Results of Repeated Leveling Surveys at Newberry Volcano, Oregon, and Near Lassen Peak Volcano, California

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Results of Repeated Leveling Surveys at Newberry Volcano, Oregon, and Near Lassen Peak Volcano, California Bull Volcanol (1999) 61:83–91 Q Springer-Verlag 1999 ORIGINAL PAPER D. Dzurisin Results of repeated leveling surveys at Newberry Volcano, Oregon, and near Lassen Peak Volcano, California Received: 10 September 1998 / Accepted: 4 December 1998 Abstract Personnel from the U.S. Geological Survey’s measured by repeating leveling surveys that were com- Cascades Volcano Observatory conducted first-order, monly conducted in past decades to establish elevations class-II leveling surveys near Lassen Peak, California, along roadways or railways. This approach has been in 1991 and at Newberry Volcano, Oregon, in 1985, used to measure uplift at the Yellowstone caldera in 1986, and 1994. Near Lassen Peak no significant verti- Wyoming between 1923 and 1975–1977 (72.6 cm or cal displacements had occurred along either of two 1.4B0.1 cm/year; Pelton and Smith 1982), uplift at the traverses, 33 and 44 km long, since second-order sur- Long Valley caldera in California between 1975 and veys in 1932 and 1934. At Newberry, however, the 1994 1980 (25 cm; Savage and Clark 1982), and subsidence at survey suggests that the volcano’s summit area had ris- Medicine Lake Volcano in California between 1954 en as much as 97B22 mm with respect to a third-order and 1989 (38.9B4.3 cm or 1.1B0.1 cm/year; Dzurisin et survey in 1931. The 1931 and 1994 surveys measured a al. 1991). This paper summarizes results of repeated 37-km-long, east–west traverse across the entire volca- leveling surveys near Lassen Peak in northern Califor- no. The 1985 and 1986 surveys, on the other hand, mea- nia and at Newberry Volcano in central Oregon, two sured only a 9-km-long traverse across the summit cal- active volcanoes in the Cascade Range with their most dera with only one benchmark in common with the recent eruptions in 1914–1917 and approximately 1,300 1931 survey. Comparison of the 1985, 1986, and 1994 years ago, respectively. surveys revealed no significant differential displace- ments inside the caldera. A possible mechanism for uplift during 1931–1994 is injection of approximately The leveling surveys 0.06 km3 of magma at a depth of approximately 10 km beneath the volcano’s summit. The average magma Near Lassen Peak, the National Geodetic Survey supply rate of approximately 1!10–3 km3/year would (NGS, formerly U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey, be generally consistent with the volcano’s growth rate USC&GS) conducted second-order leveling surveys averaged over its 600,000-year history between Mineral and Chester (44 km) in 1932 and be- (0.7–1.7!10–3 km3/year). tween Viola and Old Station (33 km) in 1934 (Fig. 1). In 1991 a team from the U.S. Geological Survey’s Cas- Key words Newberry volcano 7 Lassen Peak volcano 7 cades Volcano Observatory (USGS/CVO) repeated Leveling 7 Volcano geodesy 7 Crustal uplift those surveys to first-order, class-II standards. The traverses were not connected in 1991, because most of the intervening benchmarks had been destroyed. New Introduction benchmarks were established approximately 1 km apart as a baseline for future surveys (Yamashita and Iwatsu- Vertical displacements near volcanoes, faults, fluid- bo 1992). withdrawal zones, or other areas of interest can be A third-order leveling traverse across the broad shield of Newberry Volcano (37 km) was first measured by USGS levelman G.A. Fischer in July to August 1931 Editorial responsibility: D. A. Swanson (Fig. 2). The traverse began 6.2 miles (9.9 km) north of Daniel Dzurisin La Pine, Oregon, at the junction of The Dalles-Califor- David A. Johnston Cascades Volcano Observatory, U.S. Geological Survey, 5400 MacArthur Blvd., Vancouver, nia Highway and the road eastward to Paulina Lake. Washington 98661, USA Fischer started his traverse at a USGS second-order e-mail: line measured by L.F. Biggs in 1908 with the intention 84 85 Fig. 1 Leveling traverses near Lassen Peak, California. The trav- erse between Mineral and Chester is 44 km long and was mea- Procedures and accuracy sured in 1932 and 1991. The traverse between Viola and Old Sta- tion is 33 km long and was measured in 1934 and 1991 (see Standards and accuracy for leveling surveys, including p Fig. 3). Contours in feet (1 foot 0.348 meters) changes through time as equipment and procedures im- proved, were discussed by Vanicek et al. (1980) and by the Federal Geodetic Control Committee (1984). The