Public Notice

Mt. Water & Sanitation District Regular Board Meeting Agenda

Tuesday, June 9, 2020 5:00 p.m.

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1. Call to Order

2. Citizens Comment Period • Citizens may make comments on items NOT scheduled on the agenda. Per Open Meetings Law, no Board discussion or action will take place until a later date, if necessary. You must sign in before speaking. Comments are limited to three minutes.

3. COVID-19 Update- Revisit temporary late fee suspension

4. Clarifier Project Update

5. Water Treatment Plant Expansion Project Update

6. Water Committee Update

7. District Manager Report

8. May 2020 Financial Report

9. Approve Meeting Minutes • May 12, 2020

10. Legals

11. New/Old Business Before the Board

12. Executive Session pursuant to C.R.S. § 24-6-402(4)(b), which allows conferences with the District’s attorney for the purposes of receiving legal advice on specific legal questions. The purpose of the executive session will be to discuss with the District’s attorney the process for considering the Wastewater Treatment Plant Discharge Permit.

13. Adjourn

The Board may address individual agenda items at their discretion as necessary to accommodate the needs of the Board and audience.

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To: Mt. Crested Butte Water & Sanitation District Board of Directors

From: Mike Fabbre, District Manager

Date: June 4, 2020

Subject: District Manager Report

(4-WW-C) Clarifier Building The project continues to move forward with the crane removed from the site and the rest of the equipment being de-mobilized offsite. Completion of the HVAC, electrical, and SCADA programming are the major items that remain. Final inspections and site cleanup will be conducted shortly thereafter. All of the contractors/sub-contractors have been diligent with safe work practices relating to COVID-19, and we have not encountered any issues or sickness. Final completion is scheduled for 6/24/20.

(102001) WTP Expansion Project Closing of the loan with the Colorado Water Resources & Power Development Authority (CWRPDA) was completed on 5/28/20 with a 1.29% interest rate for 20 years. This interest rate is lower than the numbers we used in our projections and the timing worked out great with the uncertainties in the municipal bond market in relation to COVID-19. This is one of the lowest interests rates the CWRPDA has issued and will result in a huge cost savings to the District and our constituents. We have already submitted for reimbursement #1 for ~$1.2 million to pay ourselves back for the engineering and design work that has already been completed. Moltz has been issued the Notice to Proceed and we have a pre- construction meeting scheduled for 6/10/20.

CBMR Water Service Line This project has reached substantial completion and the only remaining item is re-vegetation of the hillside and completing the as-built drawings.

(202002) Inflow & Infiltration (I&I) The five flow meters throughout the collections system are still recording data as the spring run-off season is subsiding.

Meridian Lake Park Reservoir No.1 The State dam inspector will be onsite 6/5/20 conducting the biennial dam safety inspection. I will provide updates at the Board meeting.

Spectrum Building Due to current events in our community, Spectrum has been delayed in removing their equipment and permanently exiting the building. They have requested and we granted an extension until the end of July to be fully moved out.

2 Return to Agenda General Operations

Water Operations May 2020

MCB WTP Production for May 6.12 MG MCB WTP Production for April 3.69 MG Peak day of Month: 5/27/2020 0.361 MG Average Daily Plant Run Times 5.9 hours/day Average Daily Flow Total 0.198 MG/day MLP WTP Production for May 0.680 MG MLP WTP Production for April 0.314 MG Peak Day for Month: 5/8/2019 0.072 MG Average Daily Plant Run Times 5.0 hours/day Average Daily Flow Total 0.022 MG/day

Significant / Unusual Activities: • Fire hydrant flushing and repairs (photo#1) • Accu-Tab chlorinator cleaning and maintenance • UV semi-annual inspection and maintenance • Completed the re-route of the CBMR maintenance shop water service line for the WTP expansion project (photo #2) • United Company cleared out valve cans on Summit and Overlook that had been found filled by paving from last fall • Meter reads, MXU installs, locates, and normal sampling completed Major Problem(s): • The fire pump at the Timberland P.S. was found to be running backwards due to a switched lead in the power supply. • A communication fail following a rain storm was investigated and resolved over a weekend shift Next Month’s Major activities: • Complete and post the annual Consumer Confidence Report • Clean out MLP WTP settling vaults • Finish hydrant flushing at Prospect Subdivision • Quarterly storage tank inspections • Start the Mt. CB WTP Expansion Project!

Photo #1 Photo #2

Kyle Koelliker will be attending the meeting to answer any questions

3 Return to Agenda Wastewater Operations May 2020

Gallons Wastewater Treated May 11.8 MG Gallons Wastewater Treated April 13.1 MG Average Treated Wastewater Flow 0.38 MGD Peak Treated Wastewater Flow 0.71 MGD Peak Treated Wastewater Date May 1 Gallons Sludge Hauled to Town of CB 51,000 gal.

