Seisiw'i-UN Sets On- Laos Strife
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ATcraRc Dally N«t PfCM Ron T h e W m Um # Peraaae* of 0. S. WeaMar DM ror the Weak B aM May Mrk, MM Fisir and mild limiglit. Ija*r dS- AS. Wsditpeday moetty aoaily- 6oa- 12,925 Hnned wan it and more k m m . Manbar at tha- Aadit Hlidi Ad-at. Bniwaa of OrealotloH Mtmche$t*r--^A City of Village Charm VOL. LXXVIII, NO. 288 (SIXTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1»59 (ObMolflaa Atfocrtlatag oa Faga 14) PRICE FIVE CENTS Night Bombers SEiSiW'i-UN Sets On- V . Hit Little Rock B.V TH^ A8SOC1ATF.D PRF>1« Public school integration Thui^sdayp L came to Florida for the first Little Rock, Ark., Sept. bombed atmetureg after toga- time today when four Negroes ... ' . : 1ing objects at them. BlitBut MMno ara O'- (/F) — Three night bombings entered Miami’s Orchard Villa Washington, Sept. 8 (/P) J L J L rests had been made hours after -—President Elsenhower will Laos Strife threw Little Rock into a new the explosions. Elementary Scho >1 along with case of Integration jitters to Nalley's flremfo helped police several white children. There make a radio-television report day. turn back some "OO segregation were no incidents. \ ,fo the people Thursday night 'Hie blaatg laiA night erhned ists in a march on .Central High .Shortly before the scheduled on his talks with Allied lead through town In /■apid-flre guc- School on the opening of school 8:30 a.m". opening of the fall term, ers in we.stern F^urope. eeagibn. last, month. two supporters of racial Segrega He will apeak Jrom his ’ White RedsLose The flrgt bomb demolished a It was at Central High School tion appeared at the school. House office from 7:30 to 7:i!> p.m. •tation wagon of Fire CThief G«nn where mob violence broke nut in The>'’TC,ere J. B. Stoner of At- Announcing this today, press Nalley in front of his home.. "Wie the fall of 1W7 over the integra- Isnta, Ga., wHo said he is a mem seer ary James C. Hagert.v said second one hit the school hoard ber of the Christian Knights of the all the major networks hav^ (Contlnned on Pago Five) Ku Klux Klan and ts'^’flghting in agreed to handle the 15-min«ite Bid to Bar building and the third the mayor’s office. tegration." The other was Fred speech and that except for one Police poured out In force with Hockett of Miami, executive sec 'possible delayed radio broadcast riot guns, patfoling streets and retary of the Florida White Citi alt of Ihem will be "live." barricading streets around the School Section zens Council. j '■ Because of the speech, Hagerty Fact Unit four public high schools. Two of When Mrs. C. K. Arnold, s while said, the President will not hold a the schools were integrated by In Herald Today woman, appeared with her tw.o news conference this week. ftve Negroes Aug. 12. ' ' children, Hockett told her: Hagerty said the Thursday Vientiane. l>ao«, Sept. 8 (>P) "You don't, have to send .your night speech will deal with the — Tommunist-led troops are No ohe was injured but police New.t and information tooH no chances. They suggested cKildren there. Send them to Alla- President's trip to West Germany, massing in threa areaa around about the opening of school pattah. ( A while achool about 10 Britain and France and with some to school hoard members that they Sam Neua town in what could blocks distant. I of thf current international devel and their families leave their appears on pages 8 and 9 of he staninff operations for a 3- homes and spend the night else ti^ay's Herald. "In know, but how am I going opments that Eisenhower and A l where. to, get them there?" asked Mrs. lied leaders discvisaed during that pronged attack on that moun* Police checked cars and homes The pages contain sched- Arnold. She then took the children trip. tain-ringed stronghold, a fo r-, of virtually all public offlcAls and rules of school hours, lunch on into the 'school. Elsenhower was described by a ernment spokesman said to others who have been, prominent menus, bus .schedules, a list Theionly other spectators at this congre.aaional caller as qultft happ.v breaking of the public school seg day. in the integration squabble. Lights about the rea'dta of hia diplomatic of school crossings, names regation barrier were a score of In all school buildings were turned mission to Europe. Red detachments were rc-< of new teachers, and simi newsmen and photographers. on for the night as a precaution. "He thought it was on the con ported north, northwest and The four Negroes—.Tan Krrol There were reports that two lar data of interest to pupils 's! nictive side.” Sen. Everett M. southeast of-Sam NeUa, de Glov,er, 9, and his ■ sister, Irene men were seen running away from ana to their parents. Dirk.sen (R -Ill) said after the fense headquarters of north Amanda Glover, 8, .Sherry Mdrie weekly White House conference of .loseph, 6. and Gary Chandler Repviblican congre.saional leaders. ern I'SOS. Range. 