Math.AG] 28 Feb 2007 Osnua Leri Variety Algebraic Nonsingular a the Se[A) Let [Ma])
SOME BASIC RESULTS ON ACTIONS OF NON-AFFINE ALGEBRAIC GROUPS MICHEL BRION Abstract. We study actions of connected algebraic groups on normal algebraic varieties, and show how to reduce them to actions of affine subgroups. 0. Introduction Algebraic group actions have been extensively studied under the as- sumption that the acting group is affine or, equivalently, linear; see [KSS, MFK, PV]. In contrast, little seems to be known about actions of non-affine algebraic groups. In this paper, we show that these actions may be reduced to actions of affine subgroup schemes, in the setting of normal varieties. Our starting point is the following theorem of Nishi and Matsumura (see [Ma]). Let G be a connected algebraic group of automorphisms of a nonsingular algebraic variety X and denote by αX : X −→ A(X) the Albanese morphism, that is, the universal morphism to an abelian variety (see [Se2]). Then G acts on A(X) by translations, compatibly with its action on X, and the kernel of the induced homomorphism G → A(X) is affine. When applied to the action of G on itself via left multiplication, this shows that the Albanese morphism αG : G −→ A(G) is a surjective group homomorphism having an affine kernel. Since arXiv:math/0702518v2 [math.AG] 28 Feb 2007 this kernel is easily seen to be smooth and connected, this gives back Chevalley’s structure theorem: any connected algebraic group G is an extension of an abelian variety A(G) by a connected affine algebraic group Gaff (see [Co]) for a modern proof). The Nishi–Matsumura theorem may be reformulated as follows: for any faithful action of G on a nonsingular variety X, the induced homo- morphism G → A(X) factors through a homomorphism A(G) → A(X) having a finite kernel (see [Ma] again).
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