COASTAL COMMUNITY TEAMS ECONOMIC PLAN Key Information 1 Name of CCT Bamburgh, Seahouses and Beadnell (BSB) 2 Single Point of Contact (SPOC) Name Iain Robson Access and Natural Environment Officer Northumberland Coast AONB Partnership Address c/o County Hall Morpeth Northumberland NE61 2EF Tel no. 01670 622660 Email
[email protected] 3 (a) Current CCT Membership Name Position Jude Aldred Chair, Bamburgh Parish Council Jen Hall Beadnell Parish Council and local tourism operator Geoffrey Stewart Chair, North Sunderland Parish Council Shirley Wright Seahouses Development Trust Philip Brabban Harbour Master, North Sunderland Harbour Noel Page Local retailer and Bamburgh Parish Council Paul Nichol Active Northumberland Judy Glover CofE Vicar, Seahouses Jude Leitch Northumberland Tourism Jeff Sutheran Tourism Business Operator Rody White Tourism Business Operator James Boulton Saville Smiths Gore (Estate Manager) 1 John Woodman NCC Councillor, Bamburgh Allison Thompson Local tourism operator 3 (b) Others to be involved in CCT Membership Organisation/Group Other members to be invited at launch 4 Accountable Body Local Authority Northumberland County Council (NCC) Contact Tony Kirsop Address County Hall, MORPETH NE61 2EF Tel 01670 622648/07970 018214 email
[email protected] Does the Accountable Body have a representative on the CCT membership? YES 5 Local Area The BSB CCT area comprises the parishes of Bamburgh, Beadnell and Seahouses and covers a space of 4,487 hectares with a usual resident population of 2,919. This equates to around 0.7 residents per hectare across the area, meaning the area is relatively sparsely populated when compared with national averages of 4.1 residents per hectare.