6 —were admitted to the Eisenhower thinks the talks In school under Florida's pupil as United .Nations, N. Y., Assures Vote of Minorities signment law. 'Sevenly-thre.e Ne Bonn, London and Paris "add-up-to Sept. 8 (/P)— The IJ.N.’s new groes had applied. a better understanding" -with It was Florida’s first token America’s allies, the Senator add- fact - finding , group began move Ip compl.y with the U.S. ed. drafting-plana today for an On to questions. Dirk- Supreme Court’s integration rul urgent on-the-spot ijiquir>’ Rights Report Urges sen said' t,here had been no ex ing. pression from Eisenhower as to into the situation in troubled In homes surro\mding the school, whether Soviet' Premier Nikita I^aos. Negroes stood In their yard s Khrushchev should be invited to The 4 - nation subcommittee watching. Although until this address Congress during his visit called a private meeting lea* than Federal Registrars term it was an all-white school, here next week. Two of the four persona Injured In the fatal automobile crash last night on the Wilbur Cross 12 hoiira after the Security Coun ■ the neighborhood has become al mgti- The Senator akid this was a wa.v He covered with blankets awaiting transportation to tha hoapital. They were thrown from cil briMhed aaida an attempted most entirely colored. matter entirely up to - Congress, their car. Other photo Inside. (Photo by Burkampt. Soviet veto and decided to arrange Washington, Sept. 8 fiP>—Use of^housing. In those fields, further and one in wlilch Eisenhower a U.N, tnveatigatlan. (Continued on Page Three) federal voting registrars where study was recommended by, the would not Intrude. Representativaa of the four sub necessary was recommended by commission if its life is extended. Eisenhower’s main appointment committee members were summor- the Civil Rights Commission to Under present law, the commis of the day, cither than the meeting Traffic Deaths ed to the office of the eou n ^ day to assure Negroes snd other sion goes out of business two with GOP leader.s, waa with Sec president, Ambassador Egidlo-^-w- minority groups the right to vote months from now. Senate Group retary-of Labor James P. Mitchell. Mother, Son Killed tons of Italy, to work out plana for The commission recommended, for federal officials.- - Hiii -wur of western European Total Tops 430 an early departure. Southern Senators promptly de however, that th^e Federal H.oua- capitals, he said on his return yes Italy la one of tha eountriea on nounced this and other recom Ing Administratiori and the Vel- Backs Housing terday, provided a chance ' to the fact-dnding giroup.'-The bthera mendations as "extreme and erana Admintration limit loan smopih out differences In methods In Head-on Crash Over Week^d are Argentina, Japan and Tuniaia. guarantees and other services to ahoclcing.'’ and a "program of de an<J' procedures which sometimes Some of til* four, still were ceit ’ and distortion.” They said those builders who agree in writ Bill Ike Likes develop despite fiill agreement on await Inatructlona from their gov-' ing to abide by existing laws Tra/fir ..................... they would oppose legislation bksic principles. •’ A New Hampshire woman andfwith fractured lag* and right arm, ernment* a* to who would serve on needed to carry It out, against discrimination. Wa.shington, Sept. 8 The Boaittng ............ her aon ware killad laat night when »I>Cl head inJuriM. Hit condtUon ia] Nn-lwiattwr ItPMniInga m I the subcMnmitlea. Some delegates " It has become apparent that , Half the members also urged Senate Banking-Committee today. ^ (Cqiitlniifd on Page Seven) / ' j reported a# aarioua. - _ said the group might legye M .S K ly books denial of federal funds to colleges their car waa hit Hkad^-os- by an MIsrellanMMia ............. 84 approved a third-try; ■ -♦! hlllibh”^ Thre», f.jia i ,srera. invwhrad in ih* as tonight If SilE ipiilWhl'^hTe Is inadequate to assure that all our and universities which refuse to other car on the Wilbue Cross crash, nut no injuries were sua- made by then. houeing bill after receiving as-111 »• I f J o ^ Total .SO* qualifled citizens shall enjoy the admit students because of race. Electiong Highway. tained by the occupants o f the third The council’s teeoluUon creating right to vote," the commission said The lone N egro' member, George surances President Plisenhpwer | O I 1 I » The fatal accident was the cTt- car, Agnes *• Fulper.