The Way to a Healthy Future for National Ecosystems in the West: What Role Can Silviculture and Prescribed Fire Play?

Douglas W. MacCleeryl

Abstract.-The 1994 in the U.S. West have highlighted a problem of forest health and fuel buildups that has been increasing for decades. In many Western forest ecosystems, forest per acre has risen substantially since the 1940s and many have dense, fire-prone . If current trends continue, there will be: 1) increasing risks to National Forest ecosystems from insects, disease, and conflagration events, 2) a rising toll of loss and degradation of watershed values and wildlife habitats from abnormally intense wildfires, as well as continued losses in the biological diversity of vegetation types that were historically characterized by frequent, low intensity, fires, 3) increased risks to the human communities located in forested areas and to the fire fighters sent in to protect them, and 4) significant and increasing losses to taxpayers in fire sup- pression costs and resource values Major barriers to taking the management actions needed to effectively address forest ecosystem health include: 1) erroneous public perceptions about the na- ture of prior to European settlement, 2) piecemeal and uncoor- dinated implementation of federal environmental laws, 3) focusing on the short- term environmental impacts of projects, while ignoring the long-term risks of fail- ure to take the actions necessary to restore forest health, and 4)' lack of consis- tent, reliable information on the specific extent of forest health problems, and on the treatment measures needed to address them.

INTRODUCTION Decades of fire exclusion has been a major contributor to poor forest health and forest man- The catastrophic Western fires of 1994 have agement problems. On August 29,1994, Forest spotlighted a problem that has been building for Service Chief Jack Ward Thomas discussed these decades-the growing susceptibility of many problems in testimony before the Senate Subcom- Western forest areas to insects, disease, and cata- mittee on Agricultural Research, Conservation, strophic . Ironically, the cause of this , and General Legislation Committee on problem is a century of reduced presence of fire in Agriculture: . these ecosystems. This year's wildfires have brought to the pubUc's attention aforest health problem that had its 'Assistant Director of Timber Management for Inventory, Planning, and Silviculture, National Forest System, U.S. Department of Agricul- beginnings over 100 years ago. In Idaho, and in ture, Forest Service, Washington, 0.C. much of the West, the health ofNationa2 Forests, otherfederal lands and private and State lands is A substantial reduction in ecosystein fire had closely related to clzanges in the historic role of fire already occurred over much of the West by the late on those lands. . . . The same problenzs will be with 1880s or even before. It coincided with the disinte- us next summer and each summer in thefuture gration of the cultures of native peoples in the area, unless we recognize that some actions are necessary virtually all of whom actively used fire as a major to return fire to the environment in n way that land management (Anderson 1990, Arno 1!%5, achieves desired outcomes, to improveforest health Boyd 1986, Bowden 1992, Cronon 1985, Gruell and reduce the risk that fire will damage site 1985, Pyne 1982, Williams 1989, Williams 1994). productivity or destroy human life and property Reduced ecosystem fire was associated with the (Thomas 1994). elimination of Indian burning, with the settlement The twin problems of fuel build-ups and declin- of western valley areas, and, especially, with ing forest health, and their effect on ecosystem increased livestock grazing, which broke up fuel diversity and sustainability, are likely to be the continuity (Sampson et al. 1993). single most significant environmental challenge Even in the absence of timber harvesting, exclu- facing National Forest managers over the next two sion of fire will eventually result in the elimination decades. The challenge will be great physically and of ponderosa , , and other forest types biologically because such problems are extensive characteristic of frequent fire regimes. This transi- on federal forest lands (Sampson et al. 1993, Tho- tion can clearly be seen occurring in National Parks mas 1994, USDA/FS 1993b). and Wilderness areas and in other areas that have The challenge will also be significant intellectu- never been logged. Many forests in these "pro- ally and emotionally because effective solutions tected" areas are now being replaced bk dense will require the public and National Forest manag- stands of fire and insect susceptible and mixed ers to rethink some strongly held assumptions species (Sampson et al. 1993). about the nature of forests prior to European contact and on the role that natural and human induced processes played in those forests. FOREST ECOSYSTEMS HAVE CHANGED PROFOUNDLY It will require the Forest Service and the forest conservation community to come to grips with the A number of studies have been made which use often divisive issue of whether and how humans repeat photography comparing late 19th century should intervene in natural forest ecosystems. landscape photographs to those recently taken While other forms of intervention, such as timber from the same photo points (Gruell 1980, Gruell harvesting, have been a primary focus of public 1983, MacCleery 1994, Progulske 1974, USDA/FS attention, the reduction in ecosystem