
1 Portals of : Multidimensional Doorways for Healing and Transformation By D.L. Zeta

Prologue: Meeting My Future Self in Consciousness

I felt a presence, an moving toward me across the water. I sat very still and alert and waited. This energy enclosed me in a brilliant light I experienced as soft and loving. I suddenly "knew" this was my future self reaching out to me across time. The essence of this initial message was to let me know the steps I was taking would lead me to evolve a higher consciousness no longer bound by the limitations of time and space.

DL Zeta March 2001

For Peter


About this Book

My Journey through Time

Following New Lines of Probability An Out-of-Body Experience Creativity and Spiritual Connection A Precognitive and A Warning from My Future Self Early Attempts to ‘Seed’ Higher Consciousness Life Purpose Memories and Proust’s Theories of Time WB Yeats, A Vision and Wolfe’s Threefold Theory of Time Portals in Consciousness and Flickers of Destiny and the 1987 Harmonic Convergence NLP and Releases through ‘Timeline Therapy’ Journaling into the Next Dimension Sensitivity and New Explorations into Time and Perception , Seth and Adventures in Consciousness Spiritual Guidance and the ‘Book Game’ Al Young and Seduction By Light Delores Cannon and ‘Time Portals for Future Beings’ Winter Solstice 1999: An Unexpected Turning Point Entering an Alternate Dimension Automatic Writing and Steps to Accessing Higher Consciousness Falling Apart and the Dark Night of the Soul eWholesale Change’ and the Law of Attraction Experiencing a Moment Outside Time The Life Purpose Ritual and Receiving a ‘Sign’ The Book Game and Discovering a New Direction Channeling into a Tape Recorder Past Life ‘Bleedthroughs’, Cellular Healing and the French Revolution Glimpsing My Future Life as a Channel Revisiting My Past Life in China We Are Our Own Angels A Time of Constant Change Opening to Channel and Perceiving ‘Future Probabilities’ Experiencing the Near Future Moment Healing My Self at All Levels The Festival of Wesak and Entering a ‘New Time’ Binaural Beat Technology and a Past Life ‘Vision’

3 Spiritual Transport and Movies of the Raw Foods, the School of Metaphysics and Medical Dream Awareness, Authority Issues and Universal Symbols Lucid and Precognitive Dreams Accessing Non-Ordinary States and Writing About Portals Future Selves and Multidimensional Consciousness

Accessing and Energizing Portals

The Glowing Arc of Energy and Portal ‘Sparks’ Portals, Parallel Realities and the ‘Road Not Taken’ Your Vibration Determines the Portals You Can Perceive and Access You Can Change Your Vibration Portals Can Transform Your Life Portals Guide Us to New Frontiers in Consciousness Timeline Bleedthroughs and Reality Shifts Accessing Portals for Journeys in Consciousness Portals of Possibility Portals as Doorways into Alternate and Parallel Realities Observing and Influencing Other Realities

Non-Ordinary States of Consciousness

Portals as Access Points to Altered States The Brain Wave Patterns of Higher States Shifting Focus to Include Alternate Realities The Present Moment as Doorway into Non-Ordinary States of Consciousness Merging with Past and Future Selves Meeting My Future Self Transmissions from the Future Future Moments Send Out Waves of Resonance Living as One Multidimensional Being Healing Past Selves Angelic Intervention and Our Council of Selves Identifying and Choosing Parallel Realities Energizing Alternate Realities in Future Timeframes The Future Vision for this Book Time and Dimensional Travel Time Travel and Barriers to Non-Ordinary States of Consciousness

4 Steps to Accessing Alternate Realities

Your Vibration Equals Your Reality The Law of Attraction & Reality Creation Transforming Physical Reality Clearing Clutter Becoming the Architect of Your Life Experience Vision Quests Health and the Chakras The Power of Breath How Hong-sau Works Hong-sau and We Are What We Eat The Body's Subtle Organizing Energy Fields Alkaline vs. Acid Yoga Tai Chi Foundations of Higher Consciousness Concentration Candle Concentration Exercise Visualization The Power of Self-Awareness Numerology Meditation and Brain Waves Meditation 101 Journaling Automatic Writing Channeling Dreamwork Lucid dreams Remote Viewing

Portals of Health and Healing

Entering the Portal of Self-Energization Entering the Portal of Energetic Balancing Entering the Portal of Spiritual Renewal Entering the Portal of Self-Worth Entering the Portal of Forgiveness Entering the Portal of Letting Go Entering the Portal of Self-Awareness Entering the Portal of Spiritual Acceptance

5 Entering the Portal of Spiritual Self-Sufficiency Entering the Portal of Spiritual Freedom Entering the Portal of Self-Determination Entering the Portal of Transformation

Portals for Developing Intuitive Skills

Entering the Portal of Dreams Entering the Portal of Clear-Seeing Entering the Portal of Spiritual Vision Entering the Portal of

Portals of Love and Relationships

Entering the Portal of Self-Love Entering the Portal of Love Entering the Portal of Soulmate Reunion Entering the Portal of Soulmate Contracts Entering the Portal of Oneness Entering the Portal of Love and Gratitude

Portals of Life Purpose and Spiritual Service

Entering the Portal of Spiritual Destiny Entering the Portal of Divine Purpose Entering the Portal of Spiritual Purpose Entering the Portal of Angelic Intervention 1 Entering the Portal of Angelic Intervention 2 Entering the Portal of Angelic Intervention 3

Portals of Consciousness Expansion

Entering the Portal of Spiritual Guidance Entering the Portal of Your Higher Self Entering the Portal of Spiritual Awareness Entering the Portal of Consciousness Expansion Entering the Portal of Mystical Realities Entering the Portal of Bliss Entering the Portal of Peak States of Consciousness

6 Portals of Reality Creation and Manifesting

Entering the Portal of Abundance Entering the Portal of the Unknown Entering the Portal of Spiritual Manifesting Entering the Portal of Reality Creation 1 Entering the Portal of Reality Creation 2

Portals of Time and Dimensional Travel

Entering the Portal of the Near Future Moment Entering the Portal of Timelessness Entering the Portal of Inter-Dimensional Travel Entering the Portal of Parallel Selves Entering the Portal of Timeline Shifts 1 Entering the Portal of Timeline Shifts 2 Entering the Portal of Parallel Realities Entering the Portal of Time Travel to Release Energetic Bookmarks Entering the Portal of Time Travel to Assist a Past Self Entering the Portal of Time Travel to Meet a Future Self Entering the Portal of Time Travel to Install Future Bookmarks Entering the Portal of Your Last Day on Earth

7 Portals of Spirit: Multidimensional Doorways for Healing and Transformation

By D.L. Zeta

About this Book

In the course of doing readings for clients, I began to recognize a common misunderstanding many people seem to share. This misunderstanding has to do with how reality is created. This reminded me of my own past experiences; specifically, the weeks and months and years I’ve spent dreaming of things that failed to materialize in physical reality. Now, in retrospect, I see the most important thing that failed to materialize in those past times is the version of my self I wanted to become.

As I looked back on my own struggle and that of others, an image came to me of winged humans, earthbound yet capable of flying. Having forgotten their wings, they are doomed to exist as ground crawlers, still dreaming in their hearts of flying. Later, I came to see this vision as what happens symbolically when we identify solely with physical reality, forgetting the other dimensions and capabilities of our spirit.

This was one of many insights that came to me several years ago, when I began asking the universe to help me understand my life and show me how I could experience a more peaceful and fulfilled existence.

As I began to receive downloads of information, I found myself directed toward clearing up and healing the energy in my life. This included healing my physical body, releasing all resentments and negative emotions, taking complete responsibility for everything in my life, living in accordance with universal law, opening to intuitive guidance, setting the intention to live in a state of peace and joy and extending this state to others. As I took steps to follow this guidance, my life began to change in amazing ways. I began to experience reality in a very different way. My spiritual senses opened. The ordinary and every-day viewed through the eyes of spirit was transformed into the extraordinary.

My motivation in writing this book is to share realities I have encountered in the course of my own spiritual journey. The first is that you are a vast, multidimensional being. As such, you have access to the unlimited resources of the universe. The second is that you have a blueprint and

8 purpose for your life you are capable of discerning and aligning with. The third is that whatever you dream of creating is easily within reach and, in fact, already exists in an alternate parallel reality. The fourth is that you are fully capable of healing both your past and present, and creating your future from a place of health and wholeness. The fifth is that it’s possible to make conscious choices by looking into the future to see the results of the choices you’re making in the present moment. If you don't choose what you're creating, you can begin creating something else.

All these realities are based on the belief that each person is a conscious creator. The channelings in this book outline steps we can take to become conscious creators of our own reality. They offer glimpses of possibilities within our reach, and offer ideas of how we can shift our focus to the realities we choose. Central to this information is the idea that we are sparks of life force holographic to infinity and as such, we are already all that we imagine becoming. All we need to do is perceive the storyline of our choice and bring our vibration into harmony with that reality.

An important step offered in the Portals section of this book is aligning with our higher self, and various ways we can go about creating this resonance. This greatly expanded aspect of our being exists at different levels. This aspect serves as the organizing entity that coordinates our “selves” in different time frames. As we harmonize with our higher self, we begin to see our lives through the eyes of spirit. This spiritual vision allows us to look at any situation in our life and see it from spirit’s expanded perspective. In this bright light, limitations atrophy and fall away. Ideas and answers flow. We become aware of our “selves" that exist throughout time, as past and future lives and as parallel realities within our current life. We gain access to the cumulative knowledge and wisdom of all these aspects of our being that exist throughout time.

It is by attuning to your intuition and the wise guidance of your soul that you learn to navigate the maze of a rapidly changing world and the accompanying shifts. This part of us knows how to love and experience joy; it is part of the multidimensional nature of infinity and as such, knows how to step outside time and space and travel through consciousness into past and future. It is by this means of inner transport that we are able to access and heal the past and create a future aligned with the purpose of our spirit -- the soul contract we signed on to complete. As we begin to act from this place of higher perception, our life becomes more holistic. We begin to heal ourselves and, in doing so, we open energetic pathways others can access as well.

The Portals offer a new and fresh perspective of the present moment on

9 Earth, the probabilities and potentialities that exist within this ever present moment of Now and how this moment intersects other dimensions, past, present and future. This lens of perception offers a close-up look at how the universe works, and the way portals function within this framework. As access points to alternate dimensions and realities, portals weave through understandings on the map of our becoming. These understandings include: self-responsibility, inner unification, freedom from enslavement to physical, “consensus” reality, creating the reality most aligned with our highest vision, creating peak states of consciousness, and allowing joy and abundance.

At the heart of this journey of becoming is a longing for something that exists beyond the realm of ordinary reality. My own experiences of non- ordinary states of consciousness and glimpses of alternate realities have changed my life. In this book, I bring awareness to these parallel realities that exist within consciousness, waiting to be summoned into awareness and experience.

As you adopt this new way of seeing the world, you open to information and insights readily available through the universal broadcast. Whenever something happens in your life, you can choose to see it with your spiritual vision and allow insights to flow into your mind. Physical illnesses are immediately understood in terms of the thoughts and feelings that created them. Contained within this understanding are steps to create healing. The steps to creating a book or work of art flow backward from the creation itself; the root of a relationship issue comes into conscious awareness and dissolves. Anything you’re able to imagine can be created through desire, belief, intention and action aided by spiritual vision.

In order to fully benefit from the information contained in this book, you will need to take some basic steps. They are:

* Heal your physical body at the cellular level * Take responsibility for everything in your life * Observe and understand how the Law of Attraction works in your life * Open to intuitive guidance and be willing to act upon it * Expand your focus to include alternate realities * Set the intention to live in a state of joy and gratitude

10 Making this information accessible to others through this book is a joy and a privilege. As with all information of this kind, it is important to consider it, evaluate it and see how it resonates with you. Experiment with the ideas and techniques. Test their ability to serve as portals into corridors of higher consciousness; test their ability to transform your life. It is in this spirit of radical open-mindedness and active exploration that you are able to take quantum steps on your own journey of becoming.

**A note about spelling: in some places, you will see words intentionally spelled differently from conventional spellings. This is in keeping with the intention of the message, rather than the dictates of the physical world. In some cases, I used my self and our selves to indicate a different perspective on who we are. This wording reminds us to take a step back from who we identify our “selves” as in the physical world. This helps us to embrace our multidimensional nature. It's this many-faceted, multidimensional aspect of our being that is the essence of this book.

11 Journey through Time

In March 2001, I had the life-altering experience of encountering my future self while sitting on a dock near my home. Many insights flowed from that moment to this, leading me to believe that moment in consciousness when I transcended time and came face to face with an alternate self was carefully orchestrated. I believe I preplanned that event in conjunction with the high vibrational “organizing energy” that is part of my overall consciousness.

At the time of that first meeting, this aspect of my higher self was not a part of my conscious focus, but since that time, it has become more and more a guiding force in my life. It has increasingly brought me into awareness and communion with my various “selves” and the parallel realities that make up the field of possibilities for my present life. It has led me to peak states of heightened awareness where I experience a greater sense of aliveness, creativity and connection than I have ever known. This inner unity and harmony has brought me to a place of greater inspiration and peace, and a greater realization of my purpose and being.

Following New Lines of Probability

I have, in effect, chosen and begun to follow a different line of probability within my own life. As I moved further along this new timeline, I found myself wishing I could share this amazing transformation with others. The rationale here is simple: the changes that have taken place in my life are living proof that anyone is capable of switching to a different channel and frequency of their “life menu,” therefore changing their reality. If this is done with the intention of tuning into a frequency of greater love, harmony and purpose, this will be the channel that comes into focus.

An Out-of-Body Experience

The events that led to the encounter with my future self were foreshadowed throughout my life. In childhood, I was surrounded by "imaginary" companions with very distinct personalities. These companions were nearby when, at age seven, I became very ill and had an out of body experience where I rose above the room and looked down at my body. I had the sense of my otherworldly companions gently guiding me back to my body that day. That experience seemed to jog a sleeping memory. Shortly afterward, I knew I would be a writer and began to write stories and poems. From that time on, writing seemed to flow out of me. It often felt that when I wrote, I entered another reality. Time slowed down and disappeared.

12 Creativity and Spiritual Connection

In those early years, my greatest connection to spirit came through creative expression: painting, writing, photography, music - all forms of art. Creativity was the doorway through which everything entered my life. Sometimes a poem or song would come to me all at once as if “channeled.” I became aware of a presence I connected with at those times. Sometimes I would write a story about "imaginary" events and the same story line would unfold in my life. Many years later, I now understand these were times when I perceived other probable futures and energized them with my thoughts and writing.

A Precognitive Dream and A Warning from My Future Self

Shortly after I turned 20, I began to receive messages that seemed to be warning me about something that was about to happen. The first contact came in the form of a vision of a deceased uncle I had met only once years before. A few days after this vision, I had a dream in which I was seriously injured in a car wreck. At the time, my consciousness wasn’t ready to embrace the idea that my future self was trying to warn me about an event that was about to happen. Three days after the dream, the wreck happened. I was riding in the car with a friend who had been drinking when the car missed a curve and hit a light pole. My back, wrist and cheekbone were broken. The driver’s face was cut in several places and the car was totaled. We were both lucky to be alive. During the meeting with my future self in March 2001, I confirmed that it was my self from the future that reached back through time to attempt to warn me about the accident. This opened my mind to the reality of being able to step out of time and space and influence the past.

Sometime later, after that encounter in 2001, I asked my higher self if I could try again to reach back and influence my past self in an effort to prevent the accident. I received the knowing that the wreck was a “preplanned” event, meaning I had chosen it before birth as part of the design for this lifetime. The wreck jolted me off a destructive path of drugs and alcohol, which led me to return to college the following year. My next question was obvious. If the accident had been inevitable, why had my future self attempted to prevent it? The answer was both startling and telling. I was told that I knew it was unlikely I would be able to prevent the accident. My self of that earlier time frame was simply not in close enough resonance with my future self to be able to clearly perceive the message.

My main intent was to use that contact with my past self to plant a seed in

13 consciousness that would later flower into the circumstances that would, much later, lead me to recognize my future self. This connection would eventually lead me to channel and write about the nature of reality, which is my purpose for this lifetime. I was told that both of these incidents – the wreck and the nudges from my future self - were important steps in my spiritual awakening more than two decades later. (If I had been able to receive the message from my future self when I was 20, I would have been able to rewrite the “plan” for my life at that point and avoid the wreck. The probability of my being able to recognize my future self at that time was not very high, so Plan A was always about planting a seed in consciousness).

Early Attempts to ‘Seed’ Higher Consciousness

I asked if other such attempts to “seed consciousness” had occurred in my life. Immediately the day when I decided to be a writer at age seven came to mind. I understood that I had come into this life with some memory of my purpose and had talked about this intention to write early on. This memory came into sharp focus for me during the time of my illness and out-of-body experience at age seven but soon afterward faded from memory. All that would remain was the memory of my announcement that I would be a writer.

Years later, I began to question how I had known I would be a writer at such an early age. There was nothing in my environment at that time that would have influenced me toward this decision. I asked this question of my self without really expecting an answer. When the answer came that “You were a writer in another life,” I immediately accepted it as truth, though I didn’t really understand the concept of at that time. As my spiritual understanding grew later in life, so did my understanding of my past history as a writer.

Life Purpose Memories and Proust’s Theories of Time

Another piece of my life purpose fell into place in college when I developed a fascination for the concept of time. I read Marcel Proust’s theories of time in his megawork, In Search of Lost Time, which delves deeply into psychology in time, an invisible substance he tried to isolate in the book. At one point, he finds calendar time meaningless and writes, “I found myself living a day or two behind myself, going back through stages…”

Proust’s perceptions of the world around him had the power to transport him (and vicariously, his readers) into alternate realities where the ordinary was transformed to the extraordinary by virtue of the viewer's perception. His comment that he could see no difference in a memory of a dream and a

14 memory of the waking world opened doors of possibility in my own consciousness. I wondered why, if it is our perception of reality that gives shape and color to our world, anyone would choose to create a dull and lackluster world ruled by the mundane? If our world is the product of our own imaginations, doesn't it make sense to daily bring the world we are simultaneously creating and experiencing to the frontiers of human consciousness - that unknown border town between science and belief, from which the future seems to draw its substance and form?

WB Yeats, A Vision and Automatic Writing

It was also in college that I encountered the poetry of WB Yeats and learned about his unique collaboration with his wife whose automatic writing sessions inspired his book, A Vision. At the time, I didn’t quite understand what automatic writing was. Much later, when I began to use this technique to communicate with my own inner guidance, I came to understand it as writing that doesn’t come from the conscious thoughts of the person writing it. The writer's hand forms the message, though the person is unaware of what will be written. This is sometimes done in a state, though in some cases (such as mine), the writer is aware of their surroundings, but not the actions of their writing hand. This is a form of channeling.

In A Vision, which has been described as "a model of the entire universe," Yeats, through his wife, taps into automatic writing to offer a nonlinear theory of reincarnation where all lives past and future exist simultaneously in an eternal moment of Now. Yeats believed the illusion of linear time was a form of “deception” that kept sentient beings chained to the wheel of reincarnation. He also saw reality as "but a symbol" that waking consciousness is a more highly evolved form of dreaming, but still no more than a dream. He wrote about an oversoul, which he believed is the sum of all a person’s lives in different realities, and he wrote of probable or parallel realities, which branch off from our present reality at each point where a decision, large or small, is made.

Wolfe’s Threefold Theory of Time

I was also fascinated with Thomas Wolfe’s threefold theory of time, which included present time, time past and what he called “time immutable,” which he described as “a kind of eternal and unchanging universe of time.” Wolfe’s belief that we receive flashes of “pure memory” that predate our conscious memory opened doors in my mind. In his novel, Look Homeward, Angel, Wolfe says we all have this acute realization of the past within us, though at times it needs “night or nakedness” to reveal itself. He

15 wrote:

“Each of us is the sum of many things we have not known or counted. Look behind the scenes of the present, return to the darkness of the womb to night, and you shall see begin in Crete 4,000 years ago the love that ended yesterday in Texas.”

Portals in Consciousness and Flickers of Destiny

When I encountered these ideas over two decades ago, I felt a sense of overwhelm that seemed to cycle in on itself for the next 25 years, percolating as it opened portals in consciousness that over time planted seeds of my life purpose. This helped me see much later how we draw to us what we need to understand our purpose. Even early on in our journey, we encounter the landscape of our future and a recognition flickers in the corners of our . Something takes hold and begins to transform itself into the shape of our destiny.

Dreams and the 1987 Harmonic Convergence

My spiritual path accelerated around the time of the Harmonic Convergence in 1987, when I began working with my dreams, keeping a dream journal and practicing some simple techniques to trigger lucid dreams. As if to confirm I was on the right track, my efforts were rewarded with a lucid dream in which I was flying. I recorded the dream in my journal:

gIn the dream, I wake up in the bedroom, rise from my body and hover just above it. Either the roof has disappeared or I can see through it because I’m looking down at my self sleeping. The next thing I know, I’m circling above the house, flying around and around, suddenly aware that I’m dreaming and flying at the same time. All the while I’m looking down at my body, amazed I’m in two places at once. I start to worry how I’ll be able to keep flying and as I start to work at it, I begin to lose altitude and merge back into my sleeping self.”

This sense of the mystical sparked my interest in all things spiritual, and metaphysical. I began reading self-improvement books by the dozens and learning about the “human potential movement” as it was then called.

NLP and Releases through ‘Timeline Therapy’

Around this time, I met a hypnotist who introduced me to a neurolinguistic programming (NLP) technique, which involved visualizing traumatic events

16 from the past and seeing them in a different light. He had me see the timeline of my life as a train. Some windows on the train were light and some were dark. Each window, he said, represented a year my life. He had me see all the windows becoming light. As I “turned on the lights” throughout the timeline of my life, an overwhelming release was triggered; tears ran down my face.

After the session, I felt years lighter. I walked out to my car, noticing the late afternoon sun on my face. There seemed to be a soft light radiating out around the trees and flowers in the yard. As I drove home, I rolled down the windows and drank in the lemony glow of the afternoon sun. I felt electrified, lit up inside. I returned for several more sessions where I practiced self-hypnosis and began learning to transform the way I saw my life. While in a self-induced trance, I visualized myself going about my day surrounded by a beautiful, bright light. My mood was immediately lifted. After years of struggling with chronic, low-grade depression, I began to awaken to a new level of confidence. I began to believe in my self and even felt hopeful about the future. I soon found the inner strength to leave a marriage that had come to an end and set out on my own.

Journaling into the Next Dimension

By the early 90s, I was intensively journaling. I kept both a regular journal and a dream journal. This daily journaling for 10 years was instrumental in helping me make breakthroughs at many levels. Journaling was my portal into that dimension of deeper mind where time fell away and I became alive inside a moment, taking notes on what I saw around me. Those years of journaling helped me define and know myself. They helped me learn to see through my own illusions and tune into the whispers of the quiet, still voice within that was always telling me the truth and lighting the way ahead. I began to write poems that came all at once, needing little revision. A poem that became my “signature” poem was written in less than an hour and needed very little revision. When I showed it to a friend, he said it was very familiar. I had to admit it felt more like I was remembering the poem than writing it for the first time.

Sensitivity and New Explorations into Time and Perception

As I began to know myself through my writing, I identified myself as a “sensitive.” To me, this meant that I was sensitive to energy. It had begun to occur to me that other people didn’t perceive some of the things I did. I began to look for information to help me understand this newly-discovered aspect of my self. In 1995, while perusing some books on a library discard table, I picked up a book that had an intense "vibration." The “channeled”

17 book was titled Personal Power through Awareness: A Handbook for Sensitive People by Sanaya Roman. For a quarter, I took home this book, which became my portal into another world. The book talked about intuition as operating “in future time” but communicating with us “in present time.” This line of thought led me into a new round of exploration into the nature of time and perception. Another important concept from the book was going back in time to “clean up” memories by understanding the soul qualities that were being developed through various learning experiences. Most importantly, it was this book that introduced me to the concept of channeling. At the time, I understood this as opening one’s consciousness to receive ideas and information from other sources in the universe. This was an exciting concept to me though I didn’t yet recognize it as an important part of my future.

Jane Roberts, Seth and Adventures in Consciousness

Another bright light showing me the way in those times was Jane Roberts, who channeled the . The Seth books opened my mind to a new concept of time and the universe in general. In Adventures in Consciousness, Seth speaking through Jane, says all lives are lived at once, so it’s possible for an aspect from one lifetime to look through the eyes of another.

“Since aspects interact, what about a sudden rush of consciousness into the free awareness field where one focus personality meets its counterpart in another time? More, what if they communicate with each other?”

My heart raced when I read that. While these mind-expanding concepts were totally new to me, in the background I always had the feeling I was recognizing these ideas as I read them more than encountering them for the first time.

Spiritual Guidance and the ‘Book Game’

I began to feel the universe was preparing me for the next stage of my spiritual growth and life purpose. This was happening in a number of ways through the arrival of books, people, ideas and other information into my life. By late 1997, it had become increasingly common for spirit to communicate with me using books. To me, this felt like a game I played with the universe where I received answers by allowing myself to be led to a certain page in a certain book on the shelf. I called this the “book game.”

Years later, I began to understand more about how the book game worked. I began to perceive that each book carries a vibration based on the

18 information it contains, and the author’s vibration. As I ask a question, I attune to those frequencies that are a vibrational match with the answer. This is how I’m able to home in on the location of a certain book on the shelf and open it to the page containing the information I’m looking for. Even if I haven't read the book, if it's on the shelf in my office, its vibration is in my energy field and I'm able to attune to its energy through the filter of the question. I was also able to see further how the vibration of the books saturate my energy field with the knowledge they contain so that over time this knowledge seeps into my consciousness, eventually making itself known at the right moment.

Al Young and Seduction By Light

In October 1997, I experienced a most memorable variation of the book game. While sitting in my office, I glanced up at my bookshelf and noticed a book I'd place there some time ago and forgotten. The book jutted out past the others, precariously teetering on the edge of the shelf. I got up and took it down. It was Seduction by Light by Al Young. The name of the author flashed through my mind like a lightning bolt. There was a writer named Al Young reading poetry in town that very night. I wondered if this could be the same Al Young. An electric current buzzed up my spine.

In my mind, I retraced the steps of my connection with Al Young. A year or so before, I started writing a story about a psychic clown. I'd never seen any stories like the one I had in mind. Around that time, while at a bookstore, I opened a book with interviews of contemporary writers. The book opened to an interview with a writer named Al Young, who I'd never heard of. I scanned the interview and the words “psychic housekeeper” jumped out at me. In the interview, Young was talking about a novel he'd written called Seduction by Light, which had as its main character a psychic housekeeper. In the interview, he described a where he picked up a hitchhiker who said she'd read his book. She told him about another book called White Banners, also about a psychic housekeeper. Al said he'd never heard of White Banners but later hunted down a copy and read it, thanks to his chance encounter with the hitchhiker. He described the incident as completely mystical. After all, what were the odds of his offering a ride to a person he didn’t know who had read both his book and White Banners?

Not long after reading that interview, I ventured into a small bookstore that was going out of business and saw Seduction by Light on the shelf. It was by then out-of-print and hard-to-find. I bought it, took it home and forgot about it until the day Al Young was to read poetry. That night, I took Seduction by Light to the poetry reading. I walked up to Al Young, showed

19 him the book and told him the story. He said he was the Al Young who wrote Seduction by Light, and we marveled at the amazing synchronicity.

My meeting with Al Young happened at a critical time and helped confirm all was unfolding perfectly on my path. A year or so later, I received the final punctuation point to this story. By that time, I had adapted a version of the “book game” to the library discard table where I would show up to see “what the universe has left for me today.” On this particular day, the universe had left for me an old paperback copy of White Banners. I smiled to myself as I plunked down my quarter and dropped it into my bag.

Delores Cannon and ‘Time Portals for Future Beings’

I’ve discovered over time that some take longer to manifest. In fact, one synchronicity with roots in the 1980s came full circle as I was preparing to write this book. In the 90s, a woman I’d met in a writer’s group in the mid-80s began publishing some books she’d written using an unusual technique. The woman’s name was Delores Cannon. As a trained hypnotist, she would hypnotize a subject and through the access point of their subconscious mind tap into other dimensions. It was through this technique that she held numerous conversations with and other entities, and wrote several books on the information she gathered during these conversations. Although I had continued to see Delores at various events over the years, it was not until I began to channel about portals that I was guided to read one of her most recent books titled The Convoluted Universe, in which she talks about portals of time. In the book she writes about “Time Portals for Future Beings,” which she describes as time travelers who “come from the dimension associated with one of our probable futures.” She says these beings often travel back into their past to make changes that affect their civilization. In her book, Delores says these future beings access certain “portals” for time travel. She makes a distinction between portals and windows, saying that a window is used to look through time, whereas a portal is an actual entry way to a timespace, allowing access and influence.

Not long after I read about time portals in her book, I found a mention of Dolores Cannon in another book I was reading titled Future Memory by P.M.H. Atwater. In her book, Atwater marvels at the potential time intricacies of Delores’ conversations with Nostradamus. Delores has said she “saw” in Nostradamus’ study a mirror that she used as a focal point for her communication with him. She said she had the eerie feeling that he was quite alive during his own timeframe in France when they linked together, and that somehow it was she who was supplying him with the material he used to write his quatrains. Years later, Atwater said she’d read

20 in a biography of Nostradamus that he claimed his revelations came from “spirits of the future" who spoke to him through the mirror in his study. Although this possibility may seem “out there” to some, my own experiences have tended to validate this theory of simultaneous time and inter-dimensional influences as valid physical realities.

Of course, my more recent explorations into travels in consciousness lead me to suspect Nostradamus may have received some of his information from his own future "selves" incarnated in time. I wouldn't rule out the possibility that Delores might even be one of them.

Winter Solstice 1999: An Unexpected Turning Point

In the late 90s, these ideas were percolating in my consciousness. By the winter solstice 1999, some major changes were taking shape in my life. At that time, I was seeing a man who introduced me to meditation and yoga. I was grateful for the world that was opening before me but heartbroken about his binge drinking, which got out of control at times. What was starting to become clear in my life was a reoccurring pattern of painful relationships, bouts of depression and illness that made up a shadow existence. This shadow world ran parallel to the spiritual breakthroughs and insights opening doorways in my consciousness and leading me on inner journeys into the unknown. My spiritual self had now finally gained enough muscle to attempt to transform this parallel shadow life. I have no doubt this was all according to the design I set forth for this lifetime before coming here. This dark, parallel life served as contrast to the light, helping deepen understandings while awakening and preparing me to serve as a guide for other awakening souls.

An unexpected turning point in my journey came during that winter of 1999 when I decided to talk about my troubled feelings with the man I was seeing. We spent the night talking about his drinking and our relationship. We talked for hours about the difficulties that had arisen between us, our different perspectives, and without any resolution, agreeing on the fact we cared about each other. As we lay side by side with candlelight casting shadows on the wall above us, I felt a deep well of misery and sadness inside me that I'd known all my life. It seemed my entire life was up in my face.

Entering an Alternate Dimension

I closed my eyes and reached out for answers, asking for some way to understand the troubled patterns that had ruled my life up to that point. As I turned the driving energy of my angst into an inner question, the answer

21 arrived with such light-speed force it seemed to catapult me into another dimension. It was as if a part of me had been waiting for a long time for me to arrive at this very question. The asking triggered the release of such an incredible backwash of unopened etheric mail it shook me from my seemingly solid moorings in physical reality. A door opened -- an energetic portal that transported me into an alternate reality I experienced as a moment of pure vision. My consciousness stretched and expanded, giving me a glimpse of a great, gaping expanse of infinity. It was as if I was lifted to a mountaintop where I could look out over the landscape of what had been my life and see it all as one piece. The sensations I experienced were beyond description. I felt totally free, lifted above suffering. I levitated above angst, outside of time and space. A great sense of peace and love enveloped me in a golden light that seemed to surround everything.

I began to speak quietly from that opening, at first about the relationship, calmly explaining his viewpoint, my viewpoint, and the larger picture of our relationship. Beyond that, I talked about the universe, how it works and how we fit into that bigger picture. I could see much more than I knew, as if a curtain between two worlds had parted.

At first, we were both startled by this shift. It was obvious something significant was happening. We began a dialog with the presence in the room that went on throughout the night and into the next morning. Encouraged by this knowing presence, I continued to put words to the powerful energy surging through me. During that time, we probed the deep, metaphysical mysteries of life. For any question we thought to ask, I received an immediate answer. Any situation brought to mind was immediately understood in the next second. During this powerful shift, the problems that had weighed heavily on me the day before seem to dissolve like mists in sunlight.

Automatic Writing and Steps to Accessing Higher Consciousness

When I went home the next day, I hardly felt tired despite staying up all night. Still lit inside, I took out my journal and began to write down the thoughts rocketing through my mind at warp speed. I wrote 20 pages, just free writing, letting thoughts flow onto the page. Later, I came to understand this as a form of automatic writing, similar to the technique Yeats and his wife had used. What came through were directions on how to change my life, instructions on how to connect with this energy at will, and some changes I could make in my life to better facilitate that. I knew I wanted more than anything to be in this feeling state all the time. I felt a sense of joy and well-being I had never known.

22 The next couple of days, I continued to meditate and use this technique of automatic writing. I would sit down with my journal, clear my mind, and wait for words to come. I wrote as fast as I could. Some of the information that came through was about how to reach a certain place in consciousness. I was told a door had opened that I could always re-enter. For the time being, I had a list of things I had been directed to do. First, clear up the energy in my house; second, clear up the energy in my body with yoga and a healthier diet. Third, take steps on my spiritual path, and fourth, examine all close relationships.

During that time, I felt drawn to get out my paints and begin painting. The end result was a large green canvas with an oval shape in the center. It looked like a doorway of light. The painting symbolized the portal I had accessed within myself. This was a place in consciousness I could return to whenever I wanted. The energy of this opening would fade over time, though its essence stayed with me.

Falling Apart and the Dark Night of the Soul

A year later, I had done all the things I'd been guided to do. Those steps had set in motion some major changes that were now looming large. This was a very cold winter when snow and ice arrived early in December, which is unusual for Arkansas.

Heading toward the holidays, everything in my life fell apart, or seemed to. It was a time when everything shifted. I came to see this as a “dark night of the soul,” which I experienced as a deep sense of loneliness and isolation. Later, I would learn this feeling is typical during an “awakening” phase of spiritual growth, and generally accompanies the intense anguish of loosening the ego’s hold on our psyche. This surrender, however painful, makes room for change that can bring about a complete transformation in which we redefine ourselves and our relationship with infinity.

‘Wholesale Change’ and the Law of Attraction

In retrospect, it’s clear I’d made so many changes I had effectively de- magnetized many people and things in my life. As a result, people were leaving my life en masse, and I no longer felt drawn to things that had once held meaning. At the time, I took this as a judgment because I didn’t understand how the Law of Attraction works. I didn’t understand that when we create wholesale change in our lives, this changes our vibration. The Law of Attraction says we must be vibrating at the same resonance as a person, place or thing for an attraction to manifest. When our vibration changes significantly, we suddenly find many things de-magnetized. If we

23 understand this process, we're able to merely observe it without assigning emotional energy to it. If we don't understand what's happening, we tend to take it as a judgment against us, or a rejection, or even worse, the end of life as we know it. This transition time in one’s spiritual awakening can be very tricky. Intuitively, we sense it as a kind of death, and in a way, it is. Our old life is dying to make way for the new.

Alone and feeling close to the edge, I sought refuge in the bright cheer of a Christmas party. With all the music, dancing and food, I was able for a time to push aside the growing emptiness and isolation I felt. Toward midnight, though, I began to feel I needed to leave. I felt disconnected from what was happening, as if I were in a different dimension from everyone else. It seemed there was a presence bearing down on me as I stepped out into the frozen night and began painstakingly making my way across the ice- slicked parking lot to the side street where my car was parked. As I walked toward the car, I slipped. My feet flew out from under me. The contents of my purse scattered across the ice. I tried to get up and slipped again. This time, I stayed there on the ground without the will to get up. As I lay there, I let go. Inside that moment of letting go, I suddenly became very aware. The scene around me came alive.

Experiencing a Moment Outside Time

The night was clear and cold with a few wisps of clouds drifting overhead. The stars were brighter than I'd ever seen them. I looked out along the lane, out past the houses to the woods and beyond that, to a snowy expanse of hills and trees and sky where a frozen cloud lingered just above the ground. I couldn't take my eyes off this vision before me. There, in the cloud, something took shape. A movie began to play there. It was my life, the essence of it. There were no scenes, just a kaleidoscope of emotions and colors. In that moment, I knew something I couldn't put into words. I had the sense of myself across time - across lifetimes. It was as if I had suddenly become aware of myself standing in an “in-between place,” remembering who I had been and awakening to who I was becoming. In that moment, I understood something that had eluded me before. Grabbing hold of a low-hanging branch, I pulled myself up, gathered my things and walked to my car. The vision in the cloud was gone, but it played on in my mind as I drove toward home that night.

The next day was Christmas. I had invited some friends who didn’t have family nearby for a potluck. But Christmas morning I knew the gathering wasn’t going to happen when I woke to the glassy sound of ice hitting the roof. The roads were already too treacherous to travel. The ice storm went on much of that day. I sat at home alone watching a layer of ice form on

24 everything outside. That night I lay awake, finding a new layer of misery in the sounds of ice falling, tree limbs breaking with the weight of it, the clink clink of branches coated with ice bumping together in the wind, and a frozen silence permeating everything. It was a silence so thick it weighted the air, making it difficult to breathe. It felt like the entire world was paralyzed in a deep freeze where warmth was somehow measured in degrees of ice. I hit bottom.

The Life Purpose Ritual and Receiving a ‘Sign’

That next day, I knew I had to take some kind of action to turn the energy of my life around. With the images from that frozen parking lot still fresh in my mind, I resolved to discover my purpose in life. I’d read somewhere that when you’re in touch with your life purpose, everything happens easily - life becomes lighter, less dense, less disaster-ridden. I found a ritual in a book and decided to try it. I lit some incense and candles, and turned on the fountain in the living room. As the fountain gurgled and candlelight danced shadows across the wall, I followed the directions for a ritual, step by step.

The first step was to draw an imaginary circle on the floor and step into it. The second was to face each direction and acknowledge its meaning. West, water and the emotions; north, earth and the body; east, air and the mind; south, fire and energy. As I finished, I realized I’d gotten the directions wrong, and wondered if that made a difference. I decided to say them again.

In the next step, I spoke directly to the energies I had been feeling around me throughout that year. I asked to be shown my purpose for this lifetime. I knew I couldn't continue my life as I’d known it; I was surrendering to my purpose, whatever that was. The directions said to ask for a sign, then sit quietly and be aware of anything that happened around me. I asked for a sign, then sat in the floor, watching. The ice was falling again outside. It was so loud it almost drowned out the gentle trickling of the fountain. I listened to the ice as I watched the candle flame lick the air.

Part of me questioned whether I really expected anything to happen. Then, in the next minute, something did happen. The fountain gasped and choked. I looked at it, startled. Before I could begin to interpret the meaning of the sign, something caught my eye. Through the kitchen window, I saw exploding light. It looked like fireworks. Both the fountain and the refrigerator fell silent. The power had gone off.

What had happened could be explained. Ice had weighted the power lines

25 and caused the transformer outside to explode. But to me, it was something more. It was the sign I’d asked for. Why else would the transformer have exploded at just the moment I was asking for a sign? I didn’t know right away what it meant. It was enough that a sign had arrived. It was up to me now to figure it out.

The Book Game and Discovering a New Direction

After that ceremony and the exploding light, a picture came into my mind of the bookshelf upstairs. It felt natural that spirit would answer the question about my purpose by evoking the “book game.” Lighting my way with a candle, I walked up the stairs and straight over to the bookshelf. With an invisible force guiding me, I went to one end, reached up, and pulled a book from the shelf. It was a book I'd bought a couple of years before but never read. It was titled Opening to Channel by Sanaya Roman. I spent the next two days mostly in darkness, reading by candlelight. The premise of the book is that channeling is a skill anyone can learn. The book offered steps to follow in beginning to channel. It is very clear now that I was being given a way to find the answers to my questions about my life purpose.

My experiences with automatic writing the year before returned to me as I read the book on channeling. Once more, I sat down with my journal and attempted to communicate with my guides. I wrote out questions on one side of the page, stilled my mind and began to write as fast as I could, allowing words to flow through my mind and onto the page. Some of this writing was gibberish, but it was interspersed with passages that seemed important. As before, these were mostly steps I could take to transform my life.

Channeling into a Tape Recorder

Soon I began to wonder if I could change the process by speaking into a tape recorder. One evening I began this new process by lighting candles and doing some breathing exercises that helped me enter a light trance state. From this space, I began speaking into the tape recorder. As with the automatic writing, I felt some of what came through was incoherent or mundane, while at other moments, I seemed to break through to a new realm of perception. As I spoke from that place, I felt a shift in my energy. My breathing changed, my voice softened. This was a process I would follow many times over the next few years to develop this connection with my guidance and higher self. It was a connection that would lead me into a very different time in my life.

A couple months after I began to experiment with channeling, a trance

26 channel visited the area where I lived. Through a series of serendipitous events, I was able to schedule a one-hour session with her, though all the individual appointments were booked. When I entered the room for the session, I saw a brilliant indigo around her. This validated for me the euphoric feeling I’d had since arranging the appointment. I’d stayed up half the night working on a long list of questions I had been unable to answer through my own beginning efforts at channeling. Some of these were things I’d wondered about most of my life. Prior to this, I had started to wonder if I would ever find answers to some of these questions.

Past Life ‘Bleedthroughs’, Cellular Healing and the French Revolution

One of the questions I asked was why all the change had happened that icy December. Without missing a beat, she told me several astrological events had converged at once, allowing a past life “bleedthrough.” This past life was in the area now known as Germany, where I had been a boy in a nomadic tribe who became separated from my family during a blizzard. In that life, I fell on ice, broke my ankle and died in the blizzard. Before I died, the terror of what was happening went into cellular memory. She said that night in December when I fell on the ice after leaving the party I was in touch with that lifetime and reliving that episode. She advised me to travel back in time and release the boy from his body before the memory of dying in the blizzard entered cellular memory. (Later, as I was working with this technique, I came to understand it is possible to travel back in time and create cellular releases only when we’ve completed the understanding we were seeking to gain by creating the situation).

The channel knew without my mentioning it that I’d had a back injury. She said this condition in my current life was related to a past life I'd had in China where I'd been born with a serious spinal condition. She said sometimes it happens that we are closer to a life from the distant past than to more recent ones. This happens because we’re trying to complete an understanding we began working toward long ago. She told me that in the life in China, I was very intelligent but because of my deformity, I was kept in a pen in the yard. This was a very sad life and at some point, my feelings went into cellular memory. She said in my current life, I was trying to release that cellular memory and heal it. She gave me directions to release it. These involved going deep into meditation and traveling back into that life, finding my self there and setting my spirit free of that body before the feelings entered cellular memory.

As she described this procedure, I tried to stretch my mind around a picture of how this might work. I knew at some point, I would attempt what she was describing. At that moment, though, my mind was still spinning

27 with questions.

When I asked her why I had decided to be a writer at such an early age, she spoke the words that had come to me throughout my life: she said I had been a writer in another life. I asked her for details about that life as my heart beat quickened. She described a past life in Paris during the time of the French Revolution. In that life, she said I wrote odd little novels and went into bookstores incognito to watch people read my books. I had no desire to be famous; I wrote for the pure joy of writing. I thought how much that sounded like me now. I have for the most part chosen a creative life outside the spotlight. Another thing she said about that life is that I wrote little tracts under an alias, encouraging people to take back their power and rise up during the revolution. She said I was never caught. (If I had been, I might have faced a charge of treason resulting in beheading). She even told me the name of the writer I had been: Pierre Longet. She said she didn’t know if any of my books were still in print, but that I could contact my self in that life and ask my former self to give them to me.

Weeks later, I would remember that I had written a poem about a past life in Paris two months before the reading:

Past Lives

In that other life I fled at dawn and called from Paris, regrets singing down the wires. Darkening streets etched the city where I stood in doorways remembering my name, the face of my former darkness turning like a wheel.

This poem brought home to me the perfect synchronicity of the reading and the changes taking place in my life. The session with the channel confirmed many things I had felt and wondered about my entire life. Although I wasn’t ready to see it at that time, the session also gave me a glimpse of a future direction my life purpose would take as a channel.

Glimpsing My Future Life as a Channel

At the end of the session, the channel gave me a last piece of information that paved the way for everything that would come after. She suggested I start working with my future self as a guide; she said that was the best way for me to navigate from now on. Two weeks after receiving this advice, I

28 encountered my future self while sitting on the dock by the lake. The session with the channel had stretched my consciousness sufficiently to allow that to happen.

Revisiting My Past Life in China

After that session, I decided to try and travel back to my past life in China by entering the trance state I’d begun to use for channeling. As I entered this elevated space, my conscious mind faded to the background as my imagination began guiding me through a vision that unfolded like a dream:

I’m walking through a forest of dense trees. As I walk along, I become aware of birds singing and patches of blue sky wisped with clouds stretching above treetops. At some point, I come to a clearing and cross a field that sprawls at the foot of a hillside. Up above, on top of the hill sits a small house made of crude boards and a thatched roof. There are several people in the yard, tending to chores, hauling water from a well and working in a small garden. I pass by them, invisible and unseen, and walk around behind the house to the pen where the boy is kept. He is about eight or nine and stands with a crooked bend to his back due to a spinal deformity. His face is contorted into a mask of pain, but his eyes are bright and knowing. As I move toward him, he senses my presence. I become aware of our telepathic communication and begin to speak to him in consciousness. I tell him I'm here to help him. He seems calmed by my presence. I ask him if he’s ready to leave this life and he tells me he is. I sense a sadness on his part that is blunted by the pain of his physical condition. Placing my hands on his shoulders, I merge my consciousness with his. Within this space, I experience the deep core of his pain and suffering. I recognize the echoes of these feelings that exist within my present life. Our higher self embraces the understandings we have sought through the creation of our shared pain. These understandings have to do with self-love and forgiveness of others. To love ourselves when no one else seems to and to forgive those who deny us – these are two of the most important understandings and they work hand in hand. The bright light of these understandings carries us both into a place of love. In this high and loving vibration, past, present and future are healed.

Our work is not yet complete. With our consciousness still merged, my attention travels to the slender cord that binds his spirit to his body. I snip this cord and release his consciousness. For several moments, his spirit lingers near his body, then lifts above it, rising and moving on toward a bright light shining through the clouds. As I watch him disappear into the light, I’m struck by the realization that what we perceive as angels are often aspects of our own consciousness traveling through time and space to

29 assist us.

That day, as I came out of the trance, I felt altered in ways that are hard to describe. I got into the shower, turned on the hot water and let it pour over my face. As I stood there, I felt a powerful energy rise into my throat. I began to cry and soon I was convulsing with sobs that pulsed up from the core of my being. This went on for 30 minutes or so, until finally, the sobs subsided and I turned off the water. That experience of traveling back in time to release and heal my past life had the effect of lightening my present emotional state and freeing me from an undercurrent of depression I'd experienced throughout my life.

We Are Our Own Angels

Synchronistically, I found support for my theory that angels are aspects of our own consciousness three years later when I read Gabriel Cousens’ book, Spiritual Nutrition. In his book, Cousens suggests that the human energy field, when fully expanded with cosmic energy, takes on an angelic appearance. Cousens offers a drawing of what happens when all the subtle bodies are aligned, facilitating the synchronization of seven interdimensional chakra “tubes” and the flow of cosmic energy through the body with the least resistance. The drawing shows what happens as the flow of cosmic energy expands, allowing our “angelic wings” to unfold. “Perhaps,” Cousens writes, “these subtle bodies are the angelic wings people sometimes see. Perhaps we are even those angels.”

