost boughs of his three brothers—they had all come out Tying Her Bonnet. They were on their wedding trip. From to 7:30p.m. . For Sale. opposite which latter place the flames of the on a bale of cotton about 9 o'clock and float­ of the tree, and the light streamed far and from the East when they heard of Ned's find Slate at Prowitt's Drug Store, Norwalk, and Niagara it had extended to Chicago; from Stillson's Drug Store, So. Norwalk. STEAM ENGINES AND PUMPS SMALL PLACE pleasantly located in the Tying her bonnet under her chin, fated steamer reached their greatest brillian­ ed around in the vicinity of the steamer wide. ' —and the same amount to me, for all we'd Calls forwarded by telephone. 3m51 A Borough, on high ground. The grounds are that city to a lonely tract of rolling prairie, liberally supplied with Fruit Trees, choice Grapes She tied her raven ringlets in ; cy,'and as many are yet living among us who until half past one. All that time there Disheveled, pallid, exhausted, her misery quarreled. But Ned allers was a 'centric kept in stock, , (seven varieties),and.other Small Fruits. Large where resided this remote connection of the Garden. Also a large, well arranged Hennery But not alone in the silken snare remember the awful circumstances, the story were persons holding on to the guards and lost at last in a brief sleep—thus Algernon sort of cuss, and the will provided that none ELLERY C; CLARKE, M. D., Amberly family. % with ample runs tor poultry. For further partic­ Did she catch her lovely, floating T»»r; as here re-told cannot but possess interest. floating about the steamer on pieces of the Amberly found his wife in the early dawn. of us should get the money if we attended ulars apply at GAZETTE OFFICE. The father of these orphan, children was a PHYSS&IAN AND SURGEON, For, tying her bonnet under her chin, According to an accojint printed soon after wreck. About one o'clock he drifted back The ground smoked beneath her, burning his funeral. He didn't want anybody present coarse, hard man, who was already casting Offlcc, Isaacs' Block, Wall Street, over Castings of all KMs to Order. OR SAI£ to 9% a.m„ 1 to 3 p. m., e Borough Water, Fruit, &c. Situated on Franklin O Western Wind, do you think it waa fair the great billows of green, and standing in to 8 p. m. • % in the Avenue, within three minutes'walkof Post Office, About 7 o'clock there was an alarm of fire. met by the steamer Nimrod, Capt. Brooks, of the love he had canned, but sad and lonely "Well, you see, that was just the point. To play such tricks with her floating hair? solitude in the silence.beheld stretched before Factory on Hoyt St., near Main, Depot, &c, Will be sold on accommodating terms. No one living knows where that fire started, from New York for Bridgeport. He had, as again in that old farm house. Somehow I felt so kinder miserable and down For further particulars enquire of To madly, gleefully do your.best her countless leagues of luminous sunset, Where LADIESV MISSES' and CHIL­ 24 JAMES MITCHELL, Real Estate Agent. Those who remained to tell the story of that near as 1 could judge, landed a passenger for But Laure had him brought to her bedside, hearted—you see Ned was the only partner W. MANY To blow her against the young man's breast,* that she said to herself that the West was DREN'S SHOES, of our own make, fearful night saw the fire first in the casing Norwalk at a place near what is known as held his hand in hers, kissed his little grimy I ever had—that I detetmined to go and see can be obtained a£ a slight advance from whole­ FOR SALE. Where, as he gladly folded her in, %rand and beautiful. sale prices. • around the smoke stack. In a few minutes Belden's Neck, and was taking a short cut, cheeks. him sent down on his last cage anyway— Surgeon Dentist, WO ver ydesirabl eiiuildin gLot so n Wes tMain He kissed her and her dimpled chin ? They were driving now along the smooth Bleasnrea taken and Shoes made to T Street. Apply at theGAZETTE OFFICE. it began to burn fiercely along the promenade by way of Goose Island channel. I came up "Ted, you are going back with us. There rifoney or no money—and I did." ordcj^. prairie road. A silvery creek ran along its H ORWALK, CONN. Ah I Ellerly Vane, you little thought . . deek. The pilot, Captain Manchester, step­ to the wind while he slowed up, and I told is not another boy so loved in all the world." "And the three brothers ?" edge, bright and bankfull. Here and there Office coiner ot Mainand Wall Streets. Nitrous- T. COUSINS. For Sale. An hour ago, whun you besought ped from the wheel house, gave one look at him all about the sad work of the day. And it was true. "No, none of them went, in fact, they HE subscriber offers for sale his HOUSE and a Judas bush showed its crimson among the OxideGrasadministered This country lass to walk with yon, the volume of flame and smoke and headed Hilliard proved to be an old friend of Brooks were so disgusted at the 'divy' that they T LOT, situated on West Main Street, in the bush greens. To right and left stretched Borough of Norwalk. The place ispleasantly lo­ After the sun had dried the dew, the boat for the Long Island shore. A mo­ and the latter persfladed him to leave the General Terry and Fort Fisher. cleared out down to 'Frisco right away to JSL3L.ES:, 5. GIBSON, J. M. POTTER, cated, in a good neighborhood, only a short walk away the boundless prairie. from the business part ot the town, School, What perilous danger you'd be in ment later Captain Childs entered the pilot Merchant and take the Nimrod to Bridgeport, see about breaking the will. So I was the Organist of the First Congregational Church. DEALER IN Churches, etc. The House is nearly new;conven­ Laure had requested the driver to get away A gentleman who was present with Gener­ As she tied her bonnet under her chin. house and applied his strength to the wheel- which he did, proceeding to New York on only person at the funeral. My friends all iently arranged, and it good condition. For lur­ from the uninviting home; but for the first al Terry 3t the capture of Fort Fisher who Teacher of ther particulars apply to the, subscriber at Can­ —M. H. Cobb. One of the tiller ropes broke, (chains were Wednesday. I reached Southport towards heard from the. general's own lips the account thought me a lunatic to throw away $5,000 non's Station, or to G. & S. H. Holmes, Norwalk.. time there was a shadow between herself and Plauo-Forte, Organ and Musical 3y JOHN W.RENOUD. not used then) and the Lexington,her engines night, and my cargo and the story I had to of how he received his orders from General in that style, but somehow I couldn't help it. her husband. Composition. - THE SKY. still in rapid motion, drifted helplessly down tell concerning it cast a gloom over thaentire As it turned out, however, it wa3 the luckiest DWSZiIiINGS In justice to young Mrs. Amtierly, let me Grant to undertake the expedition furnishes Box 379 P. O., NORWALK, CONN. the Sound. All this occurred Off Eaton's village. For days after that people residing thins I ever did-' : ooy that oho triad to ropvoM W diaooktonl) bat nst.lie follow!n« . BY MBS. M. F. BUTTS. Neck, and nearly opposite Norwalk, Those, miles away came to see the cotton bales The failure of the attempt to capture Fort "How was that? this obly made her disappointment more ap­ Mutt, Relyea & Seymour, Cabinet Organs, Vio­ Building J_ots. Over fill tlllTCllJaftrWMLWM,. who beheld were appalled, for what steamer which had helped to save the lives of men, Fisher by the combined action of the land "Why, the next day when the main will parent to lfer husband. More it troubled EVERAL dwellings, various prices in differ­ and din, it was, or how great was the extent of the and to hear from me the sad narrative. After and naval forces of General Butler and Ad­ was opened, we found it really gave the en­ lins, Banjos, Fifes, S ent portions- of Borongh, either to let or for him, loving his young wife most tenderly, sale at reasonable prices. Also several.places Bends the blue sky sweet and tender, 'twist disaster they were unable to surmise, and all was over, the bale upon which Capt. Hil­ miral Porter, was a serious blow to the plans tire balance of the property to whichever one Attorneys and Counsellors at Lav, outside of Borough limits—one in Wmnipauk. and at last he said : of us four disobeyed the conditions of the . Drums -<& Sheet Also several Building-lots in and out ot Borough. the high walls breaking in, not till a day or two after when the GA­ liard was saved, was forwarded to him, at his of General Grant. Sherman held Savannah, Room No.l| [up stairs,] "If you really cannot give up the little girl, $5,000 bequests. So, you see, I came in for tl49 Enquire at this Office. Smiling on each court and alley, on the guilty ZETTE'S list of lost, with that of the New request, in New York. Beside the three Grant was in Virginia. lAween the two Music. Laure, you shall have her." the whole $200,000 just like a knife, And # GAZETTE BUILDING. and the good, v York Herald, the two appearing about the men I picked up, one other, David Crowley, were the armies of the confederacy, and Pianos and Organs to Kent. For Sale or Exchange. "Algernon," she cried, "it isn't that I like Looking in at broken windows, where the second mate of • the steamer, was weed, Fort Fisher stood as sentinel at their gateway do you know I shall allers think," said the same time, could any definite idea of the the little Nellie so very much, but I don't see PIANOS, ORGANS AND MELODEONS TUN­ OR property in Norwalk or vicinity, 2 houseB children cry for food. making four in all. I had nothing to do with legatee, as he hastily steered us into the near­ NOBWALE & BRIDGEPORT ED AND KEPAIB1SD. F in Biooklyn, E. D., within 5 minutes walk ot calamity be formed. That story can never to the sea. Under the shelter of its guns the 4 ferries. Good location. For particulars apply • anything to like in Ted." est bar room to conceal the gathering moist­ Instramcntssold on monthlyInstalments. . be forgotten. his recovery. His story is as follows: blockade runners landed the arms and ammu­ to J.S.RANDALL, Dropping warmth and loving sunshine into The subject was then dropped. They ure in his eye, "I shall allers believe that Messenger and Package Express. Old Instruments taken in Exchange 43 * Box 63, Norwalk. Captain John F. Bulkley, at present of "Soon after the fire broke out I took refuge nition that kept the rebellion in effective The undersigned, running a wagon to Bridge­ many a dreary space, drove back to the house. Ned kinder put up the wh^p job a purpose for New. WeBtportj then residing in Sonthport, and a on a bale of cotton and drifted away from the condition for mischief. .General Weitzel port every Monday and Friday, propose to tuke Looking with a free compassion into every The first person they saw on their return 'cause lie know'd I'd be tTiar !" messages and small packages for a reasonable Farm for Sale. young man of twenty-rhree years, who res­ steamer. Fortunately my bale .did'not roil, Butler's lieutenant, an engineer officer of de­ compensation, to be leit or called for, anywhere Wall Street, Norwalk onn. human face, to the house was Ted, who came basMully between Norwalk and Bridgeport, or'in the city BOUT 12 to 13 acres within IK miles olcenter and I burrowed into it, I also stuffed my cided merit, and colonel of General Grant's ofNorwalk. Good situation, good house, Giving hope unto the hopeless, giving heart cued three of the survivors, says: out to take the horses. He always stared at of Bridgeport, Wagon leaves Market, 55 Main Abuilt of best material and by days work. About elothes full of cotton and .thus kept from staff, o3 the night before the withdrawal of The State Board of Education— street, at<6.o'clock a. m., returning in the after­ Solicitor of Claims. 80 choice Apple trees with other fruit, good gar­ unto the sad, "I reached home from New York, Jan. 13, Laure. Certainly she was the most beauti­ noon. Orders left there at any time will receive freezing. Monday night, Tuesday, Tuesday the expedition made a careful reconnois- Keview of the Year's Work. attention. Office in Bridgeport at Charles J5. den, good well of water, and fine shade trees. Just Making even th% lone wretches in the dreary in the sloop Merchant, of which I had just ful creature he had ever seen in his life. the place for a man wishing to raise Strawberries, night and Wednesday the bale of cotton was alice of the fort, and reported in writing to Shclton's, corner ol Mam street and Fairfield GENERAL13USINESS. etc. Price S7,000. Enquire at this Office. prisons glad. taken command. It was towards night. Secretly he adored her, as she lingered a mo­ The report of the Stdte Board of Education Avenue. FOLWELL & MUNGElt. The weather was excessively cold, and had nfiy home. At 9 o'clock Wednesday evening General Butler that it was impregnable to for the year ending December 31,1879, being Norwalk, Nov. 10,1879. OFFICIAL. INFORMATION. ment now. Having descended- from the car­ Sinning on the tangled tresses of the orphan been for some daysj freezing up the harbors the fotton bale drifted against the ice bound­ assault by the force at his command.- This the fifetenth in the series, ably discusses the 1 For Sale. riage, and being loath to go into the house, L.A. GOBHI GUI , cosy comfortable Cottage on one of thepleas- in the street, of Bridgeport, Black Bock, Westport and ing the Long Island shore, and I crawled to authoritative declaration from regular offi­ subject of popular education and its untold Ofllcc 1,437 F Street Northwest, near . antest stredts in town, within live minutes he addressed her: A Shedding its untainted lustre where the cold Norwalk. For some unaccountable reason land at a place called New Gulley, about cers of acknowledged skill, both of whom beneficial influence, Included in the report All the Latest Styles in 15til, WASHINGTON^ B. C. walk of the Bridge or Churches, will be sold at "Be you going to take me ?" cost price. A portion ol the purchase money can and thankless meet; Southport harbor remained open, and but for eighteen miles east of Old Field Point. were high in the confidence of General if a plea for the State Normal School, and for T former connection with Journalism for a remain on bond and mortgage. Price $6,000. En­ ' No," said Laure, quickly; "I shall take M long period, has given me an extensive ac­ quire at this Office. Hovering over the sick man's chamber.brood- this circumstance every soul on board the After getting ashore I walked three-quarters Grant, together with the threatening weather an enlargement of its accommodations that quaintance in all the departments of the Govern­ Nelly." ment and all exceptional facilities. Prompt at­ ing like a spirit blest, Lexington must have been lost. I first saw of a mile to a house, where I was received as were the reasons influencing Butler to aban­ it may yield increased usefulness. There tention given to all orders requiring personal sor- She noticed that the boy's head drooped as FALLAND WINTER Desirable Property for sale. Till his thoughts go flying upward to the true the burning steamer at about 6 o'clock, I one from the dead. I had been forty-eight don the attempt. has been a slight decrease in the average at­ vioe at Uie National Capitol,which may he for­ he'turned away, leading the horses, but she warded through the office of the XOBWALK GA­ Ver ydesirable place on East Avenue. place of their rest. hours in the bale of cotton, and had drifted General Alfred H. Terry was in camp ZETTE. 41 Also, a lew choice BuildingLotssituatedon should judge." As near as I could calculate took little notice of that. tendance at the schools for the year; al3o in A over fifty miles. The owners of the bale with his command in the army of the Osborn Avenue,forsale cheap. she was then off Huntington moving rapidly The next morning her husband was called the wages of teachers and in the total amount MILLINERY Also, a nicely located House and Lot on Mer- Wondrous sky, thy soft cloud pictures set us eastward, and looking beautifully grand in made me a present of it, and I took it to James. Long and severe labors in an ener­ expended for schools. The number of winStreet near West Avenue, for sale at a bar­ dreamiDg, often-times, to Chicago alone on business. She endured NOW F0R /00R WATE3 PIPES. gain. Enquircol the glare which was lighting her on to sure Providence, R. L, and kept it many years. vating ciimate had engendered a chronic NOW EEADY AT ' ~ the uncongenial surroundings aa long as she children between the ages of four and six­ Wm, Glorer & Son, S, E. OSBORN, EastAvenue, That the angels cleave thy splendor,hastening destruction. The whole village was startled When cotton was at its highest price during* malady that was undermining his constitu­ teen years, who were not in any school dur­ tfll or to D.W.FITCH,West Avenue. from heavenly climes, could, then caught up her hat and shawl and Areready to putin your WATER,STEAMor GAS by the extraordinary scene and watched till the late war, I sold it, and from it sprang the tion. Yielding to the urgent solicitations went out to walk. ing the year, wes in excess of that class for Mrs.Wilmot Fawcett's PIPE,at very shortnotice and at aslow arateas That we see their white robes floating toward the steamer disappeared beneath the dark Lexington brand of cloth." of his medical advisers he had reluctantly anyone. WROUGHT AND CAST IRON, TIN- She strolled half a mile, found the fording the previous year. Persistent efforts, how - LINED, LEAD PIPES,&c.,of every size and de­ A Desirable Homestead for Sale. the far horizon's rim, waters,—a very charnel house, off what was Captains Hilliard and Manchester are both applied for a leave of absence, which had cryption. PLUMBING in ajlitsbranchos. of the creek, and still went on, the emerald ever, have been made by. Secretary Northrop 2and 3 James' Block, Water HE valuable residence of the subscriber, That we catch the distant echoes of a sweet then known as Old Field Light, on the Long dead. Fireman Smith is still alive and resi­ been forwarded to headquarters. A few pleasantly located on high ground on East of the bush-grass was magnificent, the May and President Potter to reduce the evil to a TAve., in the Borough of Norwalk, is offered for celestial hymn. Island shore, and opposite the light ship off ding in Providence. Mr. Crowley is alive days after the return of the Butler expedi­ Street. CLEAHLIKESS IS 8EXT TO GODLINESS.-: sky arched above, blue as lapis lazuh. Sweet minimum, a good amount of success attend­ sale. The situation is pleasant and healthy,com­ Stratford Point. Owing to extreme cold,the and occupies a house in Lefferts Place, tion Grant telegraphed Terry to report to manding fine views of Long Island Sound and the WhatfVere all the city's glory if the sky wild birds flew over head, and no other liv­ ing their work, considering the fact that 'surrounding country. Distance one mile from great distance of the fire from port and the Brooklyn. These two are now the sole sur­ him in person immediately. • The latter O. A. FRANKE'S Norwalk Bridge, acd the same from South Nor­ shone not above, ing thing was in sight. large numbers of parents are compelled to walk depot. House 54x50; two stories and attic, vivors of one of the most awful calamities of mounted his horse and rode rapidly to head­ W. E. QUINTARD, In its pure and tranquil beauty—token of the absence of wind, I did not accede to a prop­ The great stillness had a wonderful charm keep their children at work the year round filled in with brick, and substantially built. modern times. Sometime after the burning quarters, feeling (as he-afterwards said) very Rooms 13,.