“A good town will do more to keep the boys at home than good advice’

'■iiiiiiimiiiiiiMiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiniiiiimiiiiiiiiiiMiii uiiiiiuiimnan.iiin.- ...... ihiiimiiiii.....it...... iimmimmmmmiiimiiimj [ AROOSTOOK TIMES j SHIRE TOWS OF | April 13, 1860 to f 1 December 27, 1916 f AROOSTOOK COUNTY j i 1 i MOULTON TIMES ~ IINIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIt)H!IIIIIIIIIMIIIIIHIIIIIIIIJIII!IIIHtlllllllltMIIIIIHIIIIIJ]tl)IIHJJlj HOULTON, MAINE, WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBBEK 21, 192:’, NAIDED FORrrY SEVEN VOLUME LXIII

B. P. W. CLUB LECTURE B. & A. SETTLES On Monday evening, Dec. 3 Rev. The suit of Mrs. Hannah J. Edblad NO TROTH IN REPORT OF Wm. D. (’base will deliver an address of this town against the Danger A- WHAT AROOSTOOK HORSES on tlx1 "World's Court" at the 11. H. Aroostook Railroad has been satisfac­ S. auditorium under the auspices of torily settled out of court. A check the D. F. W. Club. to defray till expenses of a long and serious illness, alleged to have been DID ON TRACK IN 1923 CHANGE IN C. OF C. VOTE Mr. Chase is familiar with his sub ject and those who have heard his due to carelessness of employees of Wilford Fullerton of the Houlton Mrs. Mildred Dudley was in Bangor presentation of it speak in terms of the railroad together with her at­ Trust Co. left Saturday for FoMland An Interesting Account o f the last week visiting friends, returning highest commemlat ion. torney's fees and incidental expenses No Meeting of Chamber of on business. Monday. A committee composed of club wtis received today. One of tin* big pictures of the year Doings of Fast Horses Commerce or Board of Miss Marion Rliss from Island Falls members will have the salt1 of tickets Mrs. Edblad was struck by it tailing spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. is the Big Fox Special “When Winter in charge and will 1m1 sold at the door. suit case while traveling on a Bangor Comes." well all lie beta* to set* it. and Money Won E S Bliss on Green street. The tickets art1 I’d cents and a good (V Aroostook train in July of 1922. In Directors Recently Mr. and Mrs. J It Harvey and dau­ Harry Little, bookkeeper for the representation of the towns people December following a brain lesion de­ ghter, Catherine returned Friday by (By Mack) A special meeting of the Houlton Summit Lumber Go. of Davidson was is confidently expected. veloped which rendered her speech­ motor from Bangor wen* they spent The amount of money offered l or Chamber of Commerce was held at in town Thursday on a short business Remember 'lie date, Monday, Dec. less and helpless. She was at that tin* week. the free-for-all pacing classes on the Watson Hall on Wednesday evening trip. at S p. m. time in the middle West, where the Major Roland E. Clark of Fortlund Grand Circuit, the past season total­ September 12, for the purpose of con-; Betty Hume is delightful as I’eggy best of medical service was procured, was in town Friday and Saturday ed $14.9on. The purses offered for sideling the report of the Storrow in "The Hottentot." Listen to her The Ladies Aid of the Aroostook and while practically insensible for caliod boro to attend tin* funeral of free for all racing in Maine* and New Committee on the consolidation of describing a horse race, Dec. ti and hospital will hold a food sale at four months, slit1 underwent, two op­ his uncle Robert I) Clark. Brunswick during the season of 1923 railroads. 7, at the Temple Theatre. Millar's store on Court street, Friday erations on the head which removed On Nov. 17th. 1SS7, The New Eng­ The Guild of tin* Military street readied the surprising sum of $34,000 Percy R. Todd president of the Ban­ Nov. 2.‘I. Plum pudding and mime pressure. These were suce* ssful and Fnited Baptist church will hold a This briefly explains the* presence gor and Aroostook railroad was pres­ land Order Protection was born. Houl­ she is now normal. pies are specialties. of tin* champions Single* G and Mar­ ent and gave some very valuable in­ ton Lodge will recognize this 36th rummage sale at Chamberlain's Em garet Dillon at tin* fall race* meets in formation regarding the originating of birthday with a six o’clock supper ployment on Bangor street. Saturday DELIGHTFUL D. A. R. PARTY STATE HEALTH DEPARTMENT this section. And in practically every the idea and the causes leading up to at their lodge rooms on Friday, Nov. Nov, 24th beginning at 9 o’clock a. m. There is at tin* present time, in it and then discussed the two dicer- j 23rd. All members should try to be By far the prettiest and most pleas­ Anyone having articles they wish to ease* the* big e>vents were money mak­ ant affair in tin* history of Lydia Fut- Houlton, what may develop into a donate please call 8S-R and tin* will ers for the* track management. Scor­ ent plans of the consolidation which j present. Regular meeting at S very serious epidemic of measles. ing for the* word, ready and fit in e*acb has been proposed under the ruling of i o'clock. nam Chapter of I). A. R. was held on The only way in which this epidemic lie called for. the Federal government. He showed j The Fall Brook Mining and Devel- Thursday afternoon, Nov. 15 at Wat­ can he checked is by the whole­ Mrs. Futnam, president of the of the* thirteen races scheduled for very conclusively that the consolida-1 oping Co. Ltd. of Woodstock, N. B., son hall. hearted support of. and cooperation American Auxiliary, Mrs. Charles F the* Aroostook and Canadian owned The decorations in red and white with your health ollicer. It is the Barnes chairman of the supper com- cracks, the "Little* Iron Horse from tion of the New England roads would) commenced work this week in clear duty’ of all householders and physi­ crepe paper and cut dowers, the Tennessee*," lived up to its name and be very much more beneficial to his j ing away and preparing camp, a full cians to report immediately to the mitee and Mrs. June Dunn chairman pretty gowns and bright faces of the carried off nine first moneys. Al­ section than for the Maine roads to j crew will be working next week. It is ladies and the colonial cost times of local Health Otticer all cases of sus­ of the bazaar wish to thank all those be linked up with the New York Cen- ; expected that a carload of the quartz the committee in charge made* it most pected contagious disease whatever who contributed and helped in any ways a consistent race* horse* and in attractive scene*. its character. Only in this etlicient- the hands of capable* trainers during tral. will be ready to ship in a few weeks. way to make this supper and sale The stage was especially interest­ ]y to perform his duty and protect The meeting was opened for discus­ (Woodstock N. B. Cor.) those not as yet infected from con­ such a success. his Grand Circuit career, ho has ing witli its setting of colonial furni­ shown marked improvement since sion by Fred W. Mann who presided ture. A beautiful rug was loaned by tracting the disease. and all those present who desired, Attention is calk'd to the following coming to Maine, and his mile in Fanny Feabody, a table by Ruth 2.04% Ht Bangor was a splendid testi­ too part generally in discussing the Titeomb, a flax-wheel by Harriet paragraphs from "The Health Law of question after which a committee was PUBLICITY BUREAU the State of Maine." EDUCATION WEEK monial to the skill of his trainer and Hume, while the Houlton Furniture driver. John Willard of Presque Isle. appointed to draw up resolutions in Report Of Infectious Co. contributed a Governor Bradford The* other members of the* "Big Four" favor of the New England plan as DOES FINE WORK chair, a line picture of George Wash­ Disease By The Householder IS OBSERVED HERE recommended by the Governors com­ Whenever any householder knows went creditable* races, but they we*re* ington on tin* piano, a Martha Wash over shadowed by the* performance* ot mittee and Hon. Aaron A. Putnam or lias reason to believe that any per­ ington sowing table and a Windsor the* I’re*se|ue* Isle* pacer. was appointed to attend a meeting of Has Been Means of Bringing chair. Beautiful candlesticks were on son within his family or household Instructive Public Meeting the Interstate Commerce Commission has smallpox, diphtheria, scarlet fever One* of the* surprises of the* racing Thousands of Tourists Mu* tables. On tin* tloor at tin* ends Held in the Temple season was the consistent form shown in Boston on Sept. 24 and present of the stage* wore lahles adorned with cholera, typhus or typhoid fever, ncre- said resolutions at that time. hre spinal fever measles, membrane- by the* paeer Zmn Q. Carefully pre­ into the State bowers, silver and cut glass. At one Theatre pared by Eel Sunderlin his manners Resolved: That the Houlton Cham­ i us croup, mi called, whooping cough, table Mrs. George Richards, resplen­ wore* perfect and he* won six races be­ ber of Commerce after full considera­ dent in a costume of wondrous luaek or any oilier disease which is made tion of the Agricultural and other in­ l’ortlaml, Maine. Nov. 20 (Special i iiotiliabh1 by Hu* rules and regulations he I Ion it on Board of Education, in fore* he* me*t defeat. .'t Skowhegan lace over pear satin, poured coffee he forced R. H. Brett. 24*1% to race* terests of Aroostook County, Maine, —Business at (lie State of Maine from a silver coffee urn, and at the of i In* stale hoard of health, he shall n da nee vwith similar hoards the largest potato shipping region in in 2."Sb> to beat him and at Brockton Publicity Bureau almost doubled in other table Fanny Feabody in a within tweniv fsiir hours, give notice iirougiio'itlln’lt the country is observing the world, votes unanimously in sup-1 I low- in a $30UU stake won by the Grand volume over last year, aeeording to a beautiful grey silk dress and a high >f to t In- lo-alTh ( ■ Mil of tin port of the report of the majority of tow II i: i w hich lie l'esid this w-i-k as Edi’e;; t iona 1 \Ye**k in tin* Circuit winner, Peter Sullivan im was comb, which belonged to her great t imed bet t e*r t ha n 2.u7. members of the Joint New England statement issued today by lion. John not ii given \\ - tinm ;: 11 o \ < • s peri !ioil. and in case State of Maine. ! headquarters here for information t!mre w i.o L*■ a 11 ii oMioei', to the serve Tim |irnyrani was. op*M.ri! by a He took a m*w record of 2.12%> and is oil. knitted and chat ted. Daintv eon without doubt capable* of miles bet­ And it furthermore unanimously op-, was approximately 20.0(io, while this t a rV Ilf 1 1 1 • local health board. either tion by the High Sell!ml Orch ;t ra, factions of many hi:ms and shapes ter than 2.1o on a mile track. poses the ownership or control by the m,mber jumped to nearly wore enjoyed dining the ;ifternoon. at his o111i <■ or by eoninnmil■at ion as Pillow ed by a few words by Fre any of the Trunk Lines of any ad- ! Of the sixteen horses listed as win­ 40,000. At five o'clock, lea was served h\ Ha’ll. Chairman of the Board of Edu­ ning $looo or more, no less than eight ditional New England Railroads under the regent. Mrs. Ada Falmer dressed Report From Physicians an plan as to be inimical to the inter­ Mr. Scutes' statement is as follows: W l o - i i ver any Physician known cation. who gave a brief outline of wen* trained over the* Houlton track. in an ancient train dre>s of regal Seven of them being owned locally. ests of Aroostook County, and further "This year Maine has had the black satin, and assisted by Ernestine ui to believe that any pel ni tin* purpose of observing Educational It is Resolved: That the Chamber Harry Nevers leads the other trainers largest tourist business in its history, Davis, May Cleveland, Gertrude Skil 1 is called upon >n visit, has Week. Clinton Dill and Max Adler send a representative to attend the ■(ted with any of the n mi li­ with five* in this class and his showing lin, Frances Richards. Annie ,\|. R. next cave a dialogue "I Am An Ameri- public hearing called in Boston Mon­ and this is unquestionably due to the ibh ases. such physician shall is most conside*rate whe*n it is con- Barnes, Mary McGar.\, Ft h«• I .b-uks i a n. sidereMl that he trained in a small day Sept. 24, at the State House by work of the bureau. and Virginia Dudlev. h v. gl'.c notice thereof to the "Sekool Needs in the Commun- the Interstate Commerce Commission Oi the local hoard of health, it v" wus the subject spoken on by Mr. stable and had purchased most of his "During the year $23,004.75 was ex­ Miss Davis wore , i die-.-; nf r dir* ‘ction of the local that the arguments as outlined by Erin 'St ('. Mariner of Colby College 2.14bi is a new Provincial record for Montreal, besides smaller ones in luce and black lace mils. All the board o' Inpi It h or lira It Ii ollicer an President Todd seemed to be the best t hold zed by said provisions . the pen- was then introduced. a four year old trotter. seven of the leading magazines of the powdered eoifferes were fe;i rfu 11> Pet<>r Stillwell that was raced tot­ for all concerned. and wonderfully made. alty for which is not herein specifical­ Since the meeting in Boston, sever­ country. In all of the newspaper ad­ Mr. Mariner in his opening remarks ting in 1922, was converted to the* Tin* climax of all this joy was ly provided, or wilfully interferes with al! other plans have been suggested, vertisements attention was called to any person or tiling, to prevent tin* explaim-d the absence of tin* adver­ pace* in the spring anel came from reached when the guests partook of nothing to miles in 2.15 in sixtv davs. among them one by President Mc­ the manufacturing, industrial and delicious sandwiches of all kinds and execution of tin* provisions of said tised speaker, l’rof. Herbert C. Libby, Donald of the Maine Central railroad He should hi* a good winner in agricultural resources of the State.; toothsome assorted cake, (dives and sections or of said regulations and by­ who is ill. Mr. Mariner is indeed an 1924. and some of the state Chambers of 1S1 L’d 3d 4th Won tea and coffee. laws. shall he punished by a tin** of abb* speaker, his historical allusions, Commerce have adopted this, it being Seven independent booklets and maps .1' 'll ii K. Braden 1 3 (1 •5:'a 7a A decided advantage added to tin- not more than FIFTY DOLLARS. fathered by the Portland members and (dear manner of handling his .lucksnn * Pattan 1 3 i a .330 were issued treating on its many dif­ good time of the afternoon is the fact and is a Portland proposition, bene­ Key Krattan 1 .’) ( I M r, t r>11 ferent subjects. that tin* 1). A. R. treasury is groaning Geo A I Fall left Monday 'veiling for subject, "Education and American fiting them in particular, rather than 1 'a n 1 tedgew...' a ;( ::::;i0 "Up to November 1 over 9,otto in­ under tin* weight of its added wealth business trip to Boston. Ideals." showed him to he a thorough as part of the whole. /.ell) Q s ‘2 I* i 33 00 It will be noticed that the above quires, approximately 3,0()0 more than student, liis audience paying him the Alfred King s J il t k333 resolutions which were presented by for all of 1922, had been received by BURTT-WAYE CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH highest compliment possible, by giv­ Silver King t L* (i ] vtO Hon. Aaron A. Putnam at the con­ mail, all of which received an im­ ing their interested and undivided tit <'apt. * '.Veil 2 1 n l'.p* The marriage of Harry Bunt, eldest lllS l ference in Boston in September were Notwithstanding the storm of ten tion. Little Anna S r> 1 1 *i 1335 made by the Chamber of Commerce mediate answer. At least loo,(ton son of Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Burtt of Sunday a very large congregation w Feter Tanlar :: a 1 J75 In his talk lie emphasized the need aa a body and not by the Board of pieces of literature have been given Bridgewater, win* is well known in present at the morning service. I'algary Karl a 3 t; i 1370 Directors yet certain persons in Houl­ or sent out so far this year. Houlton when* he has been employed A very interesting sermon was de­ of new methods of teaching some sub­ Northern Bell :: 2 2 i 1 175 at various times, and Miss Gladys livered and tin* chorus choir unde" ton during the past week, took the “While no accurate count has been jects and of tea* hing the student to I •( m Q t i 2 1 130 Wave of Woodstock , occurred in the direction of Mr. Soderqtiist ren­ trouble to present a paper to each one think. In mentioning the necessity Bennie Kiri 2 2 2 i» to 05 tha the Board of Directors, asking for kept of the number of people* coining Woodstock Wednesday, Nov. 14th. dered some very pleasing music. .Miss Simmassie ! i 1 of producing better citizens than hia signature, opposing the Storrow into the Portland headquarters for in­ The young couple after a short honey­ Next Sunday morning here will la­ Peter Stilhveil :i *) 2 1**35 plan of rail consolidation and in favor formation, a conservative* estimate moon left for Everett. Washington the usual service at Id..