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Sentinel Endorsement Father Anthony Bozeman ‘On Fire’ as SoCal Legends: Paul Pierce New Pastor of Transfiguration Catholic (See page D-2) Church (See page E-1) VOL. LXXXVII NO. 13, $1.00 +CA. Sales Tax “For Over Eighty Years, the Voice of Our Community Speaking for Itself.” THURSDAY, APRIL 1, 2021 VOL. LXXVV, NO. 49 • $1.00 + CA. Sales Tax “For Over Eighty Years The Voice of Our Community Speaking for Itself THURSDAY, DECEMBER 12 - 18, 2013 As Los Angeles opens back up, experts warn not to get too comfortable in order to avoid a fourth surge BY DANNY J. BAKEWELL, JR. reaching the targeted number Executive Editor within 54 days and also by promising that by April 19, There has been much his administration will have debate within the African doubled the number of phar- American community – vac- macies where people can get cinate or don’t vaccinate? vaccinated. The president Trust the science or don’t also said that almost 90% trust the science? In fact, it of American adults will be really could simply be stated eligible to get vaccinated by as trust Biden or don’t trust mid-April and every adult Trump? will be eligible by May 1. The latest discussion But as the world slowly re- among locals is how Los An- bounds from COVID, the geles, or for that matter, the celebration is not without world, will return back to pause. While businesses normal and what is our “new and jobs are slowly returning normal?” These questions are and the Biden Administra- swirling around; as America tion is guiding America as enters into “Spring Break,” promised, health officials are we approach the Easter and still warning society to slow Passover Holidays, schools down. The warnings focus reopening, churches return to on the risks of society collec- in-person services, and we all tively becoming comfortable find ourselves faced with the too fast. In fact, the CDC is question ... “IS IT SAFE?” urging Americans to contin- President Joe Biden and his ue practicing stringent safety administration are mounting habits in order to avoid a CDC Director Rochelle Waltensky recently made a very emotional plea for people to continue wearing masks and an attack on the pandemic fourth wave of the pandemic. following social distancing guidelines. FILE PHOTO by rolling out vaccines into In fact, Rochelle Walen- every community at a rapid sky, director of the Center people to continue wearing a wife, as a mother, as a almost there, but not quite demic ends.” she said. pace. President Biden and for Disease Control (CDC) masks and following so- daughter, to ask you to just yet. And so, I’m asking you The CDC has been Vice President Kamala Har- warned of “impending cial distancing guidelines. please hold on a little while to just hold on a little lon- monitoring the most re- ris have already out per- doom” in U.S. cases of CO- “I’m speaking today, not longer,’’Walensky said. “I ger to get vaccinated when cent data and warns of formed their promise of 100 VID-19. The director, on necessarily as your CDC so badly want to be done. you can, so that all of those very troubling signs as million doses within their Monday, March 28, made director, and not only as I know you all so badly people that we all love will first 100 days in office by a very emotional plea for your CDC director, but as want to be done. We’re just still be here when this pan- {See MASK A-8} SENTINEL ENDORSEMENT SENTINEL STAFF REPORT Heather Hutt has worked tirelessly within the Black community for years. She was born and raised in this community, where as a single mother, she raised her three sons; she empathizes with the challenges that single mothers (and fathers) deal with on a daily basis. She is the candidate with the best grasp of the vital issues that need to be ad- dressed within the 54th Heather Hutt is running for the 54th Assembly District seat.COURTESY PHOTO Assembly District and throughout the state. ous; homelessness and a and wages within this com- men, she has first-hand Hutt has the expe- need for affordable housing munity must be addressed, experience in dealing rience required to step needs an experienced voice and is critical to public help with the fears and con- into the 54th Assembly to address these issues. and a better quality of life. cerns of gang violence, Rob Bonta COURTESY PHOTO Seat and go to work on Environmental justice is- Hutt is also dedicated to police brutality and sys- day one. The issues fac- sues, as well as the need creating real justice reform. temic discrimination. All (See FULL STORY A-8) ing District 54 are seri- to create good paying jobs As a mother of three Black {See HUTT A-8) BY BETTI HALSELL