-with all modern improvements, bath Father's love, * m osition to search that night for possible suf­ for her. Now she looked wonderingly at in order to eke out the family livelihood. Sisavina anfl Hair. Cattim Saloon! room, laundry,stationary tubs,Beebee's cooking fers, but Samuel Sturges and Samuel Perry the] locality of the steamer's hull was found much like a school boy in danger of a But it is believed on the whole that the work General ForisMi Mertaier, FOB A range, hot and cold water, gas throughout the Written over withjhis mercy from Jthe east the green distance surrounding her; then hopse. The cellaris dryi having stationary furn and buoyed. Indeed, it is well -known to­ scolding for asking for a recess at an unsea­ OPPOSITE HOUSE R.B.DEPOT Pleasant Skave, unto the west, took my yawl, and in company with Aaron wandering about,gathering the flowers which of the school for 1879 will compare favora­ ace, which heats the whole house. The attic is Hubbell, Bradley Hull and a Mr. Smith, in day, and attempts to raise it were made with­ sonable hour. Grant met him'very cor­ "KyOrilersattended today or night. Kesidenc . Artistic Hair Cut, or spacious, and roof tinned. The house is in excel­ Telling sinners of forgiveness, telling home­ gemmed the grass like rubies, sapphires and bly with that of other years. From the Main Street ,3 doorsfrom Union Avenue. lent order being comfortable for both a summer or out success. In all probability it will never dially, however, and handed him an un­ Tliprougli Shampoo* winter residence.. Snitable for any gentleman do­ sick hearts of rest ? yawl of the schooner Equator, rowed out stars of gold. The tinted clouds of sunset success of the work and its good results, again be disturbed until the last great day sealed envelope officially addressed to him. ing business in New York and returning the same into the Sound, but to see the burning object began to fail in the west, at last and she and from the constantly increasing interest The Jorwaik Fire Insurance Co., CALI. AT day. Land about three-quarters of an acre, laid pass from sight miles ahead of them, Next when "The earth and the sea shall give up On reading its contents he found he was * Has now completed its out in lawn, fruit trees, and garden spot. Apply "A XilTTJLE BAD." turned toward home. felt throughout the State in the right edu­ Mr. Franke's. Hair-Cutting Saloon, to J AMES MITCHELL, Real Estate Agent, Nor­ morning I took the Merchant and accompani­ their dead." » . PAUL. ordered to take certain troops (the detail was IStli Successful Business Year, walk, or to the subscriber, After walking quite a distance she began cation of the young, the members of the No. 1 GAZETTE BUILDING. ed by Captain Meeker, her owner, Samuel given), put them on board transports as rap­ And has not outstanding a Dollar of unpaid losses A. S. HAMERSLEY, HARDY JAOKSON to look anxiously for the landmarks of her Board have derived much satisfaction in the or ot claims for losses. 8s*"Particularattention given to Ladies and Child­ 26ti 255 Fourth Avenue, N. Y Sturges, mate, Samuel Perry, before the Proceedings of the Paradise Hall idly as possible and sail at once to Savannah return. In vain. Bound and round she discharge of their official duties, which are HI SOUND COMPANY INSURES AT LOWER RAT ren's Kair Cutting and Shampooning."CB "Come, darling,come!" The voice wassweet, mast, "Bostoh Smedley," cook, Aaron Jen­ Club. where he would report to General Sherman. wandered; but the changing light gave performed without any pecuniary compen­ WM. O.STBEET; Pres., S. E. OMISTEAD, Treas. • AT HOME TO EVERYBODY. For Sale. Tet baby only shook her head, nings, now ticket seller at the New Haven There was sadness in every eye as the The detail was such that Terry suspected sation. Some important changes in the laws GEO. B. CowLES.Sec'y. A House and Lot,in a health}location on everything a new aspect. Hotand Cold Water Baths FairStrcet, above Catharine. The Heuscis And so, in tones all te'nderness. „ B. B. Depot in Southport, William Brower members of the club softly filed in and took the order was a blind, but after asking for For half an hour she stood, with throbbing with reference to the examination, and certi­ ___.nearly new,well built,conveniently arrang­ Rebukingly her mother said : and Francis Jelliile, left the harbor for the their seats. Each-one had seen the crape a change, substituting his old brigade (in 4?TN A INSURANCE Co.ofHABTFOED ed, and will make a comfortable, and pleasant iieart, looking vainly to the right and left- fication of teachers seem to be desirable; Uh Incorporated 1812. Charter Perpetual home for a family ol average size. The lot runs scene'ipf the wreck. I stood off into the Sound bn the hall "door, and each one had been which were the Sixth and Seventh Connecti­ yet as a whole the school system of the New Firm at tlie Old Stand back to the river. There is a well of excellent "I'm sorry you're so wilful, dear, told that death had again invaded Paradise lost I Capital and Assets,- §6,716»S93.77 water on the place, and Borongh water in the •'I called] jou would not come, but stood ; and when half way across-squared away and cut regiments) for one of those designated, State deserves the continued confidence and Messrs MULi-LIS GS BKOTHEKS Street. Price low, and part of the money can re­ Hall. The roseate light deepened into gray. A Insuresagains tloss and damage by Fire,on terms made Stratford Light Ship. I hailed the to which .Grant acceded, he went back support of the people and of their representa­ adopteilto thehazardandconsistent with thelaws main on mortgage. A fine cliaii6e tosecarea Now, go into the dining-room, dense fog crept around her. She had direct­ otoompensation. COWLES&MEltKILL, ould lespectiully inform the public, that they home. ApplyatGAZETTEOFFICE. 3tl keeper who informed me he had seen the "Qem'len," began the President, as he rose to his-corps and issued the necessary orders. have taten the business lately conducted And don't come back till you are good." up and looked down the hall at the vacant ed her faltering footsteps to a single cotfcn- tives in the General Assembly. Solo Agentsfor Norwalk and vicinity Wby MULL1XGS&TILLY, and with the old ex­ burning steamer, and that in his opinion she By noon the next day, when all was aboard Beat bedecked with crape, "it am my pain­ wood tree, and now stood clinging to it, her The total number of children between four perienced W orkmcn,. hitherto employed by the A sudden meekness seized the child. must have gone down off Port Jefferson ful dooty to inform you dat Brudder Tor­ he telegraphed Grant, who replied, ordering B. S. BLA5CER, late firm,are prepared tomanufacture allkinds ol heart sinking in her^bosom. Ob, where was and sixteen years of age in the State, enu­ Hoiiors win Honors are iie. With eyes bent downwardto the floor, harbor. With this information I turned my pedo Hunt am no more on dis earth. He the transports to . sail, but .Terry to wait at merated for January, 1879,- was 138,428; • At liia store in passed away las' night arter an illness of only she and what would become of her? MAZiXaOB.'S''S BIiOCK, C4RK.1AGES & WAGONS VERT ONE knows that the'Btou.P.T.Bar- Obedient now, she stiaigbtway went, vessel towards Long Island and after sailing the landing for him. The fleet got under E nam, has agents out all over the world to free days. Torpedo was our brudder an' She could make no further effort, so bewil­ number between these ages in no school, 14,- hasconstantly on hand,a general assortmento TO OUSEK find the Yet paused a moment at the door. - less than three miles fell in with four bales of way jorjllampton Boads, and soon the dis­ earnest worker in de cause," continued the dered had she become that she knew no 112; number between the ages of eight and gtepairitig in ail its Branches. Best of everythicg regardless ofco&t cotton which I took on board. One of the President, "but if I stan' heah to yulogize patch boat of the commanding general came fourteen years, the period covered by the Groceries, Crockery, Glass, lfer face revealed a strife within, him, I mus' not forgit dat he had his faults. longer in which direction to search. Must MACHINE FOKGINC. DISCOUNT It is not my dispoEitien to boast of my work, for bales was afire, and we applied water to put up, took Terry on board, and "then General statute concerning absenteeism, reported as tin and Wooden Ware, Etc. ALtOWEB FOB CASH. talk is cheap. Iwillonly say ttat I have done A veil more tliin no spirit had; If de truth can't hurt de livin' it can't harm she stay there all night ? If so she tried to work for Mr. Barnmn lor over eight'years and il it out. While thus engaged I espied two Grant gave his final orders. He told Terry not being in school during any part , of the ByS BUILDING, WALL ST. . "The fire made swift headway over the we hev given de dead all de praise dey sought shall be yours. I take on myself all risks of .with the previous year. The female teachers A FULTj LINE OF all Soldiers of my own and otlicr A complete assortment of- the best class of Ifot almost, altogether Thine, off to find you. Come quick! I think I can boat, while death waited in the icy water. to gain when livin', no man's mem'ry kin ask failure." received on the average $35.27 per month, a Imported and Domestic Cloths, Kegsincnts, &c. Help us, O Lord henceforth to be; fur mor. Torpedo was up to the iverage, an In the panic the passengers seemed determin­ find the fprd." On the boat, present at the interview, falling off of $1.23. The total amount re­ ol the latest styles, constantly on hand. Novel­ W. H. NOBLE, , GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, FRUITS, To give ourselves a sacrifice, lie(am dead.". Laure grasped the boy's small, eager hand, ties in Scotch Suitings. Satisfaction guaranteed Holy r.teeptable to Tliee. ed to destroy themselves. The boats were was Colonel—-, of General Grant's staff. ceived for puhlic schools from all sources-was in every particular. 46 BRIDGEPORT, CONN. and hurried away with him through the dew &c., for family nso, at Popular Prices. His stock lowered into the water in front of the "See," said XJrant quietly, "I have ordered $1,330,970.54 being a decrease of $110,185,- a ia at all times lresh and good, and will stand com­ Mr. Frothingham, the .well-known jour­ f .,/ fi': ; $ I Z>y outfit tree .Address True&Co.AugustaMe the bale. It wa3 8 o'clock when wo left the tising than the men in any other country. on the child's rongh one.' /'

at 7:30 p. m., at the residence of the bride's Appointed Cashier. All quiet on the Kennebec! •.Legislative Correspondence. . Bccent Discoveries. TjauTOEJliIENT OF • body, and while showing the mellowing in­ The discoveries and inventi3 indignant because the "rebel brigadiers" had the other hand, as resolutely swear that the of Norwalk will. be held at the office of the S, ' 1 roubles. rolicies irt lorce 1, is;!), i)1.8i!S i.423 &!9a,7so,sr>7 caused by lightning. C ftisks Asenmcd, 12,210 33,391,554 ltteka Terminated, 8,615g|ci5 30,408,002 about 400 persons present, all of whom evi­ now is the time to advertise the fact. their ears and heels aloft in air like mules in whole scheme was concocted by the managers NORWALK GAZETTE, on Friday, February 6, A little at night will glvo dently enjoyed the occasion immensely. It The Life Insurance Companies petition for yonr child a Safe and Quiet Best, yet there is no 101,038 S3-20,ll)S,KG9 104,033 the oat patch, and now the people are mut­ who are so determindly grooming Tilden for at 7:30 o'clock, p. m. All parties interested S329,168,8G'J was intended to have the invitations sent to The annual meeting of the stockholders of a reduction of taxes. Oj;lum In^lt.100,000 Bottles Sold. Br. REVENUE ACCOUNT. tering aloud because thus far Ibis has been the next presidential race. in growth and welfare of the business of- the Cr. every member of the parish and the com- the Lock Company will be held to-morrow. DIVORCE LAWS. Phvaicians have provedit; in factit was gotten np by one of the tamest and most stupid session, of INDIAN AFFAIRS. Borough, are cordially invited to be present a Regular Physician. It will not fail yon in that trouble, To Balance from lust account, Ssl,17-i.07.fi 42 By paid Death and EndowmentsClaims mittee'hope that every one received them. The laxity of the Connecticut State laws Cronp. «o fatal generally to children. Sold by Drng- '- Premiums received, I-VH7.B8! 72 (matured and discounted,) $7,007,195 25 . Congress ever convened.- But we opine that The-"higher plane of civil service reform"' and take part.in the organization of a Board gt,ta. C. B.KINGSLEY, Northampton,Solel'rop^etor. " Interest, and Rents, 4,!)12,211 70 for divorce is attracting attention. President " Annmtiee, 25,0SD"7s the expectations of the country that they which was reachcd in the administration of After a delightful social evening the large of Trade. The committee appointed at a In Norwich the grand jury refused to in­ " Dividends, 3,427,47!) 00 1 company present were bountifully entretain- dict Riddle on a charge of poisoning his wife. Woolsey,- Prof. Wayland, of Yale, Rev. " Surrendered Policiesand Acldi- will "show themselves '.will be fully satis­ the Indian Bureau of the Interior Depart - previous meeting will make their report. V,0U3 . • „ , 3,S55,SCO 45 fied and justified before adjournment. Up ed in the dining room with refreshments Per order of COMMITTEE. Leonard W. Bacon, of Norwich, appeared MARRIED. " Commissions (payment of cur- ment, came to about -as tragic and farcical an before Committee Of Judiciary urging more ' rent and extinguishment of to date subjects of openly political character end as did the Maine fiasco. But Secretary furnished by the ladies of the society, served Rev. Mr. Hayden was released on bail, in future,) «G8,S42 74 under the superintendence bf caterer Mead. stringent laws. Out of 401 divorces granted The 29th inst.,by the Kev. J. A. Hamilton, at " Contingent Guarantee Account, 302,DCS 03 have been avoided, but the storm is only Schultz is entitled to the credit of at once G. A. R. the sum of $5,000, last week Monday after­ " Taxes and Assessments 350,324 26 in Connecticut in 1879, 8 out of 10 were un­ the residence ol Stephen 13. Crist /UlPJacc,Brook- gathering volume and strength and is sure to dissmissing his unfaithful Commissioner the To show how bountifully the ladies provided All the soldiers or sailors of the late war, noon. lyn, N.Y., Mr. James Jt. Matthews, ot New " Expenses, 700,923 00 •» if » contested. Illinois is the next worse state "ork, to Miss Harriet J.«yinKton,ol'Horwalk. By Balance to new account, 85,705,515 (i„ come before the "show is out." •moment the first evidence of guilt was made we would simply mention the fact' that now residents of Norwalk, who may be O desirous of forming a Post of the Grand Now get your .valentine machine -in run­ and people go to whichever of these two In Bridgeport. Jan. 80th, C. Howard Hall to S101,S04,1GD 84 « 5101,804.169 S'1 cfcNSUS SUPERVISORS. manifest. The Republican party can afford twenty-five loaves of cake remained uncut. Miss Linnie K. Clark. The Rev. Mr. Selleck had just cause to feci Army of the Republic, at Norwalk Bridge, ning order. Cupid-ity has full sway this states they happen to live nearest when seek­ In Bridgeport, Jan. 29th, James F. Crudginton. Already the mutterings are loud and deep to and does expose and decapitate its unfaith­ are requested to meet with the following Dr. BALANCE SHEET. Cr. that bis people were in sympathy with him, month. ing divorce, of West Stratford, to Miss-Mary S. Washburn. because there are a few more Republican comrades at the GAZETTE OFFICE,on Wednes­ • »— ful servants. The whole history of demo- • SAVINGS BANK INVESTMENTS. In Stratford, Jan. 27th, Thomas A. Jewell, of To Reserve at four per cent, SSI,210.134 00 By Bonds Scoured by Mortgages on than Democratic nominees for census officers crtic administration shows every effort at in his pastoral duties, and appreciate his day evening, 4th inst. The St. James T. A. B. Society will hold Dobbs Ferry, N. Y.,and Miss Laura A. Whiting " Claims by death not yet due, <> L"®ola claims that as the Democratic Senate has the Friday evening last, which was attended and particulars address W. S. WALliEU, WestoD, Ct. e Sonnenberg, do., and from West Haven Bo- Army of the Republic, and many reasons can senger rates aboulf 17 per cent. Good. Now it not easy to obtain good places. Several For F. W. MITCHELL, Beal E3tate Broker, Nor­ shall be in force at their anniversaries in 1880. awarded to such as powers of rejection as well as confirmation enjoyed by a large circle of friends. Good 3t 5 cemsdes, G. W. with all the following aliases: be advanced why they should do so. The highly amusing dramatic sketches were ren­ walk, Conn. P 4 he is justified in thus aiding the political proficiency was shown in the different de­ what road will follow the lead. The rates lor lire insurance in this Company were rcihtced in 1678. Bocemsdes & Co., Franklin Brothers, Frank­ call is signed by men who unflinchingly took . •» .«•— • dered in a pleasing.manner by members of party in our State with which he is allied, partments, especially in the editorial portion NEW YOEK, January 22(1,18S0. lin Printing Co., Ray & Sons, Ray Brothers, their part in the late war; men noble and Lent commences next week Wednesday. the Temple. Vocal and instrumentpl music For Sale. and his action is justified and encouraged by Ray Printing Co.," Ray Publishing Co., Miss of the school paper, and notably in several GOOD SECOND-HAND TO# WAGON, suit­ true, and this in itself bespeaks success for It comes so early, and the winter has been so filled out the programme, and the audience able lor grocers, or general dealers, for sale SOARS OF TSCSTEESi his political associates in the Senate. The of the selections of readings. These exbibf- Ella Ray, E. Ray, Nellie Williams, and West the new Norwplk Post. Old soldiers and mild, that it seems unseasonable. retired with happiness depicted upon their cheapA for cash, or will exchange for groceries. Senator is quoted as being rather more desir­ Haven Publishing Co. Then comes John tions are to be given at frequent intervals,we II. TILLY. FREDERICK S. WINSTON, JOHN E. DEVLIN, F. RATCIIFORD STARR, sailors, "fall in line" next Wednesday even­ faces. ROBERT H. MCCURDY, • MARTIN BATES, ous for the withdrawal of Mr. Disbrow than Dayton, New Haven, alias R. Field & Co., understand, and cannot fail to be of great FREDERICK H. COSSITT, ing; relight again the old camp fires and The Pioneer Minstrels make their first bow WILLIAM BETTS, LL. D., WILLIAM A. HAINES, LEWIS MAY, Mr. Stone, because he deems Mr. D. the Montowese, Ct. The gteat majority of thesn benefit to the pupils. Dividend Notice. SAMUEL E. SPKOULLS, SAMUEL L. HUSTED, endeavor to keep alive the love of liberty and before a Danbury audience this evening. Scribner's Monthly, for February, has quite OLIVER HARRIMAJ,-, more active and zealous Republican of the swindlers have New York, of course, for along criticism on Prof. Johnston's new book IIE Directors of the Norwalk Fire Insurance SAMUEL M. CORNELL, OLIVER H. PALMER, THOMAS DICKSON, The Norwalk Temperance Reform Asso­ patriotism in our midst. The^iope to please a large audience. Company have dfeclarcd a semi-annnal Div­ HENRY E. DA VIES, tw0._Yet practically he concedes lie— Tidend of 4 per cent, payable on and after Febru- LUCIUS ROBINSON, HENRY W. SMITH, their headquarter though Massachusets falls which it highly commends. WILLIAM SMITH BROWN, BICHARD A. MCCURDY, "Could be happy with either, only a little behind. The amounts of money ciation has now established itself so firmly, ary 2d, 1880. JOHN H. SHERWOOD, Were'tother dear charmer away." Accepted. Whatever the first may have been the sec­ It5 GEO. B. COWLES, Secretary. WILLIAM H. POPIIAM, JAMES G. HOLDEN, GEORGE H. ANDREWS, drawn from the credulous is enormous and that its prospects for permanency, and for SAMUEL D. BABCOCK, HERMANN C. VON POST, ^ And a Democrat given one of the positions. At a meeting of St. Paul's Parish, yester­ ond meeting of the Maine Fusion Legislature On Wednesday.evening, Jan.23, the mem­ ROBERT .OLIFHANT, surpasses uninformed belief. As a sample* accomplishing the designs Jits organization HENRY A. SMYTHE, GEORGE O. RICHARDSON, GEORGE F. BAKER, In this demand he deems himself fully jus­ —if held—will be an August assembly. bers and friends of the Methodist Protestant from the books captured by Anthony Com- seem very promising. With an earnest work­ day afternoon, the Rev. C. M. Selleck for­ WILLIAM E. DODGE, ALEXANDER H. RICE, JOSEPH THOMPSON, tified by the recent action of our Republican mally accepted the call to become Rector of Church, Silver Mine, paid Hheir pastor, Rev. GEORGE S. COE, WILLIAM F. BABCOCK, BEN.T. B. SHERMAN. stock, Special Agent of the P. O. Department, ing membership of 200, many of whom are Governor, who has set him so conspicuous T. S. Dibble, a donation visit. The proceeds from Lawrence & Co., of New York the fol­ men heretofore known in our community as the Parish. It is understood that while the The Sentinel gives currency to the rumor A. H. t'AMP, Agent, Norwalk, Coma. an example of how to make our Connecticut of the evening amounted in all to $83 dol­ MUSIC HALL, SO. NORWALK. lowing sums are shown to have been received drinking men, and with such a staff of officers position would gratify every wish of his that Mrs. E. A. Woodward has just inherited administrative Boards non partisan. lars. To such and his special friends- in ONE NIGHT ONLY ' OSE daily, during the first eleven days of October as those recently elected, -the Association heart, it was accepted with great reluctance $50,000 by the will of a deceased aunt. The Washington Sunday Herald, the most Norwalk and New Canaan, by whom he was Sale of Real Estate. last— must go on to success, if properly encouraged and only upon the earnest solicitations of Saturday Eve., Feb. 7th, '80. Notice. reliable organ of the Democracy published presented a nice purse (pr F. L. Aiken,) he Oct. 7 $1,168 50 by the business men of the Borough. They leading officers of the church, owing to the * At the stock-holders meeting of the Louns- Engagement of the Popular Actor, Mil, HE subscriber will sell at Public Auction on OFFICE OF NORWALK LOCK CO.,) Oct. 1 $835 54 would return his many thanks. T the premises (unless sooner disposed ot at UTI1 here, in the spirit of the same missionary " 2 • 986 50 " 8 1,047 00 have a well located and comfortable Reading peculiar circumstances surrounding him and bury & Bissell Company last we&k, there was private sale,) on the tfith day of February, 1880, at „„S° NOR-VVALK, CT.. Jan. 23,1880. \ two o'clock in ihe afternoon, the premises locat­ Annual Meeting of Stockholders will be and millennial endeavor, is prodding its " 3....;. 