Outline Planning Application

Design and Access Statement for Outline Planning Consent for Residential Development

209 Beamhill Road Anslow

Prepared by JF Planning Associates On behalf of Mr M Page August 2014

REF:251MP August 2014

Design and Access Statement, 209 Beamhill Road, Anslow, Burton upon Trent

Design and Access Statement


1. Introduction 2. Assessment 3. Planning Policy 4. Pre Application Consultations 5. Use 6. Amount 7. Layout 8. Scale 9. Landscape 10. Appearance 11. Access 12. Conclusion

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Design and Access Statement, 209 Beamhill Road, Anslow, Burton upon Trent

Design and Access Statement

1. Introduction

1.1 This Design and Access Statement has been prepared to support the outline application for residential development. Pre application consultations have been carried out with Michael Brown of Borough Council. A pre application response has been received and a meeting has taken place on site. The application is being submitted to demonstrate an acceptable development scheme in conformity with Local Plan policy and the National planning Policy Framework (NPPF).

1.2 This statement is written in accordance with best practice guidance published by the Commission for Architecture and the Built Environment (CABE). The application is in full conformity with the requirements now set for planning applications as altered in the Town and Country Planning (General Development Procedure) (Amendment) () Order 2006 (statutory instrument no.1062), and guidance on changes to the development control system, DCLG 2006.

1.3 Set out below is a description of the proposed development to be carried out. The statement considers key policies contained within the National Planning Policy Framework and the Saved Policies from the East Staffordshire Local Plan and forthcoming Core Strategy.

2. Assessment

2.1 The site is located within the greater built up area of Burton upon Trent and to the east of the village of Anslow. The site falls outside of the defined Neighbourhood Plan boundary for Anslow. Located to the west of Burton upon Trent, the site has excellent transport links to both the local highway network; with access to the A511 and the strategic highway network linking to the A38.

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Design and Access Statement, 209 Beamhill Road, Anslow, Burton upon Trent

Design and Access Statement

2.2 The site is in close proximity to a number of local amenities including, schools, nurseries and public houses. A regular bus service runs along Beamhill Road and bus stops are within 100m of the site.

2.3 The strategic site, Upper Outwoods Farm, is located to the south of Beamhill Road and is a preferred site within the submission Core Strategy. This will be delivered through the plan period and will secure the long-term sustainability of the location.

2.4 The site measures a total of 0.7ha and could deliver a density of circa 22 dwellings. Following pre-application consultation a smaller site density is proposed as part of this planning application.

2.5 The site has a gentle gradient from the road frontage to the centre of the site. The area to the rear of the site is level with a number of outbuildings both of brick and timber construction. The existing buildings would not easily allow for residential conversion and offer little in terms of historical or architectural merit.

3. Planning Policy

3.1 The East Staffordshire Borough Council Local Plan is the formally adopted plan and it is those policies that were confirmed to be saved by the Secretary of State that have informed this application. The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) defines sustainable development and supports presumption in favour of sustainable development.

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Design and Access Statement, 209 Beamhill Road, Anslow, Burton upon Trent

Design and Access Statement

3.2 Local Plan Policy BE1: Design The Borough Council will approve applications for development which respond positively to the context of the area surrounding the site of the application and in themselves exhibit a high quality of design which corresponds to or enhances surrounding development. Such considerations will apply equally to new development and development which involves the re-use of existing buildings. In considering whether design of development proposals is satisfactory, the Borough Council will have regard to the following factors: (a) The layout of the development in terms of its circulation routes and arrangement of buildings and how they relate to such factors in the surrounding area. (b) How elements of any open spaces, both hard and soft, in the proposed development relate to each other, the proposed buildings, the characteristics of the site and the surrounding landscape‟s character and appearance. (c) The density and mix of the development in relation to its context and the uses to which the development will be put. (d) The massing of the development in terms of the shape, volume and arrangement of the building or buildings in relation to the context of the development. (e) How the height of the proposed development relates to the height of surrounding development and any vistas, views or skylines. (f) What materials will be used within the development and how they interrelate with each other, their immediate context and any traditional materials used in the area. g) The detailing and construction techniques to be used in the development and how they interrelate with each other, and relate to the immediate and overall context. (h) Adverse impacts on the immediate and general environment in terms of emissions and other impacts and any use of techniques or mechanisms to reduce those impacts. i) The extent to which the design of the development takes into account the safety of users and reduces the potential for crime to occur in accord with s. 17 of the Crime and Disorder Act 1998.

