Land East of Halstead Road Kirby Cross

Essex Archaeological Evaluation

for Linden Ltd Welbeck Strategic Land II LLP Elizabeth Honor Clark

CA Project: 661008 CA Report: 18008 Site Code: FWHR 17 Accession No. COLEM: 2017.97

January 2018

Land East of Halstead Road, Kirby Cross,

Archaeological Evaluation

CA Project: 661008 CA Report: 18008 Site Code: FHWR 17 Accession No. COLEM: 2017.97

Document Control Grid Revision Date Author Checked by Status Reasons for Approved revision by A 22 January Christopher Laurent Cliff 2018 Leonard Coleman Bateman B 25 January Christopher Laurent Client comments Cliff Leonard Coleman Bateman

This report is confidential to the client. Cotswold Archaeology accepts no responsibility or liability to any third party to whom this report, or any part of it, is made known. Any such party relies upon this report entirely at their own risk. No part of this report may be reproduced by any means without permission.

© Cotswold Archaeology

© Cotswold Archaeology Land east of Halstead Road, Kirby Cross, Essex: Archaeological Evaluation


SUMMARY ...... 2

1. INTRODUCTION ...... 3



4. METHODOLOGY ...... 7

5. RESULTS (FIGS 2–10) ...... 8

6. THE FINDS ...... 13


8. DISCUSSION ...... 17

9. CA PROJECT TEAM ...... 18

10. REFERENCES ...... 19


LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Fig. 1 Site location plan (1:25,000) Fig. 2 Trench location plan showing archaeological features and cropmarks (1:2500) Fig. 3 Trench location plan showing archaeological features and cropmarks (north) (1:750) Fig. 4 Trench location plan showing archaeological features and cropmarks (west) (1:1000) Fig. 5 Trench location plan showing archaeological features and cropmarks (east) (1:1000) Fig. 6 Trench 9: plan (1:200), section (1:20) and photograph Fig. 7 Trench 17: plan (1:200), section (1:20) and photograph Fig. 8 Trench 22: plan (1:200) and photograph Fig. 9 Trenches 40 and 43: plans (1:200), sections (1:20) and photographs Fig. 10 Trench 45: plan (1:200), section (1:20) and photograph Fig. 11 Trench 46: plan (1:200), sections (1:20) and photographs Fig. 12 Trench 48: plan (1:200), section (1:20) and photograph Fig. 13 Trench 53: plan (1:200), section (1:20) and photograph

1 © Cotswold Archaeology Land east of Halstead Road, Kirby Cross, Essex: Archaeological Evaluation


Project Name: Land east of Halstead Road Location: Kirby Cross, Essex NGR: 622314 221126 Type: Evaluation Date: 8–22 December 2017 Planning Reference: 15/01234/OUT Location of Archive: To be deposited with Colchester & Ipswich Museum Service Accession Number: COLEM: 2017.97 Site Code: FHWR 17

An archaeological evaluation was undertaken by Cotswold Archaeology in December 2017 on land east of Halstead Road, Kirby Cross, Essex. A total of 84 trenches was excavated.

The evaluation identified a single feature of Late prehistoric date together with a small area of medieval activity within the eastern part of the site. This medieval activity comprised agricultural boundary ditches and a cluster of pits. Undated activity comprised three undated pits and an unurned cremation in the western part of the site.

Post-medieval and modern field system ditches, and a number of modern pits, were also identified.

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1.1 In December 2017 Cotswold Archaeology (CA) carried out an archaeological evaluation for Linden Ltd Welbeck Strategic Land II LLP and Elizabeth Honor Clark on land east of Halstead Road, Kirby Cross, Essex (centred at NGR: 622314 221126; Fig. 1).

1.2 Council (TDC) has granted planning permission (15/01234/OUT) for residential development following an appeal. The proposed development comprises the erection of up to 240 dwellings with a community hub including either a 40-bed space care home (Class C2) or a healthcare facility (Class D1), together with access from Halstead Road, Woburn Avenue and Buckfast Avenue; along with parking, green infrastructure, structural landscaping, biodiversity enhancements, drainage and other related infrastructure and services provision. In keeping with paragraph 141 of the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF; DCLG 2012) and on a recommendation from Teresa O’Connor, Essex County Council’s Historic Environment Consultant (ECCHEC), it was recommended that a condition should be attached to the consent, requiring that:

RECOMMENDATION: A Programme of Trial Trenching followed by Open Area Excavation 1. No development or preliminary ground-works can commence until a programme of archaeological trial trenching has been secured and undertaken in accordance with a Written Scheme of Investigation, which has been submitted by the applicant, and approved by the planning authority. Following the completion of this initial phase of archaeological work, a summary report will be prepared and a mitigation strategy detailing the approach to further archaeological excavation and/or preservation in situ through re-design of the development, shall be submitted to the local planning authority.

2. No development or preliminary groundwork can commence on those areas of the development site containing archaeological deposits, until the satisfactory completion of archaeological fieldwork, as detailed in the mitigation strategy, which has been signed off by the local planning authority.

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3. Following completion of the archaeological fieldwork, the applicant will submit to the local planning authority a post-excavation assessment (within six months of the completion date, unless otherwise agreed in advance with the planning authority), which will result in the completion of post-excavation analysis, preparation of a full site archive and report ready for deposition at the local museum, and submission of a publication report.

1.3 The evaluation trenching, representing the initial phase of archaeological fieldwork, was carried out in accordance with a brief for archaeological evaluation (O’Connor 2017) and with a subsequent detailed Written Scheme of Investigation (WSI) produced by CA (2017) and approved by Teresa O’Connor (ECCHER). The fieldwork also followed Standard and guidance: Archaeological field evaluation (CIfA 2014), and Standards for Field Archaeology in the East of (Gurney 2003). It was monitored by Teresa O’Connor, including a site visit on 14 December 2017.

The site 1.4 The proposed development site covers part of a single large field (until recently two separate fields), encompassing an area of 18.86ha. The site is bordered to the north and east by agricultural and open land, to the south by numerous properties within various residential developments adjoining Frinton Road (the B1033), and to the west by the gardens of properties fronting Halstead Road. The site stands at a general elevation of 23m above ordnance datum (AOD), dropping to 20m AOD at its northern edge, on a flattish plateau also containing the settlement of Kirby Cross to the south, Frinton-on-Sea to the east and Great Holland to the south-west. To the north the land drops towards The Wade, part of an extensive tract of sea inlets.

1.5 The underlying bedrock geology of the area is mapped as Thames Group - Clay, Silt and Sand of the Palaeogene Period with superficial deposits of Kesgrave Catchment Subgroup - Sand and Gravel and of Cover Sand - Clay, Silt and Sand at the west of the site (BGS 2018). Orange and yellow clays and silts were identified across the site in the evaluation, with occasional pockets of sand and gravel.


2.1 The archaeological and historical background of the site has been presented in an Historic Environment Assessment produced by SLR Consulting (SLR 2015). The

4 © Cotswold Archaeology Land east of Halstead Road, Kirby Cross, Essex: Archaeological Evaluation

following section is summarised from this source and reference to the Essex Historic Environment Record (HER) and other historical records via online sources (HER numbers in parenthesis). Notably, undated cropmark evidence is recorded within a large part of the site, with further concentrations just beyond the eastern site boundary. An air photo mapping and interpretation report has been compiled (Deegan 2017) and supplements the following background.

Prehistoric and Roman 2.2 The most common prehistoric type of find is flint tools: occurring at isolated locations in the marshland c.1km to the north of the site, and clustered loosely round Great Holland further to the south.

2.3 A multi-period site is indicated by Late Upper Palaeolithic, Mesolithic, Neolithic and Iron Age artefacts and Roman saltern remains exposed in an eroding embankment next to the stream leading into the sea c. 1km to the north of the site.

2.4 Numerous cropmarks are recorded within the site and adjacent areas; within the group as a whole many may be of natural origin, however, the cropmark evidence has also been interpreted as evidence for pits, a field boundary and an extensive field system and trackway. A ring-shaped feature, approximately 17m in diameter, and further ditches defining parts of rectangular enclosures which are similar in general character to the widespread field system are recorded to the east of the site. The ring ditch lies close to the site of a former pond but does not coincide closely.

2.6 East of Great Holland there is a cluster of cropmarks including possible irregular roughly rectilinear enclosures, two ring ditches and two small rectangular features which might be large buildings or small enclosures associated with four small penannular features. Intersections and orientations suggest that more than one phase of activity is represented and the form suggests a Late prehistoric and/or Roman date (SLR Consulting 2017).

2.7 A single Roman coin has been found within the site (H0012928).

Medieval 2.8 Domesday Book indicates tenurial centres within the locality at The Naze (Walton- on-the-Naze), Birch Hall, Great Holland and Frinton.

5 © Cotswold Archaeology Land east of Halstead Road, Kirby Cross, Essex: Archaeological Evaluation

2.9 The names of the ancient parishes within a 1km radius of the site most probably reflect estate fragmentation: ‘Great’ and ‘Little’ Oakley, Clacton and Holland, two parts of Frinton (Frinton hamlet and Frinton Lodge on the historic mapping) and a series of names in ‘le-Soken’; Kirby, Thorpe and Walton. It is likely that these parishes reflect sub-divisions of the earlier larger Domesday estates.

2.10 The settlement pattern was dispersed; the documentary evidence is supplemented by the distribution of listed buildings of this period: church, public house and dwellings in Kirby le Soken, dwellings in Kirby Cross and Wolton Ashes, churches in Great Holland and Frinton, which was a tiny hamlet in this period. The distribution of medieval buildings in Kirby Cross along the east to west road (and less clearly in Kirby-le-Soken) and indicates their importance of as far back as medieval times.

2.11 The 1st series Ordnance Survey of 1858 map names the roads passing through these settlements ‘Upper Street’ (passing through Kirby Cross) and ‘Lower Street’ (passing through Kirby-le-Soken).

Post-medieval and modern 2.12 The cropmarks of the field system and trackway coincide with features shown on late 19th-century mapping, though they may be of earlier origin. Elsewhere within a 1km radius of the site fragments of similar fields are thought to date from the medieval or post-medieval periods that survived into the 19th century.

2.13 Reclaimed marshland lies c.1km to the north of the site. Frinton’s expansion was modest even at the end of the 19th century, with slow growth through the 20th century until the built-up areas of Frinton and Kirby Cross eventually joined. The only post-medieval listed building in Frinton is the Council House, which was originally an isolated 17th-century farmhouse called The Wick, but now subsumed within the 20th-century northern expansion of Frinton. A post-medieval brickworks is recorded at Frinton.


3.1 The objectives of the evaluation were to provide information about the archaeological resource within the site, including its presence/absence, character,

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extent, date, integrity, state of preservation and quality, in accordance Standard and guidance: Archaeological field evaluation (CIfA 2014).

3.2 The specific objectives of the evaluation, as stated in the brief issued by ECCHEC (O’Connor 2017) were to investigate the cropmark features recorded within the site and the possible continuation of cropmark features from adjacent areas.

3.3 This information will enable TDC to identify and assess the particular significance of any heritage asset, consider the impact of the proposed development upon it, and to avoid or minimise conflict between the heritage asset’s conservation and any aspect of the development proposal, in line with the National Planning Policy Framework (DCLG 2012).


4.1 The fieldwork comprised the excavation of 84 trenches, all 50m long and 1.8m wide, in the locations shown on the attached plan (Fig. 2). The trenches were set out on OS National Grid (NGR) co-ordinates using Leica GPS and surveyed in accordance with CA Technical Manual 4 Survey Manual.

4.2 All trenches were excavated by mechanical excavator equipped with a toothless grading bucket. All machine excavation was undertaken under constant archaeological supervision to the top of the natural substrate. Where archaeological deposits were encountered they were excavated by hand in accordance with CA Technical Manual 1: Fieldwork Recording Manual.

4.3 Deposits were assessed for their palaeoenvironmental potential in accordance with CA Technical Manual 2: The Taking and Processing of Environmental and Other Samples from Archaeological Sites. Contexts from three contexts were sampled and processed. All artefacts recovered were processed in accordance with Technical Manual 3 Treatment of Finds Immediately after Excavation.

4.4 The archive and artefacts from the evaluation are currently held by CA at their offices in Kemble. Subject to the agreement of the legal landowner the artefacts will be deposited with Colchester & Ipswich Museum Service under accession number reference COLEM: 2017.97, along with the site archive. A summary of information

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from this project, set out within Appendix D, will be entered onto the OASIS online database of archaeological projects in Britain.