‘in. with preach­ those nf previous generations he trac­ 1st I'd 3d 4th of the McDonald plan so-called, and i would be between 35,000 it ml 40,ooo. where Mr. Burtt has secured a posi­ ing by the pastor. Rev. David L Yale ed t!it* rise and fall of the Roman Em­ .11 din Willard 33 1 1 11 7 by so doing to nullify the action of the ! tion with an unde who has lived and the chorus choir will render "The Harry .Wvers 14 P» I Last year the number was approxi­ pire the causes and results in a very 13 G Chamber of Commerce. As individ- i there for a number of years. Lord is Great" by Mendelssohn and Ed Sunderlin 1 2 attractive manner. During the address t 3 4 uals the members of the Board of mately 20,000. On August 13, an The TIMES poins with other friends Mr. Soderqwist will sing. "I'm a Fil- William BrickO y 7 2 5 , ordinary day, an accurate count was in hearty congratulations. grim." he gave the young people many help- •Mont Keren Ti 16 V 6 (Continued on page 4) made. 619 coming in that day, which A cordial invitation is extended to Ittl suggestions which, from tin* ap­ Balpli Burnll *; 1.’ ** t all those who care to enjoy the ser­ ) v\ i i would probably be a fair average for C R McNeal lias moved his family ve e. plause. were appreciated, and will he OWE OF MAINE’S EXILES each day of August. It is the proud from Caribou to Houlton where they rein* m here*!. ANNUAL MEETING boast of the bureau that no person will reside in tin* future. Mr. McNeal Rev. H G Kennedy of Oldtown was Arrangements have been made to DREAMS OF HOME, AFTER in town .Monday on business and AND INSPECTION ever sought inforation on any subject is now district manager for the Singer accomodate visitors in the schools meeting former friends as lie was READING TIMES ARTICLE Sewing Machine Co. witli head­ daring the week and all are urged to OF COMMANDERY but what it was furnished. pastor of the First Baptist chunli in Editor Houlton Times: "There are 721 subscribers to tin* quarters at Houlton. Houlton for a number of years. no and offer suggestions for tin* bet­ St. Aldemar Commandry. No. In a recent issue of your paper ap bureau, including 41 banks, and four terment of present methods. A spec- 17. held their annual meeting and ial program lias also been prepared' peared an article entitled “Our Exiles municipalities, MEDUXNEKEAG CLUB POTATO MARKET election of officers on Thursday even­ from Maine.” As an exile this ap­ “During the year our field agent, for Sunday evening. Nov. IS at the The market remains the same Smith Emery Dow was top notrlmr this Fnited Baptist church under tin* aus- ing and on the following night there pealed very strongly to me. My first, week as last, the price nf $2.01 1>< r (Continued on page 5) with his 295 total in the weekly roll was an official inspection by Dana S. last, and only tax I ever paid in my off Monday night at. the Club alleys. barrel being offered. i< es of tin* .Ministers Association. native state was paid in Houlton, Hagerman ami Rnlx*n being the* run The Froduee News says: Williams, Grand Captain General of There was a heavy carry-over from where I was sojourning when I be­ RICKER 31 ST. MARY’S 0 tiers up. flu* Grand Gommandery of Maine. Tin* game in which two 7 men last W‘-ek both in the docks and in M0RRIS0N-McQUADE came of legal age. I left your village Ricker triumphed over the St. teams contested was the best one that the stores, with a great many cars At the meeting on Thursday the Mary’s eleven of Van Buren on Sat­ A quiet wedding occurred early in Oct., 1886 and became a resident has yet been rolled this season, and being held on track. The fresh i e- following officers were edected for the3 urday afternoon last to the score of Monday morning at St. Mary's church of Massachusetts. was hotly contested. ceipts were* liberal and with a slow when Agnes Eloise, daughter of Mr. coining year: 31-0. This is the second win for and hesitant demand. the market The Good Books says— and your oid Ricker over this team in ten days W S Blake one of the directors of and Mrs. Fatriek McQuade was united the club donated the weekly prize, favored buyers from start to finish. in marriage to Feter A. Morrison. Commander E. S. Barton men shall dream dreams. We dream having won from them on their own Tin* principal feature of the market field last week 12 0. and every one had found visions of be­ Rev. F. M. Silke officiating. Gen. E. O. Bryson of being with the boys swimmin’ at ing its possessor. was the reluctance of dealers to take Five touchdowns were the results They were attended by Mrs. Wil­ C. G. G. B. Niles the Crick, or fishing, or clamming, These games an* creating the hold beyond their actual wants kinson of Fortland, sister of the of the winners line efforts witli Ow- Prelate Amos Putnam and sometimes we dream of having most intense interest, and the quali­ from day to day, resulting in a limit­ groom and C W. McQuade, brother of tis and Berry doing most of the ball ed and unsatisfactory demand. Mich­ Recorder C. A. McKenna a bungalow facing the East to observe fying scores look pretty good on the tin* bride. carrying for Ricker in an efficient score hoard. igan potatoes, which cost $2.25(0 2.40 manner. The score though lop sided Both Mr. and Mrs. Morrison are Treas. Warren Skilling the rays of the rising sun “which is This week's scores in the finals: landed here, were offered at tin* inside does not tell the real story of the play popular in the set. in which they S. W. James Russell the glory and beauty of the day.” Dow 295 Hagenna n 285 figure in a wholesale way, and moved as St. Mary’s were good in spots, but ! mingle, and their many friends will Lunt 277 Koben slowly at that. J. W. Rankin Grant Dreams, idle dreams. A short time lacked the punch when in a scoring 2.o 1 join witli flic TIMES in wishing them White State potatoes rarely brought over Weirder Stanley McEIwee since, the Rockland Courier-Gazette position. With a little more coaching 276 Orcutt 271 a happy future. Berrie 275 Wilkins -2.35**/ 2.5o. Maine potatoes were in it would take some playing to beat 261 Mrs. Morrison for a nunier of years Standard Bearer Charles Osgood had a short poem by an exile in Ari­ Ebbet t 266 251 quite free supply, and worked out them. They pulled some snappy j Nason has been employed at the G^ W. Sword Bearer M. D. McGrath zona entitled “Dear Old Maine.” The Rose 260 Rogers 250 $2.75(*/ 2.85 in a wholesale way, a few plays and time and again backed ] Richards Co. store as saleslady while last verse will appeal to the exiles, Clough 246 Gould 22.8 jobbing lots of closely graded Green Mr. Morrison holds a responsible At the inspection the work was in Ricker down the field for long gains. Mountains reaching $3. Long Island J,No matter where we chance to roam Over anxiety at critical moments lost [ position with tin* Armour Co. where the Temple degree and was executed 1895 1837 potatoes were not in heavy supply, he lias been employed for the past six Old Maine that gave us birth, them the results of much good efforts. but farmers refused to cut prices. in such a manner that they were high­ Altogether the game was clean and years. Still holds first place, the people are The first snow of the season came Most sales were around $4 per 1501b : ly commended by the inspector. well fought to the final whistle. i Following the ceremony the young The best that walk the earth. early Monday morning after a warm bag for graded stock, but some lots, couple* left by automobile for a trip After the work one of the most suc­ Saturday’s game was probably the i mostly Cobblers, worked out $3.50(fit Through summer heat and winter’s close of the season here although spell, just covering the ground and to Boston and other cities, upon their cessful social times of the season 3.75. return they will reside on Military St. cold there is some talk of another battle by ^ noon...... had .all...... disappeared,...... and was Pennsylvania potatoes arrived spar-: took ploce. An excellent roast chick­ That frosts the window pane, between Ricker and Houlton High, as ~7», ’ they have one each .to their credit. followed by freezing weather. inglv and held steady $2.50(fi>2.65 per ; Mr. and Mrs. John Hall who have en supper was served to the members 1501b. bag 165IT), bags selling $2.65@ W e our heads and praise God The excellent coffee which was been living in the Whitcomb house on who were entertained by remarks i . -more 2.75. The cooler weather at the j Anna Hovey, who plays‘Mrs. Gil­ served at the Odd Fellows banquet close created a better tone. The Court street have moved to apart­ from Mr. Williams who had many in­ Because he loves Old Maine.” ford adds her natural charm to the last Thursday night was the Far East newspapers printed items stating that ment in the Peabody bouse on Water teresting things to say regarding the From an Exile, charm of being hostess in “The Hot­ brand which is handled by and donat­ Michigan potatoes were offered at 30c street formerly occupied by Mr. and order. bu. f. o. b. track, without buyers, and Albioq B. Crocker tentot” at the Temple Theatre, Dei. ed by the Newells proprietors of the Mrs. Crandelmire, where they are this was reflected in the sentiment of The installation of the new officers * Somerville, Sfass. 6 and 7. Elpo Co. the wholesole market. pleasantly situated. will be on Thursday next. i PAGE TWO HOULTON TIMES, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBBER 21. 192:]

HOULTON TIMES the big city of the immediate moment Can lie be evolved? Why is he not in the islands are all mountainous cm the soil but the crop is almost entire­ 48,780; number of registered voters, Established April 13, 1860 becomes the huge city of the next every house turning rain into sun- only one, Hawaii, is there an active ly used by the residents of the is- 28,806. one! i shine and winter into summer all the volcano; in fact, it has two, among lanels, a very large percentage of ALL THE HOME NEW8 The Hawaiian Islanels were un- When the Boston Post Road was year around until life is a perpetual the largest in the world, Manna Loa whom are Japanese. Coffee is an- Published every Wednesday morning deuibteelly first peeipled from the built, no such thing as the ‘‘capacity season of joy? and Kilauea. The highest peak of ’ other important product anel much is by the Times Publishing Co. Polynesian Islanels, anel when first of a road” was known. But to-day ------the group is also on Hawaii, Manna also done in the raising of bananas, CHAS. H. FOGG, President discovered by white men the natives this road (among many) is strained In the home all that is character­ Kea, 18,805 feet in height. as well as fruits, vegetables and CHA8. G. LUNT, Managing Editor had passeel through the first stages of against its capacity limits most of the istically feminine in woman unfolds Here in the East we hear much •■ereals, although the twe> latter to a savagery anel were progressing tei- time, and always on Sundays and holi­ and flourishes. Home without woman about the wonderful climate of south­ much more limited extent. Subscription in U. S. 81.50 per year im warel civiliatiem. The first white men days. The good roads connecting is a misnomer, for woman makes ern California, but Governor Farring­ advance; in Canada $2.00 in Manufacturing eh)es not enter very in Hawaii were the surviveirs of the any two large cities of the nation; | home, and home is what she makes it. ton asures us that Hawaii has the cli­ advance prominently into the; business life of crews of twei Spanish vessels, which Boston and New York, New York and If slu1 is illiterate her home partakes mate which Los Angeles and its sur- Single copies five cents Hawaii, for it is very limited because were wreeked on the islands about Albany, Baltimore and Philadelphia, | of this quality; if she is immoral her ^ rounding territory claims. At any e>f lack of fuel and of metals. la27. Not being able to leave they Cleveland and Toledo, Chicago and home cannot he her abode of virture; rate, it is remarkably line and may Advertising rates based upon guaran­ In the way of transportation the inter-married with the natives and teed paid in advance circulation. i Detroit, to mention only a few, are if she is coarse, refinement does not be said to be never too hot nor too islands are well served by steamship their eleseemdants may still be found - ______i often inadequate to carry the trade dwell where she resides. If she is cold, except, of course, on the moun­ 1 ilie's, eqmrating principally between there. The group was named the Entered at the Post Office at Houlton which seeks them. They do carry the cultivated, pure, refined, those quali­ tain summits, and even there sudden the CniteM States, the Asiatic coun­ Sandwich Islands after John Montagu tor ciculaUon at second-class traffic, but at greatly reduced speed, ties will characterize the home which changes are virtually unknown. This tries and Australia. The harbeir of the fourth Earl of Sandwich, by Capt. postal rates and speed is as much a part of trans­ she creates. The higher the degree climate is due; to the fact that there; Hemedulu is erne of the bestt Oil the James (’oeik, who re-discovered it in port as motion. of her culture, her purity, her refine­ are neither hot continental deserts Ail Subscription are DISCONTIN*^ Paedfie1, anel Fear Harbor, only five 1778, abused the hospitality of the New roads should always be built ment, the more will these qualities nor large1 ice1 fields within thousands UEO at expiration miles elistant tej the1 imrth, is a re- natives anel lost his life as a result. ______— for to-morrow; never for to-day. For characterize the home of which she of miles of the islands, while the markably fine; and well presetted in­ After this various explorers visited ... ~ ...... ~ “to-morrow” soon becomes “to-day,” is the center. winds which reach them have to pass let anel has been developed as a great the islands and they developed rapid­ A BENEFACTOR TO MAINE anti the road, big enough and to spare over a broad expanse of water of a naval and military base; by the Unit­ ly along the lines of civilization. 'With a few more men in the State for present needs, is speedily used up Tad us covet our neighbor’s kind­ uniform and moderately warm tem­ ed State's. There is one fairly lemg /of Maine, with the enthusiasm and to its capacity. To paraphrase the ness of and gentleness of man­ perature. The average temperatures Beginning about 1870 affairs began railreiiid running out of Honolulu foresight as well as pride in “doing quotation, “Only he who builds for ners, that we may grow wise and of the; lowlands of Hawaii are 70 de1- to gei freim bael to worse in the Ha­ alemg the earnst e>f the island of Oahu things” that Hiram W. Ricker has, the future, builrs for the present!" .noble and tender hearted, that we greos for January and 78 for July, and waiian Islanels, due to bad govern­ anel there are other lines em some1 eif the Good Old State of Maine would may he helpful and comforting and the1 extreme maximum and minimum ment on the; part of the kings, and the other islands. have California distanced many miles, * LIFE AS SOME SEE IT ' inspiring to those whom we meet as temperature's according to the officual finally anexatiem by the United States The present population e>f the Ter­ in letting the world know of the ! we journey onward through life. If records, have been only 89 and .74 de­ was requested by the better element Teachers, clergyman, and others ritory of Hawaii is 298,500. It is in­ beauties of this state, as well as the I we are not by nature gracious and gree's. For approximately 10 months in the group, anel the union was con­ who obtain a close-up view of the teresting to note that in 1822 it was development of its resources, which ; warm hearted and helpful, let. us of each year the prevailing winds are summated liv resolutiein ejf Congress younger generation, feel that these 180,212, but that in 1872 it hud elrop- as yet are untouched. learn to be so. If we have not learned from one section of the compass and whiedi went into effect on August 12, people just coming on the stage of peel to 2.6,897. After American annex­ Mr. Ricker, with a generation of far ! to say the kind word, to he cheery storms ;ere rare; in Hawaii and hurri- 1898. Since that elate the prosperous life are going to have quite different ation, henvever, the islands began to sighted ancestors back of him, has and charitable and to lend a hand to! e-anes are1 unknown. The annual rain­ development of the islands lias been conceptions from those hitherto pre- bemm. The first: Japanese immigrants with his brothers built up a business | vaiiing those who nee dassistunce, we may be i fall varies considerably. In some sew- : very marked and they have now be- arrivenl in 1868, the te>tal number be­ organization second to none in the | thankful for one thing that it is tions where the cold winds frenn the! come a valuable asset to this Coun­ One of the ideas held by many of ing 17,8. Toelay the Japanese; popula­ country, which with the same fore-: i never to late to mend. mountains meed the warm anel moist 1 try.