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Design and Access Statement, 209 Beamhill Road, Anslow, Burton upon Trent

Design and Access Statement

3.3 Local Plan Policy H6 Housing Design and T6 Parking are Design have also been considered.

3.4 Strategic Policy 8 Development Outside Settlement Boundaries sets out where development outside settlement boundaries would be permitted where:

Essential to the support and viability of an existing lawful business or the creation of a new business appropriate in the countryside in terms of type of operation, size and impact and supported by relevant justification for a rural location; or

Providing facilities for the use of the general public or local community close to an existing settlement which is reasonably accessible on foot, by bicycle or by public transport; or

In accordance with a ‘made’ (i.e. legally in force) Neighbourhood Plan; or

Development under the rural exception sites policy; or

Otherwise appropriate in the countryside

3.5 Supplementary Planning Document Open Space, Waste Storage and Collection Guidance, Design Guide SPD

4. Pre Application Consultation and Planning History

4.1 A pre-application consultation has been carried out with Planning Officer Michael Brown and a response received 11 April 2014 REF: QU/2014/ENQ/0349. A meeting was held on site 2 May 2014. The meeting with the planning officer has resulted in a reduced density scheme which is more in keeping with the angled existing building line along Beamhill Road. The proposed developable area is also consistent with that of the built form on the site. The site has an extant planning permission for the construction of a single dwelling within the proposed site location.

5. Use

5.1 The proposed use is for residential development in conformity with the Local Plan and the National Planning Policy Framework. The Local Plan (2006) included Policy

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Design and Access Statement, 209 Beamhill Road, Anslow, Burton upon Trent

Design and Access Statement

H7 development outside settlement boundaries. This does not remain one of the Councils saved policies following the decision by the Secretary of State July 2009.

5.2 The most up to date planning policy in place is that of the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF). The NPPF identifies that presumption should be made in favour of sustainable development (para 14). The NPPF also identifies the three dimensions to sustainable development including the economic, social and environmental roles. When assessing this site it was important to not only think of sustainable as a single dimension such as location, but to include the three aspects identified within the NPPF.

5.3 The assessment of the site identifies that it is within a sustainable location. The site is located within the existing built up area of residential development. Whilst not within the identified settlement boundary of the not saved policy, it is within the area of built development for the settlement. Proposed is a small deliverable mix of housing to support the local area. Adding a small number of additional dwellings will have a positive effect on the existing services offered within the locality and brings both Social and Economic benefits. These benefits include; construction, local labour, the integration of additional families within the area or allowing people to move and stay within the locality they live and work.

5.4 Under the policies of the NPPF this application should be considered. It is recognised that the forthcoming Core Strategy has been submitted but until its adoption East Staffordshire Borough Council cannot identify a five-year land supply. The Council accepts and has published that the 5year supply (calculated by East Staffordshire Borough Council) is 4.1 years. Accepting the lack of 5-year supply then presumption is in favour of sustainable development as set out within the NPPF. The forthcoming Core Strategy also holds little weight until it has been through examination in public and main modifications are being consulted on.

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Design and Access Statement, 209 Beamhill Road, Anslow, Burton upon Trent

Design and Access Statement

6. Amount

6.1 The amount of development proposed has been assessed through pre-application consultation. The site is located within the identified National Forest and is in keeping with the existing area of built development. The Proposed amount has been designed as an indicative layout identified below for the outline application.

6.2 The amount of development will provide a total of 6 additional dwellings and see the existing property altered to 3 bedrooms. Each dwelling comprises four bedrooms and has its own off street parking and garage. The proposals are in conformity with Local Plan Policy BE1 (C) keeping the amount of development consistent with the neighbouring properties and within the existing area of built development.