5. RESULTS (FIGS 2–10)

5.1 This section provides an overview of the evaluation results; detailed summaries of the recorded contexts, finds and environmental samples (palaeoenvironmental evidence) are to be found in Appendices A, B and C respectively.

5.2 Trenches 2, 3, 5–7, 10, 14, 16, 24–26, 28, 31, 35–38, 41, 42, 47, 49, 51, 56–58, 62– 67, 69, 70, 72, 74 and 77 contained no archaeological, finds or deposits.

5.3 Alluvial deposits filling a dry valley were observed in Trenches 4, 8, 9, 11 and 12 and were investigated by machine excavation in Trenches 4 and 8. In these trenches the deposits were determined to be up to 1.45m thick and comprised a succession of silting events probably derived from the gradual natural infilling of a former watercourse. The watercourse is not depicted on 19th-century maps.

5.4 Ditches on a broad north/south alignment were identified in Trenches 17 (ditches 1713 and 1717), 18 (ditches 1805 and 1809), 23 (ditch 2303), 29 (ditch 2903), 30 (ditch 3005), 32 (ditch 3203), 33 (ditch 3303 and 3305), 34 (ditches 3403 and 3405), 55 (ditch 5507/5509), 68 (ditch 6803), 71 (ditch 7104), 75 (ditch 7504), 76 (ditch 7604), 79 (ditches 7905 and 7907), 80 (ditch 8006) and 82 (ditch 8206). These ditches contained mid brown clay silt fills and were all identified either cutting the subsoil, or containing post-medieval finds. In Trenches 30, 32, 71 and 82, shallow, narrow ditches with compact light grey silt fills were identified on parallel alignments to the post-medieval ditches: Ditches 3005/3205/7104/8206/8006, 3003/3205, 3008, 3010//3203/8004/8204 and 6006/6106 and were probably internal drainage features within the fields. East/west aligned ditches 4007/4303 and 4004/4303 (Trenches 40 and 43) and 8103/8304/8404 (Trenches 81, 83 and 84) had a similar fills to the other post-medieval ditches, contained post-medieval ceramic building material (CBM), and corresponded to cropmarks indicative of post-medieval boundary ditches. Ditch 2909 did not correspond to any cropmark but may is perpendicular to a north/south oriented ditch (2903) and is probably also of post-medieval date.

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5.5 Flanking ditches for a trackway were identified in Trenches 17 (ditches 1711 and 1719), 19 (ditch 1903), 20 (ditches 2003 and 2005) and 21 (ditches 2103 and 2105). These corresponded to cropmarks observed in the aerial photographic survey and are present on the 1858 1st edition OS map. Modern pottery and CBM was noted, but not recovered, from ditch 1903. There was no evidence for a track surface in any of the trenches.

5.6 Modern field boundaries, visible as cropmarks on the aerial photographic survey and depicted on the 1st edition OS map, were identified in Trenches 15 (ditch 1504), 17 (ditch 1715), 18 (ditch 1803), 22 (ditch 2205), 23 (ditch 2306), 29 (ditch 2905), 39 (ditch 3903), 44 (ditch 4407), 45 (ditch 4503), 46 (ditch 4603), 50 (ditch 5003), 52 (ditch 5203), 54 (ditch 5407), 55 (ditches 5503 and 5505), 59 (ditch 5904), 60 (ditch 6004), 61 (ditch 6104), 68 (ditch 6805), 75 (ditch 7506), 76 (ditch 7606), 78 (ditch 7804) and 84 (ditch 8406). All contained dark fills that were rich in humic material and were very similar to the topsoil. Residual medieval pottery was recovered from ditch 4603, probably due to the high concentration of medieval features in the vicinity.

5.7 Further modern features were identified cutting the subsoil in Trench 1 (pit 103 and ditches 105 and 107). In Trench 22, pit 2207 contained modern pottery.

5.8 Ponds 5307/5403 and 4403 were located at the southern extent of the dry valley in an area of uncultivated, waterlogged land (see Figs 2 and 5 for extent). The pond investigated by Trenches 53 and 54 was depicted on the 1858 1st edition Ordnance Survey Map. A machine dug sondage through pond 5307/5403 at the eastern end of Trench 53 determined that near the centre of the pond it was 1.73m deep. Post- medieval pottery was recovered from humic pond fill 5309, which was interpreted as the pond bed. A further machine sondage was excavated at the south-western edge of pond 4403, which showed the pond to have irregular, gently sloping sides, possibly indicative of a natural origin. It was noted that during excavation of the sondages that the ponds filled rapidly with groundwater and that they may have been a succession of springheads at one end of the dry valley. A further feature in Trench 15 (1506) was probably a third pond, although it could alternatively represent a continuation of the dry valley deposits.

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Trench 9 (Figs 2, 3 & 6) 5.9 Undated pit 903 (Fig. 6, section AA) was partially exposed against the southern edge of the trench, 1.67m east of the dry valley deposit. The pit was sub-circular in plan, with shallow, gently sloping sides. It contained a single charcoal-rich fill, 904, which was covered by subsoil. There was no evidence of in situ burning.

Trench 17 (Figs 2, 4 & 7) 5.10 Pit 1706 (Fig. 7, section BB) was partially exposed against the south-western edge of the trench. The pit contained an initial silt fill, 1707, which was partially overlain by a deposit of charcoal and ash, 1708. This was in turn sealed by silt fill 1709, which was covered by a further charcoal and ash fill, 1710. No finds were recovered from any of the fills and despite the presence of burnt material there was no evidence for in situ heating.

5.11 Ditch terminus 1704 (Fig. 7) was located near the centre of the trench, within the area defined by trackway flanking ditches 1711 and 1719 (see paragraph 5.5 above). Fill 1705 did not contain any dating evidence and the ditch did not continue into the adjacent trenches. The ditch was parallel to the trackway ditches but it is unlikely that the ditch was contemporary with the use of the trackway.

Trench 22 (Figs 2, 4 & 8) 5.12 Unurned cremation burial 2203 (Fig. 8) was located near the eastern end of the trench. The burial pit was 0.34m in diameter and was filled with a charcoal-rich material, 2204, which clearly contained burnt bone. The cremation burial was not excavated.

Trench 27 (Figs 2 & 4) 5.13 Undated pit 2703 was identified in the central part of the trench. The pit was sub- circular in plan, with moderately sloping sides. It contained a single fill, 2704, which contained fragments of charcoal and pebbles. Bulk environmental sample <2> from fill 2704 contained a fragment of sloe stone and large quantity of charcoal fragements.

Trenches 40 and 43 (Figs 2, 5 & 9) 5.14 East/west orientated ditches 4007/4303 and associated recuts 4004/4305 were excavated in Trenches 40 and 43 (Fig. 9, sections CC and DD). The earlier ditch, 4007/4303, was filled by light grey compacted silt from which a worked flint, most

10 © Cotswold Archaeology Land east of Halstead Road, Kirby Cross, Essex: Archaeological Evaluation

probably residual in a later feature, was found (ditch 4007, secondary fill 4005). It was recut along its southern edge by ditch 4004/4305, which had a looser brown fill. A piece of clay tobacco pipe stem, dating to the late 16th to 19th centuries was recovered from fill 4003. The upper fills, 4003/4306, of ditches 4004/4305 were sealed by subsoil. However, the ditches correspond to a east-north-east/west-north- west orientated cropmark which may represent a field boundary.

Trench 45 (Figs 2, 5 & 10) 5.15 Ditch 4505 (Fig. 10, section EE) was excavated near the centre of the trench on a east-north-east/west-north-west. Two sherds of medieval pottery dating to the 13th to 14th centuries were recovered from its fill, 4506. The ditch was on a different alignment from the post-medieval and modern ditches identified during the evaluation. The ditch possibly continued into Trench 13 (ditch 1303), where it was recorded in plan.

Trench 46 (Figs 2, 5 & 11) 5.16 A cluster of six pits (4607, 4609, 4611, 4614, 4621 and 4623) were identified toward the south-western end of the trench. Pit 4609 (Fig. 11, section FF) was partially exposed within the trench and was 1.34m wide with steep sides and flat base. A sherd of medieval pottery dating to the 11th to early 13th centuries was recovered from its fill, 4610.

5.17 Pits 4611 (Fig. 11, section FF) and 4607 were of a similar size and profile, however they cut through the subsoil, whereas fill 4610 of pit 4609 was sealed by the subsoil.

5.18 Shallow pit 4614 (Fig. 11, section GG) was located wholly within the trench and its relationship with the subsoil was undetermined, although it was not observed cutting the subsoil during machining. The pit contained two fills, 4615 and 4616, both of which contained large amounts of charcoal, but no dating material. Bulk environmental sample <1> recovered from fill 4615 contained a moderate quantity of charred plant remains including; free-threshing wheat grain fragments, seeds of vetch/wild pea, buds and twig wood pieces.

5.19 Intercutting pits 4621 and 4623 were partially exposed at the north-western edge of the trench. These features were not excavated but it appeared in plan that pit 4621 was cut through the fill of pit 4623. Both pits appeared to cut subsoil 4601.

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5.20 Ditch 4617 (Fig. 11, section HH) was located near the north-eastern end of the trench on a north-east/south-west alignment and contained late medieval/post- medieval pottery and CBM within its fill, 4618. The ditch was not visible in nearby Trench 47, suggesting that it terminated or turned immediately beyond the trench. Pit 4619 was recorded cutting through the fill of the ditch, although it is also possible that this was simply a lens of slightly different material within the ditch fill. Medieval pottery dating to the 11th to early 13th centuries was recovered from the surface of the fill, 4620, of this feature during hand cleaning of the exposed surface. Ditch 4617 appeared to cut subsoil 4601.

Trench 48 (Figs 2, 5 & 12) 5.21 Ditch 4806 (Fig. 12) was located near the south-eastern end of the trench on a north-north-west/south-south-east alignment. Pottery dating to the Late Bronze Age to Early Iron Age was recovered from its single fill 4807.

5.22 Ditch 4803 (Fig. 12, section II) was located near the north-western end of the trench on the same north-north-west/south-south-east alignment. A large sherd of late medieval/post-medieval pottery was recovered from upper fill 4805. This ditch was shown on cropmarks on the aerial photographic survey to turn to the north-east to the north of the trench and then to continue into Trench 13 (ditch 1303).

Trench 53 (Figs 2, 5 & 13) 5.23 North/south aligned ditch 5303 (Fig. 13, section JJ) contained a large amount of medieval pottery (dating to the 13th to 15th centuries) within its single fill 5304. The ditch did not correspond to the any of the cropmarks identified by the aerial photographic survey. Parallel ditch 5305 was a similar size, although it contained a hard, light silt fill, 5306, that was undated.

Trench 73 (Figs 2 & 4) 5.24 Ditch 7303 was located near the centre of the trench and was located to the north of a cropmark of geological origin. The ditch contained a single fill, 7304, which contained charcoal flecks, but no finds.

Trench 79 (Figs 2 & 4) 5.25 Pit 7903 was sub-circular, 0.7m long and 0.5m wide, with a bowl-shaped profile. It contained a charcoal-rich fill, 7904, but was undated. Bulk environmental sample <3> from fill 7904 contained a few charred plant remains including free freshing

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wheat grains and charcoal fragments. A small quantity of slag/metal working debris was also recovered from the environmental sample.


6.1 Artefactual material was hand-recovered from 23 deposits (fills of ditches, pits and a pond, and a dry valley deposit). The recovered material dates to the prehistoric, medieval and post-medieval/modern periods. Quantities of the artefact types are given in Appendix B. The pottery has been recorded according to sherd count/weight per fabric. Post-medieval/modern pottery fabric codes, in parenthesis in the text, are equated to the Essex type series (Cotter 2000, 12–3).

Pottery: prehistoric 6.2 Five unfeatured bodysherds (8g), in a handmade fabric tempered with quartz and flint, were recovered from fill 4807 of ditch 4807. In the absence of form or decoration dating, probably to the Late Bronze Age to earlier Iron Age, is based upon characteristics of fabric. In prehistoric Essex flint temper was used in pottery production in this period and was replaced by quartz tempering in the Middle Iron Age (Sealey 1996).

Medieval by Sue Anderson 6.3 Thirty sherds of pottery weighing 246g were collected from nine contexts. Quantification was carried out using sherd count, weight and estimated vessel equivalent (eve). A full quantification by fabric, context and feature is available in the archive. Fabrics and forms were identified based on the Colchester fabric series (Cotter 2000). Form terminology follows MPRG 1998.

