Am ri e s ty INTERN-ATI 0 NAL January 2( (111 Vol. 30 / N EWS

Adis- •

COLOMBIA People of the Cacarica River Basin in boats they will use to return and reclaim their land DISPLACED COMMUNITY PREPARES TO RETURN

Colombian authorities responsible for their "disappearance" of at least 70 members of holnes. all` people of the Cacarica River safety. "IThey want specific measures to be their community be brought to justice: "Flow T WOBasin \TARS :ire . preparingX FIE.R BEIM. to return DRIVE :Ind \ FRONI !HEIR implemented, including action by the can I live in peace if my oppressors remain rebuild their lives. After months of enforced security forces to prevent incursions bv army- free?", asks one. inactivity, hying in temporan-, overcrowded backed paramilitary groups or guerdlla "This is a struggle for what we want to be shelters, Wilboull :My privacy, they are forces. They want civilian law enforcement and for what they will not let us be-, says one determined to overccmle the dangers they agencies to be on hand to help prevent f'ather of four. talking about the land he was face in order to regain their lands. human rights abuses by the armed groups. forced to abandon. "It is land which offers us About 3,8110 people were forcibly displaced They arc also demanding that those everything a family needs: but there are those in a.joint army-paramilitary operation in responsible for the killing and that stand in our way." Ianuary 1997. They were refused help when The people of the Cacarica River Basin are they turned to locally stationed troops, aml asking for international help and support for were told: "the paramilitaries are in charge of their return. Raising the profile of this the operation". Most sought refuge in the community can help to ensure their safety. towns of Turbo and Bocas del Atrato in the Both sides in Colombia's armed conflict must northwestern department of Antic)quia. A know that the eves of the outside world are group that fled to Panama was later upon them. repatriated bv (',olombian and Panamanian You can help, by expressing concern for :tuthorities, in violation of their rights as the safety of the displaced community and refugees. calling on the Colombian authorities to take .Approximatelv 2.100 men, women and all measures deemed appropriate by the children insist that they will reclaim their community itself, to guarantee its safety.. Send lands. In October 19819 a group of 80 people appeals to: Senor Presidente Andres travelled to the region to prepare for the Pastrana, Presidente de la Reptiblica. Palacio return of the community to two settlement de Narino, Carrera 8 No. 7-26, Bogota, camps — ,Vneva I 'ida (New I tfe) and EV111'071:0 Colombia (fax: +57 1 286 7434/286 6842).

ell MA ( I lope in Godl. (:onstant death threats Write also to your own government, raising from paramilitary groups, together with the your concerns for the displaced community presence of guerrilla forces in the region. as it returns to its lands, and urging it to raise serious concerns l'or the group's safety. monitor efforts made by the Colombian 'Elie community's retimi takes place in the authorities to guarantee its safety. midst of war, and panimilitary and guerrilla Send messages of support to the Displaced tOrces arc active in the (:acarica River Basin — commimities of the Cacarica River Basin, c/o ;in arca of economic and military strategic Connsión Intercongregacional de Justicia y importance. Community members hold the Pat„NA 31861, Bogota, Colombia. 4




ISRAEL AND THE OCCUPIED TERRITORIES Children retrieve toys from the rubble of their destroyed home DEMOLITION OF PALESTINIAN HOMES

Fit ArRASH. I W1FF 1 -R .AND ;ire then strictly enforced. resulting in Barak. In October 1999. for example. )( their 10 chiklren watched in despair demolition orders. Mam owners face the two houses in East Jerusalem where june 1998 as the house they had built additional punishment of substanfial families had lived for Years were on their OW11 I.and near liebron in fines tiff illegal development and a bill to destroyed. In East Jerusalem alone. Khirbet Qilges W:ts destowed l'or the coVer the costs of demolition. 10,000 homes, housing a third of the third tine. Flie Israeli soldiers who Isriebs.ire treated differently. Thev Palestinian population. are threatened oversaw the demolition beat Vustif and hase few problems ohtaining building hy demolition orders. Suhur and dragged them across the permits and even if they build homes By targeting Palestinians almost ground. The family was left destitute ;Ind without authorization, their houses are exclusively for house demolitions, land is now living in a lent. rarely, if ever. demolished. confiscation and denial of building Mans thousands of Palestinian Hopes that demolitions of Palestinian permits, Israel is breaching international families have suffered similar fates since homes would end with the signing of the humanitarian and human rights treaties 19117. when Israel occupied the West 1993 Oslo peace tigreement have proved that it has promised to uphold. The Bank and the Gaz,i Sti ip. Palestinians are unfOunded. Sin«' 1995 .u-ound 5,000 policy shtmld be ended immediately. systematic:11h denied permission to build people, including 2,000 children, have Emu- further infOrmatitm. see Israel and homes. (Well 011 land that has belonged been made homeless by the bulldozers. the Occupied Territories: Demolition and to their families for generations, so they 'Hie policy has contimied under the new dispossession — the destruction of Palestinian build "illegally-. Nanning prohibitions government of Prime Minister Ebud houses (AI Index: MDE 15;59/99). SOLOMON ISLANDS ETHNIC VIOLENCE REACHES UNPRECEDENTED LEVELS