1,183 63 " 9...... 1,179 00 Room and Library, in Quintard'sBlock, fitted familiar to all. That his acceptance will give no change made in officers or directors. OLIVER DOUD BYRON, X hcUl at the Company's office, Feb»4th at 2 The House Friday morning appointed a ed on Cross street, in the Borough of Norwalk, friends in Congress because, having the " 4...... 503 50 "10 3,337 00 up with tables and chairs, well warmed and general satisfaction is evident, and that his The Charming Artiste lately occupied by Mary Slulcahy, deceased. Said IS. BEAltD, Secretary. « 6 1,67171 "11 720 00 committee to examine and report on a site premises are about 103 feet front on highway and power, they do not abolish the office of Pub­ lighted, where may be found any evening, a pastorate may be truly successful will be the John O. Page, of Sherman, is the Repub­ And the following are the receipts for the for an asylum for the'insane poor of the about .150 leet in depth, and contains two dwell­ lic Printer, so that such a reorganization of large number of men reading dnd playing in­ prayer of every Christian heart. lican candidate for County Commissioner to State. The Speaker designated Messrs. * MISS KATE BYRON, ing houses. Said sale is made under au order of Notice. months named, in last year- and aTomoany of ' the Superior Court. . that vast establishment may be secured as nocent games, who formerly spent their even­ succeed J. W. Rockwell, whose term expires. Colyer of Darien, DeForest of Middlebury, 2t5 SILAS P. XUTTLE, Committee. Speci.il Meeting of the Stockholders and March $20,985 August .$&,000 and Preston of Tolland, as members of the A Board ol Directors of the Danbury & Nor- will give all its patronage to the hungry ings in the saloons. A Business meeting is PERSONAL. walkJRailroad Company, to arrange lor Bonds April 18,000 September 27,000 cotpmittce. They will examine sites in their O IRKNT.—From April 1, a desirable house eoming due, and snch other business as may come Democrats. This is the style of entreaty, May 22,000 October 20,000 held each Monday Evening and a Prayer and Now that the excitement in Maine is sub­ respective sections of the state, and report 40 ARTISTS 40 on Main Street, containing ten rooms, with before the meeting, will beheld at the Piesidcnt's adopted in its last issue towards those mem­ June 18,000 November. 18,000 Mr. John E. Adams will return to Middle- immediately to the House on what condition In the Play called Tbarn and garden. Apply atQUINTAKD'5 FUR­ Office, 52 Broadway, New York.Tuesday, Febru­ Experience Meeting every Friday Evening. siding and that great state cooling off the NITURE KOOMS. 5tf ary I7th, at 10 o'clock, a. m. Per Older. bers of its party who are suspected of having July 27,000 December not given. These last are open to all and well-attended town, New York. desirable property can be obtained — Hart­ 3 _ , II- WILLIAMS, Secretary. prospect of an ice crop is somewhat im­ ford Times. sold themselves to Mr. Defrees for some few These enormous sums were received by Mr. Geo. Hyatt, brother of Warden Hyatt "T. pa|.4. —Several good Tenements and Danbury, Jan.Sfith, 1SS0, 3t~> by ladies as well as gentlemen, who are deep proved. -» .«>-» a I Vj l\ v»l I L. Houses, and good Store on Main places doled out to their "strikers." "Stri­ one firm only in answer to advertisements has been visiting his relatives in town. & ly interested in listening to the experiences of Last Wednesday, A. N. Filiow, of Branch- street. S. E. OLMSTEAD. kers" is good, but "to cheat the Hemocrcy and circulars inviting deposits for ordinary men who have been saved: from the -conse­ The venerable Mrs. John B. Starr, will be The Ladies' Own Sociable season closes ville, sold to Messrs. Smith proprietors of Embracing the services of Lost. out of this opportunity" is a crime that can and professedly upright stock investments to quences of drink, and some who have gone 83 years of age on the 24th of the present next Monday evening, when the three act the Union Porcelain works, of Greenpoint, . TWO DISTINCT COMPANIES. N Engineer's NoteBook. The finder will be be made by said firm of Lawrence & Co. It L. I., about three acres of land, including A suitably rewarded by leaving the same at never, no "never, be condoned." The now further and speak of salvation from sin. The month. Costume Comedy "David Garrick," will be GAZETTE OFFICE or with the lot where he has been quarrying, jout POPULAR PRICES. r partisan character of modern Democracy, is hardly necessary to state, the report goes Association have not adopted any system of Mr. Adolphus Messenger'arrived in town presented. £ V, JI B. RIDEK,Civil Engineer. specimens of minerals—feldspar, quartz,etc. Reserved Scats can be secured at Hoyt'9 and Crockery! Crockery!! Norwalk, Jan, 33th, lStfO. whenever it captures power or places under on to say, that "none of these firms ever dues, and thus, far have paid the expenses last week from the wild? of Idaho and Wash­ The quaTtz and feldspar prove to be of a Spencer's. the Government, is so conspicuous that the spent one dollar in stock buying." Comstock Oliver Hoyt, of Stamford, has given $15,- Now is the time to buy your CROCKERY, from the voluntary contributions of friends ington Territory where he has spent se#ral superior quality and appear to be in great before it is advanced,Manufacturers have ISTRICT OP NORWALK, ss. Probate Court, following excerpt from the Herald is truly is summoned to appear before the House of the cause. They feel that an otganization years. . 000 to Wesleyan University of Middletown abundance. It is said that they will com­ D January 29th, A. D. 1880. mence operations soon, and employ quite a already advanced prices. Beautiful Estate of WILKEY W. BATTEKSON, late of refreshing and even affecting: Committee on P. O. and P. O. Roads, to give so evidently designed to benefit the public at We are glad to learn that Dr. Hill, of in addition to the $25,000 which he gave COitBUSIER'S DANCING ACADEMY, Decorated Sets, very CHEAP at Wilton, in said District, deceased. sometime ago. number of men. —AT— OEDJEEED—That tho Administrators exhibit Mr. Defrees understands the use of the further information on the subject of the large ought to be supported cheerfully and South Norwalk, is recovering from his ill­ their Administration account to this court for immense patronage at his disposal, and by NORWALK OPERA HOUSE, swindlers. The repoit just sent to Congress liberally by the friends of temperance, hu­ ness. The Dr. has many friends in the city A young man in Bozrah, in this state, is adjustment, at the Probate Office in Norwalk, ,riving to certain Democratic members a The Ladies' Union, temperance meeting —WILL OPEN- on the 13th day ot February, 1S80, at 9 o'clock, number of appointments, Ue hopes thereby to is mainly the work of Mr. A. H. Bissell, the manity and religion. Money is now needed and surrounding country.* said to have owed his death to the pleasantry l'uronoon; and that all persons interested in last Sunday was held at Lockwood's Hall of a companion who pulled away a chair that Monday, January 26th, 'SU said Estate may lie notified thereof, the said keep himself in place. What a - sarcastic efficient law clerk of P. O. Department. to pay rent and other expenses to April 1st The Rev. S. B. S. Bissell officiated at the Administrators will cause thi3 order to be pub­ commentary on those Democratic members The House Committee on Post Offices and under the general auspices of the First Con­ he was about to sit in. He fell to the floor All the latett Dances taught as soen as issued by lished in a newspaper printed in Fairfield and any contributions will be thankfully re­ funeral of Deacon Crosmon's wife, in Wes the Society of Toilet Sets, who, aspiring to national importance in Con- gregational church. and injured his spine so as to cause death. County, and post a copy thereof on the sign-post Post Roads will also invite Gen. Beauregard ceived by either of the soliciting committee, ton on Sunday last. In spite of the cold Out in Chicago a week ago or more a very Teacliers of Dancing, of N. Y. insaid Wilton,nearest the place where the de­ &res3» arc yet so weak in their districts ana them and give evidence on ceased last dwelt, at least ten days before said venal in mind that, to have » few of their to come before Wm. J. Finney, Floyd T. Ruscoe (at Selleck weather there was a large attendance. facetious fellow decided to play a joke on a National Guard Quadrille, Redowa Glissade, 13th day of February, I860. the lottery question, at an early date. Jennie Smith and Covert D. Bennett, ac­ friend and pretended to be a burglar. Ac­ Polka Bohemian, ing on that a large at Thursday evening and made a fraternal visit Article 2d.—The capital stock of said Corpora­ Bill for the appointment of a competent com­ that he may prove all the unpleasant things the Company will control the telephone ONE DOLI^E to be GIVEN AWAY, at G-O TO tendance was hardly expected. The ladies to the New Canaan divisiorf,. where they met tion shall be $20,000, and the said capital stock mission, for the revision of our Tariff Laws, he has written about him. It is thus early business in this district, and that Stamford, I. A. MEEKER & Co's. shall be divided into 800 shares ot twenty-five however were fortunate enough tfrclear about representatives from several other divisions, dollars each share. and to report the same to Congress. The predict^ that before the quill driver is half Darien and Norwalk will be put in telephonic Article 3d.—The purpose for which said Corpo­ # Goblets, &c. Senator has received over one hundred letters through, the hero of the triumphal march communication, as also eventually New Ca­ $100, and thus I}ad the satisfaction of feeling New Haven Pies, Demmon & Newcomb, 18c. ration is formed is the lollowing," to wit:— W. H. SWORDS'' To build, equip aud opurate one or more lines approving his practical and common sense through the Confederacy to the sea, will naan and Westport. that the work had not been in vain Sawyer, the would-be Secretary of State, for the transmission of messages by Telephone wish he had not been born. When will pub­ of Maine, caved when he found the Sheriff ONE DOLLAR to be GIVEN AWAY, at instruments, or otherwise, within the towns of measure. The House Ways and Means Com­ Stamlord. Norwalk, Greenwich and Darien and LAMPS! For Your Custom Made I. A. MEEKER & Co's. mittee has substantialy agreed to let parties lic men, who are seldom perfect 4bd never in­ The Ladies' Missionary meeting held in Convict Labor. had a writ for his arrest, and delivered up also'in any Other contiguous territory as may hereafter be determined by the stockholders in Never so cheap before. Special bargains to suffering from the inequalities and stupid­ vulnerable, learn not to travel out of their East Bridgeport, on Wednesday, was one of We gave in our last a brief summary of the all documents.^He says he does not want New Haven Pies, Demmon & Newccmb, 18c. said Corporation, to procure ahy instruments or unusual interest to those present. Addresses to be a martyr. Thus ends the first dastardly apparatus needed for this purpose including the all CASH buyers. Also a fine assortment of ities of existing revenue laws, try their own way to get up a quarrel with a newspaper Report of the special commission on the liQtilegc or license ot using the same it patented, chances for getting through measures of re­ scribe. They should recall the fate of the were made by Mrs. D Scbauffler, who was subject of convict labor. The full Report attempt to steal the electoral vote of a'North­ ONE DOLLAR to be GIVEN AWAY,#at to provide one or more offices or exchanges for the reception and transmission of messages by STOYES, RANGES, HEAT­ •• —AND— lief. Judge Phelps has undertaken to secure elephant made roaring mad by "a flea in bis the first lady missionary seat to teach the embracing 42 pages will soon be ifesued. The ern state. I. A. MEEKER & Co's. Telephone or otherwise andtorthe purpose of at- an alteration of the existiflg traiff on straw- ear." women of Turkey, just fifty years ago, commissioners seem tq,have thoroughly in­ tenthng to any business or commission lor tho ERS and FURNACES. U. S. PENSION SURGEON. A Free Acknowledgment. • users ot the lines or irstruments owned or con­ braid9 which so far discriminates against the Miss Brittian from India, Mrs. De Hus, who vestigated the subject from beginning to end, The pile driver and mud digger were both I hereby certify that I habitually use Dr. trolled by the Corporation which it may beseem­ Business Suits. Dr. James G. Gregory, of Nor walk, has at work last week, near the bridge. Piles ed expedient to do, and to buy, sell, own and deal Work clone by Competent Workmen, in best American mechanic as to permit the impor­ is soon to return to her field of labor in C0r- -and their report is entitled to thoughtful Kennedy's "Favorite Remedy" in my family in any real or personal property necessary or con­ manner, cheap. « tation of the sewed hats at a rate below that just been commissioned as U. S, examining isco, Africa, and Mrs. Scott, who has been consideration. They devoted much time to have been driven on the east side of the har­ in all those cases in which a domestic medi­ venient for the prosecution ot said business and / Surgeon for pensions'and to him must go all cine is needed, and that it has never yet fail­ generally to do all things incidental to said busi­ at which the braids are admitted. This if teaching among the poor whites in North the investigations of the true state of affairs bor, apd dock logs laid, on the new line. ness and to the proper management thereof. ROFING, GUTTERS, SMOKE •NEEBMAM'S MUSICAL applicants for invalid pensions, in - and about New docks are being constructed, and when ed to accomplish* the purpose's desired. We Article 4th.—The Statute Laws of the State of carried will be a measure of important relief Carolina. Reports from various organiza­ in this State, and conferred freely with simi­ look upon it as au anchor to windward that Connecticut relating to joint stock coiporations JACKS, &c. to our Nor walk and the Milford Straw Hat the vicinity of Norwalk. tions were encouraging. A handsome colla­ lar commissio'ns from other states, in their they are completed the improvement will be is sure to hold in every instance mentioned are hereby particularly referred to and made part Call at once for Bargains at of these Articles, and the Corporation hereby or­ CABINET Factories which are the largest in America. A NOTED BOOK. tion was served in the church parlors. The honest efforts to do justice to all parties. apparent to all. on the Doctor's bill of particulars. I make ganized and established under and pursuant to The Capital is just now agog concerning a attendance was quite large, and the occasion this acknowledgment freely, in hope of doing said Statute laws shall have tho power, and Is thelGreatest Musical Wonder ol the Age. CaU The past week, the Judge has almost been They have come to the"conclusion that the good to others, feeling that a medicine which proceed according to the regulations described '.'Bij and examine it. For sale at smothered in sugar, the cohorts of that large book recently issued by Fords, Howard & an enjoyable one. ^Norwalk was well repre­ contract system, if properly carried out, is It is evident the lots laid out by the Berkeley and specified therein. » JAQUI'S, is near at hand, ^M1 to be implicitly trusted, Article 5th.—Each subscriber to theso articles trade from,New Haven, New York and other Hurlburt, 27 Park Row, New York, with the sented. not the cause of the evils complained of, but Divinity School on the new road running is worth more than it costs. agrees to take the number of shares annexed to cities being down upon his Committee "like unique title of " A Fool's Errand, by One of that the key note to the correction of the from West avenue, will be in good demand. 2t5 Rev. G. <3. ESRAY. his name of the capital stock of said Corporation, . At a meeting- of the corporators of the Formerly Associate Editor Rondout Freeman each share to be twenty-five dollars, as aforesaid 48 WAll STREDT.-SoiwalS, Conn. Spencer's a wolf upon the fold.'' the Fools." It is predicted for it that it will evils is really in diversifying the work and Town Clerk Henry K. Selleck has purchased and to be paid for by installments as the clirectcrs have a run in this country at least equal to Fairfield County Savings Bank, held on one of the lots facing on the new street and shall call in thd same. • • PATENTS. preventing the concentration of such labor We CanU Talk Article 6th.—Thesaid corporation is establish­ Notice. JewelryQStore," vn? Mrs: Stowe's Uncle Tom's Cabin. Hundreds Wednesday last, 28th inst., the following proposes to erect a dwelling thereon next ed and located in the town of Stamford, County An able argument was made before the on any one trade. By this plan the hatters Without showing the condition of our teeth. ol Fairfield, aud State of Connecticut. OU can have your Cess Pools promptly clean­ of applicants are on file for the two copies in named gentlemen were clected Directors:— Every laugh exposes them. In order not to ed anil Night Soil removed on application House Committee on Patents, Friday, in be­ and others who have worked so bard to Spring for his own occupancy. Dated at Stamford, this 17tli day of January, Y 3|Maiii St;,§NorwalkJCoii]i. the Congressional Library and few there be W. S. Moody. Martin S. Craw, Joseph W. be ashamed of them let us use that standard 1880. Attest: to NELSON TUTTLB. half of the extention of the Gill Hat Body abolish convict labor, really succeeded better dentifrice, SOZODONT, which is sure to G. E. SCOFIELD, Secretary. 