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&HQWUDO4XHHQVODQG ,QIRUPDWLRQ 3DSHU &HQWUDO 4XHHQVODQG LQIRUPDWLRQ SDSHU WR VXSSRUW UHJLRQDO QDWXUDO UHVRXUFH PDQDJHPHQW SODQQLQJ 9ROXPH $SSHQGLFHV DQG UHIHUHQFHV ÃÃÃÃÃÃ0HLHUVÃ5RDGÃ,QGRRURRSLOO\Ã ÃÃÃÃÃ3KRQHÃÃÃÃZZZFRDVWDOFUFRUJDX &4Ã,QIRUPDWLRQÃ3DWHUÃ © Cooperative Research Centre for Coastal Zone Estuary and Waterway Management 2003 Published by the Cooperative Research Centre for Coastal Zone Estuary and Waterway Management Indooroopilly Sciences Centre 80 Meiers Road Indooroopilly Qld 4068 Australia www.coastal.crc.org.au The text of this information may be copied and distributed for research and educational purposes with proper acknowledgement. While every care is taken to ensure the accuracy of this publication, the Cooperative Research Centre for Coastal Zone Estuary and Waterway Management disclaims all responsibility and all liability (including without limitation, liability in negligence) and costs which might incur as a result of the materials in this publication being innaccurate or incomplete in any way and for any reason. ISBN: 0 9578678 4 0 QNRM03151 List of Appendices Appendix A2.1 NRM Plans Appendix ................................................................1 Appendix A4.1 Fitzroy River annual flood peaks..............................................36 Appendix A5.4.1 Terrestrial biodiversity .............................................................37 Appendix A5.4.2 Plants and animals of conservation significance in the CQ Region................................................................................50 Appendix A5.5.1 Inland aquatic ecosystems integrity (rivers); significant native species and ecological communities; and ecologically significant native species..........................................................66 Appendix A5.5.2 Inland aquatic ecosystems integrity (offstream wetlands) ........73 Appendix A5.6.1 Estuarine, coastal and marine habitats integrity, significant native species and ecological communities, and ecologically significant invasive species ......................................................78 Appendix A5.6.2 Introduced and invasive marine species .................................102 Appendix A5.7.1 Suspended particulate matter in the Fitzroy Catchment..........105 Appendix A5.7.2 Nutrients in the Fitzroy Catchment.........................................107 Appendix A5.7.2 Nutrients in the Fitzroy Catchment.........................................108 Appendix A5.7.3 Nuisance algal growths in the Fitzroy Catchment ..................110 Appendix A5.7.4 Surface Water Salinity in the Fitzroy Catchment....................113 Appendix A5.7.5 Pesticides in the Fitzroy Catchment........................................133 Appendix A5.7.6 Heavy Metals in the Fitzroy Catchment .................................138 Appendix A5.7.7 Water Quality Plots for the Comet River................................143 Appendix A5.7.8 Water Quality Plots for the Dawson River .............................145 Appendix A5.7.9 Water Quality Plots for the Isaac-Connors Rivers..................147 Appendix A5.7.10 Water Quality Plots for the Nogoa-Mackenzie-Fitzroy Rivers .....................................................................................149 Appendix A5.7.11 Levels of Protection for Aquatic Ecosystems .........................151 Appendix A5.7.12 Examples of management goals for critical assets..................152 Appendix A6.3.1 Rainfall Analysis Results for Gladstone.................................154 Appendix A6.4.1 Remnants with a high priority for management actions..........156 Appendix A7.3.1 Rainfall Analysis Results for St Lawrence .............................162 Appendix A7.4.1 Remnants with a high priority for management actions..........164 Appendix A8.3.1 Rainfall Analysis Results for Rolleston..................................172 Appendix A8.4.1 Remnants with a high priority for management actions..........174 Appendix A9.3.1 Rainfall Analysis Results For Taroom and Biloela.................180 Appendix A9.4.1 Remnants with a high priority for management actions..........184 Appendix A10.3.1 Rainfall Analysis Results for Rockhampton...........................192 Appendix A10.4.1 Remnants with a high priority for management actions..........194 Appendix A11.3.1 Rainfall Analysis Results for Nebo ........................................200 Appendix A11.4.1 Remnants with a high priority for management actions..........202 Appendix A12.3.1 Rainfall Analysis Results for Emerald....................................210 &4Ã,QIRUPDWLRQÃ3DWHUÃ Appendix A12.4.1 Remnants with a high priority for management actions .........212 Appendix A13.3.1 Rainfall Analysis Results for Emerald ...................................217 Appendix