Exploring for Hydrocarbons in a Volcanic Province – a Review of Exploration on the Faroese Continental Shelf
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Exploring for hydrocarbons in a volcanic province – A review of exploration on the Faroese Continental Shelf ThomaS VarMinG, Heri Ziska and Jana Ólavsdóttir Jarðfeingi, Brekkutún 1, P.O. Box 3059, FO-110 Tórshavn, Faroe Islands. Abstract From the initial focus on deep water Paleocene stratigraphic/combined play types chased in the Judd sub-basin, exploration effort in the Faroese area has changed its attention to the sub-volcanic structural play types. Post-well analyses of the first Judd sub-basin wells concluded that some of the amplitude driven plays drilled were caused by poor lithology calibration, but an example of an amplitude anomaly in the Vaila Fm, with well control, from the Judd sub-basin caused by gas, is presented. This review will give a short summary of the technical advancements in seismic imaging and drilling performance achieved over the last 5-10 year period and though only a few wells has targeted sub-volcanic plays and their results largely remains con- fidential, some outcomes have been released and some geological issues, which these released results have raised, are qualitatively discussed as well as some speculations on their impact on prospectivity seen in the light of both volcanic and non-volcanic ana- logues, from other parts of the world. Introduction Since the discovery of Foinaven in the early exploration in the UK faroe-Shetland Basin 1990’s exploration wells have been positioned on commenced in the mid-70’s with the first discov- Paleocene prospects with traps formed from a ery of the Clair field on the rona ridge in 1977. combination of structural and stratigraphic com- Since then more than 400 wells (includes explor- ponents where the Paleocene sandstone reservoir ation, appraisal and development wells, 2010 either pinches out or shales out updip or the jux- numbers from DECC, the number also includes taposition of oil-bearing T30 sandstones and T20 the North Rockall area) have been drilled with shales (see Fig. for the stratigraphic scheme used discoveries encountered in most stratigraphic in this paper) but in the last decade a shift to a levels from Pre-Cambrian Lewisian basement in strategy of targeting structural plays further out the Clair Field to the Eocene reservoirs of Tober- in the basin on and around the Corona High has mory (Fig. 1) and with all major intrabasinal been successful with the discoveries of Rose- highs targeted. This contrasts the Faroese side bank/Lochnagar and Cambo. were only the Paleocene section has been pene- In Faroese waters, exploration has focused on trated and with only two of the major intrabasinal the Faroe-Shetland Basin, of which more than highs targeted (Fig. 1), though the results of the 90% percent of the area within Faroese waters last well 6004/8a-1a remains confidential. is covered by Early to Mid Palaeogene volcanics Exploring for hydrocarbons in a volcanic province – A review of exploration on the Faroese Continental Shelf 85 Conceptual Cross Section - Faroe-Shetland Basin East Mid Faroese Shetland Faroe Faroe Corona Flett Rona Platform Platform High High High High High FO Explored Section UK Explored Section Not to scale Adapted from Ziska and Andersen, 2005 POTENTIAL UK WEST OF SHETLAND FAROE ISLANDS AGE STRATIGRAPHY SOURCE ROCKS LITHOLOGY ON THE ATLANTIC EXPLORED HYDROCARBON EXPLORED HYDROCARBON BGS NOMENCLATURE SECTION DISCOVERIES/FIELDS SECTION DISCOVERIES Ma MARGIN 1.8 QUAT Lithology E BGS Stratigraphic PLEISTOCEN /PLIOCENE NORDLAND 5.3 BP Sequence GROUP Nomenclature Chronostratigraphy MIOCENE Balder Fm T50 23 F3 OLIGOCENE WESTRAY GROUP SM n Hildasay n 34 p STRONSAY F2 Y Tobermory T45 EOCENE GROUP CENOZOIC (Balder Fm) Ypresia Cambo TERTIAR MORAY Eocene 55.8 Rosebank Moray Grou GROUP PALEOCENE Schiehallion, Foinaven Svinoy Flett Formatio FAROE Laggan etc. GROUP F1b Marjun SM 65.5 Colsay T40 F1a SHETLAND UPPER GROUP (Kyrre Fm) n T38 99.6 n CRETACEOUS CROMER LOWER Victory KNOLL Thanetia GROUP Kimmeridge Lamba Formatio 145.5 Clay Fm, Westerhouse SM Solan Heather Fm, Kettla Mbr T36 UPPER Staffin Shale HUMBER C GROUP p Cullaidh T35 MESOZOIC MIDDLE JURASSI Shale T34 LOWER LIAS Pabba Shale Faroe Grou GROUP n 199.6 and Portree Legend n UPPER Shale e T31/32 C PAPA/ MIDDLE HERON Drilled UK Selandia TRIASSI GROUP section T28 LOWER Strathmore Vaila Formatio 251 Paleocen UPPER Drilled FO LOWER 299 PERMIAN section T25 . CARB CLAIR Sized by importance 359.2 GROUP Clair Gas Prone Achanarras T22 p DEVONIAN FB 416 PALAEOZOIC CAMB-SIL. Clair Oil Prone Danian LEWISIAN Oil Discovery PRE-CAMBRIAN Sullom Formation T10 BASEMENT