A!IR \ PEALFForce /NM/RIM; coordinated by. the Commonwealth arrived in the Solomon Islands, Southwest Pacific, in October 1999, to help end violent ethnic unrest on the maM islaiid of Guadalcanal. At least 13 people are loutwn to have beer killed and at least 11 reported to be missing, but the real figures are likely to be far higher. Several hundred houses have either been burned down or looted. I lundreds of armed inen, calling themselves the 'Isatarnbu Freedom Movement', have been terrorizing mostly Malaican settlers iicross rural (:uadalcanA since September 1998. Police roadblock controlling traffic in and out of Honiara

More than 32,00)) people, predominantly machetes. covering her with his Mil 110Ch.. no access to medical assistance or from Malaita Province, have since lett There have also been reports of emergency. fOod supplies. their homes and villages on Guadalcanal. excessive force being used by police. In Al is (alling for independent and "Scared villagers and displaced September 1999, gunfire from a police impartial investigations into human families have given horrific accounts of boat destroyed the roof' of a leaf hut, and rights abuses committed by all those both indiscriminate police shootings and eyewitnesses told AI how two unarmed involved in the conflict. By November, cruel killings by armed groups known as teenage boys were killed by police bullets one police officer had been charged 'militants': said Als Australia-Pacific fired from the same boat. One of them with the murder of a suspected researcher. was shot in the back. 'militant', but no other deaths had been In one attack attributed to 'militants', AI delegates who visited the country. in properly investigated. fleeing children saw their father hacked to September found hundreds of families For further information, see Solomon death when he protected his Hured who had fled from such shootings Islands: No end to ethnic violence (ASA three-year-(Vld daughter from the blows of sheltering in remote locations. Many had 43;01 00). lan non 2000 101.10 No. I .1NINFSIY INTERNATION11, NEWS • • D D Focus


wish that I could meet each and everyone of you personally, to say thank you for the support you gave me during my darkest days in prison.'

execution at the last nraulte when an amaied senior t tnd sentenced In death for a murder she gmernment official took a c ouple of sackfuls of A hadNlOINF nothing Fl I. ( ,Il 10 \ IIINdo with.Vt \st ARRUS-11-.1). She still suffers 10R I t -RI It letters from AI members down to the prison to meet nightmares :mil is inixious :trout the luture. She him. The President of the DR( has since said that visited the International Secretariat and .AI 1..rated there is a morraoritml on exec utions pending Kingdom in Octolx•r to meet some of those who discussion on tibolitiot I of the death penalty. had campaigned fOr her release from a I obanese Fwo itimbabweanrournahsts visited the IS in prison. She spoke ithivinglv of ',March 1999. They had been her ordeal, ()Cher arrest. of the harassed and tortured and ph 5xical and mental torture Were dle SIlbjeCt Of a \\WA

inflicted 11p011 11(1 bY 11C1 earlier that month. I hev captors, ;Ind iil her hopes and told staff at the IS: "The fears rimy she has been ordeal we went through released. while We Wel.e ill the hands .Antoillette Chahin featured of the military is something in a 41),ildwide Appeal ( \MA) ill unspeakable itild very ,Ntigust 1997. She had been shocking. We have managed sentenced to death in.ltomary to regain our strength, and 1997 — this WaS Subsequently take this opportunity to commuted to life thank ,Al and the :Medical • imprisonment with hard labour Foundation for Victims of — on charges of involvement in 'rorture fOr the second to a murder. T he primary none tissistalice that was • evidence against her was the extended to us.- confession of het two co- Elsewhere the news was defendants, allegedly extracted less po!..itiNV. Ill Colombia. • under torture. Hii . later human rights defenders claimed that dim: nevCr knew continued to be harassed, 11110111C11C C11111111. and those responsible for .A medical examination eight extraludicial executions and • — • davs idler her arrest ra.futie "disappearances- continued 1994 stated that she suffered to enjoy impunity. In the — • • from bruises oil her :urns Philippines Dante Piadong, where she had been suspended .lesus Morallos inid Archie from the ceiling, ti large bruise Bulan (W\VAs, April 1999)

