
All four characters ( in , Dom Cobb in , Jack Harper in Oblivion, Truman in ) struggle with finding and maintaining their true reality. They are willing to make sacrifices to know the truth and to protect the ones they love. Mal Cobb, Cypher, Christof & Vika do not want the truth. They have convinced themselves that the lie is easier, more comfortable. They betray others to maintain the lie. ( Smith can be used for The Matrix & “Sally” can be used for Oblivion.)

Those in control of reality falsely believe they are always correct.

The truth will set you free. Truth always wins.

The truth dramatically improves the lives of characters in film.

Gaining control of reality is a physically and emotionally draining ordeal, but it is worth the struggle.

Until the elaborate deceptions of selfish entities are defeated, characters in sci fi film cannot find freedom.

Reality controls us until we learn & decide to take control of our lives.

While reality can be manipulated, deceptive realities cannot last.

“We accept the reality of the world with which we are presented.” ~Christof, The Truman Show

Science Fiction films intentionally distress audiences by posing the possibility that the world does not exist as we believe.

Science Fiction creators have a lot in with classical philosophers. Both question, “What is real?”

Nothing is real, and everything is real. Reality exists only in the mind of the perceiver.

We can never really know reality; science fiction presents many enticing but unattainable possibilities.

Science Fiction truly takes our deepest thoughts and imaginings and makes them plausible.

The secrets of the universe and reality are always tempting humans to seek and search. We will never find all the answers. It would be too dangerous for us to know the truth.

What we believe to be our reality now is not. world is elusive.

Ambiguous realities in Science Fiction reflect the natural fears and insecurities in all of us.

The imagination is the only thing that is truly real.

Our and memories are real, but our daily lives are not.

The search for reality is a search for the self. Characters in Science Fiction who play with reality learn valuable and amazing truths about themselves, regardless of what reality truly is. The journey and search for reality are more important than the answers.

Anything that exists is real.

For something to be real, it must be observed. Our reality is dependent upon our observation of it.

The only thing which is real is ______.

Need inspiration? Read about some of the . You may get some ideas:

 Fourth Dimension  Aristotle  Descartes  Einstein  Phenomenology  John Locke  George Berkeley  David Hume 

Additional films to contemplate:

 What Dreams May Come  Brazil  Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind  The Island and many others...