A Time of Constant Change

After the session with the channel and the encounters with my past and future selves, I spent the rest of 2001 in a state of constant change. Experiences, information, books, and people came into my life in perfect timing to assist me in working through whatever challenges I was having. Many old issues came up to be looked at and released. I felt I was constantly releasing and detoxifying. I began to open to new possibilities beyond anything I had ever imagined. I went to Buddhist retreats, studied Hindu philosophy, attended channelings, received intuitive readings, attended a forgiveness workshop, took tarot classes, received attunements and read books by Jane Roberts, Lee Carroll, Stewart Wilde, Dick Sutphen, and many others. I was progressing on my spiritual path with quantum steps. Every minute of every day was focused on strengthening my connection with spirit.

30 Opening to Channel and Perceiving ‘Future Probabilities’ . That summer of 2001, I started channeling for other people. Every Friday night I channeled at a metaphysical shop in Fayetteville for those who showed up with questions. Even back in those early times, I resisted anything that bordered on fortune telling. I felt that when talking about the future, it was important to keep in mind that everything you're seeing is based on probabilities. If a person stays on their present course, certain probabilities are in place. If they change course, their probabilities change in the blink of an eye. All these “possibilities” revolve around gaining certain understandings and fulfilling the purpose for the lifetime. In my readings and channelings, I have always chosen to focus on the spiritual lessons that are before a person instead of the physical path they follow in completing them. Once a person has a good grasp of the spiritual lessons before them, they may choose from an infinite number of physical scenarios for gaining understanding of these lessons. From this perspective, our conscious mind exercises free will in how our lessons manifest, but our soul determines the lessons themselves.

Experiencing a Near Future Moment

Also during that summer of 2001, I traveled to Ashland, Oregon, to attend Sanaya Roman’s Lightbody conference. The week before I left, I felt myself already there. I was experiencing the very high vibrations of the “near future moment,” moving back like a transforming wave, seamlessly smoothing the way into this ecstatic event. I was so attuned to my arrival at the conference that when I missed my flight in Tulsa, I was hardly ruffled, knowing I was already there at the conference in a future moment. Without missing a beat, I was rerouted to another flight and arrived on time. A highlight of this conference was when I was able to meet Sanaya and tell her how the books and the Lightbody course had changed my life. I returned home with a great sense of faith and renewal.

Healing My Self at All Levels Soon I began receiving messages from my higher self on a regular basis. As before, much of it had to do with changes I needed to make in my own life. I began to receive particularly strong messages about the need for healing. In order to go further along the path I was on, I needed to heal myself at all levels – mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually. It came to me that even after the causes of trauma and toxicity are released, they have a half-life that lives on in the cells of the body, creating energetic blocks and various forms of dis-ease until steps are taken to clear them. I began to explore different forms of bodywork, including deep tissue massage, shiatsu, acupressure, and chiropractic. As I took steps toward

31 healing, I came into contact with information I had seen before about the health benefits of juicing fresh fruits and vegetables, and I moved in that direction as well. I spent the next year or so carrying out the new guidance I received in the wake of the Lightbody conference. The Festival of Wesak and Entering a ‘New Time’ In the spring and summer of 2003, things began to change for me again. After the time of the full moon Festival of Wesak and the full lunar eclipse in May 2003, everything shifted. I began to channel information about what was described as a “New Time.” More and more, I withdrew into myself, feeling the need to understand what my life had been up to that point, and opening to a vision of what it would become. During this time, a strong voice within me said "Write your life story." I spent the next three months following this guidance. As I wrote about darker times early in my life, something happened. It was as if by dredging up each memory and bringing it to light, I was able to see it from a different perspective. I was able to view these past experiences in the light of who I had become. Even the darkest moments held up to that bright light lost their power. As my present understandings transformed the past, I felt a greater sense of harmony and inner peace. I could see how everything that happened had led me to where I was now. I had created all of it, light and dark, in order to learn. In the summer of 2003, I also began working with a binaural beat technology that harmonizes both sides of the brain. This made it easier for me to enter my subconscious mind at will. As I went into this altered state one day, I entered a trancelike dream where I traveled into my past life as a writer in France. In this dreamlike state, that past life in Paris merged with my present-moment consciousness.

Binaural Beat Technology and a Past Life ‘Vision’

I found myself walking along a green hillside of quaint houses from another time. This was a countryside not far from Paris. I walked to a small house at the edge of a wooded area and knocked on the door. In the next moment, I found my self standing face to face with a dark-haired man with penetrating eyes. He was tall and in his early thirties. In this “trance”, we didn't speak, but communicated telepathically. This seemed odd to me at first, but later I came to know that because we share a soul and exist as parallel lives, we have no need to speak physically. For a time, we sat across the table from each other just absorbing, experiencing. It was a knowing beyond words. We were both beings who lived our conscious lives inside words; what a relief now to experience what is beyond words. We had intuitively perceived this means of spiritual transport though

32 neither of us had ever directly experienced it until now.

I focused my mind to let him know I would like to understand more about his life. He motioned for me to stand in front of him. As I did, our eyes locked. My consciousness merged which his just as it had with my other past life self. In the next instant, the movie of his life began to play in my mind.

Spiritual Transport and Movies of the Mind

I saw that he had been the son of a blacksmith and had begun to write early in life. An aunt who married into some means helped him attend classes at an academy where he studied literature. He began to write odd novels, short in length initially, and found a small publisher to print them. He had a way of wanting to be discreet, unseen. This may have saved his life during the turbulent times in which he lived. During the French Revolution, he was part of a group of writers and artists who secretly fueled the discontent of the masses by publishing tracts that encouraged them to rise up against the monarchy and claim their power. There was great risk in this. Anyone suspected of treason would be sent to the guillotine. As a secret society, Pierre and his friends operated like shadows, taking on various identities as they surreptitiously shaped the future of France. After the revolution, Pierre settled back into a life of writing in the countryside. He died quietly with a pen in his hand at age 42. In the last moments of his life, he projected his consciousness toward a future where he would write again, once more urging people to claim their power. As I witnessed the last flicker of that life, I knew myself as the living embodiment of Pierre’s last wish. As I tuned into that past life, I became aware of threads of this past existence in my life now. Over time, this past life has become part of the “memory” of my present life.

Raw Foods, the School of Metaphysics and Medical Intuition In the fall of 2003, I began to receive guidance to change my diet. Synchronistically, just before the fall equinox, I met Viktoras Kulvinskas, a raw food “guru” living near Mt. Ida, Arkansas, and adopted a 100% raw food diet. This greatly expanded my energy, vitality and spiritual connection. As 2004 began, I sensed a different energy moving in, much different from the previous two years. My guidance led me to take a medical intuitive course and to sign up for a one-year Mastery of Consciousness course at the School of Metaphysics. As part of the course, I practiced skills daily to improve concentration, attention, memory and in general, the ability to still my mind. As I did this, my focus and ability to concentrate greatly

33 improved. A month into the course, I began working intensively with dreams. Though I'd kept a dream journal off and on since the late eighties, I found that using the universal language of dreams taught by the school took me to a deeper level of understanding these messages from my subconscious mind that were talking to me about the state of my awareness. I soon began doing dream interpretations for others. Dream Awareness, Authority Issues and Universal Symbols There is no doubt my year with the School of Metaphysics greatly accelerated my growth and understanding. Through the lessons and dream work, I became aware of old habits and patterns still operating in the background of my consciousness. I also became aware of my issues with authority, which extended into a dis-empowering separation from my own inner authority. It was during that time that I began thinking of my life in terms of possibilities and learning experiences instead of using my mind to create fears of what I don't want. As I became fluent in the universal language of dream images, I began to interpret the happenings in my waking life in terms of universal symbols. Immersed in this continuous influx of insights into my own being, I began to create my life from a more conscious perspective, standing back objectively, receiving the information from my dreams and waking reality, and making changes and adjustments from a bird's eye view rather than a "can't see the forest for the trees" approach. As my understandings deepened, I became more excited about the idea of sharing my insights about the inner workings of life with others through writing, teaching and intuitive readings. Lucid and Precognitive Dreams By the time I left the School of Metaphysics, I was able to go much deeper into subconscious mind. I had cleared out many unresolved issues from the past and was able to perceive the energy around me more clearly. I began doing readings for clients around the world and teaching classes on dreams, channeling and manifesting. I was also having lucid and precognitive dreams on a more frequent basis. In my dream journal, I recorded a particularly illuminating lucid dream:

gIn the dream, I’m riding along in the backseat of my car. Suddenly, I realize no one is driving the car. Heart pumping, I debate whether I should grab the wheel. That’s when I realize I’m dreaming. Soon the car pulls up at an Oriental spa. I get out and go inside, where I’m greeted by a Japanese woman wearing a red dress and bright red lipstick. She leads me down a hallway. It’s there I have the wonderfully strange sensation that the walls are living beings that are a part of my own consciousness. In that brief walk down the hallway, further insights flood my mind. I realize I’m the one writing the script for the dream, the one experiencing it and the one

34 wondering what’s going to happen next, all in the same moment.

This delicious realization casts a warm glow around the scene as I enter the pool area of the spa. Lucidly aware that I'm choosing to be here in this manicured indoor garden amid the shimmering water, I allow myself to be guided to one of the pools. Beside the pool is a basket of miniature lotus blossoms. I scoop a handful into the pool and inhale the delicate fragrance, then take off my clothes and slide into the pool in a state of perfect relaxation.”

The revelation of my self as simultaneously creating and experiencing the dream had profound implications in terms of waking dreams. This changed the way I perceive reality and helped me bring awareness to this dual role I play in the creation of my own reality.

Accessing Non-Ordinary States and Writing About Portals

In the spring of 2005, I received guidance to write down some of the information that was coming to me during channeling sessions, and this book began to take form.

I spent a year writing off and on about portals until the summer of 2006, when I went into the woods for several days experiencing portals and writing down my experiences. During this time, my understanding of portals deepened. I began to “see” how so many things are possible as we expand our consciousness. Before I’d known many things were possible in the realm of human experience, that we all have latent capabilities well beyond the scope of what is currently recognized by the mass consciousness. I now knew it is possible to use intention, will and desire as tools to awaken these latent capabilities and I had been given steps that anyone could follow to activate them. By learning to sense and enter into portals of spirit, anyone could access non-ordinary states of consciousness and begin to create an experience of extraordinary realities.

As I took steps toward following guidance, my life became more joyful and abundant. A partner came into my life who is an astrologer and trance channel. We share an ever expanding spiritual journey that has become the center of my life just nine years after I received the first glimpse of this new probable reality.

Future Selves and Multidimensional Consciousness

Fascinating new information continues to flow through the connection I have cultivated with my higher self. Daily, I am dazzled with insights about

35 parallel realities, time travel, peak states of consciousness, reality creation and so much more. Two "future self" guides are now working with me in creating this book and two others. These future books were "downloaded" into my consciousness one night during a dream. I received titles and tables of content for the books. I know as I translate this new information, my understandings about multidimensional consciousness will greatly expand.

These future selves speak to me from a distant future where they exist in timeframes very different from the one where I currently exist. Their communications shed light on many points of reference on a map of shared consciousness that spans from my focus in time/space to theirs. They have helped me come to understand how I'm paradoxically creating them as they create me. Our connection has offered me a window into the interconnectedness of all things, and how we can embrace these inner workings of the universe instead of existing in resistance to them.

My journey has brought me to the unfolding awareness of my self as a multidimensional being moving through a limitless universe of possibilities spinning like small moons around the central planet of my life purpose.

Surrendering to my purpose and following guidance has brought me to a new timeline filled with peace, love, joy and blessings beyond anything I have ever imagined. It is my hope that sharing my journey and the channelings will help you in some way as you move along your own path of becoming.

36 Accessing and Energizing Portals

In the late spring of 2005, my guidance brought me to the place of beginning to write this book. It was a sunlit day and I was out for a walk on the dirt road near my house. As I walked along with the late spring sun on my face, a thought suddenly came into my mind. I recognized it as a message that had been trying to download into my consciousness for a while. It had to do with the importance of being present inside the moment. But this went a lot further than just being present. This was more along the lines of why it's important to be present and what you can do once you are.

The Glowing Arc of Energy and Portal ‘Sparks’

For a moment, time stood still. Inside that moment, I was able to see everything around me through the eyes of spirit. I could see a golden aura around the trees and plants along the road. Thin strands of light connected every living thing in an intricate web of life. Particles of sunlight filtered confetti-like in the air around me. Energy arced above me. Standing inside this glowing arc of energy, I perceived numerous bright sparks flitting around me like fireflies. In the next second, I “knew” each spark represented an energetic pathway or “portal,” and that every moment contains an unlimited number of portals we can step into.

Hub Portals, Parallel Realities and the ‘Road Not Taken’

Within the next few seconds, more information about portals began downloading into my consciousness. What I understood at that time was that everywhere there are portals of spirit. Within every second and every space of time, we come into contact with energetic portals. Each second contains its own set of portals. Some portals exist within consecutive seconds. Clusters of portals provide access points into alternate parallel realities within a given lifetime. I also knew that the moment can pass for entry into some portals. For example, the likelihood that we will ever return to the portal of a “road not taken” diminishes with time as our consciousness grows and moves into other portals of experience.

Some portals lead us into new areas of our life and in time become “hub” portals allowing access to entire vistas of new realities. Whether we recognize it or not, we are always stepping into portals, either through conscious choice or just happening into them. When we consciously choose the portals we enter, we become the architects of our own lives. When we haphazardly stumble into portals, we often feel lost and out-of- control, like a ship buffeted by strong winds on the ocean.

37 Setting your intention is another means of accessing portals. This allows you to easily move through anything that might seem a barrier from the standpoint of your conscious mind. When your intentions and energy are moving in a direction of carrying you toward your highest vision, whatever frequency you travel will lift you into a heart vibration. Even those situations that seem challenging or dark are transformed by your intention to move toward spirit.

As energetic pathways into other dimensions and realities, portals exist in consciousness as energetic fields. These energetic fields can help us heal, create works of art, shift our consciousness to a new timeline, and much more. Portals are accessed through intention and by harmonizing our vibration. There are an infinite number of portals we are able to access for inner journeys. In order to access a portal, we must be able to perceive it, shift our focus to it and begin harmonizing with it. As we become a vibrational match with a portal, we are able to access it.

Your Vibration Determines the Portals You Can Perceive and Access

There are many different ways to view, access and experience portals. By raising our vibration to access spiritual vision, we can begin to perceive the many portals that exist in consciousness. Though we may be able to perceive many portals, our energy, thoughts, vibrations, beliefs and attitudes determine the portals we're able to access within a given second. So, the portals you can access moment to moment vary according to shifts in your vibration. One way to think of your overall vibration is in terms of the energy centers of the body known as the chakras. Each chakra vibrates as an energetic portal. The chakra that is your dominant vibration - where your focus is placed, in other words - determines your point of access to realities beyond the physical. If you're primarily operating from the root chakra, your access point will be from the root chakra or survival level. In this way, your experience of life is determined by the portals you are able to access. If you're living in a survival level, for example, you will access this part of human consciousness that is a vibrational match to your own. You will draw people and situations that are ruled by the themes of survival.

Using your spiritual vision, you can perceive portals you are not yet in resonance with. If you choose a portal you're not able to access, you can change your focus and vibration to create the energetic resonance needed to access it. One of the most empowering steps you can take is to gain awareness of your entire field of possibilities (even those that are not yet energetic probabilities), and consciously choose your path in life. All that is required to create quantum shifts in your life is a willingness to do what it

38 takes to shift your focus and vibration to the reality you wish to experience.

As access points into new timelines of reality, portals are a way to shift your focus into the realities you wish to create in your life. Since any reality you seek to create is already in existence, you can enhance your experience of a reality by shifting your focus to it. One way to think of this shift is that you are accessing and energizing an energetic portal that can serve as a doorway into the field where the reality exists.

Changing Your Vibration to Access New Possibilities

It is possible to consciously change your vibration. One way to do this is to identify the dominant chakras you are vibrating from and observe the energies of those chakras showing up in your life. You can learn to consciously transform your vibration by learning to shift your “focus of vibration” from one chakra to the next, and move into the highest octave within each chakra.

You can change your vibration by clearing up the energy in your physical body, gaining awareness of limiting beliefs, aligning with your higher self through a number of techniques, including dreamwork, meditation and intention. By elevating your thoughts, you will begin to see the beauty and interconnectedness of all things. You open to the joy that exists within each moment, regardless of what is happening in your physical environment. By becoming present, you begin to experience the ordinary as extraordinary. These are just a few ways you can raise your vibration and access portals of higher resonance. Within these elevated vibrational realities, your life flows easily from one synchronicity to another.

It is important to remember in accessing portals that you can potentially enter any portal you can perceive. As you bring your focus to a portal, you can begin to harmonize your vibration with the portal, bringing this field of potentiality into your physical reality.

Portals Can Transform Your Life

In the very early times that I accessed portal energies, I was in an altered state, often brought on by upheaval or crisis. At that time, the upheaval provided me with the necessary motivation to make quantum changes in my life. As I progressed along my spiritual path, I chose crisis as a motivational tool less and less. Since that day in 2005 when I encountered portals, I have consciously experimented with them. Over time, I found my life changing. It was as if I had discovered a key that opened any door I might seek to access. My life has become magical; I have

39 experienced a greater sense of peace and confidence. I know I can create anything I can imagine. I believe as we begin to sense, create, access and energize portals, we are setting up the causes for new levels of mastery. Along these lines, portals can help us access energetic fields dedicated to areas of experience in which we are seeking to gain understanding and mastery.

Portals Guide Us to New Frontiers in Consciousness

As I download and interpret information, I continue to expand my understanding of portals as inner meridians and access points we can attune to. These doorways into spirit are a means by which the conscious mind extends beyond its existing corridors into new and unexplored territories. Portals guide us to new frontiers in consciousness, broadening and expanding the territories of our own existence. I have come to understand this is the essence of life school on Earth, to broaden and mature consciousness in preparation for moving to the next dimension of existence.

Portals can be used to access any energy you want to expand or enhance in your environment. To access the probable reality where an energy exists in greater intensity, create an energetic portal. Within this portal, you sense the energy you wish to expand and bring it to focus, all the while intending to come into greater communion with it. In other words, you are creating within your self a means for accessing what is already there through intention and focused expansion into an energetic field. In essence, you are simultaneously drawing into your experience and merging with the energy you choose to energize and enhance in your environment.

As you expand into an energetic field, you undergo clearings of energies that are not in resonance with the reality you're entering. Likewise, this energetic field will draw into it whatever it needs to expand and grow. For example, expansion and growth in a quality such as love draws in lessons that help you develop a greater understanding of love. Depending on your level of soul development, these lessons may or may not be intense or dramatic. By choosing to see everything that happens in your life as an opportunity for spiritual growth, you can move through such “clearings” with a sense of joy and gratitude.

Timeline Bleedthroughs and Reality Shifts

The messages I received over time helped me understand there can be “bleedthroughs” between different timelines, offering glimpses of possible futures where we have come into a place of greater alignment with other

40 aspects of ourselves. This alignment brings our vibration to a harmonious and joyful place. When we perceive this joyful future as a possible reality for ourselves, it can create such a sense of excitement within us that we begin to shift our course to come into harmony with it. I believe our higher self orchestrates these bleedthroughs to show us what's possible. These glimpses can come to us in a number of ways, in nightly dreams or as visions we receive in our “waking” dreams. The imagination is our translating mechanism for understanding these visions beyond what we have known or experienced.

As my higher self motivated me towards spiritual growth, I received glimpses of a number of possibilities that existed within alternate and parallel futures. These glimpses or bleedthroughs are very necessary - otherwise, how would we be motivated to attain something we don't know exists?

Accessing Portals for Journeys in Consciousness

Portals can serve as access points for journeys in consciousness. As I began to home in on the visions I temporarily experienced, their vibration guided me like a beacon through veils of illusion until, over time, I arrived in a place of clear seeing. From this place, I began to journey consciously to access portals that exist beyond time and illusion, transcending time to visit my past and future selves. As I moved through each successive layer of understanding, I felt myself on a quest much like the hero’s journey Joseph Campbell wrote about. On this mystical journey, the hero travels into the unknown, uncharted inner world, and brings back knowledge and blessings to share with the world. It is this diving deep and surfacing into the inner ocean that carries us further along this journey.

From a shamanic perspective, portals are energetic pathways for inner journeys that can bring insights and understandings that allow us to expand our consciousness and take evolutionary leaps.

Portals of Possibility

By accessing portals, you can travel to the moment of your death, the moment of your birth, attend pre-birth planning sessions for your present life, visit future lives, past lives, view the creation of your sacred wound, observe the creation of a book, a work of art, a relationship, and much more. It is possible to enter a portal to create time shifts that speed up or slow down time. Since time itself is a mental construct, its nature is flexible.

41 Portal journeys can also help you visit the future Akashics to see the future of your present reality or the future of your life on Earth; they can help you release energetic bookmarks that hold parts of your being trapped in time. Portals can help you visit someone in another time and place; they can help you journey to retrieve information for others. Using portals, you can practice remote viewing and other intuitive skills; you can work in other dimensions assisting other souls or even aspects of your self that exist in other timeframes and realities. It is truly mind-boggling to realize that there can be instances where we are our own angels traveling through time to assist our “selves” through difficulties and transitions.

You don’t really create portals. Rather, you center them into your energy field by bringing your focus and attention to them. You attune to a portal in this way. This can be something you want to create, or manifest, or something you want to heal. You can enter the portal of an illness and discover the root cause – in other words, the thoughts, beliefs and attitudes that created it. You can enter a portal to perceive a new version of your self or to access guidance. A portal can become a place where you meet with your guides or travel to your inner temple. Portals are always energized with the power of your imagination.

Portals as Doorways into Alternate and Parallel Realities

You can access "advanced" portals that allow you to observe probable timelines. This allows you to choose where you want to focus your consciousness from a more expanded field of possiibilities. Because all that is or ever has been exists simultaneously, it is possible to access and choose from among endless possibilities spinning out across infinity. To bring your focus to a reality, simply expand your mind to embrace more of what is there until you become a vibrational match for that reality. One way you can come into resonance with an advanced probable reality is to observe this possible timeline, then trace backwards through time to view the steps taken to arrive at that place.

You can choose to journey through portals into an infinite number of possible realities. These realities already exist in timelines that run parallel to your present focus timeline. The more advanced the probability, the greater the energetic shift and the associated "clearings" required to access it.

Observing and Influencing Other Realities

A portal can also serve as a doorway for observing and influencing other realities, past, present or future. Because a portal magnifies the energies

42 intentioned within it, it is possible to experience energies within the portal in a much greater intensity than normal. In this way, you’re not truly influencing events in other timeframes but transforming your self in the present moment. This present-moment shift effectively changes timeframes in the past and future.

Since portals exist in consciousness, they transcend linear timeframes. In this way, you're able to enter portals into other dimensions and timeframes. In other words, you are able to enter the portal of a past or future life, or the portal of another time and space continuum altogether. You can use your imagination to shift your focus into a reality that is very different from your present reality. In much the same way as you might don the clothes of another era before you enter the time machine transporting you back there, you can prepare your self to access other timeframes by researching the people of that time, how they dress, and the circumstances of that timeframe. The more vividly you're able to imagine the new time you're entering, the more vivid your experience within the reality.

43 Non-Ordinary States of Consciousness

“Our ordinary waking consciousness is but one form of consciousness. All around us lie infinite worlds, separated only by the thinnest veils.” --William James

Portals of spirit have the ability to transport us into non-ordinary states of consciousness. These altered states are not limited by the normal perceptions of space, time, or perspective. In the right setting, an altered state can facilitate deep inner experiences that are healing and opening. In every mystical wisdom tradition, non-ordinary states of consciousness have served as essential tools for discovering why we are here and how we can live richer, more meaningful lives. Examples include states of dreaming, hypnosis, clairvoyant perception, and meditation. Portals as Access Points to Altered States

Portals can serve as access points into altered states of perception capable of bringing us into deep inner communion and healing. It’s not necessary to make pilgrimages to the world’s “holy” places to enter portals of spirit. These portals exist everywhere in every measure of time and space. They exist in spaces you enter with the intention of accessing non- ordinary reality.

Portals are accessed through energetic fields created by intention and entered through a special way of focusing the mind, letting it fall into soft focus. This soft focus allows the falling away of physical details and helps you step fully into the experience. Inside this space, breathe deeply, release your thoughts, and follow the thread of life force energy pulsing through your body. Allow your self to enter into a deeply relaxed, alert state. From this place of focused relaxation, you can begin to perceive subtle energies around you. As you attune your awareness to these energies, you begin to merge with them and enter alternate realities that exist beyond the physical.

The Brain Wave Patterns of Higher States

There are certain brain wave patterns associated with this these higher states. Every state of consciousness we experience is a combination of one or more of the four categories of brain waves: beta, alpha, theta and delta. The brain waves of spiritual masters have an energetic signature linked to certain combinations of brain waves. These brain waves determine your state of consciousness at a given time. These frequencies don’t always result in an awakened mind. The key to an awakened mind is a free flow of information between the conscious, subconscious and

44 unconscious minds. Combine the right brain wave state with the right understandings, intentions and perceptions, and this increases the likelihood of awakened consciousness.

Beta is normal waking consciousness; Alpha bridges conscious and subconscious; theta offers deep subconscious understanding and awareness; delta deals with unconscious intuition and insight. Learn to be in these without thought, then put thought back in to create the awakened mind.

By accessing alternate realities or non-ordinary states of consciousness, we can:

* Meet ourselves as we exist in other timeframes * Free ourselves from enslavement or over-absorption in physical reality * Deepen and give meaning to our existence * Receive transmissions from our higher self or other aspects of our self in the past or future; we can also attune to the universal broadcast and perceive how it manifests in our life through the filter of our life purpose * Experience a sense of inner unity with our selves across time * Take quantum leaps in spiritual growth * Travel back through time to heal past selves or undertake journeys of “angelic intervention” * Consciously choose timelines of focus within our present reality * Undertake time and dimensional travel to view other realities, past, present and future, and gain an understanding of how all realities are interwoven threads in a fabric of oneness

Shifting Focus to Include Alternate Realities

In order to experience realities that exist beyond ordinary consciousness, you will need to expand your consciousness to include realities that exist beyond the physical. These alternate or non-ordinary realities remain unknown to us as long as our focus is entirely anchored in physical reality. In order to perceive realities beyond the physical, we must open doors of perception and expand our conscious awareness.

I've come to believe that part of shifting our consciousness to perceive other realities is simply the intention to do so. Once we set our intention, we begin to cultivate and gain awareness of other realities that exist within our inner landscape. It is also important to be willing to enter the unknown. When accessing alternate states, we are venturing into new and unexplored territory. This requires us to step out beyond the confines of our conscious knowing. This is a space of trust and openness. Inside this

45 space, we surrender our need to know and allow our consciousness to explore and experience.

The Present Moment as Doorway into Non-Ordinary States of Consciousness

It is important to be firmly centered in the "Now" as we prepare for adventures into altered states of consciousness. Remaining firmly grounded and centered in the present moment, we can invite other realities – past, present and future – into this space of focused awareness. In this way, the present moment is our doorway into other dimensions.

Portals to the past or future exist within the present moment. This ever- present moment of Now is eternal, extending far beyond the limitations of physical reality. Paradoxically, it's important to be firmly grounded in present-moment reality in order to step outside time and space. From this solid foundation, we can catapult into alternate realities. The present moment is the gatekeeper for all that is to pass through the gates of one reality into another. To gain access, we must be present and awake. Within the present moment, we are aware of our influence and connection with all points past and future. As we stand in the present moment, united with our past and future, we become whole and unified. Animals are good teachers in that they live in the world of the perpetual now. For them, neither the past nor the future exists.

Merging with Past and Future Selves

Because the present moment is our doorway into other dimensions, we must make the distinction that our adventures into altered states of consciousness are, in effect, inviting the past and the future to step inside our present-moment consciousness and merge with us in the ever-present moment of now. By merging with past and future selves, we’re able to free ourselves from over-absorption in the dream of the physical world. From this place, we can begin to experience alternate and parallel realities that deepen and give meaning to our physical-world existence. Without this perception of our selves as the vast, multidimensional beings that we are, we become like one-dimensional cardboard cutouts of our selves.

By consciously entering the portal of the present moment, you are able to perceive what has previously been “unseen” in your surroundings and within your self. In this way, you can look at a scene you have passed through day after day and feel your self reborn into it. This expanded awareness is your ticket to portals within portals that bring you into ever deepening communion with spirit.

46 Meeting My Future Self

My first conscious encounter with an alternate self occurred in March 2001. On this day, I walked down to the lake near my house and sat on a dock overlooking the water. Spring was just starting to whisper among the trees, but my attention was distracted by concerns about the many changes taking place in my life. There were many people and things I no longer felt drawn to. In trying to understand the new ideas percolating inside me, I had begun to explore a number of spiritual teachings and other experiences. Despite these efforts, I was still feeling uncomfortable with the vast, unknown expanse of my self I had recently awakened to. On that day, I went into a meditation, released all thoughts and allowed my mind to fall into a soft focus. In this altered space, I sat embracing my fears about all that had happened and my concerns about the future. Sensing a download flowing into my consciousness, I opened the channel and answers began to flow in. It was then that I received a message that would change my life. I felt a presence, an energy moving toward me across the water. I sat very still and alert and waited. This energy enclosed me in a brilliant light I experienced as soft and loving. I suddenly "knew" this was my future self reaching out to me across time. The essence of this initial message was to let me know the steps I was taking would lead me to evolve a higher consciousness that was no longer bound by the limitations of time and space.

In my excitement that we had "made contact," I began to download more information in a simultaneous "question and answer" process. The downloads I received helped me understand that my future self had already mastered the techniques I was learning now, and was transmitting energy through time to help me get through the difficult transitions I was now undertaking. I came to understand that there, in the present moment, I was planting seeds to create a very different future.

I received a vision of the self I was creating in the future. This future self was radiant, wearing a white flowing dress as she looked out over a garden that was a sprawling green expanse splashed with the colors of wildflowers. The emotional heaviness of the past was gone, transformed to a glowing poetry of life. Most importantly, in this vision, there is an energy around me that feels like love.

My future self thanked me for turning things around and creating a future in which she could exist. If I hadn't gone through that difficult transitional time, the future me I encountered that day would never exist. As I came to these realizations, I felt the energy from my future self flowing into my heart center. It was pure love and light. Tears of joy streamed down my

47 face. I knew the information I had just received was exactly right. For how could that future happen without what was happening at that moment?

My future self assured me that the direction in which I was now moving would take me further into this new dimension I had begun to experience. Each step I took on my spiritual path strengthened my future self, making it more capable of guiding and assisting me through the time of transition I was moving through. As I walked back to the house that day, still glowing from the encounter with my future self, I knew the realities I'd experienced were very real. The truth of that encounter burned away any lingering doubt. From that day on, I worked intensively with that guiding energy, forging a telepathic connection with my future self. This connection has brought me increasingly into a place of recognizing in the moment each step of my path as I approach it.

Transmissions from the Future

Four years after I began working intensively with my future self, I encountered an alternate dimension while out walking one day. This dimension revealed to me part of the rich texture of reality that exists beyond the physical senses. As I viewed a gridwork of flickering sparks, my future self helped me understand these were energetic portals that exist within each moment. These portals serve as access points to other dimensions and realities. I knew I would begin channeling and writing about these portals.

As I began working with portals, my spiritual senses expanded. I found I could often sense things before they happened. Because I had expanded my consciousness to include the past and future in my present moment, I began to sense events unfolding in the near future. At the same time, I could perceive how these events were influencing and changing my present moment. Since time is all of one fabric, it makes sense that those scenarios unfolding in the near future of our present moment are exerting an influence in the form of an energetic field. I view this as similar to strumming a string on a musical instrument, with the sound traveling along the string in both directions, creating a vibration beyond the instrument itself. This sound, or musical note, extends beyond the instrument, beyond the room where it’s strummed, out into infinity as a vibration perceived by all those who can hear it.

Future Moments Send Out Waves of Resonance

In this way, I came to understand how precognitive experiences in the present moment correspond with events unfolding in the future. These

48 future moments send out an energetic wave we can "pick up" if we're in resonance with their vibration. This becomes more so as we fine-tune our intuitive receiving station to the subtle influences and energies that exist around us inside every moment.

These subtle influences consist of energy from both directions, past and future, as well as influences from adjacent realities that exist parallel to the present "focus" reality. This realization came about when I began to sense the changes I was making in the present moment were changing my past. I believe we're always influencing the past from our present moment. This becomes especially noticeable after we awaken to a new level of spiritual awareness. It makes sense in a universe that operates in a circular fashion that events unfolding in the future influence the present moment just as changes in the present moment influence and alter the past, which in turn influences the present. I've experienced the results of these present- moment alterations to the past as sudden “shifts” where my feeling state aligns to different notes on the octave scale. In some cases, I've observed a shift in consciousness that brought me to a different perspective altogether.

Living as One Multidimensional Being

One perspective that's grown out of these meetings with selves from other timeframes is a sense of inner unity. Instead of just living for my present "self," I have a sense of all my selves across time and make decisions that benefit not just my present-moment self, but all my “selves.” I would think twice before selling out or obligating my future for a present-moment pleasure or benefit. I am also not so quick to judge the actions of a past self operating with less awareness. I now see how my past selves were always doing the best they could to help create the present moment. As a multidimensional being, I have also come to see how I can reach back and assist my past selves in whatever way possible. I should add it seems this assistance is possible in a direct correlation to my degree of resonance with the self I am assisting. It may be there are ways to "amp down" aspects of my present-moment vibration to come into a closer energetic match with my selves from the past. It is this taking into account the needs of all my selves across time that has brought me to practice oneness by serving the “others” within my own consciousness. This process then easily extends to all others.

Including past and future selves in present-moment consciousness helps us take quantum leaps in our spiritual growth. My experience has been that a year of "vertical time" can equal five years of linear time when I’m rapidly progressing on my spiritual path. Because past and future selves are

49 differing points on the map of our own consciousness, working with them allows us to hold the entire history of our existence in awareness. This bigger picture gives our life a context. If you are standing on a street corner in a certain city, you see what is immediately around you. Sometimes it's helpful to see your location on a map of the world, viewing the cities around you, the countries, extending outward to include the entire planet, the universe and beyond. Both ways of viewing life - up close and all at once - are important.

Healing Past Selves

As I began receiving messages and guidance from my future self, I became aware of the need to heal my past. An important part of this healing was to look at situations from the past still holding trapped emotional energy and see the bigger picture of that event. I found I could "travel back" to any situation in my past and receive the message of it. When I viewed these situations with the light of a higher consciousness, I could see the understandings I was trying to gain in creating them.

But this was only the first step in releasing a past situation. One thing I learned by working with my future self is that even after I look back and understand why I created a situation, this doesn't mean my past self -- the self that created it -- has been able to digest and release this situation. In these cases, I can take the step of merging my present consciousness with this past self, thanking it for its efforts and reassuring it everything happened perfectly in that time. I then ask this self if it is ready to release this situation. If the answer is no, I need to go deeper to uncover core issues and concerns my past self may be holding. If it is yes, I’m ready to move forward. When the release occurs, I experience a great rush of energy. Past, present and future timeframes re-arrange themselves around this release.

These releases are important because as long as any part of you is holding onto a situation from the past, your self of the present moment will be energetically drawn back to a feeling place of non-forgiveness, non- acceptance and judgment. This is one way the universe assists us by bringing our attention back to a situation that needs to be released. The universe will continue to assist us in clearing out, healing and releasing anything that stands in the way of direct communion with spirit.

Once we accept the way the universe works and we expand our awareness to take in our past and future selves, we can heal any situation, past and present. We're also able to more easily manifest anything aligned with our life purpose.

50 Angelic Intervention and Our Council of Selves

More and more, I believe a certain amount of the information we identify as coming from Divine guidance or angelic guidance originates with aspects of our “selves.” These selves, I believe, exist within our "council of selves" that exist as part of our higher self. , in particular, have other incarnational selves who exist in very high vibrations. Other, less evolved aspects within our symphony of selves are working their way toward this vibratory level. Our present self serves as the balancing point between these varying frequencies, simultaneously loving lower frequencies into the light while reaching toward an ever quickening vibrational frequency.

In this same way, I’ve come to believe that what we consider to be Divine, angelic guidance often derives from aspects of our selves that exist within consciousness. At a future point in our “arc of lifetimes,” we have achieved ascension consciousness. To the extent we are in resonance with this “ascension self,” we're able to receive guidance and assistance from this aspect of our selves. I believe it’s in this way that what we perceive as angels are often aspects of our own consciousness traveling through time and space to assist us. As we become increasingly familiar with our inner landscape, it becomes easier to identify these different vibratory fields.

Identifying and Choosing Parallel Realities

Portals are access points to energetic fields of possibility that exist parallel to our present focus reality. These alternate timelines are templates created from our own field of probabilities. Only a small percentage of these possible timelines become focus timelines. A timeline not chosen as the focus timeline continues to exist energetically within our field of probabilities. From the standpoint of the focus self, it exists latent and unrealized, but still alive.

To gain glimpses of these probable realities that exist beyond the physical plane, align yourself with spirit - with your self as you exist in other dimensions. Once you unite with your selves across time, you can consult the future to discover the probabilities you are setting up, as well as other, alternate probabilities, and consciously choose the course most closely aligned with your purpose.

Once you choose a future probability, you can leave off with other, erroneous, “seeds" you're planting in your garden of now and begin intensively cultivating the line of probability most closely aligned with your purpose. This is the storyline that will bring you the most joy and fulfillment. You'll know which probability is most closely aligned with your

51 purpose. When you view this probable future, you will feel you have found the perfect lens with which to view your life. Everything that has ever happened in your life will come into sharp focus. Your pulse will quicken, your heart will rise up into your throat. You will feel your self enveloped in a great rush of joy and bliss. In the light of this future vision, everything that has ever happened in your life will make perfect sense.

Energizing Alternate Realities in Future Timeframes

Once you have the vision for your future timeframe, you can travel backward from this probable future and observe the steps you took to arrive there. An important part of energizing a new timeframe is the willingness to allow these alternate realities to become part of your everyday reality. As your "everyday" consciousness interacts with alternate realities, the two begin to harmonize and transform each other.

The Future Vision for this Book

We’re more able to manifest those things that are aligned with our life purpose. I experienced this as I began to create this book. With each step, I received a great deal of guidance and assistance. In the beginning, I was directed to the end. That is, I was guided to visit the future where the book was published. I then shifted my focus backward through time to view the steps I took in creating it.

When I visited the future where the book is complete, I could see people reading it and gaining insights that helped them make positive changes in their lives. I see this knowledge and information expanding out into the universe in waves. I see people awakening as they read the information. I see them discovering and following their life purpose and sharing this with others in an ever-expanding circle of sharing.

Moving further back, I saw the book listed as an ebook on our website. I saw people who can benefit from this information visiting our website and learning about the book. Further back, I see the finished book, the cover art, the title Portals of Spirit. I read the book's table of contents. Viewing my picture on the back cover, I look into the eyes of this future self that has written the book. Further back in time, I see myself writing the book. I see many hours spent taking dictation from my higher self. I see myself using automatic writing, going into an altered space and allowing the words to flow onto the page. I see the steps I took to organize and arrange the material to put it into a form that can be easily assimilated. As I visit the hours spent creating the book, I witness the singular focus and determination I feel around making this information available. I observe

52 that I experience a sense of joy while doing this.

The wave moves backward to the present moment where the book is still a vision not yet realized. In this moment, as I view the steps of this book's creation, I begin to take them. In effect, I began to transform my own consciousness to become the person who has written this book. I have come to believe that in order to create anything, we must begin re-creating ourselves, in effect, transforming ourselves into the person who can create it. This means clearing out and releasing anything within us blocking its creation. It also means being the person who is willing to take whatever steps are necessary to create the vision.

Time and Dimensional Travel

It is by gaining awareness of the shape and flow of this aspect of my self, my future self, over time that has taught me about the nature of time, the nature of our relationship with our various "selves," and how we influence and shape our lives through these connections.

Time travel is always undertaken with Divine purpose and intent. Rapport with yourself across time is entered into with the intention to carry out your purpose for this lifetime. Time travel in consciousness helps you unify your consciousness, past, present, and future. The best times to attempt time travel initially are when you are in nature, near water or in quiet moments of contemplation, silence and solitude. In other words, when your mind is still. Using breathing exercises to loosen your focus from physical reality is helpful as is entering an alpha brain wave pattern. In this relaxed state, slow down, open to sense and perceive subtle energies, and ask your intuitive guidance to lead you.

Time Travel and Remote Viewing

You can visit a future self to gain information and insight into what you’re currently creating. We're talking about travels in consciousness that allow you to merge your present consciousness with that of a future version of your self. A technique that's helpful with time travel is remote viewing, which allows you to witness what is occurring in other times and places. (In the same way, you can time travel to visit a past self and offer assistance and guidance). When you perceive another timeframe, you're able to bring your focus and attention to it and begin energizing your connection with it with your focus and intention. In time, you are able to merge your consciousness with that of your future self.

It's possible to travel in consciousness to visit other dimensions. The

53 energetic coordinate where you're presently focused exists simultaneously within other positions in time and space. Dimensional travel, like time travel, allows you to commune with your self as you exist in other realities. Dimensional travel is somewhat different from time travel in that time travel is generally thought of as visiting other timeframes on the Earth plane, past and future. Dimensional travel can extend to any location within the universe. Many "starseeds" from other dimensions and locations in the universe are currently incarnated here to help bring about a great shift on the Earth plane. Many of those who are reading this fall into this category. Be aware when you view your prior (or future) incarnations in these other dimensions, you may be startled by how different they appear from life on the Earth plane. Acceptance may require you to further expand the vision you hold of your field of possibilities.

Some high-vibrational realities exist in other dimensions. Your higher self, for example, resides in a high-vibrational dimension. Reaching upward to access these realities allows you to progress quickly on your spiritual path. Your imagination helps you to perceive other dimensional realities. Your imagination and intuitive guidance help direct the course of your inner travels.

Barriers to Non-Ordinary States of Consciousness

One of the greatest hurdles we must all learn to navigate is the illusion that guidance, enlightenment, intuitive skills, and the all-knowing omnipresent energy of all-that-is exists outside ourselves. Throughout time, it is this belief that has turned humans against themselves. This is the belief that conquers and divides human consciousness by compartmentalizing conscious and subconscious minds. This compartmentalization creates an illusionary scenario where the conscious mind is forever separate from its subconscious counterpart. The act of splitting conscious from subconscious minds leaves the being with only half of themselves. Marooned on a desert island of alienation from one's higher self, a being split against itself experiences a slow reduction in life force energy that in time overtakes and extinguishes the life. Once this illusion of separation dissipates in the bright light of spiritual awareness, the heart and mind are free to reunite with spirit and reclaim the spiritual abilities that are the birthright of every being.

54 Steps to Accessing Alternate Realities

In order to step outside time and space and enter altered states, we must be willing to expand our consciousness and step into the unknown. It is within the realm of the unknown that we are able to experience a state of no-thingness. Within this "zero-point" space, we're able to experience sensations and perceptions associated with mystical, peak or non-ordinary experiences. It's possible to create altered states through a number of understandings and techniques that help us stimulate the parts of our brain that are activated during altered states. It logically follows that creating the experience of a mystical event is the next best thing to the actual event - and perhaps on some levels, they are one and the same.

First, I will discuss some basic understandings that help lay the groundwork for working with the techniques.

Your Vibration Equals Your Reality

To achieve higher vibrational levels, it's important to cultivate certain qualities within your self. These qualities are compassion ( and understanding toward others); love (the capacity for warm feelings mixed with joy and a deep affection for individuals, humanity and all-that-is); inner peace (the presence of mind that brings peacefulness, tranquility and calm); detachment (the ability to stand back from situations and not be enslaved, influenced or negatively affected by others, and accepting others as they are); nonjudgment (releasing the need for criticism without losing discernment and insight); clarity (clear-seeing that gives one a trust, confidence and awareness of higher spiritual states); service (involving one's self in activities that help others); self- responsibility & forgiveness (taking responsibility for everything in your life and releasing all blame).

The Law of Attraction & Reality Creation

It's important to understand that you create your attraction. The Law of Attraction states that like attracts like; we can only experience what we are. If we want something in life, we have to become someone who corresponds to it. An indicator of vibration is how you think and feel – the quality of your emotions, reactions and output. To advance spiritually, you must release judgment and take responsibility for everything in your life. If you have been creating your life on autopilot, you have probably created some scenarios you would not have consciously chosen. Release the need to judge your self; express gratitude that the past has brought you to a place of awareness. When you criticize or judge your self, this is like judging the universe. Instead, acknowledge that you held a

55 misunderstanding about how the universe works and recognize that the misunderstanding helped bring you into a place of increased awareness.

The Law of Attraction also says that the more you have of something, the more you get, both positive and negative. To transform the "negative," gain awareness of how it is helping you move toward what you do want. This allows you to move into a positive perspective where everything in your life is helping you grow. This draws to you more growth and opportunity. In this way, it's impossible to create a positive reality from a negative perspective. When you set your intention, an energetic field grows, attracting emotions and energies. Soon it begins drawing corresponding people and events that further energize it. Even a small thought opens the probability of a new reality. When you consciously create what you want in life, you set up the circumstances and trust the universe will do its part. You express who you are and allow this expression to carry you along your path.

These understandings form the foundation for working with the concepts in this book. I'm describing here certain techniques I have found helpful with this process. Some of these techniques, such as breath and life force exercises, a live food diet, yoga, tai chi, concentration, journaling and visualization, play a more supportive role, while others, such as meditation, dreamwork, channeling, remote viewing, and hypnosis can actually take us into altered states. All these have the ability to expand consciousness and help facilitate alternate realities.

Transforming Physical Reality

My experiences have taught me that when we begin working at the physical level, this eventually creates change at the mental, emotional and spiritual levels as well. Physical levels of transformation generally include changes in both the physical body and the environment. Sacred space, time in nature and vision quests are important aspects of your living environment, as are the people in your life and creating a clean, orderly home. These affect your overall vibration.

In terms of environment, it's helpful to create a sacred space somewhere in your home. This is a space where you can read, meditate, journal or practice other techniques. Over time, this space becomes saturated with the energy of your higher self. In your sacred space, place candles, fountains, crystals - anything that lifts your spirits.

One way to create sacred space is to build an altar. Altars don’t have to be elaborate undertakings. Even a simple altar with only a few items can yield

56 powerful results. Before you begin creating your altar, gain clarity of your motivation for building it. Ask your self what longing you are seeking to fulfill with an altar. The answers will determine the symbols you choose to place there. If you are seeking to manifest a new job, you might choose to place symbols of the Divine on your altar, along with a symbol representing the job you want to bring into your life. Your altar can be constructed of any number of items around your house. A small table or even a milk crate with a strip of cardboard on top can be adorned with a beautiful cloth. Make sure each item you place on your altar is meaningful to you. Energize it daily with your presence.

Clearing Clutter

Clutter and disorganization in your environment can throw up powerful roadblocks on your spiritual path. In order to connect with higher guidance, it is important for your mind to be clear and calm. If you live in a state of disorganization surrounded by unfinished projects, you're unlikely to be able to perceive the subtle energies and influences around you. A chaotic environment tends to mirror the chaotic mental thoughts of a scattered mind. This disorganization drains you of energy and robs you of peace of mind, and both are necessary ingredients for achieving altered states of consciousness.

To organize your surroundings, go through your closets and drawers. Decide what you can pass on and what still serves a purpose in your life. Inspect every room in your home as well. Find ways to organize and arrange the items you keep. Release all baggage, bring all projects to completion. Beyond this, get at the deeper roots of clutter. For instance, clutter may indicate you are living at a pace that doesn't allow you time to create order in your environment. If so, examine how you spend your time and make decisions accordingly.

Becoming the Architect of Your Life Experience

Another aspect of your environment is the people you spend time with. Pay attention to how you feel when you’re around different people. Some people lift your spirits and are supportive of your efforts to expand your consciousness, while others seem to drain your energy and reinforce limiting ideas. Hold everyone in a high state of regard, but keep in mind that you're not obligated to spend time with those who hold you back.