On the left foot and tinkle, and "Cie C "ffled 011 8.11115. swelling in her right fora from Archie Bulan's last words scalding with hot water. were reportedly: "President She was finally given a retrial which started on 23 Estrada, I hope this is the last execution.- Tragically. June 1998 and, tt year later, she was acquitted hV the it was not. ;nut another Mall was executed in Crimmal (Ourt of ( :assat ion. No investigation was October. ever catTied out into her torture. In Turkey, prisoner of conscience Akin Birdal — As well as the thousands of Al membeix who subject of two WWAs last Year — was released on wrote in response to the WWA. AI groups in meracal go mnds ttt September. Sadly his conviction Canada. France..lapan and Motocco worked has 1101 been OVernirlit'd ;111d Ins Sentence has been tirelessly on ,Antoineue Chahin's case. In ti letter to suspended for six morahs. In I untsia, hunlim rights ,A1, she wrote: You were my light in the darkness of groups Welconled the release of 600 political my.jail, You were Inv hope that pushed me to prisoners in September. but remained concerned survive.- that Abdelmoumen Belittles 1WW.A.s, Ncivember Antoinette Chahin WaS 1101 the only person to 1999) was not among those released. litne been helped bv WWAs in 1999: see overleaf for hmr WWAs on which members should continue some oldie manv succestsful Outcomes of the year. to work appear on the f011owing pages. Full details In the Democratic Republic of the (ongo (DRC), of all 1999 WAVAs will appear in the next issue of lOr example, NIukobo Punt was spared from .4/Iiiirks later this year.

.SNININTY IN I EANXTIONAL ZIMBABWE MARCH 1999 MALAYSIA FEBRUARY 1999 TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO SEPTEMBER 1999 DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC • OF THE CONGO MAY 1999 MARK CHAVUNDAKA DR MUNAWAR ANEES INDRAVANI PAMELA RAMJATIAN • In October 1999. Frinidad and I ohago's (:ourl of ( 1)1- MUKOBO PUTU AND RAY CHOTO Munawar Ances was released !Appeal overturned huh-avail] Pamela Railtjatian's • P risone f r o conscienc 1)11111 WaS :11 risk 01 llhlttlliICtlO CS:C(1111(M imd Rav con 18 January 1999. Ile had been murder conviction itnd reduced the charge 14) When he was made the subject of a \\AV.k. 1 le load Mark (.11;naindakii hoto, MI/ jounialists imprisoned as a result Of the manslaughter. The Courl based its decision on a I rom been at-tested in connection \yid) shootings that took working fior The Shindaal Mala•sian authorities' psychiatrist's repnrt 11111 Staled She Was Sid I clang place in Kinshasa, lleinocratic Republic ()I the Congo IICWSpillier, Were ifrrested on I 9 investiptions against former 'battered wonlefrs syndrome- at the nine her Januar\ 1999 alter reporting a)111.1 laded (1 )R(:), toil 2.11i1\ 1998, resulting ill the deaths of ;it Deputy Prime Mintster Anwar common law husband was murdered. 1 he ( years. least six civilians and (\so members (of the Aongolese that int alleged plot to Ibrahim. He \Vas sentenced in that Riumattan must sCIVe ;1111/111(11- Ina' securin f (trees. Less than three Weeks later he was overthrow the government had September 1998 to six months' She was convicted of involvement in the murder of seinen( loo deatil IA the \Miran Order ( :omit been boiled imprisonment on the basis old her :thusly(' husband, Alexander fordan, ill 1 991. ha\ ing been convicted ol murder an(1 plotting to Elie two men were taken to it detention centre conlesslon reportedly extracted under torture. that he During the I I vears they lived together. she was (Aerthrom President Lailrent-1)(:.siri. outside Harare. where they were beaten. given electric had -allowed Anwar Ibrahim to sodomize subjected to ,ippalling domestic V104111111 W111111 Milkob() Pluto is still in prison on death row, but has shocks ;Ind submerged in Iyater with tlwir heads Dr Nhurawar .thees. a Pakistan national :Ind former included his beating her, threatening to shoot her. not been executed. Dolling a reel'111 Sustt loo kinshasa, wrapped ill plastic bags. 