Report on the Temiscamie River Property , •
GM 00351 REPORT ON THE TEMISCAMIE RIVER PROPERTY , • P QUEIEC 'DEPARTMENT OF IVIINES C. 0 5 TS .NCH 4.) ICNERAL LEFCS I INIMIRIONISMOP.M.M.M01.1 REPORT ON THE TENISCANIE RIVER PROPERTY OF MISTASSINI LEAD CORPORATION 41•MINMNIMMilr /5 3e Alexander H. TO.t, P. Eng. / Introduction Suimary Property ft 3 History. 11 Resources and Accessibility of Region tt 5 Power " 5 Mining ..•....•.....•.•:•.•• tt I`O Timber " 6 Accessibility ti 7 Geology a General Structure fl 8 Faulting ••..•.••.•• 9 Mineralization lo Development tt 12 Conclusions and Recommendations " 12 .• Maps C, ..,~ PC kt~11 Î i) *4Le ayitua-yvt,Rn.✓A )1f,.4.4~t.P~., 1. Regional geology "Lake M`Ristassini Area" Scale 2 miles to 1. inch Local geology and cross section "Lake Albanel Area" Scale 1 mile to 1 inch, 3. Staking plan, claims and geology "Temiscamie River Area" Scale - mile to 1 inch. Report on the Temiscamie River Property of Mistassini Lead Corporation INTRODUCTION The Directors, Mistassini Lead Corporation, 620,12 Richmond St., East, TORONTO 1, Ontario. The following report is based on an examination of your property in the Mistassini District, This was made from September 25th to October 2nd, 1946. Following this I have made several visits to the area. during the winter. From aerial observations this winter, I would say that the occurrences of lead and zinc are all on one major fault, but the more north- easterly discoveries up the Temiscamie River are probably on the hanging wall side, while those at the opposite end of the property are definitely on the footwall side.