WEEKLY ACTION MEETING – All Councils Tuesday 2nd February 2021 (10.15 – 11.15am)

Council Finances – there is cross party work / support to engage further with the Finance Minister on rates setting and associated assurances. Prudent rates were being worked on by all 11 councils. Figures are being revised as our bids for tens of millions of pounds and further reassurances are required before Rates are struck in late February / early March. £150million business rates relief scheme should be part of the 2021/22 picture. Capitalisation of certain revenue costs and carry over finances were asks at the Task & Finish Group; councils are dependent on 75-80% on rates for income, the balance is largely income from services. Neither part of the equation can do without government intervention.

ACTION: NILGA to provide evidence piece to Ministers on financial assurances for Councils.

Consultations – The Investment Strategy, PfG and Climate Change (latter responded to by 1st Feb) are ongoing NILGA work. The Equality Consultation and DoF Consultation will require further NILGA input and work, with SOLACE, ALGFO and officer groupings working in tandem. Councils will respond individually also at their discretion. These are all huge matters for local government and our communities.

RDI Network meeting– 22nd Feb for a discussion of the PfG and invite policy officers to inform an inclusive and informed response. STOP PRESS: TEO and DfC seek to make presentation on PfG at this session, invitations to be widened.

Edwin Poots MLA has temporarily stepped down as DAERA Minister due to ill health, Minister will be his replacement. MLA has replaced Minister Lyons as Junior Minister.

ACTION: NILGA to send letter of partnership intent / congratulations to Minsters Lyons and Middleton.

EU EXIT: THE LONG TERM FOR COUNCILS: NILGA and APSE are holding a roundtable on 8th February looking at opportunities and issues arising from EU Exit, now that the future trade relationship has been agreed. All Council Chief Executives, a member from each Council and today’s attendees have been invited.

EU Exit (cont’d) – Minister Poots, the Chief Vet and Council Chiefs met on Monday 1st February to discuss safety for port staff; MEABC made the unanimous decision to remove staff from Larne Port with immediate effect, DAERA then followed suit. Councils, DAERA & the FSA will carry out a risk assessment before staff return. EU staff have been withdrawn as well. SOLACE has the full support of NILGA to work appropriately and diligently on this matter. Ultimately the PSNI and information it garners / offers will be crucial.

Cllr Burgess explained his frustration that the current system at ports is not working as there are ongoing issues with import of machinery and livestock.

ACTION: Summit 8/2/21, leading to APSE / NILGA Report for Councils following event.

Food Miles Campaign – Talking to the right people, from partner agencies (UFU, NIFDA and FSA) to growers to end users is crucial in taking this campaign forward. Cllr Burgess asked that deceptive labelling be considered as an issue, members supported this. Lisa spoke with Michael Bell of NIFDA to discuss where NILGA can add value to their work. He explained that a strategic review of the agri-food sector will be carried out by DfE and NIFDA is also conducting research to determine the value of the sector in NI; Wales and Scotland are “miles ahead of here” - the sector here warrants focussed support. Farmers and producers want departments to remove unnecessary barriers and be more integrated. ABCBC is a member of NIFDA and has access to resources, expertise & advice.

NIFDA has suggested it could establish a council working group to assist staff in environmental health, economic development and waste and would like to encourage councils to engage with their awards.

Value of LG Campaign is launching 8th February 2021.

5G Campaign on benefits and health will roll out on Friday 5th February 2021. Information will be shared with Councils and NILGA will promote it too.

AOB • National Insurance Office has been closed since March 2020 and as a result there are some issues for employees trying to access a NI number to gain work. Derek has enquired through TEO and will contact JJ Tohill / continue correspondence with DfC – this may have to be elevated to HMRC itself. • With Minister Poots stepping down Cllr Curran is concerned that the fishing quota for NI may fall down the priority list for the incoming Minister. Nets are also a contentious issue for NI fishermen. NILGA will highlight this in the above-mentioned letter of correspondence. • The Advice sector is taking a huge cut in funding from the DfC, members noted the need to be aware of this when setting budgets in Councils. • Bids on rural development funding; there is a gap in terms of specific investment in / for LAGs.

Next OB Action Meetings: Tuesday 9th, 16th (TBC) & 23rd February 2021 SOLACE Meeting: Friday 5th February 2021 Joint NILGA & APSE Roundtable on EU Exit: Monday 8th February 2021 NILGA All Council Executive Meeting: Friday 12th February 2021 RDI / PfG Meeting: Monday 22nd February 2021 EIA Network Meeting: Thursday 25th February 2021



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