14p South Norwalk. Conn. fortunate enough to get at either copy, while Hubbell, A. II. Camp, Edward Merrill, El­ The public Masquerade Ball given at the Forming Machine. The Committee were bert Curtis,* Edward H. Nash, Sherman than they had reason to expect, for with keep them white and spotless. No tartar the book venders declare their inability to get Opera House, last Wednesday evening, by can encrust them, no canker affect the enam­ not convinced however, that the public had Morehouse, Chas. H. Street. Officers were prison labor divided there can be but slight, sufficient copies from the publishers to half Messrs. Stanley and Martin, was the most el, no species of decay infest the dental bone, not already paid a sufficient remuneration, subsequently elected as follows:—Winfield if any, reasonable cause for complaint. The meet the demand. It is a review of the late successful affair of the kind ever held in if SOZOIK)NT is regularly used. It is a bo­ even though the inventor himself, may have Danbury Nsws, having been favored with tanical preparation, and its beneficial offects great conflict, the reconstruction measures of - S. Moody, President; Martin S. Craw, Vice failed to realize all that he should, and there­ an advance copy of the Report, gives the town. The floor was occupied exclusively on the teeth and gum's are marvelous, as it Congress, the state of feeling and society at President; Lester S. Cole, Secretary and fore voted down the petition. following brief summary :— by the raasqueraders who numbered about removes all discolorations, and renders the the South, written with masterly skill and Treasurer. seventy-live, while the. Balcony was filled gums hard and rosy. 4t5 EULOGIES. Propositions adopted in joint convention by ability and in portions with a vein'of polish­ the Convict Labor Commissions-of Massachu­ with spectators. The affair was as orderly -The eulogies delivered on the life and The Fair and Supper at Music Hall, last Stop that Coucli. ed irony approaching the genius of Junius. setts, New Jersey and Connecticut. as ordinary dances,and the participants were character of Zachariah Chandler, were excep­ Wednesday and Thursday evenings was an 1. The general purpose of incaroeration is Some people say. "I have got a'bad cough." The book is one of the "best hits" of mod­ merry and happy while miicli amusement tionally heartfelt and eloquent. Senator affair specially noticeable on account of the the protection of society by the prevention of "That may be. but if you don't stop that ern authorship and will no doubt result in a was furnished the spectators. Cough the time will come i\he;i you will Chandler was of the open, frank and resolute unusually large attendance and the almost (in crime, and in carrying out this purpose the rich pecuniary harvest to publishers, and Norwalk) unheard of large amount raised. reformation of the prisoner shoujd ,(>e kept wish you had. If you have Weak fjungs, a character, always as ready to receive as to author. , constantly in view. Across Ilie Continent. Couuh or Consumption in its mild form, or give stalwart blows, that even those most .PERSONALS. The first evening.it is claimed that eight hun­ 2. Partizan politics 6hould be absolutely Asthma, ;?o at once and bny a bottle of Dr, the subject of his assaults, could not but pay dred tickets were sold-at the door, and more excluded from' tbs management of penal and iVfter an absence of several years Oliver German's Cough and Consumption Cure; Benjamin Davenport, Esq., a native of than eleven hundred on the second evening. reformatory institutions. Doud Byron, tlie dashing- young actor, will aud if, after taking two thirds of the bot him the homage of ft certain kind of respect Willon, but now a rising young lawyer of The admission was 10 cents. A leading fea - 3. The welfare of the State and prisoner again visit Norwalk in his sensationa1 drama tie you receive no benefit, please return the and reverence. The speeshes of Senators both demand that he should be employed in bottle and get your iaoney,as .we sell no lure, pronounced ability, and who has for the past ture Was a rivalry between the female employ­ "Across the ContiLeat," which has gained Anthony, Blaine, Bayard and Logan, were three years been connected with perhaps the productive labor. no pay. Slolliers give it to your children— especially fine and faithful portrayals ef the ees of-different shops in the display and sale 4. The right of the State to make its pris­ much popularity. A New York paper says : no morphine or opium. Price, 50 oeuts and foremost native law firm here, was assigned $1. Cut this. out. Agent for Norwalk, marked characteristics of the dead patriot of articles usually provided for such enter­ ons self supporting should be conceded ; but "This play is no fiction but an o'er t rue by Judge Carter, the other day in open court tainments. The entire net amount realized it should not expect to make a profit out of tale, a part of which occurred in New York Chas. S. Prowitt. Sm-li! and statesman. It was remarked that of all to defend a man then on his trial for bur­ the labor of its criminals at the cxpenseof on the night of the Great F;iv, 1857, when is said to be over $800, .The association is Ten years ago Gcnvial Wulki r.tlicti as IIOA" the democrats who had served with him in glar}'. Young Davenport knew nothing of their reformation, or to the injury cf its in- one of our young merchant', after a the Senate and in the closer companionship now well provided for and if this money is duNtrinl interests. champagne supper, wended his way in the in charge of tiic Nalir woia:tn dying in the snow. He ditft-rcut St-it.L'8. Hu! M i!»it ii>iif the sinxt - ard rose to say a word in praise of their dead dustry of the nation is insignificant, but its bore her to her home where, soon after, she loss idea of non-partisan civil service reform all from the District Attorney in his conduct sistance again in years. ~ associate. But Senator Bayard • is always a of the prosecution. When the side of the concentration upon a very few branches of expired, but first leaving in her benefactor's liwl no; lieen evolved It was i !m:i believed STKM HEflj gentleman, however earnest in his partizan industry mny be seriously injurious to the C ire her twin < Si-pring, a g rl und boy,| who that Republicans ociikl lie found capable ut Government was through, it looked pretty Notwithstanding the depressed state of the performiuyj.thnt duty in nil (:n ilml luii.-f more marked, as there, every democrat was determined to justify the eonfidence the Judge Insurance Company has during 1879 earned vict labor'should be distributed as widely and New Y"rk." has entailed upon tho Presi.ienl and Oei.eiai dumb. Yet never was there a grander chance* equally as possible. YV. more troiitdc than lias evn- lk l'oiv ueei:i'. had thus placed in his legal skill and ability, and made its usual dividends and added a for any of magnanimous mind, to eulogize a ' 7. The injury to any branch of industry red over this matter in the history of the and so "threw himself into the case" with snug little sum to its net surplus. Its condi from prison lab'T may be reduced to very Wide Awake for February has an interest­ Government.— Was'iingtii Republican dead foe. Mr Bayard clearly exemplified all his energy. It was a jury case and tion is rcffily seen in the fact that it has small proportions by the greatest practicable ing hi.iiorical iucideut in the lifo- of Q ieen this in his faithful portrayal of the character­ in less thaaan hour Davenport had a verdict $1.00 of assets to each $17.30 at risk^a diversity of employments in the prison. Chnrloite, An excellent slory, "Granny The lakes commerce of the United S ales istics of the departed, when he said 8. The proper diversity of employment in is generally undere.at a question. He would not, therefore, speak expected success, but remarked that "he had most of them having from $40 to $120 at industry. Such' limitation should be adequate a story that will delight little gills, "Silver on tile lakes. During tho last fe;»>on "f lake to secure the industrial interests of the coun­ navigation—from M iv 1st to Xov. niin i' 30ih of nis political opinions and meth^, or of never before seen a unanimous verdict won risk for each dollar of assets. Bonbright and Iyer Rubber Baby." "L. J. questions on which he always differed with try from serious injury, and to afford the —Chicago hail, more th.in twicu as many by so ingenious a mystification of both the convict u reasonable certainty of employ­ L." an after Cai'istinas story worth think­ clearances ami arrivals a.-> No-v i'.'i'k, arid the late'Senator. There were traits and qual­ law and the evidence." The worst part of it BIRTHDAY PARTY.—Miss Katie Randle, el­ ing HIKIII', ij "What Jennie did. with her ities in Mr. Chandler, however, that all men ment upon his release. m >ie timn live limes a« many a* Boston. mWhi dwell upon with admiration and re- is, the rascal was undoubtedly guilty and de­ dest daughter of Henry C. Randle, celebrated 9. Where the "Contract System" prevails CurUtuias Present.". "The j^veled Touib." The tonnage of the vessels arriving at and =nne Economy in use of Fuel, Thorough and Perfect Ventilation Census Bureau. numbered sixty members, and marched to thing John Sherman lacks is "personal mag­ of it. OLDEST MEMBER. The building is to be finished in thirty work­ Poems, Pictures, Music and Tangles com­ netism," And yet he could better spare that Miss Clark, of Bridgeport, has arrived in Five Mile River where the -interment took and Warming, and Ease and Safety of Operation. Estimates Col Waitcis frequently denominated the ing days, and sooner if possible. The plans plete an excellent number. Subscribe now than some of the qualities he has.— Hartford town to pay a visit to Mrs. Haines, wife of place. The officers and members showed "Father of the House," by way of preemi­ are for a building 100x37 feet, three stories if you would like a good magazine for your Post. Gem Haines, of the army. great interest in their unfortunate ^comrade, made and plans furnished on application in any part of the nence and distinction. If hale and hearty high, of wood, the location being at the cor­ children. Only $2.00 a year. Ella Farman, The Consolidated railroad company em­ Friend W. Smith, Esq., of Bridgeport, is furnishing watchers during his sickness and ner of Water and Elizabeth streets. editor. D. Lothrop & Co., publishers, Bos­ ploys 2,200 men, pays about $100,000 a personal appearance and physical activities, providing for the expenses of the funeral, month for salaries, and pays $75,000, a as well as mental power and alertness were to also here. ~ ton, Mass. month on an average for material needed on United States or Canada, by the Manufacturers, Thomas Clark, Esq., of North Stonington, and arc now trying to do something for the Concord Division, S. of T., Is expecting a determine this badge of maturity, we imagine the road. stopped over on his return from New Orleans relief of the widow. visit from Friendship Division of New Ca­ a good many grey-beards in that body would A deceiving age—Sausage. This state is divided into two census dis­ to Connecticut, and reports having luxuriated naan, on Friday evening next. lie fairly accused of having "dated themselves Edison is perfecting an electric shirt bosom tricts, Fairfield, Litchfield and New Haven on strawberries, before he left Louisiana, The rumors that ground has been broken The Division intends, on an early day, to pin for the cheap hotel clerk. counties constituting the first, and Hartford, back" a little in their biographical records. which were ripened out doors. in innumerable places for the Parallel Rail­ extend an invitation to the Reform Club to "My wedding trip," said the groom as he Middlesex, New London, Tolland and Wind­ S. E. 0LMSTEAD & Co., Col. Waite is one of the most active, as well ham the second. Cards arc out for the marriage of Mr. road are doubtless premature although visit them. stumbled over the bride's train. as robust, men in the House, in both mind At the annual meeting in New York of the Grenville A. Whitaker, of the firm of E. M. Herald-ed by New York papers. As a gen­ . : » It is reported that Eugene Schuyler '59 and body, and long may he live in the full gets $8,000 for his series of papers of Peter Society for the Suppression of Vice,Anthony NORWALK, CONNECTICUT. Whitaker & Son, to Miss Laura S. Clark, eral thing railroads through thickly settled Dr. Bennett, of Danbury, is the republican Comstock's report showed that 74,000 vile enjoyment of his wonderfully preserved pow­ the Great, now being published, in Scrtbner s daughter of Gen. W. T. Clark, which will sections are. not constructed until after the nominee for trustee of the Connecticut In­ Monthly, and that the illustrations will cost circulars and 9,850 pounds of obscene books ers, to illustrate what hard work and correct ake placa Thursday evening, the 6th inst., right of way has been secured. • sane Hospital, at Middletown. r . v the publisher ?35,000, had been destroyed. iying will do towards ripening a vigorous WESTPORT. BRIDGEPORT. DARIEN. « BRAVE_ LADY! Allfthe Latest Styles in % Mr. John Conly has disposed of two of his Nor walk Gazette. The charm of long continued mildness, was They blandly tell us that figures, like the' She Enduiei the Pain of a Severe Snrgi* SAWml & PLANING broken Sunday by snow squalls and strong immortal father of his country, cannot lie, residences in Darien. One to C G. Water- cal Operation jrithout talcing X5X-- PITCH'S burjr for $3,000 and the other to G. Gilmop north winds, which brought February in but yours of last week are at least open to Chloroform.^" FALL AND WINTER Band & Scroll Sawing & Turning, Tuesday February rfd, 1880. Brower for $2,750, cheap enough. "like a lio.n" suspicion. The Bridgeport contribution for (From the Courier.') GHAS. S. PBOWITT, MANUFACTURES OF The Misses Mather, _have returned from The barn belonging to Mr. J. Fred. Jen. the benefit of p'otatoe-less Ireland, has by no Mrs. Schoonmaker, of Creek Locks, Ulster Doors, Sashes, Blinds, Mouldings, means attained the magnificent proportions Winsted, and are now at home. They are Co., N. Y., had the misfortune to entirely MILLINERY Boxes, Packing Cases, IVin- Fairfield County Items. nings, of Southport, was burned Thursday, * dow Frames, &c. . and the smoke from which was seen here]; intimated in your last issue. We said not most cordialy welcomed back again. lose the sight of one of her eyes, through an Frank Selleck has been home for two HE WINTER TERIS will com­ NOW READY AT . I have on hand tools for 150 patterns ol Mould­ WILTON. was valued at $1,500—partially insured. "$10,000" but $1,000. The estimate , was accident, and endured painful inflammatory mence Dec. 8 til. Pupils received at any weeks vacation. He presided at the organ notion therein for two long yearsthe other age over six. Young Ladies are also admitted to ings, and will,when desired, make tools lor new The aggregate number of children in West- made upon what seemed good authority. Tthe Day Department,Uotli in the Primary and Ad­ styles. Constantly in stock A series of meetings, marked by unusual Sunday at the Congregational Church. "Oh eye finally becoming sympathetically affected, port between the ages of 4 and 10 years, But it appeared that even these figures are vanced Conrse. Sessions arranged to accommo­ (Graduate In Pharmacy,; Mrs.Wilmot Fawcett's Pleketa, planed and /pointed. Fence interest, have been held by the Zion's Hill M. that Darien could retain her worthy her general health seriously Buffering.; indeed, date pupils wishing to commute on the cars. Sails and Trimmings, enumerated by the several district commit - prophetic rather than historic. The sum she was a mere wreck, a walking skeleton. Penmanship and Bookkeeping, a specialty, BRACKETS of all descriptions, and WINDOW E. church during the past week. young men! He returns to hi3 post in Buf­ taught by touchers ot large experience. .Evening tees, is S43, an increase of 21 o.ver the year total at this time is somewhere in the vicinity In this terrible strait, sho consulted Dr. David 3 FBAMBS made to order at short notice. INSIDE The Congregational-Sunday School have Kennedy, of Rondout, New York, who told Classes will be formed If desired. Young Ladies 2 and James' Block, Water XEIMMINGS got oat ready to put up, from plana preceding. Of.this number it is*reported 119 of $700, and is slo wly creeping upward. A falo, N. Y., the forepart of the week. and Gentlemen fitted lor College. and specifications. . WADNUT and ASH WAIN­ adopted the custom so much in vogue else Rev. Mr. Smith, of Norwalk, preached on her at onco that tho injured eye must be re­ • Reference: any lormer patron. Call or aendfor SCOTING and FLOOBING. TURNING of all had attended no schools during the year. meeting to further the worthy charity was moved. Sho quietly but firmly said: "All circular. Applications may be made to Street. where—that of naming the classes. Wednesday evening of last week, at the descriptions. Mr. Leroy Meeker, of Cross High way, who largely attended on Saturday evening, Jan. right, Doctor, but don't give ma chloroform. DR. J. C. FITCH, Principal, Mrs. Harvey Bedient haa been afflicted by 3m30 Norwalk, Oonn. Kindling Wood 8pUt and ready for use, put jocosely remarked Thursday, that he was 24th. Several prominent citizens made elo­ Methodist Church, His sermon was inter­ Let my husband sit by my side during the a stroke of paralysis. operation, and I will neither cry out or stir." up in Barrels. getting ready to plant onions, has, it is now quent appeals to the heart and purse of esting, inspiring and helpful. He is to preach NORWALK LATIN SCHOOL PETER L. GUIGUE, A South Wilton farmer was seen plowing here on Wednseday and Friday evenings of Tho work was done, and" the poor woman understood, postponed the work until April. Bridgeport. The impression upon the peo­ kept her word. Talk of soldierly courage! BURR KNAPP, up sod land on Saturday la&t. This is some­ this week. A Classical and English School The attention of the authorities is called ple might perhaps have been better had not This showed greater pluck than it takes to for Boyp. FLORIST, Foot of Marshal Street, South Norwalk, Ct thing unusual, and is only made possible by The union meetings are to be continued face a hundred guns. To restore her general to-the dangerous condition of the southern several of these pleaders been in public life ECOND QUARTER,.Nov.lKb 1879. Union Ave., >orth of Norwalk Cemetery, the exceptionable mildness of the winter. four evenings this .week. The interest is health Dr. Kennedy then gave the "Favorite face of the village bridge's stone work, ac­ with possible aspirations for the future. But S It will give a thorough English Education,and Dealer in Mr. Palmer a youthful resident of Stain, deepening. On Friday evening at the Con­ Remedy," which cleansed the blood, regulated preparation for College, ^cienLillc School or Busi­ cording to Olmsteda's Philosophy, so long as then, they were all honorable men, and the the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, and- thus im­ ness. Ucrman will he made a special feature. Flanta db Out Plower* "WANTED! ford recently "swapped horses" with Mr. gregational Church, some twelve or fifteen Circulars may be obtained at Andrew Selleck's, at at allSeasons, Flowers for Funerals and Parties the line of ^direction falls within the base a cause in behalf of which they spoke is itself parted new life to tho long-suffering woman. Cyrus Morgan of North Wilton, A misun­ declared their purpose to begin a christian the Drug Stores ol' Norwalk and South Norwr Ik, Comer Mail and Vail Sts., tastefully arranged to order at lowest prices. JOOD MBKT structure will stand. We are left to con­ eloquent in the ear of every lover of human­ Sho rapidly gained health and strength, and or by addressing ALEXANDER JOHNSTON, All orders left at Prowitt's Drug Store will be To take county and state agcncies throughout tlic derstanding arose from this trans'action which life. The Rev. Mr. Hart, recently called to is now well. The "Favorite Remedy " is a A. M.,.Box 470, Xorwalk, vJonn. promptly attended to at short notice. SmSJl United States, (no charge l'or territory.) lor tho jecture what may happen-when the line falls ity. Poor old Patrjck and Bridget must hot resulted inMr. Palmer attaching a horse and Westport, will preach at the Congregational priceless. blessing to woman. No. family without the base, but the average observer be left to starve by the cold hearthstone of, should be withoufc.it." Your druggist has it. wagon supposed to belong to Mr. Morgan. Church on Tuesday evening,. believes the -wall will evidently tumble their lowly cot. If not send to Dr. David Kennedy, Rondout, Most Practical aai Fastest Sellii The horse and wagon were placed in the Mr. Bradford's house was full on Sunday New York. . (2) down. The one hundred and twenty-first anniver­ E. P. WEED, ARTICLE EVER SOLD! custody of Mr. Wm. Hoyt from whose prem­ morning. The sermon was able and con­ ENTIRELY NEW, Mr. John Crossman, who died Friday, in sary of the birthday of Robert Burns was i Golden OprtMll; ises they were surreptitiously removed and vincing. The audience listened witG a Drusslst* STRICTLY LEGITIMATE, Weston, in her 83d year, was well known in duly celebrated in this city on Monday even­ Norwalk, Conn. FATS RIG PROFITS. secreted. Deputy Sheriff Jones o£ Stamford thoughtful undivided interest. . The result this community. She was a sister of the late ing, Jan. 2Gth. This was a day late, but no For those in need ot 38 Wall St., opp. Opera House, Sells everywhere and gives l)>e best of satisfac­ who made the attachment caused the arrest must be good. The Holidays have past tion. A rare chance to make money. Don't mis:; Mrs. Charity Fairchild, and of Mrs. D. S. sane Scotclimair would think of breaking of Mr. Morgan and his hired man cn Satur­ It is rumored that Rev, Mr. Dusenbury. Sells only Strictly Pure the opportunity, but call and investigate. It will Gray, Sr., at present in New Haven. the Sabbath even to honor the memory of And I am prepared to sell Good pay you. Also good eneryctic Canvassers wantc< I. day last as being the abductors. Justice the most revered of his fellow countrymen. does not intend to remain with the Methodist This is no catch-penny affair, bat a.paying busi­ OLD FOLKS PALTTY. Goods at Wholesale and Retail as ness. Call on or address 6. "W.CLASON, Nor­ Fancher held a seanse in the evening and ad­ A large company, most of whom could boast Church another year. This will be a great UNDERWEAR 1 Drugs, Medicines, Wines & Liquors walk Hotel, or P. O. Box 450. . 