—Express Aelvertiser. these younger folks, is that older tion is 126,1)89, anei it has bee-enne one sight, these men have handed down j trade1 winds there1 has been known to generations have weighed and pon­ of the* nail pre.bh'ms in the gemrn- to their sons who are now carrying j EDITORIAL COMMENT fall 270 inches in a single year, the* dered too much and they take life too ment of the islands. PROFESSIONAL CARDS on the many departments of Hiram heaviest in the worlel, but at Ilemolulu seriously. This does not necessarily HAWAII Just what the United States seeur- Ricker and Sons, so that Mr. Hiram j the rainfall is emlv abenit .‘52 inelms, i mean that the young crowd waste any e‘d throng!) the; anne'.xation ejf Hawaii W . Ricker has no axes to grind, but all i The visit of Governor Wallace R. There are1 about 900 spewies of flow- j more time than their fathers and may best he told by ejiioting a few im­ RUDOLF HULTEN of his motives are for the interest of Farrington of Hawaii to his native1 ••rings plants, of whieh 600 are1 pee-u- j mothers did. They have more amuse­ portant figures, ;il] of them this year's TEACHER OF VIOLIN the State of Maine, yet there are cer- j state of Maine and his addresses liar to the islands, anel about Lin ments offered them, and may seem to evstimates and furnished by Governor Studio: Society Hall tain people in every community who j speuies e»f ferns, in Hawaii, the flora waste more time. Yet they are good about these land possessions of the Farrington. Assesse-d valuatiem eif are so uncharitable as to say that he ’ and fauna of which are decidely inter- 1 T d . 14-5 workers, full of ambition, and will United States in the Pacific Ocean, the teuTiteiry, 8297),104,297; assessed is working indirectly for the further-! ewting as they partake of the ediar- probably accomplish a good deal more value eif Honedulu, anel the1 Island eif ance of his private business and this before1 the Kiwanis Club of Portland aeteu-istie-s to he; founel in Asia Aus­ than the generation that is passing Oahu, 8165,88,582; amount eif insur­ is just the thing that is keeping back and the University of .Maine at Orono tralia and also Anmrie-a, making the HOULTON FURNITURE CO. off the stage ever did. ance1 euirried $182,920,800; ereelits in B U ZZ E L L ’S the development of the state and | have revived interest in them. islanel unique in this respeu-t. For “I look at life as a kind of game” hanks, 858,881,788.90; savings ae1- every community where there are | the1 most part e>verything grows lux­ LICENSED EMBALMER AND said one of these young fellows the The1 Hawaiian Islands were former-' eounts in hanks, 821,765.781.51, com- men, who are so interested in the de uriantly, and tlmre are1 fairly Luge* FUNERAL DIRECTOR ly calleal the1 Sandwich Islands, but hilled capital eif territory's 1012 e-or- velopment of their particular section} ot*ier (*aY- **- is not SU(,h a tiling to areas of fore'sts. peiratiems, 828ji.958.848 ; value eif sugar Phone 161-W— Day or Night or the state at large, that they are | win- nor siu'h a terrible thing to lose we're1 named, after annexation, from Animal life1 is not partie-ularly in­ exjuirts, 852,814,896.86; value eif jiine- giving of their time and talents freely 1 as ^ou seem to think it is. I am sick the island of Hawaii, which is the teresting or unusual in the territory aiijied eexjiorts. 81S,<0)0.000 ; teital e.\- for the benefit of their town, and yet | °^ so niut'lt hesitating and worrying, largest of the group, tint which is not hut it has one* feature; whiedi is to he1 DR. F. 0. ORCUTT peirts, 882,768,817; total imports 804,- are criticised by people who never d o 1 ^ instating to keep acting, even if the one, although most people believe apprea iateal, a lae-k of reptile's. DENTIST S76.S14: territorial inelehtealness, $10.- anything but talk about those who are! Y^m make some mistakes, hoentually differently, upon wnieh is situated the1 Hawaii is essentially an agrieuiltor­ 27,0,0011; attemelanee at public scheiols. Fogg Block interested in public work. j - 011 " uau ou^ that way, because widely known city of Honolulu. Tim al te;-rite>ry and great progress lias One of the many visions which Mr.! You learn every time you get thrown islands are a long distance1 from any been made1 tlmre in the eleveleipnmnt Ricker has had for some time, was j (l ° wn- mainland, being 2,2on miles southwest of the sugar and pineapple* industries. the formation of an organization for Of course these young folks are! of San Francisco and 4.898 miles from Rice is another impeirtant produed of advertising the resources of the State! making a lot of blunders. Many times Ilong Kong. There are eight hundred 3 ^ of Maine, Industrial, Agricultural and j they could avoid troubles if they inhabited and several small unin­ ^Headache1 A TALK WITH A HOULTON MAN Safe, sum relief from the nausea, pain, from a Tourist standpoint, and after . would take the advice of their elders.: habited islands in the chain nearly misery of Sick Heaelache is founel in many years of advocating this, has ' But there is something in the way, the genuine “L.F.” Atwood’s Medicine— all of them extending in single file- a Mr. John Kelley of 122 Military St., considered a home necessity by thou­ seen these ideas culminated in the j they plunge into tilings that arouses distance of about -put mile’s from tlu-ir Tells His Expereince sands of women for 71 years. Try it. Large bottle SO cents— 1 cent organization of the State of Maine admiration. southeastern to their northwestern There is notliing like a talk with a elos<- All dealers. Publicity Bureau, fully equipped and There are many of tin1 older people “L.F.” MEDICINE CO., extremes. Hawaii has 4,eld square «um of our own citizens for giving hope Portland, .Maine. functioning far in excess of his fond­ who have frittered away half their mile's, Maui, 72S: Kahulaui, the: Molo­ and encouragement to the1 anxious est desires, with a main office in Port­ energy and wasted their possibilities, kai. 261; Lanai, 185; Oahu, on whieh sufferer from the dre-ad kidney land and branch offices in the differ­ by their hesitations and deliberations is located Honolulu, Hun; Kauai, 5 f i disease. \\'e the refore1, give here1 an ent parts of the state. The organiza- and inactions. What life needs is and Niihait, 97. Those are the m interview wit h a I foulton man : tion started with a committee appoint- some kind of a golden mean between habited islands, and thedr total urea ed by the Maine Hotel Mens Asso. and j the headlong rush of the young crowd, "I had severe pains across my back is (1,4 19 square miles. >> a similar committee from the Maine ; which believes in taking chances and The islands are of volcano- orioin. and at times [ thought my back would \ s says Mr. Kelley. "My Automobile Asso., and it is now com- { running' risks and the over caution and are really nothing more than the break.” eyes were puffed up u ii < 1 e • r 11 *1 a 131 ami my pleting its second year of active work ; of the older folks,who need more of summits of enormous volcanic cones » ° s f $ S a ? K and what has been done can be seen ; the game spirit in life. raised by eruptions from the bottom sight became affeede d. My kidneys were irregular in action. 1 had been by the article on page one of this | ----- of the1 ocean, and the water about HOULTON, ME. issue. The entire running expenses THE MAN WHO LAUGHS them falls rapiefly to a de-pth of Is',One reading good accounts of Doan's Kid­ ney Pills ,so I went to Cue-bran's •of the Bureau are paid for by volun- ^he man "’l*080 ha! ba! reaches' feet not far from the1 shore. While lary contributions which are made i^rom one en^ °f H10 street to the, Drug Store1, and got some. After upon a three years basis. other may be the same fellow whe> using them, the1 trouble1 icl't. I havem’t scolded his wife anei spanked the baby BANGOR & AROOSTOOK R. R bee*n troubled of late and I fake pleas­ Travel over the entire state where- IN THE LONG RUN ever one may, nowhere is there a man before he got his breakfast, but this T IM E T A B L E ure1 in recommending Doan's." laughter is only a craelle* o f theirns Effective November 5, 1923. jicnpk1 hit only what they aim at. 'Who has and is giving so much of his Uriee1 fine, at till eloalers. Don't sim­ under the pot. The man who spends Trains Dally Except Sunday Led your aim be.1 saving more1 money time for the benefit of the state as is ply ask for kieiimy remedy get his laughter through his life—befeire FROM HOULTON and make every eeort tell. Hiram W . Ricker, and his idea of Doan’s Kidney Fills the same that a late breakfast; when he misses the j M I'S m. For Fort Fairfield, f'aiihou, An aecenmt with us will give you furthering the interests of the state Limestone and Van B-uren. Mr. Kelleyv had. Feistvr-Milburn ('o.. train, when wife gems visiting it reel he groat eiuounegemeut in aeummulating -are being noticed all over New Eng- fi e,'’, a *n. -For Uangor, Portland and Mfrs.. Buffalo, X. Y. .land to such an extent that already j *UIS to eat a C°M supper; tl ;e mam whe>! Poston. •': i f i *, Parlor e'ar, funds. Van Puna, to Bangor. prominent men in every state in the can laugh when he Uriels a buttem. off * his shirt, when the furnace* gems out LI a. re For Ashland. Fort lOr.f, St. eastern group have commended Francis, also Washburn Dividends at the rate of 4'7 Fern An­ him highly for the work that has at night, anel the twin’s emme ef©wn Presque Isle, Van Buren via num have been paid since* 19**5. been accomplished, with the result with the measels at tlie* same? tinne-- Squa Pan and Mapleton. that before many years, tere will be he’s the felleiw that’s needed. Ffe- I 'A p. in -For < tr<• <■ 11i 11.•, Bangui- Port ­ land and Boston. similar organizations in every state never tells his neighbor tei have faith; somehow he puts faitli intei hum. fie p. nf - For Bangor, Portland and in New England, all working for the Boston Buffet Sleeping Cai delivers uei homilies; somehow the- After ayVt5 -a? "y.r^***g v w j | | ) gsfr'lJlIl^__ furthering of their communities and Caribou to Boston. sight of his face, the sound of his with a joint organization of all the 7 p. no For Ft Fairfit-ld, Vn r: H.nvn Every Meal happy voie*e anel the light of his bless­ Cafe, Parlor e'ar. Bangor - states included, can be a great power to ed daily life, carry eemvietiem that Van Buren Along the same line. By proper pub- Have a packet in your words hare not pe>wer to give. The ’IteJty many more people will be in­ DUE HOULTON pocket for ever-ready blues flee before Min as .Ifm fe g be* L. a. m. From Boston, Portland, fian- terested in coming into New England fore the west winef. He comes into f,T>r. Buffet Sleeping BostoD refreshment. and no matter who it is and where to Caribou. his own home like a floexl e/f sunshine1 they come from, if they enter Con­ t a iii. -From Van Baron, Caribou, Aids digestion. over a meadow eif bleieimiug butter­ and Fort I-'airfiold. C a fe, necticut they wiil wish to go to Boston Allays thirst. cups, anel his wife anel ehildrem bfeiom I ’arlor e’ar \ a n B u ro i: to . and If they reach Boston, they will Bangor. like June roses. His iiemie1 is reehilcnt \ Soothes the throat. ^continue on to the State of Maine, so p. in. Faun Boston p. rt land Ban­ with sympathy anel love*. 'The1 neigh­ that with each state working along gor and Greenville. For Quality, Flavor and borhood is better tor his life, and the same lines and all working for the o '11' p. in I'T'oni St. I-Vatiei-. Ft. K.-nt the Sealed Package, somebody will learn frenn Ids that , also Van Buren, Washburn : same end, a great deal can be done to get laughter is better than tears. Tim ! Presque Isle via Squa Pan j show the world the many attractions world needs this man. Why are* there- a 71 | l a . From Van I: a 1 , : a ( 'a r il >■ .u In the eastern part of the United Fort Fairfield i so few of them? CUn he1 he e'reat>»d'? States. 7 ’ I m. I'Voni l.o.-ton, port .a rut and I ngor. e 'a f,■ , pa rl ;• i '.it Such men as Mr .Ricker are scarce j B a n g o r to tan 1 fit ten. and one does not know how to appre- j Time tables giving complete Information date what he is doing in the State of i may he obtained at ticket offices. THE Maine until he comes in contact with j GEO. M. HOUGHTON, such and finds out how much a man i FLAVOR LASTS General Passenger Agent, Bangar, Mala* 1 Four-Passenger Four-Cylinder Coupe so inclined can do, generous, chari­ The Standard o/Comparison table, open hearted with public inter­ USE est at heart and withal one of the J.P. AUCOINS finest men which it is a privilege for i DAIRY PRODUCTS anyone to know. A Roomy “Four” Coupe With more men like Mr. Ricker \ In every section of the state, the Providing roomy comfort for four passengers, growth would exceed the dreams of IF YOU WISH TO this Buick four-cylinder Coupe brings the the biggest booster that ever lived. luxury of its particular body type within the FINANCE A BUSINESS BUILD FOR THE FUTURE reach of all KUK 1 you know you will need money. Why “Who builds for the present, builds not se*t the1 maediineq'y in operation Its wide seat for two placed well back from for the past,” was not written of good and prepare for it now, the driver’s position and the cushioned folding roads, but is as true of them as of Start a fund with the Houlton Trust temples and meeting halls. The or- STRENGTH FOR BOYS chair for a fourth occupant are designed and Company and stemdily add to it. ganiation which, knowing it is grow­ AND GIRLS arranged with more than ample room for rest­ ing, builds only for its present mem­ ful ease. Its body, Fisher-built, is beautifully Your children need plenty] bership, soon finds it has built too finished and richly appointed. It is powered small. The “present,” which soon of pure, sweet milk as comes, brings a membership too big much as they need the fresh^ with the famous Buick valve-in-head engine for the building. air and sunshine. We are while proved Buick four-wheel brakes assure The hard road built just big enough, rcaely to serve1 you greater driving safety. wide enough, strong enough, well F.-17-15-NP enough lor today’s traffic, is built for 4% Interest Paid on Savings Accounts to-morrow, too, only when it is known £hat the traffic does not, can not grow, i But there are few places where A P.Aucom . Fred E. Hall Company, Bangor St., Houlton Jrafflc does not grow! i The village of today Is the thriving HOULTON town of to-morrow. The town of to- When better automobiles are built, Buick will build them *PH0Nf41!11 HOULTON,ME.* tiay is the big city of to-morrow, and KTRUST COMPANY HOULTON TIMES, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBBER 21, 192 PAGE THREE