'Hwy were also threatened speech-writer for .Anwar 1t)1.11111111. WaS arreSled al 111S and repeatedly raping her. With death bv their interrogators and told that WaS being held against .k1 delegates etc told that so man \ sitktutls of mail on 111/Use ill Kuala Lumpur on 1 1 September 1 998. Ile Pamela Rantjattan claims she his c ase had ;irrised :11 the picsidelicA that o senior their l'amilies would also be tortured. was taken to a secret detention centre where he was lwr will :it the time of the 11101•der ;Ind had endured government offit ial had visited the prison v\ here Both men were released on bail on 21 .lanuarv reportedh punched. humiliated. deprived (tt sleep more than a week of extreme physic:id and mental Milkolio 1'11111 \kW., held ill 111del 110 establish 11111 Al following national and international protests on their and forced to confess to it homosexual relallonship abuse. Despite the circumstances of the case. iiiNlitv load lobbied so) hard on his behalf. lx‘halt . but no independent impartial investigation with .knwar Ibrahim. I lc WaS also denied adequate 1995 Pamela Ratmaltan was convicted cof Involvement lukobo Punt's request for presidential pardon had had been launched into their allegations of torture by medical attention kw a senous heart complaint. in .Alexander.lordan's murder and sentenced to death. been refused, but sources ill Kinshasa informed Al the time of writing. He was held inconmumicado under the draconian Death bv hanging is the mandamn sentence for all that lois lile was spared IA the enormous itmount of In March they travelled to lAmdon, United Intental Securitv .Act. which allows For detention penolis convicted of murder in Trinidad and Tobago. letters that in-rived shoot Ill af terwards. KiI1gdown, under the auspices of AL to receive without charge or trial. This is believed 0) he the first time a Trinidad and counselling from the Medical Foundation for Vktims Dr Nlunawar .thees was represented at his trial lw a . robago (-mut has accepted "battered womefrs ( of —Tom tin% They returned to Zimbabwe ill early Mav syndrome" its ,1 consideration in a murderrid police-appointed law\ er who entered a guilty plea. but itttend a coup hearing. Their bail conditions were Dr Munawar Anees appealed against his comic:lion subsequently cased and remaining security conditions and sentence on the basis that his confession was not — such as surrender of passports and regular reporting made voluntarils. to the — were lifted..A new trial date has now Al believes that the charges laid itgainst Dr been set Icor 5 January 2000. MUllawar .knees Were 1)01iticalh. 11101iValcd. and Since rel111111ing to Zimbabwe, both men continued considered 111111a prisoner of conscience on this basis. with their work at lhe Standard. Mark Chavunduka was Whatever the circumstances, however, .k1 would itwarded the Nieman Fellowship, Which has enabled consider anyone imprisoned solelv for homosexual him to travel to the USA for nine months to study at acts between consenting adults in private to be a 1 larvard University, imd Ras: Choto has been elected prisoner of conscience. Secretary General of the newk-formed Independent fhanks to all those who sent appeals on his behalf. . journalists ASS1iciation oot intthahlve.