fire in the West 1993c, Wyoming State Historical Society 1976). has been one of the most profound and sigruficant These studies universally demonstrate the pro- human interventions of any that has occurred over found ecological changes that have occurred over the last century. the last century in Western forest landscapes. These photos record dramatic increases in the ORIGIN AND HISTORY OF FOREST HEALTH density and overstory biomass volume of forest PROBLEMS IN THE WEST vegetation over the last century, and a decrease or complete elimination of both the aspen component and in the herbaceous understory in conifer stands. The assertion is often made that today's Western In addition, grasslands have become forest health problems are the result of the aggres- sive fire suppression activities initiated by the and open woodlands have become dense forests. Other non-photographic studies strongly corrobo- Forest Service and other federal agencies in the rate the existence of such changes (Covington and 1930s, coupled with the extensive harvest of West- ern pine forests after World War 11. While there is Moore 1994, Sampson et al. 1993). some truth to these assertions, they tell only a The reduction in fire is not just caushig forests to partial story. become more dense. The overstory of many forests are also older on the average than they elevation forests, at least over the short term. Many would have been without this change. An example cool, moist forest ecosystems were historically is the Flathead National Forest in Montana (where subject to infrequent, stand-replacing fires. But the Bob Marshall Wilderness is located). A recon- even in these forests, reduction in historic fire has naissance survey done in 1899 estimated that about had substantial ecological effects in some areas. 18 percent of the forest area of the Flathead was in The aspen component has been substantially a mature forest condition, and 6 percent was old- reduced, many meadows and openings have gowth; but by 1990 the area of mature forest had diminished in size or disappeared altogether, and increased to 33 percent, and the area of old-growth existing forest stands have overstory trees which to 20 percent (USDA/FS 1992). are older on-the-average than historically. The ecological diversity and "patchy-ness" of the forest landscape has been reduced. Such forests will be ECOLOGICAL EFFECTS-LOSS OF subject to increased insect epidemics and to larger BIODIVERSITY, DETERIORATING FOREST and more intense stand-replacing conflagrations HEALTH, MORE INTENSE WILDFIRES than typically would have occurred in the past. Of course, there are many gradations between Biological diversity has already been profoundly warm/ dry and cool/ moist forest ecosystems. affectedby these changes, even before the potential Many forests were subject both to relatively fre- ecological effect of an increase in intense wildfire is quent low intensity fires, as well as occasional considered. A recent Forest Service study shows a stand-replacing conflagrations when weath,er and substantial loss in the aspen component in the forest conditions were right. When viewed from a forests of the Southwest. Based on spatial and temporal scale, the picture can be quite data, it found that between 1962 and 1986, the area complex. Within the same general vegetation of aspen forests had dropped by 46 percent. The community there are significant variations in fire . study predicts that if these trends continue, in less frequency and effects over time, depending on than three decades aspen will cease to exist as a periodic cycles, topography, and human distinct forest type in the Southwestern region influences. And within the same general landscape, (USDAIFS 1993a). This same study found that the there can be major variations in vegetation commu- area of the forest type that is the beneficiary of nities and fire behavior depending on charac- reduced fire occurrence, the mixed conifer type, teristics, aspect, slope and related factors, eg. north increased by 81 percent. vs. south slopes. Brown (1994) has proposed a The ecological effects of reduced ecosystem fire classification scheme for fire regimes that should depend on the nature of the forest. In warm, dry assist in improving understanding and awareness of forest ecosystems which historically were charac- the complex processes involved. terized by frequent, low-intensity fires, elimination These complexities make it difficult to simply of fire leads rapidly to the development of a dense, characterize the vegetation changes that are occur- multi-storied forest structure-subject to increasing ring as the result of fire exclusion. Much of the mortality from drought, other forest health prob- debate on the forest health issue is focused on these lems, and stand-replacing conflagrations, which differences and opposing interpretations as to their seldom occurred in the past (USDA/FS 199313). relevance. While more research into the ecological These low intensity fire adapted forest types, effects of these changes is certainly needed, a which are estimated to comprise more than half of general pattern does emerge. Due to changes in the forest area in the Interior West, typically oc- forest density, understory composition, and the cupy lower elevations (USDAIFS 1993b). Because kinds of species that are emerging to replace of their accessibility, such lands often have been the existing forest the forests that are now rather extensively roaded. developing will be decidedly more susceptible to In higher