room growth. Long before Houlton YES WINTERS ARE THE record at Boston (96.4 inches) was The greatest snowfall at Salt Lake in 1873-74, but the winter with the figured as a potato marketing center, SAME AS IN THE OLD City, Utah, occurred in 1916-17, and it had taken rank as one of the most least snow (5.3 inches) was only two the second, third and fourth greatest DAYS, ONLY MORE SO years biter. OF LOCAL INTEREST solid and substantial towns of Maine have all been since then. By the production of official records and it. has always bad a vigorous At Portland, Me., the greatest snow "Viewing the subject in a broad the United States records the United fall for a winter (125.5 inches) occur­ way," said the weather bureau, "one Prior to the supper call Past Grand growth and very sturdy life. Today, ROTARY CLUB States weather bureau punctured red in 1886-87, but hist winter, with is led to conclude that there will un­ C. E. Atherton who had charge of the per capita, it is next to Brookline, only one-half inch less, was next in what it indicates is a popular fallacy, doubtedly be heavy snows in the years The regular meeting of the Houlton program, invited P. G. Master W. S. Mass., tin* wealthiest town in New amount. to come just as there have been in the Rotary Club was held on Friday even­ Lewin to the platform and in a brief usually expressed by elderly persons, England, and it is also a very beauti­ The winter of least snow at Chey­ past, and it is probable that present ing at Watson Hall, Caterer Ivey address presented to him in behalf of in "we don’t have such heavy snow ful as well as a fine and eultired com­ enne, Wyo., was in 1885-86, and that records will be exceeded in many serving the dinner. the members of Rockabema and Dan- munity. falls now its we did when I was a ol heaviest fall came 19 vears later. places." After the regular business was over forth lodges a magnificent collar suit- The same1 may be said of the three child." According to the weather the committee in charge of the en-1 a^je to rank in Odd Fellow- other large towns of Aroostook, Pres­ tertainment Fred L. Putnam and J. K. | ship bureau, the winters nowadays are que Isle, Caribou, and Ft. Fairfield. Palmer introduced Col. Frank M. Mr. Lewin although agreeably sur­ just its severe its they were in the Presgue Isle and Ft. Fairfield have Hume, a member of the club who prised. responded in a fine manner ex­ days of four grand-daddies. been vigorous and sturdy towns since spoke for half an hour on the work pressing his deep appreciation of the 1850. Over sixty years ago, Presque "As ;t matter of fact," said the and experiences of the 103rd Regiment gift, what it meant to him, and brief­ Isle had two newspapers, one too weather bureau in giving out its data, in the World War, touching upon the ly outlined the tine growth of the many, of course, as it has been found necessity of preparedness, the Bonus Order in Maine both in mem­ "the deep snow remembered by the by experience that one good, strong bill and the need of getting a fund for bership and financially. He having man who was it boy in the ’Te’s or paper suffices better for the mauls of RED ROSE the erection of markers for the soldier been in a position to acquaint himself ’Nil's, reached that boy's shoulders, a community of this size' than two boys who are buried in France, for with all the details of the various weak and struggling ones. It lias al­ but would be less than knee deep with which contributions may be left with lodges in the state, and he also gave ways been an ambitious, with' awake, his present, stature. Again, many L. O. Ludwig at the Savings Bank. T E A -'S good tea a short account of his trip to Cincin­ and prosperous town, and tin' same The talk was listened to with a nati, where he attended the Sovereign men who now live in cities were may bo said of Ft. Fairfield and Cari­ great deal of interest and much enjoy-1 Grand Lodge as a delegate. brought it]) in the country, where bou, both of which are splendid towns, Good to taste— spends farther ed by the members. ! It was nearly midnight when the large drifts are piled up when the and worthy of the pride which their crowd dispersed, and everybody felt wind has full sweep over the fields, energetic and public spirited citizens that a profitable evening had been The official records show, for ex­ liiiiiiiiilli; HPHS [iliJllilliJiiiiiliM ijli.llllH lIlr1 HOULTON MUSIC CLUB take in them. Their growth has been Ik 'Ii ' m ' i i . " I I I ! spent. ample, that in Newr York and Albanv Regular meeting of the Houlton I steady, and their prosperity is sound the lruiviest snow falls occurred more Music Club was held last Thursday1 and stable'. Charter Members Night At Portia than 30 years ago, but that there Potato raising might pass away and Does Advertising Pay? evening at the home of Mrs. John O. i Rebekah Lodge have been only six winters with more Willey on the North road. be supplanted by some other branch snow that fell at these places in the The following program with Mrs. j Last Wednesday evening Portia of farm industry, but with a section Rebekah Lodge observed ('barter winter of 1915-1916. Daisy Towers, chairman was given: i of country so fertile and with a class Members night with a good number in Records at Springfield, 111., dating Life of Ethelbert Nevin Mrs. Towers j of people so temperate, industrious attendance. from 1 884, show the greatest fall on Vocal Solo— Mighty Like A Rose : At the business meeting the roll call and energetic no change in agricul­ Try Cign by record, 43 inches, occurred in the Mrs. Camilla Grant accompanied of Charter Members was called and tural conditions is going to make many interesting letters were read winter of 1913-1914. January. 1918, by Miss McKay | either north or south Aroostook shriv­ from those who were unable to at­ was the most severe month in the Piano Solo— Venetian Love Song j el up and blow away. On the con­ tend. climatological history of Illinois, both Miss McKay , The following program in charge of trary there is ('very ground for be' for low temperature and heavy snow Vocal Solo— The Rosary Mrs. M. H. Peabody was given: lieving that Aroostook is in the in­ fall, combined with heavy winds. Mr. Soderquist accompanied b y ! Address of Welcome Mrs. Stella fancy of its growth and that in tie1 Read & Forsdick Russell. N. G. In New Haven tin* records appear Miss Buzzell { reasonably near future the four hust­ Vocal Solo Mrs. Daisy Towers to indicate a gradual falling off in After the program the regular j Historical Sketch reviewing the ling villages to which Mr. Carens re­ (Formerly Gee. Read) snowfall: th(' heaviest, record occur­ chorus rehearsal was held. i growth of the order since its institu­ fers will be young cities. He must red in th(' winter of 1915-1916. Last The next regular meeting has been J tion in this town in 1S97 Mrs. Jennie bear in mind that Aroostook besides i Whitcomb winter the total was 19 inches above Writers of Original and Distinctive Signs changed to Wednesday, Nov. 28th, being a fertile, and having such re­ Vocal Solo Mrs. Phyllis Cummings normal. the night before Thanksgiving with The last number was the debut of sources, is of great geographical ex­ House, Furniture, Auto Painters The greatest seasonal snowfall on Miss Helen Bither hostess. Madam Cummings Jazz Orchestra in tent, and if New Brunswick, not much popular selection, was the hit of the larger in area than Aroostook, has evening and each number demanded big towns and fair sized cities, and Opposite Woolen Mill Telephones ODD FELLOWS an encore which was cheerfully given. In the dining room a delicious lunch has seen them built up as a result of Houlton 362-W & 18-11 Rockabema Lodge on the evening: of chicken salad, olives, sandwiches, mixed husbandry, without the aid of While of Nov. 15th had the pleasure of en-1 cake and cofiee was served the guests any such special industry as potato of honor being seated at one table packing for that hunting tertaining a number of guests from j raising, why should not Aroostook de­ which was decorated with a basket of trip don’t forget the one Carleton Lodge, Woodstock, N. B. and : beautiful pinks. velop large business centers, as the Danforth Lodge, Danforth, Me., the1 result of sure growth and prosperity important thing — that’s intiicnmii 1 occasion being the annual RolNCall SOME ERRORS IN in tin1 future? your supply of session. He is wrong in saying that the :!! I'filiifldl?!:1' REGARD TO AROOSTOOK ;ii m: i 11 tn 1111 n m 11 -1 : Miiiitmriiiiiiiiii 111M I* tl! 11111111 Never has Rockabema Lodge ever ( barn of Howard Nichols is typical of Radio staged a more successful event, the; An interesting article written by a bad habit on the part of the Aroos­ very efficient committee had arranged Tlios. Carens, political (alitor of tin1 took farmer to pul till of his money an excellent program for the edifica­ Boston Herald, in that paper, in re­ into something that will snow? The tion of its members and guests, and Sermons ference to the workings of tin1 Co-op­ Nichols barn is simply a freak .affair, Music Lectures the banquet following the session was ! and not at till typical of the average erative Marketing Organization in cn the new all that had been promised it having j Aroostook farmer. We do not claim Cigar s been prepared by the ladies of the Aroostook, says the Star Herald. that the latter is free from the fault All Dealers Have Them Rebekah lodge and was served by Mr. Carons makes some mistakes of extravagance, which In* has been For A Home De Forest Portable Set them. The dining room w a s in regard to Aroostook, as might be led into by the easy money of bonanza Mild Made resplendent with colored streamers expected in writing after so hasty potato years but the average farm Smoke Cigar and other decorations and presented buildings one sees in ridine through and necessarily superficial investiga­ a most beautiful scene. the county .are simply homes of com­ The nearly 150 Odd Fellows who at­ tion of facts and conditions here. fort and convenience which betaken : A fter all tended were unanimous in their ver­ For instance, lie refers to Houlton, tin* prosperity the county lias enjoy­ ^nothing satisfies like' dict that the evening’s entertainment Presque Isle, Caribou and Ft. Fair- ed. and not at all built for show and ; good cigar had exemplified the tenets of the1 field as “the four hustling towns ostentation. order. which potatoes brought into existence, There were several outstanding; and which will probably disappear NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE features of the entertainment that de­ like the boom towns of the West, if Whereas Kmery F. Grant of Crystal, Whereas Nathan Klein of Fort Kent, serve special mention, first of all was Aroostook ever stops raising pot:i- in the county of Aroostook and State County of Aroostook, State of Maine, the singing by Past Grand Harry Dun- j toes.” of Main*', by his mortgage deed dated by his mortgage deed dated, August bar of Carleton lodge, who has been | Mr. Carens is decidedly in error March 17, 192u, and recorded in the IS, 1919, and recorded in Arostook Aroostook Registry of Deeds in Vo!. aptly named the Harry Lauder of the I when he says that potato raising has Registry of Deeds.. Book 88, Page 34

(Copy) In the District Dmirt of tin* United States RAILROAD CONSOLIDATED for tin* Northern Division of the District y@u have anything to sell or want anything, these columns of advertising will give you (Continued from page 1) LIBEL FOR DIVORCE of Maine in Bankruptcy IF results at a low cost. Call or phone your needs and the TIMES will serve you. Call 210 To the Hon. Justice of the Supreme In the matter of Lewis A. Whitten In 1: a n k r 11 i > t, \ Directors may do as they see fit, but Judicial Court, next to be hold at CLASSIFIED ADS CLASSIFIED ADS CLASSIFIED ADS Caribou, in the County of Aroostook Bankrupt as for currying any weight in relation and State of Maine: 'I',, the eroditors of s;i i< 1 Lewis A. W h it­ FOR R EN T to the action of the Houlton Chamber FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS William J. Demerchant of Houlton ten of Washburn in the county of Aroos­ of Commerce as a body, would not , . took and district aforesaid, bankrupt. BUY HAND MADE WEDDING RINGS TO LET- -STORAGE ROOM FOR 3 OR ADDING MACHINE ROLLS MAY BE change the action of that body in the I si'"> ' v 01 Aroostook, rcspc, t Notice is hereby given that ,m the ltltli least. If the persons who are so en- fully represents that on the third day of Osgood. Tei. 7:*-.', 2 4t>pd obtained at the TIMES Dtlicc. of December 1920. at Houlton, he was day of N mv.. A. D.. 1922. the said Lewis thusiastic over the McDonald plan are A. Whitten was duly adjudicated bank­ of December 192D, at said Houlton, EXCELLENT BUTTER FOR SALE AT FOR RENT—FOUR ROOM FLAT AND SAVE YOUR BATTERIES BY HAVING desious of changing the action of the rupt and that the first meeting of credi­ Chamber of Commerce, it would seem ! married lu Nelli, H. 'ale per li*. Mrs. m . V. .letikins. l ’houe bath. Inquire at '1'LMES t >tli<-e. 117pd Peabody Garage Do. cere for them this tors will he held at the office of Edwin L. as though the proper way to do would j I'einerchant tormerly ot lloslon n, th, u inter. Vail, in I I mi It on mi the tit it day of FOR R E N T — HOUSE ON SPRING ST. be to call a meeting of the members i December, A. D., 1 922. at in o'clock in the YOU'LL BE SATISFIED WITH YOUR whose present whereabouts is to the Appiy. Mrs. Florence I’owers. Houlton, SEVERAL REAL BARGAINS IN THREE rescind the vote as passed and as , forenoon. at which time the said creditors watch if it is repaired by Osgood, Houl­ libelant unknown, that tin1 said Libel .Maine. 1 17 and four tube Radio Sets, just one half presented at the meeting in Boston! may attend, prove their claims, appoint ton. and then present the McDonald plan ! «•'< «"<> I-'helee cohalmed m t us Mat, what ethers charge. Better buy yours a trustee, examine tin* bankrupt and and see whether this body ■■-"*'> after utter their said marriage;marriage: that Hi, FOR RENT—UPSTAIRS RENT OF FJVE betel* the Hliristmas rush begins. L. this body would transact such other business as may pro­ FOR SALE—ALL KINDS OF DRY i Libelant resided in this State when rooms and bath on Summer St. Tel. E. Adams, opera House Building. desire to change the resolutions, for perly come before said meeting. bard wood and dry soft wood. Telephone ; the cause of divorce accrued as here­ U.7-.I tlM5 as far as can be learned, only the Dated at llmiltmi, Xov. 17th, la:;::. fif.T-W —6tf inafter set forth, and had resided TYPEWRITER RIBBON COUPON Board of Directors of the Chamber of KDW LX L. V A IL j here in good faith one year prior to FOR SALE—ONE DRIVING HORSE AT FOR RENT—TWO FURNISHED ROOMS Books }<>r any ribbon made at the Commerce were asked to sign this Leferee in Bankruptcy paper for the other plan; as members J the date hereof; a bargain. Apply In < h \V. A liber, together or singly. Mrs. H. E. Thomas TI.MI7S Same price*. of the Board, it does not seem that 1 That said Libelant has conducted i I ig b la ml A ve. H 7 Military St. tf46 : himself towards said Libelee as a Notice of First Meeting of Creditors their action would in any way have In tin* District Dourt of the I’nited States ! MARRIED WOMAN WITH LITTLE ! faithful, true and affectionate husband FOR SALE —BABY CARRIAGE USED anything to do with the action of the for the Northern Division of the Dis­ FOR RENT—UPSTAIRS RENT OF 5 girl would like position in family with­ hut that said Libelee regardless of her less than a year. Set of runners in­ body as a whole, as the question at trict of Maine. In Bankruptcy. rooms and hath, also one furnished out children. Apply TI.MI7S Office marriage covenant and duty, on the cluded. .1. T. Mcmny, IS Florence Av**. Issue was generally talked over and In the matter of j room. 111 Court St Tel. 1S7-2 117 147pd first day of January, 1921. and on 1 4 7pd discussed from different view points Hilbert M. i’.rown In Bankruptcy divers days and times between said FOR R E N T — ON PARK AVE., HOUSE .at the general meeting and as far as Bankrupt ' YOU CAN BUY BOYL'S CIDER FOR j first day of January and the day of YOU CAN BUY FRESH GROUND HAM- of six rooms, with modern conveniences can be learned the Resolutions are Tn the creditors u fthe said Hilbert M. Mince Meat at Anderson Bros. New 1 the date of this libel has been guilty burg Steak for lac a pound, at tlm new Harry It. Burleigh. Tel. 195-W. tf43 still the opinion of the greater num­ Grocery Store. High St. Phone 91 or 92 of adultery with divers persons whose Brown of Limestone in the county of grocers' store on High Street. Anderson ber of members who were present at 47tf I names are to the Libelant unknown. Aroostook and District aforesaid, bank­ Bros. Tel. 91 or 92. 