ISSN (Online) - 2349-8846 Lakshmi against Untouchability: Puranic Texts and Caste in Odisha RAJ KUMAR Raj Kumar (
[email protected]) teaches at the Department of English, University of Delhi. Vol. 54, Issue No. 48, 07 Dec, 2019 The Lakshmi Purana as a literary text primarily raises issues relating to the religious rights of Dalit women in Odisha. Lakshmibrata kathas are stories that are recited while worshipping Lakshmi, the Goddess. Lakshmi, the Goddess of wealth, is now being worshipped all over India. But, the literary sources coming out in various Indian languages prove that the Lakshmibrata kathas originated mostly in the rice-producing states such as, West Bengal (WB), Bihar, Odisha, Andhra Pradesh (AP), Karnataka and Uttar Pradesh (UP). Bidyut Mohanty took nearly 20 years to prove this research hypothesis. His book, Lakshmi, the Rebel: Culture, Economy and Women’s Agency published by Har-Ananad, Delhi, 2019, is an attempt to study caste, culture, and gender, through myths. Taking the Lakshmibrata kathas as tools to investigate the various locations of gendered culture in India, the book connects between the past and the present and makes a bold statement about the degree of women empowerment in India. Mohanty, after critically analysing the Lakshmibrata kathas of various states Mohanty wrote, ISSN (Online) - 2349-8846 “We have seen in many countries that political representation and economic opportunities which are indeed absolutely necessary for women’s empowerment have still proved to be inadequate in accomplishing women’s liberation in modern times. In this work, it has been argued that culture has to be an integral component in the composite perspective along with political and economic measures to bring about women’s liberation.