Contributing Writer On March 24, Mary- land Governor Larry Ho- gan (R) signed a legisla- tion that funnels $577 million to historically Black colleges and univer- sities (HBCU). The feder- al implementation comes after 15 years of litigation involving organizations in Standing from right to left: David Wilson, president of favor of HBCUs; propos- Morgan State University, Aminta Breaux, president of ing that the state assist Bowie State University, Larry Hogan, Governor of Mary- with the inadequate gaps land, Heidi Anderson, president of the University of Democratic State Representative Park Cannon was -ar in funding. Maryland Eastern Shore, Sen. Charles Sydnor, Maryland rested on Thursday for knocking on Georgia Governor According to the House Speaker Adrienne Jones and Sen. Melony Griffith. Brian Kemp’s door. COURTESY PHOTO (See FULL STORY C-2) {See HBCU A-9) AP PHOTO/BRIAN WITTE A-2 LASENTINEL.NET NEWS THURSDAY,APRIL 1, 2021 LAUSD and Faith Leaders Host Town Hall on Reopening Schools BY CORA JACKSON-FOSSETT Megan Reilly, Local District Stanford, Johns Hopkins, looked forward to seeing School (and the twin of Staff Writer Supt. Mike Romero, Patricia Cedar Sinai, Anthem Blue them in the flesh, they also Desiree Bell); Evian Crosby, Chambers, Dean Tagawa, Cross and Health Net have disclosed that they adapted an 8th grader at Bethune After more than one year Pia Sadaqatmal, Maribel been advising us on the quickly to the Zoom classes Middle School and Natalie of distance learning, the Los Luna and Dr. Robert Whit- appropriate steps since last and enjoyed the flexibility Larios, an 11th grader at Angeles Unified School man. summer,” said Beutner. that the app offered. Cody Fremont High School Med- District will reopen its edu- “We’ve upgraded the air-fil- Holmes, a 9th grader at the ical Science Academy. cational facilities the week tration systems, so the air in Academy of Music and Per- of April 12, for the system’s every classroom is filtered forming Arts High School, 600,000+ students. 24-hours-a-day through the said, “I like being able to log In preparation for the equivalent of an N-95 mask. on for school from any- huge task, Superintendent We have doubled the custo- where.” ZOOM SCREENSHOT Austin Beutner joined with Desiree Bell, a 6th grade Pastor Brandon Towns and African American and Jew- student at Western Avenue Cody Holmes, LAUSD stu- ish faith leaders to host two Tech Magnet School, agreed dent town halls outlining the that using technology was LAUSD Program Selection actions that the district has Form that was distributed taken to ensure the health COURTESY PHOTO ZOOM SCREENSHOT via email and U.S. Mail. and safety of pupils, staff Pastor J. Edgar Boyd Desiree Bell, LAUSD student The form lets parents desig- and visitors to its campuses. nate if their child’s schedule The forums, held virtu- During welcoming re- LAUSD staff also pro- will be hybrid (online and ally on March 21 and March marks, Pastor Boyd noted vided an overview on the in-person) or online only, if 28, aimed to reassure fami- that nearly 600 people tuned LA SCHOOL REPORT PHOTO reopening of the schools. on-site supervised care is lies that the highest COVID in for the town hall. “We LAUSD Supt. Austin Beutner The information covered the desired, whether school bus safety standards have been want to make certain that online posting of a Daily transportation is needed and implemented to prevent the parents feel as comfortable dial staff to clean every Pass Health Check for all if the student is interested in spread of the virus at as you can feel about having room, top to bottom, and students, the requirement of attending summer school. schools. Also, the sessions your children reenter public we’ll provide weekly face masks and temperature “Our children are a detailed L.A. Unified’s in- spaces,” he said. “That’s the COVID testing at school for checks for every person blessing from God and our COURTESY PHOTO person and online instruc- reason the faith community every student and safety Pastor Mary Minor entering the campuses, and most precious resource," tion options for students and LAUSD staff have been member.” the completion of a Health Pastor Minor said. "The from kindergarten to 12th working together to put this In addition, Beutner said an asset, especially when it and Safety Readiness faith community is charged grade. program together to answer that the district hopes to came to turning in assign- Report Card, which contains to train them in a safe envi- Representing the faith your questions so parents make the COVID vaccine ments. “I don’t like paper a series of actions that every ronment.
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