1 U> FOR RENT—ONE LARGE FURNISHED rupt. room with a. smaller one suitable for TRY THE NEW GROCERY STORE ON The reasons as expressed (or the! TJiat y?»r Li*>e an.t 'las m‘jde d,1,f Not ice is hereby given that mi the Mill A NUMBER OF PIECES OF SECOND light housekeeping. High St. 'Tel. Storrow plan which was fully explain-1 g<\nt inQmry, but that the residei.ee of High Street for a gijod place to buy day of Now. A. D. P.e_>;;, the sa.id Hilbert hand furniture for sale consisting of a 124-lli 1 4 7pd ed In September are just as strong ! »»»> 18 unknown to your Libel- M. Broun was duly adjudicated hank- Davenport, rugs, chairs etc. Apply M groceries and m«*nr. Anderson Bros. now as then, and many seem td feel I ant, and cannot be ascertained by rea- \ Tel. 9k or 92 144 ; sonable diligence. That there is no ru pi; and that tin** lii■St 111**et ing of Pleasant St. Tel. 11.1-J. tf FOR RENT—NICE LARGE OFFICE that any other (Ian would he detri­ •s will Ilf held j collusion between them to obtain a crcditMi ;it the office with steam heat and all conveniences. mental to the best interests and the Ed w in L. Vail ii i 11milt.Ml, i mi tile ;it h FOR SALE—AT A BARGAIN A PORT- In Frisbie block. Kent reasonable. RENEW YOUR SUBSCRIPTIONS TO ! divorce; but that your Libelant be- land Make >'oal Stove, suitable for all papers and magazines through the welfare of Aroostook county. day of 1 >.*.■.. A. 1 ). 1922. at 1M nVh Apply G. W. Richards. Tel. 259. 40tf 1 lieves that said bonds of matrimony TIMI7S Agency, i'"mb rates on most The following appeared in the Press in tin* I'mI'cih m m. at w i if large otliee store or shop. Apply to < '. ought to be dissolved, wherefore he 1 'll t i me til** g; Herald of Monday. < I. hunt, TIM 17 S ( mice. FOR RENT—TO RESPONSIBLE PAR- publications. prays that a divorce may be decreed. creditors may attend, prove their claims, appoint a trustee, examine the bank­ ties until May 1st, a 7 room bouse com­ Special Despatch to the Press ' Dated at Houlton this 17th day of FOR SALE—60 ACRE FARM HALF IN rupt and transact such other business as pletely furnished, every convenience, THE MUTUAL LIFE FNS-U R A N C E CO M - HERALD November, 192:!. wood and lumber, with buildings. Will may properly emne before said meeting. good location. For particulars, write pany of New York has Mr. A . E. Carter ; WILLIAM J. DEMERCHANT sell cheap. Imiurie Mrs. Sanford Scott. Houlton, Nov. 18.— The Houl­ Dated at lloulton, Xov. I *i 111, 1 PAL. Bov Xo. 7 15. Houlton Me. 2I7tf in Houlton as a special agent. Call ton Chamber of Commerce Signed and sworn to before mo this 1.7 Holumhia St. Tel. L* 1 1 -1 llTpd him on the phone, 338 for information. I 17th dav of November, 192:!. KDW 1X L. VAIL. at a special meeting Saturday Referee in Bankruptcy MISCELLANEOUS tf rescinded a former vote en­ WALTER A COWAN, FOR SALE—AT A BARGAIN ONE PAIR Heavy Draft horses in fine condition dorsing the Storrow plan of Justice of the Peace, Notice of First Meeting of Creditors TAKE YOUR BATTERIES TO PEA- CHAIRS REPAIRED, NEW LEGS ROC- also one driving horse. Apply to lloul­ of railroad consolidation and i (L. S.) (Copy) In the District Hmmt of the United States body Garage for winter storage, dry or kers etc. furnished. Stained and re- ton Country Club. Tel. G16-W tf went on record in favor of I'm- the Northern Division of tin* Dis­ uet. Tel. pul finished. Prompt service. B r tx r k w a y the McDonald plan. The vote STATE OF MAINE trict ol Maim*. in Bankruptcy. Upholsterer, Military St. Tel. 17-1. BUY SOME GOOD SAUSAGE, MADE WE ARE EQUIPPED TO ACCOMMO- which was taken by the Aroostook, ss. In tin* matter of 1 44tf fresh (*vcry day, for ice per pound, at date you to]- good meals at any time. Board of Directors w a s Supreme Judicial Court, William W. St, - i • v I • s In Il.inknintri tin* new grocery store on High Street, A Po hoard l*\ the Week. The Temple seven for the McDonald in Vacation I kmkrnpt SAVE PAYING RENT-OWN YOUR Anderson Bros. Teh 91 or 97. H I Lunch . Mrs. A dd ie ,M \>. , , ,<]. I Yop. plan and two for the Storrow Houlton. November 17, 192:! To the creditors m said Wiiliam W. own hum**. This is a bargain for a man 2 171id plan. Five of the directors In this action it is ordered hv the Sleeves of I ’ r e s < 111 e Isle in the eoimtv of FOR SALE—GERMAN MARKS. .1,000,- who bus a little money to invest. A who voted today for the Mc­ ml lot 9 reds long on a mile street, 6 rods court that notice he given said Libelee*, An -(.si* \ a nd 1 M-:rifi afore.-.;,lid Ik i mo f,,r ime Do] la r. 1 ’re - war \ a 111• • RADIO VACUUM TUBES COST $6.50 v mmmi deep, house in good condition, suitable- Donald plan were not present by publishing the libel and this order mpl JP . titlier deiioniinaf ions for sale I give one free with every set I sell. when the former plan was of court three successive weeks in the \ 111 i* is hcivli \ ,l; ii\ ■ 11 that ci i t la ■ at o w priees. Mail orders to .1. I *. Tins is an advertising offer and wori'f f'«r two families. Live in one renting f'»r $3u pel* month, rent one for $20 or taken. Houlton Times, a newspaper printed day of X "\. A. 1i . i:' 2 2 1 111 ■ s a i<1 Will l-’.iliev. :_.'i Siieii'lan St . I'ortiaiid, Me last long. Better luiynow. L. 17. :: L vice versa, tin* property can be bought A TIMES representative interview­ and published at Houlton in said W. St f i- \c-* U . ( S dni \ ad judicalled ha Adams, < >pera House, Building. ed Mr. Hassell, president of the County of Aroostook, tin* last publica­ n ip t: arid' that th e til's t 111.'et ing for $2 4"". ('all at TIMES ( itfice, no WANTED lookers, fni' information. Chamber of Commerce, Mr. Cotton tion to he at least thirty days before i -red i ti.l will h. ' Infill at tile ct'l'ie, DON’T WAIT—$35 IS THE LOWEST the next term of this court in said Kiln in 1. Vail ni II cl! 1 ' ' li , Mil t he that o||e complete Ladio Set will lit* the Secretary and Mr. Fred E. Hall a :u h WANTED— Dl SH WASH ER, WOMAN County of Aroostook to he held at Cari­ day cl 1 •<■<■.. A. 1i.. 192;:. at 1" Of sold for and there will he no more at member of the Board of Directors, I, is ■ f, r tei I. i i' p 11 r* ■ a t Steal House. also Chairman of the School Board bou in said countv on the first Tues- in tin* )5 •m-ii'-'in, at w 11 i i ■! i Inn.' the ; 1 4 7 ; >< 1 Pus price when the present imited and all of these gentlemen said that j (\a^ ^e*,i*uar.v ^24: that she ma> creditMi ■s may an .■ml . pl'"\e the ir elai *411 ■ • > > - got;-'. P. 17. Allans. < tpera NOTICE ami there appear and defend if appoint a t ms! i examine tlie ha WANTED—ROOM AND BOARD IN I f" 11: c Building. there had been no meeting of the I will be in Houlton as usual during Chamber of Commerce or its Board she sees fit. nipt and t ra ns.v 1; mi rli mher hi m i\\- ■ < r [im a le fa m i t \ ip. a li: - > m: t, e o a r . NEW FALL COATINGS—56 IN. PoZo of Directors for some time. LESLIE (’. CORNISH may pr "1 , •/!■ ,<- before said III"**’ in,pare TIM US ' Mhee. I U November and December and will Tan. Blue, Brown $2.00yd.; 56 in. Conclusively the above was sent Chief Justice of the Supremo? 1 n i 1 ;•1 ll"Ull "ii. .\"\. odh. Broun with green overplaid $2 50 yd.; meet my (bents at the office of Shaw out by some one, who wished to have Judicial Court. 171 > W L\ i.. \ All,. WANTED—A FEW FURNACES TO .a'* in. Brow Mix J’laidback at $2.10 yd.; his private opinion prevail, and used A true copy of Libel and order of IP 'fer*'' in It; t mid ' I'; t ; t :: ' w : a ’ , :j either p ir a t e & Cowan as in the p.p-t. Court thereon. ■''* itt. Mens shirting, khaki and gray the Chamber of Commerce as a cloak 1.5tf It. W. Shaw to do it. Attest: WALTER I>\ CLARK Notice of First Meeting of Creditors At -Imr T: 7 5'* yd. Free samples and circular. . :> 4 7 Clerk in the District Court of the United States 1 Dl d"ti tii,, Dex;ft-, Maine 28 C r tin* Northern I '[vision of t he Dis- WANTED—EXPERIENCED STENO- Notice of First Meeting of Creditors tla't of Maine. I Lankr.’iti'v. e I , i: Per. I :i p.1 Me ,.f i.iP i.r diktat im; In the District Court of the United States In t're matter of | a ' ' i fiat - ' ■ i ;! ■ : a i, T • • - ra p.d.y ami ao- for the Northern Division of the Dis­ ' 'em. [. I ; I:,;, I, I. p , , . ■, . \ !.:;;: .' til ..... 1 trier- trict of Maine. In Bankruptcy. Ba nkrut M In the matter of | Durban F. Bragdmi In Bankrup:ey Bankrupt 1 Seed Potatoes Th tin* creditors i.f said Durban (•'. Dragxlmi of Washburn in the county of Aroostook, and District aforesaid, bank­ Green Mountains from Estabrooks Stock rupt. Notice is hereby given that on the ------Certificate of Field Inspection------D!th day of Xov.. A. D., 1922 the said 111 ) W i X L. VAIL, Durban l<\ Bragdon was duly adjudicated Uet'err,* In Bankruptcy, bankrupt; and that the first meeting of N : t ! C if F irst M e e t. r g of C re d ito rs Wilson Patterson & Gifford, Ltd. creditors will he held at the office of F<1- I win L. Vail, in Hmiltmi mi tin* tlth day. St. John, N. B. , „ Perth, N. B. Of Dee.. A. D. lUL!. af l" o'clock in tin*- forenoon at which time the said creditors may attend, prove their claims, appoint does a spinning a trustee, examine the bankrupt snd transact such other business as may pro­ top stand 9 ° perly come before said meeting. Dated at Houlton. Xov. lath, 4922. because tin* whirling inaiinh Gold and Silver EDWIN L. VAIL, given to it is y; rnnger than 'In- magnetism of tie- earth. When Referee in Bankruptcy. ; L___ this whirling fun is spent. (he earth's pull pre\ails. Any w p Notice of First Meeting of Creditors will spin longer tn.au it lakes In the District Court of the United States for the Northern Division of the Dis­ T : i * • U; i!! Bn.nk \U:ii;.g ! >■ n j .pj*;g ( m:\ . I.imi:* •■!. has trict of Maine. In Bankruptcy. *';" ■ t: * -. 1 ot’p'-s with AH' l-'r* d U. Spun'm-. L,i:';' i -: * ■ on Mari Farmers Tn the matter of | ‘E t m i e o l .-'tree!. Wood-dock. X Ik Air S ■, t; i t * ■ -- will urntng" Uimm with Lawrence D. Kimball in BankrvnAt v Save your old nil u ! t' > up': tn - u I ■ n ! u ■ L>r dm k in tin- Dompany. Bankrupt j Aspirin Tablets To tlie creditors of said Lau rence D. All ure iuvit.'d tn t mid tip- "I’ro-p.-i i us" end el! are iiwitmi Kimbal of Fort Fairiied in the county of (o begin their ndmi work i '• tn pay a i - i t l * ■ I'm e\po- m! \ * ■ i 11 of Quarts '. ar> yinu Gold and Leather Top Aroostook, and District aforesaid, bar.vt- heartache, cold, gnpp-' or t he : vupt. matie pains. Silver. Notice is hereby given that on the l.V.h Absolutely true aspirin, tablets T!ii' vein is h >ra t oil ot:o mi!*' pp E;il! I! rook from Dm cm! day of Xov., A. D. 1923, tin* said Law­ so skillfully mail*-' Omt liter ol the W oodsimk Liver Bridge on tlm Crafton side of the Si rence D Kimball was duly adjudicated' beneficial actum begins in 17 Jidin. No ot her recent dim overy in New Brunswick has slid Rubbers bankrupt; and that the first meeting of seconds. Snow-white. high*'- creditors will be held at the office of purity, never irritate or burn. a promising outlook. Work is already started toward opening ('.'.refuliy cut off the old leather !o;>>. J*jdwin L. Vail, in Houlton on the tit', Oue mi' a p]d ii a i ion for s ha u *■ to Of plain and plate glass mirrors,. All work guar­ Houlton Shoe Hospital anteed to give satisfaction. Estimates on work Anderson^ Shoe Store ------cheerfully gi ve n ------Fall Brook Mining and Houlton, Maine 55c per square foot oa new work 65c per square foot on old work Developing Company, Ltd

L d & n d J o n es, 27Tim Str eet, Houlton, Mainnp Woodstock, New Brunswick

Work called for and delivered Phone 213-1 iiiiiit i nun ni'i i mu, t):'i I l'(, ttl 11lit it, ■

t 4)111 I I I I III II I II ,.mum, uMuuLMUmi’.mmimmuiUHHiiBUHBm'.BimimLimui.mBiBnuBBnLiBin'mHmriimniHHmr.H'innnnBiDminpninpBHummiP*. Broadcast from Station As You Want it—When □ □ B-L-A-K-E-S You ant It ...».»•» — ------Bangor, Maine Long Distance Receiver Completely Installed with Magnavox Loud (M/IO CO You may depend on first-class work when done Speaker— Works on Dry Cells ------by the Hen Kranklin 1’hooes. Btinii ohms...... $3.98 Aerial Wirt* Stranded per ;■...... $1.00 Fischer Couplers ...... 2.50 199 Tube Soc k el t...... 50 Boston Tailor (Toslcy Varied Tuners...... 2.00 199 Tube Adapter...... 65 Dials ...... 25 Lightening Arresters ...... 1.20 Blue Prints, Parts New work for both Ladies and Gentlemen, White Dial ...... 85 Panel square inch...... •01/2 Repairing, Pressing, Altering, Dyeing, Etc. *f Ui Plate ('ondeu.sers...... 2.50 Dry Cells ...... 40 and Instructions for Coto Transformers (audio!...... 2.50 H. Hatteries. 22U volt, large 2.40 Fur Work a Specialty making your own | ------Srecial 1400 miles Receiving Set, only $50.00------— Set (one tube) | Delco Light and Electrical Supplies— W e solicite out of town business and ship all Joseph D’Agatt mail or phone orders within 12 hours— Salesmen Wanted The Boston Tailor $10-50 j Maine Electric Light & Power Company Frank R. Blake, Manager Exchange Block, Tel* 158-M Court Street | 447 17 Franklin Street, Bangor, Maine—Phone 2401 « , v

ii m m mm ii ii ii m him iimkiii m dim ~i, 111111 11111111 n 111, m 11 i , i u, 1111 > i ii, i u 1111 m , 11 n i m n < 11 r 111, n i

MAINE PUBLICITY BUREAU Walter Foote1, Washburn Ardie J. McKinnie*, Reed PI. Elmer B. Smith, Mars Hill Waldo P. Gellerson Island Falls Donat P. Madore, Van Buren Annie E. Stetson, Caribou (Continued from Page 1) John K. Henderson Littleton Belonie Michaud, Fort Kent Walter Stetson, Limestone Jas. D. Cogan New Limerick Thomas F. Michaud, Eagle Lake John W. Tibbetts, Merrill Charles I). Kidder, has traveled over Harry Hotham Blaine David Montieth, Hersey R. E. Timonev. Smyrna 17,000 miles throughout the State ex­ Howard Knight. Limestone George II. Ochs. Presque Isle L. \V. Thompkins, Sherman plaining the work of the bureau r> d Felix Michaud, Fort Kent , Among the many attorneys present obtaining first hand information. 9 ; O. B. Osgood. Easton Mrs. Harry M. Cates has been suf­ Mabed Page. Ashland T. W. Peters. j at the opening of the S. J. Court on success of the bureau is, however, .. Orient NOTICE fering from a severe cold. L. J. Pendell, Caribou Enmry J. Plourde, French ville 1 Tuesday was Hon. L. A. Pierce ot well, if not better, known outside of Vincent Raymond Do your Christmas shopping early See Avory Munro in “The Hotten­ Eagle* Lake (’. II. Pomeroy, Island Falls Portland. the State than it is within it. Probab­ at the Congregational Sale, Dec. 5th tot-’ at the Temple Dec. 6 and 7th. Carl A. Richard. A”an Buren Thomas Rodrigue*. Presque Isle I Mrs. Herschol Shaw and Mrs. ly no organization over made such an S R. Robe-rts, Crystal All kinds of dainty, useful, hand made Mrs. P. M. Ward was a passenger Andrew P. Rush, Benedicta I Harry Burleigh left Tuesday evening impress on the country with such a Justin C. Rost>, Houlton articles suitable for gifts. Home on the Tuesday night train for Bos­ Beecher Sanborn. Blaine for New York where they will visit small expenditure of money. Carl A. Small. Mars Hill cooked food and candies in abundance ton. N. B. Savage*. Fort Kent Refreshments served during the | for a few weeks. "The bureau has $30,000 subscribed Herbert F. Smith, 1 Iaynesville Benjamin Feeley left Tuesday Almon C. Smith, Van Buren afternoon. Sale begins at 2 p. m. ' Arrangements are being made by for next year, but if it is to function Ralph Weaver. Ashland morning for a visit with relatives in properly it must have at least $50,000 the Snell House to serve a special Nedtie1 Tidd, Oakfield Orono. ! Thanksgiving dinner oil November for the demands od it are constantly W, W. Townse1 ml, Dyer Brook Miss Mary Boulter returned Mon­! 