When you know you can attract whatever you want, you don’t get upset about others or circumstances. As a conscious creator, you understand that everyone creates the reality they need to help them learn their lessons

57 of the moment. This understanding takes you from a place of judgment into a perspective of acceptance and allowing. At the same time, your consciousness is liberated by the understanding that you needn't experience anyone or anything you are not drawn to. Release your reaction to and interaction with what you no longer desire. Re-focus on what you cherish and that which you don’t want will cease to enter your field of perception.

Physical reality can also be transformed by cultivating a relationship with the natural world. I experienced some powerful breakthroughs in consciousness while outdoors. Spend time in nature hiking, camping, or just sitting near a lake or stream. In nature you can also experience the healing power of the sun. Sunlight has many healing and energizing benefits. Paramahansa Yogananda recommended a 10-minute sun bath every day. During sun baths, concentrate on absorbing the life force energy of the sun. (It is the sun's cosmic life force energy that facilitates healing, not the sun itself). A short sunbath daily combined with good health habits helps supply the body with sufficient life force energy to build a healthy immune system.

Vision Quests

A trip into nature provides the perfect setting for a spiritual quest. Throughout history, quests were used as doorways into spiritual realms. A quest could take the form of a retreat into nature, a vision quest, or pilgrimage. These inner journeys serve as rites of passage. As quest seekers retreat into nature and solitude, shifts in consciousness begin to occur. Old memories come to the surface to be resolved. Fear is confronted. A sense of purpose emerges. In the heightened state of awareness of the quest, archetypal images appear. A voice speaks out of the darkness. The unexplained and mysterious occurs. Understanding of self deepens and remarkable transformations take place. It is possible to take mini vision quests on a regular basis. This can be any time you can be outdoors for 30 minutes or more. Learning to enter an expanded or altered state at will allows you to take short spiritual quests on lunch breaks, when stuck in traffic or even waiting in line at the grocery store!

Some techniques that help raise the vibration of the physical body include breathing techniques, an alkaline, living foods diet, and such practices as yoga and tai chi. Learning to understand the spiritual meaning of the symptoms that manifest in your body is another important step on your path.

58 Health and the Chakras

The chakras control our degree and quality of consciousness. Chakras are energetic centers that relay messages from person to person, from subconscious to conscious mind and from the conscious mind to the realm of guides and the higher self. Most commonly recognized is the system of seven chakras, though the messages contained here describe a system of twelve.

The lower chakras deal with self-consciousness, survival and will. The middle chakras are the center of love and connect physical and spiritual awareness. The upper chakras direct the psychic activity of clairaudience, clairsentience, , and enlightenment. All the chakras work together and when balanced in your body, create a grounded and perceptive level of psychic awareness. This awareness comes through paying attention to the subtle messages of your body and intuition. When you become aware of imbalances as soon as they exist, you're able to keep your energetic system intact. When your chakras are not balanced, you began to experience physical symptoms in the body.

Once symptoms manifest, awareness of the symptoms and the thoughts and emotions that lie at their root can help you stem the tide of a developing illness. The body operates like a biofeedback system. Illnesses and physical symptoms provide direct feedback of how we're progressing on our spiritual path. By listening to these subtle cues and meanings, you can gain needed spiritual understandings and release the need for physical symptoms. Two books essential for understanding the symbolic meaning of physical symptoms are Permanent Healing by Daniel Condron and Heal Your Body by Louise Hay. Both list the significance of a symptom and offer thoughts and affirmations that can help create permanent healing.

The Power of Breath

Breathing exercises are another method for working at the physical level. The word pranayama means "breath control." Breathing techniques can help develop a steady mind, strong willpower, enhance perception and extend life. Pranayama is derived from two Sanskrit words: Prana (life force) and Ayama (control). In its broadest description, pranayama means control of the life force through inhalation, retention and exhalation. Inhalation stimulates the physical system and fills the lungs with fresh air; retention raises the internal temperature and plays an important role in increasing the absorption of oxygen; exhalation forces out air that is full of toxins and impurities.

59 Hong-sau is a breathing technique that helps quiet the mind. Hong rhymes with song and Sau is pronounced saw. It means “I am spirit.” Hong-sau allows us to redirect energy inward so we can experience a higher level of consciousness. You can use hong-sau as a prelude to meditation anywhere or anytime you need to still and calm your mind.

How Hong-Sau Works

The inner repetition of hong with the inhaling breath and of sau on the exhaling breath has a calming effect on the mind. Incorporating the hong- sau technique into meditation will move your awareness into a deeper state known as expectant observation. It helps your awareness step outside the physical body and opens the door for travels in consciousness. It does this by freeing the attention from sense entanglements. When you achieve a calmer state of mind, you can gradually bring the life force in the five senses under your control. Hong-sau is a significant practice for bringing consciousness into the inner levels of mind.

Hong-Sau and Meditation

Facing east, sit in your meditation place with your spine erect, your body in a meditative posture. Close your eyes. Direct your attention upon the third eye. Calm the mind, preparing consciousness for meditation. Inhale slowly to the count of seven. Hold the breath for a count of three, then exhale slowly through the mouth to a count of seven. Repeat this slow, rhythmic breathing seven times. As you inhale, tense the muscles of the body, holding attention as you hold the breath. Slowly relax the body as you exhale. When you have repeated this seven times, take another breath, exhale quickly and remain without breath as long as comfortable. Mentally wait for the breath to enter. When the breath comes of its own accord, mentally sound hong. When the breath leaves of its own accord, mentally sound sau. Expectantly observe the movement of the breath in and out in this manner for 10 minutes to half an hour, then exhale slowly and completely. Allow the air to leave the lungs and enjoy this breathless state as long as you can without discomfort. While the breath temporarily ceases to flow, you live directly from cosmic energy entering your body through the medulla oblongata at the back of the neck.

We Are What We Eat

As I moved further along my spiritual path, I received guidance that eating a raw food diet would help me progress at a more rapid rate. It made sense for several reasons. First, it would free energy that would otherwise be spent digesting heavy food; and second, eating foods of high vibration

60 raises your vibration. It's easy to see how this works when you consider that our food choices also directly reflect our thoughts, beliefs and attitudes.

While it's true that divine, cosmic life force energy is a powerful source of our sustenance, I personally believe the food we eat and the substances we put into our bodies affect our ability to use it. What we put in our body has the ability to facilitate the free flow of life force energy throughout the physical body or impede it. In other words, the body derives its nourishment from pranic energy, but when the body is dirty, it's hard for it to use this cosmic energy. When our bodies are weighed down with toxins, our consciousness becomes earth-bound. We become unable to experience realities beyond the physical.

Raw plant food exists at the same frequency as joy, bliss, laughter and unconditional love. In this way, the saying "you are what you eat" takes on a whole new dimension!

The Body's Subtle Organizing Energy Fields

When people eat cooked food and put things into their bodies that don't belong there, this toxic build up keeps the third eye shut. As we start to eat cleaner, more healthful foods, the third eye starts to open and we're able to see the signs that passed us by when the third eye was closed.

As our bodies move from virtual energy to physical matter, there's a stepping down into subtle organizing fields that form the template for the physical body. When these organizing fields are in good condition, they deliver cosmic energy into our physical system without a loss of energy. The subtle fields work in conjunction with the chakras and a series of subtle energy fields that regulate the flow of energy into different parts of the body.

When we eat foods of high vibration that are raw, organic and living, and when we live a peaceful, holistic lifestyle, these organizing fields are enhanced and energized. This allows them to better maintain the physical body. This optimal functioning has the effect of reversing aging. The body ages when we deplete these organizing energy fields by eating low-energy foods and engaging in lifestyles that deplete our energy. It's difficult, if not impossible, to enter a higher spiritual state when our body is in a state of depletion.

61 Alkaline vs. Acid

To keep your body alkaline rather than acidic, eat plenty of high-quality healthful fats (omegas) and focus food choices around green vegetables. Keep your body sufficiently hydrated with charged water. Too much acid in the body robs the blood of oxygen. Without sufficient oxygen, the body suffers. Toxic emotions also contribute to acidity in the body. Maintaining an alkaline body allows you to more easily connect with spirit. To check your alkalinity, use PH test strips that can be found online or at most health food stores.


The word yoga means union in Sanskrit, the language of India where yoga originated. We can think of this union occurring between the mind, body and spirit. What we are commonly referring to as yoga is more accurately described by the word asana, which refers to the practice of physical postures or poses. Asana is only one of the eight facets of yoga, the majority of which are more concerned with mental and spiritual well-being than physical activity.

The practice of yoga asanas helps with mindfulness and tends to soften and open the heart. Yoga benefits awareness of your body, your feelings and the world around you. It helps you live the concept of oneness. Also, as you work on a difficult asana, you practice patience, forgiveness, and the value of gentleness.

Tai Chi

Tai chi is a traditional Chinese mind/body relaxation exercise consisting of 108 intricate exercise sequences performed in a slow, relaxed manner over a 30-minute period. Tai chi is a soft-style martial art applied with inner power.

Tai chi has many benefits. It helps promote longevity, and it is known to help improve memory, concentration, digestion, balance, and flexibility. The gentle movements and postures are designed to achieve a harmonious flow of energy or chi throughout the body. Tai chi has been called moving meditation. It energizes the whole body and gives you more chi. It also guides one toward spiritual fulfillment and helps practitioners understand and become aware of how life extends far beyond the physical body and assists in the cultivation of extra-ordinary powers.

62 Foundations of Higher Consciousness

I offer here some techniques that can help you create a foundation for higher consciousness.


To realize your full potential, it is important for you to enhance your ability to focus and direct your mind. Concentration is a skill that enables you to hold your attention still as you visualize your heartfelt desires.

Concentration helps with numerous aspects of spiritual growth, including:

* Mastering the mind * Knowing your self * Enchancing intuitive abilities * Experiencing creative visualization, mind-expanding meditation and lucid dreaming

The power of concentration helps you direct your whole mind at will. Your undivided attention is necessary for total concentration. Attention is your most precious commodity. Undivided attention must be focused to a fine, single point to concentrate and meditate successfully. Concentration enables the thinker to experience creative visualization, mind-expansive meditation, lucid dreaming and intuitive skills. The concentrated mind releases concern with other thoughts when you transcend into any one given thought. In this way, singular attention is the most powerful unifier of consciousness.

Candle Concentration Exercise

Find a straight back chair that enables you to sit with your feet touching the floor comfortably. Set a timer to 10 minutes. Place a candle on the table before you. The candle is important because it gives you a single item on which to focus your attention. Light the candle. Start the timer. Place all of your attention on the candle flame for 10 minutes. Sit with your eyes open, gazing at your candle, relaxed and alert. Keep all your attention on the flame.

Allow your mind to clear all thoughts and images as you focus on the flame. In time, you will become aware only of the fire. This exercise will help you direct and focus your thoughts in rhythm with the universe rather than allowing them to scatter. Scattered thoughts are ineffective thoughts. With each day's practice, your thoughts become less and less violent and

63 chaotic, and your mind grows calmer and more focused and directed.


Visualization is another foundational skill that opens doors to advanced intuitive abilities. Visualization is the process of using the imagination to create mental images. These mental images are important in expanding consciousness. If your purpose is strong and you believe in it, you will be able to create and hold a strong image. As you learn to create and hold a strong image, you develop your imagination. One key to visualization is an active imagination. Creativity is the combining of reason and the imagination. Imagination diminishes with lack of use. Develop imagination by practicing forming mental images and by developing imaginative skills. It helps to be as a child. Children tend to have vivid imaginations.

Always undertake creative visualization in a relaxed state. This is a skill that can be developed over time. Visualization helps with meditation, dreamwork, remote viewing and hypnosis.

The Power of Self-Awareness

There are a number of methods for learning about your self and your mission for this lifetime. Awareness is the key to expanding your consciousness, and self-awareness is the heart of all awareness. Through knowing your self, you come to know all others and the universe. Two excellent methods for understanding your energetic tendencies are astrology and numerology.


Astrology is the study of the influence that distant cosmic objects exert on human lives. The position of the sun, stars, moon, planets and asteroids at the time of a person's birth shapes their personality, affects their romantic relationships and predicts their economic fortunes, among other things. In addition to these, there are other factors, such as the ascendant, the midheaven, the nadir, the aspects and the houses in which the planets are located. An astrological chart provides a map of the positions of planets in the heavens at the exact time and place of your birth. By understanding this map, you can discover the blueprint for your life. Each of the 12 signs of the Zodiac represents a distinct and valuable part of the process of creation of individual consciousness. Each sign gives valuable insight into understanding what it means to be a creator. Each lifetime, the soul adopts a different astrological sign to view the world from a little different perspective.

64 The 12 signs include the elements of Air (Aquarius, Gemini and Libra), Fire (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius), Water (Pisces, Cancer and Scorpio) and Earth (Capricorn, Taurus and Virgo). Each element contains a fixed, mutable and cardinal sign. Each sign is divided into three different "decants" that describe variations and tendencies determined by the week in which the birthday falls. For example, in my own sign of Sagittarius, those born in the first week or decant are very different from those born in the second and third decants. This is a simplification, but the intricacies of a birth chart and its capacity for predicting the vicissitudes of your life with amazing accuracy is striking.

One way to put the different components of your astrological chart into a real-world context is to look at the 12 houses of the Zodiac. Each sector deals with a different aspect of life, and each house is governed by a different astrological sign. For example, the first house deals with the self, the physical body and early environment; the second with money, possessions and earning ability; the third with brothers, sisters, short journeys and communication; the fourth with home and the end of life; the fifth with children, pleasures and social life; the sixth with health, work and service; the seventh with partnerships, public relations and open enemies; the eighth with death, regeneration and taxes; the ninth with religion, philosophy, long trips, law and higher education; the tenth with profession and status; the eleventh with friends, hopes and wishes; and the twelfth with limitations, secret enemies and self-undoing.

The ascendant or "rising sign" derives from the birth time. The sign of the ascendant largely influences your outward appearance. Having your correct birth time allows for accurate placement of the planets in their corresponding houses when drawing up a chart wheel. The midheaven is related to the character of the guidance one receives. The progressed chart can be thought of as the chart of the higher self and depicts an individual’s progression through life, whereas the natal chart is the chart of one's birth and depicts basic life influences.

Some intuitive astrologers are able to look at a person's birth chart and perceive their arc of lifetimes. They are able to provide information about past lives strongly influencing the current life, and describe a person’s strengths, challenges and weaknesses. They can even help clients discover their life purpose. An astrology chart can also predict potential health issues throughout the lifetime. Medical astrology outlines energetic tendencies that can be understood in terms of physical predispositions. With awareness and understanding, these can be brought into balance and harmony.

65 The simple horoscopes in the newspaper are based upon the sun sign only and are very limited in scope. There are a number of web sites that offer free sample birth charts, such as Astrodienst.com. Matrix Astrology software allows you to create your own reports on everything from relationships to relocation. It may be helpful in the beginning to receive a chart and interpretation from a professional astrologer who can explain your natal and progressed charts and answer questions. Two books that are helpful in understanding astrology are Secrets from a Stargazer's Notebook by Debbi Kempton-Smith, and The Astrologer's Handbook by Frances Sakoian and Louis S. Acker.


Numerology is an ancient metaphysical science that centers around a symbolic language of numbers. It's a system of relating numbers and names to teach us about the human condition. Each number has its own vibratory influences. A person's numbers are based on the birth date and name they come into this life with. Numerology uses numbers to tell who a person is. It charts the map for their life based on this information. Numerology can help you understand endings and change; it can help you learn about psychological predispositions and make sense of the cycles of your life. It can also identify your challenges and help enhance your intuition.

It's fairly easy to become proficient in your own numbers. Each person has five core numbers in their numerological profile. They are the Life Path number, based on the birth date numbers; the Destiny Number, based on the letters of your birth name; the Soul Number, based on the vowels of your birth name; the Personality Number, based on the consonants from your birth name; and your Maturity Number, which combines your Life Number and your Destiny Number. Once you learn your five core numbers, you will have a special set of numbers that make up the cosmic code for your lifetime.

I have found it possible to understand the energetic influences of each year, month, and day using numerology. For example, a five year is a year of great change. If you know you are coming up on a five year, you can prepare accordingly. Knowing the number of the month and day you're in can help you with day-to-day decision making. Perceiving your cycles and tendencies allows you to work with your own energy - in effect, swimming with the flow instead of against it.

There are several good books on numerology, including the Complete Idiot's Guide to Numerology, which helps you calculate your numbers by

66 hand. Numerology by Hans Decoz and Tom Monte is another great book on numerology. If you’re like me and a little dyslexic with numbers, you may fare better using a computer program to calculate your numbers. Decoz Numerology has an excellent program and offers a scaled-down free trial version. Online, numberquest.com offers a free numerology report that for your basic numbers.

Meditation and Brain Waves

Meditation is a state of concentrated attention on an inner point. This state is accessed by releasing all thoughts and entering a relaxed state. Studies have shown that regular meditation can produce brainwave patterns that create states of awakening. These brainwave patterns generally include all four categories of brain waves: Beta (waking consciousness); Alpha (relaxed, detached awareness, as in daydreaming); Theta (brain waves produced by the subconscious mind); and Delta (frequencies of the unconscious mind that underlie intuition and provide deep levels of psychic awareness). While every state of consciousness we experience is a combination of these four brainwave patterns, there is a specific brainwave combination associated with meditation and awakened states.

Those who have difficulty with traditional forms of meditation will be happy to learn there are other options for achieving heightened brainwave patterns. A number of different companies have used a binaural beat technology discovered in 1839 by Heinrich Wilhelm Dove. This technology usually involves a soundtrack containing two slightly different background frequencies overlaid with sounds such as rain or crystal bowls. These different tones played separately in each ear via stereo headphones synchronize the brain in ways that are similar to meditation.

In July 2003, I began using a brain synchronization technology called Holosync. Holosync is a binaural beat sound technology that creates the same patterns in the brain as deep meditation. The brain synchronization technology helps clear out old, dysfunctional programming by creating new neural pathways in the brain. Creating new neural pathways opens the door to positive and profound change. I have also used HemiSync's Gateway program, which is designed to create out-of-body and other altered-state experiences.

67 Meditation 101

Even with the high-tech options, the best meditation method is still the old- fashioned way. I am offering some basics here:

Sit on a straight, armless chair, feet resting flat on the floor. Hold your spine erect, abdomen in, chest out, shoulders back, chin parallel to the ground. The hands, with palms upturned, should rest on the legs at the juncture of the thighs and the abdomen to prevent the body from bending forward.

When you're in a meditation pose, inhale slowly and deeply through the nostrils to a count of 20; hold the breath to a count of 20; exhale slowly through the mouth to a count of 20. Practice this six to 12 times. Then inhale, tensing the whole body. Relax all the body parts at once and, as you do so, expel the breath through the mouth in a double exhalation, “huh, huh.” Repeat this practice six times, then forget the breath. Let it flow in and out naturally of its own accord as in ordinary breathing.

Look upward, focusing the gaze and the attention upon the third eye. Still the mind and release all thoughts. Begin with a minimum of 10 minutes, then gradually lengthen meditation time.


Hypnosis can be used to create vivid and complete imagery simulations that give you the same experience as the "real thing." This applies to all kinds of hypnotically-induced sensations, including smell, sound, sight, sensation, movement and emotion. When we use hypnotic suggestions to create thoughts and sensations typical of mystical states, we are essentially creating the same effects as the real thing.

There are certain prerequisites for using hypnosis. First, you must be able to enter a trance state of mind and stay there no matter what happens. A trance state is a state of passively focused attention. In order to enter a trance state, you need to be able to pay close attention to one image for a long time as in concentration.

Once a trance state is achieved, hypnotic suggestions are used to direct the focus of the trance toward desired changes in perception and response. Visualization is important; a clearly imagined event is a clearly experienced event. Hypnotic suggestions can be very direct or more indirect and subtle.

68 Journaling

Journaling is a powerful tool I highly recommend to anyone interested in expanding their consciousness. As you began to write in your journal, this focused intention informs your subconscious and guides that you are ready to work and take action.

As a tool for creating inner dialog, journaling has the power to open doorways in consciousness. At times, what you write in your journal will seem trivial; at other times, it will seem profound. Over time, you'll see patterns and sequences start to emerge. The shape of things beyond the outskirts of conscious understanding start to appear.

Journaling in particular has brought me many breakthroughs. Fifteen years of intensive journaling have helped me define and know my self. Journaling taught me how to screen out distractions and focus on my purpose. It showed me how to see through my own illusions and tune into the whispers of my guides and higher self. In this way, journaling became my portal into that other dimension of my deeper mind where time falls away and I am alive inside a moment, taking notes on what I see around me.

To begin journaling, choose a journal and pen that feel right to you. I use a composition book and a gel pen that glides across the page. I recommend to you the same journaling technique I began working with many years ago: morning pages. Julia Cameron in The Artist’s Way describes "morning pages" as the most important tool for journaling. With morning pages, you get up every morning and write three pages in your journal. The beauty of morning pages is there’s no wrong way to do them. Write about whatever is on your mind, whatever occurs to you as you write. Write about what's bothering you, anything at all.

Just the practice of writing three pages every morning opened a new world for me. It was awkward at first. My conscious mind threw up all kinds of road blocks, finding no real value in what I was putting on the page. Parts of me were certain I was wasting my time. In spite of this, I persisted. After awhile, my conscious mind shut up. Maybe it became bored or took a nap while I slogged through morning pages. When my conscious mind wasn't looking, another, lesser-known part of my self began speaking, painting words across a landscape of pages that stretched into other worlds.

There were times when I became so absorbed into what I was writing that it went on for 10, 20 pages. There were other days when I wrote only three pages. I wrote poetry, stories, or just observations about my daily life. Most important of all, I began to know this part of my self that was finally

69 speaking. After more than a dozen years of daily journaling, this conversation with my self expanded to include messages from a deeper realm, far beyond the reaches of conscious knowing. I have chosen to call this channeling, which implies it comes from a source beyond my self. I feel it’s more accurate to say it comes from a greatly expanded part of my self that offers guidance and wisdom to all who wish to receive it through the vehicle of my journal.

Even after all these years, I still wake up each morning, eager to start the conversation all over again and see what will spill onto the page. It is one of my greatest joys.

Automatic Writing

It was through automatic writing that I was able to create a bridge from journaling to channeling. Automatic writing is a particular form of journaling that involves entering a relaxed, receptive state of mind. In this state, you set the intention to "take dictation from the universe." You may begin automatic writing with a specific question you're seeking to answer or you may simply open to whatever guidance wants to come through. It may take some practice, but sooner or later, given free reign, your subconscious or soul will start to speak.

To begin automatic writing, sit at a table with pen and paper; put your self in a 'receptive' frame of mind, and start writing. Continue writing without thinking of what is appearing beneath your pen. Write as fast as you can. If, for some reason, the flow stops, leave a space and immediately begin again by writing down the first letter of the next sentence. Choose this letter at random before you begin, for instance, a 't', and always begin this new sentence with a 't'. Although in the purest version nothing is 'corrected' or re-written, the unexpected material produced by this method can be used as the basis for creative works. What is crucial is the unpremeditated free association that creates the basic material.

After working with automatic writing for a time, you may feel ready for further experimentation. I found it fairly easy to make the leap to verbally channel into a tape recorder. I simply set up the tape record to VOX or voice recognition, asked a question and entered a meditative state. As with journaling, what came out at first seemed pretty mundane, but before long, I began channeling information that was completely new to me. With continued practice, I was able to intuitively find the state where I could reliably connect with intuitive guidance.

70 Channeling

Channeling is a process where a person either partially or totally sets aside their waking consciousness to allow knowledge that lies beyond conscious awareness to flow into the mind. The first step is to enter a relaxed state where you turn your attention inward and upward to receive messages from higher realms. This involves consciously shifting your mind and mental space in order to achieve an expanded state of consciousness called a trance. Being able to concentrate is important in achieving a channeling trance state. By stilling your mind, getting your thoughts out of the way, and becoming receptive to higher guidance, you are able to request a connection to your guide or higher self. In this receptive state, you become a vehicle for bringing through higher energies. Channeling is a skill that can be developed with practice.

While channeling traditionally involves receiving messages from another personality or source external to your own consciousness, it is now becoming more commonplace for channels to remain conscious while channeling. This allows the channel to bring the higher wisdom and light of their guide directly into their own awareness and consciously use the information to learn and grow. It is becoming more common for “channels” to bring forth information from their higher self and other aspects of themselves. The channel’s belief system attracts the energy that is channeled. (Like attracts like). Channeling is a connection that will stimulate, encourage and support you, and help you to make a difference in the world.


Dreams are a language of images. Each image in a dream sequence tells something about the dreamer. Dreams in this sense are like letters from the soul telling us about the state of our consciousness. When you receive the message of a dream, either by taking action or asking further questions of your guides and higher self, your soul responds back. In this way, you begin a conversation with your soul. This dialog builds a bridge to your subconscious and superconscious minds that helps you develop intuition and evolve your consciousness at a rapid rate.

There are two main principles of dreams. The first is that they’re a message from your subconscious or soul. This inner self is communicating about your state of awareness, usually in the last 24 hours, but not always. The second principle is that the dream is about you. Everything and every person in your dream is an aspect or part of you, just as every person or thing in your waking life is a reflection of some aspect

71 of you. Because dreams mirror waking life, most anything you can say about either is also true of both.

To start remembering your dreams, write down something every morning even if it's only an impression, a word, a feeling or an image. Each day you write something down it will become easier to remember your dreams. You are essentially opening up a dialog with your subconscious mind that says, “My dreams are important to me. I'm open to what you have to say to me.” You can show your gratitude for the messages you receive from your subconscious by acting on them and following the guidance you receive. Gratitude always opens the door for a greater flow, which sets the stage for more guidance to come through.

There is also a "practical" side to dreamwork. Interpreting your dreams every morning before you leave the house can provide you with valuable information you need to make decisions that day. It can also help you avoid pitfalls of the previous day. Before you fall asleep, say to your self three times, "I will remember my dreams." As soon as you wake up in the morning, write down anything you remember about your dream. Even a short or partial dream opens the door to remembering longer dreams. You're more likely to remember your whole dream if you write down your dream right after waking.

To understand or interpret the meaning of dreams, we need to become fluent in the universal language of dreams. The universal language of dreams is a language of symbols or pictures. This is a language that comes from the collective consciousness of all human beings. All people everywhere regardless of what physical language they speak or what country they are born in are able to understand the universal language of dream symbols. Some people believe that different symbols mean different things to different people. When we communicate in universal symbols, however, that is not true. The universal language of dreams works the same way for everyone.

Two books I highly recommend for interpreting dream symbols are The Mystical, Magical, Marvelous World of Dreams by Wilda Tanner, and The Dreamer’s Dictionary by Barbara Condron. When you become fluent in decoding the symbols of your dreams, you can begin to interpret the symbols of your waking life using the same techniques.

Lucid Dreams

Lucid dreams are dreams where you are aware that you are dreaming. They are an indicator that your state of awareness in physical reality is very

72 awake. The best way to become awake in your dreams is to become awake in daily life. The dream state always reflects what is going on in your waking life. If you want to have lucid dreams, you need to practice being lucid in your waking life. While you are on the road to developing greater lucidity, here are some techniques that may help induce lucid dreams:

Once you become proficient at dream recall (able to remember a couple of dreams per night), you're ready to begin inducing lucid dreams. One simple technique for inducing lucid dreams is reality testing, which involves asking your self several times during the day if you’re dreaming or awake. Since your dream life mirrors your waking life, sooner or later you will ask the question while you’re dreaming and realize you are awake inside a dream.

Another technique is to catalog your dream signs. Dream signs are cues that you are dreaming. They generally take the form of things or events that would be considered impossible or unlikely in the waking world. Examples of dream signs are breathing underwater, flying, devices that don't work, finding your self in an old job, an old relationship, nakedness, or the inability to run or speak. A dream sign encountered in a dream has the ability to alert you to the fact that you are dreaming.

Remote Viewing

Remote viewing is the ability to perceive information about a place, event, person, object or concept that is located somewhere else in time/space completely outside the physical perception of the remote viewer.

Through meditation and other techniques, you can learn to put your self into a semi-trance state. Entering a self-imposed altered state allows you to effectively detach from physical reality. While disassociated from your immediate surroundings, maintain a focus on your end goal, which is to establish an association with the item you wish to view. As you detach, you're able to tune into the event, person, etc you are attempting to view. You then make notes on what you might be seeing, feeling, hearing or otherwise perceiving.

This is just an overview of the understandings and techniques that will help you get the most out of this book. There may be other techniques that prove helpful in your spiritual journey. Those outlined above are a sampling of the techniques that helped me open my intuition and come into a place of greater spiritual understanding. I offer them here for whatever benefit they may provide you on your journey.

73 The Portals

My Journey through the Portals

Most often when we begin a journey, we have no idea where it will take us. Or if we do hold certain pictures of our destination, it grows and changes over the course of the journey. This is how it has been with my journey through the portals. I began exploring the various energies and frequencies around me and I soon discovered access points or "portals" into alternate realities. My journey began in the summer of 2004 when I first stepped into a glowing field of sparkling light while out walking one day. As I asked questions about these sparks of light, answers flowed into my consciousness. This book is the direct result of the journey that ensued.

My journey with portals continues. In one way or another throughout my life, my consciousness will weave in and out of various portals, deepening understandings and serving as launching ramps for new explorations in consciousness.

I’ve come to realize my "discovery" of portals four years ago was precipitated by lifetimes of spiritual growth and exploration. This journey will continue into future incarnations whether in this plane of existence or others.

The portals I describe here are windows into higher consciousness. There are other means to frame this knowledge, but this is the way it’s come to me. I share this information for you to use in whatever way best serves your own growth.

Although I began my journey through the portals in no specific order, I have been able to see patterns to my portal experiences after the fact. For instance, I was guided early on to Portals of Health and Healing. Experiences in these portals helped me release at all levels old energies that no longer served my spiritual growth. As I journeyed into deeper levels of healing at all levels -- physical, mental, emotional and spiritual -- I found the door to my intuition opening wider. Inside these Portals for Developing Intuitive Skills, I was able to fine tune psychic and intuitive skills that allowed me to see through lingering ideas and ways of being still tied to the illusion.

New levels of healing and enhanced intuitive perception allowed me to "see

74 through" anything still standing in the way of my ability to experience unconditional love and advanced soulmate relationships. In Portals of Love and Relationships, I learned the importance of self-love, which can be extended outward to all others. This is one of the most important steps to cultivating the frequency of love in your life.

As I entered a place where I began to see my self in all I encountered, I came into greater harmony and recognition with Portals of Life Purpose and Spiritual Service. It is within these portals that I began to better understand how all the changes I’m making in my own consciousness are part of the blueprint for my life. As I further align with my purpose, I’m better able to assist others with the newly-discovered gifts of my being.

By stepping into a greater understanding of my purpose and assisting others through fulfilling my purpose, I entered Portals of Consciousness Expansion. Inside these portals, I further developed and strengthened the bridge I had been building between my conscious and subconscious minds. Inside these portals, I was able to access increasingly elevated states of consciousness that allowed me to enter peak states with intention and focus. As the energies of these higher states of consciousness began to transform my physical existence, I began to receive guidance that allowed me to enter Portals of Reality Creation and Manifesting. In these portals, I learned that I am simultaneously creating and experiencing realities within every moment. As I entered deeper levels of spiritual understanding and self-responsibility, I came to know my self as the architect of everything in my reality.

Once I began to take steps to create my own reality, I became aware of ways in which I could call on the resources of other parts of my being, past, present, and future. In Portals of Time and Dimensional Travel, I learned how to perceive and energize alternate realities where other aspects of my being exist. Time and dimensional travel opened up new possibilities. By taking steps to heal and assist past selves, I opened doors in consciousness that allowed me to commune with future aspects of my being who continue to be a wise source of guidance and assistance.

This is just the beginning. Even as I write this, spirit is guiding me down new corridors in consciousness. The journey continues.

75 Portals of Health and Healing

We sometimes think of health and healing as taking place mainly at the physical level. My portal explorations showed me how health begins at all levels, including physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.

Some portals focus on energizing the physical system, such as the Portal of Self-Energization and the Portal of Energetic Balancing. These portals took me on a journey where I learned to read my own energies as a form of biofeedback, listening within and making needed changes to correct any imbalances. The Portal of Self-Energization taught me how the body functions as a sending and receiving station for cosmic life force energy. While our true sustenance comes from universal energy, the foods we eat and the other substances we put into our bodies greatly affect our ability to channel life force energy. I also learned to exercise and energize my physical system and to clear any thoughts or emotions creating energetic blocks. This is a great portal for learning to raise your "frequency capability."

In the Portal of Energetic Balancing I learned that every movement on the Earth naturally seeks its balancing point. This is why it’s important to heal and balance toxic energies of the past. The light of spirit is essentially alkaline and has the power to balance toxic chemicals, emotions and experiences. By aligning with your spirit, you're able to heal and balance your self at all levels.

The Portal of Spiritual Renewal also guided me to periodically step back from my daily activities in the world and renew and fine-tune my energies. The crossing over to a new year -- or any point in time where change is needed -- is an excellent opportunity to bring about a renewal of connection with your spirit. I learned steps I could take in my day-to-day life to go about creating this renewal.

Another key factor in health is self-esteem and self-worth. Inside the Portal of Self-Worth, it was clear how our perspective of our selves determines so much about our lives. All our decisions and actions moment to moment are extensions of our beliefs about who we are and what we deserve. These decisions affect our health at all levels. One of the greatest causes the disease and death is the frequency of unworthiness, though this can be healed with awareness and acceptance of the divine nature of your being.

How we process our experiences was another key to health I was shown. Our organs of elimination are greatly affected by how we assimilate and release the experiences that help us create needed understandings. The

76 way we hold onto these experiences in the form of grudges, resentments and emotional dramas are mirrored in the physical realm in the assimilation and elimination of food in our physical body. Whatever lingers in the organs of elimination tends to fester and poison our physical system just as resentments and old toxic emotions poison our lives. The Portals of Forgiveness and Letting Go teach us how to bring about the healing and release that allows for the free flow of life force through our physical system. As we release everything that stands between us and our true nature, we draw to us very different people and circumstances through the Law of Attraction.

In the Portal of Self-Awareness, we learn about the infinite nature of our being, which helps us understand who we really are. As vast, multidimensional beings, we’re empowered to call upon other parts of our being for guidance and assistance. This portal shows us how we are able to heal our selves through self-knowledge and spiritual alignment. Working hand-in-hand with this portal is the Portal of Spiritual Self- Sufficiency, which tells us we are already all that is, and health and well- being is just a matter of allowing who we really are. As divine beings we’re able to step free of the collective consciousness and follow the whispers of our inner guidance. This is what allows us to become fully empowered divine beings. From this perspective, health and well-being are our natural birthright.

Another portal central to healing misunderstandings in your life is the Portal of Spiritual Acceptance. It is in this portal that you learn to accept everything that happens in your life in the light of spiritual perfection. Even death, which most people hold fear around, can be seen in the light of divine purpose. Inside this portal, you begin to "see through" your own resistance to the circumstances of your life, even your own death. This is a major step to healing the fears that enslave you to physical reality. When you heal the fear of your own death, you gain a new perspective into all other happenings in your life. This new, freer perspective allows you to begin accessing the Portal of Spiritual Freedom.

Both the Portal of Spiritual Freedom and the Portal of Self-Determination empower us to chart our own course according to the purpose for our lives. The Portal of Spiritual Freedom helps us see ways we have been enslaved by outer thoughtforms and our own limited vision, and how we can shed these self-imposed restrictions. The Portal of Self-Determination helps us chart our course in life as spiritually free and empowered beings. Regardless of what energies we encounter, we can choose to see them as doorways into heightened spiritual understandings. The awakened consciousness is able to welcome all life events as opportunities helping

77 us to further detach from illusion and chart our own course through time and space.

This brings us to the Portal of Transformation, which shows us how to transform the energies we encounter. No matter what situations, people and events we encounter, we can choose a higher experience by transforming all experiences into a gift of higher vision and spiritual understanding. Being able to transform whatever energies you encounter is one of the single most empowering keys to raising your vibration and living in a state of joy, bliss and total well-being.

Entering the Portal of Self-Energization

Whether you realize it or not, you are constantly connected to a vast gridwork of energy. You operate in the cosmos as a sending and receiving station, pulsing and energizing intricate connections within this gridwork. Your physical system is powered by a cosmic energy that enters the body through the medulla oblongata at the back of the neck. An injury to this receiving station often shuts down the entire physical system, creating physical death.

The Connection Between Food and Life Force Energy

There is a misconception in your world that the food you eat powers your physical system. This is not entirely true. What is more accurate is that the food you eat either enhances the body's receiving capability or takes away from it. A diet that is high in life force energy increases the flow of life force in the body. You may think of this in terms of the Law of Attraction, which says you draw to you what you are. If you are operating at a finely-tuned life force resonance, you will draw more of this energy to you. This opens you to a life flow sufficient to receive a higher frequency of energy. All frequencies of energy are showering down upon you at all times. These energies are filtered through the energetic field of your resonance, so the only energies that "stick" are those that are on your “wavelength.” Enhancing the flow of life force energy in the body allows you to tune into a greater amount of the life force energy that is showering down.

Consuming foods high in life force energy means eating that which contains the highest amount of energization by the forces of nature. This includes freshly-grown vegetables and fruits that have not been altered by toxic substances, genetic alteration or heating. These contain the highest life force vibration. In this way, the saying “you are what you eat” comes into clearer focus.

78 The Deadening Effect of Consuming ‘Dead’ Substances

It is equally as important to consider those substances that deaden the body’s energetic system. Some substances commonly consumed in your world are entirely devoid of life force energy. These include packaged, processed foods that have no value in terms of spiritual development. In fact, the habitual consumption of these substances creates energetic blockages in the body that prevent the free flow of chi. The effect of taking in foods devoid of life force energy is a life without the wings of spirit, earthbound and of singular dimension. The flicker of life force that remains is mired by a muck of compromised cells unable to replicate themselves properly. The life increasingly becomes a shadow of its former self.

The Power of Cleansing and Detoxing the System

The way to turn this situation around is to clean out the body. This can be done through fasting, cleansing, juicing and consuming foods that detox the liver and colon. There is much good information on how this is done. Setting the intention to clear this old energy from your energy field will bring this information to you. Many people resist this type of cleansing, choosing instead to believe that as long as they are able to stand and walk, they are in good health. This kind of thinking effectively creates a “ticking time bomb” that can bring you to a future point in time when a line is irreversibly crossed.

You might liken your body to your house. If you are living in a house filled with trash and clutter, it will not be long before you take steps to clear the house of the trash so you can enjoy a happy and healthy life. It is no different with the body.

Raising Your ‘Frequency Capability’

There are ways to raise the "frequency capability" of your physical receiving station. These include physical exercises, stilling the mind through concentration and meditation, calming the emotions, daily exposure to sunlight, communing with nature, breathing exercises, and placing “energy enhancers” in your environment.

One way to raise your vibrational frequency is through physical energization exercises. These are exercises where each part of the body is moved as it is consciously brought to focus with the intention of opening to receive a greater life force flow.

79 The focus of the thoughts, feelings, beliefs and intentions is another dimension of self-energization. A mind focused on uniting heaven and earth (conscious and subconscious) thrives on a higher life force amperage. In order to “amp up” your vibration, it is often necessary to gain control of the mind. This is done by stilling the mind through meditation and concentration practices that bring the attention to a single point of focus again and again. A simple exercise of concentrating on a candle flame for 10 minutes each day while releasing all thoughts works wonders in calming the mind and opening its receiving station capability. Constant mind chatter creates static interference that blocks receiving capability. In meditation, focus thoughts upwards, reaching toward the highest feeling state that can be attained in the moment. Thoughts attuned to spirit and bringing the spirit more fully into the life will bring in a higher life force flow.

The emotions can be another source of static that blocks the free flow of life force energy. It is important to examine and bring to awareness emotional triggers so their source can be healed.

Nature and the outdoors are also enlivening to the physical system. It is important to spend time in nature where life force energy pulses at a higher resonance than inside stale, indoor atmospheres. Clean, fresh air is important to the physical system and the flow of chi in the body, as is daily exposure to sunlight. Short sunbaths have an energizing effect on the system. In view of current climate changes, you will want to take care with exposure to sunlight. Ten minutes per day in morning or evening light is sufficient.

Another method for cultivating life force energy is through daily pranayama breathing exercises. Flooding the body with oxygen accelerates the flow of chi in the body. This is important because disease at its core is a lack of oxygenation at the cellular level.

Within the scope of indoor environments, an understanding of feng shui is helpful. Feng shui creates a greater life force within spaces and helps enliven the life force flow within the body and life. Decisions made from a brightened mental attitude and feeling space plant the seeds of a positive future. Along these lines, certain “energy enhancers" can be added to living areas. These include candles, crystals, prisms, colors, sounds, fountains, uplifting artwork, plants and many other objects. Books also carry a vibration. Those who are particularly sensitive to energy can walk into a room that contains a library of spiritual books and feel their vibration.

80 By entering the Portal of Self-Energization, you can raise the vibration and flow of life force energy in your physical system, clearing all blockages to opening your life force “receiving station” to receive a greater range of the life blessings constantly flowing in abundance from the light of spirit.

Entering the Portal of Energetic Balancing

There is a saying in your world that a journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step. What is less understood is how a single step has the power to heal a thousand journeys. This is because every choice, every movement taken on the Earth plane naturally seeks its balancing point.

If, for example, you were to become angry with a person in your life, you may follow a progression of becoming more angry and more upset, winding up intensely disliking that person. At the point where you begin to hold these feelings, a need for healing is created. This is not to say this healing must follow a certain course. It is not necessary to spend time with a person who does not honor or respect you, but it is important to release negative feelings about them.

Negative Feelings Bind You to What You Don't Want

These negative feelings bind you to what you do not want in order to bring you to a place of spiritual understanding and healing. This healing takes the form of forgiveness. The forgiveness might involve taking the step of seeing the other person as reflecting to you something about your self. The next step might be to see the greater lesson you are learning within the context of many smaller lessons. One lesson might be to see that it does no good to take offense at the actions of another. This is along the lines of becoming upset with the sun for moving behind the clouds! Another step might be to accept the lesson, and still another, to express gratitude for it. As you express gratitude for the lesson, you can also feel gratitude for the person who assisted you in creating the experience.

The essential journey of all souls is to seek out and understand the complete array of earthly experiences and distill those understandings into the ever evolving wisdom of the soul. In this way, the dark is no less than the light. The balancing point weighs equal energies of dark and light.

Energetic Balancing and the Physical Body

Another example of energetic balancing is seen within the physical body. Eating a diet of meat laden with toxic antibiotics and chemicals, and plants contaminated with pesticides creates a situation over time where the cells

81 of the body become laden with acid waste. This stifles the flow of oxygen to the cells and begins to suffocate the body at the cellular level. Disease looms around the corner. The number of steps needed to balance the situation consists of the number of steps taken to create it. So the diet would have to consist of purely organic, body-nourishing foods for an equal or greater period of time.

In the case above, there are exceptions. These occur when toxicity in the body reaches a critical level were disease manifests. Getting to the necessary balancing point then requires "quantum" steps that are only possible by hooking one's heart to the nearest star -- onto the greatest hope of all the world, and that is the harmonizing of the earthly life with the soul of spirit. This is the reunion of the three minds -- the spiritual triad of conscious, subconscious and superconscious minds described in some belief systems as the father, the son and the holy . Taking quantum steps through alignment with spirit is a way of balancing or walking back the steps of anger or self-destructive behaviors to the place where balance and therefore wholeness is achieved.

Quantum Steps are not Shortcuts to Spiritual Growth

While it may seem that quantum steps are a "shortcut" to evolution and alignment, this is not the case. The mind that seeks shortcuts and escapes will never unite with the grace of spirit sufficient to take quantum steps. This is the sad truth we must spell out for those who seek to reach a place of complete harmony within themselves. Only the most sincere heart will reach this place of higher alignment within itself. The feeling state of this alignment might be likened to the feeling of the most glorious day in spring tucked inside the unfolding of every moment. This feeling of love saturates every breath with the song of rose petals.

Every step taken toward an escape must be balanced by fully facing what one sought to avoid. Each step toward destruction must be balanced with a step toward healing. An escape is any activity used to avoid facing one’s self, whether it is facing one's feelings, one’s past actions, one’s fears, one’s truth and so on. The escape might come in the form of a drug, a drink, a food, a person, a situation, an idea or any activity that seeks to avoid. One signpost of an escape is that it is usually accompanied by repetitive, obsessive behavior and feelings. An escape is like an area of scar tissue in the body that becomes so rigid and tight that the surrounding tissue becomes distorted. It is easy to see this distortion in the life of an alcoholic or heroin addict, but it exists at subtler levels in the life of the person who smokes a joint to get through their day or eats a candy bar to avoid feelings of grief and sadness. Each time escape

82 intentions are activated, a step is taken that must someday be “walked back” to create a balancing point. This is the true journey of a thousand miles triggered by the single step of an intention to heal the hurts of a lifetime.

By entering the Portal of Energetic Balancing, it is possible to begin building the bridge uniting heaven and earth. It is this bridge that opens the heart to the quantum healing that walks every step back along the rainbow path to all-that-is.

Entering the Portal of Spiritual Renewal

There is a great thread of yearning in human consciousness now to search out new beginnings and bring about a renewal that will carry you through the year ahead. The beginning of a new year marks the birthing of new energetic possibilities. This awakens the greening of new growth that symbolizes hope within the heart.

The renewal so many seek at the beginning of each new year has at its root a desire for renewal that extends well beyond receiving a spa treatment, improving one's diet, undergoing a fast or beginning a new regimen of physical exercise. All these steps have the possibility of bringing you closer to the recognition of your deepest longing, but they are just stepping stones along the path to self-realization. At a deeper level, this hope seeks to transcend limitations and to realize one's true nature. It is transcendence that allows the spirit to fly free of the shackles of illusion that holds so many in servitude on the physical plane.

Self-Realization Versus Spiritual Poverty

With each year that passes, there is either a moving toward the realization of the deepest longing of the soul, or a moving away from it. Those who have taken their meaning solely from the outer world will begin to notice a hollow feeling. Over time, this empty space expands into a void. This is often experienced as the dry rattle of a lonely wind howling across a great barren expanse. This is the sensation of spiritual poverty as life force recedes from the life and physical body.

Life force energy arrives proportionate to the amount that it is needed. Those who put a great effort toward discovering their spiritual mission and carry it out in whatever means available receive the life force energy needed to do this. Within the moment, they receive a great pulsing of life force energy. By contrast, those who retreat into illusion, seeking only the comfort of distraction and entertainment, suffer a stagnancy that shuts

83 down the flow of life force energy over time.

You may consider how much life force energy is required to start a new healing center and assist many beings to health and well-being compared to the amount of life force needed to play a video game or eat a plate of cookies. There is nothing wrong with the latter unless it takes the place of fulfilling one's purpose in life. What we are talking about here is allowing an external pleasure-seeking impulse to become the guiding desire of one's life.

When life force energy is shut down or stagnant for long periods of time, the physical body starts to “amp down,” and the spirit begins to withdraw from the life. At the physical level, you can measure life force in terms of the oxygenation of cells. A lack of oxygen most always results in physical disease. This is the physical explanation for disease that reflects the spiritual withdrawal of life force energy from the body.

The good news is that regardless of how far you have traveled off course, regardless of the current state of your physical being, you can choose to enter the Portal of Spiritual Renewal and begin turning this energy around. We are offering you today 12 steps to creating true spiritual renewal in your life. One need not wait until the beginning of the new year to undertake this journey of renewal. You can choose to step into this portal of renewal any time and any place. In fact, every day, every hour, every moment can, with the alignment of intention, will, purpose, and soul desire, become a Portal of Spiritual Renewal, moving you further along the path of your deepest longing.