Significant / Unusual Activities: • Disinfect every building everyday • Daily and emergency locates • Routine collection system jetting • Routine collection system inspecting • Cleaned a total of 128 bulbs in the UV system • Inspected Adaptive Sports sewer line for any warranty issues • Removed all snow stakes at the wastewater facility and throughout the collection system • Cummins serviced all emergency generators • Cleaned all 7 lift stations and added degreaser • Finished raking upper and lower lots • Finished taking down Christmas lights

Major Problem(s): • Saddle Ridge force main break

Next Month's Major Activities: • Stay Healthy!!!!! • Annual collection system maintenance • Water Technology Group to be onsite to install odor scrubber fan motor • Clarifier final completion (Photos #1 & #2)

Photo #1 Photo #2

Bryan Burks will be attending the meeting to answer any questions

4 Return to Agenda Stream Flow Information, Snow Pack, & Weather

5 Return to Agenda Stream flows from the USGS water resources web interface Values below for June 3, 2020. Stream & Location Current Flow (CFS) Mean Median EAST RIVER BELOW CEMENT CREEK 1,330 1,370 1,320 NEAR CRESTED BUTTE, CO SLATE RIVER ABOVE BAXTER GULCH 728 672 635 @HWY 135 NEAR CRESTED BUTTE, CO COAL CREEK ABOVE MCCORMICK DITCH 147 161 198 AT CRESTED BUTTE, CO TAYLOR RIVER BELOW TAYLOR PARK 255 250 220 RESERVOIR, CO. OHIO CREEK NEAR BALDWIN, CO 282 340 299 GUNNISON RIVER 2,230 2,360 2,120 NEAR GUNNISON, CO

Weather The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) one-month outlook for MCBWSD indicates above average temperatures and average precipitation with temperatures ranging from 20 to 75 degrees Fahrenheit.

6/2/2020 Meridian Lake Park Reservoir No. 1 is currently at 96% of capacity. Meridian Lake Reservoir (Long Lake) is currently at 99% of capacity. Blue Mesa Reservoir is currently at 67% of capacity. Blue Mesa Reservoir is up 15.78 feet from one year ago, and 33.35 feet below full pool. Taylor Park Reservoir is currently at 82% of capacity. Lake Powell is currently at 50% of capacity. Lake Mead is currently at 42% of capacity.

6 Return to Agenda

Colorado SNOTEL Snow/Precipitation Update Report Based on Mountain Data from NRCS SNOTEL Sites **Provisional data, subject to revision** Data based on the first reading of the day (typically 00:00) for Wednesday, June 3, 2020 Snow Water Water Year-to-Date Snow Equivalent Precipitation Basin Elevation Depth Site Name (ft) (in) Current Median % of Current Average % of (in) (in) Median (in) (in) Average


Butte 10,160 0 * 0.0 * * 19.9 * Schofield Pass 10,700 3 0.1 7.5 1 27.1 39.5 69 Park Cone 9,600 1 0.0 0.0 * 11.7 15.2 77 Upper Taylor 10,640 0 0.0 N/A * 17.9 N/A * Porphyry Creek 10,760 0 0.0 0.0 * 18.7 20.4 92 Basin Index (%) 5* 73 * = Analysis may not provide valid measure of condition GUNNISON RIVER BASIN consists of 16 SNOTEL sites. Top 5 representative MCBWSD sites listed above.

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10 Boulder Fort Collins Winter Park Glenwood SpringsReturn to Agenda 1319 Spruce Street 25 Old Town Square PO Box 1860 817 Colorado Ave Boulder, CO 80302 Suite 200 47 Cooper Creek Way Suite 301 303.444.1951 Fort Collins, CO 80524 Suite 328 Glenwood Springs, CO 970.225.9099 Winter Park, CO 80482 81601 970.722.7677 970.404.3100 1512 Larimer Street Suite 710 Denver, CO 80202 MEMO 303.444.1951

TO: Mike Fabbre DATE: June 3, 2020 FIRM: Mt. Crested Butte Water and Sanitation District JOB NO. 1028e ADDRESS: 100 Gothic Road PROJECT: MCBWSD Water Treatment Plant Expansion Project Mt. Crested Butte, CO 81225 SUBJECT: June 2020 Monthly Project Update

The purpose of this memo is to update you and the District Board on the Water Treatment Plant (WTP) Expansion Project and activities completed in the month of May 2020. The summary below is purposely brief and can be expanded upon if you or any of the Board members have specific questions or concerns. Gunnison County issued an administrative Certificate of Review for the building permit and land use permits for the East River Pump Station on May 14, 2020. The Forest Service issued a Special Use Permit for the East River Pump Station on June 1, 2020. JVA received comments on the construction documents from Colorado Code Consultants (CCC), the Town of Mt. Crested Butte’s third party design reviewer, on May 14, 2020. JVA submitted a response and updated drawings on May 22, 2020. A second response was received from CCC on June 1, 2020. JVA anticipates submitting a second response within the next day. JVA and District staff have also been diligently working with the Crested Butte Fire Protection District to receive approval of the construction documents as required by the Town of Mt. Crested Butte. The District, JVA and Moltz worked collectively during the month of May to make final equipment and subcontractor selections for the project. A Notice to Proceed was issued to Moltz Construction on June 1, 2020. A pre-construction meeting is scheduled for June 10, 2020 and the contractor has begun mobilization and staging for the project. Moltz has submitted a Conditional Use Application to the Town of Mt. Crested Butte for a large tent for equipment storage over the winter months. Approval is anticipated in August. The project remains on schedule and within budget. We appreciate the opportunity to work with the District on this important project. Please let me know if you or anyone from the District Board has any questions or concerns, we can assist with. Sincerely,


Cooper Best, Regional Manager

11 Return to Agenda


$ +/- 2018- $ +/- 2019- 2018 2019 2020 2018 2019 2020 2019 2020 $ Billed $ Billed $ Billed x1,000 gallons x1,000 gallons x1,000 gallons JAN $ 86,820.95 $ 108,187.75 $ 124,440.26 7,717 8,860 7,884 $ 21,366.80 $ 16,252.51 FEB 87,196.25 106,780.66 120,200.86 7,004 7,374 6,021 19,584.41 13,420.20 MAR 86,569.77 103,409.02 118,489.03 6,531 7,172 5,454 16,839.25 15,080.01 APR 86,825.07 100,942.41 115,239.84 4,094 4,612 2,489 14,117.34 14,297.43 MAY 87,217.60 98,046.24 119,467.62 3,839 3,280 3,955 10,828.64 21,421.38 JUN 97,904.02 105,679.39 12,838 6,643 7,775.37 JUL 98,650.41 134,579.56 14,996 14,112 35,929.15 AUG 98,508.31 138,113.00 14,313 15,213 39,604.69 SEP 92,759.14 120,246.00 9,895 10,982 27,486.86 OCT 87,157.76 98,350.00 4,161 4,412 11,192.24 NOV 87,872.08 97,373.52 3,846 3,315 9,501.44 DEC 87,375.57 97,011.20 4,369 4,686 9,635.63

