Perspective Cleaning Up After Published by the Elephants The Foundation for Economic Education Irvington-on-Hudson, NY 10533 detect a pattern in the challenges hurled at liberals Phone: (914) 591-7230; E-mail:
[email protected] on nearly every issue. The opponent of liberalism describes a problem, invariably with roots in a gov- President Richard M. Ebeling I ernment infringement of freedom. In response, he pre- Editor Sheldon Richman Managing Editor Beth A. Hoffman scribes more government interference with freedom, at Book Review Editor George C. Leef which point the liberal interjects that the best and only just solution is the repeal of the culpable state power.The Columnists statist replies that this will not do because the liberal’s Charles Baird Robert Higgs Donald J. Boudreaux Lawrence W.Reed proposal won’t solve every related problem and may even Stephen Davies Russell Roberts reveal hitherto overlooked problems. Undo still more Richard M. Ebeling Thomas Szasz government action, the liberal replies. But this brings the Burton W.Folsom, Jr. Walter E.Williams same criticism. Contributing Editors Here’s what’s going on. The exercise of state power Norman Barry Dwight R. Lee for many years has created gross distortions in incentives, Peter J. Boettke Wendy McElroy consumer preferences, and investment, leading to the James Bovard Tibor Machan Thomas J. DiLorenzo Andrew P.Morriss problems under discussion. In other words, the politicians Joseph S. Fulda James L. Payne and bureaucrats have made a royal mess.Then liberals are Bettina Bien Greaves William H. Peterson faulted for not being able to clean it up tidily with the John Hospers Jane S.