12 Steps to Creating Spiritual Renewal:

1) Identify your life purpose and ask your guides to reveal to you the steps to fulfilling this purpose. If you don't know yet what your life purpose is, begin reading the energy of your entire life to look for clues. Write your autobiography and examine the energy and essence of all major milestones. Everything that has ever been created in your life has been designed to carry you further into the realization of this purpose. Make lists of your strengths and weaknesses, the things you love, your talents, and your deepest desires. These are further clues to the nature of your life purpose.

2) Set aside time each day for silence and meditation.

3) Learn to still your mind by practicing concentration skills. Concentrating the attention on a candle flame for 10 minutes each day

84 while releasing all thoughts will help still and focus the mind.

4) Eat a diet that consists of primarily live foods.

5) Fast periodically to clean and detox the body and help release your self from over involvement in the physical world.

6) Develop your intuition. Recording and interpreting your dreams each day is a good way to begin developing intuition. Also, make a practice of listening to the still, small voice within you and observe how the information it offers assists you throughout your day.

7) Create a list of the 10 things you most dearly desire to create and ask your guides to show you steps you can take to begin creating these desires now. Look to see how each item on your Ten Most Wanted list is aligned with your life purpose.

8) Have a goal, purpose, and activity for everything you do.

9) Engage in some sort of physical activity each day. It is especially beneficial to incorporate physical activity such as yoga that unifies mind, body and spirit.

10) Make time each day for creative play. Write in a journal, paint, take a long walk in nature. Do what gives you joy.

11) Find some way to share your gifts and talents with others.

12) Clean out closets, drawers, your house and everywhere unused items accumulate. Release everything you no longer need. This includes old feelings you may be holding onto. Practice gratitude and forgiveness and release the past so you may step more fully into the present moment.

Entering the Portal of Self-Worth

In your world, there are names assigned to different frequencies that occur within human bodies. Some of these frequencies destroy life force. These frequencies have names such as cancer and diabetes. You are very familiar with the names of these frequencies, but you may not be as well versed in the spiritual origins of these physical manifestations. There are many spiritual reasons for the manifestation of disease, but one of the most common in your world is the lack of self-worth.

One of the greatest spiritual challenges on your planet surrounds issues of

85 self-worth. Lack of self-worth stems from a series of misconceptions. One misconception derives from doctrines teaching that humans are separate from all-that-is, that they are "sinners" not worthy of the blessings of higher consciousness. This teaching is reinforced by thoughtforms that assign worth in terms of wealth, physical appearance and other hierarchies.

Detecting the Vibrational Frequency of Unworthiness

This message that humans are "unworthy" is broadcast throughout your world as a vibration or frequency. We are not speaking of this vibration as "bad." It is, like everything else in your world, an energy that is either internalized "as is" or transformed. For instance, a person who encounters a frequency that is "lack of self-worth" may use it to gain awareness of this frequency of unworthiness that permeates the airwaves of human consciousness. The person who faces their own fears that they are unworthy then has the opportunity to "see through" this frequency. Once this frequency is examined with the conscious mind and viewed with the light of spirit, it is seen for what it is – an opportunity to renew and reaffirm your inherent self-worth as a Divine being. As part of the Divine love of the universe, each being has great value and is worthy of unconditional love.

Lack of Self-Worth Is the Number One Killer

Unfortunately, many in your world have not yet transformed the frequency of unworthiness. The great misunderstanding of unworthiness resides within a person as a belief. This belief sets up a vibration or frequency that permeates every cell in the body. The person who believes they are unworthy allows every decision and every second of their existence to be entrained to the frequency of unworthiness. As a result, they make dietary choices, choose companions and define their possibilities in terms of low self-worth. In the background music of their lives, subliminal messages tell them they do not deserve love, success, health or abundance. It is this frequency of unworthiness that results in the unconscious decision to end the life. We're not talking about suicide in the sense that a conscious decision is made and directly acted upon. This is instead an unconscious decision that spins out consequences over time. These consequences manifest themselves in the frequencies of accidents and disease. The person may also attract an act of violence that results in physical death. Unworthiness, or lack of self-worth, is the greatest "killer" of life.

Forms of Disease Symbolize the Need for Specific Understandings

The form of physical challenge created from the frequency of unworthiness

86 is determined by the individual. The frequency of unworthiness manifests in some as heart disease; in others as lung cancer. The particular organs impacted symbolize a specific need for understanding within the individual. If the person has not learned to "take in life," for example, they may suffer lung diseases. It is the lungs that "take in" oxygen, which physically symbolizes life force. Most always the organs affected are within a chakra region that is most energetically "closed down," and therefore weakest within the physical system.

This does not have to be the case. As long as there is life, there is the opportunity to transform all frequencies. Even a person suffering from a so-called "terminal" disease can go within to find frequencies of unworthiness and heal them. By bringing this understanding into awareness, it is possible to transform feelings of unworthiness into the worthiness that is the birthright of a Divine being. By entering the Portal of Self-Worth, it is possible to claim your Divinity and plant your feet firmly on the path of spirit. On this path, each step carries you further down the path toward healing.

Entering the Portal of Forgiveness

Each time you enter the portal of forgiveness, you become more empowered to release dis-empowering beliefs that have caused you pain. This opens the door to the emotional freedom that allows you to create the future of your dreams.

These old beliefs often center around your relationships to others. While it may appear otherwise, there is never any real reason to forgive another. You have created spiritual contracts with others who agree to play roles in your “life movie.” These life movies help you gain self-awareness and learn to become a conscious creator. The real forgiveness is forgiving your self for having entered into situations that seemed hurtful or dis-empowering. It is impossible for another to hurt you. If you feel you are being hurt, then consider how it is you doing the hurting and you that holds the power to stop creating the hurt.

You Are the Only One Who Can Hurt You

One of the most important portals you can enter is the Portal of Forgiveness. Inside this portal, you are able to visit the times in your life where there is still the belief or appearance that a person or situation -- anything outside your self - caused you pain. It may be that you chose to enter into a situation or a relationship with another person and in the course of time, you felt emotional pain. We will stretch you further to see

87 that even if you entered into a situation where you endured physical pain -- even if another person struck you physically, at the energetic level, you hurt your self. That is not to say the person doing the hitting is not responsible for their own actions. But we are focusing here on the person who is “hurt” in this circumstance. You are always the underwriter and creator of your own reality. In the material world, there may be an appearance it is otherwise, but this is an illusion.

Writing Your Self a New Role in the Movie of Your Dream

Accepting that you have created every situation in your life supports the belief that you are a wise and powerful being. If it seems otherwise to you, it is because you are writing a part for your self in the movie of your earthly dream where you are less than great and powerful. If this seems to be the case, this is something to examine. If it seems others are hurting you, consider ways you are hurting your self by entering into hurtful situations.

Another way to see this is through the Law of Attraction; you draw others into your life who reflect back to you the way you treat your self. If you are hurting your self in some way, others will show up in your life in hurtful circumstances. This is to help you gain awareness of how you are treating your self so you can learn to love your self more and treat your self better. As you view past situations, observe the vibration of your own energy in these past times and the circumstances and people your vibration was drawing into your life. The people and circumstances magnetized by your vibration were simply mirroring aspects of your self.

Embracing the Lessons of Relationships

It is also wise if you are in a relationship you consider to be hurtful, to consider how it is hurtful. Are you denying the desires of your soul by remaining in this relationship? Is it necessary for you to deny yourself an experience you truly desire by being in this relationship? Are you, in fact, denying who you truly are by being in this relationship? Are you denying your self the opportunity to grow? Are you failing to be loving and nurturing to your self? Does being in the relationship prevent you from caring for your self? If any of these are the case, consider that you may be entering into situations that are hurtful to your self. Since it is you doing the entering into, it is you who is doing the hurting. This is not a judgment, only an acknowledgment.

Do not judge your self if you find this to be the case. To truly understand your self as a wise and infinite being, you may choose for a time to experience what it is like to be limited and dis-empowered. Once you come

88 into this understanding, there is no further need to experience this disempowerment. What sometimes happens is a person becomes over- identified with their conscious mind and ego. When this happens, it is possible to become stuck in old beliefs around limitation.

The fact that you are reading this says you are ready to step free of limitation and write your self a new role in the movie of your life.

The good news is since it is you doing the hurting, you can choose to stop at any time. You can write your self a new part in the movie script of your dream. Imagine your life working. Imagine your self entering into loving, positive relationships and situations that support your growth and well- being. From this standpoint, you begin to heal past hurts because you now understand that people and situations that seemed hurtful in the past were teaching you to create something better. They were teaching you the importance of loving and nurturing your self and using a high level of discernment in all choices. They were showing you the way to write your self the role you truly desire in the script of your life.

Entering the Portal of Letting Go

Today we will bring awareness to the "wholesale" change created in your life during times of spiritual transformation. As you come more fully into alignment with your soul, many shifts take place within your energetic field. A great energy sweeps over you that has the power to transform your life, creating "wholesale" change at every level. This translates into every part of your life.

Transforming the Energy of Your Physical Reality

One way to facilitate change is by bringing your physical existence more into alignment with your soul. This creates a shift in your vibration, triggering a great wave of change that can seem overwhelming. Consider this wave of change a test that provides you with an opportunity to renew your faith in your spiritual direction, your higher self and all-that-is. Sometimes a person undergoing a "test" feels fear around such massive change and draws back from a path of accelerated spiritual growth. This is the case when one interprets change as creating bad or negative results. It is understandable that one might feel concern when people leave their life and circumstances that were once a cornerstone of their existence come to an end. It is important to understand that these changes are not a judgment or punishment but just the inner workings of the universe in its underlying love and wisdom.

89 When massive change happens in your life, it is because your vibration has changed. You have taken steps to love your self more and to perceive your self in a new way, therefore peeling back another layer of the veils that hold you within an illusory reality. When you are suddenly able to "see" more of your true reality, it is like shining a flashlight into a dark room cluttered with old items from the past. In other words, you become aware of pockets of dead, stagnant energy that exist in your life. This new awareness generates within itself the motivation needed to clear and revitalize these old energies. As the energy in your life is cleared, your energetic vibration shifts to a new octave that is more free, more vital and filled with life force energy. You may have heard the saying that if you want to change your life, start by cleaning your house. This literal housecleaning is the physical action the triggers a symbolic housecleaning at all other levels.

Clearing the Energy of the Past

When this old energy is cleared or transformed, your vibration shifts to an even higher vibration, kicking in the Law of Attraction. This universal law says you draw to you that which exists at a similar vibration. It is a logical outcome that when your vibration changes, some of those people, situations and things that had been magnetized to your life at the previous vibration will no longer be magnetized. This is the point where many souls encounter a rite of passage that tests their faith. During a rite of passage, a person might lose their job, their marriage and numerous friendships. They may undergo any number of other changes. There might even be a physical cleansing or detoxing. If a person is not ready to move into the next level, they may experience fear around these changes and pull back from the steps they have taken in their spiritual growth in an effort to save their career, their marriage, their friendships and so on. They in effect "dumb down" their vibration to the previous level.

This dumbing down does not truly prevent change, though it may slow it down. During such slowdowns, the person gets a look at what their life will be if they cease to grow spiritually. Most beings faced with a stagnant existence opt to surrender to the forward flow of spiritual growth. For this reason, attempts at "dumbing down" rarely last long. To remain within a stagnant life flow for any length of time would result in physical illness. Increasingly pressing circumstances are created as alignment with spirit lessens. These uncomfortable situations are in a sense the soul's way of awakening the conscious mind to the need to continue on the spiritual path.

If you are reading this, it means you are ready to accept and embrace the Law of Attraction and the changes that naturally flow into your life when

90 you choose a course of spiritual growth. You are ready to embrace this understanding that when you change your vibration, you change your life circumstances. In this context, when you move with this flow, people may leave or enter your life; you may change careers or move to a new location. You may be drawn to new experiences, new ideas and ways of being. All this is a great blessing and part of the flow of life.

Acknowledging the Gifts of the Past

As the wave of this great new flow erupts onto the shores of your life, it is a good time to acknowledge those things that are leaving your life. Express gratitude to those people who have shared time and space with you. Understand if someone is now leaving your life, it is not an abandonment but part of life's natural flow. Consider how you began to energetically leave this connection some time ago. Consider that this was not a true or intentional "leaving," but rather a moving toward the fulfillment of your own purpose for this lifetime.

As you move toward the fulfillment of your purpose, this frees others to move toward their fulfillment as well. If you lose a job, consider how this position while once filled with growth and potential, has ceased to serve your higher good. Your learning experience within the position may now be complete, opening the door to new experiences. It is at such times of transition that you are given the opportunity to release attachment and "let go" of anything from the past you may be holding onto. This letting go involves seeing these changes as part of the Divine order of the universe and learning to welcome and embrace them. This process of letting go may be followed by sadness or grief that in its purest form gives way to a true love and appreciation of what has been. It is in this state of gratitude and love for what has been that you are able to move through the passage guiding you into the future and everything that comes after.

Entering the Portal of Self-Awareness

It may seem at times you are operating in your earthly life with only part of the facts. This explains why some things that occur are difficult to understand. We can explain this in simple terms. It is because there are parts of your self you don't know.

Each person has many different facets or "aspects." At any given time, you operate through a focus self influenced by other aspects operating in the background. What is most familiar to you is your conscious focus self. By the time most people are middle-aged, they have experienced many different facets of their conscious personality. Yet the subconscious and

91 superconscious selves remain a mystery to many. These are aspects of your self that exist beyond the physical realm. You may refer to these aspects as your "higher self." These aspects regularly appear on the stage of your nightly dreams, acting out symbolic scripts in the universal language of images. These scripts are designed to reveal to you the state of your connection to your spirit, and the purpose and meaning of your earthly existence.

Uniting All Your Aspects in the Light of Self-Awareness

Those who have forged a union of their conscious, subconscious and superconscious minds live in the light of self-awareness. They understand the purpose of their present life in the context of an arc of past and future life selves and are able to call upon the understandings gained in other lives, past and future. These beings live beyond the confines of a purely physical perspective and are therefore not susceptible to the types of lessons experienced by those who exist within a purely physical perspective.

Self-Awareness Transforms Your Destiny

It is possible to move beyond this limited life experience by stating the intention to do so. Intention powered by attention, will and effort has the power to effectively activate one’s internal four-wheel-drive and free the life from the ruts and pitfalls of a purely physical existence.

There are steps you can take to activate this internal propulsion system and enter the Portal of Self-Awareness. Discovering and re-membering the many aspects of your self sets you free from a purely physical perspective.

You may have read that humans only use a portion of their brains. The unused portion mirrors in the physical world the vast, untapped resources of the subconscious and superconscious minds. As above, so below. As you learn to re-engage these other dimensions of your self, you will begin to use a higher percentage of your brain. It is this otherwise unused portion of the brain that is designed to work with the spiritual dimensions. All parts of your self united and functioning effectively restructures your DNA and transforms your destiny.

Learning to Step Outside Time and Space

In order to unite these unknown parts of your self, you will need to learn how to step outside of time and space. We offer here some steps to transcending time and space. These include working with dreams,

92 decoding the symbols of your sleeping and waking dreams, learning to still your mind through concentration exercises, meeting with your higher mind through meditation, asking for, opening to receive, and acting upon guidance, and enlivening your earthly existence with life force energy. These are some steps that can help you to learn to exist outside the confines of time and space. Once outside these confines, you are free to travel to the past or future and meet previously unknown aspects of your self.

This understanding can help place your present life in the context of many. This deeper understanding of who you are across time creates awareness of the many influences and aspects you are experiencing within this lifetime. This self-awareness translates into a deeper understanding of every thought, every encounter, every situation, and every feeling.

Re-membering Your Selves Unites You with Your Higher Self

When you know all your selves, you have a more direct experience of all- that-is. You are more at peace, more aware of the Divine being that you are. You are able to see the heart of others and step into the “big picture” of every situation you encounter. In your daily life, you understand that through the Law of Attraction you draw to you those energies that are resonant with your own.

Awareness of your selves can create the insights needed to free one’s self from the bonds of misunderstanding.

It is by entering the Portal of Self-Awareness again and again with the intention to know and heal your selves across time that you truly awaken to your self of the present moment where the unconditional love of all time and all-that-is resides.

Entering the Portal of Spiritual Acceptance

A thread of belief is woven into the fabric of the physical world that death is the end of consciousness. This is not the case, but it is a fear that has been used to control many minds. The “who” that is utilizing this myth is not as important as the “why” of this myth’s creation in a spiritual sense. For the purpose of this discussion, we will explain both the who and the why, since they are intricately linked.

The Spiritual Purpose for Dramas on the World's Stage

At the spiritual level, souls volunteer to help create understandings for

93 others. Some of these souls work at a level where they are helping soul groups gain insights needed for their spiritual evolution, while others help bring about great dramas on the world’s stage. These dramas add to the spiritual understandings of many and in some cases, alter the course of human history. Many souls have helped humanity as a whole elevate in consciousness through the creation of a great drama on the world’s stage. The events of 911 and many events related to both world wars are examples. With present-day light-speed communications, many more souls are now able to play out important archetypal roles for the mass of humanity.

Some souls assist humanity through their intentions to promote their own personal agendas in the material world by controlling and influencing human minds. Many humans enslaved by such agendas have been able to gain important understandings about freedom. Once a soul understands freedom, it can never truly be enslaved again.

Rather than point out the multitudinous scenarios in your world designed to enslave human consciousness, we point to the blessings of such enslavement. Once you are able to see these blessings, you are free in every sense. We are focusing in this discussion on fear of death, which is the most deep-seated form of human enslavement. This fear is archtypically positioned in human consciousness as a gatekeeper to advanced consciousness.

We return now to those who attempt to use fear to control the minds of humanity with the greatest fear of all on the earth plane, which is death. Although the beings who utilize fear to control humans may have consciously forgotten their spiritual purpose to assist others in their spiritual evolution, this is no less the case. Any effort to control humanity has the paradoxical ability to free humanity.

Physical and Spiritual Perspectives on Death

The human mind presented with fear of death has two choices at its command. The first choice is to retreat into a position of deeper fear. Some hallmarks of this retreat are scarcity consciousness, which reaches for every obtainable resource in an attempt to "buy time." Another sign of this retreat is narcissism, in which the conscious mind becomes lost in its insatiable need for survival. A third precept of retreat into fear is a belief in victimization, where it seems others are writing the script for the life, calling the shots. These "others" are often considered to be insensitive, uncaring and even bad or evil people. A fourth precept is the illusion of isolation and separation - the individual exists all alone in a hostile or at

94 best, an indifferent universe. There are many offshoots of these four hallmarks.

The second choice for the human mind confronted with fear of its own death is to "see through" the illusion that consciousness ceases to exist with the death of the physical body. This is to the conscious mind what may be termed "accepting the unacceptable." Survival is the unspoken mandate of physical existence, but a mind that believes survival to be the entire purpose of an earthly incarnation has only half the truth. Physical survival is necessary in order to carry out the spiritual purpose for the lifetime but aligning with spiritual purpose is necessary for physical survival. The flow of life force energy into the physical system is necessary to sustain life, and this flow is proportionate to spiritual alignment.

Physical survival for its own sake is never the purpose of a life. In fact, paradoxically the person who chooses survival as the primary focus for a lifetime is committing a kind of "small death" that over time will result in another life lived in the same circumstances in an attempt to gain the lessons that were being sought in the previous life.

'Seeing Through' Fear of Your Own Death

We have come full circle in this explanation of how the being who sets out to control minds utilizing the fear of death is in effect assisting those souls by offering them the opportunity to evolve past the limitations of their present understandings. Learning to see through the fear of one’s own death is an understanding that unlocks the door to many other advanced understandings, hastening the evolution of the soul across lifetimes.

We have come this long route of explanation to help you the see how everything that happens in your life is in accordance with spiritual perfection. Acceptance of "what is" allows you to take the next step in your spiritual evolution, whereas resistance to "what is" constitutes a decision to stay the same. A choice to remain in a state of stagnation is an unconscious decision toward physical death and rebirth into the same state of consciousness for another attempt at conscious growth, evolution and acceptance.

By entering the Portal of Spiritual Acceptance again and again, you are able to see everything that happens in physical reality as an opportunity to grow spiritually and expand conscious understandings. Even major dramas on the world's stage when viewed through the eyes of spirit have the power to free humanity from the shackles of earthly illusion. When you are able to take the most profound step of accepting physical death, you

95 embrace the eternal nature of your spirit and take the most glorious step of your own becoming.

Entering the Portal of Spiritual Self-Sufficiency

Many times in your life you will receive spiritual knowledge and inspiration through others. Regardless of the teachings you receive, the books you read or events you attend, your true spiritual path lies within. This path is a culmination of choices, actions and understandings that come together by virtue of the learning situations you create and the intuitive insights you invite to you in moments of silence and communion with spirit.

Listening for the Loving Voice of Your Inner Teacher

As the Earth shifts and evolves, following your spiritual path becomes more important than ever. It is only by constant attunement to your higher self that you receive the signals and clues that will guide you through times of uncertainty and change when you are called upon again and again to step into the unknown. It is also this faith and trust in your spiritual connection that brings you into your true abilities. By forging deeper levels of connection, you are able to reclaim the inner gifts of vision, listening and knowing. In this space of communion, there is only the loving presence of spirit that speaks to you from within. This is the voice of your inner teacher that is always showing you the way through the illusory dream and the suffering that spins from your investment in it. Your teachers in the outer world can point the way to this deeper communion, but it is you who must tend the fires of this connection day by day and hour by hour.

There is no person, teacher, “guru” or guide who can walk your spiritual path for you. In fact, this is a path you walk largely within the silence of your own heart. Your spiritual path is not a superhighway lined with on and off ramps leading to delicious distractions. There is a time and place in your life for festivities, but you must learn to create the causes for joy within each moment, not just the times when you are surrounded by friends and festivities. You would not want to solely eat a diet of sugary sweets; you would want to include in your daily diet green foods that sustain you with energy and health. Just as you feed your body what is whole and good for it, you feed your spirit with nourishing moments of inner communion and stillness. This is another example of spiritual self- sufficiency.

Self-Sufficiency, Empowerment and Co-Dependency

Your guides and teachers have been instructed to bring you into this place

96 of spiritual self-reliance. There are no dependency relationships, no emotional attachments as you come into your true empowerment as a spiritual being. There is a great joy in the sharing of open hearts giving and receiving in a loving space beyond the limitations of attachment and co-dependency. Co-dependency is the reliance on others for one’s emotional and spiritual sustenance. If you understand the Law of Attraction, then you know a person who is dependent on others cannot fully come into their spiritual power. Co-dependency comes from a place of addiction deeply rooted in the illusion. Inside this place is a belief that you are unable to access the abundance of your spiritual connection. Addictive mindsets breed scarcity consciousness. Scarcity consciousness by its nature does not allow the abundance of spirit to flow. Addiction is a place of seeing Divinity as something outside one’s self.

There is no lover, partner, teacher, friend, parent, sibling, son or daughter, or other entity who can walk your spiritual path for you. Be grateful for anything that can be shared along the way, but do not expect there will be always someone there to walk with you. In fact, spiritual self-sufficiency is born inside those moments when you face your deepest fears and surrender to Divine will. It is only when you come to the "jumping off place," where you find the courage to jump into the waiting arms of spirit and give your life to your spiritual purpose that you come into your true knowing.

To determine if you are coming from a place of co-dependence or self- sufficiency, ask your self if you are an asset or a liability in a community of spiritual beings. The greatest gift you can share with others is the gift of your life working. Those who radiate a giving spirit and a sense of self- sufficiency have much to offer. Those who send out a vibration of neediness and scarcity consciousness repel others with their demands and constant requests for assistance. If you find that you exude an energy of neediness, look within for the sustenance you are seeking. There is no other who can fill this void but your self.

Detachment Heals Cosmic Co-Dependence

Your existence on the earth plane as a spirit coming into a physical body is by definition a kind of cosmic co-dependence. As a spirit in a physical body, you are susceptible to the illusion that you are trapped inside a purely physical existence. You can free your self from this illusion by practicing detachment. When you detach, you step into a place of love and trust by aligning with your spirit. Detachment allows you to step outside the emotional whirlwind of your physical existence and enter a calm, peaceful place of spirit where you are free to carry out your spiritual

97 purpose on the earth, unfettered by crippling dependency and emotional attachments.

Preparing Your Inner Temple

As you draw nearer to the time of great change, prepare your inner temple. This is an inner, sacred space where you can experience the love and nurturing of the universe; it is a space where you can commune with your guides and angels; where you can meet and learn from the past and future life selves that make up your higher self. This is also the place where you receive the vision of what you are creating in your near future. It is here that you receive instruction from your future self on steps you can take to create the future you see in your dreams and visions. This is the place where you free your past self from the tyranny of trauma and suffering. These are only part of the treasures you access when you step into a place of emotional freedom and spiritual self-sufficiency.

By entering the Portal of Spiritual Self-Sufficiency, you discover the well- spring of every creation and learn to take responsibility for every aspect and occurrence in your life. It is this self-sufficiency and self-responsibility that brings you into your full empowerment as a spiritual being. As you come into this place of spiritual self-sufficiency, you find the presence of the Divine within.

Entering the Portal of Spiritual Freedom

There is a thoughtform that exists on the Earth plane that thrives in certain levels of consciousness. This is the thoughtform of slavery. There are obvious ways in which this thoughtform manifests itself in your world. In some cases, human beings are literally bought and sold. To those who consider themselves to be living in an enlightened society, these more obvious forms of slavery are not acceptable. Yet even as you may consider this reality far from your daily existence, it swirls all around you, eating at the heart of collective consciousness, a worm constantly reproducing itself in new forms. The bright hope of all the universe is that a new awareness drifting through the dreams of earthly life will take hold and seed freedom within Earth's future history. To assist you in awakening to these new dreams, we will shine the light of awareness on the many ways the thoughtform of slavery infiltrates your world.

The Master/Slave Thought Form

First, we bring your attention to the mindset many humans hold toward the other kingdoms that exist on the Earth plane. These are animal, plant and

98 mineral. There is a way of seeing all life subjugated to the careless will of a blind master who sees only his own wishes and desires. There is a great misunderstanding in your world that this carelessness is acceptable. It is the way in which the most helpless in your world are treated that charts the course of your society in the records of all-time. This includes the way in which the environment is viewed. This perspective is at the root of your present environmental crisis and the extinction of many animal and plant species. Those who enslave and mistreat the meek among you reap the rewards of an enslaved consciousness constantly pushing against the ever narrowing confines of a closed heart and mind. Whenever a human steps free of this most basic enslaving thoughtform, a great song rises from the angelic realm. Heaven and Earth step closer together.

The second form of enslavement is false wealth. Understand the only true wealth is an abundance of the flow of spirit into the life. If wealth of resources is needed to fulfill one's earthly mission, wealth in all forms materializes to the extent it is needed and used. If the need is for an abundance of time, wealth will appear in that form. True wealth takes many forms depending on the need of the life purpose.

The True Nature of `Karma'

On Earth, false wealth is often created by those who do not understand the principles of true wealth. False wealth is any gain created at the expense of others -- other humans, animals, plants, minerals and the Earth itself. This wealth is always created at the expense of one's own personal mission in life, and at the expense of one's spiritual progression. This is a point where great karma is created in your world. Remember that karma is the triggering of a series of events to create needed understandings. If a person is in the business of buying and selling human beings, they in effect trigger and set into motion future events -- in this lifetime or another -- that will help them understand how this activity is not aligned with the will and desire of their spirit. Sometimes gaining an understanding of this magnitude is a journey that spans lifetimes. Sometimes it is the journey of a few hours or seconds, depending on the readiness of the consciousness for spiritual alignment.

The Master is the Slave

Even when one gains awareness of ways in which they seek to enslave others, they may remain unaware of ways in which they continue to enslave themselves. Examples would be jobs that are not fulfilling, religions and ideologies that limit growth, diets and lifestyles that poison the existence, and old programming from a number of sources that range

99 from family influences to institutional efforts to program and enslave mass consciousness.

At subtle levels, the enslavement of others may be unintentional and may only be an offshoot of the practice of enslaving one’s self. Here is a great truth about the human condition: a person rarely treats others better than they treat themselves. That is why true love and compassion must grow from within.

This enslavement of self is the third means of enslavement. This is often the last to go and the most difficult to release. It is important you understand that all of what has been described – the enslavement of the helpless and the enslavement of false wealth – both of these include enslavement of self. If a person seeks to enslave another, they enslave themselves. This may not be in the same way that one is enslaving others because enslavement of self is infinitely more profound. While a person may be able to enslave another's physical existence, they are not necessarily able to enslave another's spirit. When one enslaves one’s self, it is at all levels – body, mind and soul.

Lightworkers and Self-Enslaving Thought Forms

This self-enslavement is a thread that continues to bind many would-be lightworkers to a lower vibration that casts a dim glow on the world they seek to heal. At this time when the radiant light of spirit is greatly needed to free the Earth plane of its shackles, many of those who have volunteered to focus and anchor the beam of this light enslave themselves in many manifestations of illusion such as addictions, codependency, false wealth and apathy. Some in your world have chosen to enclose themselves in a literal wall of flesh, effectively shackling their present existence to past dietary choices and self-destructive habits. What is worse, powerful souls who choose to enslave themselves unconsciously bring down the vibration of all those around them.

To free one's own consciousness, one must be willing to enter the Portal of Spiritual Freedom again and again. Spiritual freedom is the ability to choose one's highest path inside every moment, unhindered by illusory thoughts and beliefs that block the path to self-realization and the unconditional love of all-that-is. It is inside this portal where every aspect of one's waking dream is examined to detect the ways in which one is enslaving their own consciousness and that of others. Inside this portal, guides assist in bringing awareness of enslaving thoughtforms that still permeate the consciousness, and help create the vision for a future free of all forms of slavery. It is the recognition of one's own enslavement and will

100 toward freedom that turns the key in the lock, releasing the shackles of all thoughtforms that imprison consciousness. Beyond these shackles exists a deep and profound freedom where the soul unites fully with the earthly consciousness, ushering in a new day in human consciousness.

Entering the Portal of Self-Determination

There are many now in your world who feel they have little say over parts of their lives. It seems there are forces outside themselves who predetermine so much about what is possible. It is true, the vision many hold for their lives comes from the outer world rather than their spirit and higher self. This outer, limited vision does not allow for self-determination. But this does not have to be the case. There is a way to design and chart your course in life.

Accepting Your True Nature As a Divine Being

First, it is important to understand the ways in which a person gives away their power. It is through disowning their true nature as Divine beings. Inherent within disowning is the idea that “salvation” and healing lies outside one's self in the hands of another entity. This idea of an outer savior keeps many on the Earth plane enslaved to thoughtforms that say they must wait for a savior to appear in order to grow. While outer teachers may appear at certain times in a life, we can tell you that each person is their own savior. In other words, the only salvation is that which is found within. It is by owning the infinite nature of your being that you are able to transcend the illusion.

Other misunderstandings that lead to loss of personal power are apathy and lack of self-responsibility. Refusing to take responsibility for everything in your life is a way in which many disown their power. There are those who say they feel victimized by the circumstances of their lives, by their current financial situation, by the way they were raised, the attitudes of their family and how they are treated by others. It may seem at times there are people "against" you. This is all part of the illusion, reflecting to you the ways you are against your self. Apathy is equally disempowering. Apathetic people often make the choice to not make choices and decisions. This may seem an “easier” way, but failing to choose is a choice that ultimately leads to choices being made for you by default. When this happens, it is easy to "buy into" the illusion that the circumstances of your life are beyond your control.

101 Challenges as Doorways to Higher Consciousness

Another way people fail to step into their power is by failing to embrace the challenges and circumstances of their lives. If you refuse to embrace the circumstances, you can't reap their gifts. If you are born into poverty, into a race that is the target of prejudice, or as a sex that is underprivileged in your culture, rejoice. For within these circumstances, you find the seeds of your greatest blessings. The person who has little in the way of material possessions has the opportunity to experience another kind of abundance that is unfettered by the whims of the outer world. The person who was born into a situation of great wealth must work many times harder for the same opportunity. If you are born into a race that encounters prejudice, it is a great opportunity to "see through" the illusionary hierarchy of the physical world. Imagine how difficult it is to detach from a purely physical existence when you are born into a life of ease and privilege. The level of motivation and desire determines whether a person succeeds in creating their most deeply-held visions. Prior to incarnating, many souls "build in" challenging scenarios early in life to provide them with the motivation needed to fulfill their purpose.

For example, learning to believe in your self when it seems no one else does is a gift that takes you far beyond the shackles of an earth-bound consciousness. Such gifts are afforded those who have created great works in the history of their incarnations. By contrast, those who speak against others and commit acts of violence effectively "sign on" to attend life classes that will help them view their actions from a new perspective. This is what is considered karma in your world. Choosing a course of action is akin to enrolling in a course of study. If your curriculum is racial discrimination, you will study every facet of racial discrimination from every possible perspective. This course of study may be undertaken in this life or in future lives. Even so, this is not a punishment for your actions. It is more like the gentle instruction of a loving parent to a child who does not understand the significance of their actions. This is also a blessing. The further you travel on your spiritual path, the more obvious the blessings become, even those that many would not recognize.

Sleeping and Awakening Consciousness

The fact that you are reading channelings such as these says you are part of human consciousness that is starting to awaken. You are currently a minority on your planet. One need only watch the daily news to see the reality of this. Almost two thirds of those incarnate on the earth plane are still part of sleeping consciousness. A sleeping consciousness fears what it cannot see. Because “sleepers” are heavily veiled, there are many things

102 they cannot see. It becomes difficult to recognize blessings as they arrive. It is difficult to recognize the love that is the heart of those they identify as "enemy." It is difficult to interpret spiritual writings, so literal rather than symbolic interpretations are applied, losing much of the true meaning. In this way, sleeping consciousness is screened from many of the great teachings of the world.

In this state of sleeping consciousness, there is still the perception of outer forces at work. These outer forces can be interpreted as controlling, all- powerful and even shadowy. These shadows are unknown, unrecognized, and unloved parts of the sleeper’s own consciousness. Even universal laws are adversaries to the sleeping consciousness. Fear of the unknown in the sleeping consciousness quickly becomes victim consciousness. It is in this way that a condition such as poverty becomes an oppressive, suffocating force in life, rather than the blessing of an opportunity to discover the true wealth of spirit that lies within.

Many sleepers approach the point of wakefulness time and again and turn back each time they sense the magnitude of the transition. Eventually all souls make this transition for remaining asleep holds one in a stagnating pattern. The sleeping consciousness is doomed to rely on the intuition of others. This is not true insight and spiritual growth. The journey of each soul is to forge its own connection with spirit and chart its own way home. This is only accomplished through full surrender.

Transitions between waking and sleeping consciousness present a new set of opportunities. These changes offer the opportunity to believe in one’s self and in the loving support of the universe. There is a great shift between sleeping and waking consciousness. Waking consciousness requires one to release suffering, victimhood, blame and other negative patterns. Once this release takes place, much energy is freed that allows one to experience a deep sense of inner peace and oneness. Viewed from this perspective, the choice between suffering and love appears obvious. Once one clears the hurdles to an awakening consciousness, the transition can happen easily.

Jumping off the inner cliff into the waiting arms of spirit is the only true awakening. In this complete surrender, earthly consciousness finds its safety net in the universal love that is the true means for entering the Portal of Self-Determination. Inside this portal, each person is the architect of their own lives, the visionary of their own future and the healer of their inner and outer worlds.

103 Entering the Portal of Transformation

It happens sometimes that difficult and challenging circumstances arrive in your life. Your first response to these circumstances may be to reject or resist them. How often have you thought during such times, if it were not for this person or that situation, my life would be happy and peaceful? A common misunderstanding is to blame others for the problems you are experiencing. Allowing your self to fall into blame and resistance only draws to you more of the same.

Resistance to Difficult People or Circumstances

While you may find it difficult to welcome unwanted circumstances, be aware anything that triggers a negative response within you is a gift. A seemingly difficult circumstance offers a window to your inner world. This window gives you an opportunity to "see" yourself in new ways that are not always readily accessible. A negative reaction to a person or situation brings to light important information that normally lies buried and out of reach. To decode this information, you can begin to look at your reaction and the feelings you are experiencing.

The energies you have drawn to you in the form of a person or situation are reflecting to you some aspect of your self. The Law of Attraction says like attracts like. You draw to you what you are. This is not a judgment. You create every situation in your life as a needed learning experience. Sometimes experiences bring your attention to a way of being, an attitude, belief or thought pattern that no longer serves you in the way it was originally intended. If you draw a person into your life that seems disrespectful, look to see if there's some way in which you are disrespecting your self. If you find this to be the case, you can follow the thread back through time to understand ways you have not loved your self as you could have, and ways that you have sabotaged your own efforts. By bringing this pattern into awareness, you can begin to heal it. You do this by transforming your beliefs about your self and what you deserve. This allows you to adopt new ways of being that are more loving and respectful to your self.

Reading the energy that shows up in your life and opening to the messages it offers carries you into the Portal of Transformation where all energies are transmuted to the vibration of love. By entering this portal, you are able to create healing and positive change in your world. Over time, these steps toward healing and wholeness spill over into every aspect of your existence. You radiate the light of this new understanding like a beacon to others who are seeking it. At the same time, you draw to you others who

104 have taken responsibility for their life experience and who understand their role as creator . This is the true path of transformation.

When you accept each experience that arrives in your life and welcome the lessons it contains, you walk the path of growth and expansion that will eventually free you from the wheel of suffering and open you to the gifts each moment has to offer.

105 Portals for Developing Intuitive Skills

While all the portals of spirit have the ability to help us develop our intuitive skills, some are more directly focused on developing intuition. The Portal of Dreams helps us bridge our conscious and subconscious minds. It is this bridging that allows us direct access to our higher self and the vast knowledge and resources of the universe. In this portal, we learn how to interpret the meaning of symbols in both our sleeping and waking dreams. Two portals closely aligned with dreams are the Portals of Clear Seeing and Spiritual Vision. The Portal of Clear Seeing teaches us to clear away all that stands in the way of our being able to see ourselves and the world around us more clearly. Unresolved emotional traumas and other distorted ways of perceiving reality can obscure from us the true nature of our being and the gifts we came here to share with the world through our life purpose.

The Portal of Spiritual Vision shows us how to see through the illusion of the physical world and become spiritual "seers" by learning to see the world through our spiritual eyes. By connecting with your spiritual senses, you're able to see the sparkling realities that exist beyond the world of illusion. As a seer, you share your vision through the gifts of art, writing, and many other forms that help lift others to the next level of their being.

The Portal of Telepathy shows us how to begin to cultivate a skill that will become commonplace in Earth’s future history. As we learn to communicate mind to mind and heart to heart, we’re able to expand our ability to share who we are with others. It is inside the Portal of Telepathy that we begin to stand naked within our own thoughts. With telepathy, nothing is hidden. We live in full acceptance of ourselves and others.

Entering the Portal of Dreams

We ask you to consider now dreams in a way that is beyond what you may have previously conceived. There are few who truly comprehend all that is taking place in their dreams and the possibilities that exist within them. From this perspective, you can choose to expand whatever you have envisioned your self experiencing in your nightly journeys.

It is at this time of sleep, when the conscious mind relinquishes its hold on your reality that you are able to travel into worlds beyond worlds where you are free to experience any reality you choose. Though some recall these nightly journeys, the ability to understand dreams is often limited by the conscious mind’s ability to grasp what has occurred. Once the range of possible travel itineraries is understood, conscious explorations can begin,

106 taking one well beyond the reaches of both the sleeping and waking worlds. Here we will give you some idea of these possible itineraries.

Dreams Experiences Are Real And Can Change Your Life

When discussing the possibilities of your dream world, it is important to understand the saying “as above, so below” is very real. When you undertake nightly journeys into higher realms, your energetic vibration changes in ways that will soon bring the essence of your dream experiences into the experience of your conscious, waking world. The same is true in reverse. Conscious dreams into higher realms change the tone and essence of nightly dreams. All these journeys are best undertaken with full conscious knowing of their “realness” and implications. All explorations in consciousness -- dreams and otherwise -- are real and will change your life in ways that can't often be anticipated.

Another consideration is the way in which the nightly dream world mirrors your conscious, waking world. Dreams are one way you are able to decipher and decode the meaning of events in your waking world, and receive inner guidance about them. Your guides and higher self will always respond to the efforts you make in your waking life to work with your dreams. The effort you make in your waking world to remember and interpret your nightly dreams determines the degree to which decoding takes place within your dreams. At the same time, any conscious attempt to grow spiritually will expand the range of travel itineraries available to you in your nightly journeys.

Dreams Are Multi-layered Messages from Other Aspects of Your Self

Any attempt to unravel your dreams is important and will bring results. The act of remembering and interpreting dreams is a first step. Dreams occur at many different levels, each one consisting of layered meanings. Just as there are parts of your waking world that remain unseen and unrealized until your awareness expands sufficiently to comprehend them, additional layers of your dreams are accessed with an awareness expanded by hundreds of simple dream interpretations. It is in this daily practice of working with dreams that you become fluent in the language of your soul. This fluency opens the door to many forms of intuitive communion. Do not underestimate the importance of your dreams. They are a valuable window to the workings of your inner world. Whether awake or asleep, you are always experiencing multiple dream states simultaneously.

You may wonder how dreams are created in who is sending the messages you receive in your dreams. Both the form and message of dreams come

107 from aspects of your self that exist beyond the boundaries of your conscious mind.

Conscious 'Waking' Dream States

One layer of dreaming involves shared dreams. Your conscious awareness has, for example, agreed to take part in many different dream states with others for the creation of shared experiences. You weave in and out of these many different dreams with variations of intensity. Sometimes you bring your focus into a few dominant dreams for concentrated learning experiences; at other times you expand into many dreams you are sampling in search of veins of needed experience. There is always an expansion and contraction of your conscious dream states depending on the purpose for growth and learning at the time. A soul that has just completed an intensive learning experience may choose to enter into an expanded sampling of many conscious dream states to fish the streams of life’s possibilities for a time before moving into another intensive period of focused learning. All conscious, waking dreams seek this balance of learning states that, when observed, resemble the cycles of the in breath and the out breath. This is important to keep in mind as this state of fluidity and flux in one’s conscious dream states can fall into judgment when not understood within proper perspective.

Some shared dream experiences are created by spiritual contracts that sometimes span lifetimes. There are souls you agree to meet while on the Earth plane for specific purposes. These soul contracts are based upon a higher purpose such as learning unconditional love, forgiveness and compassion. Sometimes these shared dreams are created to alleviate karma created in other lifetimes. Alleviating karma is essentially an attempt to gain needed understandings.

Discernment and Shared Dream States

As your awareness of shared dream states increases, you will become more discerning of the dream states in which you participate. Beware of any shared dream states you participate in by default. In your world, there are those who seek to manage and regulate conscious dream states -- their own as well as those of others. This is sometimes done for material gain by a government or industry. Intentions associated with this management and regulation of consciousness determine its outcome and karmic lessons. Conscious waking dream states are also regulated by motivations set forth as “spiritual” or “religious.” These are generally carried out with a careful interweaving of one's earliest consciousness with belief systems that support regulation through religion. The there also may be friends,

108 family or others in your life who seek to control and regulate your conscious dream states in ways that are not aligned with your highest good. Begin following the threads of your shared dream states to gain awareness of their true essence. This will help you determine if they are worthy of your energy.

The Awakened Consciousness and Dream States

The regulation and management of waking dream states can only occur when the consciousness is not truly awakened. Once one begins to awaken inside the conscious dream, the outside regulation and management of one's conscious dream state becomes less and less possible. The awakened consciousness takes over the regulation and management of its own waking dream, working in closer communion with one's guides and angels and higher self to develop conscious agendas for spiritual evolution and world service.

This conscious awakening extends into nightly dreams experienced during the sleep state. It is here that the consciousness can truly excel, for the subconscious mind exists outside the time and space continuum of the conscious dream. It is here that the conscious awareness is able to experience other dimensions, perform world service by astral journeying to sites of suffering and catastrophe, and assist lost souls in moving on in their spiritual evolution. Not all the “guides” and “angels” who assist on the earth plane are disincarnate.

The Future Akashics and Dream States

It is possible through nightly dream states to journey into the future of your world and bring back critical knowledge for your present moment. One way souls are able to gift humanity with new understandings in technology is by traveling deeply into spirit and translating spiritual knowledge into material creations that benefit humanity. All great inventors and originators of ideas have journeyed into spirit to bring back concepts that benefit your world. This is the hero’s journey that calls to all beings inside every measure of your time and space.

In order for a person to undertake these journeys, they must carry certain codings within their DNA. Those who have "signed on," to convey great works into human consciousness carry this coding within their DNA. Some are born with this coding while others adapt it later on according to the karmic blueprint for the lifetime. Those who seek the experience of finding their way alone in a chaotic world will only adopt advanced DNA coding later in life as they prepare to undertake the work they came here to

109 do. Those who choose this path of evolving through chaos make the best guides and messengers in the universe. They are increasingly adept at uniting with their soul in each new incarnation. If you are one of these, understand this circumstance comes from the intention to rapidly evolve one’s consciousness. The second type of originator, those born with the originator’s DNA coding, have already completed the cycle of earthly learning and are returning to birth specific knowledge into the world.

In your present timeframe, you refer to these beings as indigos and crystals. These individuals began incarnating on the Earth plane within the last century to help humanity move into its next level of earthly experience.

This is only a short explanation of the inner workings of the dream world. It is enough to know for now that turning your focus to your dream states, both waking and nightly, will greatly accelerate the healing of your inner world and through this healing, expand outward to help heal the suffering that exists on the Earth plane. Inside the Portal of Dreams, you will find the tools for your spiritual growth and evolution, and begin to plant the seeds for a new awareness capable of shifting human consciousness.

Entering the Portal of Clear-Seeing

In every moment of your world there are clues embedded in every part of your reality. These clues point to what is real. If you pay attention to these “signs and symbols,” they will teach you how to see through that which is illusory. When you are able to see through the illusion, you are ready to enter the Portal of Clear-Seeing.

Inside this portal, your vision "burns through" the illusion, enabling you to make choices and decisions based on inner truths rather than the shifting sands of physical reality. Understand, we do not ask you to disregard physical reality, but rather to learn to read it correctly, observing the deeper truths represented within it.

Part of clear seeing is holding in awareness that "linear reality" is only part of the complete picture and as such, points to deeper "unseen realities. Inner "seeing" is the ability to take information from the physical senses and distill its true essence and meaning. When you distill the true meaning of the world around you and your relationship to it, you gain access to these deeper realities within your self. So it is, when you learn to observe and interpret your physical reality, your awareness and spiritual understanding expands. Through the lens of awareness, symbols and their meaning unlock the door to the deeper meanings of your existence.

110 Seeing through the Illusion

You can begin to "see through" the illusion by examining each image and experience in your physical reality. If there is a person who "rubs you the wrong way," consider what it is about this person you find troublesome. Once you determine the attribute of this person that is disturbing to you, you have a clue to something within your self that you find disturbing. If there is a person in your life who you observe to have an underlying anger, consider how you may have some underlying anger as well. This is one of the true gifts of inner seeing, to be able to draw from your outer perceptions kernels of truth that reveal the atmosphere of your inner landscape.

Each Experience Unlocks Deeper Levels of Understanding

In the case of an illness, you can look at the symptoms to understand its meaning. If you experience blockages of flow in your heart area, this is a sign you need to open your heart. Cancer at its root has to do with inadequate amounts of oxygen to the cells, representing a need for greater flow of life force energy into the life. Unresolved emotional issues, particularly aged anger and a lack of self-love, are often instrumental in shutting down the flow of life force energy to the physical system. Accidents generally have to do with a lack of attention to details. The specific area that needs attention is represented by the part of the body affected.

Other life circumstances can be read to understand their meaning. The ending of a relationship can occur when one or both people undergo an internal (energetic) change. It can also signify the completion of a spiritual contract. The loss of a job can signal it is time to begin a new phase of one's life and discover a livelihood more closely aligned with one's spiritual purpose.