29. Music during the dinner hour. increasing. Fred Tracv. Am it v Commencing next Monday the •‘From tin' last of April until the day from a week spent with friends Traverse Jurors SPECIAL Bangor and Aroostook R. R. will run last of August it required the services in Millinocket. Len Aehorn, Fort Fairfield the noon train through to Caribou, of 12 people to conduct the work of H. Drummond Foss, Esq. of Wash­ Joint Allen. Silver Ridge PI. leaving Houlton at 12.57 and arriving the Portland headquarters. A supply burn, accompanied by his wife is in Frank Ann's. Fort Fairfield Thanksgiving Dinner from Caribou at 1.32, which will be of literature and maps was sent to the town to attend court. Sadie Bailey Caribou information bureaus of the different Mrs. Nellie Berry is spending the a great convenience to the traveling Earl Bell, Metro PI. transportation companies, automobile A t The Snell House week as the guest of Mrs. George public. Ervin Bolstridge Portage Lake clubs, large hotels and tourist agen­ Moore on the Foxcroft road. William NT. Carpenter. Hammond PI. cies east of the Mississippi, and this T H U R S D A Y , Nov., 29 Mrs. Charles H Fogg returned Wed Herbemt Crawford, Littleton FIRST UNITARIAN CHURCH service should he greatly enlarged. r.esday morning from a few weeks George S. Curtis Monticello Next Sunday will be observed as In addition, the bureau had two rep­ spent with friends in Boston. John J. Darke, Bancroft Music during the dinner Make reservastions, Tel. 511 Thanksgiving Sunday and music ap­ resentatives on the widely advertised propriate for the occasion will be W. C. Doyen, Mapleton Mr. and Mrs. J E York of Court St., (’oast to Coast Tour, which covered rendered by the choir. Robert Foote, Washburn returned Tuesday morning from a The pastor. Rev. George S. Cook approximately 10,000 miles by special John Grant Hodgdon /MiiininMUlHiiiiiiiHiiiniiiiiiiiniiiiiiiitniililiHliuiiuiiliiViiiiininiiHiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiininiiiiiiiiniliiliiiiliilliilliiliiMli'MilMliiiiiinirliiillii'lliilijilliill'iill'hMi:uimiiiiiiijimiiii visit with relatives in Boston. will preach on the subject: “How , train in the United States and Canada. best can we Render Thanks?" Wilbur H. Grant, Glen wood PI. Mrs. L. H. Powers who has been Publicity Bureau literature, as wadi An invitation to be present at the Harry W Hallett, Houlton in Boston for the past few weeks re­ as general Maine literature, was dis- service is cordially extended to all. Hartley B. Howard, Linneus turned home Wednesday morning, j ; tributed all along the route of the H. M. Kimball, Mr. and Mrs. F H Bridges enjoyed ' Bridgewater Smoke a Justus tour. Charles H. McCluskev, a hunting trip to Moosehead Lake METHODIST Houlton "While no record has been kept of Made in Houlton— of the regions and returned with three nice EPISCOPAL CHURCH the number of letters sent out, $S03.- A fte r all deer. best Havana Filler Albert E. Luce, Pastor 37 has been spent for postage, which [nothing satisfies like" Mrs. Frederick Opper left Thurs-| There will he a special Thanks­ should he equivalent to more than Sumatra Wrapper a good cigar ^ day for her former home in New j giving service at the Methodist Epis­ 40,000 two cent stamps. Try one and be convinced copal church Sunday morning with York where she will visit until after: “Through the bureau's connections Christmas. i appropriate music by the choir and sermon by the pastor. feature articles on .Maine have been Chas. Cullison, Manufacturer, Houlton, Maine Ig Miss Marion Bamford, instructor o f; On Thanksgiving Day, Nov. 29, the published in out of the State papers — ,llhllll!l!ll!l!ll||j||j|y|jj|||j|j|jjljM!ll]ltlllMimillim!imMlliiiilimiimiMii itiitiitfimimmiiiHiiiimiiiMiiHiimii'HiMiimKimiiiiHimtnmMuiMHtinrs: English at the Fort Fairfield High j following program will be a matter of and magazines, and this can he ex­ fllL E tfe school w’as the week end guest of Mrs. j interest: Miss Buzzell tended. Several out of State papers Annie Mcllroy. * jOrgan Prelude Hymn have sent special correspondents to Up-to-date courses In Bookkeeping Rev. F. Clarke Hartley was i n; Prayer llev. Mr. Chase investigate the work of the bureau and Accountancy, Shorthand and Augusta a few days the first of the Anthem Choir Typewriting, Penmanship, etc. that “The Boston Herald on November 1 fit week attending the Baptist Conven-; Responsive Reading (’apt. Perritt re-ally you to fill a good position in an article on the Publicity Bureau Write, call or phone fion Board Meeting. j Gloria Putria Scripture Rev. Mr. Yale says: ‘Out of their efforts grew the O. H. Hodgins, Prin.t Houlton, Me. y e s Mrs. L H Soucy and son Samuel Y o u r E Solo .Mrs. Hughes Publicity Bureau, supported entirely who have been visiting her aunt, Mrs. Announcements. Pastor by private' subscriptions, hut doing Margaret Cogan have returned to' Offering . Hymn more' to build tin- State1 and make1 the Boor Vision, Headache, Xervousne-'S. their home in Auburn. j lot of hem citizems happieq* than many Sermon Rev. Mr. Cooke can he cured by the right glasses - Miss Hope Melvin assistant matron Prayer and Benediction an agency cinloweM ley t!m l.emisla- 20 Per Cent of the Arostook hospital was operat­ Rev. Mr. Hartley t urc-.’" Remember, we examine your eyes ed on last week for appendicitis and Organ Postlude Doxology free and guarantee a fit or your is getting along nicely. More Pork Thursday is Mother in Law’s day at PORTLAND MAN ANOTHER OLD SUBSCRIBER inonc'v refunded cheorfullv the Temple, if you can’t bring yours TO HOULTON TIMES If you use Hogtone bring your wife or your sweetheart, NAMED CHIEF OF i- rom until Thanks: :t vin; ; We will they will enjoy it if you don’t. In mil' 1: ;sui■ ot til Hmillon TIMES MOTOR INSPECTION g 1 V e t Dollar hoi Ce* of I logt one The Guild of the Court Street Bap- last we't'k the name of Wellington The state highway commission late W ill] i 1 bottle Ot A valem ’arms tish church will hold a food and 1 ’or: 'r wa - mention Thursday afternoon announced the 1 b-a v .'out p< in tel uivhase.l the ’I’IMFS in his family Titis 7 r Perry (^plomdrisry’ewclcr j fancy article sale on December 7th appointment of (’apt. Garold A. .Miller was siarted in April 1 Ilea v ■■ m t p " a . e i i absolute- at the Hamilton-Grant Store. of Portland as chief of the division of Marked Square' Houlton. Maine Lasi week ()>car Benin of 111 Mrs. J D Stairs returned Wednes­ motor inspection to fill the varam y called at ibis .. <1 in: Pr ct $1.00 i Botti e day night from Providence where she caused by the resignation of Henry that his lather, Ah ■ in B has been visiting with her two broth­ A. Shorey, Jr., of Bridgton. West Drug scribed for : !m p Ap il 1 ers. the Drs. A S and D L Powe. (’apt. Miller was born at Portland End Store The Epworth League of the Metho­ that lm me! tam­ Munro’s 31 years ago and for throe years was •Cot It At Mtinr: ing a imin !•■-:■ of dist Episcopal chujrcdi vuill hold a captain of the New York police re­ California social Friday evening. November 23d serves having charge of motor traffic. If t h< ■ re are ,u in the dining room of the church. He served during the World War it one A Social Circle of the Military St. overseas .was three or four times NOTICE OF FO: ECLOSUR Announcement i W l ■ United Baptist church will hold a wounded and was awarded a Congres­ lb a ■- am food sale at Hallet-McKeen store sional medal of honor. He is a gradu­ Friday afternoon. Nov. 23d at 1.30. ate of Norwich University and a mili­ SUPREME JUDICIAL COURT / j T has been erroneously reported several The ladies of the Congregational tary college in Vermont. He is mar­ Nov J times during the past five months that I thurch will hold a rummage sale in ried and has one child. in v no longer engaged in the optical the vestry of the church on Saturday, Capt. Miller will assume his duties am December 1, from 9 a. m. until 9 p. m. ot. Cm II. : at once. He was selected from a list W aite, ci, business. I beg to inform the people of Houlton Mr. and Mrs. Bert Kelso and Mr. Cl of 27 candidates. Rev. C an o ■-1 a : -!! -e i o, i and Aroostook County that this is not true and and Mrs. Roland Estabroks of Island Merton L. Wheeler of Augusta lias Bei:■ t on. it; tie William n.II. . j. i, f S he am: a n that \u t Pictures start at 2-4-79 o'clock William II Bates. 1 >- pip y conveyed Optical Co., where I have installed the most (imirge • W. (i ra ves, In -; m t y to f !:•■!:! by I )urius B. N’i<-k<- son by his Thanksgiving day at the Temple. RADIO PROGRAM deed ,,f warranty dated () toiler Id. A. B. Smart, Deputy Slmrir modern equipment and instruments in New Eng­ Special program, bring the children Westinghouse Radio Station w b : l!'Uh ami recorded j;i the A re i c t s took in the afternoon, every seat 25 cents Springfield, Mass. M;i rt in La w lis. Dr put y S !:< a Registry eel' De'eels in Vol. land for the examination of eyes and the fitting 337 Meters— 890 Kilocycles George' A . Barn!, Depp t y S Fdi. to which said demel mhI pa-ord iml i at night. ♦ o ' glasses. This work is in charge of a specialist Thursday, Nov. 22 I.aiuont D. Dn-w, .Mi'.-meugo to deeds ami records t i-ri'in memion- ♦ Mrs. B O Boone lias returned to her M. e.-l reference is llereb\ ma do fo r a Grand Jurors I of many years experience, while I am personally home in Somerville after spending the A rlington Tina- S i im ai w more particular de.-c apt ion the I Name's IP;. -lie. real e- t a t e t !p -re by < i II Ve'Yeil. ♦ past few weeks at the home of Mr. I ft' 1 left S ; I»<» s o i, i ami ♦ in charge of the frame fitting, adjusting and Marlon imp1 ”'t s D. it. Ackersom B •id-fe\va t er Ami w hereas. t h" < audition of s:! i< 1 ♦ and Mrs. Alex Bubar on Common- ♦ manufacturing end of the business. W hen in M. George Ash by . IA a t ’airfield mortgage is broken, Now, therefore, wealth Ave. "< ‘lutis, S;>ay Joe Taylor William II. Blatmhard. I’ve 111'' Isle a! Fertilizer Company claims t fore1 I th? location — — :; i» ♦ tend the Eightth Annual Hotel Ex-: Twilight Tales for the Kiddies elo.-nn' tlmreof ami gives this not iea I "Setting the Store,'1Isat lecture of for t hat purpose. ♦ ;i;ii:iiiii!:!:i!ii:;!!!::i:!!ii’i if position, which is being held there a course in Short-Stoi y writing Date,] a " I b >u ! I or., Maine. Nov ■mb I 1111 ii n n n i mu 11 mi in i mi uai 11 ii ii iiiid n i miiinti; i in 11111 mi 1111 ii 111 mi 1111 n 1111 n 111 1 Geo. E. Cressy Optical Company this week. by Dr. J. Borg l-ooi •m ! 1. I 1 The Guild of the church of the Good Brttew from tbo No Kriglaml Nat jour I Fertilizer Company. I 6 Water St., Ground Floor Hi iini-st i-ail By its Attorney, I Shepherd will hold a food sale and a I Concert l>y tIn- S|.i i on d Fell, fi-17 George A. Gorham sale of fancy articles, Wednesday Flub December 12th, at the Dunn Furniture gi 1111 m m 11 m 111 m 1111111 o i m i, 11111111 < 11 no 1111 m 111 m 111 r 11 m 1111 o 1111111 o p after prayers at the house. J 9.00 Bedtime story for grown-iq | Also Remember 1 Men’s 6 inch Gum Rubber, Hub Brand, Black over Orison S. Maiden Hnlten’s orchestra has a full sched- j 1 The Best 35c Dinner in Houlton | Arlington Time Signals Black Grain Top $3.19 | Open from 6 in the morning till | ule next week, playing Monday and j (Eastern Standard Time) Boys’ 10 inch Gum Rubber, Red over Tan Top, Tuesday at the pictures in Wood- Friday, Nov. 23 | Midnight | stock, Wednesday at the Aroostook A. M. | Close Sunday evening at S.OO 1 Sizes 3 to 6 $2.98 li.r,5 Arlington Time Signals; Weather hospital dance at Society Hall, Thurs­ Turn U I im III M MHM 1111 f HN I Ml M HMM 11 M M M II M (I I Mf f M 111111 M [j...... MUM...... Reports; Boston and Springfield Youth’s 10 inch Gum Rubber, Black over Black Top tilitilMHiftf m MI KIIMH1 111 itm i M HI tin 111II mu 11 im II It I :tmi IIMI mt 11 m ti Ml M11 tun I It day at the Firemen’s Ball at Caribou Market Reports Sizes 10 to 2 $2.19 and Friday at the Golf Club benefit P . M . dance In Watson Hal. 7.30 Twilight Tales for tin- Kiddie's Boys’ 3 Eyelit Gum over sizes 3 to 6 $1.49 6.00 Dinner concert by the' WBZ The Laymen of the United Baptist Youths’s 3 Eyelit Gum over sizes 10 to 2 $1.19 Quintette M IL L A R ’S church will conduct the services next Men’s 10 inch Shoe Pac $3.19 Sunday evening at 7.00 o’clock. Mr. 'VVWVUWJWW. A. W . Knox will preside and the ATURDAY, NOVEMBER THE 24 TH “ 6 “ “ “ $2.69 speakfers will be A- E. Astle, Dr. Something New and Different Boys’ 8 “ “ “ Sizes 3 to 6 $2.49 John J. Potter and Geo. A. Dunphy. The men’s choir will furnish the Real Estate! s CARAMEL ROLLS — Only 34c. Youth’s 8 “ “ “ “ 11 to 2 $1.98 music. Bought, Sold and Exchanged One small lot 6 and 7’s only Men’s 6 inch Gum Rubber A dandelion in full blossom was per pound through the Real Estate Agency Red over Black Top $1.98 sent into our office Thursday, which was found at Howe Brook, Nov. 14th of Order Ice Cream for your Thanksgiving Dinner W e exchange or refund your money if purchase is not ------—-----f r o m ------by Harry Mansfield of the Bangor and ------satisfactory ------Aroostook R. R. which is some wea­ Geo. S. Hoskin ther contrast to the newspaper re­ “ The Home of Good Candy ” Mail orders promptly filled and postage prepaid. port* of snow In Boston which fell in Market Sq., Houlton, Maine 41tf! uMitiiiiittiiiiiitiififttiiiiiiifKtittitittiiriiintftiiiimitiftf ttmfiitiitiimjiiiMiiumiiiiiiiiHinmiititmiiiiiiititttimsjMtftmiHtimiiiifiHtf miftiHifitfifttiimnf itiiifjtinft/^ quantity to cover the ground. iiiiiiiiiuiiHiiiiiiiuiiiifliiniii HOULTON TIMES, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBBER 21, 192:? PAG E SIX

imimiiiimimHiiiNmmimiHiiiiimiimmmmiiiimiiiimmimmmimmiiiimn took some time as the nearest Doctor upon money until he is lost under its mHMMKIiMMMtMIIMtIMIIMNIlWhIIIIIHWHIIIMMIIIIIIHIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIinilllllllll...... il iu m ...... m in i...... ; See that lie finishe*s within the time was in Fatten, and he was very weak bitten’ weight? or will le*ss do? Do limit. Dawdling kills work. from the loss of blood and very chilly; you want him to take his place among in spite of all efforts to keep him ; 1 News From Island Falls and Patten j warm. A truck mot the party at Ted j the; American gentlemen whose Crommetts, conveying him to Fatten; name's have stood for an ideal? ...... „ ...... c h i...... mu■ tin.....iiiiiimmmiimmumnniiimiiimmtiimi inmmmimiimiimmmmiimimmiiiimiiimmiimiimimimmimiimmi.-...... mu...... in t he evening. All hope for a safe i Then teach the standards of truth1 A . D . 1 8 1 0 ' ' Mrs. Edward Grant, and Miss Iva | a Poverty party and tin* teachers and recovery. and simplicity and labor. Teach the 1 * ISLAND FALLS Jackins. Prom the* Military St. | students ;ilike appeared in digsuise* A doctor’s prescription. beauty of thorough workmanship. Mrs. Gibson was the guest of Mrs. church, Moulton: Mrs. Virgin Ting- and most eeeentrie garb. The money TEACHING CHIL­ Internal and external use F L Mooney while in town ley, Mrs. Myrtle Knox, Mrs. Pearl j earned by the rontest was to be used Explain to the* child exactly what Over ioo years of success Mrs Geo Dow is in Brownville Crawford, Mrs. Cordelia Bennett and only by vote of the school. Miss DREN TO WORK is expended of him and the; best way Hilda ’.MeCready and Clifford Stimp- where she is visiting with relatives. Mrs. Susie Thomas. Dinner and to go about it them let him alone. Johnson’s supper were served at the church. son were awarded Conklin fountain Tenie li him to si rip off ft>r his job. Mrs. Ella Kelley is quite ill at the Give* him enough work to ket'p him home of her daughter, Mrs. S R Crab- pons for getting the most subscribers. Teach him to shake.* off tear tear of ANooYNELiniment heuilthily busy, and no more. Crowd­ Coughs, Colds, Sore Throat, 1 r66 criticism, ed' conventions, e>f worn-out While in town Mrs. Hatch and Mrs. PATTEN Simeon Carpenter ing the1 work makes for bad work­ Grippe, Cramps, Chills, of the Whtttemore were guests of Mr. and j Harry Ingerson is in Bangor serv- Simeon Carpenter, one ideas. Teach him to welcome' e w e r v manship and the1 (tireless finish. Bronchitis, Tonsilitis, Mrs. M D Estes. earliest settle*rs of Fatten), passed Sprains, Strains, etc i ing on the jury. tilt' age new experience as a gilt, tin inspira Let him into the* secrets of the* Armistice was observed here by the i Air. and Airs. (! F .Merrill made a away at 1 a. in., Nov. ISth a 25 and 50c. of 92 vears. lie' was horn at Lee, work. Let. him feel that lie* is sharing * closing of schools, bank, post oh ice j business trip to Bangor. t ion to effort. Teach him to work and all places of business. Waldo Tompkins is clerking in the October (1, IS.!!, the' son of John and with till his might at whatever lie un holies as we'll as labors. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Sewall who have Joan Carpenter. whe> moved to this 1 Grange store for a few weeks. dertakes and to fear nothing but Teach him to work to a standard been spending the summer at tlicit town whe'ii lie was four years old and a n (Copy) : Airs. Addie Finch who has been suf- evasion of what he believes to he* his and raise the* standard as his power camp at Mattawamkeag Lake have ! fering severely with rheumatism is settled on tho land now owned hv returned. ,, , „ ! Charh's Knowles, where they built duty, if lie learn this, lie will he en- grows. LIBEL FOR DIVORCE i more comfortable. Re) the* Hon. Justice of the; Supremer Mrs. Doris Emerson, president of | Airs. Francis Feavoy was called to the first frame'll house in the town, tith'd to the collar of his choice and the Pine Needle Club attended Reci­ j One of a family of edi'vim children he Judioial Court, next to he hold at. | her former home in Ohio by the ill- he will wear it with a difference* procity day iven by Social Club of j has outlived them all, and as the old- STATE OF MAINE Caribou, in the County of Aroostook I ness of her brother, which will he all tlial matters to him and State* of .Maine: Caribou. Friday, Nov. 16. j Airs. George dipt ill of Happy Cor- | est man in town, has for seveu'al On Wednesday, Mr ami Mrs. G W j years held in his possession the Bos- or to anybotly else. Aroostook County, ss Olif Jane Buckham of Houlton i;i i ner was called to Orono by the illness Whereas William II. Tilleyv of Sher­ said County of Aroostook respectfully York. Mrs. Geneva Emerson and J C I of her uncle John Craig, j t on l’ost ea lie. Having dee idl'd that you waul your Walker motored to Fort Fairfield, I In 1X57 In* married Miss Emmeline man. in tin' ('oiinty of Aroostook, State repiesemts that on the* 14th day of Au­ j Mr. and Airs. liber 10 Leslie lefl by child to have this standard of work­ of Maine, by his mortgage1 dee*d, dated gust, 191S, at Wimbledon, England she Limestone and Caribou and returned. l auto Thursday morning for their win- I Scribner and to them wen' horn four Pretty good for Nov. lil. children: .Mrs. Amy Darling and Airs. manship, this ideal of e*arning his the* eleventh day of De'renilii'r 1922, was lawfully married to Robert | ter home at Wollaston, .Mass, and recorded in the* Aroostook Count y Charles Buckham Unit the said Libel­ Fred Dow has recently sold his i Henry Ingerson of Brewer, after Mina Jacques of Auburn, Charles, who happiness through working to the Chevrolet car and purchased a Willys died in February, 1921 and Ira who Registry of Det'ds, Vol. 211, page* 212, ant had resided here* in good faith one* j visiting relatives in town departed for end of his job, you will have* to think conveyed to the* undersignt'd We*t- year prior to the* date hereof; that said Knight car from parties in Millinocket I Florida whore he will spend the win- lives in Fatten. .Mrs. Carpenter died Mr. Dow went to Greenville Friday July 9, 1S72 and Mr. Carpenter later it over and decide' that you are will­ more-Savag<* Company, a corporation Libelant has conducted herself ten- i ter. ing to pay the cost. Success built existing by law and having its estab- wards said Libelee as a faithful, true wth a party of men, retunting home | Alaurice Cunningham who is roeov- marrit'd Miss Rachel McGary. who Saturday. . . for fifty .vears has been a faithful wife upon honest workmanship comes lished place* of husin *ss at Boston in tend affectionate wife Init that said , ering from typhoid fever was rushed the* Commonwealth of .Massachusetts, Libelee re'ganlless of his marriage* Mr. Win Moores who was injured to the hospital on Tuesday. Nov. l:? and kind mother to his children slowly. Can you wait for it'.’ Can about two years ago, while in the em­ Through till their declining yt'ars a certain parcel of real estate; situate* covenant and duty, on the 25th day of suffering from appendicitis. lie? in said Sherman, County of Aroostook, October 1920, utteuly deserted your ploy of the Northern Woodenware Co. Mrs. Herbert N Gardner of Fort the aged couple have beem tenderly and who has at different times since eared for by .Mr. and .Mrs. Ira Carpen- What is the measure' of his suc­ described and bounded as follows: Libedant without cause*, tend that said land and Thurman C. Wesoott. of Beginning on the northerly side* of de*se*rtion lias eontinut'd to the* present submitted to an operation on his foot Allentown. Fa., are visiting their ter, who live nt'arby and have watch cess ■’ What material recognition will the main village* stremt in Sherman at time, being more than three yemrs. has been obliged to enter the Madi- parents, Air, and Airs. C W Wesoott. e>d over llii'in faithfully. During the satisfy you? Must it he money piled the southeast corner of land of I. E. during which time he has contributed gan hospital and have his foot ampu­ Rev and Airs. B S Fifield of Booth- last sickness they we're assisted by tated a few inches below the knee. the daughter. Airs. Darling who with Seavey; thence' northe*rly along land nothing to hen* support, and that the bay Harbor left for their homo on of said Seavey and Ge*orge Gosnedl to Libelee has been guilty of cruel and Mrs. J H Lurvey has recently re­ Monday after visiting friends in Fat­ two granddaughters. Air. Ora Gilpat NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE ceived the sad news of the tragic rick of Alars Hill and .Mrs. frank northeast corner of land of said Gos- abusive treatment, toward the Libel­ ten, where he was formerly pastor of Whereas Allen G. Bryenton of Houl­ ne!l: thence* weste*rly along hind of ant. death of distant relatives in Helena the Baptist church and spending sev­ Hamilton of Westtiedd remained for ton. in the county of Aroostook and said Gosn<*ll to land of Wesley Kel­ That your Libelant lias made o'ili- Montana. Mrs. Stephen J . Coburn eral (lavs with their daughter. Airs. the* funeral service's which were held and her son. Rev. Stephen A. Coourn at the* house :n Monday afternoon, Slate of .Maine, by his mortgage' dee*d ; logg; themee* northerly along hmd of ge'iit inquiry, but that the residence of Oliver Cobh at her Shin Fond camp. dated (October 2 A, 1916, recorded in said Kellogg to tlowage of mill pond; and his son Stephen Edwin Coburn Announcements of tin* marriage' of Re*v. I 11 Lidstone of the Al F Church said Libelee* is unknown to your Libel­ aged 7 years, were instantly killed ollieiat ing and Katahdiu Dodge, F, the Aroostook Registry of Det'ds Vol. t lienee liortln'i ly and easterly around ant, and cannot he ascertained by rea­ Miss Vivian R Leavitt to Edward Wil­ 2 X u Fage 96, conveyed to Houlton Sav-| said tlowage' of said pond to dams; when a car in which they were riding liam Townsend of Millinocket on Nov Jill< 1 A. .M. in at t e'lidanee1. sonable* diligence. That there is no went over an embankment. ings Bank the following described r*'al thence along said dams and horse­ collusion between them to obtain a 14th have been received. Airs. Tow- estate in Dyer Brook, in said county back, so called, to cente*]- of channel The many friends hei’e of Miss semi lived in Fatten several years divorce*: but that your Libelant be- Hazel McGowan will regret to know MT. CHASE AND VICINITY of Aroostook, to wit: All that part of AI oilmens Stream; thence southerly lit'ves that said bonds of matrimony with her aunt and uncle. Air. and Mrs. being a triangular piece of lot num­ down center of said Moliineus St imam that in alighting from a train in Port- Benoni ('rouse1 and has many friemds Charles llotham was a bimimms ought to he dissolved, wherefore she and on Armistice Day, she fell and re­ bered seven (7) that lie's on the east to line of land occupied by Jackman prays that a divorce* may he* decreed. here who wish ln*r happine'ss in her caller in town re cent 1 y. side of the Smyrna AI ills and Island ceived injuries so that she was oblig­ David Bell finished pressing hay Ji ml Caldwe'll th<*nee* we'Ste'lly Jilting And your Libelant further prays I future home. Falls road, containing twenty (20) land of said Jackman and Caldwe'll to ed to enter a hospital in Portland for for this Fall, Saturday Nov. 17th. that reasonable alimony, or a spe*< iiic I At the regular mending ed Fhbades acres mure or less; also the south northwest corner nf said lot; thence treatment. It is hoped that she will Chapter, Ne). 7. (). 10. S. ,on Tuesday Willis A lyric K and Wesley I’ort'T sum in lit'ii of alimony, he* decreed to half of lot numbered eight I x I accord­ southerly along said land of said Jack- soon be able to resume her studies at j evening, Nov. l.'l, tin' work was e\ are away guiding binding parties. h<*r, and that she* may have the* cus­ the Gorham Normal school where she ing te> David Dailies survey, contain­ man ;iinl Caldwell and Alfred Spooner tody of their minor children, name!. ; ennplifieel tor the' benefit of District .Mrs. Fllen Willed is visit ing leu- ing eighty i.xni acres more or less. is a student. daughter, Airs. Lewis Appl in to main village* street, a ho ve*-ment ion- Elsie Nellie Buckham. 'Deputy Grand Alatron Marcella Gib­ an- lid premia ■s deeded (P-orge || *■ < 1 : thence along said street to point On Wednesday. Nov. 12 a picnic son of Washburn who re'cemimcndcd gor. Dated at Houlton this 5th day of -tabrook bv (). F. Gerry and record oi beginning, and including grist-mill mt supper in the dining room of the the oflieers anel offeri'd many helpful .Mrs. Mattie Wil|e| | and la mil No vein I . 1922, Masonic hall was enjoyed by the mem­ Aroust (>i >k ■gist ry of Mends and all machinery therein, dams, flow- j suggestions. A fine' lunch was served made a I > i i s i n e>;s trip I i i u111 on r OLIF JANE BECKHAM Vol. i:;n Cage 176. \ ls< i all that pa rt age am! all other privileges h<'h! by bers of the Eastern Star and their |in the dining room after the chapter cent ly. Signed and sworn to before m- C:m of lot numbered veil (111 in sail) tiie. Also including right of way west of No vein lie:-, failles. In the evening Mrs. Marcella j cdoseel. 'flu1 rain of last week s turn 1922. Hinds Gibson of Washburn was pres­ Dym- Bn >nk which li ■s north ed' a line Iniii] North Sheet between land now, WALTER \ COWAN. ! A mee'ting of the' Fatten brain-h of p 1 ent Iy of wat that d bv e\| i 1 ]; ent as inspector at the regular Star been dry. ing I he dividing line* nr formerly, occupied by Mrs. John Jus! i< e of I lie* i '< j the Maine1 Fotato Growe'rs’ Exchange be! W ceil lilt 11ere11 nine i 9 i am! meeting. There was a good atten­ Da vid Bell ami O ,\l ( I ’ 11 z / e 11 ; 111 * I land of Gedden Sheaf I L. S. i i ('opy i was held Saturday afternoon at the* ini ii ii m In '! te|| i 1 n i • ■aa * ■ r 1 v ti (! ra n e|(i 'Rime di pond dance, and two candidates. Mr. and | Town hull whe'ii the re was a represen- busy wit !i t 11ei r hay pn -m- I hence along STATE OF MAINE said I iver ■ink. B ea.- I Rum of pond and east side* of Ar< lost ih >k Mrs. Stiles of Smyrna were initiated ! tutivex gathe'ring of farme'rs present. e 111 Si (■ t j ( U I s el 111 .horse hack : the work being done in a manner to Fre's. G. Herbert Foss of Fend Fair ore of Mon thence over S i I P I'e ! m Judicial c urt. 1. INl a III hv 11 a i -1 In main vi 11 ■ge street he- bring only words of commendation field was tin1 principal speaker and iiis fa 111 i 1 V In I ’a 11 on into Hie 111 in Yacii'iiiii .Mon I 1 II; d tween hi; k.-mith simp from Mrs. Gibson who also brought ; gave* his audience much interesting n11 v vacati d bv Ira Alt K iTI I!< if Ferrin ami 1 Imilt mi, November 6. 192? many helpful suggestions to the lodge. i N'i Jl. !!• u (; d a P | :d TowRe building', now or for In thi act ion it . informat ion in regard to the potato Cliff'ii is ordered by th> Rev. T B Hatt brought in one of the in "1 197 I’a a" 2 a 1, ::n■l iy <■<•<■:j ]>i*■d by Frank Ambrose*. court Dial notie * given said Libelt*". situation. He was followed liy A. .1 I lehr, m t 11'' ' 11: ■' -' '> < '1Ml \ i • V biggest, if not the biggest deer shot hunting mv plan Kx.'t-jiiing ;uni pa<Me essive weeks in tile ! burn, and Bernard Archibald, alter nan X, )•7 lahpMik. anR Gi-ni'go C Nov. l:?. Mr. Hatt in company with E (Hidden. A i s 11 <' 11 lo grist-mill. Houlton Till!".- a new spaper print' 1 ne>y, of lloulton, i r \ i ii g. lac-v'' v' ■ r. i C Springer and another man went, to i A most enijoyable event was tie Frb on nf Mr. am doing Ci" ;-aiii" ]M'diiisos conveyod and publish'-d at Houlton in said the Simon King camp on Alder Brook. Pid-: d"-■ '■ril"1 d in In iii" by Art! mi- T. Robinson by d"ed ('omit y of A roe we'ek-end pa it y ai the ('a rpent er (Holden if Vat in out li v i 11 Al­ i "iik. i In* last publica- They spent the night at this camp and !"■ d C-n II. K fa hPM.k 11) Tim n dai "R .March 1. 19 1.' lion to lie al 1 Camp at Shin Fond, when Herbert be g’uet n Ilia! t h ai t ’> and p'oopli'd in ast thirty days before if liter |! R ()i I,)!,' r 6, 19"6, i'|,' A P IO> | (K if M ry of I )i-oils the next morning started out after I W. Brown entertained Fres. atul .Mrs. has i l e e sefji nisi v ill ; RogC a I tile 11» • x I term of t his court in sat 1 game. They had only been out of the Ynl. I I mi! i ml in Ydl. 27 1. p Count y ; G. Hen-bert Foss of Fort Fairfield. Mr. im pm v• mo of Aroostook to la* held at Cari- camp about twenty minutes, when Am! u as ill- ed1111 iI io11 of hou in : anti Airs. A J Beek and Mr and Mrs. her n ea lid said county on the first T;;c-s- i M' m gag— ha.-S 1)0.en hi'iik o w. day Of 1'Vhruai • V they sighted this deer and Mr. Hatt 'Harry Humphrt'y tif Washburn, Attnr- Rev. I en: X 1921 : that In* maw was the lucky man to bring him down. : ^ i! 1 l Impoor", bv v< Ml of 1 lie ney and Mrs. Bernard A rob i l>a hI of hay llarbor aiTi Vi•R in to>'A M Tm - R i y breach o'-' I hell and l here;1 DI)ea r ;and defend if he The deer when dressed weighed 207 : 11 v t 1 , t , cond i i ion then ■of SI Wrllin SC'S lit. Houlton and .Mr. and Al is. II Al ('mi- v. !; ep ■ i! 1 <■v ;mC 1 Vmil ing fri' •in Im p - | id ) ft ■- pounds and had a very fine head, ten Dm S:i vage ('omp any olainis a 1orm Insure LESI .]]■ ningham of Caribou. It would In* dif and Ri Fai 11 ■; i TI11 ■ also visi! ed Cm or 6 (’. CORNISH points and the horns were very regu­ this 11 - 1 j, , hat of -■:iR t’lorig ; i v,»■. Slice ficult to find a mop* congenial cniwil Ra mvhio Al rs. ( >1iver ('ii!ih ;! ! Shin Chief Ju of t he* Supr -mc lar in shape. 111 M I " 1 i N'OVOin hor 2. 19.L! m . Judicial ( our* anel the* Aroostook dele■gat ion W ")1 1 Fond. aIU1 pla:11 to p Pirn Imme AI oi; The regular meeting of the Katah- Main. . N'm'i min 9 2 A W . i mo]"< '-Sa v true copy home wed! ph'ased with their trin l o day Nov 1 III 1). ; u: <* ( A > 111 p;111 y A i >;’ Lil" R and nrde-r of din club was held Nov. 1.‘?. with Mrs. I K if.Ti >\ S A MINI IS BANK By .lames Patten, especially Mr. 15cck. tin* only Airs. lb)\V( s wini him s|"M11 -1 1 AI. (liliin I 'oil!"l I InTIM/l!. Elbridge Dunphy, Sewall St. There Wdl'ks 'V i s the hi o ; Attorn. IIS ai l oi'll'O duly ;i nd Atte si : W AI /f 16 i i1 I?. CLARK one* of the* partv fortun;;itc cnoin.:h to -it ing in mu I Im r •; Nathaniel ;; i y Wfcs a good attendance and the after­ ge*t a fine* buck to take home v, it li sist ers. Alrs. A1 i 1 h ’11g e Rico and Mr- . i im |ipi' v i o u sRy aut lmrize'd 245 Clerk noon proved to be a most enjoyable him. Rupert Rice in Bridget 1 ) wli. Nova ” one. The roll call was answered by A special teat up* nf The L;1 R. i e s Soot ia. p ■i u rm■d home W ...... current events. After this the subject Home Journal of intop■st to F,att en Sho had |ila nned |o st;iy Cm1 \\inter. J "I'Ahi ■' a -I'm HII'O !| Mll-Mlb RS7",iiU!!RIRI!RI!"P![|l!l7i|,|!|i:||l|,!