$ 1,084,856.93 $ 1,308,718.75 $ 597,837.61 93,603 90,661 $ 223,861.82 $ 80,471.53

$ Billed / ______

$160,000.00 30,000

$140,000.00 25,000


20,000 $100,000.00

$80,000.00 15,000

$60,000.00 10,000


5,000 $20,000.00


2018 2019 2020 2018 2019 2020

12 Return to Agenda

MT CRESTED BUTTE WATER & SANITATION DISTRICT 2020 FINANCIAL RESULTS May, 2020 BUDGET 2020 PERCENT REVENUE Water Wastewater General Fund Total YEAR-TO-DATE Water Wastewater General Fund Total 2020 of Y-T-D

PROPERTY TAXES $ - $ 264,829 $264,829 $ 822,874 $ - $ - $ 1,153,684 $ 1,153,684 71.33% TRANSFERS IN(OUT) - - - (0) 36,414 36,414 (72,828) - 0.00% TAP FEES 53,356 99,090 - 152,446 205,858 140,000 210,000 - 350,000 58.82% USER FEES 119,468 101,316 - 220,784 1,104,026 1,580,382 1,213,820 - 2,794,202 39.51% AVAIL SERVICE FEES - - - - 44,797 82,811 94,016 - 176,827 25.33% INTEREST INCOME - - 1,993 1,993 19,212 - - 60,000 60,000 32.02% MISC & OTHER INCOME 3,260 30 - 3,290 10,607 5,000 5,000 - 10,000 106.07% MLP SURCHARGE 85/15 3,484 615 - 4,099 27,675 77,000 - - 77,000 35.94%

TOTAL REVENUE 179,567 201,051 266,823 647,441 2,235,049 1,921,607 1,559,250 1,140,856 4,621,713 48.36%

EXPENDITURES BUDGET 2020 PERCENT Operations Water Wastewater General Fund Total YEAR-TO-DATE Water Wastewater General Fund Total 2020 of Y-T-D Chemicals - - - - - 50,000 8,000 - 58,000 0.00% Laboratory 1,246 5,244 - 6,490 27,786 50,000 100,000 - 150,000 18.52% Operating Equipment/Supplies 16,060 4,521 - 20,581 40,371 50,000 30,000 - 80,000 50.46% Safety Equipment 332 916 - 1,248 2,866 5,000 5,000 - 10,000 28.66% Uniforms 51 478 - 529 959 5,000 5,000 - 10,000 9.59% Outside Services 102 102 - 204 797 15,000 - - 15,000 5.31% Repairs & Maintenance 3,165 4,862 - 8,026 45,059 150,000 120,000 - 270,000 16.69% Utilities 7,658 9,769 - 17,427 79,808 120,000 140,000 - 260,000 30.70% ATAD Sludge TCB ------78,000 - 78,000 0.00% MLP Operations 2,285 153 - 2,437 15,267 45,000 5,000 - 50,000 30.53% Legal 1,883 13,229 - 15,112 37,393 25,000 25,000 - 50,000 74.79% Consultants 5,964 12,046 - 18,011 62,015 80,000 115,000 - 195,000 31.80% Water Grant - - - - 2,000 2,000 - - 2,000 100.00% Engineering - - - - - 25,000 25,000 - 50,000 0.00% Fuel/Vehicle Expense 238 447 - 686 16,054 25,000 25,000 - 50,000 32.11% Office Admin 1,460 2,062 4,645 8,167 155,502 45,000 45,000 282,000 372,000 41.80% Salaries, Taxes & Benefits 41,135 34,934 37,957 114,026 552,455 464,650 401,650 446,700 1,313,000 42.08% Bond Principal & Interest/Fees - - - 188,828 - - 377,656 377,656 50.00% County Treasurer Fees - - 7,794 7,794 23,521 - - 34,500 34,500 68.18%

TOTAL OPERATIONS EXPENDITURES 81,577 88,763 50,396 220,736 1,250,681 1,156,650 1,127,650 1,140,856 3,425,156 36.51%

Net Operating Results (Excl. CapEx) $ 97,990 $ 112,288 $ 216,427 $426,705 $ 984,368 764,957 431,600 0 1,196,557 82.27%

Capital Improvements 393,882 96,330 - 490,212 1,206,819 8,244,000 734,000 0 8,978,000 CWRPDA Loan Draws - - - - - (7,800,000) - - (7,800,000) Net CapEx 393,882 96,330 - 490,212 1,206,819 444,000 734,000 - 1,178,000

TOTAL ALL EXPENDITURES 475,459 185,092 50,396 710,948 2,457,500 1,600,650 1,861,650 1,140,856 4,603,156

NET EXCESS(DEFICIT) OF REV/EXP $ (295,892) $ 15,958 $ 216,427 $ (63,507) $ (222,451) $ 320,957 $ (302,400) $ - $ 18,557

42% Year Elapsed

13 Return to Agenda MT CRESTED BUTTE WATER & SANITATION DISTRICT Cash Flow Projection

Starting date Jan-20 Cash balance alert minimum 2,000,000 2,000,000 2,000,000 2,000,000 2,000,000 2,000,000