6.4 Seventeen sherds representing eight different early medieval ware vessels (Fabric 13) were recovered. Most were body fragments in medium to coarse sandy fabrics with other local inclusions such as clay pellets and mica. The majority were oxidised with a reduced core. Occasional shell (leached) may have been present on the surfaces of some vessels. Two rims were found, in fill 4618 of ditch 4617, both from jars. The rim types were everted beaded (Colchester Type B1b) and upright with a flattened everted tip (Type B2). These types both have a broad date range spanning the 11th to early 13th centuries, although Cotter suggests that Type B2 starts towards the end of the 11th century.

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6.5 High medieval wares comprised a single abraded sherd of Sandy orange ware (Fabric 21) in a fine sandy fabric but with no external surface surviving, and eleven sherds of Colchester-type wares (Fabric 21A). The majority of these were body fragments, but a group recovered from fill 5304 of ditch 5303 included a fragment of the lower part of a strap handle from a slip-decorated vessel, and three joining sherds of another slip-decorated vessel. Unfortunately the fragments were too incomplete to be closely dateable, although the handle was in a slightly finer fabric and may be from a later jug.

6.6 One small sherd in a black fabric with occasional coarse quartz inclusions (UNID) had lost its surfaces and it was not possible to determine the date (Early Saxon, early medieval or medieval are the most likely).

6.7 The majority of contexts belong either to the early medieval (c. 11th to early 13th centuries) or high medieval (13th/14th centuries) periods. None of the contexts containing medieval wares also contained any early medieval wares, although this may not be significant given the size of the assemblage. A number of the early medieval sherds and some of the medieval ones were small and abraded and may have been redeposited, these occurring particularly in fills 1808, 4506 and 4604 (ditches 1805, 4506 and 4603 respectively). Overall the group is typical of assemblages of this broad date range in this part of Essex. The early medieval wares were in relatively coarse, largely oxidised fabrics typical of north-east Essex and south Suffolk. Comparable forms were made at the kilns excavated at Middleborough, outside Colchester, but the fabric there was finer (Cotter 2000) and it is likely that there were several pottery production centres for this material in both Essex and Suffolk. A similar range of fabrics is known from nearby Clacton (e.g. Anderson 2012). The later wares in this group were all Colchester-type wares, and included a fragment of a jug handle which may be of later medieval date, but no rims were present.

Post-medieval/modern 6.8 Pottery from this date range totals 15 sherds (80g). Of mid 16th to 18th century date are glazed and unglazed earthenwares (Fabric 40). Fill 5304 of ditch 5303 produced a bodysherd of probable English stoneware (Fabric 45), dateable to the 17th to 18th centuries and a sherd of modern porcelain (Fabric 48) was retrieved from fill 2208 of pit 2207.

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Lithics 6.9 A total of ten worked flints (66g) was retrieved from fills 1806 and 1807 of ditch 1805, and fill 4005 of ditch 4007. They consist of nine flakes (five broken) and one blade. Only broad prehistoric dating is possible for these lithics and most have sustained a moderate degree of edge damage, so they seem unlikely to be stratified.

Ceramic building material 6.10 Ceramic building material, all of late medieval/post-medieval date, totals 13 fragments (1839g). Fragments which were sufficiently complete for classification include peg tile (from fill 4604 of ditch 4603), flat roof tile from four deposits and brick from four deposits (see Appendix B). The brick fragments were all too fragmentary to allow the recording of any dimensions.

Other finds 6.11 A fragment of clay tobacco pipe stem from fill 4003 of ditch 4004 is broadly dateable to the late 16th to late 19th centuries.

6.12 Dry valley deposit 803 produced a fragmentary iron object. It is moderately corroded strip fragment which is bent at a 90° angle. Its original form and function are unclear.


7.1 A series of three environmental samples (44 litres of soil) were processed from three pits in Trenches 27, 46 and 79 to evaluate the preservation of palaeoenvironmental remains across the area and with the intention of recovering environmental evidence of domestic or industrial activity on the site. It was hoped that the environmental assemblages might also assist in determining the date of these pits. The samples were processed by standard flotation procedures (CA Technical Manual No. 2).

7.2 Preliminary identifications of plant macrofossils are noted in Table 1 in Appendix C, following nomenclature of Stace (1997) for wild plants, and traditional nomenclature, as provided by Zohary et al (2012) for cereals.

7.3 The flot were generally large with low numbers of rooty material and modern seeds. The charred material comprised varying levels of preservation.

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Trench 27 7.4 Fill 2704 (sample 2) within pit 2703 contained a few charred plant remains, including a fragment of sloe (Prunus spinosa) stone, and a large quantity of charcoal fragments greater than 2mm. The charcoal included mature wood pieces. This assemblage is likely to be representative of a dump of material and the environmental remains provide no indication of the likely date of the feature.

Trench 46 7.5 A moderate quantity of charred plant remains were recorded from fill 4615 (sample 1) of pit 4614. These included free-threshing wheat (Triticum turgidum/aestivum type) grain fragments, seeds of vetch/wild pea (Vicia/Lathyrus sp.) and buds. There was a large quantity of charcoal fragments greater than 2mm recovered from this deposit. The charcoal included mature, round and twig wood pieces.

7.6 This assemblage is likely to be representative of domestic waste and indicative of settlement activities taking place in the nearby vicinity. Free-threshing wheat became predominant in southern Britain from the Saxon period (Greig 1991) and this assemblage may indicate that a Saxon or medieval date would be likely for this feature. As medieval pottery was recovered from a number of other features in the trench, a medieval date would appear to be most likely.

Trench 79 7.7 Fill 7904 (sample 3) within pit 7903 contained a few charred plant remains, including free-threshing wheat grains, and a moderate quantity of charcoal fragments greater than 2mm. The charcoal included mature wood pieces. There were also a few small possible slag/metal working debris fragments observed within the flot. This assemblage is likely to be representative of a dump of material and the environmental remains provide a small indication that the feature may be of Saxon or medieval date.

Summary 7.8 There appears to be an indication of some settlement activity in the area, particularly in the vicinity of Trench 46, probably during the medieval period.

16 © Cotswold Archaeology Land east of Halstead Road, Kirby Cross, Essex: Archaeological Evaluation


8.1 The evaluation identified pits and ditches associated with agricultural activity on the site during the medieval, post-medieval and modern periods, as well as an undated cremation burial.

8.2 Generally the results of the evaluation corresponded well with those of the preceding aerial photographic survey. The majority of linear features predicted by the cropmarks were identified as ditches within the trenches and the cropmarks identified as geological in origin proved to be so, where they were identified. The cropmarks proved less successful in anticipating the location of discrete archaeological features; none of the discrete cropmarks were reconcilable with features in the evaluation and similarly none of the encountered pits were identified as cropmarks.

Prehistoric 8.3 Ditch 4806 contained pottery dating to the Late Bronze Age to Early Iron Age and a number of worked flints (only broadly datable to the prehistoric period and generally suffering edge damage) were recovered as residual finds from the fills of later features.

Medieval 8.4 The focus of the medieval activity appeared to be in the central and eastern areas of the site. The intersecting ditches represented by 1303, 4505 and 4803 contained medieval and medieval to post-medieval finds and were on a different alignment to the later field system ditches. One of the pits in the cluster at the south-western end of Trench 46 also contained medieval pottery; however two other pits in the cluster were observed to be cut through the subsoil, making the dating of these features difficult to determine. The presence of charcoal-rich fills in pit 4614 may suggest nearby domestic and/or industrial activity.

8.5 North/south aligned ditches 5303 also dated to the medieval period and parallel ditch 5305 may be broadly contemporary. Ditch 5303 in particular contained a significant amount of pottery within its fill, which may be indicative of nearby settlement activity.

17 © Cotswold Archaeology Land east of Halstead Road, Kirby Cross, Essex: Archaeological Evaluation

Post-medieval and modern 8.6 Post-medieval activity was represented by the setting out of field boundaries on the same general alignment as the extant field boundaries. The sides of some of the ditches, such as 2903, were irregular suggesting the presence of hedgerows. The axis of this field system is approximately perpendicular to the course of Frinton Road, 150m south of the site, which may have therefore been in use by the post- medieval period.

8.7 Cartographic evidence indicates that the field system was changed slightly before the late 19th century, and that the fields then remained unchanged until the 1970s when the smaller fields were amalgamated to make two larger fields, which were themselves combined more recently.

Undated 8.8 The cremation burial in Trench 22 appeared (from the limited investigation undertaken) to be deposited straight into the burial pit without being placed in a burial urn. No associated artefacts were recovered from very limited surface cleaning of the feature and it remains undated.

8.9 Three undated pits with charcoal-rich fills (903, 1706 and 7903) were identified during the excavation, however none were dated. The pits shared no common features other than the presence of charcoal within their fills and none of them contained evidence of in situ heating activity. The pits were probably associated with small scale, localised deposition of burnt material and may not directly relate to domestic or industrial activity. The environmental sample from pit 7903 contained free-threshing wheat grains indicative of Saxon or medieval date, together with a small quantity of material possibly indicative of metalworking activity in the vicinity.


Fieldwork was undertaken by Christopher Leonard, Paolo Guarino and Alison Roberts assisted by Dani Adams, Gary Baddeley, Jack Harrison, David Humphreys, Andrew Hurst, Daniel White and Liam Wilson. The report was written by Christopher Leonard. The finds and biological evidence reports were written by Jacky

18 © Cotswold Archaeology Land east of Halstead Road, Kirby Cross, Essex: Archaeological Evaluation

Sommerville and Sue Anderson, and Sarah Wyles respectively. The illustrations were prepared by Aleks Osinska. The archive has been compiled and prepared for deposition by Hazel O’Neill. The project was managed for CA by Laurent Coleman.


Anderson, S. 2012 St John’s Road, Clacton (CSSJ10): post-Roman pottery assessment. Archive report for NPS Archaeology

Bedwin, O. (ed.) 1996 The Archaeology of Essex: Proceedings of the 1993 Writtle Conference, Essex County Council

BGS (British Geological Survey) 2017 Geology of Britain Viewer Accessed 5 January 2018

CA (Cotswold Archaeology) 2017 Land east of Halstead Road, Kirby Cross, Essex: Written Scheme of Investigation for an Archaeological Evaluation

Cotter, J. 2000 Post-Roman Pottery from Excavations in Colchester, 1971-85. Colchester Archaeol. Trust. Colchester Archaeolocial Report 7

DCLG (Department of Communities and Local Government) 2012 National Planning Policy Framework

Deegan, A, 2017 Air Photo Mapping and Interpretation, Land East of Halstead Road, Kirby Cross, Essex. Unpub

Greig, J. 1991 ‘The British Isles’ in van Zeist, W., Wasylikowa, K. and Behre, K-E. (eds), 229-334

Gurney, D, 2003 Standards for Field Archaeology in the . East Anglian Archaeology Occasional Paper 14

Medlycott, M, (ed.) 2011 Research and Archaeology Revisited: A Revised Framework for the East of England. East Anglian Archaeology Occasional Paper 24

19 © Cotswold Archaeology Land east of Halstead Road, Kirby Cross, Essex: Archaeological Evaluation

MPRG. 1998 A Guide to the Classification of Medieval Ceramic Forms. Medieval Pottery Research Group Occasional Paper 1

O’Connor, T. 2017 Brief for Archaeological evaluation on Land East of Halstead Road, Kirby Cross, Frinton on Sea. Unpub

Sealey, P.R. 1996 ‘The Iron Age’ in Bedwin 1996, 46–68

SLR (SLR Consulting) 2017 Historic Environment Assessment: The Willows, Halstead Road, Kirby Cross

Tendring District Council (TDC) 2008 Tendring District Historic Environment Characterisation Project

Stace, C. 1997 New Flora of the British Isles, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press Books

van Zeist, W., Wasylikowa, K. and Behre, K-E. (eds) 1991 Progress in Old World Palaeoethnobotany, Rotterdam, Balkema

Zohary, D., Hopf, M. and Weiss, E. 2012 Domestication of plants in the Old World: the origin and spread of cultivated plants in West Asia, Europe, and the Nile Valley, 4th edition, Oxford, Clarendon Press

20 © Cotswold Archaeology Land east of Halstead Road, Kirby Cross, Essex: Archaeological Evaluation