standard deviation of an elevation difference between of leveling eastward over Newberry Volcano to China benchmarks measured by a leveling survey is given by Hat, a distance of 28.5 miles (45.9 km). His plan con- formed to standards of the day for third-order surveys: b s(h)p 7;L “The grade of work classed as third order should not be ;j extended more than 30 miles from work of higher accu- racy” (Birdseye 1928, p 130). Near China Hat, Fischer where b is a constant factor for each order, class, and tied to a third-order line measured in 1929 by Suther- vintage of survey, jp1 for single-run surveys or jp2 for land of the Oregon Geographic Board. The closure be- double-run surveys, and L is the distance in kilometers tween Biggs’ traverse near La Pine and Sutherland’s along the leveling route from a reference benchmark to traverse near China Hat exceeded the allowable limit the benchmark in question. For surveys that are dou- of 0.057;L ft, where L is the length of circuit in miles. ble-run, b can be calculated from observed misclosures. Following guidelines set forth by Birdseye (1928), For single-run surveys, Vanicek et al. (1980) assigned a Fischer continued his traverse northward from China value of b for each order, class, and vintage of survey Hat approximately 13 miles (20.9 km) to Evans Well, based on the experience of NGS and USGS. where he tied to a USC&GS first-order line. Closure The standard deviation of a height change measured between La Pine and Evans Well was 0.208 ft (6.3 cm), by comparison of two leveling surveys is given by within the allowable limit of 0.323 ft (9.8 cm) over a dis- 2 2 tance of 41.7 miles (67.1 km). Fischer ended his trav- b1 b2 s(dh)p " c 7;L erse and distributed the closure error linearly with dis- j1 j2 tance between La Pine and Evans Well. Data used here include this correction plus others described by Bird- These statistics describe only random errors that re- seye (1928). main after appropriate corrections have been made and A USGS/CVO team established a 9-km-long, first- do not account for uncorrected systematic errors. Both order leveling traverse across the summit caldera of error types can be minimized by proper field proce- Newberry Volcano in 1985 and measured it again in dures. Values of b (from Vanicek et al. 1980), s(h), and 1986 (Yamashita and Doukas 1987). The caldera trav- s(dh) for the surveys discussed here are given in Ta- erse includes only one benchmark recovered from the bles 1 and 2. 1931 survey, so the 1985 and 1986 measurements can- not be compared with the 1931 measurements to deter- mine vertical displacements. In 1994 a USGS/CVO Lassen results team repeated the larger survey from near Highway 97 eastward across the summit caldera to near China Hat. At Lassen the 1932 and 1991 surveys between Mineral The 1994 survey conformed to first-order, class-II and Chester and the 1934 and 1991 surveys between standards (Yamashita et al. 1995). Viola and Old Station reveal no changes larger than the Table 1 Characteristics of lev- Year Order, class Location Length (km) ba (mm/km1/2) s(h) (mm) eling surveys Lassen 1932 Second order, Mineral–Chester 44.1 3.0 3.07L1/2 class II 1934 Second order, Viola–Old Station 33.4 3.0 3.07L1/2 class II 1991 First order, Mineral–Chester 44.1 0.7 0.77L1/2 class II Viola–Old Station 33.4 0.7 0.77L1/2 Newberry 1931 Third order Hwy 97–China Hat 37.5 6.0 6.07L1/2 1985 First order, Summit caldera 9.3 0.7 0.77L1/2 class II 1986 First order, Summit caldera 9.3 0.7 0.77L1/2 class II 1994 First order, Hwy 97–China Hat 37.5 0.7 0.77L1/2 class II a From Vanicek et al. 1980 86 Fig. 2 Leveling traverse across Newberry Volcano, from near Highway 97 north of La miles (20.9 km) from China Hat to Evans Well (not shown). A 9-km-long portion of the Pine, Oregon, eastward to near China Hat (37 km, benchmarks F1 1931–F12 RESET), traverse across the summit caldera was measured in 1985, 1986, and 1994 (see Fig. 4). measured in 1931 and 1994. The 1931 survey continued northward approximately 13 Approximate caldera outline in inset is from MacLeod et al. (1995). Contours in feet 87 Table 2 Uncertainty in height change, s(dh) Newberry Results, 1931–1994 Survey interval Location s(dh) At Newberry Volcano, comparison of the 1931 and Lassen 1994 surveys reveals changes that exceed s(dh) every- 1932–1991 Mineral–Chester 3.17L1/2 1934–1991 Viola–Old Station 3.17L1/2 where except at the end of the traverse (Fig. 4). In fact, Newberry the changes exceed 2s(dh) along more than half of the 1931–1985 Summit caldera 6.17L1/2 traverse, including the upper flanks and summit area.
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