2020 BUDGET Jan-20 Feb-20 Mar-20 Apr-20 May-20 Total Unrestricted Cash 3,067,438 3,067,438 3,059,504 2,840,498 2,979,838 2,908,493

REVENUE Jan-20 Feb-20 Mar-20 Apr-20 May-20 Total PROPERTY TAXES 952,945 8,015 19,675 392,638 137,717 264,829 822,874 DEBT SERVICE TAXES 200,739 0 TAP FEES 350,000 4,062 100 200 49,050 152,446 205,858 USER FEES 2,794,202 225,692 221,393 219,696 216,462 220,784 1,104,027 AVAIL SERVICE FEES 176,827 0 0 44,797 0 0 44,797 INTEREST INCOME 60,000 5,779 4,661 3,901 2,878 1,993 19,212 MISC INCOME 10,000 460 3,730 2,317 810 3,290 10,607 MLP SURCHARGE 77,000 4,099 4,099 11,280 4,099 4,099 27,676 CWRPDA Loan Draw 7,800,00000000 0 TOTAL CASH RECEIPTS 12,421,713 248,107 253,658 674,829 411,016 647,441 2,235,051 Total cash available 15,489,151 3,315,545 3,313,162 3,515,327 3,390,854 3,555,934

EXPENSES Jan-20 Feb-20 Mar-20 Apr-20 May-20 Total CHEMICALS 58,00000000 0 LABORATORY 150,000 3,923 2,294 7,632 7,448 6,490 27,787 OPERATING EQUIP / SUPPLIES 80,000 -1,836 2,270 7,165 12,191 20,581 40,371 SAFETY 10,000 59 310 1,078 171 1,248 2,866 UNIFORMS 10,000430000529 959 OUTSIDE SERVICES 15,000 90 180 87 236 204 797 R&M 270,000 5,510 5,878 23,288 2,357 8,026 45,059 UTILITIES 260,000 0 22,131 20,687 19,565 17,427 79,810 ATAD SLUDGE 78,00000000 0 MLP OPERATIONS 50,000 746 3,370 7,203 1,510 2,437 15,266 LEGAL 50,000 0 13,799 3,712 4,770 15,112 37,393 WATER GRANT 2,00002,0000002,000 OFFICE ADMIN 372,000 80,469 14,561 24,705 27,601 8,167 155,503 SALARIES / BENEFITS 1,313,000 122,329 106,353 103,777 105,969 114,026 552,454 VEHICLES / FUEL 50,000 6,352 1,918 5,287 1,813 686 16,056 CTY TREASURER FEES 34,500 13 357 11,607 3,750 7,794 23,521 CONSULTANTS 195,000 0 12,458 10,640 20,907 18,011 62,016 ENGINEERING 50,00000000 0 0 SUBTOTAL CASH PAID OUT 3,047,500 218,085 187,879 226,868 208,288 220,738 1,061,858 0 0 BOND EXPENSES 377,656 0 188,828000188,828 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS 8,978,000 37,956 95,957 308,622 274,073 490,212 1,206,820 0 SUBTOTAL 9,355,656 37,956 284,785 308,622 274,073 TOTAL CASH PAID OUT 12,403,156 256,041 472,664 535,490 482,361 710,950 2,457,506

Change in Cash (7,934) (219,006) 139,340 (71,345) (63,509) (222,454)

Unrestricted Cash on hand (end of month) 3,085,995 3,059,504 2,840,498 2,979,838 2,908,493 2,844,984 2,844,983