Trench Context Type Fill Interpretation Description L (m) W D Spot Date of (m) (m) 1 100 Layer Topsoil Dark grey brown 0.3 silty clay 1 101 Layer Subsoil Light grey brown 0.11 sandy clay 1 102 Layer Natural Orange clay with gravel patches 1 103 Cut Ditch terminus NE/SW aligned >0.55 0.48 0.12 ditch. Gently sloping sides, rounded base 1 104 Fill 103 Ditch fill Mid yellow grey >0.55 0.48 0.12 silty clay. Frequent charcoal, occasional stones 1 105 Cut Ditch terminus E/W aligned ditch. >0.5 0.36 0.08 Gently sloping sides, rounded base 1 106 Fill 105 Ditch fill Mid orange grey >0.5 0.36 0.08 silty sand. Occasional stones 1 107 Cut Pit Partially exposed. 1.3 >0.84 0.38 Sub-circular in plan. Moderately steep sides, rounded base 1 108 Fill 107 Pit fill Mid orange grey 1.3 >0.84 0.38 silty sand 2 200 Layer Topsoil Same as 100 0.4 2 201 Layer Subsoil Mid orange brown 0.23 sandy clay 2 202 Layer Natural Orange and brown clay with sand and gravel patches 3 300 Layer Topsoil Same as 100 0.21 3 301 Layer Subsoil Same as 101 0.19 3 302 Layer Natural Same as 102 4 400 Layer Topsoil Same as 100 0.3 4 401 Layer Subsoil Mid grey brown 0.21 clay sand 4 402 Layer Natural Same as 102 4 403 Deposit Dry valley Mid grey brown >7 >1.8 0.7 deposit sandy clay with orange mottling. Machine excavated 5 500 Layer Topsoil Same as 100 0.28 5 501 Layer Subsoil Same as 201 0.24 5 502 Layer Natural Same as 102 6 600 Layer Topsoil Same as 100 0.3 6 601 Layer Subsoil Same as 101 0.18 6 602 Layer Natural Same as 102 7 700 Layer Topsoil Same as 100 0.25 7 701 Layer Subsoil Same as 101 0.25 7 702 Layer Natural Same as 102 8 800 Layer Topsoil Same as 100 0.3 8 801 Layer Subsoil Same as 101 0.2

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8 802 Layer Natural Same as 102 8 803 Deposit Dry valley Same as 403. >47 >1.8 1.45 MC16-C18 deposit Machine excavated 9 900 Layer Topsoil Same as 100 0.26 9 901 Layer Subsoil Same as 101 0.15 9 902 Layer Natural Same as 102 9 903 Cut Pit Partially exposed. >0.35 0.51 0.14 Sub-circular in plan. Gently sloping sides, rounded base 9 904 Fill 903 Pit fill Dark grey brown >0.35 0.51 0.14 silty sand. Frequent charcoal, occasional gravel 10 1000 Layer Topsoil Same as 100 0.24 10 1001 Layer Subsoil Same as 101 0.1 10 1002 Layer Natural Yellow silt and sand with brown clay patches 11 1100 Layer Topsoil Same as 100 0.37 11 1101 Layer Subsoil Same as 101 0.06 11 1102 Deposit Dry valley Same as 403. >28 >1.8 deposit Unexcavated 11 1103 Layer Natural Same as 102 12 1200 Layer Topsoil Same as 100 0.35 12 1201 Layer Subsoil Same as 101 0.07 12 1202 Deposit Dry valley Same as 403. >50 >1.8 deposit Unexcavated 12 1203 Layer Natural Same as 102 13 1300 Layer Topsoil Same as 100 0.34 13 1301 Layer Subsoil Light brown grey 0.07 clay silt 13 1302 Layer Natural Yellow clay silt 13 1303 Cut Ditch Continuation of >2.2 2.5 4503. Unexcavated 13 1304 Fill 1303 Ditch fill Same as 4504 >2.2 2.5 14 1400 Layer Topsoil Same as 100 0.39 14 1401 Layer Natural Same as 1302 15 1500 Layer Topsoil Same as 100 0.25 15 1501 Layer Subsoil Same as 101 0.15 15 1502 Layer Natural Same as 102 15 1503 Fill 1504 Ditch fill Dark brownish >2 1.2 grey sandy silt. Occasional stone, modern CBM 15 1504 Cut Ditch Modern NW/SE >2 1.2 aligned ditch. Unexcavated 15 1505 Fill 1506 Pond fill Dark yellowish >12 >1.8 grey sandy silt 15 1506 Cut Pond Partially exposed. >12 >1.8 Unexcavated 16 1600 Layer Topsoil Same as 100 0.25 16 1601 Layer Subsoil Same as 101 0.15 16 1602 Layer Natural Orange silt with gravel patches 17 1701 Layer Topsoil Same as 100 0.35 17 1702 Layer Subsoil Light orange 0.37 brown sandy silt 17 1703 Layer Natural Same as 102

22 © Cotswold Archaeology Land east of Halstead Road, Kirby Cross, Essex: Archaeological Evaluation

17 1704 Cut Ditch terminus NE/SW aligned >2 0.72 0.11 ditch. Moderately steep sides, flat base 17 1705 Fill 1704 Ditch fill Light brown grey >2 0.72 0.11 silty clay. Occasional stones and charcoal 17 1706 Cut Pit Partially exposed. 2.3 >0.8 0.4 Sub-circular in plan. Gently sloping sides, flat base 17 1707 Fill 1706 Pit fill Lower fill: light >1.1 >0.8 0.12 brownish grey silty clay. Occasional small stones and charcoal 17 1708 Fill 1706 Pit fill 2nd fill: dark grey >0.8 >0.4 0.06 silty clay and ash. Frequent charcoal and small stones 17 1709 Fill 1706 Pit fill 3rd fill: light >1.9 >0.8 0.1 brownish grey silty clay. Occasional small stones and charcoal 17 1710 Fill 1706 Pit fill 4th fill: dark grey >0.23 >0.8 0.12 silty clay and ash. Frequent charcoal, occasional small stones 17 1711 Cut Modern NE/SW aligned >1.8 0.32 trackway ditch ditch, unexcavated 17 1712 Fill 1711 Ditch fill Dark grey silty >1.8 0.32 clay and clay sand 17 1713 Cut Ditch N/S aligned ditch, >1.8 1.32 unexcavated. Same as 1805 17 1714 Fill 1713 Ditch fill Mid orange-brown >1.8 1.32 silty clay and clay sand 17 1715 Cut Ditch NW/SE aligned >1.8 1.01 ditch, unexcavated 17 1716 Fill 1715 Ditch fill Mid brown-grey >1.8 1.01 silty clay and clay sand 17 1717 Cut Ditch/channel N/S aligned ditch >1.8 0.7 or channel, unexcavated. Same as 1809 17 1718 Fill 1717 Ditch fill Mid grey silty clay >1.8 0.7 17 1719 Cut Modern N/S aligned ditch, >1.8 0.88 trackway ditch unexcavated. 17 1720 Fill 1719 Ditch fill >1.8 0.88 18 1800 Layer Topsoil Same as 100 0.29 18 1801 Layer Subsoil Mid yellow brown 0.2 grey silty sandy clay. Rare

23 © Cotswold Archaeology Land east of Halstead Road, Kirby Cross, Essex: Archaeological Evaluation

manganese and charcoal flecks 18 1802 Layer Natural Mid yellow brown sand with orange- grey patches of gravel and flint 18 1803 Cut Modern ditch NE/SW aligned >1.8 0.4 ditch 18 1804 Fill 1803 Ditch fill Identified on AP >1.8 0.4 18 1805 Cut Ditch N/S aligned ditch, >1.8 2.14 0.71 moderately sloping sides, concave base 18 1806 Fill 1805 Ditch fill Lowest fill. Dark >1.8 0.97 0.14 brown grey silty clay, flecks of manganese, flint gravel 18 1807 Fill 1805 Ditch fill 2nd fill. Mid brown >1.8 2.14 0.46 grey silty clay, flecks of manganese, flint gravel 18 1808 Fill 1805 Ditch fill Upper fill. Mid >1.8 1.2 0.12 C11-EC13 grey brown silty clay, flecks of manganese and charcoal 18 1809 Cut Modern ditch N/S aligned ditch >1.8 0.79 or channel, unexcavated. 18 1810 Fill 1809 Ditch fill Mid grey silty clay >1.8 0.79 19 1900 Layer Topsoil Same as 100 0.33 19 1901 Layer Subsoil Light orange 0.12 brown sandy silt 19 1902 Layer Natural Orange clay silt 19 1903 Cut Modern NW/SE aligned >2 2.3 trackway ditch ditch, unexcavated. Same as 1719 19 1904 Fill Ditch fill >2 2.3 20 2000 Layer Topsoil Same as 100 0.3 20 2001 Layer Subsoil Light orange 0.08 brown sandy silt 20 2002 Layer Natural Orange clay silt 20 2003 Cut Modern NE/SW aligned >2 2.9 trackway ditch ditch, unexcavated. Same As 1711 20 2004 Fill 2003 Ditch fill Dark brown grey >2 2.9 clay silt 20 2005 Cut Modern N/S aligned ditch, >2 1.35 trackway ditch unexcavated. Same as 1719 20 2006 Fill 2005 Ditch fill Dark brown grey >2 1.35 clay silt 21 2100 Layer Topsoil Same as 100 0.32 21 2101 Layer Subsoil Light orange 0.09 brown sandy silt 21 2102 Layer Natural Yellow clay silt 21 2103 Cut Modern NE/SW aligned trackway ditch ditch, unexcavated. Same as 1711

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21 2104 Fill 2103 Ditch fill Dark brown grey clay silt 21 2105 Cut Modern N/S aligned ditch, trackway ditch unexcavated. Same as 1719 21 2106 Fill 2105 Ditch fill Dark brown grey clay silt 22 2200 Layer Topsoil Dark grey brown 0.35 sandy silty clay with moderate gravel 22 2201 Layer Subsoil Dark grey brown 0.13 sandy silty clay with gravel and pebbles 22 2202 Layer Natural Light brown orange sand 22 2203 Cut Cremation cut Circular, d. unexcavated 0.28 22 2204 Fill 2203 Cremation Grey/black fill with d. deposit charcoal and 0.28 burnt bone 22 2205 Cut Modern ditch N/S aligned ditch, >2 1.7 unexcavated 22 2206 Fill 2205 Ditch fill Grey/black clayey >2m 1.7 silt 22 2207 Cut Modern pit Circular, d. unexcavated 0.50 22 2208 Fill 2207 Pit fill Grey/black clayey d. Modern silt 0.50 23 2300 Layer Topsoil Same as 100 0.38 23 2301 Layer Subsoil Light orange 0.25 brown sandy silt 23 2302 Layer Natural Orange silt and gravel 23 2303 Cut Ditch N/S aligned ditch, >2.5 1.85 0.65 steep east side, irregular west side, rounded base 23 2304 Fill 2303 Ditch fill Lower fill. Light >2.5 1.2 0.26 brown grey sandy silt with ocassional managanese flecks and pebbles 23 2305 Fill 2303 Ditch fill Upper fill. Mid >2.5 1.85 0.39 Post-medieval yellow brown sandy silt with occassional stones 23 2306 Cut Modern ditch N-S aligned ditch, unexcavated. Same as 2205 23 2307 Fill 2306 Ditch fill Dark brown clay silt 24 2400 Layer Topsoil Same as 100 0.24 24 2401 Layer Subsoil Light orange 0.03 brown sandy silt 24 2402 Layer Natural Orange clay silt 25 2500 Layer Topsoil Same as 100 0.3 25 2501 Layer Subsoil Light orange 0.08 brown sandy silt 25 2502 Layer Natural Orange silty clay