Learning to Read the Symbols of Your Nightly Dreams

Another way to see through the illusion is to interpret the symbols of your nightly dreams. Every part of a dream is symbolic and can be understand at several levels.

A dream where you are in your car trying to outrun someone is symbolic of trying to deny and escape parts of your self. (Everyone and everything in your dream symbolizes some aspect or characteristic of your self). If you crash your car during this escape, this indicates that denying some part of your self is negatively impacting your health. (A car or other personal

111 vehicle represents the physical body). Learning to understand the symbols of your dreams can help you become fluent in the language of your spirit and offers many insights to your spiritual progression and your life experience.

By learning to interpret the signs and symbols of your waking and dreaming worlds, you are able to enter the Portal of Clear-Seeing. Inside this portal, you are able to see through the illusion to the still clarity of your inner world.

Entering the Portal of Spiritual Vision

There is much in your world that waits to be seen, sparkling like stars behind a cloud-covered sky. Much of what obscures the "unseen" consists of the veils and 'overlays' in the heart and mind of the seer. Once a person learns to open their spiritual eyes, all that exists in the universe becomes visible.

Opening Your Spiritual Eyes to the World of the 'Unseen'

A great deal of what you term in your world is the sensing of the unseen with interpretations that often fall short in describing the inner workings of wisdom. The mysterious consists of that which your consciousness has not yet stretched to embrace. The value of the mysterious is its ability to draw attention to the unknown and the unseen. With sufficient attention, effort and right use of will, you can unravel the mysteries of the universe.

When you have not yet opened your spiritual eyes to see through illusion, it may seem some realities are intentionally obscured from you. This is by design to protect you (and others) until you develop the wisdom and self- responsibility to manage your natural gifts and abilities. There are no conspiracies or hidden agendas in the universe. The only "conspiracies" that exist in your world are those contrived by humans. Do not give these your time and energy. The only mystery worth understanding is that of your own heart. As you pay closer attention to the feelings and passions that reside there, you will begin to discover who you are. When you understand who you are, you receive the wisdom and clairvoyance of spiritual vision to see the universe as it truly is.

A World Full of 'Seers'

There are already many seers in your world. We can tell you that about 5% of those who exist on earth have the gift of clairvoyance. This may seem

112 like a small number, but throughout the pages of history, there have been even fewer.

Your world is changing quickly. By the year 2100, 30% of those who remain on Earth will have the gift of clairvoyance. This number will multiply exponentially with each succeeding generation. It will become far easier to open to spiritual vision in times to come. There are several reasons why this will occur. As more people on the planet shift to a high vibratory pattern, this vibration will become predominant. Those who are spiritually awakened will anchor and hold this energy for others to access.

Another reason greater numbers will open their spiritual eyes is that the Earth will become less violent and chaotic. The present moment of your world is a difficult place to be when a being comes into their full clairvoyance. Those who see all bear witness to the suffering taking place within any given moment in many places on the earth. Imagine going through your daily life suddenly having an image enter your mind of torture and killings, of cataclysmic natural disasters; of the suffering of millions. Those who see and feel the pain of the world must daily love pain into a place of peace inside their own hearts. These are beings who light the way to the future of humankind.

Seers Transmute the World's Pain in their Own Hearts

Seers who have learned to transmute the world's pain and suffering began by transforming the pain in their own heart. They learned through the slow turning of the wheel of life to love and forgive every person and every life circumstance. They know all life circumstances are events "staged" with the roving band of "actors" from one's soul group to create needed learning opportunities. When the conscious mind or ego accepts this cosmic truth, the spiritual eyes are opened to take in the parade of lifetimes. From this place, it becomes possible to truly "see" one’s self and others.

For example, if a person is standing before you with many sad stories of why their life is not working, you hear the words with your physical senses, but you see the truth with your inner eyes. You see the person’s energy field where their past lives play like a thousand movies depicting moments waiting to be unlocked and released. You see the soul in its quest for wisdom and growth like a pristine oasis beneath a wasteland of misunderstanding and regret. You see the physical body deteriorating as blockages crystallize in the energy field, preventing the free flow of life force energy. You see sadness and confusion manifest in the energy field. Clairaudience (hearing/listening), clairsentience (feeling/seeing) and

113 claircognizance (knowing) go hand-in-hand with clairvoyance. These allow you to see through illusory appearances of the physical world, to feel what a person (or animal) is feeling, and to hear behind each word entire dissertations revealing the soul essence and vibration across lifetimes.

Self-Responsibility is Key to Accessing Spiritual Vision

No one gains access to the spiritual senses until they are ready to assume responsibility for the knowing that comes with such gifts. Just as there are many in your world who dream of becoming millionaires without full understanding of the tremendous responsibility that accompanies such wealth and the resulting karma (from mishandling it), there are those who seek inner powers without a willingness to accept the responsibility for their wise use. Even with great expenditure of effort, these individuals will never manifest more than the most minimal abilities.

Helping Others Open to Spiritual Vision

So how does the seer respond to the difficulties of those who have not yet opened their inner senses? First, with love and compassion. This is easy when one is able to cast their eyes backward into their own life experiences and the many lifetimes spent coming into spiritual knowing. Secondly, the seer can telepathically connect with the inner guidance of a person experiencing difficulty to determine how they can best respond - how they can best serve the person at this moment. Thirdly, the seer can bless the person and wish them the highest and best. Blessings open an energetic pathway for the person to step into, like a pocket of energy that can be used to boost the vibrational resonance.

Many seers in your world create books, works of art, offer teachings and disseminate information in many ways and forms. Whenever your guides bring your attention to such information, give it your time and attention. When you open to follow such clues, you find your life becoming more peaceful and aligned with spirit.

Consulting a Seer to Accelerate Your Spiritual Path

In the early stages of your awakening you may choose to accelerate your spiritual path by seeking out a seer you can consult periodically. A true seer will allow you to see your self through their inner senses, and will help you interpret and understand the information perceived through these senses. You do not need to worry about accessing information that is not for your highest good, for a seer will work in conjunction with your guides and higher self, bringing forth the information that is of greatest benefit

114 within the moment. As you are guided through steps to help you open to spiritual vision, you learn to access it on your own. Some day, you may even assist others in their quest.

By entering the Portal of Spiritual Vision, you are expressing a desire to clear away all that stands in the way of direct access to your spiritual senses. When you express this desire, the universe will begin bringing your attention to everything that must be cleared and healed to achieve the wisdom and self-responsibility necessary to access spiritual vision. As you come into your spiritual vision, other spiritual senses such as clairaudience and clairsentience will also open. As a seer, you hold all the universe within your loving gaze and begin to help heal the earth into the next phase of planetary evolution.

Entering the Portal of Telepathy

There are times when you "pick up" thoughts and feelings that are not your own. This can leave you feeling scattered and unable to bring focus to your purpose and intentions. It is important to bring awareness to the thoughts that enter your mind and begin discerning between your thoughts and feelings and those of others. The first step to entering the Portal of Telepathy is recognizing that your mind is a finely-tuned sending and receiving station, and learning how to use it.

Telepathy is an advanced capability symbolized in your world by the telephone. The finer capabilities of human consciousness can be understood by observing the innovations of your time. These include the Internet, which represents a means of accessing the great library of human collective consciousness known as the Akashic Records. A camera symbolizes the imaging capability of the human mind that is the wellspring of creativity in your world. Some of these electronic devices will no longer be necessary when humans reconnect with their innate capability to consciously communicate mind to mind.

In a broad sense, telepathy is the psychic transfer of thoughts, concepts, images, sounds and feelings. You can begin to connect with the skill of telepathy by paying attention to the thoughts that enter your mind. As you observe your thoughts, you begin to discern their origin. Some thoughts you pick up from others. These are thoughts that may seem "out of context" and unlike you. Through intention you can filter out any thoughts and feelings you do not wish to enter your consciousness.

115 The Gift of Telepathy

Once the mind awakens to its own truth and claims the talents and gifts that are the birthright of each individual, it recognizes telepathy as a great tool and ally. The awakened mind quickly learns how to switch channels on the universal radio network, sampling many different realities to further understanding. One channel brings direct telepathy with frequencies of guides and angels while another brings the music of the spheres that is beyond all time and knowing.

There will likely be times when you will choose to tune into the thoughts of others in order to assist them. For instance, if you are a teacher, you will find telepathy helps you work more efficiently with your students. All great teachers are able to read the thoughts of their students. In this way, they bring forth knowledge and information in the form that is most able to bridge consciousness.

Intuitive readers use telepathy to read others. An intuitive will telepathically connect with the person they are assisting. We will note this is always with the permission of the person being "read." They create a link similar to dialing a telephone number, then focus their mind to strengthen this connection. They enter the person's thoughts and feeling planes, allowing themselves a general sampling and experience that provides a "big picture" of what is there. They then "ask" to be directed and guided to areas of interest that the person is working with. In this way, they are able to perceive understandings the person is attempting to gain within the present moment. Opening one door will often open others.

Other awakened beings incorporate telepathy into healing techniques that involve seeing a person's essence. Through telepathy it is possible to detect frequencies and overlays that form a kind of "plaque" that prevents the soul from fully uniting with the earthly consciousness. This plaque is often made up of layerings of erroneous beliefs and the remnants of outer efforts to program consciousness. The best spiritual healers offer themselves as a surrogate consciousness through which a person can see what is blocking the flow of life force into their bodies. This awareness helps the person begin to burn away whatever has choked off the flow of life into their earthly existence. In this way, healing occurs.

Telepathy Between Awakened Minds

The most joyful communion takes place within the heavenly flow of telepathy between awakened minds. The trademark of an awakened mind is openness. It is through this openness that a mind is willing to stand naked

116 within its own thoughts. Those who are willing to communicate telepathically have nothing to hide. They live outside the confines of judgment, illusory projections and the negative belief systems symptomatic of a cloistered and limited consciousness.

In the future of your world, more beings will choose to communicate through the eloquence of spirit. Silence will be practiced on a greater scale by conscious beings. These beings will transcend a need for the spoken word. More and more beings in your world will enter with frequency the Portal of Telepathy, where thoughts are projected and received with a quiet eloquence that only blissful souls possess. In the beginning of your transition times, this telepathy will become the silent password and calling card of those souls who share in the creation of a New World founded on the principles of universal love.

117 Portals of Love and Relationships

In Portals of Love and Relationships, we journey into the heart of love, learning to see this most powerful vibration in the universe for what it is: a vibrational frequency that permeates every living thing. The vibration of love flows through us as life force energy. It contains the essence of all- that-is. Our experience of life and every aspect of our reality is determined by our willingness to open to receive greater infusions of love's life force energy. Misunderstandings, emotional wounds and old programming can lead is to close down love’s flow through our energetic system, but at any point we can awaken to the true nature of our being and allow love's life force to pulse through us unimpeded.

The portals in this section guide us through this process of opening to allow ever greater amounts of love into our lives. It starts with the Portal of Self-Love where we learn to love and nurture ourselves, seeding love within us, allowing this love to grow and send out a broadcast of love that attracts more love through the Law of Attraction.

We expand from self-love to the Portal of Love, which takes us on a journey to understand the true essence of love -- what it is and what it isn’t. This portal helps us "see through" love’s earthly representations, which are often enslaving thoughtforms contrived by the ego. By entering love’s access points of openness and surrender, we’re able to become a portal for love, seeding love wherever we go.

Soulmate relationships are explored in the Portal of Soulmate Reunion and the Portal of Soulmate Contracts. It is within these portals that we learn to cultivate the love and communion within ourselves that allows us to draw advanced soulmate relationship into our lives. These portals teach us that soulmate relationships help us progress on our spiritual path and experience a deeper sense of love for others. By aligning with our higher self and the spiritual purpose for our lives, we’re able to enter a place within ourselves where we bring our two primary aspects -- conscious and subconscious -- into balance and attract a soulmate who reflects this divine inner union.

Once we become united within ourselves, we’re ready to enter the Portal of Oneness, where we learn how everything and every person we encounter or observe in the world reflects to us some aspect of ourselves. When you begin to clearly see your self and every energy you encounter, you begin to identify more aspects of your self and learn more about your true identity. By discovering and uniting with all aspects of your self, you project this inner unity into the world, finding love and oneness with all you meet.

118 In the Portal of Love and Gratitude, we learn how every person and situation that enters our lives is helping us further our understandings. From this perspective, we are able to experience love gratitude for every person and experience. As we learn to express love and gratitude for everything in our lives, we are able to experience a greater sense of alignment with our higher selves. This alignment opens us to increasing levels of peace and love, which further enables us to embrace every creation as a gift helping us grow and expand in our journey of becoming.

Entering the Portal of Self-Love

Some of the questions that flicker on the screens of many minds in your world surround love. You may have found your self wondering exactly what is love - why it is that so much of what might at first seem to be love is actually un-love. You may look around you and see the word "love" used in situations where there is little kindness or compassion. At times the word love is used to explain or justify acts of deception and violence. It is true, in your world the word love is sometimes used to describe intentions that are the opposite of love. When viewed from this perspective, it is easy to see how many develop a sense of distrust around the word love.

True Love Begins with Self-love

True love is at its root self-love. Self-love is love of one's essence, love of the spark or spirit that is life. It is this spark that ties you to all that exists in this universe. Cultivating self-love is cultivating this spark of all-that-is that exists within your self.

In your world, self-love is sometimes viewed as "self-centered." Self- centeredness carries with it negative connotations. This is a misunderstanding. Part of wholeness is being centered within your self. To be centered other than "within your self" creates imbalances that lead to dependencies, addictions, over-investment in physical reality, and the conditions of "un-love."

Contrary to some threads of belief in your world, loving your self never gets in the way of loving others. In fact, it is a pre-requisite for truly loving others. Self-love is where love for all others incubates. When you experience oneness with all aspects of your self, you experience oneness with others.

119 Unconditional Love Is the Highest Vibration in the Universe

The true vibration of love has nothing to do with negative emotions or lower vibrational intentions. In this way, it is easy to recognize the feeling state of true love. Unconditional love lifts you up. It never brings you down. If you are experiencing pain and suffering, you are experiencing un- love. There is no need to be distressed by this. When you recognize you are experiencing un-love, you are a few steps from experiencing unconditional love. All circumstances can be transformed with awareness.

Loving Your Self Is Holographic to Loving Others

It is difficult to love others if you do not love your self. The relationship you have with your self is holographic to the relationship you have with others. Everyone in your life reflects to you some aspect of your self. You draw to you those who vibrate in resonance with some aspect of your own energy.

Discovering Aspects of Your Self You Don't Love

Your relationships with others can help you discover aspects of your self you have not yet loved. If a person reflects to you some aspect of your self you don't love, this can trigger a reaction. This is something to pay attention to. It is the feelings you have about parts of your self you don't yet love that stand in the way of unconditional love. Before you can experience true love, you must love every part of your self, even those parts you don't believe are worthy of love.

If there is a part of your self that is not giving, or who unkind to others, send this part of your self love. This part of you is crying out for love in the only way it knows how. If you look closely at these behaviors, you will find younger aspects of your self who do not feel loved. You can talk to these aspects and ask them why they feel as they do. Most always, you will find at the root of these behaviors misunderstandings stemming from an emotional wound. Ask these parts what you can do to help them heal.

By reaching out to these wounded parts of your self, you are handing them the lifeline you have always wished someone would extend to you. This is self-love, which requires patience and forgiveness, the focus of a quiet mind, the willingness to listen, the willingness to release judgment and the courage to face your fears. These are all qualities of love. The person who has learned to practice these qualities within themselves extends these qualities out to the world.

120 Self-Love Creates the Foundation for the New Earth

Imagine how different your world would be if each person on the Earth practiced self-love. We can tell you how this world would manifest itself. There would no longer be wars or violence. There would no longer be murder or cruelty to animals. Scarcity consciousness, unkindness, negative emotions and "un-love" would not exist in such a world. This is because a person who is in harmony within themselves is in harmony with all others. As each person practices self-love, this naturally extends to all beings on the planet and the planet itself. Each day becomes another glorious dance with spirit. Every day brings new light into every decision, every action, every intention, every thought and every feeling you have.

Entering the Portal of Love

Understanding the true meaning and definition of love is one of the most perplexing challenges each of you face. That is because love is the most powerful energetic force in the universe. Love is so powerful that even its pale representations on the Earth plane are able to hold souls captive and mesmerized - even those with the strongest will.

In your mythology, wars have been launched on the emotion of love. Countries have crumbled, lives have been lost in the quest for "love."

The Essence of Real Love

These earthly dramas are not founded on the true vibration of love. In fact, love is not an emotion. Love is a universal vibration that flows freely through open hearts and minds. This vibration is life force in its purest form. It has the power to heal at every level, to transform every being and every thing it touches; it is all-knowing, all-being and all-seeing. It is the creative essence, the realization of one’s self in all others.

In the universe, love is a musical note that transcends place and time. Those who tune out the noise of the world are able to the tune into the faint echo of this note and follow it home to the heart of creation. This inner home is the essence of Divine love.

What Love is Not

Love as we have said, is not an emotion. It is not a mental construct. Love never seeks to possess or control. You have probably witnessed or even experienced love’s earthly "representations." At best, these are enslaving thoughtforms contrived by the ego as a kind of "alchemy" to harness and

121 possess the minds and hearts of others. Emotions of greed and fear fuel the fires of un-love. Examples are the femme fatale archetype who professes love for another while secretly harboring other agendas, such as financial gain. Another example is a leader who professes love for his country while secretly extinguishing the lives of his fellow men.

Love’s ‘Points of Attraction’

There are many distortions and misrepresentations of what love is on this planet. Each person has their own definition of love. Often these definitions are mental constructs. Real love is rarely found inside the confines of mental constructs. Love is an energy that permeates your world. It exists everywhere in every juncture of time and space. Real love is always available in every particle of your world. So why, you may ask, is it that so many people hunger for love and suffer from the lack of it?

If a person does not feel they have love, it is because they have not yet learned what it is. Like every other energy in the universe, the energy of love has access points. You may also think of these as “points of attraction.” These access points are places of openness and surrender. We are not talking about surrendering to the wishes and desires of others, or the dictates of the collective consciousness. We are talking about a surrender to the energy of love itself. This is allowing the vibration of love to come into your energy field and to fill you with joy and peace. From this place of joy and peace, you are able to see through conflicts with others. You allow spirit to speak through you, bringing the energy of love into any conflict or disharmony that appears before you. You become a channel for love.

Even if you feel your life has been difficult and void of love so that you do not truly know what love feels like, you can ask your guides to help open you to this energy. You can set your intentions, focus on real love and in this way, allow your self to be drawn into the Portal of Love. Inside the space, you can commune with the essence of Divine Love and bring it into your energy field, allowing it to permeate every cell in your body. When you do this, you will begin to attract more of the vibration of love into your life.

By entering the Portal of Love, you create a space inside your self where you grow the vibration and essence of real love. Inside this Portal of Love, you receive guidance in cultivating this essence and expanding its energy into the flower and fruit of love, and finally into the seed once again - seeds of love which you cast to the wind, seeding love in others through your words and actions. In this way, you become a Portal of Love, an access point bringing others into greater communion with the energy of love.

122 Entering the Portal of Soulmate Reunion

There are many in your world who feel themselves to be alone. They live alone inside their hearts, longing for "the other" they believe will end their loneliness and transform their world to a place of love and fulfillment. This is the search for the soulmate. Much is written in your world about this search for the beloved, but we find much of what is said about soulmates in your world to be in reverse.

To seek one’s soulmate in the outer world is to misunderstand this urge for communion that flickers inside every heart. Each being is the sum of two halves, the first being the conscious, physical manifestation, and the second, the unseen, spiritual aspect. When these two halves unite within the consciousness of an individual, they constitute a whole being. You may remember a truth we have stated before: “as above so below.” This is a basic truth that helps decode many situations in your world. It is true as well with soulmates. The conscious and subconscious minds are the true soulmates. Until a person unites these, they will not be reunited in physical reality with one who is a reflection of their inner soulmate.

The Un-unified Consciousness

In fact, the person who has not united these two aspects of their own consciousness will draw into their lives others who have not yet unified their own consciousness. Instead of sharing a sense of wholeness, these two beings will have in common a sense of lack and longing that no one can ever fill. Such relationships are created at the soul level as a learning experience to help those involved experience in the context of relationship an emptiness and longing that inspires them to search for answers and truth. In other words, if you are in relationship and you feel lonely, this is an indication you have not yet come into a clear understanding of soulmates. A relationship with another is merely a reflection of the inner soulmate reunion; it is not the soulmate reunion itself.

This outer quest for the soulmate will continue with an intensifying feeling of inner void until the person learns to transform their outer quest to an inner quest, which will in time unite the physical and spiritual aspects of their being. It is when you reach a state of inner unification that you will cease longing for another to transform your life. This is paradoxically when a person appears in your life as a reflection of your unified selves. In this way, everyone in your life is reflecting to you some aspect of your self.

123 Harmonizing the Conscious and Subconscious

So how, you may ask, does one go about harmonizing these two aspects of their being? This is done by setting one’s intention to do so, and asking for guidance to bring awareness to the many opportunities for direct communion each day.

One of the ways your subconscious speaks to you is in your dreams. Remember, write down and work with your dreams to begin receiving these important transmissions. Spend time each day meditating in silent communion with your spiritual self. Spend time in nature listening to the still, small voice within, for this is the voice of your spiritual self. A busy mind over-invested in the physical world will never find time to unite with its spiritual self.

Once the intention to unify your selves is in place, you begin to create an energetic field that grows and expands with every step you take towards inner harmony. When you unite with your spirit, you begin to harmonize with all your selves across time. Since all-time exists simultaneously, your selves are manifested in different timeframe dimensions at once.

As you harmonize with these other "selves," you also harmonize with the souls who have played the role of your soulmate throughout time. There is a misconception in your world that there is only one soul who is capable of coming into close resonance with you. This is not the case. The "other" who comes into your life to reflect the union of your physical and spiritual selves can be one of a number of souls along an energetic spectrum. When you are in a lifetime where you are seeking to create mastery in some area, you are likely to enter into soulmate contracts with souls that have shared soulmate connections with you in previous incarnations. These souls from previous incarnations are able to easily harmonize with you and often share a similar life purpose. It also may happen that you experience a preliminary soulmate connection in this life that is laying the groundwork for a future incarnation together. These preliminary connections often require more effort to harmonize the energies.

“Old Souls” and Soulmate Connections

Some of you wonder why it takes years for you to encounter your soulmate in the physical. Many older souls prefer to build this into the design for the lifetime. That is because it takes longer for an older soul to grow into their true soul age. Until they come into this place of spiritual maturity, they do not yet have the energetic resonance to draw into their lives the soul or souls with whom they will share the gifts of their spiritual wholeness and

124 unification.

By entering the Portal of Soulmate Reunion, you can begin to create the energetic field that will assist you in harmonizing your conscious and subconscious selves. It is the frequency of this state of inner unification that draws to you a soulmate in physical reality that in turn reflects to you the state of inner harmony and wholeness.

Entering the Portal of Soulmate Contracts

There is much spoken in your world about finding the "other" -- the soulmate who will bring your existence to a holistic place of healing and completion. Many changes are taking place on the Earth now that influence the timing of agreements you hold with other souls. We will shed light on the inner workings of these soulmate contracts to help you align your desire with the hastening energy of the New Earth.

You create spiritual contracts with other souls prior to incarnating. These contracts are often with souls with whom you have previously incarnated. Many of these souls are members of your soul group. Others are of like resonance in some other way. The term “soulmate” refers to any soul who plays roles in the "movies" of your various incarnations. These souls all have a vibrational resonance with you. A soul with whom you are incarnated in other timeframe dimensions has the ability to bring you into greater communion with other dimensional aspects of your self.

Soul Age and Spiritual Contracts

The term "soulmate" on Earth most often refers to a romantic relationship, but we offer here a broader view. In its highest form, a soulmate relationship is a high vibrational, loving connection that helps you grow spiritually by bringing you into closer communion with your soul. Romantic relationships of this type only come into your life when you are a vibrational match for the essence of high-vibrational love. Prior to this, all relationships derive from your spiritual understandings and your capacity for love at the time they are created. You may have observed or experienced tumultuous connections where both partners are struggling to understand the nature of unconditional love. Such connections are soul contracts that have the potential to awaken the souls who enter into them, even if it is through suffering and struggle. For the sake of clarity, we make a distinction here between soul contracts and advanced soulmate contracts.

Many beings mature into a deeper capacity for love in the middle of their

125 lifetime when they come into their true soul age. In each incarnation, you pass through various soul ages until you arrive at your true soul age. (There are some advanced souls who come into their true soul age early on, but in this discussion we are referring to the majority of souls incarnated on Earth). As you pass through the younger soul ages, you draw to you other souls experiencing the same soul age as you are. Some of these souls are like you, just passing through younger soul levels, while others have already found their true soul age in this younger level. The older the soul, the longer it takes to come into true soul age.

Soul Contracts and Past Life “Karmic” Relationships

It is easy to look back over your life and recall past relationships with people with whom you are no longer connected. At the same time, there are those from your early life who are still with you. The difference is that the souls with whom you are no longer are in connection with were only in your field of resonance as you passed through a certain soul age. Those who have stayed with you are those who have continued to move toward their true soul age as you have. Spiritual contracts are made with souls that are of different soul ages for specific purposes, usually having to do with the completion of past-life scenarios. You might say these soul mate connections are in effect "karma mates."

For example, imagine that you were married to a soul many lifetimes ago. Something from that time period was left unresolved, and now there is a need to complete. To bring about this completion, you create a contract with that soul from long ago. If this other soul is at a younger level, the contract can only be brought into play early in your life as you pass through the soul level where you are in resonance with this other soul. That is why early in your life you often activate contracts with souls from past lives with whom you are completing past learning experiences.

This is not true of all souls who come into your life early on. It is possible to meet up with soulmates (in the broader sense) at an early soul age and pass through levels of soul growth together. When this occurs, it is always in accordance with the purpose and plan set forth for your life before incarnating.

Soulmates and Pre-Ascension Lifetimes

At this time in your world, there are circumstances in place that have not been before. That is why many older souls are incarnating into pre- ascension lifetimes. A pre-ascension lifetime is designed to bring forth remaining levels of karma to be cleared. As we have said in previous

126 discussions, karma is a word used in your world to describe understandings a soul is seeking to gain. A soul completes tens of thousands of understandings on the path to ascension.

Many older souls incarnated at this time are very close to completing their spiritual understandings. An older soul attempting to complete understandings may experience many different "sagas" throughout their life. While there are always deeper core understandings the soul is working on, there are other understandings being wrapped up -- understandings they began working toward at other points within their arc of lifetimes. There may be dozens of scenarios brought into completion within a pre-ascension lifetime. This is generally a life of constant change and numerous timeline shifts.

During a pre-ascension lifetime, the person will likely attempt to work through their densest karma early in life. As the spirit moves toward ascension, it is drawn to clear out old karma from past lives. During those times, they may connect with those souls with which they incarnated early on in their arc of lifetimes to bring about healing and closure.

To accelerate this clearing, a soul may choose to create contracts with souls who were present when the karma was created. These souls can assist with the clearing. As we have said, the advanced soul must arrange for these encounters to occur early in their life when they have sufficient resonance with the other souls involved. This is in accordance with the Law of Attraction.

Past Life Healing Takes Place Within You, Not with Others

We will point out here that the need for healing is not with these other souls. These souls create soul contracts with you in which they agree to reflect to you aspects of your self in need of healing, and vice versa. In this way, when a soul shows up in your life and triggers inner turmoil, it is to help you recognize and heal old wounds carried forth across lifetimes.

It is for the reasons we have just described that souls in pre-ascension lifetimes are unlikely to enter into advanced soulmate contracts until later in life. When a person has cleared their densest past-life scenarios and come into their true soul age, they are ready to enter a time when advanced soulmate contracts can be activated. Advanced soulmate contracts are created between older souls who share a deep affinity and resonance. It is at this later stage of life when connecting with this type of soulmate is most beneficial. Together you are able to access high-vibrational portals that direct your consciousness toward ascension.

127 By entering the Portal of Soulmate Contracts, you are able to gain awareness of the true meaning and purpose of the special connections you have experienced with other souls across time. These contracts are created to help the souls who enter into them gain the spiritual understandings that are part of their Earth School curriculum. During this time in Earth’s evolution, many older souls are creating contracts that help them clear and heal their “selves” throughout their arc of lifetimes. This healing opens the door for loving soulmate connections to bring in them into the ascension phase of their journeys on Earth.

Entering the Portal of Oneness

When you understand how every thing and every person you encounter or observe in your world reflects to you an aspect of your self, it becomes easier to come into a place of oneness with all-that-is. Once you embrace the idea that you contain every point along the spectrum of experience, it is easier to see how those things you are currently magnetizing are just reflecting aspects of your self you are energizing with your intention and focus.

You may encounter the message that “all are one” in your world, but many find these empty words without the understanding of how oneness is directly experienced in your day to day life, or how you can enter the doorway of oneness to learn who you truly are. We will trace for you here the steps of your connectedness to the one and the gifts this insight offers.

Who Are You Within this Moment?

As you move through your day, observe your self. Who are you within this moment? Who are you within the next moment and the next? You will find you are different octaves at different times. Sometimes you are loving, wise and caring, while at other times you are forgetful, busy, self-deprecating and even self- sabotaging. These octaves reflect the many aspects of your being. Whatever you are within this moment, you are the opposite within other moments. If your present moment is moving along a smooth course, if you are abundant in terms of friends, loved ones, money, health and fulfilling activities, it is likely you have experienced the opposite in other timeframes. To show you how this works, we offer an expanded view of this personality we have just described. The person who is abundant, recognizes love in their life and is fulfilled in their present reality is experiencing lack, un-love and struggle in other realities. This may be a past life reality, the past within the present lifetime, a parallel or future reality or any or all of the above.

128 You may have heard that the road to "success" is paved with "failure." There is no such thing as failure, we wish to emphasize that. A more accurate way to express this is: "When a person masters the creation of a certain outcome, it is after they have explored and experienced many alternative outcomes and in doing so, have learned to expertly create the outcome of their choice."

It is true that one might experience their chosen outcome early in their journey of experience. But until they explore all other outcomes, they will not become a master at creating the realities of their choosing. A master is a person who has experienced all possible octaves of their own becoming and is able to "shift into" any one of these octaves at will.

We will compare this to having 200 channels on your television. Imagine you click on the first one, like what you see and don’t bother to explore the other 199 channels. There is a great deal of wasted potential in this choice. But if you fully explore all 200 channels and still prefer Channel #1, you return to that channel with a certainty and awareness that this is indeed your favorite. Or you may choose to alternate among many different channels, each one satisfying a different aspect of your self with its complement of interests.

So it is with your “life menu,” that over many different lifetimes you will experience illness, suffering, anger, war, peace, love, abundance, and every variation in between. As you enter a time of mastery, you are able to choose from your menu of life experiences within any given moment.

Your Higher Self as Portal to Your 'Life Experience Menu'

One way you can "tap into" and observe more clearly your menu of life experiences is to reach up and align with your higher self. As you daily choose to align with his high-vibrational aspect of your self, you are able to harmonize with your overall organizing entity, or "oversoul," which is in constant connection with all your selves incarnated throughout time. Reaching up to your oversoul, you are able to gain access to the knowledge and experience of your other selves. This is the step that carries one into a “master lifetime” where all experience across time is pooled together and all options are available within each moment.

Self-Mastery and Oneness

Each of you have within your self many different aspects. It is not necessary for you to track down and identify each and every one of these

129 aspects. You may choose to gain awareness of aspects through dreamwork, meditation, self observation, journaling, and any number of methods. Another method we will offer is to pay attention to every person and every circumstance you encounter.

Understand, each person and circumstance that “turns up” in your life does so by the Law of Attraction. You can look at each one of these and learn something of one or more of your aspects. It is in this way that you can begin to find your self in the eyes of every being you encounter, and in the vibration of all living things you encounter - plants, minerals, animals - and in every situation you encounter.

You Are Everything and Everything is You

When you look at your world in terms of these common threads, you quickly see how you are everything and everything is you. When you love another, you embrace the part of your self that person represents to you. If you strike an animal, a part of you feels the blow. If you cut down a tree, a part of your soul cries.

Some people are able to feel this connection and experience it consciously, while others have become more hardened in these connections. When you choose this hardening toward any living thing, you become hardened toward your self, toward your loved ones, toward the planet and life in general. If you find this is the case, forgive your self and state your intention to whittle off your calluses and learn to love your self and all others anew.

It is by reclaiming, accepting and loving all aspects of your self that you are able to experience true oneness and come into a place of mastery.

Entering the Portal of Love and Gratitude

There are times when you feel your energy slip and darkness surrounds you. While the circumstances that trigger these slips come in many different flavors, they are all at the heart helping you remember to return to a place of love and gratitude.

You find your self at times sailing tranquil waters and a other times navigating turbulent seas. Sometimes, amazing synchronicities arrive at your door. Then times arrive when everything seems to "fall apart" or "go wrong." We will explain how these vastly different circumstances arrive and how you can choose more carefully the seeds you plant in your garden of life.

130 Degrees of Spiritual Alignment

What we have been describing here at all points on your spectrum of experience are varying degrees of spiritual alignment. Through intention and awareness you create circumstances in your life where peace and love abound. From this place, amazing synchronicities unfold each day. So why is it you move from a place of peace and love to a place of emotional turmoil and upset?

To understand these turnarounds, you must keep in mind that the universe is constantly changing. As an energetic being in this ever-changing universe, you are called upon to stay attuned to this flow.

Reversals of Fortune are “Speed Bumps”

There may be times when you may find your self dozing off and becoming less conscious. That is when you fall further from alignment with your spirit. You miss important signals and take long detours from your path. You keep switching channels on your universal radio, but cannot find the broadcast of love and peace. Disharmony swirls around you; the air around you feels dead and stale. Every day is a struggle.

But here is the good news. These "speed bumps" are there to jolt you awake. As a conscious being, you are able to read these "reversals of fortune" as signals that you need to "tune in."

You may remember times in your past when you would have interpreted difficult events as judgments against you. You may have taken on or internalized this energy and continued to create more of it in your life. But as you began to spiritually awaken, you realized that all circumstances in your life are helping you progress on your spiritual path. Your experience of these events can be transformed through gratitude and understanding.

So how does this transformation take place? It happens through the doorway of your emotions. If, for example, your lover leaves you, you may feel great emotional distress. This is a natural response, but you do not have to stay in this place of distress. We can guarantee you that anger, disappointment, blame and all negative emotions will create more of the same. You have may have encountered people who continue to swim in a soup of anger for years after the event that triggered the original emotion. It does not have to be this way.

When you find your self experiencing negative emotions, you can choose

131 to accept that the circumstances you are experiencing are helping you progress on your spiritual path. They are like the grooves on the side of the freeway that make a noise to alert you that you are about to run off the road! If you drift off to sleep when you are driving, your tires passing over these grooves makes a loud noise to jolt you awake. If this has ever happened to you, you may recall the gratitude you felt for those grooves that helped you stay on the road.

Re-Centering in Love and Gratitude

So it is with times of difficulty that arrive in your life. Hold these times in your awareness and express gratitude for the help they are giving you. As you move from negative emotions to emotions of love and gratitude, you begin transforming the circumstances of your life. When you re-center yourself in gratitude and love, your "universal receiving station" once more attunes itself to the frequency of love and peace. This frequency weaves itself throughout the moments of your days. You begin to sew seeds of love in your garden of now that will spring open the flowers of a bright future.

By entering the Portal of Love and Gratitude, you learn to stay attuned to spirit. Even those times when you fall into less awareness and less attunement are just wakeup calls, reminding you to come back to the center of your heart. From a place of gratitude and love, you can see these difficult times as the “speed bumps” that they are - spirit helping you return to a place of peace and alignment. As you embrace difficult times with love and gratitude, they are transformed.

132 Portals of Life Purpose and Spiritual Service

In order to discover who we really are, we need to go "behind the scenes" of our daily life. To experience our true infinite nature, we have to be willing to detach from physical reality and step outside linear time and space. The Portal of Spiritual Destiny teaches us that the path to discovering our true destiny is through transcending an earthbound consciousness and time traveling to release energetic bookmarks binding us to past times of pain and suffering. By standing back and viewing one’s life with the light of a higher consciousness, you're able to heal and release all that stands in the way of uniting with your higher self.

Once we learn to transcend time and space, we're ready to begin the process of remembering our purpose for this lifetime.

It is within the Portal of Divine Purpose and the Portal of Spiritual Purpose that you're able to reconnect with the blueprint you set down for your life before incarnating. By discovering and aligning with your spiritual purpose, you're able to make decisions from a place of clarity and understanding. From this place, you're able to develop a keen ability to discern "within the moment" if something that comes before you is aligned with your purpose. It is by taking steps to live your true purpose that you are able to experience the strongest magic of all.

The Portals of Angelic Intervention (parts 1-3) teach us that we all have aspects of our selves we rarely if ever come to know in the course of our daily existence. By going deeper within ourselves and developing a strong communion with our higher self and our subconscious mind, (symbolically uniting Heaven and Earth), we’re able to become a bright and powerful light on the Earth plane. Within this bright light, we meet angelic and other advanced aspects of our being. As we unite with these little-known aspects, we’re empowered to become our own angels to our past selves and all of humanity through our ability to transcend time and space and travel in consciousness. Beyond this, we are able to serve all others, assisting other souls in consciousness by downloading the healing and assistance that helps create on the Earth plane.

Entering the Portal of Spiritual Destiny

One of the great challenges of life on the earth plane is the existence of a seemingly fixed reality. This is an illusion perpetuated by identifying solely with the physical world, which is by definition a fixed (already manifest) reality. Because of this, many in your world feel limitations pressing in on every front. They feel pressed by the boundaries of inherited traits, the

133 circumstances of their lives, the difficulty of making significant change, and a general failure to manifest their dreams. This is what happens when you try to create change and transformation by purely physical means.

There is another way to experience reality. It is possible to go "behind the scenes" of your physical life to create change. It is inside the world of spirit where you step free of physical limitations and discover your spiritual destiny. Your spiritual destiny is not "fixed" in terms of physical limitations. The only given in spiritual "predestination" is the infinite and unlimited nature of your being. Once you discover your spiritual destiny, you can begin to make the life you were born to live a part of your present moment. Whatever exists within your present moment naturally extends into both your past and your future.

When you become who you truly are beneath the crusty scabs of the pain and suffering of a limited reality, you are able to heal physical, emotional, psychological and spiritual conditions by gaining awareness of the thoughts that created them and transforming those thoughts by holding them in the bright light of that awareness.

Stepping Outside Time and Space

This is possible by removing your conscious focus from the space/time continuum to effectively "step outside of time" into the world of no-time. This is the timeless dimension of spirit where you become a time traveler visiting your past and future to discover your spiritual destiny. By traveling through time to your past, you are able to bring about healing and release for the parts of your spirit trapped in time by emotional traumas and other misunderstandings. Releasing your past frees trapped energy that becomes available to empower your present moment. An empowered present-moment self is able to travel to your future to commune with your future self and discover who you are becoming and what you came here to do. By merging with your future "self," you are able to view the fruits of your present creations and make course corrections if you don't like what you see. Likewise, if you are writing a book in the present moment, you can travel to the future to learn the steps of the book's creation.

Time travel may seem beyond the capabilities of an earth-bound consciousness. When the awareness is completely contained within the physical existence, this is a barrier to perceiving one's spiritual destiny and the contracts you signed onto before this life began. The only way to discover your spiritual contracts while on earth is to attune your consciousness to the world of spirit rather than the noise of the world.

134 Releasing Energetic Bookmarks

Other barriers to experiencing one's spiritual destiny are trauma and suffering experienced in an earlier part of this life, or in past lives. A great deal of energy holds these "energetic bookmarks." To release these bookmarks, you must at some point return to complete the understanding you were seeking to gain by creating the experience in the first place. This frees the energy that is trapped there. Another way to look at this is since spirit exists in all-time, all lifetimes - including all parts of the current lifetime - exist simultaneously. This means that parts of your soul, (your past lives as well as your past in this lifetime), still exist in moments of trauma and suffering. The fact that you are reading this says you are now ready to release these moments throughout time. It is this process of retrieving your soul in all the places where it is held that frees your consciousness and allows your complete focus in the present moment. This complete focus allows you to discover and fulfill your spiritual destiny.

By learning to step outside time, you can travel to the past to view everything that has been your life up to this point. By viewing the past with the light of a higher consciousness, you are able to gain awareness of the lessons you intended to learn by creating each situation and release any residual emotions that still linger in connection with them. These residual emotions draw your present-moment consciousness constantly to the past, scattering your attention and focus. A scattered consciousness is unable to create significant change in the present moment. It takes a laser beam of conscious, clear intent to transport you into a future of joy and well-being.

Meeting Your Future Self

It is this laser beam of focus that allows you to travel into the future to learn your spiritual destiny and who you are becoming. By stepping outside time and traveling to your future to meet with your future self, you are effectively changing your own genetics. By meeting with your future self, you discover the contracts you came here to fulfill. You are able to receive a vision for your present and your future. Your future self and your guides are able to help you download the template of your higher self. This template contains information that is capable of re-creating your body and transforming your life. This template carries with it the guidance and knowledge for the subtle energetic field surrounding your body. This knowledge allows you to re-organize your physical body. It can change the circumstances of your life and the people you draw to you, as well as the opportunities and challenges you are able to access.

135 In the current course of your Earth life, you have forgotten that you are capable of stepping outside time, of creating spontaneous healing, of creating great works of art and beauty, and of living a life filled with love and amazing synchronicities. When you learn to journey outside time and space, you are able to reconnect with your higher self that is untouched by any trauma and suffering you have endured on the Earth plane.

Activating and Cultivating the Imagination

You may ask how it is possible to step outside time and space, to time travel and receive this vision for your spiritual destiny. The key to all of what we have described here is the imagination. Activating and cultivating the imagination with the intent of realizing your highest good is your ticket to the magic carpet ride of achieving higher consciousness. There is a thoughtform on earth that whatever resides in the realm of the imagination is "not real" or "made up." These are physical-based ways of thinking that have enslaved humans to earthly, fixed reality for thousands of years.

The imagination is the doorway to true spiritual liberation. It is the imagination that expands the consciousness into new realms and thoughtforms that effectively create new pathways in the mind and spirit. When enough pathways are ignited, the structure of DNA is altered and the consciousness is able to unite with all the universe. This is where you see a being able to create what might be considered "miracles" in your world. This is the person who heals their body of a terminal illness, halting and reversing the deterioration of cells in the body. Here is the person who travels into their own past to release their spirit from traumas that hold parts of their soul captive. Here is the person who is able to join hands with their past and future to bring their point of power (the present moment) to a laser focus for creating the highest good for themselves and all others. Here is the person who walks the Earth silently blessing and assisting others in a state of constant inner celebration for the privilege of helping unite the Heaven and Earth of inner and outer consciousness.

It is by entering the Portal of Spiritual Destiny that you are able to take great leaps in your present-moment consciousness that allow you to step outside time and space into the world of spirit - the no-time dimension where your soul resides. Inside no-time, you are able to take evolutionary steps for your self and all others by discovering and fulfilling your spiritual destiny.

We offer here some steps to moving beyond the physical to the place of no-time.

136 12 Steps to Transcending Time and Space.

1) Create sacred space somewhere in your house or on your property. Saturate the space with the energy of your higher self. Build an altar, place candles and crystals here, or anything that lifts your spirit. Spend time here as often as possible.

2) Still your mind through concentration exercises such as focusing on a candle flame for 10 minutes each day.

3) Meditate. Spend time communing with spirit each day.

4) Practice daily pranayama breathing exercises to help oxygenate your body.

5) Enliven your body with life force exercises, yoga and tai chi.

6) Lighten your body by eating a diet high in living foods.

7) Begin a journal quest; keep an intuitive journal.

8) Take regular vision quests in nature.

9) Work with dreams, both waking and sleeping, and decode their symbols.

10. Study and cultivate peak experiences.

11. Practice visualization, develop the imagination, enhance creativity.

12. Develop intuition and psychic awareness.

Entering the Portal of Divine Purpose

There is a part of you embedded deep within cellular memory that remembers your intention for this lifetime. This intention is your Divine purpose. All of life unfolds within the cosmic soup of the universe according to Divine Will and Divine Intention. There is no random or chance creation.

We ask you to imagine for a moment this cosmic movie where a soul wishing to incarnate expresses this desire to the universe. Energy immediately begins to coalesce around this intention. As with all manifestations, the setting forth of purpose greatly accelerates the wish

137 into reality. Much as a writer makes his pitch or proposal to a prospective publishing company, the soul petitions the universe for an opportunity to incarnate into a physical body. Imagine this petition as an actual printed document. Within a successful petition for incarnation there is a well- expressed paragraph clearly stating the purpose for this incarnation. This stated purpose represents the need for an understanding in the natural evolution of the soul wishing to incarnate. For example, the stated purpose might be to learn unconditional love for self and all others.

Your Life Purpose Reflects a Needed Understanding

This is not to say that the purpose for a lifetime will always be such a "graduate level thesis proposal." A purpose is always in alignment with the current needs of the soul to understand. For instance, a purpose might be to spend a lifetime sampling every kind of material wealth imagineable so at the end of the life, an understanding is gained that material success without spiritual growth leaves one feeling empty and hungry for more. In a further lifetime, a spirit that has come into this knowing might then combine material wealth with spiritual vision and create great opportunities within the world. History is full of stories of such individuals. Unfortunately, historical tales only span the journey of one lifetime rather than the arc of lifetimes that culminate in great achievements and gifts to humanity.

In a future time in Earth's history, biographies will take into account the arc of lifetimes so the full scope of a gift to humanity may be understood. At that point in time, all beings will understand their present lifetime in terms of its placement within their arc of incarnations.

As your consciousness expands, you will learn how to follow the threads of manifestation and creation back through time to perceive the unfolding journey of consciousness across lifetimes. You will be able to trace Einstein's arc of incarnations that allowed him to gift humanity with the Theory of Relativity, or to understand the unique cycle of lifetimes and "life purpose" choices that allowed a Gandhi or a Mother Teresa to walk the Earth. For now, it is enough to understand that the universe does not "judge" one's stated life purpose, but only requires that the purpose be in alignment with the need for growth and understanding of the soul at the time it is requested.

The Blueprint for an Incarnation

A plan for achieving one’s spiritual purpose would be briefly outlined in an incarnation petition. This is a loosely structured blueprint of how one will go about carrying out one's spiritual purpose. For example, the task of

138 learning unconditional love might follow a plan of experiencing early in life a lack of love. This lack of love sets up an all-consuming desire to find love, which launches the person on a journey of seeking and questioning. When followed to its fullest potential, this seeking results in the realization that in order to "have" love, one must become love. This is in accordance with the Law of Attraction; like attracts like. That which exists at the vibration of unconditional love attracts to it more of itself.

It is important to understand that fully grasping unconditional love is a major undertaking for a soul in a given lifetime. Most likely, achieving an understanding of this magnitude would be spaced across multiple lifetimes with all previously gained understandings finally culminating in one lifetime. Because of energetic shifts taking place at this time, many souls are launching "culmination" lifetimes where understandings gleaned over many lifetimes are more readily coalesced to achieve the graduate-level status that is a prerequisite for experiencing fifth-dimensional consciousness.

Culmination Lifetimes and the Sequencing of Life Experiences

Lifetimes where the overall purpose involves achieving a major understanding such as unconditional love are lifetimes of deep commitment to one's spiritual path. Choosing a major purpose for a lifetime sets into motion a sequencing of life experiences designed to bring the ego into deeper and deeper levels of surrender to the higher self. Over time, this brings the conscious mind into constant telepathic communion with the higher self.

The circumstances chosen to create this telepathic communion can be dramatic in that they are created to awaken consciousness and bring the ego into a state of alignment with the soul's purpose. It is mind-boggling to contemplate the distance the ego/conscious mind must travel to come into this state of alignment with one’s spiritual purpose. Imagine an ego focused on acquiring a new sports car changing its focus to that of world service and helping to raise the collective consciousness of all humanity. You might wonder how many steps must be undertaken to create this shift in focus. The answer is many small steps or several quantum steps or any combination thereof.