elevation forests, which tend to be insects, disease, drought, and catastrophic fire than cooler and moister, the ecological effects of fire those of the past. When fires do occur in such exclusion are typically less profound than in lower forests (as they inevitably will), they will tend to be intense, stand replacing, soil damaging fires, beyond creased by 44 percent; and on the Pacific Coast it that which would have been typical in the past. has dropped by 1.4 percent (USDAIFS 1993d). Even high elevation forests, where stand replac- The significant increase in NFS forest biomass in ing fires were the norm in the past, will likely be the East and South is understandable and positive subject to larger and more intense fires than in the because these forests were heavily cutover and ' past due to increased structural homogeneity and burned in the late 1800s and early 1900s prior to reduced patchy-ness (Barrett et al. 1991). This will acquisition by the Forest Service. The reduction in likely lead to reduced biological diversity over time. forest biomass on NFS lands in the Pacific Coast is also understandable since the post World War I1 There are also immediate watershed effects of period marked the beginning of major timber the denser forests as well. It has long been known harvesting activities on NFS lands in the West. that the density of forest vegetation affects hydro- While average NFS forest biomass on the Pacific logic functioning, particularly streamflows during Coast has dropped by 14 percent since 1952, it still the dry season. It is a common observation in the is more than twice that of NFS lands in the eastern forests of the Interior West that streamflow rates U.S. (3812 cubic feetlacre vs. 1528 cubic feetlacre often increase after stand replacing fires destroy in Eastern NFs) (USDAIFS 1993d). most vegetation. Today, many streams in Western forest areas which were perennial streams a cen- The increase in NFS forest biomass in the Interior tury ago now do not flow year around, and low West is another story, however. This increase comes flows in many others are lower than they used to on forests which were not heavily cutover during be. Low flow rates affect water temperature and the settlement period, and occurred evgn in the are a critical factor for fish and other aquatic life. face of timber harvesting that averaged more than 2 billion board feet per year between 1960 and 1990. This biomass increase largely represents the BIOMASS CHANGES ON NFS LANDS- legacy of fire exclusion in the Interior West. Biom- HOW EXTENSIVE? ass buildups have occurred largely in the smaller Today the volume of net forest growth on the diameter classes. The volume of trees in diameter National Forest System as a whole is more than twice classes less than 17 inches increased by 52 percent the volume of removals. Net forest growth is total forest between 195292; and today such trees comprise growth reduced by losses due to mortality rot, etc. two-thirds of total stand volume on all lands in the ' Interior West. The voiume of trees greater than 17 It is estimated that total (gross) forest growth on inches has been stable since 1952 (USDAIFS 1993d). National Forest System (NFS) lands is about 22.5 billion board feet (BBF) per year, or 4.5 billion cubic The above figures include live biomass only. feet (BCF). Forest mortality is estimated at about 6 There has also been a significant, but undeter- BBF or 1.2 BCF, and timber harvest in FY 1994 was mined, increase in dead biomass in the Interior 5.0 BBF or about 1.0 BCF, about half of which was West. In many western forest ecosystem, biomass salvage of mortality. This means that the- net recycles primarily through fire, rather than decay. addition- of live forest biomass on NFS lands The large forest biomass increases in the Interior was-almost 14 billion board feet--or about 2.8 West cannot continue indefinitely. If humans do BCF, just in FY 1994 alone (USDAIFS 1993d). not make purposeful adjustments, nature most Because net forest growth has substantially certainly will, as last year's wildfires graphically exceeded removals since at least the 1950s (and demonstrated. likely decades before that), average forest biomass per acre on NFS lands has risen substantially over CHALLENGES AND BARRIERS TO the last century. There are major regional differ- ECOSYSTEM MANAGEMENT: ences, however, in where this biomass is being THE "NATURAL" FOREST PARADOX added. Since 1952, average net NFS forest biomass per acre in the East and South has doubled; in the One of the most significant barriers to address- Interior West (Regions 1,2,3, and 4), it has in- ing the forest health issue is not physical or biologi- cal-neither is it related to a lack of scientific or Today we are faced with a paradox: The dense technical knowledge. Rather it lies in public per- stands that now exist in many National Parks, ceptions as to the nature of pre-European forests. Wilderness areas and other "undisturbed" areas, which many in the public perceive as the "natural" %day, we have some strongly held popular forest condition, are the result of decades of human fiages of what American forests were like prior to intervention in the form of fire control. But many European contact. One of these is the image of the of the open, park-like stands encountered by Euro- "forest primeval," the idea that pre-European American settlers were themselves, to a significant forests were dominated by a "blanket of ' extent, a product of thousands of years of interven- ancient