7. Layout

7.1 We have not provided detailed floor plans as this is an outline application and those matters are reserved. The indicative plan has been designed to keep the layout of development consistent with that found on Beamhill Road. On inspection it was Ref: 251MP Page 8

Design and Access Statement, 209 Beamhill Road, Anslow, Burton upon Trent

Design and Access Statement

clear that the building line along Beamhill Road is staggered and is angled at different trajectories along the rear building line.

7.2 The indicative layout identifies a shared surface access for both pedestrian and vehicular movements. Turning and manoeuvring space is provided for each of the dwellings. The layout has been designed to provide adequate space for each of the proposed properties whilst remaining in keeping with the surrounding area. Distances from principle elevations exceed 28m, with the closest property being plot 6. Soft landscaping will be provided across the site with each property having adequate garden land for the size of dwelling.

7.3 The layout is in full conformity with Local Plan Policy BE1 and has been laid out to meet the requirements A – I of the policy. Aspects such as appearance and materials at this stage are not a matter for the consideration of the application. The reserved matters application will include detailed dwellings that will be in keeping with the setting and many of the properties that are located along Beamhill Road.

8. Scale

8.1 The scale of the development whilst indicative for the purpose of this application will remain in keeping with the surroundings. Dwellings within proximity of the site are predominantly two storeys. This will be matched with the 6 plots not exceeding two storeys in height. The limitation of the height of development will mitigate the appearance of development to the rear of the dwellings along Beamhill Road. The positioning of the development on the site is at a lower level than the development on the street frontage.

9. Landscape

9.1 Landscaping will be proposed as part of the reserved matters application. It will be native planting and conditioned to be implemented and maintained until established. The indicative layout in accordance with local plan policy BE1 (B) identifies the Ref: 251MP Page 9

Design and Access Statement, 209 Beamhill Road, Anslow, Burton upon Trent

Design and Access Statement

positioning of hard and sort landscaping that is envisaged for the final reserved matters application.

10. Appearance

10.1 The external appearance of each of the properties will be part of the reserved matters application. The final design will take into consideration the surrounding properties of the site and will be justified in accordance with Local Plan Policy BE1 (f).

11. Access

11.1 Access to the site is gained from Beamhill Road. The existing driveway will be utilised to provide access to the site. 209 Beamhill Road has been extended and will be reduced back to the original building as part of this application. The removal of the extension will allow for the construction of a shared surface access.

11.2 The proposed access will provide 98m visibility splays at a 2.4m offset from the highway. The entrance will have 6m radi to allow for vehicular tracking. A centre line has been identified on the plans for clarity. The alterations to the house will create a pinch point width of 4.8m and the gradient for the first 10m will not exceed 1:30. Enough space is available at the entrance to the site to pull clear of the highway and allow the widest of vehicle to pass before entering the access drive.

11.3 The existing traffic movements to the site, whilst for a single dwelling, include a number of additional movements to the buildings at the rear. The proposed addition of 6 dwellings will not have a significant or severe effect on the highway network.

11.4 Each dwelling will have a garage and 2 parking spaces. In accordance with Local Plan Policy T7 no excess is proposed than that of the operational parking standards.

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Design and Access Statement, 209 Beamhill Road, Anslow, Burton upon Trent

Design and Access Statement

12. Conclusion

12.1 The proposed development meets the requirement of the saved policies of the Local Plan and the National Planning Policy Framework. A total of 6 dwellings can be delivered within 5 years and feed into the requirement to demonstrate a deliverable 5 year supply of housing.

12.2 The outline Scheme whilst indicative has been designed in accordance with the saved policies of the Local Plan and demonstrates that 6 dwellings can be constructed within this sustainable location. The granting of this application will help provide much needed additional housing within a deliverable time period and contribute to the forthcoming examination of the Core Strategy.

12.3 For the reasons set out within this statement it is considered that the application meets with both the National Planning Policy Framework and the Saved Policies of the Local Plan.

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