4m l This event for which preparations had been Low as the Lowest. I have . mitted Mr. Morgan to bail for $500 to appear the possession of Scottish blood, pure or lossto Darien. He is a gifted minister, and making for many weeks, came off Thurs­ and at reasonableprices. . for trial at the Town Hall.to day at 10:30 A. adulterated, sat down to the discussion of has been faithful and laborious. There has Although the price of Under­ day evening, and was in every particular a Prescriptions carefully Compounded. M. We understand that the horse and wagon the haggis and other appropriate dishes, and been no- minister in that church for years wear has advanced and will be worth success. Weather favoring more aged peo­ Morris & Ireland' in question were not the property of Mr. then rose up to the discussion of matters who has won more fully the respect of all as Furnaces, Stoves, enough more another season to pay I have also a fine assortment of ple were on hand than usual, and notwith­ Morgan but some one else. more interesting. A witty and brilliant a faithful minister and a christian gentleman- AND Night Bell at Main St. Door. standing the fact that the number of tickets to carry over, we must close out the The Rev. J. H. Smith occupied the pulpit poem was given by Col. S< B. Sumner, our If he decides to leave, he will take with him - Perfumery, agreed on by Jthe committee to be issued to balance of our stock -in order to of the South Wilton M. E. Church on Sunday Bridgeport bard. Rev. R. G. S, McNeillc the best wishes of all good people. Ranges, Consisting Of LUBIN'S, WENCK'S, WRIGHT'S, the "young fry" had been* limited to ten, make room for Spring Goods, there­ COUDBAY'S. COLGATE'S, RIMMEL'S and last. spoke eloquently upon the "geniusof Burns." If the day is-pleasant, it is expected that other Handkerchiel Extracts. COLOGNE Mr. Eliphalet Morehouse of South Wilton there was more of that class present than fore, for the next 30 days we will Other addresses were made and songs were the conference and fellowship meeting at AT VERY LOW PRICES, and HAIR OIL, FLORIDA and VIO­ ever before. The young and the old there­ sell for the following Reduced Prices: LET WATER, CELLULOID and is quite ill with pneumonia. It is hoped that sung and the hours sped joyously on until the Congregational Church, on Tuesday, will Immense Success. DIWTITE GOODS in cases good care and a vigorous constitution will fore chatted, danced, and , ate together, all « HAItt BRUSHES.COMBS, midnight dispersed ihe Scotchmen to their be both enjoyable and useful. May the weath­ and First-Class not made of-old iron enjoying the opportunity, and all agreed A good Blue Mixed Shirt for 83 cents; -for­ Dv. JBi. WJPISK. and TOOTH BRUSHES in enable.hiin to speedily recover, dreams. Probably amid the visions of the er favor us. V ' -but of New Pig Iron. Of Morwlcb, Conn.^Rhe Celebrated great variety POCKET KNIVES The Rev. Mr. Wood who is a relative and when Friday morning came and the-music mer price 38 cents. and RAZORS. FRENCH and AMER­ night there came to them glimpses of old CLAIRVOYANT PHYSICIAN, ICAN TOILET SOAPS, and EXTRACTS guest of the Rev. Mr. Merwin occupied the ceased and the beautiful tables were cleared According to'the official figures returned A good White Merino Shirt for 33 ccnts; AND Scotch beauty and grandeur, her fields of in Fancy Boxes, TOILKT BOTTLES, Silk pulpit of the Congregational church on Sun­ away that they had had one of the best social' by the county treasurers for the year ending former price 38 cents. MAGNETIC HKALEUof 29 YEARS PRACTICE, Covered. Plain and with name, and many other heather and nodding blue bells. It is to be Tiem Drntas;* AiTooate&Eosaore Also. BUS1NBSS and TKST MEDIUM. articles suitable for presents. . times in their lives. Among the old men November 30, 1876, the receipts of Fairfield A Heavy Blue Clouded Shirt for 45 cents; Will visit South Nor walk, Conn., regularly every day afternoon. - feared that, after their rich repast, some of P2, .A. IST Gr E S • OOM £ 3NTX> ! Wilton experienced a runaway on the 19th present, (the term old is used in a compara­ connty were, says the Bridgeport standard, former price 50 cents. month, at the City Hotel, where he can be consult­ them repeated in their dreams the experien­ ed Monday evening, Jair.26tb, Tuesday and Wed­ which will compare favorably with some of tive sense only,)' were uncle Joe Andrews, $31,371.95, and the expenditures $31,107.52, A Fine White Merino Shirt for 45 cents; nesday, Jan. 27ih and 28th. Office hourslromO ces of "Tam o' Shantcr" or other fiend-beset cannot be surpassed by any other former price 50 cents. , a, m. to0 p. m. Danbury's last efforts. Mr. Samuel Water- of Weston, ov.er eighty years' of age, and his leaving a surplus of $280413. The indebted­ .Dr. Fiske has had a very large experience and heroes of the immortal poet. Well, no mat­ Range made, as for beauty and du­ is acknowledged to be one ot the best examining bury, of Wilton, hitched his horses in front neighbor Johnson, and his younger neighbor ness of the county is $40,000. Hartford A. Heavy White Wool Shirt for 0-3 cents ter; Burns is all right for another year. rability. I have a large stock of the Physicians ot the age. He makes thorough Clair­ of Mr. Charles Marvin's and in some way Joe Godfrey, Mr. William Wood, Andrew county is the only county which is deeper former price 75 cents. voyant examinations of the sick. Describes the Celebrated Safes, On the same evening the Citizens' Mutual latest styles of ( * most secret diseases at sight, without being told NEW ATTRACTIVE GOODS they pushed over the post and ran down the C. Nash, Frederick Morehouse,G. S. Adams, in debt than Fairfield county. The receipts A -Fine Olive Merino Shirt for G5 cents; for­ ot their complaints, and prepares medicines fer Life Insurance Company held its annual Suitable for In purchasing a Safe, we wish to call your street. When near the house of Mr. W, S. S. G. Taylor, and M. W. Wilson. Of the of this county ware greater during the year mer price 88 cents. the speedy cure ol all ehrpnic diseases ot what­ meeting. This now includes about four hun­ L J&. M F S , ' ever name or nature. The lollcwing are a few of attention to some of the important advantages Cole, Mr. George Canfleld attempted to stop old ladies it can be said they looked" so than any other county in the State,' and its A Big Bargain in a Wool Shirt for 85 -cents ; the many diseases which the Dr. treats success­ dred members. Only OTie had died during fully : • our Safes possess over all ethers, and -which them, but they dragged him upon the rail­ youthful and were so interestedJn all that expenditures also. Hartford county had the Hanging, Table and Bracket, very former price f 1.00. Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis and all diseases of HOLIDAY PRESENTS, make them the cheapest and best Safes now- the year, which speaks well for the. wisdom A the Lungs,Liver Complaint, Janndine,Dyspepsia, AT made. road track and he was compelled to let go. happened that they could not accurately be largest surplus, Middlesex next and Fairfield Low in Price. Table and Pocket Very Heavy All-Wool Shirt for $1.38; Kidney Diseases, Dropsy. Gravel, Heart Diseases, of the managers in their acceptance of api- former price $1.50. 1st. Our "PATENT INSIDE BOLT WOEK" The team then jumped the cattle guard and enumerated- Only one cpnclusion can be third. Catarrh, Deafness, Neuralgia, Piles, Rheumatism, plicants. On the death of any member, $2.15 , •» Cutlery, Wooden and Willow Ware. Paralysis, Fever Sores, Scrolnla, and all humors I. A Meeker & Co's, consists in placing the holts and locks on the ran north about three fourths of a mile to­ arrived at in their case, and that is, they had A few Cartwright & Warner's Shirts, in large ol the Blood, indiscretions of youth. Seminal inside of the door (as shown in the cut above) are paid by each surviving member, and the Tin Ware both the cheap and the wards Cannon's Station. They then jumped each and all, so renewed their age as to war­ SHEPATTG MILK.—The milk business on the sizes, for $2.50; former price $4,00. Weakness, private diseases, and -all diseases Nonvalk Pharmacy, where they are at all times accessible, and family of the deceased receives twice as Shepaug still .continues to increase. During good. I also have a good assort­ arising from an impure state of the blood : all can be cleaned and kept in order, and thus - from the track overturning the buggy and rant fbelief that the poet who wrote, "We 1879, 95,000 cans and cases of milk were complaints peculiar to females, and general de­ many dollars as there are persons at ^hat ment of With DRAWERS to match to above line bility are permanently cured ina very short time prevent them from unexpectedly locking you forcing the broken pole into the ground are alljgrowing'old, Betty Brown," had for sent over this road, containing in all some 3,r 'l he Doctor prepares his medicines himself lrom time in the company. This makes a cheap of Underwear in QUALITY and PRICE. oat. In all other Safes the bolts are placed which brought the team to a standstill. once made a mistake. Dancing took place 600,000 quarts of milk. The company is the best of selected roots, herbs and barks, and next the outside plate of iron, being covered, and reliable insurance upon a somewhat now building another ice house at Bantam It is an opportunity tiiose in need of such no poisonous medicines are given. It is long ex­ Neither of the horses received a scrath al - at Sturges Hall, which was decorated with SKATES and SLEDS, should avail themselves of by calling imme­ perience, combined with his wonderful powers completely by the filling, consequently im­ small scale. Station, being the third they have put up on of magnetism, has enabled him to become one of though the pole wasjbroken and Some minor flags of all nations, Redgate's band furnish­ diately at ' possible to oil or clean them without digging The annual meeting of the Woman's For­ the line. In the spring they .will be oblidged which I am selling at very Low Prices the most successful and popular Physicians of out the filling, which is expensive, besides damages done to the buggy. Had this run­ ing music. It should be here stated that to run a third car. to accommodate the amount the country for the permanent cure ol every kind eign Missionary Society, of this city, was for Caslj. and form of all ehronic diseases. His medicines losing the use of the Safe several days. As away happened a few minutes later the 5:30 Redgate's horn player made more, friends of milk they will then be oblidged to trans­ cleaHse the system and leave the patient in a the filling in onr Safes is between the locks held on Wednesday at the Park street port.—Litchfield Enquirer. healthy condition. Danbury train would have completed mat­ and won more approbation by his correct All Goods sold at a discount for Cash The Dr.is also possessed with strong magnetic SPECIAL and bolts and the ontside plate of the door, church. The ladies were as thick as bees • WHEELER i GRUMAN'S in most cases we can unlock our safes on the ters considerably. WILL TONS. performances than any person at the dance. healing powers for the quick removal of all dis­ and they had everything their own way. No The report of the school fund commissioner REPAIRING & PLUMBING eases. . Ho has gained alarge practice and is well combination after they have passed through a While on the floor the dancers seemed en­ known in Connecticut, having successfully prac­ masculine face, dared present itself within is brief but satisfactory. The capital of the 31 MAIN STREET. severe fire, which saves breaking them open. RIDGEFIELD. veloped in a democratic atmosphere, rich and done at short notice. ticed in all Ihe'cities and most of the principal 2d. Onr ''PATENT HINGED CAP" consists the august assembly. Men may be heathen fund on November 30th was $2,019,650.89, towns in the State. The Doctor has been in February opens with colder weather. poor, high and low, young and old, moving active practice-lot over a quarter ot a century, of the back plate of the door being hung on and all that, but there are other heathen more an increase for the year of $476.43. The 1880 treating thousands of cases with remarkablesuc­ hinges, and fastened by a thumb-screw,which January was April in disguise. in the same sets together, talking and laugh­ cess. Medicines prepared expresslyfor each and BARGAINS distant and consequently more enchanting,, state is in possession by foreclosure of prop­ enables one to have access to the locks and Mrs. Philip Northrop, who died on her ing with freedom and earnestness as if they fi. J. CURTIS, Demmon & Newcomb, every case,and furnished very reasonable. who at this time received all the attention. erty upon which $156,742.33 is loaned, and The Doctor cfoes not charge exorbitant prices. bolts by simply'removing the thumb-screw. ninety-third birthday was buried last week had forgotten some of the cold, inhospitable Main Street, 3XTorwalte. S3 Main St.; Seep the Choicest and Best Every one taking his medicines is perfectly satis­ 3d. While other safe-makers use three Not only were the Congregatftmal churches during the year sold property upon which fied. Medicinef will be turnishea from two dol­ Monday. demeanors exhibited by them towards each lars upwards,also sent to all parts of the country FOB wheel loc£s on their fire-proof safes (reserv­ of this city largely represented, but several $6,000 was loaned, obtaining $650 above the Groceries, Vegetables, Fruits, ing the best four-wheel locks for bank safes), Mr. Goodwin, of New York, was iri town, other in the social circle outside the hall. by express,when desired. other towns in the County, including Nor­ loan. The dividends from bank stock were Mrs. J. B. Betts, FRESH FISH, OYSTERS, CLAMS, The Doctor also has Ihe power to read your we put on our FOUR-WHEEL Loolts on all recently, looking for a spot to build a summer By chance, a few more of these old follts &c., at the very lowest Market Rates. Goods de past, present and future destiny, and is widely safes, from the smallest to.the largest, and for walk, lent "the presence of their fair and a trifle less than for the previous year, but livered in any part of the town. lyl known to be one of the most wondertul Seers of house. annual parties may induce more of this sort MILIilNEn, simplicity and durability cannot be excelled. devoted ones. Several missionaries were the stock itself would bring in the market the present age for his truthfulness in reading W. C. Barhite has purchased the residence of actions. From eleven lo two o'clock the 49 MAIM STREET, the principal and most important events in one's 4th. All our Safes are IBON-UNED INSIDE, present and addressed the gathering. A from $45,000 'to $50,000 more than it cost. life. He gives fall particulars of absent friends, instead of wood-lined as in other safes, which of Hiram Davis on Prospect Avenue, guests partook of supper at the village hotel AS always on hand a lull assortment of every and also gives advice in Marriage, Losses. Law­ JANUARY! bountiful collation was served at noon. The The amount of interest due and unpaid is thing in her line, together with suits and Divorces, and thoroughly explains bus­ enables us to use the the greatest amount of J. L. Hunt dislocated his shoulder, last prepared under the supervision of Messrs, H water in onr filling without danger of the entire affair seems to have been a success. $19,891.51. The fund is invested as follows iness affairs of every description, greatly to their Tuesday, by falling between two cars. Bradley & ,Lyon proprietors, assisted by a Butterick's Paper Patterns. benefit and satisla'stion.- Sittings for business af­ Safe's being damp. .All corners of the Safes There is great hope for the world in these —Bank stock and bonds, $245,845.61; bonds IF YOU WANT A fairs or examination ol the sick, St. Communi­ im • A little son of Madison Davis, clinging to few gentlemen and ,a numerous force of She is also agent for tlie celebrated^ cations by letter upon business or health must are secured with angle iron, which, together days when the ladies are setting themselves and mortgages in Connecticut, $1,737,476.- with the very hard nature of our filling, pre­ the wagon of Aaron Keelcr, got his foot ladies,' The tables extended through the contain two dollars, age,sex, a lock of hair and so earnestly at work for its renovation. 34, in Massachusetts $13,557.98, in New stamp. Address Box 1.253, Norwich, Conn. For vents them from injury from falling, or fall­ caught in the wheel and broke his thigh. hotel's double dining room, and was an ele­ further particulars send a stamp and get a circu­ ing walls or timbers. Our Safes teve THREE They will be sure to undo something of the York $6,171.50, in Ohio $3,500; cash on STATEN ISLAND DYE WORKS. lar. The Doctor can be consulted at the Sterling Hiram Davis bought the building lot cor­ gant-picture to gaze at- after the ladies had House, Bridgeport, January 21th and 25th. FLANGES- instead of single or double as in evil wrought by their great predecessor, Eve. hand $13,099.46. The total amount paid ner of Prospect Avenue and Orchard street. pronounced all things ready, More than G-EIXRTJAIISRIE: others, and are made with and without inside The mention of this estimable though er­ to the schools of the state since the estab­ doors. In the great Boston fire our Safes had Revs. Teller and Abbot exchanged pulpits two hundred persons did their share towards ring ancestress reminds us that we have re­ lishment pi the fund in 1779 is.$7,582,068.