Coylumbridge Highland Lodges Club Accounts for the Year Ended
Coylumbridge Highland Lodges Club Accounts for the year ended 31 December 2018 and Balance Sheet as at that date Clements Statutory Auditor 39 St Vincent Place Glasgow G1 2ER Coylumbridge Highland Lodges Club Income and Expenditure Account for the year ended 31 December 2018 Notes 2018 2017 £ £ £ £ Maintenance Fees Received 1f, 4 1,290,278 1,307,050 Disbursements 1 e 1,613 1,601 Operating & Management Costs Paid Under Management Agreement 596,763 574,348 598,376 575,949 691,902 731,101 Other Income Electricity 130,082 129,565 Miscellaneous 2,953 1,779 Dividend Income 2,942 2,836 Bank Interest 951 91 Pet Income 6,475 4,407 Gain on Investments 102 - Sale of Equipment - 490 143,505 139,168 835,407 870,269 Other Costs Electricity 164,086 145,805 Metered Water & Sewerage 59,946 47,713 Cleaning Materials 3,235 1,789 Contract Cleaning 132,862 130,275 Lodges Laundry 27,058 27,058 Window Cleaning 17,020 17,021 Carpet Cleaning 7,913 8,675 Refuse Collection 16,867 17,493 Insurance 18,332 17,257 Credit Card Commission 504 226 Bank Interest & Charges 740 546 Professional Fees 27,440 5,389 Committee Expenses 6 8,416 7,412 AGM 5,105 5,229 Guest Supplies 12,282 9,386 Stationery, Printing & Postage 7,044 9,631 Telephone & Mobile Phone 421 (125) Welcome Parties 2,639 3,858 Vehicle Expenses 8,442 9,128 Bad Debt Provision 19,172 8,376 General Expenses 3,378 3,605 542,902 475,747 292,505 394,522 Less: Maintenance and Replacements 5 241,902 272,112 Surplus for the year before Corporation Tax 50,603 122,410 Corporation Tax Payable 200 18 Net Surplus for the
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