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26 2600 Layer Topsoil Same as 100 0.3 26 2601 Layer Subsoil Light orange 0.11 brown sandy silt 26 2602 Layer Natural Orange clay silt 27 2700 Layer Topsoil Dark grey brown 0.21 sandy silty clay with moderate gravel 27 2701 Layer Subsoil Dark grey brown 0.33 sandy silty clay with pebbles 27 2702 Layer Natural Light brown orange sand 27 2703 Cut Pit Sub-circular pit 1.28 >0.6 0.21 with steep to moderate sides and flat base. 27 2704 Fill 2703 Pit fill Light yellow 1.28 >0.6 0.21 brown silty clay sand with charcoal and pebbles 28 2800 Layer Topsoil Same as 100 0.34 28 2801 Layer Subsoil Light orange 0.1 brown sandy silt 28 2802 Layer Natural Orange clay silt 29 2900 Layer Topsoil Same as 100 0.33 29 2901 Layer Subsoil Light orange 0.18 brown sandy silt 29 2902 Layer Natural Orange clay silt 29 2903 Cut Ditch N/S aligned ditch, >2.5 2.7 unexcavated. Same as 2303 29 2904 Fill 2903 Ditch fill Mid yellow brown >2.5 2.7 sandy silt with occasional stones 29 2905 Cut Modern ditch N/S aligned ditch, >2.35 1.29 0.61 moderately sloping sides, rounded base. Same as 2205 29 2906 Fill 2905 Ditch fill Lower fill. Mid >2.35 0.52 0.25 brown grey clayey silt with occasional charcoal and occasional small stone 29 2907 Fill 2905 Ditch fill 2nd fill. Mixed mid >2.35 0.63 0.19 brown grey and light yellow clayey silt with occasional charcoal 29 2908 Fill 2905 Ditch fill Upper fill. Dark >2.35 1.29 0.43 Late grey brown clayey medieval/post- silt with medieval occasional charcoal and occasional small stone 29 2909 Cut Ditch E/W aligned ditch. >2.4 1.5 0.46 Moderately sloping sides, flat base

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29 2910 Fill 2909 Ditch fill Lower fill. Light >2.4 0.59 0.12 grey brown sandy silt with occasional charcoal 29 2911 Fill 2909 Ditch fill Upper fill. Mid >2.4 1.5 0.46 Post-medieval grey brown clay silt with occasional charcoal and occasional small stone 30 3000 Layer Topsoil Same as 100 0.32 30 3001 Layer Subsoil Light orange 0.27 brown sandy silt 30 3002 Layer Natural Orange clay silt with gravel patches 30 3003 Cut Ditch N/S aligned ditch, >2 0.61 0.11 shallow sloping sides with rounded base 30 3004 Fill 3003 Ditch fill Light brown grey >2 0.61 0.11 sandy silt with occasional manganese and occasional small stones 30 3005 Cut Ditch N/S aligned ditch >2 1.1 0.37 with steep sides and rounded base 30 3006 Fill 3005 Ditch fill Lower fill. Light >2 0.74 0.15 Post-medieval brown grey sandy silt with occasional manganese flecks and small stones 30 3007 Fill 3005 Ditch fill Upper fill. Mid >2 1.1 0.34 yellow brown sandy silt with occasional small stones 30 3008 Cut Ditch N/S aligned ditch. >2 0.7 0.13 Moderately steep sides with rounded base 30 3009 Fill 3008 Ditch fill Light brown grey >2 0.7 0.13 sandy silt with occasional manganese and occasional small stones 30 3010 Cut Ditch N/S aligned ditch, >2 0.56 0.1 moderately steep sides with rounded base 30 3011 Fill 3010 Ditch fill Light brown grey >2 0.56 0.1 Late sandy silt with medieval/post- occasional medieval manganese and occasional small stones 31 3100 Layer Topsoil Same as 100 0.34 31 3101 Layer Subsoil Light orange 0.13 brown sandy silt

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31 3102 Layer Natural Orange clay silt 32 3200 Layer Topsoil Same as 100 0.23 32 3201 Layer Subsoil Mid grey brown 0.27 silty clay with rare manganese, charcoal and gravel 32 3202 Layer Natural Mid/light brown grey silty clay and sand with gravel patches 32 3203 Cut Ditch N/S aligned ditch, >1 1.21 0.58 moderately sloping sides with concave base 32 3204 Fill 3203 Ditch fill Mid grey brown >1 1.21 0.58 silty clay and sand with rare charcoal flecks 32 3205 Cut Ditch N/S aligned ditch, >1.8 1.21 0.57 same as 3003 32 3206 Fill 3205 Ditch fill Mid grey brown >1.8 1.21 0.57 silty clay with occasional manganese flecks and stone 33 3300 Layer Topsoil Same as 100 0.3 33 3301 Layer Subsoil Mid yellow brown 0.21 silty clay and sand with patches of flint gravel 33 3302 Layer Natural Mid red brown silty clay and sand 33 3303 Cut Ditch or NW/SE aligned >2 0.65 0.17 geological feature with feature moderately sloping sides and concave base 33 3304 Fill 3303 Ditch fill Mid grey silty >2 0.65 0.17 sand with occasional manganese flecks and orange striations 33 3305 Cut Ditch N/S aligned ditch or channel, unexcavated. Same as 1717 33 3306 Fill 3305 Ditch fill Light grey sandy clay 34 3400 Layer Topsoil Same as 100 0.4 34 3401 Layer Subsoil Light brown grey 0.27 with orange/light grey patches sandy silt and clay 34 3402 Layer Natural Mid orange with light grey patches sandy clay 34 3403 Cut Ditch NW/SE aligned >1.8 0.83 0.22 ditch with irregular sides and flat base 34 3404 Fill 3403 Ditch fill Light brown grey >1.8 0.83 0.22 with orange mottling sandy silt

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with occasional manganese flecks and small stones 34 3405 Cut Ditch NW/SE aligned >1.8 1.1 ditch, unexcavated. Same as 1715 34 3406 Fill 3405 Ditch fill Mid brown grey >1.8 1.1 clay silt 35 3500 Layer Topsoil Same as 100 0.34 35 3501 Layer Subsoil Light orange 0.08 brown sandy silt 35 3502 Layer Natural Grey clay silt 36 3600 Layer Topsoil Same as 100 0.3 36 3601 Layer Subsoil Light orange 0.07 brown sandy silt 36 3602 Layer Natural Orange clay silt 37 3700 Layer Topsoil Same as 100 0.26 37 3701 Layer Subsoil Light orange 0.08 brown sandy silt 37 3702 Layer Natural Orange clay silt 38 3800 Layer Topsoil Same as 100 0.27 38 3801 Layer Subsoil Light orange 0.1 brown sandy silt 38 3802 Layer Natural Grey clay silt 39 3900 Layer Topsoil Same as 100 0.33 39 3901 Layer Subsoil Light orange 0.08 brown sandy silt 39 3902 Layer Natural Grey clay silt 39 3903 Cut Modern ditch N/S aligned ditch >2 1.4 or channel, unexcavated. Same as 1717 39 3904 Fill 3903 Ditch fill Dark brown clay >2 1.4 silt 40 4000 Layer Topsoil Same as 100 0.32 40 4001 Layer Subsoil Mid yellow brown 0.19 silty clay 40 4002 Layer Natural Yellow/orange silty sandy clay with blue mottling 40 4003 Fill 4004 Ditch fill Mid-dark brown >1.8 1.45 0.46 LC16-LC19 silty sandy clay with occasional gravel 40 4004 Cut Ditch E/W aligned ditch >1.8 1.45 0.46 with steep sides and concave base 40 4005 Fill 4007 Ditch fill Upper fill. Mid >1.8 1.72 0.27 orange brown silty clay with moderate gravel 40 4006 Fill 4007 Ditch fill Lower fill. Light- >1.8 1.08 0.19 mid blue grey silty clay with occasional gravel 40 4007 Cut Ditch E/W aligned itch >1.8 1.77 0.48 with shallow sloping sides and concave base 41 4100 Layer Topsoil Same as 100 0.32 41 4101 Layer Subsoil Mid yellow brown 0.16 silt clay and sand 41 4102 Layer Natural Light/mid yellow

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brown grey and orange sand and gravel 42 4200 Layer Topsoil Same as 100 0.28 42 4201 Layer Subsoil Light/mid grey 0.16 brown silty clay 42 4202 Layer Natural Mid orange brown silty clay with blue grey mottling and patches of mid orange brown sand and gravel 43 4300 Layer Topsoil Same as 100 0.31 43 4301 Layer Subsoil Light/mid grey 0.1 brown silty clay with occasional small stones 43 4302 Layer Natural Mid orange brown silty clay with blue grey mottling and patches of mid orange brown sand and gravel 43 4303 Cut Ditch NE/SW aligned >1.8 1.54 0.38 ditch with moderately sloping sides and concave base 43 4304 Fill 4303 Ditch fill Light/mid blue >1.8 1.54 0.38 grey silty clay with orange mottling 43 4305 Cut Ditch NE/SW aligned >1.8 1.47 0.43 ditch with moderately sloping sides becoming steeper with depth and concave base 43 4306 Fill 4305 Ditch fill Light/mid grey >1.8 1.47 0.43 brown silty clay with occasional small stones 44 4400 Layer Topsoil Same as 100 0.28 44 4401 Layer Subsoil Light orange 0.12 brown sandy silt 44 4402 Layer Natural Yellow clay silt 44 4403 Cut Pond >2 36 >1.2 44 4404 Fill 4403 Pond fill Lower fill. Light >2 36 grey mottled silt with frequent manganese 44 4405 Fill 4403 Pond fill 2nd fill. Dark organic-rich material 44 4406 Fill 4403 Pond fill Upper fill. Yellow clay silt - redeposited natural 44 4407 Cut Modern ditch N/S aligned ditch, >2.1 1.3 unexcavated. Same as 1504 44 4408 Fill 4407 Ditch fill Dark grey brown >2.1 1.3 clay silt 45 4500 Layer Topsoil Same as 100 0.31 45 4501 Layer Subsoil Mid yellow brown 0.3

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silty clay with rare charcoal and manganese flecks and gravel patches 45 4502 Layer Natural Mid grey brown with yellow striations silt clay and sand with gravel patches 45 4503 Cut Ditch N/S aligned ditch, >1.8 0.51 unexcavated. Same as 4603 45 4504 Fill 4503 Ditch fill Mid grey brown >1.8 0.51 silty clay 45 4505 Cut Ditch N/S aligned ditch >1.8 1.21 0.33 with moderately sloping sides and concave base. Same as 1303 45 4506 Fill 4505 Ditch fill Mid grey brown >1.8 1.21 0.33 C13-C14 silty clay with flecks of charcoal and small stones 46 4600 Layer Topsoil Same as 100 0.32 46 4601 Layer Subsoil Light brown grey 0.12 sandy silt 46 4602 Layer Natural Light orange silty clay with patches of sand and gravel 46 4603 Cut Ditch NW/SE aligned >1.8 1.12 0.41 ditch with steep sides becoming shallow and rounded base. Same as 4503 46 4604 Fill 4603 Ditch fill Lower fill. Mid >1.8 0.76 0.17 Late orange brown silty medieval/post- sand with medieval occasional charcoal flecks and small stones 46 4605 Fill 4603 Ditch fill 2nd fill. Mid brown >1.8 1.12 0.23 grey sandy silt with occasional charcoal flecks and small stones 46 4606 Fill 4603 Ditch fill Upper fill. Light >1.8 0.74 0.1 brown grey sandy silt with occasional charcoal flecks and small stones 46 4607 Cut Pit Oval pit with steep 1 0.84 0.23 sides and rounded base 46 4608 Fill 4607 Pit fill Light grey and 1 0.84 0.23 yellow sandy silt with moderate charcoal flecks and occasional daub 46 4609 Cut Pit Oval pit with 1.34 >0.38 0.36 irregular sides

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and rounded base 46 4610 Fill 4609 Pit fill Light brown grey 1.34 >0.38 0.36 C11-EC13 with dark grey and light yellow patches sandy silt with frequent charcoal, occasional daub and small stones 46 4611 Cut Pit Oval pit with 1.08 >0.46 0.39 vertical sides and flat base 46 4612 Fill 4611 Pit fill Lower fill. Light 0.45 >0.46 0.13 grey with orange mottling sandy silt with occasional charcoal 46 4613 Fill 4611 Pit fill Upper fill. Light 1.08 >0.46 0.28 brown grey with orange mottling sandy silt with frequent daub and moderate charcoal 46 4614 Cut Pit Oval pit with 1.31 0.97 0.06 shallow slope on NW, steep on SE, with flat base 46 4615 Fill 4614 Pit fill Lower fill. Light 1.31 0.97 0.06 brown grey sandy silt and black charcoal 46 4616 Fill 4614 Pit fill Upper fill. Mid 0.76 0.63 0.04 grey brown sandy silt with moderate daub, occasional charcoal and small stones 46 4617 Cut Ditch NE/SW aligned >9.7 0.9 0.29 ditch with moderately sloping sides and rounded base 46 4618 Fill 4617 Ditch fill Light brown grey >9.7 0.9 0.29 Late with orange medieval/post- mottling sandy silt medieval with occasional charcoal and small stones 46 4619 Cut Pit Oval pit, 1.94 0.86 unexcavated 46 4620 Fill 4619 Pit fill Dark grey sandy 1.94 0.86 C11-EC13 silt with frequent daub and charcoal 46 4621 Cut Pit Possible circular 1.5 1.02 pit, unexcavated 46 4622 Fill 4621 Pit fill Mid/dark grey 1.5 1.02 sandy silt 46 4623 Cut Unknown Linear feature >3.61 >0.34 continuing into baulk, unexcavated 46 4624 Fill 4623 Feature fill Light grey sandy >3.61 >0.34 silt with