ISRAEL MAY 1999 RUSSIAN FEDERATION MAY 1999 HASSAN MUHAMMAD GRIGORY PASKO SAID AND 'ABDEH DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC QASEM MALKANI CAMEROON FEBRUARY 1999 Grigoryprisoner Pasko,.journalist of conscience. and was u assail Muhammad S:did. aged OF THE CONGO SEPTEMBER 1999 released ill Jills by it Russian 75. and his wife, 'Abdelt NANA KOULAGNA military court ill Vladivastok. The WaS BONNE-ANNEE NGUBA HAMULI Qasem NIalkani, aged '70, were risoner of conscience Nana Konlagnit p Ngulia Haluttli was released \whom court founcl that the prosecution plaWISI011ally releaSed nrObahly finally released ftono khiam lacked sufficient evidence on . .„ 1997, Nana charge from the main prison in Kinshasa in June (ir Detention Centre. liassan liefOre (11(1116011S ill NI;la July. Unfortunately this information was only passed to charges of espionage itnd • Koulagna — a fonner opposition member of the NInhammad Sa'id was released on 1 July 1999, aml revealing state secrets, but all AI long idler the publication 4)1 lin' September \\AVAs Qasem Malkani was released on 8 Ntwember. National .Assenthls in — C1/11(111Cled ill which he featured. I hiweyer, there can be no doubt nevertheless sentenced him to three years' The couple had been held Widlont charge or trial in election campaign ill Nlayo-Rey Division, North • • that all the town generated by the appeal can only imprisonment for "abuse ()loft-ice-. The court then khiam Detention Centre in Israeli-occupied southern Province, on behalf ol I lw I ',limo Indianan, natty la have helped the plight of other children languishing ordered his release under a recent amnesty law. The Lebanon. 'Flies were itrrested when the South detnorralie et le pongre.s (UNDP), National Union for ill.jail. without ( harge or trial, in the 1)R(:. charges had arisen from Grigory l'asko's reporting on Lebimese Army (SLA1 stormed their home in al- Democracy and Progress. 011 I 2 \lay 1997 he ;Ind - • • Bonne-Anne‘e Ngulia Hamilli Was a 1 4-vear-old the threat to the environment caused bv accidents in Qlseir in September 1998. other UNDP members Were ;Marked 11W the prIVale „oldie,- who was sening in the Congolese army when the decaying Russian nuclear submarine fleet, - • The couple were initially taken to killer kila security militia of the tniditional ruler, the lantida, of. Rey he wits arrested in Febniar\ 1 998. 11e was never including filming a Russian Ilan: tanker dumping Bottba. 'Lwow UNDP members and three members of centre and transferred to khiam Detention Centre Sea of japan ill 1 993..A.I charged with :Inv of fence. radioactive Waste ill the shortly afterwards. Their detention is thought to be the militia reportedly died in the confrontation. Nana 1 lc. had been infOrmed that he Was to stand trial believes itll remaining charges against him should be linked to their sofrs refusal to be conscripted into the Koulagna imd 1 other UNDP membersnut before the Military ()frier Court, ,t court ill which dropped and lw should bc fully acquitted. SIA Israels client militia in southern Lebanon. supporters were detained, but no member (of the proceedings hay(' consistently contravened (1rigory Pasko wrote to AI in Februitlx: 1999: In November 1998 their son. Muhammad Ilassan pnvate militia was arfr‘sted...111 but Nana koulagna international standards for fair trial. The Court passes rel'enth. saw a television interview with an Sdid, said: "Mv father has never held a gun in his life, itnd six °then were subsequently released without an idarmingly high number of death sentences, itiod Amnesty International representative talking about my but he insisted 011 staying in his village because he charge. juveniles haVe 111/1 ;1111-.155 been eXelllpted. case. I w(ould like to thank Amnesty International with The.judicial authorities in Garouit later ordered - • • • refused to be driven out of his home by occupation illy whole heart for getting involved in my fate. Being Selllented too death have no right of itppeal. 'file forces. Ile and my mother were subjected to all types Nana koulagnds release without charge, vet he number of executions to lw carried (tut in the 1)RC. ilware. at such a great distance, of your support, I am of threats from exile to destroying their house, before remained in administrative detention in Garotla last :year exceeded I 00. able more easily to bear the horror of ins: they were kidnapped.- Central Prison until October 1998, when he mld the I lundreds of soldic:rs — at least 100 of them under inTrisolunent... I heard and saw the interview — and Qasem Malkani suffers from chronic six others were charged hv a military tribunal with the age of 1 — itre currently awaiting trial fiefore the illv soul was comfiwted. Thank you!" abdominal pain and rheumatoid arthritis. Hassan murder, arson, looting, illegal possession of firearms Military ()t:der (iourt. The of-detentions of Muhammad Sdid has high blood pressure and and other (offences related to the events which took both soldiersInd civilians has escalated, particularly dyspepsia. place in Mav I 997. 'Hie charges itgainst Nana since it renewed (outbreak of conflict ill August 1998. Thanks to all those who wrote on their behalf. kottlagna remain, despite his release. Datesrefer to month in which WWA first appeared • A 11 A • A