14 Return to Agenda

CHECK REPORT ‐ MAY 2020 Check Check Date Number Payee or Description Amount 5/15/2020 15466 ALPINE ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS LLC$ 1,400.00 CONSULTANTS (102032 $682.50, 202032 $717.50) 5/15/2020 15467 ALPINE OFFICE SYSTEMS, INC. $ 86.21 5/15/2020 15468 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES $ 577.39 5/15/2020 15469 ATMOS ENERGY $ 2,079.86 UTILITIES 5/15/2020 15470 CABELA'S LLC/BASS PRO LLC $ 372.15 5/15/2020 15471 CASELLE, INC. $ 989.00 5/15/2020 15472 CLARKSON CONCEPTS $ 3,835.94 CONSULTANTS (102030 $1917.97, 202030 $1917.97) 5/15/2020 15473 COLORADO ANALYTICAL LAB, INC. $ 220.00 5/15/2020 15474 CRESTED BUTTE ACE HARDWARE $ 153.72 5/15/2020 15475 EC ELECTRIC, INC. $ 377.24 5/15/2020 15476 ENERGY LABORATORIES, INC. $ 5,113.00 LAB ‐ SAMPLING 5/15/2020 15477 FASTENAL COMPANY $ 477.19 5/15/2020 15478 HACH COMPANY $ 1,404.06 OP SUPPLIES 5/15/2020 15479 LAW OF THE ROCKIES, LLC $ 4,115.78 W CAP IMP LEGALS (10200105 $405) 5/15/2020 15480 MOUNTAIN CLEAN INC $ 200.00 5/15/2020 15481 NAPA ‐ LAUDICK AUTO PARTS INC $ 31.47 5/15/2020 15482 PAPER‐CLIP LLC $ 281.88 5/15/2020 15483 PINYON ENVIRONMENTAL, INC $ 4,942.00 CONSULTANTS 202034 5/15/2020 15484 PORZAK BROWNING & BUSHONG LLP $ 12,820.00 LEGALS 5/15/2020 15485 RAFTELIS FINANCIAL CONSULTANTS, INC. $ 2,915.00 CONSULTANTS 102030 5/15/2020 15486 THIN AIR WEB $ 250.00 CONSULTANTS (102030 $125.00, 202030 $125.00) 5/15/2020 15487 USA BLUE BOOK $ 319.98 5/15/2020 15488 UTILITY NOTIFICATION CNTR CO $ 60.00 5/15/2020 15489 WASTE MANAGEMENT CORPORATE SER, INC $ 143.70 5/15/2020 15490 XEROX FINANCIAL SERVICES $ 167.43 5/15/2020 15491 XTREAMINTERNET $ 159.00 5/15/2020 15492 USDA FOREST SERVICE $ 2,253.34 W CAP IMP PERMITS 10200108 5/19/2020 15493 KRETOWICZ, WALTER $ 159.95 5/21/2020 15494 TOWN OF MT. CRESTED BUTTE $ 297,583.75 W CAP IMP PERMITS 10200108 (THIS CK TO BE VOIDED & REISSUED FOR $235,083.75 IN JUNE 5/28/2020 15495 ACZ LABORATORIES, INC $ 273.00 5/28/2020 15496 AIR COMPRESSOR SERVICE $ 348.45 5/28/2020 15497 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES $ 872.51 5/28/2020 15498 BUBBLE WRAP, THE $ 5.49 5/28/2020 15499 CABELA'S LLC/BASS PRO LLC $ 148.50 5/28/2020 15500 CITY OF GUNNISON $ 110.00 5/28/2020 15501 CNA SURETY $ 850.00 5/28/2020 15502 COLORADO ANALYTICAL LAB, INC. $ 430.00 5/28/2020 15503 COLORADO SPECIAL DIST PROP & LIAB POOL$ 1,656.00 INSURANCE 5/28/2020 15504 CRESTED BUTTE RENTAL CENTER $ 75.00 5/28/2020 15505 CUMMINS ROCKY MOUNTAIN, LLC $ 6,385.85 REPAIR & MAINT 5/28/2020 15506 DANA KEPNER COMPANY $ 3,810.08 OP SUPPLIES 5/28/2020 15507 DC FROST ASSOCIATES, INC $ 3,056.22 OP SUPPLIES 5/28/2020 15508 DUFFORD,WALDECK,MILBURN&KROHN $ 1,474.00 LEGALS 5/28/2020 15509 FERGUSON WATERWORKS #1116 $ 530.48 5/28/2020 15510 HACH COMPANY $ 1,497.78 OP SUPPLIES & LAB 5/28/2020 15511 INDIGO WATER GROUP $ 525.00

15 Return to Agenda

CHECK REPORT ‐ MAY 2020 Check Check Date Number Payee or Description Amount 5/28/2020 15512 LAWSON PRODUCTS, INC$ 211.12 5/28/2020 15513 MOUNTAIN CLEAN INC $ 200.00 5/28/2020 15514 PITNEY BOWES GLOBAL FINANCIAL SERV. $ 164.55 5/28/2020 15515 POSTMASTER $ 258.06 5/28/2020 15516 RESOURCE ENGINEERING INC. $ 4,668.00 CONSULTANTS (202031 $4344.00, 102031 $324.00) 5/28/2020 15517 SIGN GUYS & GAL! INC. $ 148.00 5/28/2020 15518 TIMBER LINE ELECTRIC & CONTROL $ 1,840.80 REPAIR & MAINT ‐ WW 5/28/2020 15519 USA BLUE BOOK $ 42.63 5/4/2020 92201 DIRECT DEPOSIT TOTAL $ 24,502.90 5/19/2020 92202 DIRECT DEPOSIT TOTAL $ 29,396.45 5/15/2020 5152030 CENTURYLINK $ 682.14 5/15/2020 5152031 GUNNISON COUNTY ELECTRIC ASSOC $ 16,797.38 UTILITIES 5/15/2020 5152032 OFFICE DEPOT CREDIT PLAN $ 219.86 5/15/2020 5152033 WRIGHT EXPRESS FLEET SVC $ 1,044.65 FUEL 5/15/2020 5152034 UPS $ 81.33 5/15/2020 5152035 BROWN, BRIAN $ 100.00 5/15/2020 5152036 KEMPIN, NICHOLAS $ 100.00 5/15/2020 5152037 VELADO, CARLOS $ 100.00 5/15/2020 5152038 WOOLF, NANCY C. $ 100.00 5/21/2020 5212001 INTEGRATED WATER SERVICES, INC. $ 89,229.70 WW CAP IMP 20200103 5/29/2020 5292001 VERIZON WIRELESS $ 462.00 5/29/2020 5292002 JVA, INCORPORATED $ 54,890.00 W CAP IMP 10200102 5/29/2020 5292003 JVA, INCORPORATED $ 8,750.00 W CAP IMP 10200202 5/29/2020 5292004 JVA, INCORPORATED $ 7,100.00 WW CAP IMP 20200207 5/29/2020 5292005 KLINE ALVARADO VEIO, P.C. $ 30,000.00 W CAP IMP LEGALS 10200105 5/1/2020 501202001 CCOERA 401K $ 3,487.40 5/1/2020 501202002 CCOERA 457K $ 1,376.28 5/1/2020 501202003 COLORADO STATE TAXES $ 2,447.00 5/1/2020 501202004 CREDIT UNION OF COLORADO $ 100.00 5/1/2020 501202005 FEDERAL WITHHOLDING TAXES $ 8,656.75 5/18/2020 518202001 CCOERA 401K $ 3,205.08 5/18/2020 518202002 CCOERA 457K $ 1,376.28 5/18/2020 518202003 CREDIT UNION OF COLORADO $ 100.00 5/18/2020 518202004 FEDERAL WITHHOLDING TAXES $ 11,546.95 5/1/2020 930201936 CO EMPLOYER BENEFIT TRUST $ 24,294.38

