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Let V denote a real Hilbert space with inner , u,vV. Let V’ denote the space of bounded linear functionals on V, equipped with the ,

      F V  sup |F v | : v V 1 .

      Then for any u V, Fu v : u,v V defines a unique bounded linear

   Fu V with ||Fu ||V ||u||V

 Similarly, it follows from the Riesz theorem, that for any F  V there is a unique uF  V such that        F v uF,v V v V.

 Moreover, ||F||V ||uF ||V

Evidently there exists an isometric J from V onto V’

 Vu  Ju  Fu  V

In addition, J induces an inner product on V,

1 1 F,GV  J F,J GV  uF,vGV

One can define an abstract on V  V by

  F,v VV  Fv for F  V , v  V

Then 1  F,JvV F,v VV  J F,vV for F  V , v  V

Now V is an abstract in the sense that we have no characterization for the elements of V other than the assertion that they are continuous linear functionals on V. In order to have a concrete characterization for the elements in the dual space, we consider a concrete Hilbert space, W. Then W is called a realization for the abstract space, V if there exists an j of W onto V; i.e.,

J V % V K  j1  J ZSj W

1        Then for all f in W, f,v WV jf v for all v in V, and f,v WV is the realization of the abstract duality pairing.

Examples 1. Take W  V. Then j  J and K  identity. In this case the duality pairing is just the V inner product. This is what is meant when we say we ”identify a Hilbert space with its dual”. Although this is frequently done, it is not the only realization for the dual of a Hilbert space and in the treatment of problems in partial differential equations by variational methods, it is not the best choice of realization for the dual.

2. Consider the Hilbert space

V  u  L2 : 1 |z|2s/2ûz  L2  Hs, s O 0, with 2 s u,vV   1 |z|  ûzv zdz, Rn

Then V is dense in a larger Hilbert space H  H0 and we can use the space H, called the pivot space, to show that

   W  H s  f  S : 1 |z|2 s/2fz  L2 is a realization for the dual of V  Hs. For f  W and v  V define

jfv  jf,v    fxvxdx  f,v0 W V Rn

Then it follows that

|jfv|  |  fxvxdx|  |  fzv zdz| Rn Rn

   1 |z|2 s/2fz1 |z|2s/2v zdz Rn

 1/2 N  1 |z|2 s|fz|2dz v Rn V

This proves that jf  V for all f  W; i.e., j maps WintoV.   To show that j maps W onto V ,letG be an element of V with G  JuG for some uG  V. Then for all v  V,

         G v G,v V V uG,v V

2 2 s   1 |z|  ûGzv zdz Rn

 1  2s    1   Now let g TF 1 |z| ûG z TF ĝ z ,

so G,v    gxvxdx  jg,v  V V Rn V V

2 s Here G denotes the element of V and ĝ denotes the 1 |z|  ûGz which is the 2 s s of g. Then the fact that 1 |z|  ûGz  ĝz and uG  V  H implies

2 s/2 2 s/2 2 1 |z|  ĝz  1 |z|  ûGz  L ;

s i.e., g belongs to W  H . We have shown that Gv  uG,vV  jgv, and since jg  G, every G in V’ is the image under j of an element g in W which shows j is onto. If we define

      g W sup |jg u | : u V 1 ,

then j is an isometry. Note that since jg  JuG, where

 1  1  2s   g j JuG TF 1 |z| ûG z

 1  1  2s   then KuG j JuG TF 1 |z| ûG z

 1  2s   TF 1 |z| TF uG

is the canonical isometry of V onto W. i.e.,

Ps S % S SU1 TF TF V % W K 2 s where Ps denotes the multiplication by 1 |z|  . Since

jfv   fxvxdx  f,v  Rn W V

the realization of the duality pairing is just the H0 inner product, extended to W  V. This may be interpreted to mean that the space H  H0Rn occupies a position precisely midway between the space Hs and its dual space, Hs. We say that H0 is the ”pivot space” between Hs and Hs . Functions in Hs may be viewed as being more regular than H0 functions to precisely the same degree that H0 functions are more regular than elements of Hs.