/ A bd al-Majid Nimer Zaghmout, a being fed via a tube through his nose. detention. Palestinian, has been detained in He was sentenced to death on charges Please write, urging for almost 34 years after an unfair of murder in 1966 by an exceptional the Syrian authorities trial. He is now critically ill. In October Military Court after a grossly unfair trial. to release 'Abd al- 1998 he was admitted to hospital after a He alleges that he was tortured for six Majid Nimer hunger strike in protest at his detention. weeks after his arrest. In 1989 the Zaghmout He was comatose and suffering from Minister of Defence commuted the death immediately and internal bleeding caused by a chronic sentence to a prison term equivalent to expressing grave 411 IOW and untreated ulcer. He is now suffering the time already spent in custody, and concern at his deteriorating health. Send from advanced cancer, and underwent ruled that he should be released unless letters to: His Excellency, President an operation in June at Teshrin Military he was charged with another offence. Hafez al-Assad, Presidential Palace, Hospital, where he is still held. Since the This ruling was ignored and 'Abd al- , Syrian Arab Republic. surgery, he has been unable to eat, and is Majid Nimer Zaghmout remains in


Gerardi's home at the time of the murder, calling for B brutallyishop Juan murdered Gerardi in Conedera April 1998, was after murder. Two prosecutors have resigned the results of the launching a report accusing the security from the case because of death threats, DNA tests to be made forces of carrying out tens of thousands and the latest prosecutor, Celvin public, and for those of human rights abuses during the long- Galindo, fled the country after increased responsible to be term civil conflict in Guatemala. threats against his family. He had asked brought to justice. The investigation of the murder has for DNA tests on the blood of 12 military Send your letters to: been fraught with intimidation. Several officers and five others to be compared S.E. Alvaro Aral people have been forced to flee the with those on blood samples found at the Irigoyen, Presidente de la RepUblica de country after death threats, including a murder scene — these results have yet to Guatemala, Palacio Nacional, 6a calle y judge; a former member of the be made public. 7a Avenida, Zona 1 Ciudad de presidential guard who had accused Z---• Please write, urging the Guatemalan Guatemala, Guatemala (faxes: 502 221 some of his colleagues of involvement in government to take effective measures to 4537, e-mails: [email protected]/ the murder; and a taxi driver who had ensure the safety of all those involved in seen a military vehicle near Bishop the investigation of Bishop Gerardi's


the authorities view the churches that do iron stock with his K captain,hamtanh was Phousy, heavily a 40-year-old fined and army not have state approval with distrust. AI legs chained together sentenced to seven years imprisonment believes that Khamtanh Phousy was and other prisoners on charges of "irresponsibility" in his imprisoned because the authorities were were forbidden to talk work and corruption. AI believes that suspicious of his religious activities and to him on the these charges are politically motivated. his contact with foreign organizations. grounds that he was a Khamtanh Phousy converted to He had obtained funds from the political prisoner. Christianity in 1992 and began Presbyterian Church in the USA to build Conditions at the worshipping with a small group of family a school in a local village and this was camp are generally harsh, and prisoners and friends. The Lao authorities ordered completed with the Lao authorities' are routinely denied medical treatment. the weekly meetings to stop and approval in 1995. L---Please write, calling for Khamtanh Khamtanh Phousy was reportedly Khamtanh Phous 's situation has been Phousy's immediate and unconditional threatened with imprisonment or the loss made worse by his ill-treatment in release as a prisoner of conscience, of his job. He was arrested in March 1996. detention. Since December 1997 pending which he should be treated in The predominant religion in Laos is Khamtanh Phousy has been held at accordance with international standards, Buddhism, represented by the official Prison Camp No. 7 in Ban Sophao, to: President Khamtay Siphandone, Lao Unified Buddhists' Association, and where for 20 days he was locked in an Office of the President, Vientiane, Laos.


In 1997 the UN Working Group on contravenes A beenlmost released, 10 years Hassan after he al-Gharbawi should have Arbitrary Detention stated that the international human Shahhata remains in prison. He has had Egyptian authorities had reportedly rights law and tuberculosis since 1997, and recently his bypassed 25 court orders for Hassan standards. health has seriously deteriorated. Each Shahhata's release by transferring him ZPlease write, calling time one of his detention orders expires. from his place of detention to 'Ain Shams for Hassan al- a new one is issued. police station, or to the offices of the State Gharbawi Shahhata's Hassan Shahhata, a lawyer, was tried Security Investigation Department for a release. Send appeals and acquitted in May 1990 of involvement few days, then returning him under a new to: His Excellency Mohammad Hosni in public disturbances in 1989 in . detention order. Mubarak, President of the Arab Republic However, he was not released and is now The Egyptian government has failed to of , 'Abedine Palace, Cairo, Egypt one of the longest-serving "administrative acknowledge that Hassan Shahhata was (fax: 202 390 1998, e-mail: detainees" in Egypt. He is reportedly held tried and acquitted of all charges, and webmaster© in al-Wadi al-Gadid Prison. that his continuing detention

AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL FOC:IN January 2000 Vol.30 No.1 WO RE DWI D E appeals

MYANMAR STUDENT GIVEN 59 YEARS FOR ORGANIZING PROTESTS reportedly severely tortured. which was T HET59-year WIN prison AUNG sentence IS CURRENTLY for organizing SERVING A Following his release he became a increased to 59 peaceful student protests. He is reported leading member of the All Burma years after further to have been tortured immediately Federation of Student Unions, the interrogation. He is following his arrest, and there are unauthorized umbrella organization for currently detained concerns for his health. student unions in Myanmar. He again in Kalay Prison, Since 1988, when he was a high-school became involved in publishing leaflets Sagaing Division. student, he has taken part in organizing and organizing demonstrations, and was 'Please write, student protests against the government forced to go into hiding after the asking for his in Myanmar. Although students are not authorities tried to arrest him in 1994. immediate and officially allowed to form unions, he He nevertheless took part in student unconditional became Vice-General Secretary of the demonstrations in December 1996 and, release as a Thet Win Aung unauthorized Basic Education Student in 1998, helped to organize student Prisoner of conscience. Send Union (BESU) in 1989. protests against the poor quality of appeals to: Lt General Khin Nyunt, He was dismissed from school and education and denial of human rights. Secretary 1, State Peace and imprisoned in September 1991 for nine Thet Win Aung was finally arrested in Development Council, c/o Ministry of months because of his BESU activities. October 1998. In January 1999 he was Defence, Signal Pagoda Road, Yangon, During this period of detention he was sentenced to 52 years' imprisonment, Union of Myanmar.

