Ubstantial Tax Hike N
A Newspaper Devoted - Complete News ,Pletures To the Community Interest Presented Fairly, Qearly Full Local Coverage And Impartially Each Published Every Thursday VOL. XIX—NO. 46 FORDS, N. J., THURSDAY, JANUARY 2, 1958 At 18 Green Street, Woodbridge, N. J. ERICE TEN CENTS ubstantial Tax Hike License Fees Boost Revenue n '58 is Schedule Now Tax Receipts to Does Not Pay For '57 Set Stork Overtakes Ambulance Costs Entailed Brings Daughter to Woodhridge Oaks Mother Bill Increases WOODBRIDGE — All ordi- WOODBRIDGE — The high- *Being Taken to Hospital by Iselin Sc/uad nances authorizing the levy of est percentage of current taxes collected in the history of ISELIN — The first baby to been helped into the world by license fees will be amended to be born in an ambulance of the members of the Iselin First Aid Of#60 to$120 permit the Town Committee to Woodbridge Township was ac- complished during the year Iselin First Aid Squad was a Squad, this was the first time obtain much-needed, additional daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Paul that the stork made the ambu- revenue. Mayor Hugh B. Quigley 1957, Tax Collector Michael J. WOODBRIDGE —^With. no at- Trainer told The Independent- Benko, 9 Hancock Place, Wood- lance its landing field. tempt mad^ to gloss over a serious and Township Attorney Nathan bridge Oaks. The stork overtook The squad was summoned by Duff revealed today. Leader yesterday. financial picture, Mayor- Hugh B. The total levy for the year the ambulance on the Garden John Schneider, 139 Bender Quigley in his annual New Year's As the situation is today, they including school, county, Town- State Parkway, near Union at Day message yesterday pointed said, the fees are much too low 4:40 Tuesday morning- on the Avenue, a neighbor of the ship and fire districts was $6,- Benko's, at the father's frenzied to expected increases- in-tax Mils " and do not begin to pay for super- 104,114.62, of which S5,897,244.- FORMALLY SWORN IN were the mayor and sevjn couneilmen who officially took over the reins way to Irvington.
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