Site Allocations

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Site Allocations Appendix 2 – Essex County Council response to the Uttlesford Regulation 18 Draft Local Plan 2017: Site Allocations Site Object Section 10 Environment (or section 13 Non Residential Allocations) Support Site proposal omission General Comment ECC Country Parks and The Friends Of The Flitch Way are proposing the Flitch Way becomes a Local Nature Reserve. The Local Plan should recognise and support this. The Local Plan would be improved through showing this proposed LNR, as well as wider proposals to improve the Flitch Way The extract below is taken from the Flitch Way Management Plan. This provides some justification and explanation of the approach that ECC is proposing. Due consideration to the Flitch Way should be made and demonstrate, balancing the positive impact for people of convenient access to nature with the potentially detrimental effect of concentrated points of usage and the damage that causes to the ecology of the Flitch and its wildlife habitats. It is preferable to create a buffer zone between the Flitch Way and new development. This zone should be at least 20 metres wide and ideally be 100 metres wide. The buffer zone should be landscaped sensitively and be attuned to the specific habitat of that part of the Flitch Way. For example, creation of rough grassland zones with high levels of light is especially important along the southern boundary of the Flitch Way. Limiting the points of access and maintaining secure boundary fencing will also mitigate habitat damage. The aim of the buffer zones should be to enhance the wildlife value of the Flitch Way and the plan to do this should be demonstrated by the developer in the planning process after consultation with Essex Country Parks. Site Object CLA1 Land South of Oxleys Close, Clavering Support General Comment Surface water management Flood Zone 1 (FZ1). There is no evidence of surface water flooding on site according to surface water flood maps. Mitigation: Developer to design and deliver the surface water drainage according to ECC guidance. Site Object DEB 1 Land west of Thaxted Road, Debden Support General Comment Surface water management FZ1, Potentially some surface water flooding to the very south of site associated with nearby watercourse. Mitigation: Developer to design and deliver the surface water drainage according to ECC guidance 1 Site Object ELSE1 Land south of Rush Lane, Elsenham Support General Comment Surface water management FZ1, some surface water flooding associated with railway line and brook to south of site. Mitigation: Developer to design and deliver the surface water drainage according to ECC guidance. Site Object ELSE 2 Elsenham Nurseries, Stansted Road, Elsenham Support General Comment Surface water management FZ1. There is no evidence of surface water flooding on site according to surface water flood maps. Mitigation: Developer to design and deliver the surface water drainage according to ECC guidance. Site Object ELSE 2 Hailes Wood, Elsenham Support General Comment Surface water management Detailed Planning permission granted and development commenced / seems to be built on map. Mitigation: Developer to design and deliver the surface water drainage according to ECC guidance. Site Object ELSE 2 Land North of Stansted Road, Elsenham Support General Comment Surface water management Detailed Planning permission granted 2015. Mitigation: Developer to design and deliver the surface water drainage according to ECC guidance. Site Object ELSE 2 Land South of Stansted Road, Elsenham Support General Comment Surface water management Planning permission granted 2016 and partly built. Mitigation: Developer to design and deliver the surface water drainage according to ECC guidance. Site Object ELSE 2 Land west of Hall Road, Elsenham Support General Comment Surface water management (Fluvial) Flood zone and surface water flooding associated with Stansted Brook to south of site. Mitigation: Developer to design and deliver the surface water drainage according to ECC guidance. 2 Education This allocation should clarify the boundary between residential and school uses so as to fix the 1ha (approx.) of land alluded to and ensure that, in so far as possible, it meets the criteria for education land set out in ECC’s Developers’ Guide to Infrastructure Contributions. Site Object ELSE 2 Land north of Leigh Drive, Elsenham Support General Comment Surface water management FZ1. There is no evidence of surface water flooding on site according to surface water flood maps. Mitigation: Developer to design and deliver the surface water drainage according to ECC guidance. Site Object FEL 1 Former Ridleys Brewery, Hartford End, Felsted Support General Comment Surface water management Some of the site to the south is in flood zone 