CAMEROON FIVE HELD FOR SEVERAL YEARS WITHOUT CHARGE OR TRIAL for the two provinces. detained solely because of their political F speakingRE MEN minorityFROM CAMEROON'S have been held ENGLISH- Abel Acha Apong, Chrispus Kenebie, activities and have not used or advocated without charge or trial for several years. John Kudi, Jack Menta and Arrey Etchu violence. In September 1995 Abel Acha Apong, a Wilson have not been officially informed 1--Please write, expressing concern that technician, and Chrispus Kenebie.John of the reasons for their arrest, and have Abel Acha Apong, Chrispus Kenebie, Kudi and Jack Njenta, all farmers, were reportedly been denied access to lawyers John Kudi, Jack Njenta and Arrey Etchu arrested in Nkapa, some 20 kilometres and relatives. Wilson have been detained for several north of Douala; Arrey Etchu Wilson, a The five detainees are held in the years without charge or trial; calling for driver, was arrested in Douala in Central Prison, Nkondengui, in the their immediate and unconditional release unless they are to be promptly February 1997. capital, Yaounde. Conditions in the An appeal from charged with a recognizably criminal All five were detained because they prison, as in other prisons throughout you to the offence and tried in accordance with collected signatures for an unofficial Cameroon, are extremely harsh, with authorities can international standards of fair trial; and referendum on independence for severe overcrowding, and inadequate help the victims urging that they be held in humane Cameroon's two English-speaking food and medical care, resulting in a of human rights conditions. Send letters to: M. Laurent provinces, North-West and South-West high mortality rate among prisoners. violations Esso, Ministre de la Justice et Garde des Provinces. The referendum was Al believes that Abel Acha Apong, whose stories Sceaux, Ministere de la Justice, 1000 organized in September 1995 by the Chrispus Kenebie, John Kudi, Jack are told here. Yaounde", Republique du Cameroun Southern Cameroons National Council, Njenta and Arrey Etchu Wilson may be You can help (fax: + 00 237 23 00 05). a group which advocates independence prisoners of conscience who have been free a prisoner of conscience or stop torture. TURKMENISTAN You can bring IMPRISONMENT OF JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES liberty to a perform this military service because of unofficial sources reported that Oleg victim of religious, moral, ethical or other R OMANhis call-up SIDELNIROV papers for militaiy REFUSED service. TO ACCEPT Voronin had been sentenced to five and a "disappearance". objections. He informed the the authorities that, as half years' imprisonment for the military You may - Please write, calling for the immediate a Jehovah's Witness, his faith did not crime of desertion. prevent an and unconditional release of Roman permit him to bear arms or swear 19-year-old Kurban Zakirov was first execution. Sidelnikov, Oleg Voronin and Kurban allegiance to the Turkmen army. This arrested in January 1999 while discussing Every appeal Zakirov as prisoners of conscience, and was in April 1998; by the end of June he the bible with fellow Jehovah's Witnesses counts. was serving a two-year sentence for in a private home. He was held in urging the Turkmen authorities to introduce a civilian alternative to evading military service. He is held in a custody for 30 days for participating in Remember: compulsory military service. Send prison in Chardvez near the border with an illegal religious meeting. Shortly after AI members appeals to: President of Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan. his release he was told to collect his call- should not take Saparmurad Atayevich Niyazov, 744000 In May 1998, Jehovah's Witness Oleg up papers. He refused and, on 23 April up cases from g. Ashgabat, Apparat Prezidenta, Voronin was taken by force to a military 1999, he was imprisoned for two years. their own Prezidentu Turkmenistana NIYAZOVU prison in Gushgi after refusing to perform Military service in Turkmenistan is countries. military service on grounds of conscience. compulsory for when they reach S.A., Turkmenistan (fax: + 993 12 or 7 According to eyewitness reports, he was 18 years of age. There is no civilian 3632, then 35 51 12). then severely beaten. In September 1998 alternative for those who refuse to


MOROCCO HOPES ASERIESdevelopments OF SI( NIA \ IS has taken place in RAISED FOR Morocco :Ind NVCSICrIl Sahara Sill(-C 111C PROTECTION ICCCSSI011 ld king \lob:mimed N'1 to the OF HUMAN throne in July 1999.nih ming the death of his Father King 1 lassan 11. RIGHTS In ,Augusi ihe new 1Xing ordered ihe estahhsliment ol a commissicm decide on compensation claims made by victims of arbitrary detention and

families «I those Whir had "disappeared-. \Videly welcomed in September \vas the king's decision to milhori/e the reuirn lc) NIorocco of ;Abraham Serlaty (see //OM af ter eighl years' forcible exile in France...1 her 1 7 years as a pri.soner of conscience, the pronimeni let t-wmg C 11th WaS expelled from Alorocco in 1991 lollowing false claims Iron\ the authorities that he was lutt a 'Moroccan citi/en..Ahrallam