- the champioif record, as was fully proved at Sunday. * annihilating the good things offered and the time, to these important improvements cently seen her picture. The panorama of 28, The amount paid last year was $124,- Look out for burglars. Three houses just when the last guest departed, the tables still do we owe our success and the great popular­ "Paradise Lost" has been on exhibition at the 585.20. over the line were robbed a few nights since. groaned under their liberal burden. The ,»_®,—m. ity our safes have attained throughout the Opera House nearly all the week, It con­ country: After that great fire we published Chas. Yalden and Nettie Smith, are to be old folks cake bearing the figures 1880 in This is the season of annual statements of sists of a series of .paintings, more than a complete list of our Safes exposed,those that married in St. Stephens Church, to-morrow colored sugar dust was made by Mrs. R. D. corporations, and among the first of the large AND failed to preserve their contents, besides those forty in number, which are unrolled In order DIAMOND RING, at 2 p. m. Reception at E. H. Smith's, the Cable. Like some garrisoned fortification,its companies to conform to the custom is the that were successful, and for months chal­ amid such arrangements of gaslight and brides father, at 3. size served as an elequent warning against Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York a peerless remedy for Scrofulaj White lenged our competitors to follow our example shadow, cricason fires, thunder and lightning, Swellings, Cancer. Erysipelas. Gout, which they would not do, as they knew that An Amateur Entertainment will be given attacking parties however anxious or hungry whose annual report of the business of 1879 etc., as are supposed to give the best effcct. Chronic Sores, Syphilis, Tumors, by so doing they would only assist us in dem­ at the Hall, Friday evening, consists of a and it remained intact to the end. When is presented in our columns to-(lay. Practi­ Carbuncles, Salt Euenni, Malaria, onstrating to the world the superiority of our These represent the principal points in the Buy, AND CONTINUE TO USE . comedy "Always Intended," and a farce "To supper was over, much more than twelve cally the pioneer of Life insurance in this Bilious Complaints, and all diseases Safes, and our claim to the champion record. narrative of the immortal poem. Some of oblige Benson." baskets of good fragments that ^re left country upon the purely mutual plan,its emi­ indicating an Impure Condition of .t > Although that Great Fire so conclusively the scenes are very fine, especially those -the Blood. This Grand Remedy is a proved the superiority of our Safes to resist There will be a Town Meeting next Satur - were gathered up and, as we learn given to nent success has been a source of gratifica­ which afford glimpses of the heavenly and . compound of vegetable extracts, tlie intense heat, we believed that' we could im­ day, when the whole subject of public the village poor. Mr. Wm. T. Wood as floor tion, as demonstrating the exercise in a high chier of which are SAKSAPAEItLA prove them, and we have, therefore, since earthly Paradise. A few of the pictures are schools will be ventilated, and possibly manager, assisted by Messrs. H. B. Gilbert, degree,of those concurrative qualities in man­ and STiCLINGIA. -The cures effected that time, increased the thickness of the walls, repulsive ; noticeably those that present the by SCQYILL'S BLOOD AND LIVER something done to make them better. J. S. Jones and C. B. Lyon, performed agements which are essential to prolonged li added to the number of flanges, and strength­ Deity upon the throne. With all reverence SYRUP are absolute, and their ened them in various ways, until we now The Public Library is a success. It is well duties acceptably, and Mr. Charles Harris euccess. In the earlier years of a Life record is undisflgured by failure. we affirm that we had never conceived of Stellaiene" manufacture a Safe better than ever before, patronized and evidently meets a very long earned the gratitude of the entire crowd by Insurance Company, when incomes are large For sale by ail Druggists. and unequalled for its exeellence. It has been, the Almighty Father as wearing a full beard felt want. throwing open his apartments as dressing and death claims few, the temptation to de­ HAKE SELECTIONS EARLY our constant aim to make the BEST SAFE that Smith & Sholes are very busy in their fac­ rooms for the ladies,- and by personally at- of chestnut brown. But this panorama thus part from sound and safe principlea is very can be produced, believing that, especially in pictures Him. After all, paint and canvass purchasing a safe to keep that which may tory, manufacturing shirts. tendin to the coat and hat requirements of the great, and in such departure lie the seeds of have cost a lifetime to accumulate, the best is gentlemen. rather weaken than strengthen the impres­ dissolution and disgrace, which have so often decidedly the cheapest. In these dull times ROWATTON. This is Leap Year, and Westport ladies sion made by the almost inspired words of overtaken those who yield to such tempta­ For all House Cleaning AT it is the custom of many safe-makers to man­ of cheap safes, and The law suits which have been so long feeling that the opposite set have been in­ the blind Milton. tion. The thirty-seven years' experience of ufacture several grades The Faith Mission, on Water street, is recommend that which can be sold the cheap­ pending between Messrs Bowen, Griffeth and convenienced often on their account during the Mutual Life, is in itself a guaranty that Purposes. est,- without regard to quality, and many Colyer about rights of way on Contentment the past four years have decided to have accomplishing wonders among the inebriate. a consumative policy has prevailed, and the safes are now in use that are painted finely Island have at last been decided by judge their own way, just once. This (Tuesday) Over two hundred have signed the pledge, Company has found itself so strong as to be TZTB outside, but are worthless to preserve their and very many of them have apparently been contents from fire. We make but one class Hall of Bridgeport in favor of Messrs Grif­ evening is the time, and the hotel ball room able to reduce its rates of premium, and yet 271 cy rcctify t orpi&ity of the Zivcr. N E. XLLockwood's. converted. Tlisy give tone to t7ie Stomach. of Safes, which is the best we know how to feth and Colyer. Their Counsellors in law the place where the tender creatures they add largely to its assets, on the business of produce. Send for descriptive catalogue. • This community was shocked on Sunday tFhey prevent of the Eotcels* Sold only were Messrs Woodward and Perry of Nor- propose inviting to dance with them will as­ 1879. hy by the announcement of the death of Mr. —• i»I * Xliey remove bile front the JSZoocZ. walk. . , . semble. They will for the time being be the Shcy purify CMWJ invifforcito tho Hody« Charles ilubbs, the unfortunate assistant sterner sex, and the sterner sex the weaker, Zephaniah Matson, a contractor at the John Jacob Astor recently made a large in­ Xlisy cure all bilious complaints* Morris & Ireland, Whaler & Wilson shop, Deacon of the First vestment in real estate in the Twenty-third Postmaster of this place was visited at the and it is expected the latter will yield them­ ward of New York city,comprising 150 acres, Hartford jail, where he is serving out his selves ready victims. They are to invite es­ Congregational chu.rcb, and a man generally containing about 1200 city lots, having a con­ 64 Sudbury Street, Boston. sentence, by one of our citizens last wqek. cort, provide for and attend to generally respected and beloved. G-AYLOKD. siderable water frontage on the Harlem E. K. LOCK WOOD. C. B. COOLIDGE, He is employed in the Shoe Shop and seems their favorites, and when supper is over river, near Cromwell's creek, and extending WEST STRATFORD. from about One Hundred and Fifty-sixth to Wholesale and Retail Dealer in as cheerful and in as good h ealth as could will 'furnish the fragrant cigar, and such One Hundred and Sixty-fourth and One Hun­ GROCERIES, be expected. It is only when he.refers to fluid mixtures as may be needed. When all Wednesday last, was one of the finest days dred and Sixty-seventh streets. The property GETA8U FLOUR, GRAIN and FEED, his faithful and devoted wife and friends at is at an end such as might be too weary to ever known in this locality for January is located on a ridge, which is the natural 35 and 37 Main Street, NORWALK, Conn. home, that he seems heart broken. walk home will be assigned carriages, the At noon tire thermometer registered 100° in extension of Fifth and Madison avenues. RHEUMATISM The purchase money wag about $450,000. ins tan*!y OestroysWORMSand is recommended by expense to be defrayed by* the fpir gallants. the sun and from 50° to 00° in the shade. physicians as tlio best WORM MEDICINE» CUBED BT STAMFORD. ; As yet those who are to be victims of this It is a rare occurrence to see Pembroke Mr. Vick, the well known Rochester florist, The New Canaan lodge has been invited to Campbell's Rheumatic Pad. leap year device, do not know what lis in Lake free from ice on the 31st day of Janu­ writes to a Cleveland man who asked his JSAKING visit the Stamford Odd Fellows on the 16th ary, but such was the fact, yet judging from inst. store for them nor will they till shades of tidvice:— •MB Ml PMM1 The Stamford manufacturing company evening begin to fall. Then, resignedly,they appearances February is in a fair way to pay ROOHESTEK, N. Y„ Jan. 24,1880. now so well known by tho medical faculty, su­ have contracted fov eight new steam boilers. will adjust the bosom pin and curled lock, us for some of the fine weather we have been Mr. - , Cleveland, Ohio:— Having made arrangements with percedes the use of internal remedies with the WDER great advantage that its aetion is unceasing while This will malie-an aggregate of twenty-two DEAR SIR :—Your favor received. Cover­ for-MAN and BEAST. The PUREST, HEALTHIEST, STRONQK8T and in all respects be obedient to a power having. and BEST BAKINC POWDER Intheworld. i worn. There is nothing in the composition inju­ boilers to be used by the company, represent­ A certain person from whom better things ing lawns with manure for the winter^ is a For External and Internal Use. Wo solicit an unprejudiced comparison rious to the most delicate organization end ils ing an aggregate of 900 horse power. higher than theirs. Success will entitle the dirty custom,and generally a positive injury. The Crcatest Pfi-in Helicver of tho Age. with ANY other kind. GUARANTEED IFREE curative qualities can ue fully attested by many Prof. Brown's Academy of Music, now f»ir projectors to a practical application of might have been expected, has applied for a Lawns are usually too rich, and keep getting PROM ALUM OR ANYTHING UNHEALTH- who have been cured by its use. Descriptive circulars mailed to any address. ncariug completion, is all and more than was the doctrine that, "Ladies have some rights license to sell liquor. An application was richer. A dressing of lime or ashes, or sand, j xjMT) promised. Nothing cou d exceed the taste would do much more good. Yours, J. Vioic. _ kind, which gentlemen are bound to respect." refused a short time ago to a party who ap­ THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST. PRICE TWO .DOLLARS. and beauty displayed in all its appointments. ' •—O —• : who is thoroughly experienced in retailing PAUL. plied for a license in order to keep the same Manufactured by STEELE & EKIERT, Sent by mail witkfttfl directions on receipt of tk In a week"or two the hall-will be formally I What It Will Do, New Haven, Conn. , «m38 opened to the public—Advocate. place, and people look upon the new appli­ • money. WEST NORWALK. The ingredients of Dr. D. Kennedy's latest CUBES COLDS, COTTG-HS, ETC. . Tlic Herald says : "There is no disputing cation as a blind for the refused party. discovery in medicine—a preparation named Can bo used as a Plaster. the fact that the traffic in liquvr was never 1 should judge that there were some forty The Debating Society met last Friday the "Favdrite Remedy," und s jld at One Dol­ POTS & SHOES, M. A. Hallett, . Z^r FOE SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. more circumscribed in Siamlord at any time devils in your office in place of the one evening,and discussed the following subject: lar a bottle, are so skillfully combined that 176 Broadway, New York. in tlie history of the town than it is to-day. the full alternative effect of each is assured ; traditional one by the way communications "Resolved, That no circumstances ever jus­ JOHN F. HENEY, CUBRAN & CO., . • . also in Dr. F. J. Rodgers is to be married in New are spelled in type, some half dozen people and while it is so mild as to be harmless, even SOI.E PROPRIETORS, York, Wednesday, to Miss Maggie Brenuan, tified a departure from Truth." The sub­ to the youngest child, yet it is so effective as . 24 College Place, New York. WHITNEY PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY (wUo^lo not exist in these parts) have been • daughter of Owen W. Brennan. ject was finely handled, the arguments last to purge out from the system those impurities For sale. Gulf Stream engine is undergoing extensive credited with being connected wit'.i events ing about thi%e hours and covering all the of the Wood' which are otherwise sure to de Cnttii and Making Boots ESTABLISHED 31 YEARS. Contains vejop into loathsome disease, such as Scrofula HSr»+ir» Shipping Tags, Danbury h s 110 telephone customers. Messrs. J. & E. Bates have cut quite a Professor • DeMille, of Dalhousie, N. S., Norwalk, and bounded an tollowe. to wit:—north­ in everything in our Branch we do not in­ rfUlREE Spring Wagons all in good order. - some fine instrumental music, rendered by erly by highway eighty (SO) l'eet as tho lenee.now tend to be excelled. Farticnlar attention I Enquire of The Reformed men have presented Willie quantity of timber and all inexplicable mat­ died Wednesday, after a brief illness. He runs,ea£terlyby land of William K.Jamcs,south­ paid to — , him. Mr. Ported is fast acquiring a musical erly seventy (7(0 feet by land of Louisa A. Smith o. B. COOLIDGE,85 and 37 Main St. Bailey an easy chair. ters are likely soon to be sifted. was the author of ''The Dodge Club'* and Danbury will have a new Borough map— reputation which is second to hone. other works. and land of Robert 13. Oiaufurd and westerly by Mr. Alfred Hathaway has moved hi3 fam­ land of Margaret and Amelia Belden. if the people "Will pay for it. The democrats of Bridgeport, are looking Mr. Donald G. Mitchell ("Ik Marvel") is And I shall sell at public auction, on the prem­ Repairing and Measured Work The Superior Court has appointed Henry ily into the house next his father's and has about for an available caudidate for mayor. in failing health. He has been under medi­ ises hereinbefore described, on the 31st day of Merchandize Tags, Booth, Origen Seymour and L. W. Cutler, as March,A. D.,18S0.at 9o'clock,a.m.,so much there- k Hand and Machine Made. built a shop in which he soon expects to Hon. Dwignt Morris is mentioned ii^some cal treatment in Boston for several weeks but ot as will raise the snmoi Six Dollars and Fifty commissioners to arbitrate "with property establish blacksmitliing. has been advised to return to his home near ccnts (6.50) that being the proportion of the said owners whose land may be taken -by the New circles. We would suggest that they take a Thaddeus K. Hubbell, ol tho sum total in said We do not intend to blow our own trum­ When the Parallel comes through here New Haven. list, together with the charges ol levy,sale, &c. York and New England Railway Co. certain person who is noted for his numerous b pet, but to prove all thingsand hold fast that The Danbury and Norwalk Railroad are An order has been received at Colt's armo­ ' UECKGE B. ST. JOHN, which is good. enterprise and business will be likely to ad­ suits against the selectmen—"Honest John". ry .Hartford, for 30,000 pistols,and old work­ Tax Collector List 187S. Thanking onr patrons for past favors we { AND macadamizing the muddy roadway near their vance al railroad speed. Dated at Norwalk, January 23,A. D.,1SS0. 3t3 intend to merit a continuance of the same, depot and freight house. He possesses "cursedness" enough for the men there who have been out of employment by strict attention to their wants and inter­ H. W. G*een and Miss Belle Fayerweather The original firm of the yeast cake manu­ average democrat, and would not over reach for some time will doubtless be called in to GRAY'S SPECIFIC JHEDICRNIS. ests. We respectfully invite all to call and see us.belore purchasing elsewhere. have accepted positions of tenor and contral­ factory have dissolved, Mr. J. Conn taking ii any transaction that he is not able to. • help fill the order. TRADE MARK TKe Great -En-TRADE MARK -AT— - An Albany merchant recently shipped a ijlishReimdywiM — to of the New Haven Center church quar­ the place of Mr. Mather. W. promptly and tette choir. Miss Carrie Allen is singing in Mr. Green has the carpenter work of his lot of goods via New York to London. The radically cure freight to New York was $20.90 and from a Fifth avenue church, New York, as a can- .- ' GREENWICH. nny and every DEA0 LOCK TAG FASTENERS, diadate for a position. fine house completed, when is. to bs the New York'to London $24. The distances are case of Nervous warming? _ Co. E's ball Feb. 3d. 150 miles and 3,000 miles. Debility AWeak- The Republican says that Arthur Nichols, nesa.result ot In­ Mr. Lewis Gregory, is recovering from a The Observer cries for a town lock-up, and Mrs. Annie M. Lyon; widow, of Hanford, discretion, excess of New York has purchased the Gershom 1 severe attack of shingles in the head—A asks: "How long before our people will Lyon of Bridgeport, declines to accept tlie or overwork ol Nichols place. move in that direction ?" the brain and I.V LARGE OR SMALL QUANTITIES, AT" By the death of a brother in Germany somewhat unusual locality for this disease. provisions of her husband's will by which BEFORE TARIHO.nervous system AFTER TAKING, Raymond Bros Wm. Denton and Benj. Holmes have been Louis Moegling is said to inherit quite a for she was to have the income of $60,000, and is perfectly harmless, acts like magic, una has The young people here hacl a sociable and sent to jail to await their trial for burglarizing insists on the dower. The estate is valued at been oxtensivclv used for over thirty years with tune. great success. Full particular in our pamphlet dance on Friday evening the 27th, about J. H. Sniffen's harness shop. about $1,600,000. The Humane Hose . Reception passed off Willis Mead has bought the house now oc­ which we dC3ire to send free by mail to everyone. pleasantly, and the ladles contributed a num­ thirty being present. Miss Flood, who is said to be engaged to The Specific Medicine is sold by all druggists at cupied by Matthew Merritt. 8l-per package, or six packages for $5, or will be ber of presents to the company, to ornament Rev. Mr. Dusenberry, of Darien, preached Ulysses S.' Grant. Jr., will not be under the sentfreo by mail on receipt of the money.by ad­ Miss Amelia Mead and . Miss Lizzie Chur­ odious necessity of asking her husband for their new rooms. % in the chapel on Sunday last taking the chill have returned from Europe. dressing THE Gil AY JIEniCINE CO , Gazette Office. A son of Mrs. Mary Flynn swallowed a money every time she goes out shopping if No 10 Mechanics' Block, Detroit, Mich. Sold in South Norwalk. words "It is finished," for his text. Norwalk by I. A. MEEKER & CO., 20 Wall St. 4 Yale lock key and still lives. she exercises strict economy. Her father has Within a few weeks railroad companies The Citizens line of Troy and New York just given her $2,500,000 in four per cents., can obtain TypE have bought $500,000 worth of real estate in steamboats have declared a dividend of 20 which, will ig'ive her an annual income of MACHINISTS'METAL at the The title of the new book by the Danbury GAZETTE OFFICE, . - i ifem man, Mr. J. Chicago. percent. $100,000. HEAT OF STEAM AFTER REDUCTION. Connecticut Legislature. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. CONVEYANCES Honesty the Best Policy. v/wuvrw ww wv/v/vw\/\/w /V\/\/\/' Many persons have been disposed to doubt SCIENTIFICMISCELLAHY. C. T. Leonard & Son, |[«!pl Potifts. Horwalk Gazette. SENATE, Tuesday, Jan. 27. FIBE I WHAT NEXT? The other day, as a keen-looking business whether, after passing the pressure reducer, DANBURY &. NORWALK R. R The following bills for public acts were A French savant has succeeded in killing KINDLEVt ITTAE tho SALAMANDER onco FALL ARRANGEMENT, : man, with his hat worn on the nape of his the steam would show the temperature be­ read and referred: Amending the act relating land you will never do with­ Borough Taxes. Tuesday, February 3d,'1880. the phylloxera by means of electricity. He out it. WARRANTED to give satisfaction, or mon­ COAL, WOOD, Commencing Oct.20111,1879. neck, was standing on Clark street, a simple, longing to its lessened pressure, or indeed to the boards of relief so that no appeal from passes a powerful current through a copper ey refunded. Will last for years in daily use. DA1LYTBA1K& Assessors® Notice. gawky-looking country lad of nineteen, with anything nearly corresponding. Experi­ the doings of assessors or application for de­ PERFECTLY SAFE. Thousands , already in use. Leave Norwalk Bridge for Danbury. duction of amount of indebtedness from the wire wound about [the infested vine, when Write for circulars, testimonials, Ac; " Sample a big envelope in his hand and his mouth and In the Twilight. ments bearing on this point have been re­ Kindlcr, post-paid, 75ccntn. Address J. O.SDDY, Masons' Materials, 9 3T a. m., Mail. OT1CE is hereby given to all persons liable to list of any debtor shall be heard or entertain­ both eggs and insects are killed by this Gen'l Ag't,122 Congress St.,Troy, N. Y. AGENTS 4 3B p. m., Accommodation. Nlpay taxes in the Borough ot Norwalk to give eyes wide open, came sauntering along, look­ peatedly made by the engineer of the Troy ed unless preferred to it at its meeting on the 6 19 p. m., Mail. to the undersigned, or to either ot them, on or shock. WANTED, OSMBXiTT PIPE before the16th day of February, -A. D., isso, at ing anxiously at all the signs, which he was O Winter twilight while the Inoon Company, and show results very closely first Monday of January, or at some adjourn­ A foreign journal states that in a recent gents Room No. 1, Savings Bank Building, in said Bor­ Grows whiter on the deepening blue,* ed meeting held within twenty days thereaf­ Outfit tree. SHAW A Oo., Augusta, Maine. Arrive at Norwalk Bridge from Danbury. ough, (Selectmen's Office,] lists of all property apparently spelling out. The business man approximating to- those called for by the ter. Judiciary. experiment, thirty-seven cats belonging in HI ft year and expenses to agents. Outfit free For Drains,Sewers, Wells, &c.f 7 S3 a. m , Mail. liable to be taxed in said Borough, belonging to being naturally kind-hearted and desiring to I find some brief-lived thoughts in you. • 109 p.m., Accommodation. said persons respectively on the 15th day of Jan­ theory. Some tests were made in the presence Report from the committee on finance in city of Liege, Belgium, were taken in bags a ^| I| Address P.O. VIQgEBY, Augusta .Maine. 5 49 p.m., Mall. do a friendly turn to a stranger, said to the That rise not in the night or noon. At Lowest Cash Prices. uary, 1889, with the particulars of all such prop­ of the visitors, and the figures noted as fol­ favor of granting $3,000 for the expenses of long distance into the country. The animals Newspaper Advertising Bureau, 10 Spruce L .W.3 ANDIFOBT& ,3 up t, erty, Heal and Personal. boy: "Hi, sonny, what are you looking for ? celebrating the hundredth anniversary of ihe St., N. Y. One 01the Assessors will be in attendance at Of faded loves, that once were sweet, lows : were released at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, said place, (Selectmen's Office,) on Monday, tho Let me see that letter." Gauge on service pipe 45 lbs battle and massacre of Groton Heights, Sep­ Drains and Wells Dng and Piped REWY0RK.NEW HAVER &HARTF0RD RAILROAD But now are neither sweet nor sad; tember 6,1881; tabled for calendar. at 5:40 of the same day one of them reached Train tlcave South Norwalk for New York at 19th mat., and to and including the 16th day of "No, I can't let you have that letter; Theoretical temperature due that pres­ 1247, p. m.(Washington Ex., via.Harlem River). February Yiext; also on Satnrday Evenings, for Of hopes that,-distant, look so glad, j sure 292° ' A resolution was introduced incorporating its home. His feline companions arrived Also Sole Agent for '.X . V no o «T nl / c- \g 39 the purpose of receiving Baid ListB. there's bonds in it," said the boy; but p'raps Actual temperature by thermometer 291 the Ferguson library of Stamford. Incorpo­ at Liege somewhat later, but within twenty- FAIRFIELD 430, WILLIAM HANDS, 1 Assessors of you can tetlme where Mr. Smith lives round • Yet lie, unnoticed, at our feet; (Exp.)S 03 ,'624,(Exp.)6 55,905,(Exp.)r.M,^'or jVeiu JACOB TURK, }• Borough Gauge on pipe in which steam has been rations. four hours every one had reached its home. Patent Tinder Wood, ALFRED H. CAMP, | Norwalk. here. Haven,118,(Exp.)652, 901, 928,(Exp.) 1048,J Borough of Norwalk, January 17, 1880. 3 The boss told me the ntimber, but I've Of these I think, until the red used 10 lbs HOUSE.—The following petitions were pre­ M., 1211,(Exp.)1 45,J! !8,(Exp0404^ 418,(E^ Theoretical temperature 242° It is now proposed to substitute cats for car­ The Cheapest and Best Kindling out. Try it 6 09,|048, 1036, (Exp.)& 1125,(Exp.)P. „ forgotten it, and the letter has got bonds in Has wasted from the western sky, sented and referred: Of Jacob L. Greene, et ISTUICT OF NORWALK,ss.Probate Court, Actual temperature 242° al. of Hartford, in relation to taxes of life rier-pigeons, and to establish a regular syvtem Springfield.,* 52, 9 28,(Exp.) A.M., 1211,(Exp it, and so I ain't to give it to anybody but And royal reigns the moon on high W Branch Officc at Spencer's Jewelry Store 145,418, (Exp.) 6 48 10 36, (Exp.) P-M. Express D January 15th, 1880. Gauge on pipe in which steam has insurance companies; of Leonard Bacon, for of cat communication between Liege and the for Boston,via.Springfield, 9 28, A.M.,1-11,4 18, Estate ot ASA E. SMITII, late ot Morwalk, him." What profits to lament the dead ? been again reduced Dibs a Constitutional amendment providing that neighboring villages. INSURANCE COMPANY, and 10 36, P. M.,via. New London; 218and1125, in said district, deceased. "Why, I've been waiting ior you this half Theoretical temperature 228° P. M., via.AirLincR.il.,133, A.M., and 2 !8jP.M. The Court ot Probate lor the District of Nor­ senators be elected on the state ticket; of Marat, the notorious hero of the first •OonncctatNcw Rochelle with Harlem River walk, hath limited and allowed six months from hour," said the keen business man, as his Small profit; yet in dreams that hold Actual temperature the date hereof lor the creditors ot said CBtate, Noah Porter, for an improved license law,. South Norwalk Oonn. Large Reduction in Prices! Branch. face brightened up, "waiting for you to bring Our hand to forward, one to past, It seems to be conclusively proved that the Bills for public acts were presented and French revolution, the same who met his to exhibit their claims lor settlement. Those who neglect to present their accounts properly attest­ me those bonds which I bought of Wliat's- Wc stay the years that fly so fast, heat does actually vary with the pressure ex­ passed their first reading and were referred death at tl^e bands of Charlotte Corday, was LET LOWER RATES on FREIGHTS. ed within said time, will be debarred a recovery. as follows: That in civit action for slander, the author of several important sssays on All persons indebted to said estate are requested his-name." And link our new lives to the old. actly as it should do according to the theory to make immediate payment to libel, breach of promise,'assault and battery electrical science; while Napoleon Bona­ "Be you Mr. Smith?" said the boy. —Spectator. and as a doubt on this point has been one of or malicious prosecution, no defendant shall Cash Capital,. $200,000.00 CASH SALE KORIUK KIl mi IK 3t3 (iiSURGlfi E. M1LLEU,Acting Executor. the bugbears in the way of some who have be arrested on mesne process, except upon parte on many occasions dabled in scientific "Well, now, I'm right glad I met you, be­ cause I'd clean forgot what was the number STEAM HEATING. considered this plan of steam heating, it is the written order of a judge of the court 'to lore, and was the liberal patron of men of FOft THIRTY DAYS, which such action is brought, and said judge where the boss said you lived,and I wouldn't worth a good deal to know that thorough and science. Assets,Jan.1,1879, $316,882.92 walk, in said District, deceased. may order a discharge from arrest or a reduc­ AT have liked to have gone back to him without THE WORKS AT TKOY, N. Y. . ' intelligent experiments made on steam taken It is known that a great quantity of in­ The Court of Probate lor tho District of Nor­ tion of bail, after application and notice to Agencesin allthe Principal Citiesand Towns walk, hath limited and allowed six months from finding you; it would have looked as if I Readers of the Post will remember that at from the pipes more than a mile and a quar­ the plaintiff*; judiciary. That the railroad visible and finely divided meteoric' matter is the date hereof for the Creditors ot said Estate to exhibit theirclaimsforsettlement. Those who was careless." the last session of the Legislature a charter ter from the generators have given such re­ commissioners shall make at least one exami­ floating in space. At the late meeting of the W.S. HANFORD,Pre%ldeiit LMvood'ii FDmitnre Vare Booms, White's Propellers ncglcct to present their accounts,properly attest­ nation of each railroad by passing over it on Willi these remarks the lad took out a big ' was grafted to certain corporations, who pro­ sults. American Association, Prof. Peirce express­ Will continue to make regular trips bet^eenNor ed, within said time, will be debarred a recovery. foot. And they shall give notice to the select­ H .R .TURNER, 8ee*y and Tre»a'. 36 Main St., Norwalk, Conn. walk Bridge and New York,(ice permitUng.)stop- All persons indebted to said Estate are requested posed to introduce steam heating in Hartford THE COST OF THE SYSTEM. ed the belief that the aggregate of this mat­ to mako immediate payment to envelope marked "J. Smith, Esq., present," men of a town of the date of the inspection ping at South Norwalk to receive and leave 3t3 JAMES MITCHELL, Executor. in the upper corner "$2,500 U. S. 5-20's," on a large scale, and that at the time there On the general principle that it is cheaper of the line within the town limits; repealing ter exceeds the mass of the visible celestial This stock must be closed out to make roomfor freight. Freight received from and delivered at my large Btock of Goods l'or Spring Tnylc. the freight depot of the Danbury & Norwalk and in the lower "Commission due, $5. was a good deal of discussion of the subject. to do anything on a large scale and under section 31' of chapter cxivi. of the acts of objects. The idea is not new, as Mr Isaac Bailroad. Tax Collector s Sale 1877 and substituting: Votes cast for presi­ ' . Plearse remit by bearer." After the granting of the chapter, however, skillful direction, people will readily ad­ Taylor said nearly half a century ago: "The KVSpccial arrangements for freight to and lrom OTICE is hereby giyen that the undersigned dential electors shall be on one ballot, votes invisible material creation, it ia probable, Call and examine our Stock of Superior Shoeing! New York can be made with this line 10 percent, Collector of Taxes, under and by virtue of a "That's all right, sonny," said the keen - good many people have supposed that noth­ mit that such a company as that at Troy, or for representatives in congress, governor,lieu- less than by any other line, and prodnce returns certainN tax warrant duly executed and signed by ing was being done. On the contrary, a the one proposed in Hartford, can make tenaut-governor, secretary, treasurer, comp­ vastly outnumbers the visible ; and it may Sore-Footed, Interlerng, and II- made promptly on day of sale. proper authority and directed to the undersigned, looking business man, as he hauled out a tS" All persons arc forbid trusting any of the commanding hihi to levy and collect ol scantily furnished purse, gave the boy a §5 thorough study of the problem from ;both steam cheaper than private individuals or troller, senator, judge of probate and sheriff justly be thought that the worlds^made Condltioned Horses employees of the boats of this line on account of CHARLES CUDLIPP, and other persons named the theoretical and practical sides has been on one ballot, and votes for representatives known to us by their inherent splendor are the owners thereof. in the rate book, on the list to said warrant an­ bill and & quarter, and said, "There, sonny, firms whose chief business iS of another na - shall be on one ballot, and shall be deposited Perfeotly SlLOd! nexed, their several proportions of the sum total in progress, with the result of removing any to the unseen only in the proportion of the Corn Shelters, as therein stated,said Bum being a tax or assess­ that quarter is to reward you for your clever­ ture. Doubt has been expressed,'however, respectively in the boxes marked "presiden­ T is notorious that more than half of tho ruined NorwalkHorse RailwayTimeTable. ment laid upon tbc assessment list made in 1878, shadow of doubt that might tyve existed as whether the investment in pipes would not tial electors," "general ticket" and "repre­ chiefs of an army to the thousands that fill I and desirable horses are rendered so by the by the inhabitants of the town of Norwalk, regu­ ness and fidelity," and, putting the envelope sentatives." All ballots shall be on plain the rank and file. It is as if from the sum­ ignorance or carelessness o£ smiths in shoeing. COMMENCING DECEMBER 11TH,1879. larly and legally assembled, to wit, on the Kith in his breast pocket,'he walked leisurely to the actual advantages of the proposed in­ be so large as to preclude a sufficient return The subscriber make's a succiaity of day of December, A. D. 1878, met for the purpose white paper, with tlie'name and office writ LEAVE NOKWAIK. So. NOBWILX round the corner, ran to Dearbon street with from the income of the business. At Troy mit of a tower we were looking by night • of providing l'or the indebtedness of said town, novation. ten or printed, and no other ballot shall be ! HORSE SHOEING upon a boundless plain filled with the array 6 15 a. m. New York Accom. 6 35 a.m. levies upon the following described real estate ol the speed of a deer, skipped lightly round to THE SYSTEM AT TROY, N. Y. ; ' however, there is an exceptionally large received; judiciary. and will guarantee to give satisfaction to all who 635 New Haven Accom. 6 55 said Charles Cudlipp, situated in the town ot of war, and could discern nothing but the may entrust him with their work, whether the 7 05 . New York Accom. 7 25 {[orwalk, and bounded as lollows, to wit:—a cer­ Madison, and hailing a car, was whirled Near the close of the past week a party of "plant" in pipe considering the present num­ Resolutions referred as foUows: Appropri­ animals' hoois arc in a sound or unsound condi­ ating $25,00ttfor new buildings, etc*, at the 7 25 " N. Y. Express. • 7 45 tain tract ol land, with the buildings thereon, away at a comparatively lightning speed. • gentlemen interested in the project made a ber of consumers, and yet we are told that gemmed crests of the captains gleaming amid Lever Feed Cutters, tion. Shop near Horse llailway Depot, Norwalk. 7 55 " 8 15 situated at Five Mile River, in the town of Nor­ Industrial school in Middletown; humane the countless and unseen multitudes they 28tf CHARLES E. DULLER. 8J5 •' New York Accom• 8 40 - walk, in the County ot Fairfield, and State of Not till he had reached Union Park did he thorough examination of the system as car­ already the point is reached whete there is institutions. That the committeee on manu­ 8 40 " New Haven Accom. 9 00 " Connecticut, in quantity four (4) acres, more or ried out at Troy, N.Y., where results have no loss, and this on rates which guarantee factures inquire into the advisability of abol­ were leading on." 8 50 " New York Express. 910 " less, bounded "northerly by land now or late of dyaw the precious envelope from his pocket, Look and See 910 " New Haven Express. 9 30 " George Cudlipp, easterly by land lately belonging and, with the remark, "Pray heaven they are been obtained that deserve careful attention. that no customer shall pay more for steam ishing the use of machinery in prisons, and Prof. Hagen has decided that the applica­ HEBE you can get yonr work done. Any 9 30 " 9 50 " to Jacob Lockwood, deceased, southerly by land also the contract system. Tabled temporari­ tion of yeast on insects produce a fungus W thing in the line ol' 9 50 " 1010 " now or late of Lockwood Hyatt, and Thomas not registered!" tore it open. He then found There are at present over 20,000 feet of mains than he. has previously paid for coal. At 1010 " New York Express. 1038 " Cartwright, and westerly by the highwfty. ly. • which proves fatal to the insncts. Potato BLACKSMITH INC 10 48 " And that the envelope contained a copy of the and some 4,000 feet of service pipes, malting the same time he saves labor, avoids dust Bill that selectmen may appoint members 1028 " New Haven Accom. 1 shall sell at public auction, on the prem­ beetles sprinkled with diluted yeast die with­ ta short notice and as reasonable as any where in 10 43 " 1110 " ises hercinbelore described," on the 23rd day of Chicago Tribune, which he could have pur­ about five miles-of pipes in all. Through and dirt; and secures a more uniform and of district committees and public school jan­ Raw Hide Gutters, town. Horse and Ox Sh«eing a specialty. Wheel 1110 " 1130 " March, A. D., 1880, at 11 o'clock a. m. so much this length of pipe the steam is distributed itors, as special constables tcrmake arrests for in twelve days. WTighting and Painting done by an experienced 1130 " 1150 " thereof as will raise the sum of Eight Dollars, chased at the office for five cents. Mean­ wholesome warmth than can be obtained workman. At the old stand oi Geo. Lloyd. 1150 " New Haven Express. 12 10 p. m. that being the proportion of the said Charles Cud­ with a very slight loss of pressure, even at from any stove or furnace. It is doubtless disturbances. Reported favorably,explained A sconcerning the subject of voice in fisheq, 16 GEO. W.KNAPP 12 lOp.TJI 1235 "J lipp, of the sum total in said list, together with while the simple country lad, entering a sa­ by Mr. Colyer of Darien, and passed. S. E. Poole states that some six years ago, 1235 " 12 5& " the charges ol levy, sale, &c. loon in the vicinity of the Sherman House, the dead ends or points from which there is true that when the number of customers is 12 55 " New York Accom. 125 " GEORGE B. ST. JOHN, 1 45 •' no return circulation. Besides heating a increased the cost can be actually less than SENATE, Thursday, Jan. 28, he made an interesting observation. While "Notice 125 " New Haven Accom. Tax Collector List 1878 has absorbed a beer, salted away the $5 bill Railroad committee reported in favor of 145 " 2 05 " Dated at Norwalk, January 17, A. D., 1880. 3t3 a large number of private houses, • the com * that of the amount of coal that has been used, seated in a small canoe on the Disang river, IS hereby given to the people oi 155 " New Jfaven Express. 2 20 '« with seven others in his pocket-book, and, accepting the resolution approving of the lo­ -Norwalk sand vicinity that Horse 230 " 2 48 •' Collector s pany furnishes power to fifteen engines,.ag­ and still leave a fair margin for profit to the in Easterd Assam, he suddenly became 2 58 " Tax ' Sale. with the remark, "The fish is biting very cation of the roadbed of the New York and Shoeing will be done in first class 2 38 " New York Express. OTICE is hereby given that the undersigned aware of the presence of a number of fish Baldwin Fodder style by WM.McCOItMACK. None 2 58 •' 3 20 " numerously to day," takes another big en­ gregating 150 horse power, and although .the undertakers of the project. New England road between Waterbury and 3 40 " " Collector of Taxes, under and by virtue of a called "mahsir." They were evidently at­ 9but hand made Shoes used. Workdone on most 3 20 " certainN tax warrant, duly executed and signed by velope from his pocket and once more sailed the State line; tabled for calendar. 410 " laying of pipes was not completed until TESTIMONY OF STEAM USERS. 3 40 " New Haven Accom. proper authority and directed to thc.uncTCrsigncd, tracted by the canoe, and Mr. Poole sur­ 4 00 " New Haven Express. 4 20 " forth in search of a keen-looking business November last, so that many intended con­ In general it may be- said that while the HOUSE.