forest." This image is one of continuous, tion by native peoples. Reintroduction of natural closed-canopy, structurally complex, all-aged sources of fire alone, such as lightning, will not forests which nature maintained for long likely restore these systems to what they were. periods in a steady-state, equilibrium balance with the environment. We have a corollary image of a Under ecosystem management, the concept of pre-contact native peoples who lived in the forests "range of natural variation" has emerged-now and on the plains, but really didn't do much to often called the "range of historic variation" to change either (Bowden 1992). There is overwhelm- recognize the influence of native peoples. While ing physical, biological, as well as anthropological this is a useful concept, some people are opposed evidence that both of these images are incorrect to any active human intervention in forested (Amo 1985, Butzer 1990, Covington and Moore ecosystems, even if its purpose is to return them to 1994, Denevan 1992, Kay 1995, Pyne 1982, Teensma their historic range. This ignores the fact that: 1) 1991). "passive" intervention in those systems in the form of fire exclusion has (and continues to) profoundly Both natural and human caused fires were major changed them; and that 2) active intervention by , factors maintaining the open nature of vast areas of native peoples often helped create a number plant western forests (Pyne 1982). But Indian burning and animal communities that are relatively rare did much more than just add a supplemental todav. ignition source to that of lightning. Because of its frequency and timing, in many areas aboriginal One thing is clear: If a significant increase in burning created entirely different vegetation forest mortality and catastrophic wildfire is consid- mosaics and plant communities than would have ered socially and environmentally unacceptable, existed without it (Blackburn & Anderson 1993, the current situation is unsustainable without some Boyd 1986, Kay 1995, White 1975). Most Indian form of active human intervention. In the face of fires were set in the spring and fall (when lightning the profound ecological changes now occurring in is uncommon) and tended to create vegetation many forests, human action will be necessary to communities adapted to frequent, low intensity achieve over the long term whatever "desired fires. In the absence of Indian burning, natural future condition" is likely to come out of National lightning fires in many forested landscapes would Forest planning. Active management will be have been both less frequent, and more intense required to maintain them, if such a decision is than Indian fires. Indeed, vegetation modification made, in an approximation of their pre-European by native American burning likely tended to condition. A paper addressing these problems was reduce the numbers of high intensity fires caused prepared last year by the Fire and Aviation Staff in by lightning that otherwise would have occurred the Washington Office (USDAIFS 199313). (Pyne 1982). Erroneous images of the nature of forests prior to THE GROWING WILDLANDIURBAN European contact exist not only in the public's INTERFACE PROBLEM mind. They are also strongly held by many of the managers and employees of the Forest Service and Since the 1970~~there has been a major increase other federal and state agencies. These images . in residential development in wildland vegetation continue to profoundly effect public policy today. types next to National Forest lands. This has vastly complicated National . Among many situations. The use of silviculture, in con- other things, the increased flammability of forests junction with increased use of prescribed fire, will increases the risks to those communities. In the last be essential in maintaining ecosystem health. decade, conflagration events have destroyed The silvicultural practices designed to maintain hundreds of homes and killed dozens of people. In forest health will be different than those used to' addition, protecting residential developments has produce timber as a primary objective. Smaller increasingly tied up fire resources traditionally material will be removed. There will be more use devoted to suppression of fires on National Forest of , salvage, and other silvicultural treat- lands. In September 1994, Undersecretary James ments that involve removal of only a portion of the Lyons estimated that during the 1994 fire season, as trees on a site. product values will be lower much as 75 percent of federal fire suppression and costs higher. resources were tied up protecting structures and residential communities (Lyons 1994).The pres- The potential exists for the use of silvicultural ence of these communities also makes it more operations in support of forest health objectives to difficult to initiate a program of mechanical treat- become win/win situations. The equipment and ment and prescribed fire on adjacent federal lands. technology already exists to "tread lightly" and to carry out the silvicultural activities needed to In a major strategic evaluation of Forest Service maintain forest health. Many of these operations fire management, a team recently recommended (but not all) will yield positive economic returns, major changes in current approaches (USDAIFS particularly at recent timber price levels. And even 1995). Among other things, the team recommended when they do not, capturing of timber iralues can that: 1) Fire and fire effects considerations significantly reduce the