2 and 3. Surface water flood risk in a 1 in 30 year flood event and 1 in 100 year flood event associated with flood zone as well as the west of the site. Mitigation: Developer to design and deliver the surface water drainage according to ECC guidance Site Object FEL 1 Land East of Braintree Road, Felsted Support General Comment Surface water management Development already commenced on site. Mitigation: Developer to design and deliver the surface water drainage according to ECC guidance. Site Object FG 1 Land off Tanton Road, Flitch Green Support General Comment Surface water management Development commenced on site. Mitigation: Developer to design and deliver the surface water drainage according to ECC guidance. Site Object FLI 1 Land at Webb Road and Hallett Road, Flitch Green Support General Comment Surface water management FZ1. There is no evidence of surface water flooding on site according to surface water flood maps. Mitigation: Developer to design and deliver the surface water drainage according to ECC guidance. 3 Site Object GtCHE 1 Land North of Bartholomew Close, Great Chesterford Support General Comment Surface water management FZ1. There is no evidence of surface water flooding on site according to surface water flood maps. Mitigation: Developer to design and deliver the surface water drainage according to ECC guidance. Site Object GtCHE 1 New World Timber and Great Chesterford Nursery, London Road, Support Great Chesterford General Comment Surface water management FZ1. There is no evidence of surface water flooding on site according to surface water flood maps. Mitigation: Developer to design and deliver the surface water drainage according to ECC guidance. Site Object GtCHE 1 Land at Thorpe Lea, Walden Road, Great Chesterford Support General Comment Surface water management FZ1, slight spot of surface water flood risk for 1 in 100 flood event. Mitigation: Developer to design and deliver the surface water drainage according to ECC guidance. Site Object GtDUN 4 Land East of St Edmunds Lane, Great Dunmow Support General Comment Surface water management FZ1. Some surface water flooding associated with watercourse east of site. Mitigation: Developer to design and deliver the surface water drainage according to ECC guidance. Site Object GtDUN 4 Land West of Chelmsford Road, Great Dunmow Support General Comment Surface water management FZ1, some surface water flood risk associated with watercourse on site Mitigation: Developer to design and deliver the surface water drainage according to ECC guidance Transport The sixth bullet should read ‘transport assessment’, not ‘transport statement’, as the development is more than 50 units. Education 3rd bullet point: This policy should specifically allocate the 2.1ha of land defined in the signed s106 agreement (in the interests of certainty / deliverability). It is not ECC policy to ask developers to ‘provide schools’ - in addition to the land required, the developer will make an appropriate ‘contribution towards the provision of pre-school and primary education facilities’. 4 Site Object GtDUN 4 West of Woodside Way, Great Dunmow Support General Comment Surface water management FZ1, some surface water flooding associated with watercourse north of site. Mitigation: Developer to design and deliver the surface water drainage according to ECC guidance. Transport The 4th bullet should read ‘transport assessment’, not ‘transport statement’, as the development is more than 50 units. Education There is an extant s106 agreement and this site should allocate 2.1ha of D1 use land (in the interests of certainty / deliverability) that meets the criteria for education sites set out in ECC’s Developers’ Guide to Infrastructure Contributions. Minerals and Waste The site is located within a Mineral Safeguarded Area and falls within the thresholds set out within the Essex Minerals Local Plan. The policy supporting the allocation must include a clause requiring the preparation of a Mineral Resource Assessment as follows: ‘Prior to approval of development, a Mineral Resource Assessment must be prepared, in consultation with the Mineral Planning Authority, to assess the need for prior extraction.’ Site Object GtDUN 4 14 Stortford Road, Perkins Garage, Great Dunmow Support General Comment Surface water management FZ1. There is no evidence of surface water flooding on site according to surface water flood maps. Mitigation: Developer to design and deliver the surface water drainage according to ECC guidance. Site Object GtDUN 4 Brick Kiln Farm, Great Dunmow Support General Comment Surface water management Development commenced Mitigation: Developer to design and deliver the surface water drainage according to ECC guidance. Site Object GtDUN 4 North of Ongar Road, Great Dunmow Support General
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