—Bills for public acts were received New York Express. 4 30 " • comiaanding him to levy and collect of mised that they might possibly think it a 410 " MART A. CULL, man.—Derrick Dodd, in San Francisco Post.. sumers had laid in their stocks of coal and examination showed many good features in passed their first reading and were referred 4 40 " •New York AccSm. 5 02. •• and other persons nanjed in the rate book, on the as follows: That in the statutes "intoxica­ Cutter. 5 02 " 5 22* •• postponed the adoption of steam to the next huge dead fish. While watching their 5 40 •' list to said warrant annexed, their several pro­ the plan of steam heating no tangible ob­ ting liquors" shall be held to include - any Now for Your Orders! 5 22 " portions of the sum total as therein Btatcd, said season, there are already sufficient custo­ moVements, he became aware of a peculiar 5 40 " 6 00 " sum being a tax or assessment laid npon the as­ "Two Majority." jections to it were brougnt to light. The spirituous and intoxicating liquor, any mixed AVING sold out all of my old Btock and re 5 50 " New Haven Accom. 610 " "cluck" or percussive sound—frequently 6 28 sessment list made in 1S78 by the inhabitants of mers tcf pay expenses, while nearly four testimony in its favor was strong and unani­ liquor of which any part is spirituous, all plenished with new I am now prepared to 6 00 " New York Express. " "No, I don't mean exactly to assert that H N. H.& 6 48 " the town of Norwalk, regularly and legally as­ hundred more are pledged for next year, so wines, porter and beer manufactured from repeated on all sides and coming from below, serve the public with the 6 28 " N. Y. Ac. sembled, to wit: on the 16th day of December, A. Republicans are any more honest, as a rule, mous. 6 37 " 6 57 " D., 187S, met for the purpose of providing tor tho hops and malt or hops and barley, or any but near at hand. ^This was soon traced to BESt.OF EVERYTHING 6 47 " 7 07 " that the financial success of the enterprise The secretary of the Heating Company, beer upon whose receptacle a stamp is re­ 7 25 " indetedncs's ot said town, levies upon the follow­ than Democrats," said a Republican M. C. the mahsir, and one of them made distinct IN THE 7 0T " ing described real" estate of said MAIIT A. CULL, may be regarded as assured. A large num­ Mr. T. E. Hazlehurst, and its engineer, Mr. quired by the United States law; temperance. The Best Assortment in 7 25 " 7 45 " ' situated in town of Norwalk, and bounded as fol­ from Nebraska during a heated political, dis­ That whoever shall commit murder in the sounds which were answered by others. Mr. » 7 45 " 8 05 " lows, tp wit: On the north by land of LeGrand ber of the users of this steam were question­ Babcock, were untiring in their efforts to ex­ LIVERY ZjISTEI. 805 " 825 *' cussion in the Baldwin reading room the : first degree or cause the death of another by 8 45 " Craw, on the east by land ol Charles L. Raymond, ed as to its realization, of the promises plain and illustrate everything as to which Poole also says that in some parts of Eastern at most reasonable prices. Single or Double 8 25 on the south bv land of Charles S. Jack, and on other night, "but I would like to relate a lit­ putting obstructions on railroad tracks, or by Assam a large bivalve sings in concert with Town. Teams either by the hour or day, with or without 8 45 " New York Express. 9 05 " the wcs.t by highway, being in quantity 62 leet made by the managers, and without a sin­ inquiry was made, and it is in a great meas­ drivers. WILLIAM E. DANN, 9 05 9 25 " . tle incident of my own personal canvass that burning n house or vessel,shall be imprisoned .9 45 " front and rear, and 125 tect deep, more or less. gle exception they, expressed thorough satis­ in the state prison for life. Any person com­ others. Opposite D. & N. B. B. Depot, Norwalk 9 25 Andl shall sell at public auction, on the premises struck me with much force. Just after my ure tdue 'to their patient and courteous at­ 9 45 New Hdven Express. 10 05 " hereinbefore described, IBishop Pieree of Georgia; City of South Norwalk Conn and lanterns. They descended fifty feet ford, $81,002,055 ; New London, $39,823,- J_vl • H/rt Ijohn Gill Shorter, of Ala- , . 72, thence northerly along the rear end of lot No. to make, as being steadier in pressure and and surronndings.—Edmund C. Stedman, in from eating milk. children of those •••••MMaHMlbama; Gen. John B. Gordon, 7'2 to the northerly side of the same, thence wes­ into the well, where they found a narrow 749 • Fairfield, $50,820,326; Windham, $17.- ( terly along the northerly side of lot No. 72, and drier. Scribner. who cause their families to refrain from eat­ . Li. Molt, ot Columbus, Ga.,are among the hun­ continue westerly along the northerly side of lot gallery fifty feet long, leading by a gradual 303,636; Litchfield, $25,456,509; Middlesex dreds to whom we can refer. Extract of a letter Plants and Flowers at all seasons. No. 73 to tho westerly end thereof, thence north­ At the establishment of-hCarles Clemen- ing milk, will be preserved to grow up; they from Hon. Alexander H.Stephens, dated March descent to a chamber 224 feet long, 110 feet $16,542,834; Tolland, $8,307,957. From Celluloid. 8.I8J2: "I occasionally use when my condition Flowerafor Funerals furnished dnd erly along the westerly ends of lots 71 and 69 and shaw, a boiler put in less than six months out their own lives, requires it. Dr. Simmons'Liver Regulator, with continue in the same course northerly along the wide and 24 feet high. In the centre of the the grand list of the. larger towns, it will be Celluloid is a composition of fine tissue also will thus lengthen tastefully arranged to order at short westerly ends ot lots Nos. 67 and 65 to the high­ ago, and very thoroughly set and fitted, was and will escape from evil in time of fated good effect. It is mild and suits the Better than way, thence easterly along said highway to the shamber was found a large mausoleum, seen that New Haven now leads, as follows: paper and camphor, treated with chemicals more active medicine. notice. found standing idle, while all the power used It is'nt the quantity eaten northeast corner of the land hereby conveyed, corved out of the solid rock and covered New Haven, $45,760,809; Hartford, $45,- by a patent process. A rather common im­ epidemics. If such persons be able also to that givesatrength.life.blood and thence southerly along land of Edwin S. was supplied from the steam main. exhort others, who are ignorant of first prin­ and health, tt is the thor­ Guyer to place of beginning. And I shall sell at with devices, inscriptions and bas-reliefs. 558,490; Norwich, $13,431,430; Bridgeport, pression that it contains gun cotton is a mis public auction, on the premises hereinbefore .de­ At the office of the Troy Times there were ough digestion ot the food On a stone couch, in its, cen>re, lay the stone $11,422,483; Meriden, $8,890,848; Water- ciples, to leave eff the eating of milk, their taken lent be muchI or little. Therefore, do not scribed, on the 23d day of March,.A, D., 1880, at 10 take, which arises from confounding it with two boilers, one of fifty horse power, the descendants shall surely?prosper. Publish­ stimulate up the stomach to crave iood, but o'clock a. m., so much thereof as will raise the figure of a man of giant proportions and well- bury, $7,810,731; Stamford, $6,648,145; collodion. Celluloid, it is said, is entirely rather assist digestion after eatingby taking WARNER'S Bum ot sixteen dollars and tweniy-flvccents, that ' other of twenty-five horse power. It had ed by the Hall of Good Exhortations. »The being the proportion of the 6aid William Gibson carved. A carved winged cap or helmet New London, $6,531,594; Middletown, $6,- non-explosive,' and burns only when in di­ SIltraONS' LIVER REGULATOR of the sum total in said list, together with the been customary to use the larger one in covered the head. Carved vases, decorated 298,444; Norwalk, $5,593,218; Danbury, rect contact with flame. When crude it Xylographic blocks are deposited in the Ung ORIGINAL, AND GENUINE. charges of lew, sale, etc. •winter, where both heat and power are re­ GEORGE B. ST. JOHN. with flowers and leaves stood at the corners $5,185,300;* StOnington, $4,851,163; New looks like a transparent gum, and its color Ling Koh." MANUFACTCRED BY Tax Collector l.ist 1S7S. quired, and the smailer one in summer. At Excavations in the vicinity of Bonn, Ger­ J. H. ZElLilN & CO., Dated at Norwalk, January 17th, A. D., 1SS0. 313 of the couch. A copper lamp hung suspend­ Britain, $4,589,304; Derby, $3,705,405; is a light yellow brown. It can be made as Liver present no use is made of either, steam for PHILADELPHIA, PA. ed above the head of the figure. Twenty Greenwich, $3,590,067 ; Windham, $3,505,- hard as ivory, but always elastic, and can be many, have brought to light*the site of an Price $1. 8old by all druggists. Invigorator both purposes being taken from the main. smaller tombs were found against the walls 539. readily moulded into every conceivable form. old town, supposed to be of Roman origin. has been used Here too, the engineer said the steam was of the chamber, and twenty-five faces had "With equal ease it can be colored in any tint The remains of a large Roman villa were I in my practice] j Go to Snnny Florida, set rid of drier and mere uniform in pressure than he HEK HUSBAND'S WORTH.—Suit ha9 been HEW Jersey Midland Railway. b the Ice .uid Snow. been painted on the wall near the entrance. desired,.the dye running through the entire discovered near ITy, situated a little below OLDERS of First and Second MortgageBonds y public,! • could furnish himself. The gauge stood at begun in the Brooklyn city court by Mrs. the site of an extinct volcano—a circum­ of the Mew Jersey Midland Railway Com­ *or more than 35 years,; OR Sale or exchange for property in or near A tomb was broken open,and revealed a well Catherine Banta against Francis G. Quevedo, substance, and being, therefore, inefface- Hpany caar value. the Bowels. The best antidote for all Blala* t'ae steam furnished by the Heating Com­ the premises on Church lane known as "Mrs. The sunflower is turned to extraordinary AS* DRUGGIST TOLL TELL YOU ITS REPUTATION * J rialfoison. Price, S3cents a Box. several copper utensils, a cup, two plates Fulton's House," and plaintiff's husband has sert that in durability it is much superior to About 95 per cent, of the firBt mortgage bonds pany. account in Lithuania. The seeds yield at have been deposited. The road will be sold with­ Warner's Safe Nervine quickly gives and a small urn were also found in the tomli. frequently become intoxicated at that place. ivory, and it is not discolored by age or use. out limit. Those who do not dcpoBit their bonds Kest and Sleep to the suffering, cures Blend- Carriage' Painting! I OF PKESSUllE IN THE PirES. 1 ache and Neuralgia. Prevents Epileptic Wrapped in varnished cloth at the head of- .oSs He has, she alleges, b'een unfit for any busi­ Great quantities of it are used for piano and first pressure excellent salad oil, and the resi­ will not participate in the benefits of the propos­ Water Power for Safe. i Fits, and is the bestremedy for Nervous *"ros- ness and has squandered about $7,000 there. ed purchase. j (ration brought on by excessive drinking, HE subscriber, a practical and experienced the mummy, lay a book of 100 thin copper Remembering that the average pressure at organ keys.*to the manufacture of which one due forms excellent nil cake for cattle, who Present holders ot Central Trust Company's HE best Water Power in Fairfield County,for I over-work, mental shocks, and other causes. workman, has taken rooms over NELSON'S She has repeatedly warned the people'in also relish the leaves and stalks etiopped up. certificates, with 1ST! and 1875 coupons or wuh T saleatabairgain. Enquire ol „„„„ — It relieves the painsof r' ARRIAOE SHOP, near toot of Mill Hill, where leaves, on which characters had been en­ the boiler house is about fifty pounds, some charge of the premises not to furnish her company is devoted. the funded interest bonds [for 18T.4 and 1875 cou- ti'46 . H. HUNGEBFORD, all diseases and is nev­ he i 8 prepared to The floiws a little short of full bloom are, er injurious to the sys­ graved. These statements are made in a idea of the loss in transmission may be form husband with any liquor. Defendant denies So extensive is its use for this purpose ponsl attached, can have them transferred at tem. The best of all said Trust Company, and new cortifldates will be Nervines.' Faint Coaches, Carriages or Wagons special dispatch published in the Cincinnati ed from the record of the gauge at the ail knowledge of the grievances complained that the ivory manufacturers have reduced when cowed, nearly as good as artichokes, issued tnorelor, in their own names, on payment of.—[iy. T. herald.] Free Reading Room. Bottles of two sizes; at short notice, in the best manner, and at Rea­ Commercial. places just mention. They usualy marked their price of keys below that of celluloid and are in the garden very attractivPto bees. or-78 cents per $1,000 par value. » prices, 90eta. and£l. sonable Prices. English or Valentine's Varnish J. F. HULL, Chairman, " HIS IS a comlortable room fitted up for the (CT WABNEH'8 Sijf® used, according to desire of parties having work from 45 to 50 pounds. At the office of the in the hope of checking the competition. The leaf well dried is used as tobacco. The F. A. POTTS, benefit of the public generally, situated on Remedies are sold by done. Special attention paid to I1KNU* MARKS, T Druggtatft Dealers In Birds sing sweetest in spring time, when healing company three-quarters of a mile When a cat gives an entertainment from the seed receptacles are made into blotting paper, east side of South Main Street, over Rood's Jew­ Mcdicluo everywhere* top of a wall, it isn't the c&t we object to; it's "It is only a question of who can hold out CHARLES PARSONS, elry Store, Clark and Lane's Block, nearly oppo­ Re-Painting Children's Carriages, they are choosing mates. Before fall they from the boiler house, the loss of pressure longest," said a celluloid manufacturer.; and the inner part of the stalk is manufactur­ J.S.ROGERS, site Bailroad Depot, South Norwalk, Ct. It is H.H.Wamer&Co. will be fighting over a worm and picking each the waul. S.BOUG. Reorganization openfrom9a.m.,to9:45p.m. The room is well and to Plain and Fancy Lettering. A sharco ed into fine writing paper. The more woody SMITH ELY, JB., Proprietor*. other's eyes out. Such is life. is never more than eight pounds, and often "The earliest base ^burner," according to but we can make our own elephants, and lighted, warm and comfortable. It is supplied ROCHESTER, H,Y. public patronage solicited. only four or five. Automatic registers arc portions of the plant, which attains great * CHARLES H.BURTIS, Committee. with four dailies, two weeklies, and seveAl "Does our constant chatter disturb you ?' the Burlington Haiokeye, was "your mothers the ivory men have got to catch theirs." D. B. HALSTEAD, monthly papers and journals, beside a number 0^7*Scr .d for panphlil and R. E. WHITC0MB. size, are used for fuel. The best seed Is ob­ JOHN J. BROWN, testimonials. NorwJllk, April15th, 1S7S. 16 asked one of three talkative ladies of a kept at both places, so that the actual record slipper." Within the last year and a half a branch of of instructive and interesting books. 1 The two important events in the life of tained in .the Crimea. As an anti-malaria URINNELL BUBT, sober looking fellow-passenger. "Oh no, at each for any given time can be obtained, celluloid manufacture has Jbeen developed HENRY WHELEN, ma'am; I've been married thirty years," was man arc when he examines his upper lip and J. M. MEECH, COFFEE BOOM. ' and as the places are connected by telephone which promises to reach enormous propor­ agent the sunflower is most valuable. the reply. sees the hair coming and when he examines «• CHARLES PARSONS, JR., Secretary, No, 39 There is a Coffee Boom on thesame floor and a it is possible to answer the question of re­ the top of his head and sees the hair going. tions. It is the, use of celluloid as a substi­ "John, did you take the note to Mr. Pine St.. N. Y. Post Office Box No. 79. lady in attendance trom 9 a. m., to 9:45 p. m., to WM. B. SWAN, "See here, wife, you indulge that boy too Jan. 13,1880. Manufacturer of Sign ol Better Times much. He is a perfect mule," "Oh, hus­ lative pressure at any moment. An exami­ A Kansas city man is hunting a journalist tute for linen or paper shirt cuffs, collars, Jones i". "Yes, bnt I don't think he can read serve HOME MADE articles mentioned below, it." "Why so, John ?" "Because he is blind at the following priceB: PISTE AN1> COMMON The Old and Reliable band,please don't accuse our boy of having nation of the pressure at a dead end, over a of that city with a pistol. The newspaper etc. It has the appearance of well-starched 1 Cup of Coffee, with crackers, • Scents an ass for a father." The old man was silent. mile and a quarter from the boiler house, chap told him on Christmas, in a burst of linen, is sufficiently .light and flexible, does sir. While I was in the room he asked me People's Market, 1 Cup ol Tea, with crackers, • _ 5 J5 •' twice where my hat was, and it was oq my Oocoa, - - - • C 5 " WHITNEY GALLERY —Exchange. showed a gauge pressure of forty pounds. confidence that he couldn't put anything not wrinkle, is not affected by perspiration, Brown Bread and Butter, 5 " HARN ESS, handsomer into his wife's stocking than was head all the time." ' No. 19 MAIN STREET, And Dealer in IN FULL BLAST. "IIow is your wife, Mr. S. ?" Says S . The time was noted-, and immediately on and can be worn for months without injury. Sandwich. - - - 5 " pointing to where his wife sat in the next there already. Several young men were sitting together, HE very best of HEEFi delivered daily to Cake, - - - 5 " Nearly 500 Photographs printed in returning to the officc an inquiry was made It become^ soiled much less readily than and a young lady happened to approach the T our easterners. Also, in their season, y eal« Doughnuts, ; 5 ', Horse & Stable Equipments. room at work on his coat. "She's sew-sew." Paper is now used to make buckets, Lamb.Bfnuon,Pork, 4cc.,at the 1Sweet Piece of Pie, - - - - 5 •' Particularattentionpaid to ttae last Teu Days. llr. J., "Oh, I S(|», she's mending, sure as to the pressure at the boiler house at the bronzes, urns, asphalt roofing, water cans, linen, and when dirty is quickly cleaned by vicinity. One "real sweet" young fellow see­ Market Rates. Vegetables and Fruits a lull, Crullers, .... 5 " ing, as he supposed, the young lady looking fresh and varied supply daily received. Market Ham, - - • - - - 10 «' Extensive preparations for Holiday Trade. enough."—Boston Post. time of inspection, and it was found to carpets, shirts, clothing, jewelry, garden the application of a little soap and water with wagon sent about town every morning. Pork and Beans, with bread and batter 10 " Thanklulfor the liberal patronage of the pas at him, remarkedplayfully, and with a be­ B Holiday Good's Cheaper than any Felicia was gliding down street with aDer- have been forty-eight pounds, showing a walks, window curtains, pocket handker­ a sponge or rag. JAMES E^WIXSON. Stewed Oysters,' - 15 " the subscriber hopes to merit a continuedsharco by hat on, and carrying her hands in the chiefs, fire Moves, railway carriages, chimney coming simper, "Well, Miss , you needn't tho bUBinesstnvorB of his friends and the public , — » m House in New York, loss of only eight pounds at a dead end, pots, flour barrels, cottage walls, roofing look at me as though you wanted to eat me." athdme. Samples worth $5 CSN OBTAII1 TYWT pockets of her long ulster, when a small boy STIHSON A co.t Port- MACHINISTS'METAL at the WM. B. SWAN. ran up and said: miss, if had more than a mile and a quarter from the tiles, bricks and dies for stamping, and blan­ When a man falls down his temper gener­ "Oh, no," sweetly replied the young lady, Shop^ln rearol Residence, HainStroet NorvtU. "Say, yer a ally gets up before be does. "I never eat green*."—Oil City Derrick. GAZETTE OFFICE, E. T. •WHITNEY. cigar now, you'd be aU right, wouldn't yer?" boiler. j kets,