$ 693,217.09

16 Return to Agenda

Water Capital Projects Financial Summary

Estimated Activity# Project Name Division Start Date Completion Date 102001 WTP Expansion Water 5/1/2020 6/1/2022

Adjustments 2020 Project Total 20-WF-1 Approved to Initial Current Total Budget Plus 2020 Project Historical Estimated Project Project Cost Project Project Costs January 2020 February 2020 March 2020 April 2020 Costs May 2020 Costs 2020 YTD 2019 Remaining Project Costs Costs to Budget Total Estimate Estimate Through 2019 Costs Incurred Costs Incurred Costs Incurred Incurred Incurred Costs Carryover Budget to Date Complete 01 Project Management 750,000 650,000 1,400,000 - 350,000 350,000 - 1,400,000 02 Engineering 1,200,000 - 1,200,000 902,917 94,099 147,826 99,523 54,890 396,338 297,083 (99,255) 1,299,255 (99,255) 03 Construction 17,150,000 700,000 17,850,000 - 7,150,000 7,150,000 - 17,850,000 04 Contingencies 2,675,000 2,675,000 - - - - 2,675,000 05 Legal - 50,000 50,000 30,405 30,405 - (30,405) 30,405 19,595 08 Permits 1,003 1,668 32,704 299,837 335,212 - (335,212) 335,212 (335,212) Total Project: 19,100,000 4,075,000 23,175,000 902,917 - 95,102 149,494 132,227 385,132 761,955 7,800,000 7,370,340 1,329,660 21,845,340

Estimated Project Name Division Start Date Completion Date 102002 Daisy Circle Water 1/1/2019 10/15/2020

Adjustments 2020 Project Total 20-WF-2 Approved to Initial Current Total Budget Plus 2020 Project Historical Estimated Project Project Cost Project Project Costs January 2020 February 2020 March 2020 April 2020 Costs May 2020 Costs 2020 YTD 2019 Remaining Project Costs Costs to Budget Total Estimate Estimate Through 2019 Costs Incurred Costs Incurred Costs Incurred Incurred Incurred Costs Carryover Budget to Date Complete 01 Project Management 5,000 5,000 - 5,000 5,000 - 02 Engineering 24,000 - 24,000 3,500 8,750 12,250 24,000 11,750 12,250 11,750 03 Construction 120,000 120,000 - 120,000 120,000 - 120,000

Total Project: 149,000 - 149,000 - - - - 3,500 8,750 12,250 149,000 136,750 12,250 131,750

Estimated Project Name Division Start Date Completion Date 102003 1MG Tank Foundation-Timberland Water 6/1/2020 8/30/2020

Adjustments 2020 Project Total 20-WF-3 Approved to Initial Current Total Budget Plus 2020 Project Historical Estimated Project Project Cost Project Project Costs January 2020 February 2020 March 2020 April 2020 Costs May 2020 Costs 2020 YTD 2019 Remaining Project Costs Costs to Budget Total Estimate Estimate Through 2019 Costs Incurred Costs Incurred Costs Incurred Incurred Incurred Costs Carryover Budget to Date Complete 01 Project Management 15,000 15,000 - 15,000 15,000 - 02 Engineering 35,000 - 35,000 - 35,000 35,000 - 35,000 03 Construction 150,000 150,000 - 150,000 150,000 - 150,000

Total Project: 200,000 - 200,000 ------165,000 200,000 - 185,000 Note: Construction includes $10,000 for Small Tank Drainage Issue

Estimated Project Name Division Start Date Completion Date 102004 Backhoe Water 10/1/2019 1/10/2020

Adjustments 2020 Project Total 20-WF-4 Approved to Initial Current Total Budget Plus 2020 Project Historical Estimated Project Project Cost Project Project Costs January 2020 February 2020 March 2020 April 2020 Costs May 2020 Costs 2020 YTD 2019 Remaining Project Costs Costs to Budget Total Estimate Estimate Through 2019 Costs Incurred Costs Incurred Costs Incurred Incurred Incurred Costs Carryover Budget to Date Complete 06 Lease Buyout and Purchase 167,500 - 37,956 37,956 37,956 129,544 91,588 75,912 (75,912)

Total Project: 167,500 - - 37,956 37,956 - - - - 37,956 130,000 91,588 75,912 (75,912) Note: 2020 Budget would be offset by sale of existing backhoe for approx $100,000 Total All Projects: $ 37,956 $ 95,102 $ 149,494 $ 135,727 $ 393,882 $ 812,161 $ 8,244,000 TOTAL Water CAPEX

17 Return to Agenda

WasteWater Capital Projects Financial Summary

Estimated Activity# Project Name Division Start Date Completion Date 202001 Clarifier Project WasteWater 6/1/2019 3/1/2020

Adjustments 2020 Project Total 20-WWF-1 Approved to Initial Current Total Budget Plus 2020 Project Historical Estimated Project Project Cost Project Project Costs January 2020 February 2020 March 2020 April 2020 Costs May 2020 Costs 2020 YTD 2019 Remaining Project Costs Costs to Budget Total Estimate Estimate Through 2019 Costs Incurred Costs Incurred Costs Incurred Incurred Incurred Costs Carryover Budget to Date Complete 02 Engineering 87,900 - 87,900 57,379 1,008 1,163 2,170 30,521 28,351 59,549 28,351 03 Construction 2,695,600 404,760 2,600,360 1,654,521 148,834 138,346 89,230 148,834 1,041,079 892,245 1,803,355 797,005