32 © Cotswold Archaeology Land east of Halstead Road, Kirby Cross, Essex: Archaeological Evaluation

occasional orange mottling 47 4700 Layer Topsoil Same as 100 0.38 47 4701 Layer Subsoil Light orange 0.26 brown sandy silt 47 4702 Layer Natural Yellow clay silt 48 4800 Layer Topsoil Same as 100 0.3 48 4801 Layer Subsoil Light brown grey 0.16 sandy silt 48 4802 Layer Natural Light orange silty clay with patches of sand and gravel 48 4803 Cut Ditch N/S aligned ditch >2.9 1.69 0.71 with moderately sloping sides and rounded base 48 4804 Fill 4803 Ditch fill Lower fill. Light >2.9 0.82 0.25 grey with orange mottling sandy silt with occasional charcoal and small stones 48 4805 Fill 4803 Ditch fill Upper fill. >2.9 1.69 0.45 Late Light/mid brown medieval/post- grey with orange medieval mottling sandy silt with occasional charcoal and small stones 48 4806 Cut Ditch N/S aligned ditch >2.5 0.99 0.4 with moderately sloping sides becoming steeper with depth and rounded base 48 4807 Fill 4806 Ditch fill Light grey with >2.5 0.99 0.4 LBA-EIA orange mottling sandy clayey silt with occasional charcoal and small stones 49 4900 Layer Topsoil Same as 100 0.37 49 4901 Layer Natural Yellow clay silt 50 5000 Layer Topsoil Same as 100 0.23 50 5001 Layer Subsoil Light orange 0.12 brown sandy silt 50 5002 Layer Natural Orange and grey clay silt 50 5003 Cut Modern ditch W/E aligned ditch, >2 1.2 unexcavated 50 5004 Fill 5003 Ditch fill Dark grey brown >2 1.2 clay silt 51 5100 Layer Topsoil Same as 100 0.29 51 5101 Layer Subsoil Light orange 0.07 brown sandy silt 51 5102 Layer Natural Yellow silt clay 52 5200 Layer Topsoil Same as 100 0.3 52 5201 Layer Subsoil Light orange 0.13 brown sandy silt 52 5202 Layer Natural Yellow silt clay 52 5203 Cut Modern ditch N/S aligned ditch, >2 1.1 unexcavated. Same as 4503

33 © Cotswold Archaeology Land east of Halstead Road, Kirby Cross, Essex: Archaeological Evaluation

52 5204 Fill 5203 Ditch fill Mid grey brown >2 1.1 silty clay 53 5300 Layer Topsoil Same as 100 0.33 53 5301 Layer Subsoil Light orange 0.15 brown sandy silt 53 5302 Layer Natural Yellow clay silt 53 5303 Cut Ditch N/S aligned ditch >2 0.97 0.22 with moderately sloping sides and concave base. Same as 6006 53 5304 Fill 5303 Ditch fill Light grey brown >2 0.97 0.22 C17-C18 sandy silt with frequent manganese 53 5305 Cut Ditch N/S aligned ditch >2 0.76 0.22 with moderately sloping sides and flat base 53 5306 Fill 5305 Ditch fill Light grey brown >2 0.76 0.22 C13-C15 silty sand with frequent manganese 53 5307 Cut Pond 53 5308 Fill 5307 Pond fill Lower fill. Light grey clay silt with frequent manganese 53 5309 Fill 5307 Pond fill 2nd fill. Dark organic rich fill 53 5310 Fill 5307 Pond fill Upper fill. Yellow clay silt 54 5400 Layer Topsoil Same as 100 0.34 54 5401 Layer Subsoil Light orange 0.19 brown sandy silt 54 5402 Layer Natural Yellow clay silt 54 5403 Cut Pond Same as 5307, >2 38 unexcavated 54 5404 Fill 5403 Pond fill Lower fill. Light >2 38 grey clay silt with frequent manganese 54 5405 Fill 5403 Pond fill 2nd fill. Dark organic rich fill 54 5406 Fill 5403 Pond fill Upper fill. Yellow clay silt 54 5407 Cut Modern ditch E/W aligned ditch, >2 1.2 unexcavated. Same as 5003 54 5408 Fill 5407 Ditch fill Dark grey brown >2 1.2 clay silt 55 5500 Layer Topsoil Same as 100 0.4 55 5501 Layer Subsoil Light orange 0.2 brown sandy silt 55 5502 Layer Natural Yellow silt clay 55 5503 Cut Modern ditch NW/SE aligned >1.8 0.8 ditch, unexcavated. Same as 4503 55 5504 Fill 5503 Ditch fill Mid grey brown >1.8 0.8 silty clay 55 5505 Cut Modern ditch E/W aligned ditch, >1.8 0.68 unexcavated. Same as 5003

34 © Cotswold Archaeology Land east of Halstead Road, Kirby Cross, Essex: Archaeological Evaluation

55 5506 Fill 5505 Ditch fill Dark grey brown >1.8 0.68 clay silt 55 5507 Cut Ditch N/S aligned ditch >1.8 1.72 0.76 with moderately sloping sides and flat base. Same as 5509 55 5508 Fill 5507 Ditch fill Light blue grey >1.8 1.72 0.76 silty clay with charcoal flecks, gravel and pebbles. Same as 5510 55 5509 Cut Ditch N/S aligned ditch >1.8 >1.5 0.71 with moderately sloping sides and flat base. Same as 5507 55 5510 Fill 5509 Ditch fill Lower fill. Light >1.8 >1.5 0.41 blue grey silty clay with ocassional charcoal and sand and gravel and pebbles. Same as 5508 55 5511 Fill 5509 Ditch fill Upper fill. Light >1.8 >1.5 0.3 brown grey silty clay and clay sand with occasional charcoal, gravel and pebbles 56 5600 Layer Topsoil Same as 100 0.34 56 5601 Layer Subsoil Light orange 0.04 brown sandy silt 56 5602 Layer Natural Yellow silt 57 5700 Layer Topsoil Same as 100 0.3 57 5701 Layer Subsoil Light orange 0.07 brown sandy silt 57 5702 Layer Natural Yellow clay silt 58 5800 Layer Topsoil Same as 100 0.25 58 5801 Layer Subsoil Light orange 0.13 brown sandy silt 58 5802 Layer Natural Yellow clay silt 59 5900 Layer Topsoil Dark grey silty 0.31 clay 59 5901 Layer Subsoil Mid grey sandy 0.14 silt 59 5902 Layer Natural Orange grey gravelly silt 59 5903 Fill 5904 Ditch fill Dark grey sandy >2 2 silt 59 5904 Cut Modern ditch Unexcavated >2 2 60 6000 Layer Topsoil Dark brown silty 0.5 clay 60 6001 Layer Subsoil Mid yellow brown 0.1 silty clay 60 6002 Layer Natural Light yellow brown silty clay with occasional blue mottling 60 6003 Fill 6004 Ditch fill Dark silty clay >2 1.45 with frequent charcoal 60 6004 Cut Modern ditch N/S aligned ditch, >2 1.45

35 © Cotswold Archaeology Land east of Halstead Road, Kirby Cross, Essex: Archaeological Evaluation

unexcavated. Same as 6104 60 6005 Fill 6006 Ditch fill Mid brown grey >2 1.3 sandy silty clay 60 6006 Cut Ditch N/S aligned ditch, >2 1.3 unexcavated. Same as 6106 61 6100 Layer Topsoil Dark brown silty 0.3 clay 61 6101 Layer Subsoil Mid yellow brown 0.1 silty clay 61 6102 Layer Natural Light yellow brown silty clay with occasional blue mottling 61 6103 Fill 6104 Ditch fill Dark silty clay >2 1.4 with frequent charcoal 61 6104 Cut Modern ditch N/S aligned ditch, >2 1.4 unexcavated. Same as 6004 61 6105 Fill 6106 Ditch fill Mid brown grey >2 1.3 sandy silty clay 61 6106 Cut Ditch N/S aligned ditch, >2 1.3 unexcavated. Same as 6006, 5303, 5305 62 6200 Layer Topsoil Same as 100 0.38 62 6201 Layer Subsoil Light orange 0.08 brown sandy silt 62 6202 Layer Natural Yellow silt and gravel 63 6300 Layer Topsoil Same as 100 0.36 63 6301 Layer Subsoil Light orange 0.12 brown sandy silt 63 6302 Layer Natural Yellow silt and gravel 64 6400 Layer Topsoil Same as 100 0.44 64 6401 Layer Subsoil Light orange 0.07 brown sandy silt 64 6402 Layer Natural Yellow silt and gravel 65 6500 Layer Topsoil Same as 100 0.39 65 6501 Layer Subsoil Same as 101 0.09 65 6502 Layer Natural Yellow silt and gravel 66 6600 Layer Topsoil Same as 100 0.21 66 6601 Layer Subsoil Mid yellow grey 0.23 silty sand 66 6602 Layer Natural Light yellow orange sand with occasional gravel 67 6700 Layer Topsoil Same as 100 0.32 67 6701 Layer Subsoil Mid yellow grey 0.22 silty sand 67 6702 Layer Natural Light yellow orange sand with occasional gravel 68 6800 Layer Topsoil Dark grey brown 0.12 sandy silty clay with moderate gravel 68 6801 Layer Subsoil Dark grey brown 0.31 sandy silty clay

36 © Cotswold Archaeology Land east of Halstead Road, Kirby Cross, Essex: Archaeological Evaluation

with pebbles 68 6802 Layer Natural Light brown orange sand 68 6803 Cut Ditch N/S aligned ditch >1.9 1.8 0.5 with moderately sloping sides and concave base 68 6804 Fill 6803 Ditch fill Mid yellow brown >1.9 1.8 0.5 clayey silt with occasional charcoal, sand and gravel 68 6805 Cut Modern ditch N/S aligned ditch, >1.9 unexcavated. Same as 1715 68 6806 Fill 6805 Ditch fill Dark grey brown >1.9 clayey silt 69 6900 Layer Topsoil Same as 100 0.18 69 6901 Layer Subsoil Light orange 0.05 brown sandy silt 69 6902 Layer Natural Orange clay silt 70 7000 Layer Topsoil Dark grey silty 0.3 clay 70 7001 Layer Subsoil Mid grey silty 0.15 sandy clay 70 7002 Layer Natural Orange silty clay with gravel patches 71 7100 Layer Topsoil Dark brown silty 0.3 clay 71 7101 Layer Subsoil Light brown sandy 0.15 silt 71 7102 Layer Natural Light orange sandy silt and gravel 71 7103 Fill 7104 Ditch fill Light/mid grey >2 1.1 sandy silt 71 7104 Cut Ditch N/S aligned ditch, >2 1.1 unexcavated. Same as 3005 72 7200 Layer Topsoil Dark grey brown 0.3 silty clay 72 7201 Layer Subsoil Mid brown clayey 0.15 silt 72 7202 Layer Natural Orange sandy silt and gravel 73 7300 Layer Topsoil Mid brown grey 0.48 silty clay with occasional stone 73 7301 Layer Subsoil Light grey brown 0.22 silty clay with frequent stone 73 7302 Layer Natural Light grey and brown grey silty clay and clay sand 73 7303 Cut Ditch NE/SW aligned >1.8 0.65 0.35 ditch with moderately sloping sides and concave base 73 7304 Fill 7303 Ditch fill Light brown grey >1.8 0.65 0.35 and red brown silty clay with occasional

