D ON ON L August Vol 31 Sept No 4 2009 The Princess Louise, High Holborn (see page 38) Editorial London Drinker is published by Mike Hammersley on behalf of the London Branches of CAMRA, the NDON Campaign for Real Ale Limited, and O edited by Geoff Strawbridge. L Material for publication should preferably be sent by e-mail to
[email protected]. Press releases should be sent by email to Tony Hedger,
[email protected] Changes to pubs or beers should be reported to Capital Pubcheck, 2 Sandtoft Road, London SE7 7LR or by e-mail to
[email protected]. For publication in October 2009, please send electronic documents to the Editor no Tired and emotive? later than Wednesday 16th September. SUBSCRIPTIONS: £3.00 for mailing of s you will see from the opening their efforts to do that are all the 6 editions or £6.00 for 12 should be sent Asection of the News Round-Up more worthy because they don’t to Stan Tompkins, 52 Rabbs Mill House, column, the tied house system has get much out of it. Most managers Chiltern View Road, Uxbridge, become news and, as they say in are on relatively low salaries Middlesex, UB8 2PD (cheques payable to CAMRA London). Private Eye , ‘ this one will run and augmented by bonuses that their ADVERTISING: Peter Tonge: run ’. I thought that some general employers try to find cunning ways Tel: 020-8300 7693. comments might be useful to the of not paying , and managing a Printed by Cliffe Enterprise, wider London Drinker readership failing pub is not the soundest of Eastbourne, BN22 8TR accordingly.