Total Project: 2,783,500 404,760 2,688,260 1,711,900 - 1,008 149,997 138,346 89,230 151,004 1,071,600 920,596 1,862,904 825,356

Estimated Project Name Division Start Date Completion Date

Inflow & Infiltration (I&I) General-2020&Ongoing 202002 to 5-year Rollout WasteWater 1/1/2020 1/1/2024

Adjustments 2020 Project Total 20-WWF-2 Approved to Initial Current Total Budget Plus 2020 Project Historical Estimated Project Project Cost Project Project Costs January 2020 February 2020 March 2020 April 2020 Costs May 2020 Costs 2020 YTD 2019 Remaining Project Costs Costs to Budget Total Estimate Estimate Through 2019 Costs Incurred Costs Incurred Costs Incurred Incurred Incurred Costs Carryover Budget to Date Complete 03 Construction 59,000 59,000 - 59,000 59,000 - 59,000 07 Study 65,000 65,000 7,100 - 65,000 65,000 - 65,000

Total Project: 124,000 - 124,000 - - - - - 7,100 - 124,000 124,000 - 124,000

Estimated Project Name Division Start Date Completion Date 202003 Utility Bed Crew Cab Short Bed Wastewater 1/1/2020 1/31/2020

Adjustments 2020 Project Total 20-WWF-3 Approved to Initial Current Total Budget Plus 2020 Project Historical Estimated Project Project Cost Project Project Costs January 2020 February 2020 March 2020 April 2020 Costs May 2020 Costs 2020 YTD 2019 Remaining Project Costs Costs to Budget Total Estimate Estimate Through 2019 Costs Incurred Costs Incurred Costs Incurred Incurred Incurred Costs Carryover Budget to Date Complete 06 Purchase 40,000 40,000 - 40,000 40,000 - 40,000

Total Project: 40,000 - 40,000 ------40,000 40,000 - 40,000

Estimated Project Name Division Start Date Completion Date 202004 ATAD IGA Share Wastewater 1/1/2020 12/31/2020

Adjustments 2020 Project Total 20-WWF-4 Approved to Initial Current Total Budget Plus 2020 Project Historical Estimated Project Project Cost Project Project Costs January 2020 February 2020 March 2020 April 2020 Costs May 2020 Costs 2020 YTD 2019 Remaining Project Costs Costs to Budget Total Estimate Estimate Through 2019 Costs Incurred Costs Incurred Costs Incurred Incurred Incurred Costs Carryover Budget to Date Complete 02 Engineering 50,000 - 50,000 - 50,000 50,000 - 50,000

Total Project: 50,000 - 50,000 ------50,000 50,000 - 50,000

Total All Projects: $ - $ 1,008 $ 149,997 $ 138,346 $ 96,330 $ 151,004 $ 1,285,600 TOTAL WW CAPEX

18 Return to Agenda

Water Consulting Summary

Remaining Activity# 2020 Budget Contractor January February March April May YTD Budget 102030 $ 25,000 General $ 648 $ 1,888 $ 4,958 $ 7,493 $ 17,507 102031 10,000 Resource Engineering 1,909 324 $ 2,233 7,768 102032 35,000 Alpine Environmental (Water) 1,418 245 980 683 $ 3,325 31,675 102033 10,000 Raftelis MLP -$ 10,000

$ 80,000 -$ $ 3,326 $ 893 $ 2,868 $ 5,964 $ 13,051 $ 66,949

WasteWater Consulting Summary

Remaining Activity# 2020 Budget Contractor January February March April May YTD Budget 202030 $ 25,000 General $ 648 $ 2,043 $ 2,691 22,309 202031 10,000 Resource Engineering 7,714 7,717 4,864 4,344 $ 24,639 (14,639) 202032 20,000 Alpine Env (Draft Discharge Permit) 1,418 1,383 175 718 $ 3,693 16,308 202033 10,000 Raftelis MLP 13,001 $ 13,001 (3,001) 202034 50,000 Pinyon (Draft Discharge Permit) 4,942 $ 4,942 45,058

$ 115,000 -$ $ 9,132 $ 9,747 $ 18,039 $ 12,046 $ 48,964 $ 66,036

19 Return to Agenda Mt. Crested Butte Water & Sanitation District Meeting Minutes May 12, 2020 Page 1 of 2


Regular Meeting of the Mt. Crested Butte Water and Sanitation District (MCBWSD) Board of Directors was held at 5:00 pm on Tuesday, May 12, 2020, via GoToMeeting at

Members of the Board of Directors in attendance at the meeting were as follows: Brian Brown Carlos Velado Nicholas Kempin Nancy Woolf

Also present were: Mike Fabbre, District Manager Kim Wrisley, Admin Assistant Perry Solheim, Finance/Admin Manager Tracy Davenport, Admin Assistant Kyle Koelliker, Water Plant Supervisor Marcus Lock, District’s Attorney Bryan Burks, Wastewater Plant Supervisor Scott Clarkson, Clarkson Concepts

1. Call to Order • The meeting was called to order by Brown at 5:01 pm.

2. Citizens Comment Period • No citizens presented comments.

3. Reorganization of the Board • Discussion of each new Board organization.

MOTION by Velado and seconded by Woolf to appoint Perry Solheim as Secretary, Carlos Velado as Treasurer, Nicholas Kempin as Vice-Chairman and Brian Brown as President of the District/Chairman of the Board of MCBWSD. Motion voted in favor.