Sertatv has never been allowed legalk Iii challenge the expulsion ruling. which has still not been overturned. Despfie these and other receni positive moves, there has been no improvement 11 the Alorocc:ni

iliiilfilihils human rights record in Western Sahara. In Semeinher secUllth h/rteS hrOke a

SahraWI SlIldellIS iii LIM/11111. :111d, Abraham Serfaty, Rabat, SCVeral daVS laftr, a march protesfing II Morocco, October 1999 bruml manner in which the sitni BURUNDI had been dispersed. Do/ens Sahr:nvis were seven+ beaten, :Ind man\ 260,000 FORCED INTO REGROUPMENT CAMPS sustained serious injuries. including the first week of the rtgrIlnllhielit it kasl broken bones :ind 111111. There were on ale bb h uhu-dmninalcd 30 people. Mlle]) llrld 11111111 CII,

also reports of torture and illtreanlient lililId opposition gomps, 0\ er 260,0011 WCre 111./1/11Cd N./ hail' dlId pi-1111111ft1S

ciisiodi. some (-15Cs Rurundians miaink I him lii ing flound id dell \ilial1011..-\S Ind(' (II ;iccompanied 1-)\.ei iliaii. ilso the capital. Bujumbura. ill Rural 11W(hral Car' Miff(' reporledk ;macked homes ;md Bujumbura province. 1(1I1 hirr11111 dIalhS arc hkdi. businesses in predominantly Satu-awi rcloc.illd inn) around ,-,11 camps. This IS( dated arcas o f all cjj,.. projcsjs took place in Sepiember 1999, bringing cessihle onk on foot. making access actions and the detention of tens of the total of displaced people in the and the provision of hinnanuarian

Sahrawis f011owing the disturbances 1)rovince 320,000. Fhe 1111111 :11111 ; Yen difficult In Octobei. have continued. appeared to be to facilitate counter- lollowing ilic kilhng nI thin 1,'N workers.

,A1 welcomes the establishment of a insurgency operations against the :trilled liii OpIrall(HIS were drastic:ilk commission to deal with claims of opposition groups: :1 stratej4v that the scaled down and m November intndIs 'disappearance- Bunindiall government has used li" ald iv"' hcmg Pmvidcd• detention. but continues to urge the 1996. So-ions human rights violations :In'

:llithorities to resolve fully I Ill cases c,1 COIldilinlIS III lilt' ralllpS lIt Ippalling: rCp/FICd haVC OCCIllre'd ill Ole rallIps, :ill the 150 or so illosin Sahrawi ihey are ol ercrowded. with jmor hygiene which are under nuhtar\ control. "disappeared- and io bring the :Ind little or no infrastructure. Some Alembers tI the armed forces claim that perpetrators (tithe "disappear:Inc-es- camps have no water. and the nearest :irmed gr011pS haVl 11111lIraftd uittlarbitrarv detentions to.justice. clean Wille'r Ma\ be kilometres awa\ . In the camps. which. if true, further endangers the lives of civilians. t'p to unarmed civilians. including 22 we're exCtIlle'd by members of the tinned 3kownd, ,,groupincnt on 22 Oc totter. 'Fhe government claims that those killed were members ol. the armed opposition. .,1,1 has -.11 re're'lVe'd reports of rape. :irrest :111d "disuppe' nnn o« urring in the camps. You can help bN• prarlirC of forcibly reloc:tting the civilian populati(m inio camps. and calling for the human rights :ind humanitarian organi/mions in have immediate and lire :iccess to the camps. Send :ippealsLi('utenalli-C,ol. Babezi ,Alfred Nkurnii/i/a, Minister ()I Defence. regrournnent Alinisire de la I)Mense Nation:de. RP eimp, 1870 Bujumbura. Rilmblique du Burundi INIIIillidt (lax: +2.57 22 7-1 90).

Amnculy InIern,thongl. 1 ra,lon •tyro. ondoo 111-1V Obit- ['nitro' kIngdon2. 1 •1/ilrli#,Iruni,1) PrInlcil In II,, 1K 1,1 .-limmrn. AiwIlahlr on ,111,,riplIon nl LT fi ,512.00) one. lr,H. 1,,\ 0101 6SS7. .11 1,di'v \II, 21.01 HO