2018 OFFICIAL PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE METROPOLITAN WATER RECLAMATION DISTRICT OF GREATER CHICAGO JANUARY 1, 2018 – DECEMBER 31, 2018 BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Kari K. Steeie President Barbara J. McGowan Vfce President Frank Aviia Chairman of Finance Cameron Davis Kimberly Du Buclet Marcelino Garcia Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago Josina Morita Debra Shore 60611-3154 312.751.5600 100 EAST ERIE STREET CHICAGO, ILLINOIS Marlyana T. Spyropoulos Jacqueline Torres Clerk/Director of Finance January 1, 2019 312.751.6500 f: 312.894.1104
[email protected] To the Citizens of the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago: The Minutes for each public meeting contain a record of the action taken on items presented to the Board of Commissioners. The Minutes are compiled annually into the Proceedings of the Board of Commissioners of the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago (District). Legislative records and related information can be accessed on the District's website at www.mwrd.orq. Click on the "Commissioners" tab and then click on "Click here" to access the legislative database. The various tabs provide specific information: • The "Legislative" tab provides a search engine to find, view and print detailed legislative records by entering a key word, a name or a contract number. • The "Calendar" tab provides a schedule of all public meetings for the year, the agenda and minute reports for current and past meetings and the video for each respective meeting. • The "Proceedings" tab provides an annual compilation of the Minutes by year commencing from the District's inception and provides an excellent source of historical information.