total cost of the projects. be integrated fully into National Forest ecosystem These projects can reduce the substantial economic management planning and implementation at aU losses for and site rehabilita- levels, 2) the use of mechanical treatment and tion after severe wildfires. Last year the Forest prescribed fire be increased dramatically to help Service spent almost one billion dollars on wildfire restore ecosystem health, 3) the Forest Service . suppression. reduce direct attack suppression responsibilities in residential wildland areas, 4) public and Silvicultural treatments involving the sale of local regulation be expanded to ensure fire safe merchantable material can substantially reduce building design and location in the wildland/ total treatment costs, reduce the risk of escaped urban interface, and 5) fuel management areas or prescribed fires, support local community econo- zones be established on NFS lands located next to mies, reduce the intensity of heat and fire (thus residential areas. protecting soil and watershed values), increase dry season streamflow rates, and substantially reduce The fuel management zones were considered the amount of smoke that would otherwise be necessary for two reasons: 1) to allow for more use released. Going back to the levels of ecosystem fire of prescribed ecosystem fire on NFS lands without and smoke that existed in pre-settlement times is jeopardizing adjacent human communities, and 2) simply not legally or politically feasible. Even with to reduce the level of fire suppression resources pretreatment, dealing with existing smoke manage- required to protect communities during fire emer- ment guidelines will be a major challenge. gencies. It is not a question of whether these ecosystems will burn, but when and with what environmental THE ROLE OF SILVICULTURE AS ATOOL IN and economic consequences. With respect to ADDRESSING FOREST HEALTH smoke, Chief Thomas has said that we must decide whether we want a little in the air a lot of the time, While exclusion of fire from forested ecosystems or a lot all at once. That is certainly he,but me- is an underlying cause of the forest health prob- chanical treatment and removal of biomass is one lems we face today, returning fire alone, even on a way to reduce the total amount of smoke that other- carefully controlled basis, simply is not feasible in wise would go into the air. FOREST SERVICE LEADERSHIP will also be opposed to seeing smoke in the air on a AND EFFECTIVE PUBLIC regular basis. COMMUNICATIONS IS KEY On a positive note, many of the areas that have been the most profoundly affected by fire exclusion ~~troductionof silviculture and prescribed fire ' for forest health will not be without controversy. are lower elevation areas that are already roaded. Strong Forest Service leadership will be a key Many have relatively moderate topography, which factor in successfully forging such a social consen- will greatly facilitate use of logging equipment and sus. Substantial federal and state financial assets prescribed fire. The Forest Service should begin in will also need to be devoted to forest health issues. these areas to demonstrate what the end result will look like and try to build a reservoir of public trust. The and technologies currently exist to address the growing forest health problem in the But long term staying power will be needed. West. Unfortunately there is a lack of consistent, Forest health problems were decades in the making reliable information on the specific extent of forest will not be solved overnight If the Forest Service health problems, and on the treatment measures does not enter the forest health arena recognizing needed to address them. In spite of these shortcom- the long term nature of the issue, but instead treats ings, the biggest barrier is social-that is, forging it as an "on again, off again" issue, it risks losing the social consensus on the actions needed to considerable agency credibility. manage NFS lands to maintain ecosystem health. In a major strategic vision document, "The LEGAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE Forest Service Ethics and Course to the Future," BARRIERS TO ACHIEVING FOREST Chief Jack Ward Thomas lays a solid foundation HEALTH OBJECTIVES for addressing forest health issues (USDA/FS 1994a).Two major focus areas identified in this It is not the purpose of this paper to explore in publication include ecosystem protection and depth the legal and administrative barriers to ecosystem restoration. Actions called for under implementing forest health goals. These have been these focus areas include: "Understanding the roles documented elsewhere (Sampson et al. 1993; USDA/ of fires, insects and disease, and drought cycles in FS 199313; USDA/FS 1995).Briefly however, they shaping ecosystems, and bringng that understand- include: ing to bear in management" (Ecosystem Protec- 1) Agency aversion to risk and controversy tion); and "Promoting the use of prescribed fires in Public aversion to smoke and the aversion to ecosystems that evolved with a fire regime . . . the risk of escaped prescribed fire by Forest (Ecosystem Restoration). Service managers discourages National Forest The Forest Service's Western Forest Health managers in their use of prescribed fire, even Initiative, kicked off last fall, is a good start in when projects are approved and funded. putting this vision into action (USDA/FS 1994b). 