Symbolic ‘Deaths’ and ‘Walk-in’ Consciousness

Many souls choose to undertake major shifts in consciousness gradually over lifetimes, following a kinder, gentler course of soul growth and evolution. By contrast, those souls who choose a "quantum growth"

139 lifetime set into motion intense life events such as near-death experiences or other extreme challenges to plunge themselves into deeper states of awakening with more dramatic and profound results. This example of the near-death experience is symbolic of the act of freeing one's self of the shackles of physical life while remaining incarnate. In undergoing symbolic "death", the ego surrenders to the spirit's purpose for the lifetime and effectively exchanges a more human existence for that of a conduit for spirit on the Earth plane. When this circumstance occurs, the consciousness is sometimes viewed as a form of “walk-in” consciousness.

The story of Jesus is a metaphor for what happens when "spirit incarnate" walks the Earth plane creating miracles of transformation. To bring this into even plainer terms, life force energy freed of the shackles of illusion and karmic debt is the essence of what is defined in your world as "miraculous." This is the kernel of Jesus' teachings.

There is a saying that the greater the sacrifice, the greater the magic. The word “sacrifice” carries connotations of deprivation and lack, but this is a misunderstanding often perpetuated by ego-directed minds that do not yet understand the true nature of joy and bliss. We offer you this definition of sacrifice: releasing everything that exists outside Divine Purpose. Aligning with your Divine Purpose in this lifetime is the strongest "magic" of all, in that it strips away everything that stands in the way of total joy, bliss and unconditional love. These states are the natural condition of infinite beings. Until the conscious and subconscious become aligned, an individual is locked into physical reality by "veiled" consciousness. Aligning with Divine Purpose is the key that turns the lock and opens the door to planetary and personal evolution.

Entering the Portal of Spiritual Purpose

There many times in your life when you will come to a point of decision- making. If you don’t know your purpose, it’s difficult to know which way to turn. Decisions made without a clear understanding of spiritual purpose are often nothing more than extraneous diversions taken from a false sense of direction and the longing for something that can't be described.

There are ways to discover your spiritual purpose. We will discuss some of these here. They include: 1) opening to and meditating upon the images that come into your mind during moments of stillness and silence; 2) becoming an anthropologist of your own past within this lifetime to gain insight into your purpose; and 3) seeking visions from your guides and journeying into the Akashic Records to view the planning session for your current life.

140 First, we will explain why most people find it necessary to rediscover their spiritual purpose during the course of their lifetime. When the soul enters into the body, the mission or purpose is often forgotten. In almost all cases, it is important to the experience being sought for this forgetting to take place. Some older souls are able to remember their purpose after they are born, but forget their purpose during childhood. Some very awake souls retain the memory of their purpose throughout their life. These beings incarnate with a spiritual purpose facilitated by the kind of otherworldly knowledge that would hamper most other souls.

Many of those on the earth plane remember their purpose until age seven or eight. This is generally when the demands of the physical life begin to take precedence over the inner life. This is not true of all cultures on earth. A number of cultures encourage children to remember and interpret their dreams. In such cultures, individuals have a rich inner life that shapes and feeds the outer world. These children are encouraged to remember and talk about their purpose. This strengthens their connection with both spirit and subconscious mind, and fosters a sense of wholeness and well-being. In cultures that are more materially driven, children are taught to regard the products of their imagination and the “unseen” world as lesser realities. In this way, they are forced to leave the “Garden of Eden” of their inner knowing and spiritual communion and enter the vast, barren wilderness of a spiritually bereft world.

The Seeker's Journey

When a soul forgets its purpose, the journey is begun to reunite with this knowing. This journey is rarely undertaken with conscious knowledge of what is being sought. More often, it is begun with a sense of loss and longing and an emptiness that cannot be filled. It is, over time, the seeker’s journey that reunites spiritual purpose with conscious-life awareness. Once this occurs, a new phase of the journey is begun. This is the phase that becomes kinder and gentler, when the "lost soul" feeling is healed. Whenever a decision must be made, it is the spiritual purpose that decides the direction to be taken. Doubt fades, certainty and confidence build, and meaning and joy permeate the life. This is in essence, a return to the spiritual garden of childhood.

Those who are able to remember their purpose are adept at navigating both the nightly dream state and the dream-like state of consciousness that exists between lives. The degree of remembering that takes place is directly linked with the degree of consciousness undertaken in creating the roadmap for the life. Such conscious awareness is developed across the

141 arc of lifetimes.

Becoming an Anthropologist of Your Own History

Another way to discover the purpose for a lifetime is to become an anthropologist of your own history. We speak of becoming an anthropologist in this sense: as one who examines remnants of past history to gain insight into past and future. This examination is conducted with a perspective that is free of judgment. This objective study of the past is undertaken with the intention of understanding what has been. As an anthropologist of your own past, you undertake a study of everything you have done in your life. Pay particular attention to feelings of passion and that which brings you the greatest joy.

Next, examine your repertoire of skills. This includes abilities that come naturally to you, and those abilities you have sought to develop in this lifetime. With your current abilities firmly in mind, open to the universe of your potential abilities. You have received glimpses of these potentials through visions that have come to you over the years. Make note of these visions, even if you do not think they are attainable in the present moment. If you have dreamt of becoming a concert pianist, hold this potential in mind even if you have no skills in this area. Not all visions are interpreted literally. What you may be seeking through music is the ability to harmonize and create peace within your self and the world around you. It may also be that you are being directed to begin developing an ability that will come to fruition in future lifetimes.

As you view your passions, skills, natural abilities, dreams and visions, common threads will begin to arise. Examine each of these in terms of their essence and energy. We will give you an example of how this might work. Imagine a person who has developed their intuitive abilities, has the natural ability to write, and a passion for helping others. Such a person might choose to use their intuitive skills to reach into dimensions beyond the Earth plane to bring back information that is of value to the world. Writing down this information and making it available for others fulfills the passion and joy of realizing one’s life purpose. If this same person chose a purely physical life path, they might find themselves writing entertainment profiles for magazines or developing jingles for advertising companies. We can tell you this person would move through life with a sense of emptiness and loss. This is what happens when one fails to follow the spiritual design for their life.

142 Journeys into the Unknown

What we have described for you here are simple methods for discovering the spiritual purpose for your life. There are other methods that require a highly developed intuition and a faith and belief in that which exists beyond the physical plane. You might think of these otherworldly realities as existing in the domain of the "unknown." There are different ways of approaching these inner realms. These include asking your spirit guides to communicate with you about your spiritual purpose and journeying to the Akashic Records.

When you ask your spirit guides to communicate with you about your life purpose, be open to how this information arrives. It may come in the form of a dream, a sudden image that appears in your mind, a question-and- answer dialog in your journal, or many other ways. You may choose a more direct way of communicating with your guides by setting up a tape recorder, entering a light trance state through breathing, chanting, yoga or meditation, and allowing your guides to speak through you. This works best in a space of uninterrupted silence in a darkened, candlelit room. At any given time, you can choose to enter a place of stillness within your self and ask your guides to communicate with you about your purpose. This form of journeying is an advanced way of discovering your life purpose. Even if you are at an early stage in your quest, you can gain insight into your purpose by setting your intention to do so. As we have said in past discussions, the universal broadcast is always traveling into your energy field. This broadcast is being translated in terms of your purpose. It travels on an ocean of life force energy. It is, in fact, the essence of life force energy, so its urgings are the heart of your deepest passion.

Visiting the Akashic Records

Another advanced method is to go into a trance state and ask your guides to take you to visit the Akashic Records where the information of all-time is recorded. Imagine the Akashic Records as a giant library filled with books containing the record of everything that has ever been or will be. Your guides can help you peruse the aisles of "books" until you find the book where your current life is recorded. In the "introduction" to this book, you will find the prequel to this life where you mapped out the plan for this lifetime with your spirit guides and your council of advisors from your higher self.

This session with your guides and spiritual council took place prior to your birth. During this session, you reviewed your arc of lifetimes and decided the goal and purpose for your next lifetime. This review is not a place of

143 judgment. Imagine you are studying a certain curriculum to complete a degree and you meet with your advisors to review which courses are complete and which courses are yet to be undertaken or completed. This is the essence of the review process. During the course of this review, the next step in your spiritual evolution becomes obvious. There is one understanding that must be obtained for all that is to follow. The next phase of your spiritual journey will be framed around this purpose, including soul contracts and reunions with soul mates. This purpose resides in a space of pure essence. Within this essence, many physical manifestations can take place. In other words, you have many choices available in how you carry out this purpose.

There are many ways of reuniting with the plan and purpose you set forth for this lifetime. Once you have the vision for your life purpose, you can regularly visit the Portal of Spiritual Purpose to find the next step toward fulfilling this purpose. It is only in discovering your spiritual purpose that you find the deep sense of inner peace, meaning and joy that comes with fulfilling your mission for this lifetime.

Entering the Portal of Angelic Intervention, Part 1

Today we will describe some abilities that have become lost from many in the vast sea of their life journeys. As an infinite, Divine being, you possess many qualities you attribute to the realm of angelic beings. You may have forgotten how to fully engage your wings, but they exist nevertheless within your energetic field. The body resides within the soul. While on Earth you may perceive the body as the container for the soul, the reverse is true.

To understand the true nature of angelic presence, we direct your focus toward those artistic depictions of angelic beings. You see the being surrounded by what appears to be wings. This is one way in which a high- vibrational being appears to those on the physical plane. When the human energy field is fully expanded with cosmic energy, it takes on an angelic appearance. This comes into play when all the subtle bodies of the physical system are aligned, allowing the flow of cosmic energy to expand. This allows the "angelic wings" to unfold. The subtle bodies are the angelic wings people sometimes see.

So who are these humans who are able to take in cosmic energy and expand the flow throughout their physical system? They are spiritually awake beings who remember their divinity and have released the limitations and veils that shackle sleeping consciousness.

144 You Are Your Own Angels

As you spiritually awaken, your attention is guided toward those actions you can take to further enlighten your existence. For the spiritually aware, such actions are undertaken not just for the sake of the self, but for the sake of all others. Understand, when one being awakens to their true nature, the entire universe celebrates. The awakening of one soul creates an energetic pathway many others may pass through. The energetic code for awakening is accessed through vibratory resonance via the Law of Attraction.

The spiritually awakened being has a direct telepathic connection with their higher self that brings guidance and information on how they can go about freeing their spirit. They may be guided to change their diet, to take steps to fulfill their life purpose and to assist others. Early on, the awakened being is guided to travel in consciousness. In these early travels, they are directed toward those points in the history of their own consciousness where they can bring healing and release. As a being heals themselves across time, they become a brighter light for others.

We will stretch your beliefs for a second to explain how at a future point in your "arc of lifetimes," you have achieved ascension consciousness. To the extent that you are in resonance with this "ascension self," you are able to receive guidance and assistance from this aspect of your self. This is one way in which what you perceive as angels are aspects of your own consciousness traveling through time and space to assist you. As you become increasingly familiar with your inner landscape, it becomes easier to identify these vibratory fields.

Angelic Intervention and Pre-Ascension Lifetimes

It is likely your first experiences of angelic intervention will involve healing past selves. In order to grow spiritually, it is necessary at some point to free your past from moments of pain and distress. The willingness to love and assist a self that exists in a time when the light of understanding shines less bright allows you to expand your present-moment capacity for love and compassion. When you release trapped emotional energy, this energy is now free to travel into your present moment, greatly strengthening your spiritual purpose and focus. This is what you refer to as soul retrieval.

All moments exist simultaneously. The fact that you are no longer focused within a moment does not mean it ceases

145 to exist. Each moment you have experienced is still very much alive within its own time space. This is true of past moments from your present life as well as “past life” moments experienced in all other time periods, whether it is 100 B.C.,1250 A.D. or 1920 A.D. (If your consciousness is expanded sufficiently, you may also perceive future life time frames, which simultaneously exist within their own space as well.

When your consciousness evolves to the point that you are able to perceive past times and travel into them to assist past selves, you are entering a "pre-ascension" phase. We will speak more about this in a future discussion. It is enough to know for the moment that time travel in consciousness is possible. This is a form of what you call "angelic intervention." Such intervention is common in your world. Many instances of what you might consider angelic intervention are simply other aspects of a person's soul traveling in consciousness to bring assistance and healing. All advanced souls have this capability.

The Journey of Angelic Intervention

To travel back in consciousness, you will need to bring your vibration to a certain resonance. There are different means by which you may attain this resonance. You may enter into a deep meditation through breathing exercises, through self-hypnosis, relaxation, or other means. When both sides of the brain are synchronized, you experience the mind pattern that creates the resonance to enter the realm of the subconscious. As you enter this realm, you encounter the "gate keeper" of your emotions. If there are any destructive or troubled emotions you need to clear, you will be guided to undertake clearing at this time. As destructive emotional energies are released, you are able to pass unimpeded through the gates of your emotions into the realm of spirit. In this realm, you are able to travel at will to the past or future, or to parallel realities within your present moment.

As you enter the realm of spirit, your conscious mind fades to the background. Your imagination appears to you in the form of a that directs you to the location in time that needs healing and release. You undertake this journey surrounded in a golden light. Inside this light, you receive a great surge of cosmic energy that activates and expands your subtle energy centers. As your consciousness expands, you experience a tremendous sense of love and well-being. When you arrive at the point in time that needs healing, your guide will signal it is time to begin. The moment will unfold like a dream.

You will arrive at the location of your self in the timeframe where healing is

146 needed. This may be a past self from your present life, or a past life self that exists in another timeframe dimension. Wherever this self exists, know it is working on a spiritual understanding you are seeking to complete in your present moment. It is this common purpose that brings you into resonance with this self.

Keep in mind as you approach this self that you will appear to it as a high- vibrational presence. The form this presence takes will depend on the belief system of the self you are assisting. You may appear as a spirit guide, an angel, as Buddha, or any number of other beings. You may not appear in form at all - you may just be a voice that speaks in consciousness.

You have a telepathic communication with this past self, so you can reassure it that you are here to help. This self is calmed by your presence. Let this self know you are here to help with the situation it is working with. Ask this self if it is ready to release emotions surrounding the situation. If it says yes, you are ready to begin the release process. If this self is uncertain, you can communicate with it further to find out what concerns it has.

Merging in Consciousness with a Past Self

When the self is ready to release the situation, you can begin to merge your consciousness. Within this space, you will experience the deep core of emotional energy this self holds around the circumstance that needs healing and release. You will recognize echoes of these feelings within your present moment. As you merge your consciousness with this past self, you are united with your higher self, which holds the understanding you are seeking to complete. Your past self is able to access this understanding of your higher self through your consciousness, which serves as a bridge. The bright light of your higher self carries you and your past self into a place of love. In this high and loving vibration, past, present and future are healed. Once the healing is complete, thank your higher self and your past self for assisting you in this release. Let your past self know it can always call upon you for assistance.

Now, begin returning to your consciousness in the present moment. As you return fully, you experience an emotional shift. The experience of traveling back in time to release and heal your past life has the effect of lightening your present emotional state and freeing a part of your spirit that was trapped in the past. This part of your spirit is now able to join you in the present. In this way, you are able to become more present with less of your attention drawn to the past.

147 As you heal and release aspects of your self throughout time, you become a bright light in the universe. You are no longer a scattered star whose light is fractured throughout time. Through healing and release, you become one unified, brilliant light capable of guiding and assisting others making their way across the darkened path. When you reach this phase, you find your self called upon to assist others in consciousness.

Entering the Portal of Angelic Intervention, Part 2

In the course of your spiritual journey, you reach a time when you come into a new awareness that is able to perceive all the points on the map of your own consciousness that need healing and release. This new awareness recognizes learning opportunities as they arrive in the present moment and is connected at all times with the higher perspective of each event.

As this awareness grows, it is drawn to those moments in the history of your Earthly journeys when energetic aspects of your self are trapped and held in time. As your new awareness travels through time to release these trapped aspects, you receive a great surge of energy in your present moment. As these past moments in time are released, your focus and attention ceases to scatter. You may not be consciously aware of past aspects trapped in time, but on some level you hear them calling to you and respond by creating scenarios in your present moment to attempt to bring about their release. These subconscious attempts may create a bit more insight into trapped emotional energy, but they rarely result in complete healing without the aid of conscious awareness.

When your awareness becomes able to assist in this healing, you will find many spiritual understandings suddenly falling into place. As understandings you have been seeking to gain across time are completed, you are now ready to begin the next phase of your journey as a soul incarnated on Earth. That is, you are now ready to undertake journeys of angelic intervention to assist other souls in need of healing and assistance.

The Journey of Angelic Intervention to Assist Others

There will come a time in your spiritual journey when you begin traveling in your nightly dreams to assist others in consciousness. At first, these journeys may be assisting a disincarnated soul that has lost its way. Or it may be traveling to assist an incarnated being asking for guidance and assistance. It may even be a friend who is in need of help.

148 You may recall from a past discussion that the human energy field, when fully expanded with cosmic energy, appears to unfold "angelic wings." So it is that you may appear as an angelic being to those you are assisting. The form your presence takes depends on the belief system of those you are assisting.

Your ability to remember nightly celestial journeys is determined by your degree of lucidity. In other words, if you are able to clearly remember your dreams, you will remember parts of your nightly journeys to assist others. Practice in remembering and understanding the symbols of your dreams will help you consciously tune into the events of nightly journeys.

Angelic Presence and Healing

You may ask how it is you are able to assist other souls in consciousness. It is in much the same way that you assisted aspects of your self in consciousness. We are aware that many lightworkers still have difficulty perceiving themselves as a high-vibrational presence, and we will address that here. It is this difficulty believing in one's self that dims the light of many gifted souls.

Each being is incarnated with the full spectrum of energetic capabilities. That is to say, each of you from the outset contains a field of potentiality that is identical to that of any other. The shape of your existence from the beginning is chosen by your soul according to the understandings you came here to complete this time around. It is always within your ability to fully awaken at any point along your journey and choose to activate different potentialities.

Those who have chosen to work through the intention of assisting other souls in their awakening process have effectively chosen to activate high- vibrational aspects within their energetic field. In order to align with these aspects and use them for the higher good of all, you must be willing to identify them as your own. In other words, to accept your self and experience your self as the high-vibrational being that you are.

Entering the Portal of Angelic Intervention, Part Three

As we have said, you will arrive at a place in your spiritual growth where you are drawn to travel in consciousness to release aspects of your self trapped in time. As you release trapped emotional energy, you are free to begin the next phase of your journey. That is, traveling in consciousness to assist others.

149 At first, you will undertake these journeys in nightly dreams. At a certain point in your dream state, you complete the processing of your previous day and enter into a different location in your subconscious mind. This location in your subconscious serves as a portal or opening into other dimensions. Once you enter this portal, you move through time and space until you zero in on a frequency that is calling for guidance and assistance.

Facilitating 'Miracles'

In the beginning, this will likely be a single soul that becomes lost in the process of crossing over. Or it may be an incarnated soul crying out for higher assistance in a time of need. When you travel in consciousness, you are aligned with your higher self. Your desire and intention to assist another brings you into this highest octave of your being. In this way, the person asking for assistance senses this highest octave of your energy as a high-vibrational being.

This is not the only reason a person traveling in consciousness may be perceived as "angelic." Often it is just the answering energy of the universe - the arrival of a being in consciousness - that brings a person into communion with their higher self. Their higher self is then able to "download" the healing and assistance they are seeking. In some instances, it is the belief that a "" has occurred – that their prayers and requests have been answered - that brings a person into vibrational resonance with their higher self.

Once you have undertaken a number of singular journeys to assist others, you will find your nightly journeys taking you to scenes around the world where dramatic events are unfolding. In such instances, numbers of souls are passing over. Those left behind are often in a state of shock and despair. You will find your self at times assisting those who are passing over and at other times, assisting those who are staying behind.

Journeys to Assist Mass Numbers of Souls

There are times on the Earth when great numbers of souls are passing over to other realms. This might be the site of a natural disaster such as an earthquake or hurricane, or it might be the site of a "man-made" disaster, such as the event you term "911."

To help you understand this form of angelic intervention, we will describe how many volunteer souls arrived on the astral plane to assist those newly leaving the Earth after 911. A call went out far and wide for angelic assistance to aid souls crossing over. This call went out well in advance of

150 the actual event. When you journey to assist others, it can be in past or future timeframes, as well as your present timeframe. With 911, it was important for lightworkers to journey from a time before the event. After 911 occurred, a dark cloud spread throughout the human collective consciousness. This cloud temporarily dimmed the light of many high- vibrational souls as their hearts struggled to find love around this occurrence. For this reason, it was important for light beings to arrive "on the scene" not knowing what they were viewing.

The souls they assisted arrived with visions of what they had experienced very much intact. Thanks to the efforts of many volunteer souls, they were quickly brought into reunion with their higher self and remembered their soul contract to participate in this important event on the world's stage. Their souls were able to take quantum steps on their journey of becoming as a result of this contract.

At least a third of those "angelic" volunteers who responded to the call during 911 were first-time volunteers to the scene of a mass disaster. This event served as an important training ground for many newly-awakened souls. In turn, these souls provided a great assistance and healing, adding their light to the brilliant glow that welcomed arriving souls with love and assistance.

In time, advanced souls recall their journeys to assist others at the site of such world events. Beyond this, they begin to undertake journeys in their waking consciousness. Relatively few souls reach this phase of waking journeys.

Angelic Journeys During Waking Existence

Not all your journeys to assist others will take place in your nightly dreams. In time, you may find your self contacted during your waking existence by souls from all points in the universe seeking guidance and assistance.

You can choose to begin traveling in waking consciousness by entering into a trance-like state through breathing and relaxation. While breathing and relaxing, bring your mind into stillness and your heart into a place of calm. Hold the person or situation you are assisting in your heart as you breathe deeply, releasing your hold on the physical world. Allow your imagination to gently guide you through the gates of physical reality and onto the bridge that leads from conscious to subconscious mind. Find the portal you access in your nightly dreams. As you enter this portal, set your intention to travel in consciousness to this location. Tune into the frequency of this location and you can begin to traveling in waking

151 consciousness. Once you have traveled to a location while awake or asleep, you effectively have a "phone number" that allows you to always home in on this frequency again.

Through the doorway of your imagination, you may travel in consciousness to any location in the universe to assist those in need. This may seem strange or unusual to you at first, but as you undertake these journeys, you will begin to remember previous times when you offered angelic assistance to others. Many times in the past – between lives, in nightly dreams, and in consciousness during any number of incarnations - you have participated in angelic intervention efforts.

Each time you journey to assist aspects of your self in time, or other souls in need of assistance, you deepen your experience and understanding of angelic aspects of your self. Over time, you carry angelic energy more and more into your daily life, greatly transforming the vibration of your present existence to one of joyful service and love.

By entering the Portal of Angelic Intervention, you are able to recognize and accept high-vibrational aspects of your self. As you expand your beliefs, you are able to travel in consciousness to assist aspects of your self emotionally trapped in time. As you clear your energy throughout time, you become a brighter light in the universe, able to travel in nightly dreams and waking consciousness to assist other souls in need of guidance and assistance.

152 Portals of Consciousness Expansion

The Portal of Spiritual Guidance is one of the most important portals we enter. This represents a first important step of the conscious mind to surrender to the higher self and life purpose. This step is usually arrived at after a journey through the physical realm that awakens us to the pain and suffering of the world. This awareness brings you to a "dark night of the soul" where you begin "asking" for answers and insights from a source beyond your conscious mind. This asking opens the door for your guides and higher self to begin to communicate with you in a more direct way, downloading the information and guidance you're seeking.

By opening to spiritual guidance, you're able to the access The Portal of Your Higher Self where you come into telepathic communication with high- vibrational aspects of your self. Because your higher self orchestrates your vast repertoire of "selves" incarnated in various timeframe dimensions, past, present and future, you begin to awaken to more of the full picture of your multidimensional existence. This allows you to begin to "see through" limiting beliefs and systems of "consciousness control and management" by middlemen such as religions, government and institutions, and even the controls of family strictures and other associations.

It is by aligning and regularly communing with your higher self that you're able to enter the Portal of Spiritual Awareness where you begin to come into your full multidimensional consciousness. In this portal, you go beyond a beginning-level awareness of your other aspects and "selves." In this portal, you actually begin to develop a relationship with these other aspects of your being, exchanging information, ideas and inspiration.

As you embrace and commune with these other aspects, you enter the Portal of Consciousness Expansion. Each time you link with a new aspect of your self, you expand into a new location on the map of your own multidimensional consciousness. In time, you're able to move fluently between aspects, uniting with and calling upon their vast repertoire of talents, skills, abilities and understandings. This allows you to gift the world with this powerful synthesis of your infinite being.

In your daily life, you're able to continue the conscious expansion of your awareness by embracing the Portal of Mystical Realities. In this portal, you bring the resilience and flow of your spirit into your physical existence. There are steps you can take in your physical life to feed your spirit, such as caring for and nurturing your physical body so you can accommodate a greater amount of cosmic life force energy. This allows you to step into a

153 more multidimensional Earthly experience. Another step is honoring your two greatest friends and allies - your nightly dreams and your imagination. It is your dreams and imagination that bring you the images and symbols of the many other aspects of your existence. These images, if you recognize and embrace them, can become the star you steer by in learning to navigate the realm of the mystical.

As you begin to align more of your physical existence with your multidimensional awareness, you're able to enter with greater frequency the Portal of Bliss. Inside the Portal of Bliss, you bring the experience of joy and unconditional love into your daily life. As you enter the Portal of Bliss on a regular basis, you release everything within you that is out of sync with this high vibration. Releasing illusory causes of suffering allows you to more fully align with the frequency of bliss. As bliss saturates your energy field, you're able to access ever ascending experiences of love and joy.

It is bringing ever greater experiences of joy and bliss into your life that allows you to access the Portal of Peak States of Consciousness. Inside this portal, you're able to enter high-vibrational states of love. This resonance enables you to access greatly expanded inner dimensions.

During a peak experience, you encounter a heightened sense of awareness and aliveness that brings you into close communion with the life that exists all around you. You feel your self surrounded by radiant beauty. You experience a great sense of calm, a peace and lightness. Time slows down and falls away. You're able to live entirely in the present moment. Your mind becomes still and silent. You are completely free in this space. There is no fear, no negative emotions, just a luminous peaceful perception with an underlying state of well-being. Inside this space, spiritual truths are obvious. You see the world from a mountaintop of peak experience that allows you to transform any energies you encounter into the highest good for all. You're able to see all things and all-time with a crystal-clear perception that has the power to heal the world.

Entering the Portal of Spiritual Guidance

Throughout history, there have been those who have taken steps in physical reality to follow guidance from the spiritual realm. This is happening more often as an ever greater number of people are awakening to a direct experience with the universe and all-that-is.

We want to offer you a "behind-the-scenes" perspective on how spiritual guidance works. Imagine the universe as a large broadcasting system.

154 Knowledge of all that has ever been or will be is broadcast over this system at all times. Every living thing acts as a receiving station for this broadcast, according to its need and purpose. We want to emphasize here the phrase "according to its need and purpose," because once you fully grasp its implications, many understandings fall into place concerning your life purpose.

Many on Earth experience the sensation of wandering a barren desert in search of meaning and purpose without any hope of finding the answers they seek. This does not have to be the case. In each life, there are "codes and keys" that are unlocked once one finds the correct lens with which to view their life.

Having said this, we ask you to turn your attention once more to this all- encompassing, continuous broadcast going out over the universal radio station at all times. Each person receives this broadcast through the unique filter of their purpose for this lifetime. This is why one person translates the universal signals they receive into the Theory of Relativity while another translates the signals into the prototype for the first automobile. These two individuals received the same broadcast but translated the signals differently according to the blueprint for their life purpose.

Your Energy Field Contains the Blueprint for Your Life

The purpose for each person's life is coded into the energetic field that surrounds their physical body. This "energetic blueprint" serves as the translating mechanism for the universal broadcast. This explains why two individuals decode the signal in the same exact way with only a slight variation: it is because these individuals share the same purpose.

By understanding how it is that your subtle energetic field translates the universal broadcast, you can open to the vision for your life purpose that you have been seeking.

There are times when you are able to "pick up" the universal broadcast signal more clearly in much the same way that a radio is better able to receive a clear signal when atmospheric conditions are conducive. Every aspect of your life determines the strength and clarity of the universal broadcast signal you receive. When your life force energy is pulsing at a high level, you are able to draw in a clearer and stronger universal broadcast signal. An alkaline body is a far more capable receiving station than an acid body. A still mind is a better receiving station than a scattered mind, just as an open mind is a better receiving station than a closed mind.

155 Likewise, an open heart is a better receiving station than a closed heart. A person whose energy field carries a high vibration attuned to the frequency of love, abundance and compassion is a better receiving station than a vibration attuned to anger, scarcity consciousness and a lack of care and concern for others.

Disharmony in the Energetic Field

When life force receptivity is low, the universal broadcast signals are often distorted as they enter the energy field. Imagine trying to decipher a faint signal coming into a radio with a weak battery. You would only make out a word here and there. This is how some people experience spiritual guidance when there is weakness and disharmony in their energetic field. In cases where the energetic field suffers from weakness and disharmony, it may be necessary to seek out a practitioner who can read the energy field and facilitate harmony in the field. As the universal broadcast signal passes through the energetic field surrounding your physical body, it is decoded according to the blueprint for your current lifetime. If your purpose is to facilitate healing for others, over time the decoding of your purpose will take you on a journey to acquire the experiences, understandings and skills you need to fulfill your purpose. Whenever you veer from the journey of fulfilling this purpose, your life will lose meaning and purpose. Your energetic field will sag and lose strength, and physical illness could result.

Tuning into `Movies of the Mind'

So how do you gain awareness of the "life purpose signals" that your energetic field is constantly decoding? It is important that you take time on a regular basis to tune out the noise of the world and sit in silent contemplation. During these contemplative times, open to the pictures that come into your mind. Your higher self will communicate these life purpose signals to you in mental pictures. Allow these movies to play in your mind. Write them down and allow their meaning to come to you slowly over time. The study of dream symbols will help you unravel the images your higher self brings to you. Becoming adept in this universal language of symbols allows you to understand the meanings of the images that come into your mind. By remembering your dreams each day and interpreting the symbols they contain, you can develop your skills in the universal language of symbols in much the same way that daily practice in a language helps you become proficient at it.

One you receive an image and have a grasp of its meaning, you can dialog with your guides to learn the steps you can take to fulfill your purpose at

156 this time. Draw a line down the middle of a sheet of paper. Write the questions you have in the left column. Using the technique of automatic writing, allow your guides to bring you the answers on the right side of the paper. Once you have answers in hand, take action to follow the steps you are given. Remember that following the guidance you ask for and receive is gratitude in action.

If you receive an image of your self painting on a canvas, you can ask your guides if this has to do with your life purpose. If you receive an affirmative answer, you might then ask what kind of painting you are doing. If your guides tell you this is a form of painting that is therapeutic, you might then ask why you are undertaking this therapeutic painting. If the answer is "to gain awareness of an emotional block you have and clear it," you know there is something that needs to be cleared before you can proceed on your spiritual path. Your response might be to sign up for an art therapy class that is synchronistically being offered at this time. It may be that in the course of taking this class, you discover and clear an emotional block you have. You may also discover you have a great passion for art therapy in general and that you want to begin studies to become an art therapist your self so you can facilitate clearing and growth for others. This is an example of how the pictures that come into your mind during times of silence and contemplation can lead you to discover the purpose and meaning of your life.

By entering the Portal of Spiritual Guidance, you can open to consciously receive the images the energetic blueprint within your subtle energy field is decoding from the universal broadcast. Once you learn to work with these images, you can begin to unravel the meanings and take steps to follow the guidance you receive to bring the joy of meaning and purpose into your life.

Entering the Portal of Your Higher Self Your existence on Earth is often experienced with a kind of reverse perception. In other words, as your mind attempts to use linear explanations for the workings of the universe, you may find your self attempting to view a multi-dimensional scene with a one-dimensional lens. Much is lost in translation. This is often the case in how you perceive your connection with your higher self. We define your higher self as the organizing entity of all your incarnations occurring simultaneously in numerous time/space dimensions. Your higher self is aware of all these different “life frames” at once, whereas you, by necessity, enter into a state of forgetfulness of your other selves at the beginning of a new life frame. This forgetfulness is necessary because it would be difficult to remain

157 focused in your present reality if you had access to your many other "storylines." Imagine the temptation if you held a remote control that allowed you through “direct cosmic broadcast” to flip through hundreds of stations, all playing different storylines featuring different versions of yourself!

Accessing Multidimensional Consciousness

By the nature of things, your conscious mind cannot know the full picture of your multidimensional existence. However, as your spiritual consciousness grows, you come into an awareness of these other selves, and begin to sense their subtle influences on your present moment. It is not important for you to be caught up in learning the details of the storylines of your other selves. They exist as aspects of your present- moment self, residing in your energy field. You experience and interact with these aspects of your self in every moment of your present existence. Some individuals have a peaceful, loving relationship with their other selves, whereas others have an antagonistic one. As you come into a place of "oneness" and acceptance with these aspects of yourself, you experience a greater sense of inner peace.

Building a Bridge in Consciousness to Your Higher Self

One way you can enter this place of inner harmony is to build a bridge within consciousness to your higher self. Remember, your higher self is greatly expanded and contains the essence of all your lifetimes in what you think of as past, present and future. It is within your higher self that all your aspects across time are harmonized. By harmonizing with your higher self, you are able to more easily come into harmony with your other selves as well. Your higher self also contains the blueprint for all your lifetimes. It contains the story of each life from beginning to end, and it knows the arc of lifetimes that brings you into a place of oneness and completion.

You may ask how there can be free will if all that ever will be has already occurred and exists within this organizing energy of your higher self. It is important to understand that all-time exists simultaneously. On the earth plane, there is a more limited, linear perception of time, but beyond the physical plane, time is a fabric all of one piece. The only limitation in perceiving all-time is that of limited awareness. Within this fabric of oneness, you have free will as to the pace and means by which you grow your consciousness. Growth along a continuum is a given in your world though you are free to choose the timing and circumstances of this growth.

158 Your higher self determines the lessons you experience within a certain framework. You have the choice of how you respond to these lessons. If the lesson before you is abundance, you decide if you will learn about abundance through scarcity consciousness or through a belief that there is more than enough of everything you need.

Your Higher Self Is a Greatly Expanded Part of You

Some in your world exercise free will to resist what they perceive as the mandates of this “authority” of your higher self. This is a misunderstanding that arises from a perspective of separation. Your higher self is not outside your self, but is a greatly expanded part of you that exists in complete harmony with all-that-is. It is good to examine your attitudes toward authority figures in your life. Ask your self if you hold resentment toward those who by circumstance play an authoritative role in your life. It is not uncommon for resentment toward outer authorities to extend into your attitudes toward your higher self. This colors and, in some cases, blocks access to your greatest resource. In your world, religious interpretations that have been placed upon this relationship you have with your higher self. Unfortunately, some belief systems have placed the higher self in a place of separation from the individual consciousness. This is a misunderstanding. You are never separate from your higher self unless you choose a path of separation. You never need another to serve as intermediary or “go-between” with your higher self. Would you ask another to help you have a conversation with your big toe? This may seem an absurd example, but it is to show how unnecessary it is to ask others to facilitate a conversation with another part of your self. Bridging and Strengthening your Connection to Your Higher Self You are always able to bridge and strengthen your connection with your higher self. By exercising free will to still your mind, set intention, listen to and follow guidance, you are able to joyfully embrace your spiritual lessons as they appear before you. This openness brings you into alignment with your higher self, and through this alignment, brings you into harmony with all your other selves incarnated throughout time. It also allows you to gain awareness of the blueprint for your present lifetime, which includes your life purpose.

By entering the Portal of your Higher Self, you are able to harmonize with this organizing entity that contains the essence and vibration of all your

159 various selves incarnated simultaneously in different life-frame dimensions. It is through acceptance of all your selves and building a bridge in consciousness with your higher self that you are able to understand your life purpose, and the role of your current lifetime within the arc of all your lifetimes. By building a bridge in consciousness to your higher self, you are able to share your present understandings with your other "selves" and receive the gifts of their talents and understandings, therefore accelerating movement along your spiritual path, and facilitating complete alignment and harmony with all-that-is.

Entering the Portal of Spiritual Awareness

We want to take you once more "behind the scenes" of your inner world to give you a glimpse of the role played by your higher self and its complement of "past and future life selves" in your present-moment existence.

Before we proceed with this discussion, we will explain how past and future lives operate in general. The merging of the conscious self with the higher self is generally a slow process over time, but due to the shifting currents within your world, there is now a "fast tracking" of growth for many awakening souls. This is a process that can throw the conscious existence into something akin to a physical "detox" state.

The Role of Your Higher Self

Your higher self is your council of advisers. This council is comprised of all the "selves" you have been or will be with all the wisdom, knowledge and experience they have amassed. Your higher self resides in the realm of your subconscious mind. To be able to access your inner council at will, you must learn to navigate the emotional level that bridges conscious and subconscious minds. For many in your world, crossing this bridge from conscious to subconscious mind is an arduous task. This task may feel to some along the lines of a lifelong city dweller who travels alone through a dense jungle. This journey inevitably calls forth many deep-seated fears of unknown dangers and life-threatening encounters. Many of these fears reside within cellular memory and collective consciousness.

In order to navigate the emotional level at will, you will need to work through unresolved emotional issues. Once you navigate the jungle of unresolved emotions, you can reliably travel into your subconscious mind to commune with your higher self. As you come into greater communion with your higher self, you are able to access the wisdom of your inner council of past and future selves.

160 The Gifts of Spiritual Communion

Communing with your higher self also helps you access the talents, skills and abilities of your other "selves." It is when an individual joins forces with their "selves" across time that an Einstein or a Mozart is born. Each soul is unto themselves an entire spiritual community comprised of all the selves that make up their past, present and future incarnations. When the "self" who is currently incarnated becomes over-identified with physical reality, they tend to lose touch with the spiritual community of their inner homeland. This is much like the individual who migrates to a country far from where they were born and loses touch with his or her family of origin. For these individuals, life is burdened with a sense of loss and longing that over time can erode the flow of life force energy.

The greatest joy an awakening soul experiences is when they begin to receive spontaneous communications from their other selves. There is an immediate recognition akin to receiving a long letter from home after years of isolation and silence. This is what happens when the emotions are cleared sufficiently to allow communication with the higher self. This is the essence of a spiritual awakening experience that dramatically changes the present-moment life and begins to attune consciousness with the spiritual destiny for the current lifetime.

Understanding Past and Future Lives

Before we move on in our discussion, we want to clear up the issue of past and future life selves. While many are familiar with the concept of past life selves, there is often less understanding of future life selves. Both past and future life entities exist beyond the boundaries of linear time. As present- life "veils" are removed, you are able to access both past and future selves to the degree that such access facilitates your spiritual growth. Both past and future selves have valuable information to share with you, but you will not be able to access this information until you come into resonance with it.

Your Present Moment is Holographic to All Incarnations

We now return to your present life, which is holographic in nature. A single life is to the arc of lifetimes as a drop of water is to the ocean. In this way, there is much you can learn about your past and future life selves by developing awareness of the various parts of your self that play a dominant role in your current life. At any given time, according to your current needs and life circumstances, an "aspect" of your higher self is informing and

161 advising your conscious, present-moment self. Many who are incarnated are not aware when these changeovers in spiritual advisers take place, but they are often aware when a sudden "change of heart" and change in direction takes place in their lives.

If the present-moment consciousness is deeply identified with the physical life and the aspect of self currently in charge of the life, these changeovers in spiritual guidance can be dramatic. This rigidity and resistance to change slows spiritual progress. Over time, one of two scenarios takes place in a given life. In one scenario, the conscious mind expands its spiritual awareness to more readily adapt to these changeovers, surrendering to the need for spiritual growth and communion. In the second scenario, the conscious mind becomes increasingly resistant to spiritual progression. In this instance, the soul begins to "phase out" the incarnation by slowly cutting off the flow of life force to the body. This is why an individual faced with a life-threatening illness sometimes awakens to the need for spiritual growth and begins progressing again. At this point, the soul often chooses to "re-instate" life force to the incarnation. This is when remissions and "miracles" occur.

Embracing "Changeovers" in Spiritual Guidance

To be able to fulfill your life purpose of spiritual growth, it is important to set your intention to welcome and embrace each new aspect of "self" that comes into your life to guide and assist you to your next stage of growth. You can begin a dialog with each new guiding entity to learn more about this past or future self's lifetime and where they reside. These advising selves are aspects of your inner spiritual community for the present lifetime, just as your past and future life selves represent the spiritual community of your soul. Each life mirrors all other lifetimes and contains within it the possibility for inner communion and homecoming.

By entering the Portal of Spiritual Awareness, you are able to expand your present-moment consciousness to welcome and embrace each aspect of your higher self that arises in your life to guide you to the next phase of spiritual understanding. In time, this intention to welcome and embrace spiritual awareness bridges your present-moment consciousness with your higher self, bringing you into direct communion with your selves across all-time and all-that-is.

Entering the Portal of Consciousness Expansion

Your life as you have experienced it thus for and as you experience it in your present moment is a reflection of the state of your consciousness. In

162 order to expand the field of possibilities for your life, you expand your consciousness. An important attribute of consciousness is vision. What you "see" for your self -- the pictures from which you create your life - determine how you grow and expand your consciousness.

One of the greatest obstacles to consciousness expansion is limited vision. If your vision is hampered or shut down in any way, you will not be able to perceive the vast opportunities for expanding your consciousness that are available to you. You will not be able to perceive realities that exist beyond the physical and are likely to keep reprocessing the realities of your past. A willingness to adopt new pictures is at the root of all profound change. You cannot step into a reality you don’t see yourself in.

Expanding Your Field of Possibilities

The most difficult hurdle for those who are heavily vested in physical- based consciousness is to expand what they see as possible for themselves. Whatever you see as possible for your self is real and true for you. If you see your self as an impoverished victim, that becomes your reality. If you see your self as an infinitely joyful and expansive work in progress, this becomes your reality. Which reality would you choose? The pictures you see in your mind become the movies of your life.

We can tell you that every person who is incarnate, however wise or aware, has a vision for their life that can be expanded. Some people adopt the pictures they are given in childhood. These are the collective visions of their family and others in their environment. Some never move beyond these pictures. They may feel this to be very restrictive but don't know how to change it, or they may take comfort in knowing what the world expects of them.

As you awaken and become aware of the limitations imposed by old visions of what is possible, you will want to expand the scope of your vision. To do this, you need to cultivate an inner yoga that allows a flexibility of vision. An open and flexible mind is a prerequisite to consciousness expansion.

Accessing Altered States of Consciousness

One way to begin perceiving a broader range of possibilities is to learn to access altered states of reality. There are many "portals" through which you can access altered states of consciousness. It can be as simple as writing a poem, taking time from your day to create a work of art or an enhanced living space, going for a long walk in nature, making love,

163 traveling to a new place (internally or externally), a day of solitude, a fast where you allow the body to empty itself of food, camping in nature, attending a workshop or retreat, spending an entire day in meditation, listening to music, or going on creative outings with no goal in mind except to see the world around you from a creative perspective. The entryways or portals to altered states are unlimited. They can span an hour, a day, a weekend, or longer. You might call these "mini vision quests."

Over time, you will learn how to shift your consciousness at will to an altered state. You will find any situation you focus on expands into an entire universe of possibility. Within a given moment, you can look at a situation that is before you and see a greater range of possibilities. Inside this altered space, your guides are better able to gently guide you to new insights. It may take some practice to learn to shift into this alternate reality, but once you become adept at it, you will be able to shift quickly to examine the broader scope of any situation that is before you. Each time you travel into alternate realities, you create greater resonance between altered states and your daily consciousness. In time, your everyday consciousness will become so aligned with alternate realities that you will not even notice the shift taking place. As your consciousness expands, it will become automatic.

Your vision for your life determines everything that happens in your life. To expand your perceptions and transcend perceived limitations, enter the Portal of Consciousness Expansion by opening the door to your mind and welcoming the universe of new possibilities that waits on the other side.

Entering the Portal of Mystical Realities

There are times when it may seem your existence here is as dry as broom straw. By this, we refer to a brittle feeling within that lacks resiliency and flow. Many on the Earth experience this and reach for that which blunts of these feelings. Such actions result in addictions that deaden the existence even further.

When your spirit lacks vitality and color, this is a sign you are not giving it what it needs to flourish. One aspect of this is a misunderstanding that physical reality feeds your spirit. In fact, it is your spirit that feeds your physical reality. When you attempt to live in reverse, taking sustenance from the outer world, you quickly deplete your spirit.

Feeding your spirit what it needs to grow is much like feeding your body what it needs to thrive. While much of the sustenance for your body comes from cosmic life force energy, the food and other substances you put into

164 your body either facilitates or hinders your body's ability to receive this energy. When you take in substances that deaden your vitality and create blockages in your physical system, you open the door for disease to manifest. So it is, when you attempt to feed your spirit with mundane, one- dimensional experiences of the physical world, it begins to shrivel and withdraw from your existence. There are many in your world who exist with just a spark of their spirit intact. These beings find themselves susceptible to afflictions and diseases of the body, mind and spirit.

Awakening to the Mystical

When you realize your existence has become dry and ruled by habit, it is time to withdraw some of your focus from physical reality and awaken your sleeping spiritual senses to the mystical energies all around you. As you attune your senses to the realm of the "unseen," you are able to explore and experience a vast array of energies that deepen your spiritual understanding. This paradoxically gives you a richer experience of physical existence.

We offer here some ways you can begin to access the Portal of Mystical Realities in your daily life. The first step is the same as with all things -- that is, set your intention to do so, then begin to shift your focus and attention through right use of will and desire. Once you have taken this first step, you can take the further steps of listening to your imagination and trusting the images it brings you. It is also important to remember and interpret the messages your soul brings you in your nightly dreams.

The Doorway of the Imagination

In your world, the imagination is often considered a second-rate instrument that "makes up" things. The realm of the imaginary has come into such scorn that many stifle the messages of their imagination early in life. This is one of the greatest points of misunderstanding in your world! Your imagination is your bridge to higher consciousness. It is your greatest means of accessing other aspects of your self, such as your higher self, your oversoul, and other incarnational selves that exist in other timeframe dimensions.

Cutting yourself off from your imagination is like attempting to function with only half your self intact. Many adapt to such a "half" existence, but it is always with a great feeling of loss and a knowing that something important is missing. When you lose connection with this wise and knowing part of your self, you go through life without knowing why you are here. True love eludes those who are not in touch with their soul. Life

165 becomes an endless striving for material gain that never quenches the growing thirst for spiritual connection.

Those who have cut themselves off from their imagination can choose to reconnect by changing their beliefs about the imagination. Understand and accept that all the images your imagination brings you are real and true and apply to you. Your imagination only brings you images that are an energetic match for your present reality. Sometimes, in order to understand the full meaning of these images, it is necessary to view them in a symbolic rather than literal way. Perceiving your existence in a symbolic way requires you to take a few steps back from physical reality and enter the realm of the mystical.

The Theater of Nightly Dreams

In much the same way, your nightly dreams bring images and messages that shed light on the state of your present-moment consciousness. They also offer glimpses of past and future moments as they apply to your present moment. By setting the intention to remember these messages and understanding their meaning, you gain access to the realm of the mystical.

Some of your nightly dreams center on processing waking experiences. Ideally, at some point during the night, you complete this processing and enter an elevated dream state where you are able to receive information and guidance from your higher self and guides. In this state, you may also commune with aspects of your self that exist in other timeframe dimensions.

As you become advanced in your dreamtime experiences, you are able to attend spiritual teachings all over the universe, or serve as a volunteer traveling in dreamtime to assist other souls in your world and in other dimensions. There are many possibilities you are able to explore as you become adept in dreamtime travels.