A13.4.1 Remnants with a high priority for management actions ........219 References ..............................................................................................227 Ã $SSHQGL[Ã$Ã150Ã3ODQVÃ$SSHQGL[ÃÃ Industry Codes of Practice (CoP) Name Aim Date Approved Review Process Link Sustainable Canegrowing in The code aims to explain in cane 1998 currently under http://www.canegrowers.com.au/environment/cod Queensland Code of growing terms what are “reasonable review eofpractice.pdf Practice (CoP) and practicable measures for minimising the risk of harm to the environment”. Environmental CoP for This Code states principles which 1998 No immediate http://www.qff.org.au/ Agriculture rural land managers should achieve plans in order to comply with their General Environmental Duty under the EP Act '94. These principles are called Expected Environmental Outcomes and are the key components of this document. Sustainable Fruit and unavailable for viewing on the web 1998 No immediate http://www.env.qld.gov.au/environment/business/ Vegetable Production in Qld plans practice/environment.html#P31_2147 Environmental CoP for unavailable for viewing on the web 2001 2006 http://www.env.qld.gov.au/environment/business/ Australian Prawn Farmers practice/environment.html#P31_2147 Environmental CoP for Qld unavailable for viewing on the web 2000 sunset clause http://www.env.qld.gov.au/environment/business/ Piggeries practice/environment.html#P31_2147 Qld Dairy Farming unavailable for viewing on the web 2001 sunset clause http://www.env.qld.gov.au/environment/business/ $ S Environmental CoP practice/environment.html#P31_2147 S H Q Poultry CoP In preparation N/A http://www.env.qld.gov.au/environment/business/ G practice/environment.html#P31_2147 FL H Cotton BMP (adaptation as In preparation N/A http://www.env.qld.gov.au/environment/business/ V DÃ CoP) practice/environment.html#P31_2147 Q G 5Ã H HI HU Q F H V Ã & 4 ,Ã Q Ã Ã RI PU D W RL Q 3Ã D S H U Local Government Planning Schemes Type of Plan Plan Title Area Aims/Goals Status of Plan link to plan and/or plan information Local Government Banana Shire Stage 3 - under preparation http://www1.dlgp.qld.gov.au/planni Planning Schemes ng/planmaking/details.asp?lga=BA Bauhinia Shire Stage 3 - under preparation http://www1.dlgp.qld.gov.au/planni ng/planmaking/details.asp?lga=BI Belyando Shire Stage 3 - under preparation http://www1.dlgp.qld.gov.au/planni ng/planmaking/details.asp?lga=BY Broadsound Shire Stage 3 - under preparation http://www1.dlgp.qld.gov.au/planni ng/planmaking/details.asp?lga=BS Bungil Shire Stage 4 - first state interest check http://www1.dlgp.qld.gov.au/planni ng/planmaking/details.asp?lga=BU N Calliope Shire Stage 4 - first state interest check http://www1.dlgp.qld.gov.au/planni ng/planmaking/details.asp?lga=CE Duaringa Shire Stage 2 - statement of proposal http://www1.dlgp.qld.gov.au/planni on display ng/planmaking/details.asp?lga=DR Emerald Shire Stage 3 - under preparation http://www1.dlgp.qld.gov.au/planni ng/planmaking/details.asp?lga=EM Fitzroy Shire Stage 3 - under preparation http://www1.dlgp.qld.gov.au/planni ng/planmaking/details.asp?lga=FZ Gladstone City Stage 4 - first state interest check http://www1.dlgp.qld.gov.au/planni ng/planmaking/details.asp?lga=GL Livingstone Shire Stage 3 - under preparation http://www1.dlgp.qld.gov.au/planni ng/planmaking/details.asp?lga=LV Ã Mount Morgan Stage 4 - first state interest check http://www1.dlgp.qld.gov.au/planni Shire ng/planmaking/details.asp?lga=MM Nebo Shire Stage 3 - under preparation http://www1.dlgp.qld.gov.au/planni ng/planmaking/details.asp?lga=NB Peak Downs Shire Stage 3 - under preparation http://www1.dlgp.qld.gov.au/planni ng/planmaking/details.asp?lga=PD Rockhampton City Stage 3 - under preparation http://www1.dlgp.qld.gov.au/planni ng/planmaking/details.asp?lga=RK Taroom Shire Stage 3 - under preparation http://www1.dlgp.qld.gov.au/planni ng/planmaking/details.asp?lga=TM $ S S H Q G FL H V DÃ Q G 5Ã H HI HU Q F H V Ã & 4 ,Ã Q Ã Ã RI PU D W RL Q 3Ã D S H U Catchment Management Plans/Strategies Plan Title Area Aims/Goals Status of Plan link to plan and/or plan information Central Central Queensland This strategy is a plan for the management of http://www.fba.org.au/about Queensland natural resources and the environment with a us/CQSFS.pdf Strategy for long term vision of sustainable development, a Sustainability strong regional economy and prosperous communities. The Strategy aims to provide a framework for achieving this vision of sustainable natural resource use and protection of the natural environment; it encourages the active participation of all stakeholders, and may guide investment at a regional level. Ã Gladstone Gladstone Harbour This strategy aims to produce a widely completed 2002 see Fitzroy document library