The Cuneiform Tablets of 2015 Long Tien Nguyen, Alan Kay VPRI Technical Report TR-2015-004 Viewpoints Research Institute, 1025 Westwood Blvd 2nd flr, Los Angeles, CA 90024 t: (310) 208-0524 The Cuneiform Tablets of 2015 Long Tien Nguyen Alan Kay University of California, Los Angeles University of California, Los Angeles Viewpoints Research Institute Viewpoints Research Institute Los Angeles, CA, USA Los Angeles, CA, USA
[email protected] [email protected] Abstract on an Acorn BBC Master computer, modified with custom We discuss the problem of running today’s software decades, hardware designed specifically for the BBC. The Domesday centuries, or even millennia into the future. Project was completed and published in the year 1986 AD [10] [36]. Categories and Subject Descriptors K.2 [History of Com- In the year 2002 AD, 16 years after the BBC Domesday puting]: Software; K.4.0 [Computers and Society]: General Project was completed, the LV-ROM technology and the Keywords History; preservation; emulation BBC Master computer had long been obsolete. LV-ROM readers and BBC Masters had not been manufactured for 1. Introduction many years, and most existing readers and computers had been broken, lost, or discarded. Though the LV-ROM discs In the year 1086 AD, King William the Conqueror ordered a containing the Domesday Project were (and still are, as of survey of each and every shire in England, determining, for 2015 AD) intact and readable, the rapid disappearance of each landowner, how much land he had, how much livestock hardware that could read the LV-ROM discs and execute he had, and how much money his property was worth [2].