37 © Cotswold Archaeology Land east of Halstead Road, Kirby Cross, Essex: Archaeological Evaluation

charcoal and small stones 74 7400 Layer Topsoil Dark grey brown 0.17 sandy silty clay with moderate gravel 74 7401 Layer Subsoil Dark grey brown 0.29 sandy silty clay with pebbles 74 7402 Layer Natural Light brown orange sand 75 7500 Layer Topsoil Mid/dark grey silty 0.3 clay 75 7501 Layer Subsoil Mid brown grey 0.15 sandy silt 75 7502 Layer Natural Orange grey sandy gravelly silt 75 7503 Fill 7504 Ditch fill Mid grey sandy >2 1 silt 75 7504 Cut Ditch N/S aligned ditch, >2 1 unexcavated. Same as 2303 75 7505 Fill 7506 Ditch fill Dark grey sandy >2 0.6 silt 75 7506 Cut Modern ditch N/S aligned ditch, >2 0.6 unexcavated. Same as 2205 76 7600 Layer Topsoil Dark grey brown 0.3 silty clay 76 7601 Layer Subsoil Light grey brown 0.2 sandy silt 76 7602 Layer Natural Grey gravelly silt and orange sandy silt 76 7603 Fill 7604 Ditch fill Light grey sandy >2 0.8 silt 76 7604 Cut Ditch N/S aligned ditch, >2 0.8 unexcavated. Same as 2303 76 7605 Fill 7606 Ditch fill Dark grey silty >2 0.6 clay 76 7606 Cut Modern ditch N/S aligned ditch, >2 0.6 unexcavated. Same as 2205 77 7700 Layer Topsoil Same as 100 0.33 77 7701 Layer Subsoil Mid orange brown 0.27 clay silt 77 7702 Layer Natural Mid orange brown with blue grey mottling clay silt with gravel patches 78 7800 Layer Topsoil Mid/dark grey silty 0.3 clay 78 7801 Layer Subsoil Light brown silty 0.2 sandy clay 78 7802 Layer Natural Orange silty sandy clay 78 7803 Fill 7804 Ditch fill Dark grey silty >2 0.6 clay 78 7804 Cut Modern ditch N/S aligned ditch, >2 0.6 unexcavated. Same as 2205 79 7900 Layer Topsoil Dark grey brown 0.15

38 © Cotswold Archaeology Land east of Halstead Road, Kirby Cross, Essex: Archaeological Evaluation

sandy silty clay with moderate gravel 79 7901 Layer Subsoil Dark grey brown 0.3 sandy silty clay with pebbles 79 7902 Layer Natural Light brown orange sand 79 7903 Cut Pit Circular pit with 0.7 0.55 0.18 moderately sloping sides and rounded base 79 7904 Fill 7903 Pit fill Dark grey brown 0.7 0.55 0.18 clayey silt with frequent charcoal and burnt gravel/pebbles 80 8000 Layer Topsoil Dark brown grey 0.3 silty clay 80 8001 Layer Subsoil Mid brown silty 0.15 clay 80 8002 Layer Natural Orange sandy silt 80 8003 Fill 8004 Ditch fill Light grey sandy >2 0.8 silt 80 8004 Cut Ditch N/S aligned ditch, >2 0.8 unexcavated. Same as 3005 80 8005 Fill 8006 Ditch fill Orange grey >2 2.2 sandy silt 80 8006 Cut Ditch N/S aligned ditch, >2 2.2 unexcavated. Same as 3010 81 8100 Layer Topsoil Same as 100 0.35 81 8101 Layer Subsoil Mid orange brown 0.2 clay silt with occasional flint 81 8102 Layer Natural Mid orange brown clay silt with gravel patches 81 8103 Cut Ditch E/W aligned ditch >2 1.46 0.57 with moderately sloping sides and concave base 81 8104 Fill 8103 Ditch fill Light yellow >2 1.46 0.57 Post-medieval brown with orange mottling sandy silt with rare charcoal flecks 82 8200 Layer Topsoil Dark brown grey 0.3 silty clay 82 8201 Layer Subsoil Light brown silty 0.2 clay 82 8202 Layer Natural Mid orange sandy silt 82 8203 Fill 8204 Ditch fill Light grey sandy >2 0.8 silt 82 8204 Cut Ditch N/S aligned ditch, >2 0.8 unexcavated. Same as 3005 82 8205 Fill 8206 Ditch fill Orange grey >2 2.2 sandy silt 82 8206 Cut Ditch N/S aligned ditch, >2 2.2 unexcavated. Same as 3010 83 8300 Layer Topsoil Dark grey silty 0.3

39 © Cotswold Archaeology Land east of Halstead Road, Kirby Cross, Essex: Archaeological Evaluation

clay 83 8301 Layer Subsoil Mid orange brown 0.2 sandy silty clay 83 8302 Layer Natural Mid orange sandy silty clay 83 8303 Fill 8304 Ditch fill Mid grey silty clay >2 1.6 83 8304 Cut Modern ditch E/W aligned ditch, >2 1.6 unexcavated. Same as 8104 84 8400 Layer Topsoil Dark brown grey 0.3 silty clay 84 8401 Layer Subsoil Mid brown sandy 0.15 silty clay 84 8402 Layer Natural Mid orange sandy silty clay 84 8403 Fill 8404 Ditch fill Mid grey sandy >2 2.6 silt 84 8404 Cut Ditch E/W aligned ditch, >2 2.6 unexcavated. Same as 8104 84 8405 Fill 8406 Ditch fill Mid brown-grey silty clay and clay sand 84 8406 Cut Modern ditch NW/SE aligned ditch, unexcavated. Same as 1715

40 © Cotswold Archaeology Land east of Halstead Road, Kirby Cross, Essex: Archaeological Evaluation


Context Category Description Fabric Count Weight Spot-date Code (g) 803 Post-medieval pottery Unglazed earthenware 40 2 8 MC16-C18 Iron Object 1 21 1806 Flint 4 42 - 1807 Flint Flakes, blade 5 21 - Fired/burnt clay 6 25 1808 Medieval pottery Early medieval ware 13 2 5 C11-EC13 2208 Modern pottery Porcelain 48 1 <1 Modern 2305 Post-medieval ceramic Brick 2 460 Post-medieval building material Industrial waste 6 921 2908 Late medieval/post- Flat roof tile 1 122 Late medieval/ medieval ceramic post-medieval building material 2911 Post-medieval ceramic Brick 1 215 Post-medieval building material 3006 Post-medieval ceramic Brick, fragment 2 336 Post-medieval building material 3011 Late medieval/post- Fragment 2 10 Late medieval/ medieval ceramic post-medieval building material 4003 Clay tobacco pipe Stem 1 10 LC16-LC19 4005 Flint Flake 1 3 - 4506 Medieval pottery Essex sandy orange ware 21 1 1 C13-C14 Medieval pottery Colchester-type ware 21A 1 3 4604 Medieval pottery Early medieval ware 13 4 5 Late medieval/ Late medieval/post- Peg tile 1 18 post-medieval medieval ceramic building material 4610 Medieval pottery Early medieval ware 13 1 8 C11-EC13 4618 Medieval pottery Early medieval ware 13 3 29 Late medieval/ Late medieval/post- Flat roof tile 1 37 post-medieval medieval ceramic building material 4620 Medieval pottery Early medieval ware 13 7 54 C11-EC13 4805 Late medieval/post- Flat roof tile 1 126 Late medieval/ medieval ceramic post-medieval building material 4807 Prehistoric pottery Quartz-and-flint tempered QZFL 5 8 LBA-EIA fabric 5304 Medieval pottery Colchester-type ware 21A 8 91 C17-C18 Post-medieval pottery Glazed earthenware 40 5 21 Post-medieval pottery English stoneware? 45 1 21 Post-medieval pottery Unglazed earthenware 40 5 25 Industrial waste 1 3 5306 Medieval pottery Colchester-type ware 21A 2 48 C13-C15 5405 Post-medieval pottery Unglazed earthenware 40 1 5 8104 Anglo Saxon/medieval Quartz tempered fabric UNID 1 <1 Post-medieval pottery Post-medieval ceramic Brick, flat roof tile 2 515 building material

41 © Cotswold Archaeology Land east of Halstead Road, Kirby Cross, Essex: Archaeological Evaluation


Proce Unproc Flot Charr ssed essed size Root Cereal ed Notes for Charcoal Feature Context Sample vol (L) vol (L) (ml) s % Grain Chaff Notes Other Table > 4/2mm Other Trench 27 - Undated Pit Prunus spinosa *****/** 2703 2704 2 20 20 1400 5 - - - * stone frag *** - Trench 46 - Undated Pit F-t wheat Vicia/Lathy *****/** 4614 4615 1 4 0 400 2 *** - grains ** rus, buds *** - Trench 79 - Undated Pit

slag/?m etal F-t working wheat debris 7903 7904 3 20 20 120 5 * - grains - - **/**** frags (*)

Key: * = 1–4 items; ** = 5–19 items; *** = 20–49 items; **** = 50–99 items; ***** = >100 items

Table 1 Assessment of the palaeoenvironmental remains

42 © Cotswold Archaeology Land east of Halstead Road, Kirby Cross, Essex: Archaeological Evaluation



Project Name Land east of Halstead Road Short description

Project dates 8–22 December 2017 An archaeological evaluation was undertaken by Cotswold Archaeology in December 2017 on land east of Halstead Road, Kirby Cross, Essex. A total of 84 trenches was excavated.

The evaluation identified a single feature of Late prehistoric date together with a small area of medieval activity within the eastern part of the site. This medieval activity comprised agricultural boundary ditches and a cluster of pits. Undated activity comprised three undated pits and an unurned cremation in the western part of the site.

Post-medieval and modern field system ditches, and a number of modern pits, were also identified.

Project type Evaluation Previous work Historic Environment Assessment (SLR 2015) Aerial Photograph Survey (Deegan 2017) Future work Unknown PROJECT LOCATION Site Location Kirby Cross, Essex Study area (M2/ha) 18.86ha Site co-ordinates 622314 221126 TM 22314 21126 PROJECT CREATORS Name of organisation Cotswold Archaeology Project Brief originator Tendring District Council Project Design (WSI) originator Cotswold Archaeology Project Manager Laurie Coleman Project Supervisor Christopher Leonard MONUMENT TYPE None SIGNIFICANT FINDS None PROJECT ARCHIVES Intended final location of archive Content (museum/Accession no.)

Physical Colchester & Ipswich Museum Service/ Ceramics, CBM etc COLEM: 2017.97 Paper Colchester & Ipswich Museum Service/ Context sheets, Trench COLEM: 2017.97 recording forms etc Digital Colchester & Ipswich Museum Service/ Database, digital photos COLEM: 2017.97 etc BIBLIOGRAPHY

CA (Cotswold Archaeology) 2018 land east of Halstead Road, Kirby Cross, Essex: Archaeological Evaluation. CA typescript report 18009

43 620000 621000 622000 623000 624000







HIRE N Andover 01264 347630 Cirencester 01285 771022 Cotswold Exeter 01392 826185 SUFFOLK Archaeology Milton Keynes 01908 564660 w e [email protected]

PROJECT TITLE Land east of Halstead Road, Kirby Cross, Essex ESSEX FIGURE TITLE Site location plan THURROCK 0 1km

SOUTHEND-ON-SEA DRAWN BY AO PROJECT NO. 661008 FIGURE NO. © Crown copyright and database rights 2018 CHECKED BY DJB DATE 05/01/2018 Ordnance Survey 0100031673 APPROVED BY LECC SCALE@A4 1:25,000 1 N 2 FIGURE NO. 100m 01908 564660 @ 01392 826185 661008 08/01/2018 1:2500 01264 347630 Andover Cirencester 01285 771022 Exeter Milton Keynes w e enquiries Ordnance Survey 0100031673 Ordnance Survey 1:2,500 PROJECT NO. DATE SCALE@A3 Site boundary trench Evaluation land Area of uncultivated Archaeological feature feature Post-medieval/modern Field drain deposits Dry valley Archaeological feature Diffuse Archaeological feature Geological feature Recent ditch Recent bank (Deegan 2017) AO DJB LECC Cotswold Archaeology Air photo Interpretation 0 © Crown copyright and database rights copyright © Crown PROJECT TITLE Land east of Halstead Road, Kirby Cross, Essex FIGURE TITLE location plan showing Trench archaeological features and cropmarks DRAWN BY DRAWN CHECKED BY APPROVED BY T49 T14 T51

Avenue T56 T13 T50 T48 622600 T57

Woburn T52 T47 T55 T46 T58 T45 T61 T54 T44 T60 T59 T63 T62 T53 T42 T12 T43 T15 T65 T36 T11 T64 622400 T41 T16 T40 T4 Fig. 5 Fig. T8 T37 T66 T9 T67 T5 T2 T38 T34 T10 T68 T6 T3 T7 T84 T39 T18 T70 T17 T1 T69 T81 T33 T79 T35 T20 T83 T71 Fig. 3 Fig.