4. WTP Expansion Update • The final memo from the US Forest Service coming soon. • Staging area approval agreement is in place. • CBMR water service line replacement started by Lacy Construction. • JVA will be project manager. • In summary, all aspects of WTP Expansion on schedule.

5. CWRPDA Loan-Bond Sale and Process Update • Bidding for this loan begins in 2 days. Interest rates are trending stable/downward so we are currently anticipating a rate of about 1.5%. Loan closing is scheduled for around May 28, 2020 and we expect a disbursement at the same time, reimbursing us for money spent in the design phase. • There will need to be subsequent decisions made regarding future debt service payments.

6. Water Committee Update • The Water Committee members are Brown, Kempin, Fabbre and Solheim. • The Water Committee will soon begin meeting with the Meridian Lake Park Corporation (MLPC) Water Committee to work on potential long-term resolutions to the MOA’s between MLPC and the District and to clarify the nature and amount of any financial imbalance between the two entities. • The District website ( continues to hold the most current MLP financial information and updates will be made once our 2019 audit is completed. (The audit is slightly delayed during the COVID-19 crisis)

7. COVID-19 Update-Revisit temporary late fee suspension • Discussion took place and a recommendation was made to continue suspending the penalty fees for late payments during the COVID-19 crisis and will be re-evaluated at the next board meeting. • Operators are getting back to work at the plants and office staff continues to work remotely. Social distancing and safety measures outlined by the county health orders are a top priority in all buildings.

MOTION by Velado and seconded by Kempin to approve the extension of another month of the District temporary late fee waiver. Motion voted in favor.

8. Clarifier Project Update • Fabbre reported that the project is moving forward again after a temporary delay during the COVID-19 crisis. 20 Return to Agenda Mt. Crested Butte Water & Sanitation District Meeting Minutes May 12, 2020 Page 2 of 2

• The existing clarifier functionality will be assessed and updated as soon as the new clarifier is online.

9. District Manager Report • Fabbre crafting details for restarting the Long Lake project now that CB Land Trust has closed on the property. • Velado mentioned that it was nice to put the notice in the paper thanking Sara Morgan and Roger Cram for their service to the board over the past eight years and also asked that the staff relay a thank you to John Dethloff for his 31 years of service to the District. • Evan Sandstrom began working in the Wastewater plant on 5/11/20 and Burks continues to interview for a second open position. • Kempin asked about results on the PFAS testing that was done as part of a state funded, community sampling but results aren’t available yet. Koelliker does not anticipate any major contamination issues. • Koelliker discussed their new process of isolating the Malensik and Jaklich ditches. • The I&I flow data shows that the 5 new flow meters are working well but no detailed data is currently available.

10. April 2020 Financial Report • Solheim discussed usage trends/projections and the April financial data. • Velado discussed the cashflow projections sheet including an increase in tap fee income, suggested check #15444 to Mt CB for plan review fee be re-classified to a category other than “legals” and highlighted several high dollar payments. He is expecting our cashflow to change with the loan disbursements. • Solheim shared that he is working on future investment possibilities for our cashflow increase that will result from the upcoming loan disbursements. • Fabbre said he was comfortable with the usage trends and financial data in relation to the COVID-19 crisis. • Revisited the discussion about moving ahead with the budgeted purchasing of a new Wastewater utility truck because the WWF is short by one vehicle for maintaining optimal operations at full staff. • The board agrees it is needed and they are confident that Fabbre will use good judgement to purchase the truck at an appropriate time.

MOTION by Velado and seconded by Kempin to approve the April 2020 financial report. Motion voted in favor.

11. Approve Meeting Minutes

MOTION by Velado and seconded by Kempin to approve the 4/14/20 regular meeting minutes of the Board of Directors as submitted. Motion voted in favor.

12. Legals • Lock’s legal work has included the following: o Moltz Construction agreement. o WTP Expansion loan agreement (nearing completion). o Discussions with Jamie Watt and his attorney regarding Hunter Ridge inclusion. o Town of MCB’s paving of the Rasta Lot. o Changes in procedures due to the Coronavirus. . 13. New/Old Business Before the Board • Woolf brought up that we should continue to meet via teleconference so long as the pandemic health orders are in effect and should amend our board policies regarding this process, if necessary. The board was in agreement that remote meetings should continue until the board feels comfortable meeting in person and the county health orders allow it. • Velado inquired about advertising the vacant seat on the board of directors and Lock said he can advise the board on how to go about filling it should we receive interest from multiple people. • Brown suggested updates to the Board of Directors manual be made since it is currently outdated.

MOTION by Velado and seconded by Woolf to extend the authorization to hold District regular board meetings remotely. Motion voted in favor.

14. Adjourn

MOTION by Velado and seconded by Kempin to adjourn the meeting at 6:33 pm. Motion voted in favor.

______Perry Solheim, Board Secretary

21 Return to Agenda M t C r e s t e d B u t t e W a t e r & S a n i t a t i o n D i s t r i c t 2020 RATES & REGS

2020 WATER RATES Metered Volume and Tiered Rates are as follows:

0,000-4,000 Base $52.72

Usage Per 1,000 gallons 4,001-11,000 $4.81 11,001-20,000 $6.01 20,001-unlimited $8.41





Penalties for Violations: Any person violating any of the time/day restrictions set forth above shall be subject to the following fines:

1st Violation: Written Warning 2nd Violation: $50 3rd Violation: $100

81225 th

on District 4 Violation: $250 Subsequent Violations: $500

& Sanitati Please contact the District @ 970-349-7575 or visit our Butte ted Butte CO website @ for further information. Thank You For Your Cooperation t Cres 7575 ted Butte Water ox 5740 M 970-349- t Cres O B M P ______