To set up the probability of accessing elevated dream states, you can consciously choose to process and distill the meaning of your waking experiences before you enter the sleep state. One way to do this is to interpret the meaning of significant events from your day in terms of dream symbols. When you process your waking experiences prior to entering the sleep state, this frees time and energy that would otherwise be used processing your waking experiences.

Another step before falling asleep is to speak to your higher self and guides about the journeys and understandings you wish to undertake in

166 your sleep state. Become clear about the areas on which you wish to focus. This sets up a framework of intention that takes you into the timeframes, dimensions and journeys you wish to experience during your dreamtime.

As you learn to navigate the universe of the subconscious during dream states, you learn to bring the realm of the mystical into your waking existence.

By entering the Portal of Mystical Experiences, you learn to feed your spirit by awakening your spiritual senses to the realm of the unseen, which has the power to grow your spirit and enrich your physical existence. Within this portal, you encounter two doorways – one leading to the imagination and the other to the theater of your nightly dreams. Both offer access to the realm of the mystical where your highest probabilities beacon like fields of wildflowers.

Entering the Portal of Bliss

Even when there is suffering and disharmony in the world around you, it is possible to enter the Portal of Bliss. This is a portal dedicated entirely to the experience of joy and unconditional love. Inside the Portal of Bliss, you are able to harmonize and center your energies with perfect awareness of the love being held all around you. If you have sometimes felt a lack of joy and love in your life, you can begin to heal this by entering the Portal of Bliss.

A portal magnifies the energies intentioned within it, so within this place of focused will and intention, it is possible to experience energies in a much greater intensity than normal. In this way, allowing your self to enter the Portal of Bliss saturates your energy field with magnified love and joy. In time, this energy extends into every part of your life, creating healing at every level – physical, emotional and spiritual - and raising your vibration to new realms of experience and possibility.

Creating a Portal of Bliss

It is possible to create with your intention a Portal of Bliss. See your self standing inside this portal, which appears to you as an oval of radiant light. When standing inside this portal, you are able to look at the world around you from a place of joy and bliss. Bring your focus to each situation in your life and understand it in terms of its resonance with the bliss of spiritual alignment. Whenever a situation is not in alignment with spirit, it is illusionary. Release everything in your life you identify as illusion. Know

167 that each time you stand inside the Portal of Bliss, you are experiencing the vibration of unconditional love. It is within this vibration that you learn to see through all that is not in harmony with the vibration of love and bliss. Once you see through illusion, you stop trying to align with false realities. Aligning your self with an illusion is like bending the body in a very unnatural way that inflicts pain-and-suffering.

Suffering is a By-Product of Aligning with the Illusion

In order to enter the Portal of Bliss at will, it is important to understand the nature of the suffering that has blocked your entry to this portal in the past. Suffering is inherently illusionary. When you attempt to align your self with that which is not real, you experience suffering. Once you understand the nature of the illusionary world and learn to “see through” the illusion, it becomes easier to identify and release suffering. This suffering can take on many forms that manifest themselves as negative emotions and negative belief systems.

One of the greatest barriers to entering the Portal of Bliss is guilt. You may ask yourself, how can I enter into a state of Bliss when so many in the world are suffering? Remaining blissful while others suffer may seem selfish when viewed from a certain perspective. However, the idea that it is possible to alleviate suffering from a place of suffering is a misunderstanding generated from the illusion. You might consider if you are trying to help a person who has swallowed poison, if it would help that person’s condition for you to swallow poison your self. It is easy to see how this would not be helpful at all. In fact, the most beneficial thing you can offer any person who is suffering is to be within your best faculties. A person with a clear and focused mind and a calm and compassionate heart is able to offer assistance that carries a healing vibration. When you change your circumstances, you open energetic pathways for others.

The Illusion as Gatekeeper to Higher Consciousness

Understand the illusory nature of the world you live in serves as a gatekeeper. In order to step beyond the illusion, you must allow your higher self to become your navigation system. If the conscious mind is overly aligned with physical reality, it becomes susceptible to illusion. With your higher self as your navigator, you travel through life with a greater sense of awareness. This awareness serves as a radar for illusion. Whenever you encounter illusion, your higher awareness sends a signal to the conscious mind to pay attention. In a state of heightened awareness, the conscious mind sends out a question -- what is this I have encountered? (Remember, it is only when you ask for assistance that the

168 universe is able to assist you). Once you have asked a question, your higher self/internal guidance system then identifies the nature of the illusion and shows you how it not in alignment with universal law. You are now able to face the illusion and identify it. This identification is the magic password that bypasses the gatekeeper. In this way, you are able to enter into a new realm of consciousness. Over time as your repertoire of spiritual passwords increases, your journey through life becomes less and less impeded by illusion.

Once you identify the illusory nature of the concept of suffering to alleviate suffering, you bypass it quickly to the recognition that what truly helps others end their suffering is for you to end suffering in your own life. By releasing the need for suffering, you are setting up a high-vibrational resonance for others. This is like sounding a harmonizing note that opens energetic pathways for others to follow. Once you understand that entering the Portal of Bliss magnifies and enhances the energies of joy and love on this plane of existence, you begin to incorporate this into your purpose for this lifetime. This purpose is to build a portal structure that carries the vibration and experience of Bliss. You now invite others into the structure so they can experience Bliss for themselves.

Bliss Transforms Your Life Circumstances

When you live in a state of joy and bliss, you are able to see everything in your life from a higher perspective. The person who chooses to reside in the frequency of joy has made a decision to view every circumstance they encounter with acceptance and gratitude, even those that are painful and challenging.

When you have existed in this vibration of joy for a period of time, you find your life circumstances becoming more peaceful and loving. It is important to understand when you initially choose the path of joy you may find your self experiencing manifestations of the past, some of which may have been created from a less than joyful place. This is because on the Earth plane there is a space of time between the seeding of a creation and its arrival in physical reality.

If you are able to remain in a state of joy and bliss even as these past creations arrive in your present moment, you will soon find your self sailing the serene waters of a peaceful sea.

Bliss Makes Love Bio-Available at the Cellular Level

The experience of Bliss has the ability to heal the past, transform the

169 present and create a future that is less hampered by the burden of illusion. It does this by making the vibration of love bio-available at a cellular level. This vibration of love is the most powerful vibration in the universe. It is the essence of life force energy. Imagine spirit as having its own DNA. By bringing your self into alignment with the vibration of love, you are able to merge your own DNA with that of spirit. It is inside the Portal of Bliss where you are able to create this merger with the highest vibration in the universe. Inside the state of Bliss, you become Heaven on Earth. You become a powerful portal anchoring Heaven to Earth; a doorway through which others can enter into the experience of Bliss. The experience of Bliss is the true antidote to the suffering that exists within the illusory world. It is only through entering the Portal of Bliss and becoming a conduit for love and joy that you are able to truly help alleviate the world's suffering.

Entering the Portal of Peak States of Consciousness

There has been a great struggle throughout the history of humankind to find that which turns the key in the lock springing open the door that sets the spirit free. Many practices have been put into place, much effort expended to journey within and without to this place where Heaven joins Earth in eternal song. In each generation, a small percentage of souls reach this place; some venture near enough to hear the music of the spheres, while others make it onto the path that leads to the way.

Shifting energies now open the way for many more to reach high- vibrational states. These shifts have been created in part by the repeated efforts of many souls over numerous cycles of incarnations anchoring light by increasing increments to the Earth plane. This expanding vibration of love has multiplied exponentially to open portals in consciousness that were not easily accessed in the past. These portals exist as latent possibilities waiting for consciousness to enter their frequency and gain access to greatly expanded inner dimensions. They are now wide open to those of you who have chosen to incarnate to this dimension as lightworkers.

So it is that those of you who have spent endless hours attending workshops and engaging in spiritual practices to raise the vibration of your existence now possess possibilities that were not previously on the horizon of humankind.

Many of you have not yet recognized the exciting array of possibilities that are now "waiting in the wings," ready to be activated in your present reality. These portals offer greatly expanded opportunities for the growth of your consciousness. The highest of these possibilities are peak states of

170 consciousness you are now able to enter. By gaining awareness of these peak states and accessing them, you are able to take quantum leaps on your spiritual path.

Signposts of Peak Experiences

In the present moment, less than ten percent of those in your world have entered “peak" experiences even for brief periods. When you stay in a peak experience for a prolonged period of time, this is a "peak state." A continuous peak state experience is a blissful and blessed state. In Earth’s future history, continuous peak states will be commonplace.

We will describe here some of the signposts of a peak state of experience.

During a peak experience, moments are experienced with a heightened sense of awareness and "aliveness." This sense of aliveness brings you into close communion with the life around you. You feel your self surrounded by exceptional beauty. You experience a great emotional calm – a peace and lightness. Time slows down and falls away, allowing you to come into a very present state. In this space, spiritual truths are obvious. Your mind is still and silent. You don’t take on others' emotional distress. The past can be brought up without emotions; there is no lingering sense of trauma. You are not likely to abdicate your own knowing to experts and other authorities. Fear doesn't exist within a peak state. Your perceptions are positive and peaceful, lit by the warm glow of underlying happiness.

There are many variations of what we are describing here. It is important thing to understand that even those who have experienced great trauma and difficulty can enter peak states where troubled thoughts, emotions and perceptions are healed and dissolved. As you enter peak states of joy, bliss and unconditional love, all that is of lower resonance falls away, opening the door for further expansion into peak states of consciousness.

The New Earth

It is no longer necessary to struggle toward higher states of consciousness. The greatly expanded light on the Earth plane has opened many new portals to higher consciousness you are able to enter through awareness, intention and allowing. You may enter expanded states at will by simply setting the intention to do so and surrendering to the highest vibration you are able to access. Even brief experiences of peak consciousness will transform your existence by bringing you into greater communion with your higher self and opening your mind to new possibilities.

171 Viewing the History of Your Soul

One of the greatest breakthroughs of a heightened state of consciousness is the ability to perceive your existence across lifetimes, from the first flicker of life force within human form to the final dream of Earthly existence. The entire history of your soul can be viewed from this place. Within this high vibration, you are able to access and interact with any "you" that exists anywhere in time. By bringing your entire arc of lifetimes into your conscious mind, you magnetize to you the gifts and understandings you have acquired across all-time.

The high perception of a peak state is like standing on one of the Earth’s highest mountains, looking out over the world below. It can be likened to entering a space where all time becomes one eternal flow - a fabric that can be accessed or observed at any point in its existence.

Peak States and Spiritual Transformation

From this mountaintop of peak experience, you are able to take any past experience into your heart and transform it with the light of love and understanding. You are able to view the threads of connection that exist between your self and all others. You are able to clearly perceive the future, your spiritual progression, and the lessons that appear before you. From this place of higher awareness, you can embrace all that is known and not yet known, and magnetize your deepest desires.

When you enter a peak state of consciousness, you are able to perceive any thought, belief, emotion, or attitude that is not in resonance with the peak state. This begins a detoxing of consciousness that extends into all levels - physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. As you release old habits and beliefs, you begin to see your reality differently. In the blink of an eye, you view everything that is not aligned with your highest vision.

The light of peak experiences helps harmonize your consciousness by bringing all your inner aspects into oneness. This state of oneness is then extended to all others. As this crystalline clarity surrounds your consciousness, you see through the actions of others and view their true heart and desires. You may perceive that a person’s authentic self lies hidden under a veneer of fear and misunderstanding. When you respond to the truth of a person’s heart instead of their outer armor, you open a space for them to step into this truth. In this way, you view all situations you encounter from a place of clarity and purpose, and you respond from the depth of your spiritual understanding rather than superficial reactions.

172 The Past as Doorway to the Present Moment

Healing all past hurts is not a prerequisite for entering peak states of consciousness. However, it is important to remain in the present moment as much as possible. If your attention is constantly drawn into the pain of the past, you will not have the level of stillness and attention required to access heightened states.

As you heal and release past emotional problems, a greater amount of your consciousness is free to enter peak states of consciousness. As you enter peak states, you are able to further align with the light of spirit, bringing further healing to your "selves" across time.

Peak Experiences and Oneness

The light of peak experiences helps harmonize your consciousness by bringing all your inner aspects into oneness. This state of oneness is then extended to all others. As this crystalline clarity surrounds your consciousness, you see through the actions of others, and are able to view their true heart and desires. You may perceive that a person's authentic self lies hidden under a veneer of fear and misunderstanding. When you respond to the truth of a person's heart instead of their outer armor, you open a space for them to step into this truth. In this way, you view all situations you encounter from a place of clarity and purpose, and you respond from the depth of your spiritual understanding rather than superficial reactions.

By entering the Portal of Peak States of Consciousness, you are able to perceive your life and all the universe from a very high vibration that penetrates each second straight to the heart of love. From this place, you are able to see your entire arc of lifetimes -- past, present and future -- and assist and embrace the progression of your soul across time. As you access this crystal-clear perception, every thought, belief, and attitude that is not in harmony with your highest vision fades away. In this heightened state of aliveness, you transform the world around you as you move through it. Your greatest gifts to the New Earth are the gifts of your spiritual freedom and your highest vision.

173 Portals of Reality Creation and Manifesting

The Portal of Abundance is the corridor that brings us into an entry-level understanding of how the universe works. It is in this portal that we come face-to-face with the Law of Attraction, which says we must be an energetic match for what we seek to bring into our life. As we begin to embrace the Law of Attraction, we learn to attract into our lives all that we need. We begin to understand that a true abundance of spirit arrives in direct proportion to the fulfillment of our soul contract. We learn that the abundance to benefit all of humanity is available at all times. In the Portal of Abundance, we learn to align with our intentions, our spiritual purpose and Divine will to create an energetic field that attracts all that is needed with perfect timing.

As we learn the basics steps in the dance of creation, we’re able to enter the Portal of the Unknown. It is here that you learn to transform your reality by releasing all in your life that no longer serves your spiritual growth. Inside this portal, you enter a space of no-thingness, releasing the old and stepping into a wide-open space where you begin to shape the raw materials of cosmic energy into your desires. This shaping takes place in consciousness. To access this portal, it’s necessary to enter a space of fluidity, trust and alignment with spirit. It is within the unknown where you begin to shape and transform your reality.

As you become increasingly adept in your role as creator, you enter the Portal of Spiritual Manifesting where you’re able to align with your higher self within the moment and instantly manifest what is needed to fulfill your spiritual purpose for the highest good of all. It is also within this portal that you accept complete responsibility for all your creations. Within the Portal of Spiritual Manifesting, you learn to read the energy of your physical symptoms and use this information as a system of spiritual biofeedback. When you receive the messages of your symptoms, you become empowered to make changes in your thoughts, beliefs, emotions and attitudes to heal misunderstandings that lead to illness.

The next step on your journey of conscious creation is to enter the Portal of Reality Creation (1-2). It is within this portal that you begin to understand the difference between manifesting and reality creation. You see how the term manifesting applies to those things you bring into your life, large and small. Sometimes this process involves a great deal of conscious and mental effort. Reality creation by contrast is a process where you learn to spontaneously match your resonance to the realities you choose to experience. In other words, you become what you seek to manifest.

174 Reality creation requires awareness of your spiritual purpose and your field of possibilities. This awareness allows you to choose realities you prefer and transfer your focus and attention to them. It is within the Portal of Reality Creation that you're able to release any remaining limiting beliefs about the nature of reality. Here you learn to practice the principles of conscious reality creation and begin energizing new fields of probability. These fields may include such "quantum" steps as transforming DNA, activating kundalini, and expanding the flow of life force entering your chakras.

Entering the Portal of Abundance

It is impossible to enter the Portal of Abundance when your thoughts are holding onto lack in any way. While you may speak affirmations to the contrary and create positive visions of what you wish to create, this will not work if underneath the surface, you have old tapes playing that are tuned to the frequency of lack. These tapes are often created early in life. Imagine you are able to view your childhood and you see there were times when you did not feel loved or worthy. These are situations that are passed on within the collective consciousness. Even so, a spirit chooses this condition from the shopping list of life experiences available because there is a need at the soul level to learn, for example, the inherent worth of all beings. Maybe you have come to accept your own inherent worth, but your inner child of the past is still confused and feeling unworthy. This energy is enough to keep you from entering the Portal of Abundance.

Inside the Portal of Abundance, there is always plenty, always more than enough. Here you are able to commune with your higher self, your guides and angels. Here you understand that when you receive a vision from your higher self and you set about to bring this vision into physical reality, resources flow in abundance to help manifest that reality. Inside this portal, life force energy flows in great abundance, as does joy and love and happiness. It may be you have sufficient vibratory resonance to enter this portal but you find only a portion of the abundance here available to you. Most always when this is the case, it is because there are underlying issues of self-worth and lack. Understand at the root, a sense of lack always has to do with the self and the value that one places upon one’s self. This value, whether conscious or not, is derived from the sense of whether one is fulfilling the soul contract for this lifetime.

Experiencing Lack Opens the Door to Abundance

This experiencing of lack directly in proportion to the fulfillment of the soul

175 contract is not a punishment in any way. In fact, it is the opposite. It is the opportunity to experience lack that opens the door to the understanding of how to create abundance.

This principle works the same way with humanity as a whole. You may ask why more abundance is not available to finance the creation of efforts to create shifts in human consciousness. The answer has to do with the Law of Attraction, which is the same for all of humanity as it is for one individual. This is because an individual is a hologram of the sea of humanity just as a drop of water is a hologram for the ocean. The abundance to create great works that benefit all of humanity and create spiritual shifts is available at all times. It is experienced in equal proportion to the receptivity of human consciousness to embrace it. It is only limited in its reach to this plane of existence by the willingness to receive it. When you are talking about efforts to raise human consciousness, you are always considering the overall vibration of the realm of human consciousness.

There is never a punishment or judgment involved in manifestation or the lack of it. When abundance flows, this is feedback letting you know you are on the right track at this moment. However, to continue to manifest abundance is a constant listening and refining process. The motivation for manifesting and the intentions involved always determine the level of manifesting that takes place.

Material Manifesting is not Spiritual Manifesting

You may ask if this is so, then why do some manifest a great amount of money and resources without having the highest intentions for all. We would say to you that while this appears to be so in the illusory world, it is not truly possible. Even if a person is able to manifest significant resources, material manifesting is not the same as spiritual manifesting. In fact, it can at times get in the way or prevent spiritual manifesting, depending upon the person doing the manifesting. It is important to understand that while a person may acquire great material wealth, this does not always mean that the wealth is reflecting abundance in terms of spiritual growth and understanding. True abundance is manifesting one’s true self. So, to have great material wealth without a sense of spiritual abundance is likened to sitting down to a great feast without being able to eat it.

If a person's material and spiritual wealth do not match, it is not a cause for judgment. It may be that this person has the mission in this lifetime to learn this understanding of how to harmonize the two. It is something that is

176 needed for their soul development, in other words. It is possible the person who struggles with issues of wealth today will, in the future, this lifetime or another, become a great philanthropist. The reasons are not always readily visible. The only certainty is that all situations operate according to Universal Law.

In order to enter the Portal of Abundance, it is important to set an intention to do so, and to have a purpose for doing so. These do not immediately bring you into the Portal of Abundance, but they can in time. When you set an intention, you are creating a field of energy that will draw to you learning opportunities to create understandings that have the ability to bring your vibration into harmony with the Portal of Abundance. Once inside this portal, you go through deepening cycles of learning the nature of abundance. As you gain understanding of what abundance truly is, you become increasingly abundant. You have a sense of blessing that you begin to extend to others. Blessing others opens the door to even more blessing and manifesting. Inside the Portal of Abundance, you begin to understand that abundance goes far beyond manifesting wealth and resources in the physical realm. It extends into a wealth of spirit, and from this wealth of spirit, all else follows.

Entering the Portal of the Unknown

There are many in your world who seek to bring what is new into their lives from a place that is already occupied. In other words, there is a misunderstanding about the process of manifesting. It is important when trying to create something new to understand that what you are creating is a new version of your self capable of magnetizing what you desire. To create a new version of your self, you must be willing to enter a place of no-thingness. Within this space, you release the past, including past identities, old thoughts about reality and old fields of possibility you have outgrown. By allowing old identities to fall away, you enter a space where you are able to shape a new identity.

Shaping the Universal 'Life Force Soup'

All that has manifested in the realm of the physical is in final form. It is a manifestation complete. Shaping at this stage of physical reality is like moving concrete. To create, you enter the space in your higher mind where the seed of your desire germinates in a “life force soup” that is just starting to take shape. This is the place where creation takes place. By entering this space of fluidity, you are able to experience your self as a creator. That is because within consciousness, your focus and intention are the shaping, manifesting force.

177 Manifesting and Life Purpose

It is important to align your desired creation with your life purpose. This brings forth the nurturing forces of the universe to grow your creations. This may be likened to the gardener who calls upon the sun and rain to nourish the seeds she has planted in the Earth. When your heart is aligned with your desires, you experience a knowing and trust that your creations will appear in the physical with perfect timing.

In creating, allow your self to not know all the details. Allow your self to step off into a place of trust. Allow your self to not know how you will reach your destiny. Believe and trust. Come into a place of surrender to the universe and a place of allowing your higher good.

Prior to entering the unknown, set your intentions about what you wish to create. Write about the reality you see in your imagination. Write how you feel this is aligned with your purpose and how it will bring you into greater communion with your higher self. Then go into a meditative trance state holding this vision. Enter into a state of nothingness and allow the energetic field of your intention and desire to begin shaping this “soup” of life force energy.

Steps for Creating in Consciousness

In summary, we offer here steps for creating in consciousness:

1) Release the past, including any past identities and judgments 2) Set an intention about what you want to bring into your life 3) Allow your imagination to bring you images of this desired reality 4) Become clear on how this creation is aligned with your purpose and how it will bring you into greater communion with your higher self 5) Be willing to trust and believe in the future of your creation 6) Enter into a “zero-point meditation” -- a relaxed, aware state, holding in your mind the vision of your creation and desire. In this relaxed state, see the seed of your creation taking shape in consciousness. Visualize this unshaped life force soup taking on the shape of your desired creation 7) Spend time each day revisiting your creation in consciousness, watching it grow as it prepares to make its appearance into physical reality 8) Enter a place of allowing and acceptance. As a creator, you may not always understand the full implications of the visions you create.

You are All You Might Seek to Create

178 It is important to keep in mind with all creations that as a spark of life force holographic to infinity or all-that-is, you are already anything you might seek to create. Creation then becomes a matter of aligning in consciousness with this aspect of your self that has the resonance to bring your creation into being.

In order to unite with a new aspect of your being, it is important for your conscious mind to step out of the way and allow this holographic aspect of your self to take the lead. Move your conscious mind “out of the way” by entering a place of surrender, trust, and being-ness. Allow your higher good and affirm that you are already all that you seek to create. Allow your self to not know the details of how this works.

By entering the Portal of the Unknown, you begin a unique collaboration with the universe. Within this collaboration, you step free of the past, free of “concrete reality” and enter a space of no-thingness where you begin to shape the soup of life force energy with your focus and intention. Your willingness to enter the unknown allows you to shape reality at the molecular level. It is at this level where spirit unites with consciousness to bring matter into being.

Entering the Portal of Spiritual Manifesting

We would like to explain the importance of the physical body in relation to the growth and feeding of the spirit. There is in your world a misunderstanding that the body is of little consequence to the spirit much as a roadside hotel is to a traveler. In fact, the body is contained within the spirit and not the other way around. It may be said that your body is a direct reflection of your consciousness.

Even so, a decision on your part to transform your life will create the desired result regardless of where you choose to focus – at the physical level or the spiritual. If you believe that creating a physical expansion will allow your consciousness to express itself more fully, this will be true for you. A physical transformation will allow you to 'house' more consciousness. While it may seem the physical shift "allowed" a shift in consciousness, it actually started in consciousness. Everything always begins in consciousness. If you decide to work at the spiritual level to create a shift, your body will shift accordingly. As above, so below.

The Body as Biofeedback Device

The body is designed as a biofeedback device - a way for thoughts to find their way into the physical realm where they can be directly experienced.

179 These hands-on encounters with the children of your thoughts help bring your conscious mind into spiritual alignment.

If the body manifests a disease, this is an indication that the thoughts playing on the screen of the mind are not spiritually aligned. This is not a judgment, only a mechanism for seeking to bring awareness of the spiritual laws that exist in the universe so each person can bring their existence into harmony with these laws.

When confronted with illness, many seek relief from the discomfort that has been created. It is natural to choose to avoid discomfort. Before you seek to eradicate the symptoms, it is wise to listen to the messages they are bringing you and distill as much information from them as you can. By learning to perceive symptoms at more subtle levels and "reading" their meaning, you gain awareness of the understandings you were seeking by creating the symptoms in the first place. Once you see the bigger picture of an illness, you can address it at all levels in a holistic way -- mind, body and spirit. This is the way to create permanent healing.

If humanity embraced the lessons of its physical creations, you would not see doctors' offices brimming with those seeking relief from their latest creations! We are not arguing here for or against seeking treatment. The point is, however a condition is addressed and ultimately healed, this healing is only temporary and partial if not accompanied by an examination and understanding of how and why it was created. A failure to bring one's awareness to the root issues of illness ensures that the energetic cause will re-manifest itself in similar or different ways.

Many people in your world visit a medical doctor or other healer several times for the same illness over the course of their lives. If an understanding were gained upon the first manifestation of an illness, there would be no need for further healing of it. This is how the body's biofeedback system is intended to work. When a person seeks to avoid the causes of their illness by rushing to the nearest healer to enact a cure, they often fail to get at the root cause. This guarantees the energy of the illness will return. Over time, the energy of the illness will become stronger as the body grows weaker and less able to replicate itself. This is when rapid aging and physical death occurs. The way to turn this around is to "read" every physical manifestation and understand its meaning. Once you establish a dialog with your creations, you are able to learn their meaning. In this way, you are able to fine-tune the thoughts, emotions, beliefs and attitudes that are the recipes for your creations. As in food preparation, if you find the taste of your food to be "off," you comb through the list of ingredients until you identify the source of the "off" note and correct it.

180 "Reading" the Energy of an Illness

Reading the energy of your physical creations is a matter of looking at the affected part of the body and its purpose. If a person manifests diabetes, for example, this has to do with the pancreas, which is linked with regulating blood sugars. Sugar is "sweetness," which symbolically reveals a person's experience of sweetness and joy. Aside from whatever course of healing is needed, the person diagnosed with diabetes would do well to also examine issues of sweetness and joy in their life. They might look at what gives them joy and find more ways to create these feelings. By setting an intention and following up with the necessary actions, it is possible to create more "sweetness" in life experiences.

The feet are yet another "easy read." Symbolically, your feet are your spiritual foundation. In the physical life, they are the body's foundation. As above, so below is a truth to remember when interpreting the symbolic meaning of a disease. In the case of feet, those who have studied reflexology know parts of the feet are intricately connected to other parts of the body. In the same way, your spiritual foundation is linked to every part of your life experience, mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually.

By entering the Portal of Spiritual Manifesting, you are able to review the recipes of all your physical creations and read the energy of their symbolic meanings. Once a symbol is grasped and understood, you have in effect signed off on the "receipt confirmation" form, and the universe's etheric postal service will halt its attempts to bring this particular package of physical illness to your door.

Entering the Portal of Reality Creation, Part 1

There is much focus in your world around manifesting your desires, and much frustration when visions fail to materialize. We will explain why desires sometimes don’t arrive in the physical, and offer steps that can be taken to experience a preferred reality.

Manifesting Versus Reality Creation

There is a difference between the concepts of "manifesting" and "reality creation." Manifesting applies to those things you bring into your life, however small or large. Sometimes the process of manifesting involves much conscious and mental effort. This is not so with reality creation, which is a process of creating from deeply-held beliefs that naturally alter more superficially-held beliefs, as well as associated thoughts and

181 emotions. Reality creation is a process where you become a vibrational match with the version of reality you choose to experience. This vibrational resonance is created when your core beliefs are in harmony with your chosen reality.

It is easy to see how manifesting and reality creation differ. Manifesting, as the term is generally used, applies to a more superficial process of creating through the thoughts and emotions. Creating through manifesting requires great discipline and vigilance in modifying the thoughts, emotions and behaviors. These motions must be repeated over time to bring results. If the effort lapses even for a short time, the creation loses momentum. Even if a desire manifests in the physical, it could encounter further challenges.

This happens when something brought into the life through manifesting is not fully a vibrational match. Imagine a relationship that materializes but does not last for long due to conflicting core beliefs. If a person wishes to create a relationship, they may, through their wishes and desires, bring someone into their life. If, however, they hold a core belief that says “I'm not worthy of love,” the relationship will, over time, be de-magnetized by this core belief, which is not a vibrational match to a loving relationship.

The Images Your Imagination Brings You are Real

Core beliefs can be transformed. Whatever images of future possibilities your imagination brings you are true probabilities. If you are seeing your self in a harmonious relationship, it is within your field of possibilities. In fact, your imagination will not bring you anything that is not within your field of possibilities. In other words, you are already all that you imagine -- and more.

The question is, how do you access the reality where this possibility exists? Sadly, if you hold a core belief that is not in harmony with the reality you desire, this tends to block your access to it. However, it is possible to discover your core beliefs and change them.

Gaining awareness of your beliefs is the first step. This discovery process can begin with an examination of your core beliefs. A core belief is a deeply-held version of your personal truth. It may be a truth adopted during a time when you were very young, or more limited in terms of understandings than you are now.

Discovering and Transforming Core Beliefs

To discover your core beliefs, examine various situations in your life and

182 ask your self what kind of beliefs a person would hold in order to create them. In this way, you become a detective in your own life, tracking the course of your deeply-held beliefs. As detective, stand back from your self several steps. Become a detached observer. Pay attention to details. Question your self about situations in your life, and take notes on the answers. Ask your self if your current beliefs have assisted you or held you back. Are there payoffs in holding these beliefs? If so, are these benefits helping you grow, or are they limiting you in some way?

As you gain awareness of your beliefs, you are able to "see through" beliefs that no longer apply. When you release an old belief, you can replace it with a new one.

For example, the belief, "I'm not worthy of love," may have been adopted during a time in childhood when identity and self-worth was mistakenly derived from the actions of others. This belief can be replaced with the belief, "I deserve unconditional love." It is important to feel the emotions associated with this belief, for it is emotion that brings beliefs into being. Begin to act on this new belief. Ask your self what actions a person who loves themselves unconditionally would take. Once more, stand back as a detached observer and ask your self what someone who is already living this reality would do.

It is this process of "core reality change" that allows you to step into a new parallel reality where you are experiencing the identity and reality of your choice.

By entering the Portal of Reality Creation, you are able to receive images of probable realities through guidance and imagination. As you trust in the images your imagination brings, you begin to examine your core beliefs to determine if you hold any beliefs that stand in the way of your desired reality. As you gain awareness of these beliefs, you are able to transform them. It is through this process of reality creation that you become the version of your self that is a vibrational match to the reality of your dreams.

Entering the Portal of Reality Creation, Part 2

There are still many on Earth who struggle to create the reality they see in their dreams and spiritual visions. They struggle only because they do not fully understand the steps of creating their reality.

The truth is that creating is as much a feeling or being state as it is an activity of the mind and body. The commonly-held belief that creating is strictly a series of outer steps is a misunderstanding. This is one of the

183 greatest causes of human suffering. This perspective of “outer creation” assumes you are separate from what you seek to bring into your life. When you seek to create your desires in this way, you become a slave rather than a creator. Liberation comes from understanding you are the cause of your outer reality, not vice versa.

Creating is driven by the Law of Attraction, which says you must be a vibrational match for all you seek to bring into your life. To become a vibrational match, set an intention. The act of intention sets up an energetic field you feed with your life force energy through your attention. Over time, the energy field grows, attracting emotions, energy, people and circumstances that help it further expand. It is this ever-strengthening energetic field that transforms you into an energetic match with your desires.

Energizing New Fields of Probability

As you are transformed by a desired creation, you may feel the need to adopt a new focus self. A focus self is the dominant identity guiding your life. When you set out to re-create your reality, you are essentially adopting a new identity. Adopting a new identity inevitably moves you to a different timeline in your present life. This new timeline exists parallel to your present reality.

It is possible to bring about a major change in your life simply by merging with a new focus identity, therefore energizing a new parallel timeline. When you adopt a new identity, perceptions, beliefs, emotions, intentions, thoughts and behaviors rearrange themselves around the new identity. This represents quantum change.

Adopting a New Focus or Identity Self

It is important in creating realities to understand any major life course you might envision already exists as a probability within your energetic field. This "probable self" exists along a certain timeline and follows a certain progression. In order to adopt this probable self as your focus self, merge your conscious awareness with this self and bring your present-moment self into resonance with it. In other words, when you set out to create your deepest desires, you must become the version of you already experiencing this reality.

Another step is to follow the thread of this probable self's timeline - past, present and future - understanding the progression of this alternate self's existence. For example, if you have a self within your field of probabilities

184 who is an artist, you can track the ways in which this self unfolds within your energetic field. Track this self’s development backward to the moment of your birth and observe how its timeline diverges from "the road taken." See the steps the artistic "other you" took to create its reality. This is the path someone who shares your unique energetic signature would travel to create a reality where they are self-realized as an artist.

As you adopt a new focus self and its accompanying line of probability, you are likely to encounter resistance from those around you, and even from within your self. Understand this seemingly outer resistance is reflecting to you your own doubts and misgivings. If a friend is standing before you questioning your decisions, silently thank him for reflecting your inner concerns and gratefully accept this opportunity to examine your decisions and, if appropriate, strengthen your confidence and belief in this new course.

Convening an Inner 'United Nations' Meeting

Often when resistance to change is encountered on any level, it traces back to an aspect of your self that is not in agreement with the intended change. This is the time to hold an inner "United Nations" meeting with all your selves to find out which one has concerns about the change. Explain to this self, which is most likely a younger self in terms of soul age, why you are choosing a new probable focus self and ask this self to participate in the new path you are following. There may be more than one self that has concerns, so keep working through this process until you feel you have consensus among all your “selves.”

We will add here that these selves are aspected from your other incarnational selves that exist simultaneously in other timeframe dimensions. These other selves exist as aspects and influences in your present life by virtue of your connection with your higher self. At times, your higher self will “amp up” the influence of another self to assist you in healing and spiritual growth.

The willingness to work at levels beyond the physical is a prerequisite to reality creation. We will explain here how aligning with your self as you exist in other dimensions will assist you in creating your reality.

Transforming DNA, Activating Kundalini, and the Chakras

Your ability to transform your reality is greatly expanded when your consciousness awakens sufficiently to transform your DNA and fully activate kundalini and chakra energies.

185 By design, the doorway to human consciousness is the heart center, which serves as a portal to realities that exist beyond the five senses. This heart center is the bridge between the conscious mind and the subconscious mind residing in other reality planes. When the higher self, or oversoul, becomes an active participant in an incarnation, this has the effect of restructuring the DNA. This retooling of DNA ignites the kundalini energy that lies coiled at the base of the spine. This energy then travels up the spine and out the third eye, awakening the vision for the life purpose. Once the life purpose is brought to conscious awareness, a series of other activations are set into motion. These eventually result in an understanding the arc of lifetimes and placement of the present life within this arc. In this way, there begins to be an awareness of other lives, past and future. This awareness of all other aspects of self is an important part of spiritual awakening.

When the life purpose is recognized and consciously accepted, the flow of life force energy into the life is stepped up according to need and purpose. This energy enters the physical system through the medulla oblongata at the base of the neck.

Principles of Conscious Reality Creation

Once you understand how things work, you can begin to practice the principles of conscious reality creation. They are:

1) Maintain focus on creating joy in the life, which implies a readiness to release all that is not aligned with joy. This intention will begin a clearing of all emotional states that stand in the way of living at the vibratory level of joy.

2) Practice radical self-responsibility. This involves accepting responsibility for all creations in all time. It is impossible to create the reality of your highest dreams when you are holding thoughtforms of negativity, blame and victimhood. Look at every situation in your life to see how you created it, and how it is assisting you in your growth and evolution.

3) Express openness to all existing realities. This means you are willing to observe and consider alternate and parallel realities.

4) Trust that the universe is always bringing you experiences to help you grow. In this way, nothing is bad or good, just what is needed in the present moment.

186 5) Cultivate an active imagination and believe that whatever your imagination brings you is real.

6) Believe that you are already whatever it is you may imagine creating. Some aspect of you is already in vibratory resonance with the images your imagination brings you.

7) Be willing to become the person who can bring your desires into being.

8) Align your desired creation with your spiritual (life) purpose.

9) Study and understand the Law of Attraction.

10) Unite all your selves in creating reality. When you have inner unity, you are able to create from a place of clear focus and inner peace. The realities you enter from this place will carry the vibration of clarity and peace.

By entering the Portal of Reality Creation, you are able to align with the Law of Attraction and energize new fields of probability. As you come into resonance with your desired creation, you begin to transform your reality, often entering a reality that exists parallel to your present moment. By bringing all your selves into alignment and practicing the steps of conscious reality creation, you can begin to energize the timelines of your most deeply-held dreams.

187 Portals of Time and Dimensional Healing

It’s in Portals of Time and Dimensional Travel that you finally break free of all enslavement and over-involvement with physical reality and are able to detach your consciousness from one place and focus it to another point at will. As you begin to travel in consciousness, you find the Portal of the Near Future Moment the most readily accessible time portal within your present focus in reality.

In the Portal of the Near Future Moment, you begin to perceive the energetic field of events unfolding in the near future of your present moment. As you come more fully into your ability to step outside linear time, you begin to naturally develop "future ." This allows you to become aware of events and circumstances beginning to crystallize in your future. As your perception becomes fine-tuned, you're able to take steps to revise any scenarios you don't choose before they manifest in physical reality.

The further you go into exploring alternate time planes, the more you're able to enter the Portal of Timelessness in your own consciousness. Inside this portal, you are not bound to any one location on the map of your consciousness, but are able to shift between time frame dimensions. Often these shifts are more about perceiving alternate time planes. The more often you enter the Portal of Timelessness, the more skilled you become at orienting your self in alternate time planes for specific purposes.

Perceiving alternate time planes opens the door for accessing the Portal of Inter-Dimensional Travel. A dimension is an energetic coordinate in time and space. As you grow in your ability to explore alternate dimensional realities, you're able to come into deeper communion with other aspects of your self incarnated in other time frame dimensions. When united with your spiritual purpose, exploration into these "non-local" realities helps deepen your experience of the present moment rather than detract from it. The chakras offer a set of doorways for beginning inter-dimensional travelers to explore. It's possible to attune your psychic sensitivity to the frequencies contained in these chakra doorways to begin your travels into alternate dimensions.

As you come to understand the nature of the inter-dimensional travel, you begin to see how you can apply your new knowledge of inner travel to physical reality. Using the same principles of shifting between alternate realities in consciousness, you can begin shifting between alternate possibilities in physical reality. Just as you have past and future aspects incarnated in different dimensions across time, you have different aspects

188 of your self you can choose to energize and experience in your present moment. These aspects exist in your field of possibility as "parallel selves." You are able in your present moment to choose and identity from among your many alternate "selves" residing in your energy field. As you bring your attention and focus to an alternate identity, you begin energizing it in your present reality.

The Portal of Parallel Selves teaches us that our present point of focus is only one aspect of our being. We are vast beings with many energetic variations of our selves "already in progress." In order to experience one of these selves, all we need do is perceive it and align with it. As you begin to explore alternate selves that exist parallel to your present reality, you become fluent in making shifts between alternate or parallel timelines. By entering The Portal of Timeline Shifts, you become increasingly aware of the many threads of reality that exist within the energetic field of your life. Some of these threads exist as a close vibrational match to your present reality while others are more remote vibrational matches.

As you perceive your field of possibilities, you're able to better understand the menu of your timeline shift options. A timeline shift is sometimes energized through moving to a new geographical location. Most often "relocation shifts" are undertaken to realize a vision from the higher self of a probability that allows you to better fulfill your purpose. Other timelines shifts can be as simple as adopting a new diet or exercise routine that has a different set of future probabilities. When you set an intention to shift to a new timeline, you begin to align energetically with this new reality and receive guidance concerning steps you can take to bring you into further alignment with it.

Sometimes through certain astrological alignments or efforts by your guides and higher self, you experience "timeline bleedthroughs" that offer glimpses of parallel realities that exist as possible timeline threads. These are designed to help motivate and excite you toward quantum shifts on your spiritual path. As you learn to easily make timeline shifts within your present moment, you find your self at times entering the Portal of Parallel Realities. This is where your awareness expands to include past and future life realities in your field of possibilities. Inside this portal you begin to perceive past life parallel realities (including the past within your present life and within past lives), as well as realities that exist within the future of your present life and in future lifetimes.

At first you will probably begin to perceive past realities of your present life where trapped emotional energies exist. As you release these energetic bookmarks, you free up energy that allows you to bring more concentrated

189 focus to your present moment. As your focus intensifies, you are better unable to come into resonance with your future selves. It’s often in the Portal of Parallel Realities where you first make contact with your future self and begin to perceive alternate future possibilities. As you begin to explore inside the Portal of Parallel Realities, you set the stage for time travel to meet past and future selves.

Once you become aware of areas of your past where old emotional energies are trapped, you will be drawn to time travel into these time frames to assist your younger selves of the past (both in this lifetime and in past lives). In the Portal of Time Travel to Release Energetic Bookmarks and the Portal of Time Travel to Assist a Past Self, you're able to travel back in consciousness to view those moments when traumatic events occurred and work with your past selves to help them understand the higher purpose of these events. In this way, you're able to release trapped emotional energy that is being held throughout time. You can also utilize these portals to assist your past selves on an ongoing basis, serving as a wise and loving mentor of these younger selves who hold fewer spiritual understandings than you do within your present moment.

Just as you're able to time travel in consciousness to work with past selves, you're able to time travel to meet your future selves. This generally requires you to come into a certain energetic resonance with these selves. As you undertake "soul retrieval" expeditions into your past in the previous two portals, much old emotional energy is freed and your vibration raised to help bring you into greater resonance with advanced future selves. In the Portal of Time Travel to Meet Future Selves, you travel in consciousness to meet with a future self. This allows you to begin harmonizing your energies and working together to create new realities within your near future moment. One technique you can use in conjunction with your future self is to travel in consciousness to near future times to install "bookmarks" of intention. For example, you might time travel into a future timeframe where you have completed a book or work of art. By aligning your present moment with this future moment, you're able to set down energetic bookmarks at all points along the spectrum between your present time frame and this future completion time frame. These markers help focus and guide your actions toward the realization of your intended creation.

As you continue to explore time travel, you may be drawn at some point to travel into the Portal of Your Last Day on Earth where you are able to meet with the future self that holds the complete knowing for the Earthly life you are now living. If you are currently living your life aligned with your spiritual purpose, this meeting with your future self in the last flicker of

190 your present incarnation will be a joyful celebration. If there are areas where you can bring your awareness to become more fully aligned with your spirit, you'll learn about them in this final portal. It is here that you become aware of missed opportunities and synchronicities in your present life. By visiting this Portal of Your Last Day on Earth, you open to the vision for your present life in its final seconds. It is in these final moments that the light of spirit floods in and you're able to see your life and all that has been through the eyes of spirit. As you return to your present moment, you're able to put this knowledge to use, transforming any areas you choose to change. In this way, you learn to live your life backwards, allowing the ending of your Earthly story to inform your present moment and all points in between.

Entering the Portal of the Near Future Moment

The present moment does not exist in isolation to the past or future. It is important to see your experience across time as a continuum that influences itself in all directions. In this way, the future influences the present moment just as the present moment influences the past.

As you begin to expand your consciousness, you become aware of events unfolding in your near future. As you further attune to subtle energies, you become aware of how events unfolding in the near future are influencing and changing your present moment.

The Future Exerts an Energetic Field in Both Directions

This is possible because events unfolding in the near future exert an energetic field in both directions. This is similar to strumming a string on a musical instrument. The sound travels along the string in both directions, creating a vibration that extends beyond the instrument itself. This vibration carries on beyond the instrument and beyond the room where it is strummed. Those outside the room are able to detect the vibration depending on the acuity of their hearing. Likewise, the acuity of your spiritual perception determines your ability to perceive the near future moment.

In your world, when someone "picks up" on the subtle vibrations and influences of future events, you call this precognition. Precognition is an acute sensing of events unfolding in the future and their wave-like field of resonance. Precognition becomes more common as you fine-tune your intuitive receiving station to the subtle influences of your near future. It is by perceiving the future realities your present actions are creating that you are able to more easily make course corrections and revisions. At the same

191 time, when you perceive that something you have been seeking to manifest is about to appear in physical reality, you can begin preparations to receive it.

If you find you are not creating what you want, you can successfully revise the future depending on the present status of the impending manifestation. Many events that have already crystallized energetically in your near future cannot be changed, though you can begin to transform your self and your perceptions of those events before they arrive in your physical reality. These changes will begin to shape a more distant future moment. Welcome all your creations and the insights they bring, for they are assisting you in your growth and evolution.

Moments of the Near Past

Just as you are able to perceive events unfolding in the near future, you can also sense how changes you are making in your present moment are changing your past. This is especially evident in the person who has awakened to a new level of spiritual awareness.

A good example of this is the person who experiences a significant vibrational change. This person sends waves of resonance into their past and future that exert an influence. Just as events unfolding in the near future influence the present moment, changes you are making in your present moment influence and alter your past. When this occurs, you may wake up one morning and feel quite differently about many things in your life. Those things that once caused you distress may now seem insignificant. Limitations you once perceived may have dissolved. In fact, when you enter a new level of spiritual understanding, you may shift your consciousness to a different perspective altogether. Your "past self," sensing these upcoming changes, begins to respond consciously or subsconsciously. This response contributes to the momentum of the near future moment when the awakening occurs. It is in this way that the future simultaneously creates the past as the past creates the future.

Many people are not consciously aware of these "waves of influence" from the past and the future constantly passing like ocean breezes through their present moment. As you attune to these subtle influences, you are able to come into a greater realization of your self as a conscious creator, strumming the strings of all-time in the symphony of your own becoming.

Entering the Portal of Timelessness

As you begin to sense, access and energize portals in consciousness, you

192 are setting up the causes for new levels of mastery. A portal is an energetic field dedicated to an area of experience in which you are seeking to gain understanding and mastery. Portals of Healing, Abundance, Forgiveness and Bliss are but a few of the areas you will seek to master in your journey of becoming.

One of the most important portals you will enter is the Portal of Timelessness. It is within this portal that you begin to experience your self outside the time/space continuum. Outside this continuum, you begin to experience moments beyond linear thought. This helps you transcend the bonds of the physical, material world and step into a place inside your self where all possibilities reside. These possibilities may not be the field of probabilities for the course you are presently following within linear time, though they can become so.

Within the Portal of Timelessness, you are free to make new choices and redirect the course of your Earthly dream. It is possible to make minor changes within your physical reality, but to make large, sweeping changes at every level of consciousness, you must be willing to step outside the boundaries of the Earth dream.

There are a number of ways in which you may enter a place of no-time. There have been times when you have experienced stepping outside the Earth dream. This occurs ideally in dreams, meditation, in times when you journey with your imagination, and when you are doing something that gives you great joy. These are only a few examples. It is inside these moments of entering an altered space that you step into the timeless place where your present Earth dream can be viewed and modified.

Access Points for Perceiving Timelessness

Those who have not developed a consciousness capable of entering timelessness at will most likely have experienced it subconsciously during times of difficulty and stress. These are times when the conscious mind at wit's end surrenders to what it perceives as the Divine intervention of a higher power. An example of this would be the person experiencing a life- threatening illness or the loss of a loved one.

Another way some enter into altered states is through the use of substances such as drugs and alcohol. These access points of difficulty and substance use are not optimal entry points to timelessness. The person entering timelessness through stress and difficulty, for example, can only view those possibilities within their present rate of vibration. If that vibration is fear or scarcity, only those possibilities of resonance will

193 be apparent. Likewise, one who enters timelessness through substance use will view possibilities vibrating at the resonance of thoughts associated with dependence, addiction, and seeking answers outside one's self. These vibratory possibilities discerned through crisis and avoidance will keep one spinning out fields of probability still tied to the vibration of suffering and hardship. In this way, you perpetuate a "culture of servitude and suffering" that extends through generations until steps are taken to halt the cycle.