622200 T80 T82 T32 T30 T19 T72 T77 T31 T76 T21 T23 T29 T75 T22 T78 T28 T27 T24 T25 T74 T26 Fig. 4 Fig. T73

622000 Halstead Road Halstead 221600 221400 221200 221000 N


Site boundary

T1 Evaluation trench T5 Archaeological feature pit 103 Post-medieval feature T3 Field drain

ditch Dry valley deposits 107

ditch 105


Air photo Interpretation (Deegan 2017)

Archaeological feature Diffuse Archaeological feature T7 Geological feature Recent ditch Recent bank T9 (Fig. 6)



0 1:750 25m

© Crown copyright and database rights Ordnance Survey 0100031673

T10 Andover 01264 347630 Cirencester 01285 771022 Cotswold Exeter 01392 826185 Archaeology Milton Keynes 01908 564660 w e [email protected]

PROJECT TITLE Land east of Halstead Road, Kirby Cross, Essex FIGURE TITLE Trench location plan showing archaeological features and cropmarks (north)


T22 (Fig. 8) T20 T17 (Fig. 7) ditch 2003 ditch 2103

T16 ditch T18 2005 ditch ditch 2105 1903 ditch ditch 1809 1805 T21 T19 ditch Site boundary 1803 T34 Evaluation trench ditch T37 T24 ditch 3403 2303 T23 Archaeological feature T36 ditch Post-medieval/modern feature ditch T33 3405 3203 Field drain ditch T25 ditch T32 ditch 3303 2306 3205 ditch 3305

T31 T39 T28 T38 T40 ditch (Fig. 6) T35 3903

Air photo Interpretation ditch (Deegan 2017) 3008 ditch T41 3010 Archaeological feature T26 ditch T29 T30 ditch 2903 ditch 3003 Diffuse Archaeological feature 3005 T69 Geological feature ditch 2909 Recent ditch ditch T27 2905 Recent bank

pit 2703 ditch 7104 T71 T72 T70 T66

ditch ditch 8206 T65 ditch 7506 T75 ditch 7303 ditch 6803 7504 ditch 0 1:1000 50m 7905 pit T68 T82 7903 © Crown copyright and database rights Ordnance Survey 0100031673 T73 ditch ditch T76 6805 8204 T79 ditch Andover 01264 347630 T83 7907 Cirencester 01285 771022 Cotswold Exeter 01392 826185 Milton Keynes 01908 564660 ditch Archaeology w T74 8406 T67 e [email protected] ditch ditch 8304 PROJECT TITLE ditch 7606 T81 7604 Land east of Halstead Road, KirbyT64 Cross, T84 ditch Essex T77 8103 T80 FIGURE TITLE ditch Trench location plan showing 8004 ditch ditch 8006 8404 archaeological features and cropmarks ditch T78 7804 (west) DRAWN BY AO PROJECT NO. 661008 FIGURE NO. CHECKED BY DJB DATE 19/01/2018 APPROVED BY LECC SCALE@A3 1:1000 4 N 5 50m FIGURE NO. 01908 564660 @ 01392 826185 661008 19/01/2018 1:1000 01264 347630 Andover Cirencester 01285 771022 Exeter Milton Keynes w e enquiries Ordnance Survey 0100031673 Ordnance Survey 1:1000 PROJECT NO. DATE SCALE@A3 Site boundary trench Evaluation land Area of uncultivated Archaeological feature feature Post-medieval/modern Field drain Archaeological feature Diffuse Archaeological feature Geological feature Recent ditch Recent bank (Deegan 2017) AO DJB LECC Cotswold Archaeology Air photo Interpretation 0 © Crown copyright and database rights copyright © Crown PROJECT TITLE FIGURE TITLE Land east of Halstead Road, Kirby Cross, Essex location plan showing Trench archaeological features and cropmarks (east) DRAWN BY DRAWN CHECKED BY APPROVED BY T49 T14 T51 ditch 5003 T13 T56 T50

oburn Avenue T57

W ditch 1303 T48 (Fig. 12) T48 (Fig. ditch 5503 ditch 5505 ditch 5203 T47 T55 ditch 5509 5507/ T52 T46 (Fig. 11) T46 (Fig. T58 T45 (Fig. 10) (Fig. ditch 5407 pond 5403 T61 ditch 6104 ditch 6004 T54 ditch 5904 ditch 6106 T44 ditch 6006 pond 4403 T60 T53 (Fig. 13) T53 (Fig. T59 ditch 4407 pond 1506 ditch 1504 T63 T62 T43 (Fig. 9) (Fig. T15 T42 T65 T36 T64 T41 T16 T40 (Fig. 9) (Fig. T66 T37 7 6 T67 6 FIGURE NO. 01908 564660 @ 01392 826185 661008 08/01/2018 1:200 & 1:20 01264 347630 Andover Cirencester 01285 771022 Exeter Milton Keynes w e enquiries PROJECT NO. DATE SCALE@A3 Archaeological feature feature Archaeological (excavated/unexcavated) deposit Dry valley Field drain AO DJB LECC Cotswold Archaeology PROJECT TITLE Land east of Halstead Road, Kirby Cross, Essex FIGURE TITLE 9: plan, section and photograph Trench DRAWN BY DRAWN CHECKED BY APPROVED BY 10m Dry valley 1:200 deposit 905 0

Pit 903 looking south (0.2m scale) A pit 903 A m pit 903 904 1:20 topsoil 900 subsoil 901 Trench 9, plan Trench 01 EW AOD Section AA 19.7m N 7 FIGURE NO. 01908 564660 @ 01392 826185 661008 08/01/2018 1:200 & 1:20 01264 347630 Andover Cirencester 01285 771022 Exeter Milton Keynes w e enquiries PROJECT NO. DATE SCALE@A3 Archaeological feature feature Archaeological (excavated/unexcavated) feature Post-medieval/Modern AO DJB LECC Cotswold Archaeology PROJECT TITLE Land east of Halstead Road, Kirby Cross, Essex FIGURE TITLE 17: plan, section and Trench photograph DRAWN BY DRAWN CHECKED BY APPROVED BY ditch 1717 ditch 1715 ditch 1713 10m

Pit 1706, looking south-west (1m scale) Pit 1706, looking south-west ditch 1711 1:200 NW ditch 1704 0 1708 ditch 1719 m 1710 1709 1707 topsoil 1701 subsoil 1702 1:20 B pit 1706 B pit 1706 01 N Trench 17, plan Trench SE AOD Section BB 24.0m 8 FIGURE NO. 01908 564660 @ 01264 347630 01392 826185 19/01/2018 1:200 & 1:20 661008 Andover Cirencester 01285 771022 Exeter Milton Keynes w e enquiries PROJECT NO. DATE SCALE@A3 Archaeological feature feature Post-medieval/Modern AO DJB LECC Cotswold Archaeology PROJECT TITLE Land east of Halstead Road, Kirby Cross, Essex FIGURE TITLE 22: plan, section and Trench photograph DRAWN BY DRAWN CHECKED BY APPROVED BY 2203 cremation ditch 2205 m0 1 1:200

)e 0

lacs m4 lacs


htron gn htron




lairub noitamerC lairub pit 2207 an l p , 2 2

ch n re Trench 22, plan T Trench N SE 9 FIGURE NO. 01908 564660 @ 01392 826185 ditch 4305 661008 08/01/2018 1:200 & 1:20 01264 347630 Andover Cirencester 01285 771022 Exeter Milton Keynes w e enquiries m PROJECT NO. DATE SCALE@A3 Archaeological feature feature Archaeological (excavated/unexcavated) Field drain AO DJB LECC Cotswold Archaeology PROJECT TITLE Land east of Halstead Road, Kirby Cross, Essex FIGURE TITLE 40 & 43: plans, sections and Trenches photographs DRAWN BY DRAWN CHECKED BY APPROVED BY 1:20 topsoil 4300 subsoil 4301 01 10m 4304 4306

Ditches 4303 and 4305, looking east (1m scale) 1:200 ditch 4303 D D 0 ditch 4305 ditch NW 4303 S AOD Section DD 23.6m ditch 4004 N Trench 43, plan Trench 4003 m 1:20 topsoil 4000 subsoil 4001 01 4005 4006 ditch 4007

Ditches 4004 and 4007, looking east (2m scale) 10m N AOD Section CC 24.4m N C C 1:200 Trench 40, plan Trench ditch 4004 ditch 4007 0 10 FIGURE NO. 01908 564660 @ 01392 826185 661008 08/01/2018 1:200 & 1:20 01264 347630 Andover Cirencester 01285 771022 Exeter Milton Keynes w e enquiries PROJECT NO. DATE SCALE@A3 Archaeological feature feature Archaeological (excavated/unexcavated) feature Post-medieval/Modern AO DJB LECC Cotswold Archaeology PROJECT TITLE Land east of Halstead Road, Kirby Cross, Essex FIGURE TITLE 45: plan, section and Trench photograph DRAWN BY DRAWN CHECKED BY APPROVED BY ditch 4503 10m 1:200

Ditch 4505, looking north-east (1m scale) E ditch 4505 0 E m 1:20 4506 01 ditch 4505 NW SE Trench 45, plan Trench AOD Section EE 22.8m N 11 FIGURE NO. 01908 564660 @ 01392 826185 661008 09/01/2018 1:200 & 1:20 01264 347630 Andover Cirencester 01285 771022 Exeter Milton Keynes w e enquiries PROJECT NO. DATE SCALE@A3 Archaeological feature feature Archaeological (excavated/unexcavated) feature Post-medieval/Modern (excavated/unexcavated) Field drain AO DJB LECC Cotswold Archaeology PROJECT TITLE Land east of Halstead Road, Kirby Cross, Essex FIGURE TITLE 46: plans, sections and Trenches photographs DRAWN BY DRAWN CHECKED BY APPROVED BY

s 4609, 4611, 4614, 4621 and 4623, looking south-west (1m scale) s 4609, 4611, 4614, 4621 and 4623, looking south-west


Ditch 4617, looking north-east (0.5m scale) SW pit 4619 subsoil 4601 H ditch 4617 H 4618 10m pit ditch 4611 4617 ditch 4603 4613 4612 NW SE AOD Section HH 23.2m 1:200 m 0 topsoil 4600 subsoil 4601 pit 4607 1:20 01 pit F 4621 4615 pit 4609 pit pit 4623 4611 4616 F 4610 G G pit pit 4609 4614 pit 4614 NE NW SE Trench 46, plan Trench AOD AOD Section GG Section FF 23.5m 23.0m N 12 FIGURE NO. 01908 564660 @ 01392 826185 661008 09/01/2018 1:200 & 1:20 01264 347630 Andover Cirencester 01285 771022 Exeter Milton Keynes w e enquiries PROJECT NO. DATE SCALE@A3 Archaeological feature feature Archaeological (excavated/unexcavated) AO DJB LECC Cotswold Archaeology PROJECT TITLE Land east of Halstead Road, Kirby Cross, Essex FIGURE TITLE 48: plan, section and Trench photograph DRAWN BY DRAWN CHECKED BY APPROVED BY ditch 4806 10m

Ditch 4803, looking south-west (1m scale) Ditch 4803, looking south-west 1:200 0 NE m ditch 4803 I 4805 4804 ditch 4803 1:20 I 01 SW AOD Section II 23.2m N Trench 48, plan Trench 13 FIGURE NO. 01908 564660 @ 01392 826185 661008 09/01/2018 1:200 & 1:20 01264 347630 Andover Cirencester 01285 771022 Exeter Milton Keynes w e enquiries PROJECT NO. DATE SCALE@A3 Archaeological feature feature Archaeological (excavated/unexcavated) AO DJB LECC Cotswold Archaeology PROJECT TITLE Land east of Halstead Road, Kirby Cross, Essex FIGURE TITLE 53: plan, section and Trench photograph DRAWN BY DRAWN CHECKED BY APPROVED BY 10m 1:200 pond 5307 0

Ditch 5303, looking south (0.5m scale) ditch 5305 m J ditch 5303 J 5304 1:20 topsoil 5300 subsoil 5301 ditch 5303 01 SW NE AOD Section JJ 24.1m N Trench 53, plan Trench