2) Piecemeal and uncoordinated implementation But continued strong Forest leadership and follow- of federal environmental laws. The Endan- through will be the key to ultimate success. gered Species Act, Clean Air and Clean Water Acts, and other federal environmental laws by The Western Forest Health Initiative illustrates their nature tend to encourage a piecemeal the barriers that will be encountered. It is clear that and ad hoc approach to federal land manage- public trust is a significant problem. Some people ment. Unfortunately agency regulations and will oppose any direct human intervention in bureaucracies act to compound this tendency. forest ecosystems (although humans have been The bureaucracies of the lead agencies for doing so for millennia). They will view use of these laws tend to focus on the short-term commercial timber harvesting, even in support of impacts of projects, while ignoring the long- ecosystem restoration objectives, as "business as term risks of failure to take the actions neces- usual." Controversy is likely to be particularly sary to restore forest health. An example are intense if NFS roadless areas are involved. People the guidelines for the protection of the Mexi- can spotted owl, which mandate the mainte- vides little basis for prioritizing federal expen- nance of large areas of Southwestern forests as ditures at a national level. multi-storied types. Such conditions are The net collective effect of all of these barriers highly conducive to conflagration events has b,een a strong bias in favor of delay, even in the which seldom occurred under pre-European face of strong Agency public statements on the' conditions. They are certain to be need for prompt action. Such statements are well unsustainable over the long term. placed on this issue. The reality is that time is In addition to their short-term bias, the analy- running out for taking effective action to address sis processes established pursuant to these western forest health problems. The time to act is laws are very costly, time consuming, and now. provide considerable opportunity for interest groups to intervene to block proposed actions. 3) An overly narrow focus and short term per- SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION spective taken by some Forest Service assess- ments and studies. Despite the profound The forest health and fuel buildup problem is effects that increasing forest density has on likely to be the most challenging resource issue to hydrological functioning (e.g., dry season low face the Forest Service over the next two decades. It flow rates and their critical importance to fish will be challenging intellectually because it will - and other aquatic life), this factor has been cause the Agency and public to rethink some long virtually ignored by many Forest Service standing images of forests and the role of humans regtonal, forest, and watershed level assess- in shaping them. It will require the ~oiestService ments of fish habitat. The historic role of and the forest conservation community to come to aboriginal fire in shaping Western forest grips with the often divisive issue of human inter- ecosystems similarly has been largely ignored. vention in natural forest ecosystems. Such assessments often result in delaying It will also be challenging physic ally^ economi- management action while more information is cally, and organizationally. Key to success will be gathered, even though some actions could be Forest Service leadership-its persistence and taken to address forest health, such as some effectiveness-in carrying through on a long-term salvage and in already roaded areas,, public communications effort and on the necessary with very modest adverse short-term environ- actions in the field to "walk the talk." A good mental consequences. groundwork has been laid in Chief Thomas' 4) Lack of consistent, reliable information on the "Course to the Future" and the Western Forest extent of forest health problems and on the Health Initiative. However, some actions of the treatment measures that will be needed to Forest Service and other federal agencies run address them. The Forest Health Monitoring counter to the stated objective of aggressively grid has not yet been established in the West, addressing forest health problems. Failure to act in although work to do so is beginning. Forest a positive and coordinated way to deal with this Inventory and Analysis (FIA) provides reason- issue is likely to have serious long-term effects on ably good forest trend information on non- both National Forest ecosystems and to the Forest federal lands in the West. Unfortunately, NFS Service's own credibility. forest-level data is often not consistent with FIA data (and is very often inconsistent with data of adjacent National Forests). There LITERATURE CITED currently exists little data on reserved forest- lands, such as Wilderness and National Parks, Anderson, R.C. 1990. The historic role of fire in the North or on forestlands of low productivity. Re- American grassland. In Fire in North American tallgrass prairies, ed. S.L.Collins and L.L.Wallace, pp.8-18. Norman. served and low productivity forestlands University of Oklahoma Press. , comprise 45 percent of all NFS forestlands in Amo, S.F. 1985. Ecological effects and management irnplica- the West. Information on treatment needs for tions of Indian fires. In Proceedings: Symposium and forest health is also poor, and currently pro- workshop on wilderness fire. November 15-18,1983. Missoula, MT. Intermountain Forest and Range Experiment MacCleery, D. 1994. 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