Timelessness and the Highest Good

This is very different from the possibilities encountered when one enters the Portal of Timelessness from a place of surrender and detached discernment. Implied within this attitude of surrender is an intention to create the highest good for your self and in doing so, the highest good for all. From a perspective of love, trust and service, you will create the highest and best that can be experienced on Earth. This is the vibration that has the power to transform the world.

When you choose to step outside linear time with the intention to serve the highest good of humanity, shimmering oceans of possibilities present themselves. This is the vibration where souls join together in telepathic oneness to dream into being a new world founded on the principles of peace and love. Inside this vibration, karma is released and veils are lifted. It is easy to step into a place of complete re-membering, where all time is one and now is always the perfect moment to create what you have been dreaming. You can readily access and influence the past and future from this space. Synchronicity is the norm here instead of the exception. Entry and exit to this timeless realm is a luminous superhighway extending from the Portal of Timelessness to the open doorway of your heart and back again.

Entering the Portal of Inter-Dimensional Travel

It is possible from the place where you are presently focused in consciousness to travel into other dimensions. For our discussion, we will define a dimension as an energetic coordinate in time and space. A dimension is a plane of reality that exists adjacent to other dimensions. Expanding your focus to include other dimensional realities helps you free your self from over-involvement in physical reality, and brings you into deeper communion with aspects of your self that exist in other timeframe dimensions. These explorations into non-local reality help deepen your experience of the present moment rather than detract from it.

194 Harmonizing with Aspects of Your Self in Other Dimensions

Inter-dimensional travel is possible when you harmonize with other aspects of your being. These other aspects of your self, almost without exception, reside within other timeframe dimensions. All the timeframes that have ever been or will be exist concurrent to the present moment. They exist side by side with the present moment but in different timeframe dimensions. Within these other dimensions reside many of your other incarnations. These incarnations represent beings with which you are intricately linked. Your higher self, which oversees and orchestrates this symphony of selves, also exists within another vibrational dimension. Synchronizing with your other selves and your higher self can help you begin to more clearly perceive and experience other dimensions. As you practice perceiving these other realities, you grow in your ability to travel inter-dimensionally. In the future of your world, this will become a commonplace practice.

Your Past and Future Selves and Inter-Dimensional Travel

We will explain how your other incarnational “selves” can assist you with inter-dimensional travel. Understand, these other selves carry a spiritual signature similar to your own. You are able to recognize this signature on a subconscious level. One way to do this is to enter a meditative state and allow your mind to become very still. In this place of alert listening, you can begin to perceive and access your other selves by honing in on their energetic broadcast. Your other selves are always sending transmission “waves” through time. Unless you are in a state of resonance and receptivity, you will not be able to tune into these transmissions. As you harmonize with these frequencies, you can track them from your present moment into the past or future. This allows you to focus your consciousness into the dimensions where your other “selves” reside.

Harmonizing with the Highest Vibrational Level You Can Access

Another means of inter-dimensional travel is to harmonize with the highest vibrational level of your being you are capable of accessing. As you merge with your higher self, you gain access to the organizing energy that oversees your incarnational aspects that exist throughout time/space dimensions. Your higher self as you think of it exists at different levels and includes the oversoul entity that coordinates all the lifetimes of your past, present and future. It is this aspect of your higher self that synthesizes the collective understandings of all lifetimes and makes this spiritual knowledge available to all the various selves simultaneously incarnated throughout time. It is the extent to which an incarnated being seeks this

195 knowledge and assistance that it is able to access and receive it. When you come into a place of “asking” for spiritual guidance, your higher self downloads what is being sought. By synchronizing with your higher self, you are able to receive information about inter-dimensional travel and come into greater resonance with your other aspects throughout time.

One way to access a high vibration is to harmonize with your higher self. When you feel a high vibrational sensation of joy, you know you are coming into resonance. When you feel you have synchronized with your higher self, you can, through intention and desire, direct your consciousness into other dimensions. From this high-vibrational perspective, your imagination will guide you into other points along the time/space continuum. Remember that whatever your imagination brings you is real and true for you. It is important that you build this belief into your fields of intention.

Barriers to Inter-Dimensional Travel

Your ability to perceive and experience realities that exist beyond the physical can be affected by energetic barriers at the physical, mental, emotional or spiritual levels. A blockage in any one of these areas can prevent clear perception of alternate realities. Blockages are just energies that are seeking to be brought to awareness so they can be healed and released.

At the physical level, a poor diet combined with lack of exercise and proper hydration can create energetic blocks in the body. At the cellular level, poor physical habits lead to a lack of oxygenization, which blocks the life force flow. Blocks at the mental level represent thoughtforms and beliefs that limit the nature of existence. All existence is determined by beliefs, which can be changed through intention and awareness.

Emotional blocks reside in the energy field as “static.” Unresolved emotional traumas serve as gatekeepers, barring access to the subconscious mind until these issues are healed. Healing emotional issues takes place when traumatic situations are understood in terms of the reasons they were created. All situations in the life are created to help bring about needed understandings. Once the reason is understood, the emotions assigned to the situation can be released.

Spiritual blocks can be created by early training and religious mandates that insert limiting restrictions in the belief system. A resistance to the unknown and other fear-based mechanisms can also block your ability to access the wisdom of your higher self. In many cases, gaining awareness

196 of fears and early programming can help release these spiritual barriers to inter-dimensional travel..

Navigating Dimensions through the Chakras

As you become more fluid in inter-dimensional travel, you will find there are places in consciousness where your attention is naturally drawn. In the beginning, it is helpful to have a framework of reference with which to launch your explorations. You may choose a more simple framework that involves the energy centers of the body, known as the chakras. For example, the lower chakra is the root chakra. On Earth, this center contributes to the part of the energetic field that concerns physical survival, creativity and basic identity. A choice to “travel” using these frequencies is to allow the mind to flow into and visit dimensions where consciousness is attempting to recognize and define itself. You can seek to travel into realities where the experiences of your various selves resonate with various chakra energies. As you study and learn about the different chakra energies, you can begin using them as compass points for inter- dimensional travel.

By entering the Portal of Inter-Dimensional Travel, you can gain awareness of any barriers that prevent you from accessing other realities. Once you have moved past these barriers, you are able to synchronize with aspects of your self that exist throughout time, and with your higher self. As you become fluid in inter-dimensional travel, you can experiment with different points of reference, such as chakras, for the framework of your travels. These inter-dimensional travels help you expand your consciousness into new areas and deepen your experience of the present moment.

Entering the Portal of Parallel Selves

We will describe here how your present life on Earth is holographic to your higher self. Once you understand how this works in your life, you can achieve mastery in creating your reality. Once this mastery is achieved, you may begin your final journey toward ascension consciousness.

There are many ways in which you can go about creating your reality. We are going to describe a way that involves bringing into your awareness the different aspects of your self that exist within your field of potentiality. We will call these your “parallel selves.” Think of these selves as points along the map of your consciousness. Although parallel selves exist at all points on your internal map, we are going to focus for now on future parallel selves.

197 Everything You Imagine Already Exists within Your Field of Potentiality

At any given point, you have within you the capability to choose what you desire to create. If you have a passion to play the tuba, for instance, you have within your field of probabilities a tuba-playing self with which you can begin to merge your present-moment consciousness. Anything you might seek to do within a given lifetime already exists within your field of probabilities.

When you are born into a new life, you arrive here with a complete field of probabilities. These probabilities exist as possible life choices that could naturally evolve from a being with your spiritual signature. Your spiritual signature or vibration is a note that represents the sum total of the spiritual understandings you have gained in all incarnations along with your purpose for the current lifetime. This signature is the field of possibility for your present lifetime. Very rarely does anyone extend beyond their initial field of resonance. In fact, very few realize 50% of their full potentiality for a given lifetime. This is largely because most people never awaken sufficiently to recognize the full range of possibilities available to them.

This is rapidly changing as more people awaken to the many "selves" or aspects of their being. As they awaken, they become intuitively aware of the various facets of their being. When this occurs, they begin to consciously choose the reality they wish to create instead of accepting the "standard issue" or programmed version they are handed at the beginning of their life.

You are born with an energetic field that offers you choices and alternatives along a given spectrum of experience. These energetic variations translate into various selves capable of coalescing around themselves identities sufficient to move forward through time.

Parallel Selves Derive from Your Other Incarnational 'Selves'

As you proceed through life, at various points, you choose an identity from among the many alternate selves residing within your energetic field. These selves represent different aspects of your overall being, deriving their characteristics from your many simultaneous incarnations existing in different timeframe dimensions.

A hallmark of a physical-based consciousness is the assumption that that which exists outside the present-moment focus is nonexistent or external to the self. As the consciousness expands to take in realities that exist beyond the physical, the existence of these alternate selves is more easily

198 recognized as part of the overall self.

The overall self of a given lifetime is in a sense the “oversoul self” for all the facets of your self you choose to experience in your lifetime. When you consider all that is above is mirrored below, it is easy to see how this small-scale oversoul self is holographic to the oversoul or synthesizing entity that coordinates, distills and harmonizes your various incarnations in different timeframes.

It is by reaching up, connecting and merging with this entity that you are able to learn the points of harmonic resonance among your many selves. As one "self" comes into resonance with all the aspects of its various alternate selves, this holds a space for all the other incarnational selves to also come into resonance, and the cycle of incarnations is in effect complete.

We have offered this "big picture" perspective to help you understand how this concept of harmonizing your many incarnational selves can be holographically applied to your present timeline.

Merging with All-That-Is

When you seek to become "one with ," or all-that-is, you are in reality seeking to merge your consciousness with this overall synthesizing entity or oversoul. The first step in accomplishing this is to become the oversoul of your various alternate selves that exist concurrently along your present timeframe. What you term ascension occurs when your “overall self” within your present incarnation becomes the oversoul of your alternate selves, distilling and harmonizing their divergent realities. From this place of oneness, your overall self then creates unity and harmonic resonance with its other counterparts incarnated within different timeframes. As all these incarnational selves reunite, they merge with the oversoul, completing the cycle of Earthly incarnations. In fact, there is already a point in the history of your consciousness where this has occurred.

Choosing a Focus Self from Your Field of Probabilities

At any given point in time, several alternate selves exist within your field of probable selves. Since the timeline and structure of an Earth existence is experienced through one focusing "self", choices must be made from moment to moment which "self" is to serve as the focusing personality.

Imagine a person who is drawn to music early in life and spends much time learning to play various instruments. During this part of the life, the

199 "musical self" is the focusing self. At a certain point, this person chooses to attend medical school and becomes a neurologist. A different focusing self has now been adopted and the life is experienced through the "physician self." What, then, becomes of the "musical self"? This is an important point that is largely misunderstood on the Earth. The musical self does not cease to exist, but continues to proceed along its own field of probability; this self performs concerts, has musician friends and is absorbed into the lifestyle of a musician.

Just as different incarnations in different timeframes exist side by side, alternate selves within the same lifetime continue to live on within the energy field, spinning out their own probable realities.

At a future point in time, the "physician self" may cease to be the "focus self," at which time the person may rejoin the "musical self" timeline or another. Maybe there is also a "mountaineering self" that loves exploring remote wilderness areas and that becomes the "focus self."

In some lifetimes, the "focus self" shifts frequently, while in others, it shifts only a few times throughout the lifetime. In a relatively few, the focus self remains the same throughout the lifetime.

Parallel Selves and Reality Shifts

Awareness of parallel selves is a great benefit in terms of manifesting and reality creation. To understand how this works, think back over the course of your present lifetime and view all the moments when you seemingly experienced a reality shift. These shifts generally occur around times when you arrive at a crossroads of sorts and choose one course over another. This is often when you choose a new focusing self from among your alternate selves and launch yourself on a new direction in life. In metaphysical terms, it is sometimes stated that the person has experienced a "changeover in spirit guides." It is all one and the same, and to be sure, all these "selves" derive from spiritual origins.

As you come into greater awareness of your various parallel selves, you can more easily navigate in and out of alternate realities, gliding seamlessly from one to another, moment to moment. In this way, you are able to consciously derive the essence of these multiple threads of experience, therefore weaving these otherwise "subconscious aspects" into the focus of your present moment.

200 Expanding Your Beliefs to Include Alternate Realities

In order to gain a more conscious experience of your various selves, begin to expand your belief system to include the alternate realities in which they exist. Since "non-focus" selves exist unseen within your subconscious mind, you can gain awareness of them by lessening your focus in physical reality. Shift your focus from the purely physical to take in more of the alternate realities that exist within your energetic field. This shift toward the “unknown” opens new doors of possibility and has the effect of changing your future probabilities.

While it may seem that your present point of focus is very "fixed" and "set in stone," this is an illusion. Any thoughts you may have of limitations or enslavement are part of the illusionary nature of physical reality. In order to transform the course of your life, bring your repertoire of selves to light and choose a new timeline. These timelines of your alternate selves already exist energetically, running parallel to your present "focus timeline." To shift into an alternate timeline, merge your consciousness with this parallel self "already in progress," and begin to proceed along the timeline of an altogether different probable future. It is in this way that you weave together the various aspects of your "selves" into the history of your present life.

By entering the Portal of Parallel Selves, you gain awareness of your many alternate selves and consciously weave your focus among these different threads of possibility, experiencing as you go the many probable futures that exist side by side in the timeline of your present-moment existence. As you create this unity within your parallel selves, you begin to function as the “oversoul” of your present lifetime. As your symphony of parallel selves sound a harmonious note, you begin to harmonize with all your selves incarnated throughout time; this harmony brings you to the final stage of your quest toward ascension consciousness.

Entering the Portal of Timeline Shifts, Part 1

There are many threads of reality that exist within the energetic field of a life. At any given time, there are threads that are a close vibrational match to your existing reality thread, while others exist as more remote vibrational matches. These more remote vibrational matches have a lower probability of becoming your focus probability, but they are still possible futures already in existence. Threads of reality that are close vibrational matches to your present reality are considered future probabilities. This means there is a strong likelihood you will at some point begin to shift to the timeline of this alternate reality.

201 Creating Timeline Shifts through Relocation

In your world, a timeline shift might look like this: you are working as a yoga instructor in a medium-sized town in the Midwest. You have friends here, and a job, but you have always felt drawn to explore the Pacific Northwest. You have also considered writing a novel. One day you decide to plan a vacation to Seattle and have a look around. While there, you attend a musical concert and meet some interesting people. One of them knows of a beautiful cabin that is available on the coast. You go to see the cabin and fall in love with it. You see your self living here, writing the novel you have been dreaming of, and getting to know new friends. You rent the cabin, return home to the Midwest, pack your bags and move. You have effectively shifted from one timeline to another.

Imagine you are that same yoga instructor in a Midwestern town and you decide to switch to a timeline where you are a physician living in Tokyo. Shifting to this timeline will obviously require greater effort, though it still resides within your field of possibilities if you imagine it. Whatever you imagine is a possible reality already residing within your field of possibilities. If it weren't already a timeline in existence, you would not be thinking about it.

Change Opens the Door for Timeline Shifts

There are other, less obvious ways people shift from one timeline to another. The person who adopts a healthy diet and exercise routine has shifted to a different timeline with a different set of future probabilities. The person who adopts a spiritual path is choosing a vibrational timeline of different resonance that can, in time, allow them to shift to very different timeline probabilities.

There are many small ways you shift to different threads of reality without noticing it. This is the case when you rearrange the furniture in your home or begin to travel a different route into town. Even the smallest variation in your daily routine has the ability to create energetic changes that can lead you to choose other timeline probabilities. It is important to understand that when you create even a small change in your life, this creates new pathways in your consciousness that can effectively create a new “you.” Timeline changes grow from this new version of your self.

The Menu of Timeline Shift Options

Many people change timelines only out of necessity, when there is a crisis

202 or other unexpected event. In these cases, the timeline shift is not always one of their choosing. Still others remain in the same basic timeline for most of their lives, with little variation in reality threads. By contrast, there are lifetimes where a person undergoes so many reality shifts it seems they have lived many different lives within the same one. Many lightworkers experience this as they actively seek new spiritual understandings and access those of past incarnations through communion with their higher self. In every case, the various lessons and shifts of a life are set forth prior to birth in counsel with the higher self and other guiding entities.

As you gain awareness of the many threads of reality that exist within your field of possibilities, you can consciously choose the thread you wish to energize. Even if a thread of reality does not seem very "probable" at the moment, you can begin to bring your focus and attention to that timeline. As long as you are willing to take action, and keep on taking action to create a reality shift, you will eventually make the shift.

When you shift to a thread that is a close vibrational match to your present one, the change may be barely detectable; when you shift to a vibrationally different thread of possibility, it may suddenly seem you are living an entirely different life.

Quantum Shifts and New Probable Futures

This "quantum" reality shift takes place, for example, when a person experiences a spiritual awakening and begins actively pursuing a very different path. The shift can dramatically change their vibration and shift their focus to a timeline that was not previously a probability. In other words, it already existed as a possible timeline, but not a timeline with a high probability of becoming a focus timeline.

Another factor in a quantum shift is that you are creating a very different probable future “you.” By shifting from a timeline focused mainly in physical reality to a spiritually-awakened timeline, you inevitably undergo an identity change. As you acquire advanced spiritual understandings, your spiritual senses open. Your future self in this new timeline is now capable of communicating with you telepathically and serving as a guide. This further accelerates your vibration and path of spiritual growth. Your field of probabilities change as your awareness grows. One day you wake up and perceive the vast field of possible reality threads you can consciously choose from. You are able to access peak states of consciousness at will. You create your reality moment by moment as you pave the way for others to follow. All this is possible and more.

203 As you shift from one reality thread to another, ask your self where the new thread is likely to take you, and what future "you" is likely to result from this choice.

By entering the Portal of Timeline Shifts, you are able to bring your possible timeline threads into awareness. From this place of awareness, you can consciously choose a reality thread and begin to energize it with your focus, attention and action. In this way, you begin to create the self of your highest possible future, transforming your life at the quantum level.

Entering the Portal of Timeline Shifts, Part 2

We have said that in every lifetime there are many threads of possibility existing side-by-side. Some of these threads are a close vibrational match for your present reality, while others are not. By shifting your focus and vibration, you are able to access any adjacent reality.

Timelines Exist Independent of Your Present Focus

In every lifetime, there are many possible threads of reality existing side- by-side. Each thread in your field of potentiality is a story you have the capability of joining “already in progress.” A thread not chosen continues to exist, following its own timeline. The fact that it is not your current thread of focus does not make it any less real. Any thread of reality you can conceivably imagine is a real thread of possibility running parallel to your current thread of focus. You would not be able to imagine a thread of reality that does not already exist in your field of potentiality.

When a thought arises in your mind and you feel excited by the thought, you are already beginning to energize and bring focus to this thread of probability. This is true no matter how large or small the shift required to arrive at this alternate thread.

Consciously Choosing Alternate Realities

It is important to consciously choose an alternative reality. Timeline shifts undertaken without awareness often create unfulfilling realities. In cases where a timeline shift takes you further from alignment with your spiritual purpose, you will likely encounter difficulty that can manifest in many different forms such as illness, accidents, and various forms of loss. In less dramatic instances, the person may simply think of themselves as "unlucky." We will clear up this widespread misunderstanding: there is no such thing as "lucky" or "unlucky." There is only alignment or lack of alignment. In other words, the quality of the reality you create is directly

204 related to your level of awareness and the degree of alignment with your spiritual purpose. In light of this, we will describe some ways you can perceive possible reality threads aligned with your purpose.

It is difficult to move into a timeline you cannot perceive. That is why in the beginning you may want to seek assistance in discerning potential timeline threads. As your awareness expands with practice, you will begin to perceive possible timelines moment to moment. It is possible to ask your higher self and your guides to bring you images of possible timelines aligned with your spiritual purpose. Set your intention to open to any information and guidance that comes to you along these lines. Remain in a state of alert awareness, paying attention to the signs and symbols behind every occurrence in your daily life. By remaining open and alert, you will recognize the guidance you are looking for when it arrives.

Glimpses of possible reality threads come to you in many ways. One way they may appear is in a dream. At night, your conscious mind shuts off while you sleep and your consciousness travels into your subconscious mind. Your subconscious mind is not bound by the limitations of time and space, so it can take you into past or future realities, as well as realities that run parallel to your present moment. By working with your dreams each day, you are able to discern those times when you are gifted with visions of possible timelines you can shift into.

Timeline Bleedthroughs

Another way your inner guidance may bring you visions of possible realities is through "timeline bleedthroughs." Timeline bleedthroughs occur when a potential reality begins to seep into your consciousness while it is the focus of another timeline reality. This is most likely to occur during times of transition when your vibration shifts between differing frequencies of old and new reality threads. As you take the initial steps toward a new vibration, you may perceive, fully formed, the changes this new frequency will bring. It is important to understand at such times that these visions are merely glimpses designed to smooth the way through a transition. They offer you a star to steer by, but it is still necessary to continue to take steps to shift your focus to the newly-perceived reality. While bleedthroughs can also be facilitated by certain astrological and celestial configurations, their timing is always orchestrated by your guides and higher self.

There are different types of timeline bleedthroughs. When a bleedthrough occurs with timelines of similar vibration, the person experiences a slightly altered feeling and finds some things in their life no longer resonate or hold

205 the same meaning they once did. This generally occurs for only a short period of time and can serve the purpose of offering a sense of other possibilities if there has been a stuck or stagnant feeling. In such challenging times, the mind, in its search for answers, may reach into adjacent timelines.

Another type of bleedthrough occurs between two timelines of significantly different vibrational signatures. Often the bleedthrough timeline is one of a higher vibrational nature. In this case, the bleedthrough may be perceived as an experience of pure bliss and Divine connection. This kind of bleedthrough is common in times of spiritual awakening. The higher self orchestrates such bleedthroughs to give a glimpse of a possible timeline more closely aligned with the life purpose. In this sense, these ecstatic bleedthroughs may be viewed as episodes of Divine intervention.

Visions of New Timelines are Divine Gifts

When you receive a vision of a possible timeline, it is important for you to open to this possibility. Such visions are gifts from the universe and represent opportunities to take quantum steps in your spiritual evolution.

One way to think of timeline bleedthroughs is in terms of a radio broadcast. You are able to tune into many different types of stations and broadcasts. There will be some stations in close proximity that you can easily tune into. These are likened to future probabilities that are a close vibrational match to your present reality. Those possible realities that exist at a frequency more remote from your present vibration require more effort to attune to. In terms of the radio analogy, you might need to obtain the equipment to tune into satellite radio stations from locations all over the world. In much the same way, you might need to sharpen and develop your psychic senses to perceive and tune into potential realities that exist at a vibration that is significantly different from your present reality.

Timeline Shifts and Ascension Consciousness

You may know people who seem particularly adept at re-creating themselves. These are people who are able to clearly perceive the realities that exist within their field of possibilities, and know how to transform their consciousness to bring themselves into harmony with the reality of their choice. For such individuals, limitations, emotional upheaval, physical illness, scarcity, struggle, suffering, and other undesired realities have ceased to exist. This is the beginning of what you may term “ascension consciousness” where the school of life drops lower frequency courses from your curriculum and adds new, high-vibrational courses such as

206 spiritual alignment and personal empowerment. This new course of learning brings your consciousness into harmony with your higher self. You begin to view the world through the eyes of spirit. At this point, you become “Heaven on Earth,” which is the ultimate purpose of every soul incarnated. When this purpose is fulfilled, your Earth schooling is complete.

By entering the Portal of Timeline Shifts, you are able to access new timelines through aligning your consciousness with realities you perceive from your higher awareness. High-vibrational realities are always aligned with your spiritual purpose. By asking your guides and your higher self for visions of potential timelines, you can receive glimpses through dreams or "timeline bleedthroughs." By choosing these alternate threads, you can begin to align with your highest potential reality, thereby completing your Earth school curriculum and becoming “Heaven on Earth.”

Entering the Portal of Parallel Realities

It often seems your present point of focus on the Earth plane is the entire sum of your personal reality, but this seemingly fixed focus is an illusion. A true singular focus is the byproduct of being fully aware in the present moment. This presence of mind is only possible after a person has learned to expand their consciousness to gain awareness of all the realities in which they exist. This is to say, all the moments residing within the time frames they feed with their life force energy.

How Your Energy and Consciousness Continue to Feed Past Realities

There are two different ways your energy and consciousness interact with “parallel” realities. It often happens within the past of the present lifetime that there are unresolved emotional issues or other situations left incomplete. At the core, these are situations created for specific learning experiences. If an understanding being sought through the creation of these experiences is incomplete, the situation continues to reside within the energy field until it is revisited and released either directly or indirectly. Once the understanding that was being sought by creating the situtation is gained either through directly revisiting the past situation or indirectly by creating a new, similar situation, the energy is released and the consciousness freed so the life force energy need no longer feed this parallel reality.

Energetic Incompletions from Other Lifetimes

It may also be that attempts to gain needed understandings are also carried

207 forth from lifetime to lifetime, so the present life force energy may be feeding "energetic incompletions" from other lifetimes.

When the understanding being sought by creating these past life scenarios is completed, energy is released from the past life forward. Whether you are energetically "feeding" incompletions from this life or another, you will find the completion of a crucial understanding creates releases at all levels and frees a great deal of energy that can now be used to create desired future realities.

Parallel Realities in Future Tense

While we have placed emphasis on parallel realities created within the scope of past lives or the past within this lifetime, parallel realities also exist within the future of this lifetime or within future lifetimes. Since all- time is one, the subconscious of the human mind is free to travel to any point in time, past or future. It is in this way through dream states, astral travel, and psychic skills of future perception, remote viewing and other advanced skills that the consciousness is able to "set up" and energize learning structures and parallel realities that exist within the realm of future time -- the future of this lifetime or the next. Such realities are created for specific purposes.

The second way parts of your consciousness exist within parallel realities is through creating fields of intention that can extend into the future of your present lifetime and beyond.

'Chance' Precognitive Journeys into Future Time

Before we proceed further, we want to explain here that it is possible for a person to travel into future realities without a conscious or direct intention to do so. By whatever circumstances, it does sometimes occur that a person travels to a future reality and through that occurrence, begins to reside to an extent inside that reality. Precognitive journeys are undertaken as part of the soul’s design for a given lifetime.

Sometimes the higher self offers a glimpse of a possible future reality to motivate the present-moment consciousness toward such explorations. A newly-awakened conscious mind may become confused by these glimpses and begin to partly exist in a future parallel reality for a time. As the consciousness expands, perspective is regained and it is understood that visiting future timeframes is for the purpose of gaining spiritual insight within the present moment.

208 Exploring Alternate Future Realities

Because these designs are unique to each individual experiencing them, we will take you into a more generic example of parallel future realities created through intention by a person operating in conjunction with advanced soul capabilities. (If you are reading this, you have such capabilities).

Imagine your consciousness assuming the identity of "cosmic explorer" traveling into the future of your present lifetime to set down energetic markers. This is in much the same way that the first astronaut set foot on the then-unexplored territory of the moon and proceeded to set down footprints on the surface and even mark the expedition with a flag. In this way, your consciousness is able to travel into the future and explore alternate future realities.

Installing Future Bookmarks

To take this a step further, as you explore alternate future realities, you can choose to set down a footprint or marker. Understand that inside your future, numerous alternate potential realities exist side by side. As you explore these various realities, you are able to choose a reality in which you wish to focus your Earthly presence at a point in the future. This is in much the same way that a person scouts about for a new structure that will become their home at some point in the future.

Once you have chosen a preferred potential reality, you can set about creating the circumstances that will lead you to eventually reside in that reality. Once you have set down your marker inside the space, a portion of your consciousness begins to exist there. You “move” your point of focus by setting up "intermediate outposts" of consciousness that serve as stepping stones guiding you to the future reality you have chosen. This is along the lines of setting down a "breadcrumb trail" for your future selves to follow. The number of "outposts" required depends on the span of time and energy required for the creation. This is how you create the circumstances for different aspects of your self over time to collaborate in creating a new future reality. These different aspects are your own consciousness operating day by day to carry out the steps of creating and energizing a new reality.

Mastery and the Collaboration of Future Selves

The creation of some realities, such as mastery in a field of endeavor, is created through the collaboration of “selves” across several lifetimes,

209 often in a relatively consecutive pattern. For instance, you can be certain a Picasso or a Proust does not manifest through the momentum of a singular lifetime. Such manifestations derive their strength of force and mastery over an arc of lifetimes, each successively serving as an outpost marker for the next phase of evolutionary development.

By entering the Portal of Parallel Realities, you are able to gain awareness of all the places past, present and future where your consciousness resides. Within this portal, you gain awareness of those areas where you can complete understandings and release energetic bookmarks across time, even across lifetimes. At the same time, you can enter the Portal of Parallel Realities to travel into potential future alternate realities to make conscious choices about future creations in this lifetime and beyond, and begin setting up stepping stone "outposts" in consciousness that will take you into new realities you wish to experience. In this way, you begin to write the script for the movie of each life in which you play a starring role, culminating finally into a moment when you awaken to find your self consciously serving as author, actor, supporting cast and audience on the universal stage of cosmic consciousness.

Entering the Portal of Time Travel to Release Energetic Bookmarks

It is possible to enter the Portal of Time Travel in order to travel back into your past and release old energetic bookmarks. When traumatic or difficult moments happen in your life, you create "bookmarks" so you can later return and release them. Over time, your conscious understandings grow. Your new conscious perspective will know intuitively how to release these energetic bookmarks.

When these bookmarks are released, it completes an understanding you were seeking to gain by creating situations in the first place. Most people have dozens of energetic bookmarks and in some cases, hundreds and even thousands, all waiting to be released when the time is right.

When a significant amount of energy is being held in the past in the form of energetic bookmarks, it becomes difficult to hold one's attention in the present moment. Your attention is constantly drawn to these areas that need resolution. Ask your guides to bring your attention to situations where energetic bookmarks reside. You can also gain awareness of energetic bookmarks by writing your autobiography and paying attention to any scenarios around which you are still holding energy.

Once you have a list of energetic bookmarks, you are ready to travel into the past to release them. It is important to note that it is not necessary to

210 journey back to each bookmark because often a number of bookmarks are based on the need to gain a single understanding. Once this understanding is complete, all the bookmarks having to do with the lesson are released. Bookmarks may have been created in very different periods of your life even though they are based on the same lesson.

Guided Meditation: Journeying Back in Time to Release Energetic Bookmarks

Imagine yourself surrounded by frequencies of light. These frequencies appear like floating orbs of light all around you. Each orb of light is a portal capable of carrying you into a past situation where an energetic bookmark is held. Ask your guides to bring your attention to an orb that can take you into a past moment that is important for you to visit at this time. Allow your attention to be gently guided to this orb. Bring your entire focus to the orb's light, sensing its frequency and vibration. See your consciousness slowly merging with it. Once this is complete, you are ready to travel inside this orb.

Once inside this orb, you experience it as a tunnel of space and time. Inside this tunnel, a sparkling energy pulses around you and through you. As you travel through this tunnel, you may glimpse in your mind's eye people and moments from your past. Don't attempt to grasp onto these, just observe and release them as they move past. You are moving quickly now, faster and faster, spinning back through the years of your life. Finally you begin to slow down. As you spin more slowly, you see the color green appear at the end of the tunnel.

You come to a complete stop and slip out of the tunnel into the green space. The orb and its spinning tunnel of time hover above you as you explore the scenery around you. You are in a wooded area lush with trees and vines. You hear a gentle stream murmuring nearby.You move toward the sound of the stream until you are standing at its edge looking down into the shimmering water. As you stand there, a stone walkway appears before you.

You follow the walkway across the stream. On the other side, you see your guide beaconing to you. Your guide appears in human form but the features are illuminated with a brilliant light. You follow your guide through a wooded area. As you move along, you are aware of the deep blue sky overhead. There are a few clouds drifting across the electric blue of the sky. The woods are silent except for the sound of your footsteps moving along the path. After several minutes, you enter a clearing. Inside this clearing, you see a younger version of your self waiting to greet you. This

211 younger self may be very young, or it may be you at any moment from your past. This "you" is from a moment in which you experienced a trauma or other overwhelming event.

As you stand facing this self, it tells you telepathically it has something to show you. You follow your younger self to a beautiful green expanse of thick grass and you sit down together. As you sit there, a scene from your past begins to play in the field before you like a movie on a screen. On the screen, you see your self as you were at a moment in your past. In this moment, something is occurring that is being held energetically inside you in the form of an energetic bookmark. It is not necessary to allow your self to be caught up in the energy of the scene before you. Just view it from the perspective of a detached observer. There is a moment when the energy of what is happening in the scene entered your cellular memory. Your attention is directed to this moment. When you find it, rewind the movie several frames. Stop the movie and freeze the frame inside the moment before the situation entered cellular memory. Now, step into the scene as your present-moment consciousness and allow your self to experience all that is happening there. See this old situation with the light of a different consciousness. Inside this moment, you see the higher purpose for creating the situation. You see how this situation relates to other situations in your life. All these situations were created to help you gain an important understanding. This understanding holds the key to the next step of your spiritual growth and frees your energy to move more fully into the joyful realization of your purpose for this lifetime.

When you understand the purpose of what was created, merge your consciousness with your consciousness of that time. Allow your past self to view this situation as it is happening through the light and wisdom of your higher consciousness. As this version of you understands why this is occurring, fear and negative energy are released before they enter cellular memory. See the energy of the situation leaving the cells of your body in the form of bubbles moving up toward the deep blue sky. These bubbles drift up and away from you, higher and higher into the sky until they finally disappear from sight.

It is time now to thank all those who helped you create the situation you have just released. Know this situation was created with the intention to further your soul's growth and purpose for this lifetime. Express gratitude for the lesson. Release any judgment, blame, resentment or other negative emotion you may have felt at a time in the past when you didn't understand how the situation was helping you. As you express gratitude, observe how all the energetic bookmarks associated with this lesson begin slowly dissolving throughout time. This situation and all situations that carry the

212 same energetic signature are now released from cellular memory. Notice how light and joyful you feel.

Blend your energy once more with your past self, loving and reassuring this self that it can always call upon you when guidance and loving assistance are needed. Say good-bye to this self for now, allowing your energy to center once more in your present-moment self. Your guide leads you from the clearing back through the woods to the stream. Thank your guide for assisting you in releasing the energetic bookmarks. Your guide waves to you as you cross the stone walkway to the other side of the stream where you once more merge with the bright orb of light and enter the tunnel of time. In just a few seconds, you travel forward in time, quickly arriving back in the present moment where you open your eyes and feel your self free and energized.

Entering the Portal of Time Travel to Assist Your Past Self

Just as it is possible to enter the portal of time travel and commune with your future self, it is also possible to time travel into the past and commune with your past self. It is through this communion with your past self that you are able to bring about healing and greater understanding. This healing not only assists your past self but extends into your present moment as well.

It is important to approach your past self from a place of understanding and forgiveness. From the point of power of your present-moment self, you can have compassion for the "you" whose attention is focused in a different place on the time/space continuum.This version of your self may seem ignorant once your consciousness expands. Know this past self did the best it could, taking steps in whatever way it could to create your present-day consciousness. In this way, forgive your past self for anything it created from a place of misunderstanding. Own this past self and love it. Express gratitude for what has been your past history.

You may recall now what has been said about working with your future self, how you can time travel to meet this self and begin working with it to fulfill your life purpose and create many things. In the same way that you see your future self as the loving, guiding energy in your present moment, imagine your present-moment self serving as a loving guide for your self of the past.

The Importance of Honoring and Assisting Your Past Selves

As lightworkers, you have taken many steps on your spiritual path in

213 recent years. You have progressed rapidly, so much so in some cases that it may feel as if your self of five years ago belongs to another lifetime entirely! It was important for you to move ahead rapidly, to take bold steps toward greater alignment with spirit. But as you grow, it is equally as important to honor and assist the architect and creator of your present moment. That is your past self. The fact that you are reading this says you are making efforts along your spiritual path. It also speaks to the efforts of your past self, which brought you into the space of rapid spiritual growth. Your past self set conscious intentions and began the process of allowing your highest good well before you came into the consciousness of your present-moment self. You can work with your future self to create an ever higher vision for your future that empowers not only your future self but your present-moment self. In this same way, your present moment self can work with your past self.

The best times to approach your past self are times when this self is in nature, near water, or in quiet moments of contemplation, solitude and silence. Approach your past self at the point where it began to open to the subtle energies of guidance and angels. Your intuition will guide you to the place where your past self is most receptive to your energy. Radiate a great light around you, then include your past self in this light. It is possible to transmit thoughtforms in this communion. Your present moment can also serve as a portal into the future, revealing a vision of the future to your past self. (This is one form of timeline bleedthrough). As your past self becomes more receptive to this communion, expanding in awareness to embrace it, you can become very telepathic in your communications.

By entering the Portal of Time Travel, you can visit your past self and commune with this self, expressing gratitude for the efforts this self made that allow you to exist as you do in your present moment. Offer words of encouragement to this self, letting it know it is on the right track with its efforts. Your past self needs to know that the seeds it is planting are creating a different future consciousness. Let it know you are ready and available to assist in any way possible. Let it know that as it takes steps toward creating a higher future, you become more able to reach back to assist it. Just traveling back, introducing your self and visiting your past self will open doorways of possibility you have not yet imagined. This will awaken your past self to possibilities and open the time travel portal to your past self. Through you, your past self can also commune with your future self, opening doorways of self-integration that give you a greater sense of self-love and wholeness. It is from this greater sense of love and wholeness that you are able to reach out to others and assist them with the same loving guidance you have given your past self. It is through self-love and a feeling of wholeness that you are able to offer others the most

214 valuable gift of your life working. By holding this vibration of wholeness, you create an energetic field that others can access in the journey of realizing their own highest vision.

Entering the Portal of Time Travel to Meet Your Future Self Imagine a point in the future where the path you are currently on leads you to develop a new and highly-evolved consciousness. When your present- moment self plants seeds of spiritual growth in the moment of Now, you begin to create a future self with an advanced consciousness. This consciousness is no longer bound by limitations of space and time. This consciousness that is you 5, 10 or even 15 years into the future is able to time travel. This consciousness knows how to travel into the past with the intention to help you break through the limitations that currently hold you in old, repeating patterns. At the same time, this consciousness is able to time travel into the future to meet other future versions of your self. Your Experience of Your Future Self Your self of the present moment experiences your future self as a gentle, guiding and loving energy that often makes itself known at first in your dreams, or in moments when you are walking in nature or making love. It is within these moments when your energy field is open and your life force energy fully engaged that your future self is most able to contact you. This consciousness talks to you in pictures, in thoughtforms, symbols, dreams, feelings and sensations. There are several ways this communication can begin. Once the dialogue begins, your future consciousness can entrain your present-moment consciousness and help it to move along at a more rapid pace. This movement strengthens your future self even as your future self strengthens your present-day self. The faster your present- moment self evolves, the stronger and more capable your future self becomes. Stepping into the Multidimensional Nature of Your Being There is really no time and space separating you from your future self. The future and the past are inextricably one moment occurring simultaneously in different timeframe dimensions. Separation of timeframes is a construct of the mind to help you orient in physical reality. When you are ready to step into the multtidimensional nature of your being, you are ready to release this limitation you have placed on your consciousness. With your future self guiding and influencing you, you are in turn able to create a future self capable of creating an advanced past self. The moment

215 the seed is planted in the present, a future possibility is born from the rich soil of inner growth. In this way, the self evolves the new world it is born into each moment. Time Travel and Life Purpose Traveling into the future is not about engaging in vague, idle fantasy of what might someday be. Time travel is always undertaken with Divine purpose and intent to unite your energies with your self in the future. Because this future self has the benefit of greater understanding and knowing than your present-moment self, it is able to assist and guide you. This rapport with your future self is entered into from the intention to carry out your purpose for this lifetime of helping others create shifts in consciousness. Inside the Portal of Time Travel to Meet Your Future Self, you are able to unite your consciousness past, present and future, creating a unified Now capable of anchoring the Divine light of spirit more strongly on the Earth plane. More simply put, you are uniting Heaven and Earth.

Entering the Portal of Time Travel to Install Future Bookmarks

How the Future Creates the Past

In much the same way that you can travel into your past to release energetic bookmarks binding you to past events, you can travel into the future to install bookmarks. These future bookmarks serve as energetic footprints anchoring you to a point of future creation. Fueled by your consciousness and life force energy, this future marker takes on a life of its own, sending out a beacon to all points past and future. This future marker gains strength and energy from the field of intention that created it until it ultimately makes its debut in physical reality.

Future Bookmarks Allow You to Collaborate with Future Selves

Future bookmarks are a collaboration with the selves or parts of you who will be assisting with the creation of your new creation. Some of these future aspects will be present for the birthing of this creation. What sometimes happens with creations that span into the future is that by the time they manifest, you have lost touch with the original intention. In some cases, you may become so alienated from the intention for your creation that you are unaware it has come into being! This has the effect of stifling creativity and leading to a loss of belief in one's self as one who carries forth and completes creative efforts. By planting bookmarks in the past and future, you begin to build a desire and belief in the future of your creation. This desire and faith fuels passion and belief for your creation in the present moment and allows you to revise your vision day to day so it is

216 a closer energetic match to your future self that will be present for its arrival in physical reality. As your project gains viability and significance, you channel an ever greater amount of passion and life force energy into it. This collaboration with past, present and future is what transforms a creation into a great work of art or gift to humanity. This is why it can be said that in the creation of all great works, the future creates the past against the backdrop of the present.

The Future Transforms the Past

It is important to view future bookmarks from the perspective of their ability to transform their creator. The intent to create something new breathes life into a new field of energetic possibility fed by the wellspring of your life force energy. As long as the original intention is aligned with your life purpose, the universe "amps up" your current life force allotment. You as creator and originator of this field of intention are changed and altered by the earliest steps of your effort. You are immediately transformed by the act of having set an intention. The energetic field of this intention begins to influence and guide your thoughts. You begin to see your self differently. Each day, as you take steps to further your creation, you are transformed energetically. It can be said that creating something is simply a matter of attuning your consciousness to the resonance of that which you seek to create. This is how you become an energetic match for your creation. It is this point of energetic resonance that births a creation into physical reality.

We will tell you that as humanity remembers its inherent capabilities as Divine creators, the time it takes a human being to bring their consciousness into resonance with an intended creation will be greatly shortened so that vision, intention and creation occur almost simultaneously. It is at this point of spontaneous creation that human beings transcend time and begin to move fluently in and out of physical reality.

By entering the Portal of Time Travel to Install Future Bookmarks, you create a field of intention that sets down a footprint within a point of future creation. This bookmark imbued with your life force energy, takes on a life of its own and begins informing your past and present of steps to facilitate the future point of creation. In this way, you become an energetic match with the future you desire.

Entering the Portal of Your Last Day on Earth

In this final portal, we will guide you gently into a space inside your world

217 that has not yet happened; that is, your last day on earth. This is a moment many of you have not visited in your thoughts, feeling it the inevitable province of a distant and inaccessible time. Yet this future version of your self is accessible to your present consciousness, and thinks often of you as it goes about the business of "closing up shop" at the end of your Earthly life.

Imagine you are this future self as it comes into the knowing that your earthly life is nearly complete. Imagine the thoughts and emotions you experience inside the knowledge that there is nothing more to be done. In this future time, most of what you consider the great moments of your life have come and gone. You must, inside this moment, contemplate the very last moments of your life.

The Last Moments of Your Present Lifetime

If you have lived your life in alignment with your spiritual purpose, you will most likely choose to spend these last moments in a last joyful communion with those you love, celebrating the completion of your Earthly mission and anticipating the next step in your spiritual evolution. Rebirth is the certain outcome of death just as death is the certain outcome of rebirth.

There are many in your world that do not pass over in this state of celebration and joy. This is often the case where the life was not lived in alignment with spirit. Sadly, we must describe for you what takes place in this circumstance in the hope you will understand the likely outcome of a life lived with the majority of its focus in physical reality.

The Last Moments of a Purely Physical Existence

At the end of a purely physical life, the conscious mind begins to generate messages of fear around the idea of passing over into a state of pure consciousness. This fear of the unknown causes the mind to grasp backward to what has been. There is a state of confusion as the mind, unable to embrace the approaching adventure into the vast expanse of spirit, reaches back into the safe refuge of the past. This is where an even greater confusion arises, for as the vast expanse of your spirit approaches, the entire mind is filled with a great light that illuminates all the days of the life. Suddenly, the conscious mind perceives what has been the Earthly life in the light of the higher self. If the life has not been lived in alignment with spiritual purpose, all the areas of misalignment become obvious.

These last moments may only represent a second on the Earth plane, but they are agonizing years to the being that abruptly awakens to missed

218 synchronicities and missed opportunities for love, healing and joy. Also obvious are the many dead-end pursuits undertaken in avoidance and denial of one’s spiritual purpose. It becomes easy to see the ways one has not believed in one's self. The attention will be drawn to those moments when there were opportunities to proceed along the spiritual path, but the ego refused to invest time and resources in the "unseen" possibiliies of spiritual evolution. This is akin to the space traveler who sets out on a hopeful mission to explore new frontiers and expand knowledge for all humankind, then returns with nothing to report, having passed the time reading mystery novels and eating comfort foods without so much as a glance out the window to contemplate the great mystery of the passing majesties of the cosmos.

Stepping Outside a Physical-Based Consciousness

It is in this way that many Earthly lives are ended inside a space of loss and regret. It does not have to be this way. You can choose to step outside the confines of a physical-based consciousness and visit your last day on earth to learn the ending you are now creating. This is similar to the novelist who completes a first draft, then looks back with great insight and vision of the mind space that has been traversed. With this insight, the final installment informs the beginning of the story. The writer then revises the story and makes changes (it becomes obvious in this mind space those areas where characterization could be improved, where the plot does not align with what is intended, etc). This is how most great works of art are created: they are collaborations of many different aspects of one’s self on many different days. It is in this way that you can travel through time to view the life story you are currently creating. With the ending firmly in mind, you can look back over your life with eyes that have witnessed the thoughts and feelings of your last day on earth and see all those areas you would "revise." When you return to the present moment, you can proceed forward, planting seeds in your garden of Now that reflect the revised ending for your story of this Earthly life.

Visiting Your Last Day on Earth

Allow your self to connect with the mind of this future self in the seconds before you pass over. It is inside this moment that the light of spirit floods in. You may have heard it said that just before you leave your Earthly life, your entire life passes before your eyes. This is describing the moment that your Earthly and higher consciousnesses unite and you are able to see your life from this all-knowing perspective. In a single flash, all that has been appears to you. You are able to see your life as it has been through the eyes of spirit. In this moment, you are able to see all those areas you

219 would like to transform while there is still time to make changes and “revisions.” Uniting with your higher self now will help ensure your last day on Earth is a joyful one spent in celebration and anticipation.

The Process of Uniting with Your Higher Self

You can begin this process of uniting with your higher self during visits to your last day on Earth. Allow your present self to see your life through the eyes of this future self about to pass over as it merges with the great illuminating light of spirit. Let your self see all the places where you are in avoidance and denial, as well as the places where you lack compassion, empathy and loving kindness. Allow your self to see the ways your life could be more aligned with spirit. Allow your self to see the moments where you could be more courageous, more willing to step into the unknown and fulfill your spiritual purpose.

As you return to your present-moment consciousness, you will begin to put this knowledge to use, making changes in your life to create the revised ending.

Over time, you can choose to visit the Portal of Your Last Day on Earth many times to view the ending you are currently creating. In this way you learn to live your life backwards, allowing the ending of your story to inform the present moment, your past, and all parts in-between.

220 About the Author

Deborah L. Zeta is a writer, intuitive, poet and channel living on a lake in Northwest Arkansas with her partner, Peter Phalam and their dog, Daisy.

For more about Deborah and Peter and their work, visit http://www.celestialvision.org. Deborah can be reached at [email protected].

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