3  1  3. Consider the Hilbert space V H0 U with

u,vV   uxvx u vdx. U

Here we will use the pivot space H  H0U to show that a realization of the dual of V is given by

      n  0    W f D U : f f0 j1 jfj, fi H U i

For f  W, and v  V define

jfv   fxvxdx  f,v . U 0

Then for any test function, 

n n jf   f0  jfxdx.   f0  fj jxdx. U j1 U j1

and  N  n  N n 2 1/2      |jf | f0 0 0 j1 fj 0 j 0 j0 fj 0 V D U

But DU is dense in V, hence this estimate extends to all of V, showing that jf  V for all f  W. To show that j is onto V’, let F be an element of V’ with F  JuF for some uF in V. Then for any test function, 

F  uF,V   uFxx uF dx U

2   uFx  uFxdx U

2   fxxdx for fx  uFx  uF. U

 Since uF  V, it follows that f  D U. In addition,

   2  n   f x uF uF uF j1 j juF

0 and uF  V implies juF  H U for each j  1,...,n. Thus we have shown,

      n    f D U and f x uF j1 j juF W

4 Moreover, for all test functions ,

F  uF,V  f,0  jf

Once again, since DU is dense in V, the result extends to all of V; i.e., F  jf for f in W 2 given by f  uF  uF., uF  V .

Note that jf  JuF implies

1 2 KuF  j JuF  1  uF  f.

 2  1  i.e., K 1 is the canonical isometry of V H0 U onto its dual W which we denote by H1U. The realization of the duality pairing is

f,v    fxvxdx.  f,v0; W V U

showing that the duality pairing is just the extension of the H0U inner product to W  V. 0   1  That is to say that H U acts as the pivot space between the spaces V H0 U and its dual, H1U,

1   0   1  H0 U H U H U .

AsinthecaseofHs and its dual, Hs, the pivot space H0Uoccupies a position that is 1  1  precisely midway (in terms of regularity) betweenH0 U and its dual, H U . The functions 0 1 in H (U) are first derivatives of functions from H0(U), and elements of H1U are first derivatives of functions from H0U.

We have considered here some examples of the situation where X and Y are linear spaces where the notion of convergence is defined and

X  Y means that a) X  Y

and b) xn T 0 in X implies ixn  T 0 in Y.

 In addition, F  X means that xn T 0 in X implies Fxn  T 0 in R, and it is then evident that

X  Y implies Y   X ; i.e., if i : X T Y is continuous, then ti : Y  T X  is also continuous.

Note, however, that the inclusion, ti, need not be injective. In particular, if X is a closed subspace of Hilbert space, Y, consider

5  zF  Y with F  JzF   Y .

t The projection theorem implies zF  z1 z2, with z1  X and z2 X, so that iF  Jz1  which can be zero even if F is not zero.

However, if i : X T Y has a dense image, then ti : Y  T X  is injective. To see this, suppose that iX is dense in Y, and tiF  0. Then,

x, tiF  0 for all x  X. But x, tiF  ix,F and since the elements ix are dense in Y, and F is continuous on Y,Fmustbezero whenever tiF is zero.

It follows from this discussion that the dual space any in which the test m m n functions are densely included (e.g. H0 U,H R  ) can be identified with a subspace of   the space of distributions. That is, if the inclusion, C0 U X has a dense image, then X   DU is a continuous injection. For example, H1U is a subspace of the distributions, which means that equality in H1U can be interpreted to mean equality in the sense of distributions. On the other hand, the dual of H1U is not a subspace of the distributions since the test functions are not dense in H1U. In fact, we have already seen 1 1 that the orthogonal of H0U in H U is the subspace

N  z  H1U : z 2z  H0U, and z 2z  0  and it is clear that N is the null space of the duality mapping

1  1  T 1 J : H U H0U N H U .

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