Time scale according to Shetland Grou OS Gradstein et al., 2004 Gas Discovery Adapted from Scotchman and Doré, 1995; Scotchman et al., 1998; Scotchman and Carr, 2005 and Ziska and Andersen, 2005 Fig.1. Conceptual cross section across the Faroe Shetland Channel illu strating the difference in drilled sections on the UK side and the faroese side. full stratigraphic column for the explored section on the UK side, includ- ing potential source rocks on the North Atlantic Margin (Scotchman and Doré, 1995; Scotchman et al., 1999 and Scotchman and Carr, 2005) and discoveries. Stratigraphic column for the Paleocene-Earliest Eocene in the West Shetland area. The BGS nomenclature is from Knox et al. (1995) and lamers and Carmichael (1999). The T-sequence is based on Ebdon et al. (1995). 86 Varming et al. 8°0'0"W 7°0'0"W 6°0'0"W 5°0'0"W 4°0'0"W 3°0'0"W 2°0'0"W 6202 . 6207 6206 6205 6204 6203 Fugloy Ridge 216 217 62°0'0"N Fa roe Is 62°0'0"N la > n h Tobermory d g s i h H ig h r H ig u H e a o n> nd r a ro ø o r F t C T s a th E r o N h > g i 6103 6107 H e > 6106 o 6105 r 6104 a F > t 213 214 > 208 h a s ig E > > H e ro > a F t = > > s 6104/21-1 th a > u > E o > > Rosebank S > > > /Lochnagar - > h > > > > ig > > H !> M > > a > > n Laggan u > ro > n > > > o in > > k C > > s >> > a a > Heri High b > g - b h > r u > g > u s Mid Faro tt i> > n e H > e H =igh l t > n > F > t 6004/8a-1 > e > > a l >F> > r > > 6007 > >> Clair H B Cambo > > 6006 6005 >> >>> i >> g > > 6004 > h ª 6005/12-1/1C´ z Volcanic Centre 6005/13-1 + Tornado > > > 206 !> 205 > 6005/15-1 n 6005/17-1 i > > > 0igh s >>> > r H ª a > h Basalt Edge ðu b g Sjur B´ >- i > Platform and b > H > u > > >>> a intra-basinal 6005/16-1/1z s >> > > > n > CL d > >>> > > highs. > d 204 > > >> >> > o u > > > >>>> 204/16-1 J >>>> >>> R W > > >>> Schiehallion > Faroese Exploration > > > > yv > > Licenses i > > > lle T 176 Foinaven > High h Judd High > > 0315 0 o > > > > > (defined at top m 174 175 > son > Kilometers of Paleogene lavas) Ridge > > > > 7°0'0"W 6°0'0"W 5°0'0"W 4°0'0"W 3°0'0"W 2°0'0"W Fig. 2. location map with structural elements, exploration licenses, oil fields and quadrants (numb- ered). The yellow lines indicate location of seismic profiles in figs 3, 4 and 8. and exploration is therefore likely to be influ- encountered in the Vaila Formation in the Faro- enced by the volcanic section (Fig. 2). Three of ese wells (Smallwood, 2005; Woodfin et al., 2005; the seven wells drilled in the Faroese area have Varming, 2009). This contrasts the results from been targeting Paleocene prospects with a strong the UK side, where post-drilling analyses has stratigraphic component and Fig. 3 shows a semi shown that poor trap definition, reservoir pres- regional seismic line running close to three wells, ence and quality is a common failure component 6004/16-1z, 6004/17-1 and 6004/12-1z exem- of the stratigraphic Paleocene plays (Loizou et plifying the stratigraphic nature of the drilled al., 2006; Lamers and Carmichael, 1999; Small- prospects. wood, 2005). Only in one of the Faroese wells Although the drillings in the Judd sub-Basin were stratigraphic levels older than the Vaila resulted in two discoveries and oil shows in Formation penetrated, the Marjun discovery a third well (Varming, 2009), the failure to was encountered in the Early Paleocene Sullom encount er hydrocarbon accumulations which at Formation, which in this location shows low per- present seem economically feasible was mainly meabilities. related to the lack of sealing lithologies, with Given that true stratigraphic traps have little or high net sand to gross interval thickness ratios no structural control, location of the drilled Paleo- Exploring for hydrocarbons in a volcanic province – A review of exploration on the Faroese Continental Shelf 87 TWT [ms] 0 0 0 1000 1500 2000 450 2500 300 3500 4000 5000 550 6000 6500 cene UK targets has relied extensively on additional S C m geophysical techniques, such as direct hydrocarbon m a F a F Lamb Balder Fm Vail Flett Fm Sullom Fm indicators (dHi’s), i.e. flat spots, amplitude anom- 4274m 6004/16-1,1z Mbr alies and amplitude variations with offset (AVO) Kettla (Loizou et al., 2006; Cooper et al., 1999; Lamers s l l i S and Carmichael, 1999; Leach et al., 1999). Post-drilling analyses of UK and faroese wells (Loizou et al., 2006; Varming, 2009) targeting Paleocene prospects with a strong stratigraphic component show that lithology effects induced by the volcanic activity (e.g. igneous intrusions 4000 1000 1500 2000 3500 2500 3000 and tuffaceous deposits) led to erroneous inter- m Fm a F Vaila Lamb Flett Fm Balder Fm pretations of the amplitude and AVO anomalies 6004/17-1 3822m br a M supporting some of the chased plays.