|turiiiMii 'I'm 11" d 1 ■ * V’ ll'|,,!l;hl|ll’U;i'n k | of the afternoon, which was, Edgar 1 iiiiRiinir.i people, is the fact that a former Fat - hill her Ini'll ll h not In Rug veTV Guest, was taken tip under the direc­ ...... - ! ten girl is one of the rt'gular con- she decided t<) re■t ill'll liefop‘ eolil | tion of Mrs. Alberta Paul. Mrs. Paul . tributors. .Miss Annie* Lucasta Rogers weaI her ;ind w■; t s ,10(01)1 p,a n ioil ;m far j read a very interesting sketch of the daughter of Col. and Mrs. Luthiir B as St. ,Jolin by 111"r nice", Al r-c Ralph J life of the poet and different members Rogers has for se*veral ;vears been on Rice. • read of his newspaper work and sev­ the Judge Staff and many other lead- Va uglIII A! vi"it k W 111) w'; i s Co, j eral of his best known poems. At the I ing periodicals, where her work as a l liningh I lie a 1in, ha \ ing 1)'"Oil mm- j close of the program the hostess serv-1 Elks Annual Show cartoonist has been well rt'cei ved In taken for a dcer 1>y sunn■ hunter, is 1 ed delicious ice cream, nut and sponge addition to her regular work she■ has res! ing quite* oomfortalde at tin* home J cake. j a contract with the Curtis Fublishing of Roy Parsons in Fatten where lie A most disastrous fire occured here | Co. to supply one* page for each num­ was taken after the accident, wliieli Friday night about ten thirty, when j ber of The Ladies Home* Journal for happened at 2nd Lake about lour the factory owned and operated by the 1924 at $5 each. Cnde*r lx*r pen name miles above Mat tagamon.. First aid Eureka Ice Cream Co., was destroyed “Lon Rogers." will appear a series of was given by the* party in which lie* together with all the machinery. The Temple Theatre illustrated childrens stories. was in and a Doctor sent for, hut this factory was situated nearly a mile A few weeks ago a representat i ve* from the village and the fire was not of the Curtis Fublishing Company of discovered until it was too late to NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE Philadelphia, spoke at Fatten Aca­ save the building or the contents. The Whereas Samuel Argent of Blaine*, demy on the merits of their different cause of the fire is unknown. Appear­ in the county of Aroostook and State' publications and offering 50 pe*r cent December 6-7 ances point to the fact that it must of Maine*, by his mortgage* deed date'll of all subscriptions obtained. The have caught in the part of the build­ ApiRl 21, 1917 ,and recorded in ihe students were enthusiastic over the* ing where the ice had been stored. Aroostook Registry of Dt'eds in Vol. offer and immediately divided their The loss to the owners is a heavy one 297 Page 41S, conveyed to George A. forces for better results, with Dorothy as the plant was estimated to be Scott of Washburn, in said county Cunningham and Alfred Rowe* the* worth $8000 and there was no insur­ the following described real estate, leaders of the “.Mutts' and June ance. The company plan to replace to wit: 'I'lie* west half of lot ntini- Birmingham and Clifford Stimpson of the building by a larger and mure the “Jeffs." the winning side to he* hereel sixteen (16) situated in the modern one. town of Mapleton, in said county, entertained by the* other at the* (lose* An all day Missionary meeting was containing eighty-two (S2) acres A ll Star Cast of the contest, which lasted one week held in the Baptist shurch, Wednes­ more or less, according to the sur­ only. The town was thoroughly can day, Nov. 14, Mrs. Cora Hatch of vey and plan of said town of Maple- m > vassed and the result was X2 sub­ Fairfield and Mrs. Di Whittemore of ton made' and returned to the Land m 1 1 scriptions obtained by the Alutts and i » Waterville being present and having Ollice in 1X42 by Silas Barnard, sur­ 82 by the Jeffs, who ve*ry properly , m • charge of the meetings. At the morn­ veyor, reference* to said survey be­ = i entertained the victors on Friday ing meeting Mrs. Richardson brought ing had. Also, a parcel of land situat 1 1 evening of last, week at the Grange* 1 1 a report from the recent Bible and <*d in said town of Washburn adjoining hall. The affair was in the* nature* of m ♦ Missionary Conference held in Ban­ Ihe above descrihe'd land on the north, Direction of J. Dal Luther m i m • gor. The time was mostly taken up containing twenty i20i acres more or § ♦ by Mrs. Hatch and Mrs. Whittemore loss, and hounded and described as t

stone.” an exact duplicate, with suit­ encourage tourists travel, and be an the working of the laws of economics America and tin* National Automobile and state highways should be a charge able inscriptions, at San Diego, Calif., everlasting convenience to all who use as it is to work outside the laws of Chamber of Commerce, have agreed against the road user. it. A little resarch will compute its nature. The apple falls, be it in on the basic principles of road finance. distance 2,000 miles. (el Roads serving a purely local exact distance from the Zero Mile Maine or California, and the tax paid, It is distinctly stated by these experts purpose will generally require only stone at Washington, still further is half collected from half the wealth. that the wide variance in the present light upkeep and should properly be WHAT IS OLDEST KNOWN adding to its interest. The expense of poor roads is half status of highway development in the ROAD MATERIAL? From a commercial standpoint an paid by half the national wealth, several States prevents adoption of ;t charge against the adjacent proper­ official milestone would be of service which suffers half tin* loss. And any uniform policies for securing the ty. which in these cases, is the first and often tin* only beneficiary. as First in giving readers of advertisements of while half the cost of the whole coun­ necessary funds, but that the follow­ Asphalt Has Strong Claims < f) No road should over be im­ Binder for Stone real estate, for example, definite i- try-wide system of national highways ing are regarded as fundamental prin­ formation. A farm may be adver­ will eventually lx* paid by the nine ciples : proved to iin extent in excess of its earning capacity. The return to the Doubtless the oldest material for a tised as being six miles distant from States in which half of the wealth of (a) States in the initial stage of public in the form of economic traf­ “Newspaper Association Member’ road was wood, in the form of bran Jonesville. With adoption of an the nation is located, they will also highway development, should issue official milestone by Jonesville, tin* reap half the benefits though they bonds to defer that portion of tilt* an­ fic is the sole measure of such im­ Number 28$5 idles laid across muddy stretches ot provements. i paths, much as the familiar • “cor­ reader would know that the distance possess but a small par* of half tin* nual charge for construction which duroy" road is still made to-day in is six miles from a fixed point in mileage of tin* proposed system. would overburden either property or ZERO MILESTONE LIKE backwoods districts. Jonesville. which would be in the tin* road user. But the oldest hard wood material heart of the city. SANITY IN ROAD (1)) States where original construc­ ROME’S GOLDEN MARKER is stone or brick, and among tin* tion programs aie well under way can claimants for hoary age in consider­ FINANCING NEEDED in tht* main, finance normal new con­ WHO WILL BUILD struction from current funds, utilizing Washington Marker is Measurement ing the first forms of built highways, bond ism* funds to deter tin* cost of BRANDI Point for Roads. is asphalt. Some commentators of NATIONAL HIGHWAYS? Outline of Modern Ideas. Concensus (TOWER'S FISH the Bible claim that the word “slime" special projects. of Expert’s Opinions (cl States where original construc­ REFLEX SUCKER in the quotation “slime had they for Expenditures to Come From Tax­ When Dr. S. M. Johnson first sug­ mortar" to build the Tower of Babel tion is largely completed art* concern­ Patented Features make able Wealth Representatives of the I’nited gested the idea of the Zero Milestone should be translated as “bitumen," ed chielly with maintenance and re­ sa(> Difference which, on the meridian of Washing­ States Bureau of Public Roads and construction, and should depend on which is asphalt. iPFALERS EVERYWHERE tCfWE#;s ton, located just south of the White Nine States in the Fast and North­ Committees from the Amer*ran Asso­ current funds save in cases of emer­ However that may he, there is no A : TOWER CO. House, now serves as the starting doubt about the translation of an in­ eastern part of the Fnion although ciation of State Highway OlliciaIs, the ge 11 c y. BOSTON point for the calculation of all mileage scription found on a paving block in they have but a pm- cent of the area Investment, Bankers Association of td) The maintenance of interstate ►^SWURAJ® from the Capital City, he said: Babylon. It reads: of tin* I'nited States, possess one-half ‘ Rome marked the beginnings of “Nebuchadnezzar. King of Babylon, the national wealth. her system of highways, which bound he who made Esaglia and Ezida glor­ Some taxpayers in these States, her widely scattered people together, ious, son of Nabopolassar, King of New York, Pennsylvania. New Jersey, by a golden milestone in the Forum. Babylon. The streets of Babylon, the Maine. New Hampshire. Vermont, INTEGRITY! 8 E R V I C E The system of highways radiating procession Street, of Nairn and Mar- Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and from Washington to all boundaries of duk, my lords, which Nabopolassar, i (’onnect icut, sometimes argue against the national domain and all parts of King of Babylon, the father who be­ the idea of national highways to be the Western Hemisphere will do vast­ got me. has made a road glistening' built and forever maintained by the ly more for national unity and for with asphalt and burnt brick; I the National Government on tin* ground human unity than even the roads of wise suppliant who fears their lord- that they will have to pay half the The 1924 Model the Roman Empire.” ships, placed above tin* bitumen and cost of such roads. Studebaker Light-Six The milestone was authorized by burnt bricks, a mighty superstructure Probably they will. But they have Touring Car Congress, which directed that the Sec-1 0f shinning dust. made them strong to pay half the cost of all the expen­ retary of W ar see to its erection from within the bitumen and burnt bricks sive hauling now done over all the designs approved by the Fine Arts as a highlying road. Naim and Mur- bad roads of tin* nation. These nine $995 Commission. Accordingly, the stone duk, when you traverse these streets States, paying half tin* taxi's of the was erected, a gift to the Government in joy, may benefits for me rest upon nation, have to pay half of all nation­ from many individuals and associa­ your lips; life for distant days, and al works. They have to suffer half tions, among them the Lee Highway well-being for the body. Before you I the ills of all national reverses. They Association, the American Automo­ will advance upon them. May I at­ have to pay half the cost of all tle> bile Asociation, the National Automo­ tain eternal age!” money lost by till the other Spites bile Association, and the National Those who traverse smooth asphalt through having bad roads. Highways Asociation. streets in cities an* thus linked with It is as impossible to live outsid The bronze disc, on the top of the an an era of at least aiM) years B. (’. Monument, is an adaptation from an-| in the roads they use, although from cient Portolan charts of the so-called , ancient times until about IS; “wind roses” or "compass roses” from i phalt, then to he obtained only the points of which extended radial I nature (it is now a product of p.*t i o lines to all parts of the then known ileum manufacturing processes) was world— the prototype of the modern j neglected as a road material. mariner’s compass. Inscriptions, on west face: “Start­ ing Point of First Transcontinental IS THERE A MILE Motor Convoy over the Lincoln High­ way, July 7, 1919.” On. the east face: POST IN YOUR TOV/N? “Starting Point of Second Transcon­ I W E W IL L tinental Motor Convey over the Bank- Every Convenience to a Traveler is head Highway, June 14, 1920.” Good Advertising 1 W I R E Y O U R The unprecedented popularity The Monument is a bench-mark and 1 H O U S E ! ! standard of linear measurement of the The Zero Milestone, located just be­ oE the Studebaker Light*Six can United States Coast and Geodetic hind the White House at Washington, Survey. The exact center is the start­ on Meridian of Longitude Zero, dedi­ WE’LL WIRE YOUR HOUSE be traced to the fact that it repre­ ing point for the measurements of cated to the Nation and accepted by distances on Lee Highway, the Bank- President Harding is tin* starting from t he cellar 11 head Highway, and all other highways sents a degree oS automobile value radiating from Washington. Lee point for road measurement ea.-t. at t west, north, south of the Capita of that the public has sought for Highway is erecting the "Pacific Mile- the Nation. It is forty miles to Baltimore. It years. is also forty-five miles to Baltim >r \ CHURCH NOTICES which one measure* It may be tv.a* hundred and fifty-three or two hun­ United Baptist Church, Military St. dred and sixtv-seven miles to New It is built complete in the great York. according as one measure to Rev. F. Clark Hartley, Minister the Battery or somewhere up abive Studebaker factories. Tel. 560 Harlem! P. S. Berrie, Chorister Every town in America ought in have a milestone, to which road dis­ By manufacturing complete Sunday Services tances from other townseould be 10.20 Morning Worship, Sermon by measured, and from which distances motors, transmissions, axles, would he computed. If an error of Minister one mile was made in estimating dis­ frames, bodies, tops, castings, forg­ Seen Bible School, H. B. Crawford, tance between town and town, aer >ss Supt. the continent, the motor travtb r CUMM1NG &BARKER ings, and stampings, parts-makers* 3 p. m. Junior Endeavor might, easily he several hundred miles out of his calculations ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS profits are eliminated from costs, 0 p. m. Senior Endeavor A town milestone costs little, p 7 p. ra. Evening Service, Song Ser­ can easily be financed by the |o-al Town t ComiryWorkPromptlyVonc and one profit only is included in vice led by the Chorister Ad­ civic or commercial club. Its place­ PHONE155 M 15 WATER ST dress by the Minister ment and use will foster civic pri !e. Studebaker prices. Tuesday 7.30 p. m. Midweek Service A warm welcome awaits you Phone or call for demonstration. Christian Science Church, Corner of M ilitary and High Sts. 10.30 Sunday morning services 10.30 Sunday School North Street Cash 7.30 Wednesday evening Testimonial meeting STUDEBAKER. Methodist Episcopal Church, Corner 1924 MODELS AND PRICES-/, o . b . f a c t o r y Grocery Groceries, Fruits and L IG H T -S IX SPECIAL-SIX BIG-SIX School and M ilitary Streets 5-Pmoa., lir W. B. 5-Poa»., 119’ W . B. T-P m q q . , 1 3 6 ’ W. B. 40 H . P . 3 0 H . P . Rev. Albert E. Luce, Pastor 6 0 H .P . The Lovering Store T w irin g______$ 995 Tou rin g---- $1350 Touring______$1750 Roadater (3-Pan.) . 975 10.30 Morning Worship with sermon Road«ter (2-Pan.)_1325 Vegetables in a First Coupe-Rd.(2-Pan.)l 225 Speedster ( 5-Pan.) 183 5 by the Pastor Coupe (5-Pa*».)___ 1475 Coupe (5 -P a n .)____ 1975 Coupe (5 -P a n .)___ 2550 Mrs. Horace W . Hughes, soloist and N o open under Sedan______1550 S e d a n ______2050 S ed an ...... 2750 Musical Director Class Grocery Store TQians to Moot Your Convenience Miss Louise Buzzell, Organist Nocn Sunday School, Ira J. Porter, j New Management Superintendent j Eastern Tractor Company 0 p. m. Epworth League Devotional j Service 1 John K. McKay, Manager 7. p. m. Praise and Evangelistic ser- j Kendall Street ▼ice conductor by the Pastor Bither & McLeod Tuesday 7.30 Prayer Meeting Seats all free and all cordially Invited Telephone 637-M North Street I s I s STUDEBAKER YEAR

First Baptist Church, Court Street c o **Pt ^ Rev. William B. Chase, Pastor 10.30 Morning worship with sermon. 12.00 Bible School with organized classes for men and women 3.30 Junior C. E. meeting { 0.00 Senior C. E. service for all ages 7.00 Song Service led on alternate | evenings by Men’s Chorus and Junior Choir assisted by orches­ tra. Mrs. Leland Jones organist. Ser­ mon followed by Aftermeeting. Midweek service on Tuesday evening Salvation Army, Court Street j Walter B. Perrett, Captain 10.30 Sunday morning Holiness Meet- > lng ! 2.30 Sunday School 0.00 Young People Legion 8.00 Salvation Meeting 8.00 Public meetings Thursday, Frl-j day and Saturday evenings A cordial invitation to all i Church of the Good Shepherd j Episcopal Canon J. E. De Wolf Cowie, Acting! Rector, 116 Main St. j Rudolf Hulten, Violinist and Choir Master > William Newell, Organist I John Houghton, Soloist 35 minute Violin and Organ recital before evening service Holy Communion 8.00 a. m. ^ Morning Service & Sermon 10.30 a. m .1 Church School 11.45 a. m. j Evening Prayer & Address 7.00 p. m. I First Congregational Church i Court 8treet, Houlton I Rev. David Lewis Yale, Minister ! Order of Services Morning worship with Sermon 10.30 8nnday School at 12 o’clock Prayer-meeting Tuesday evening 7.30 HniiiiiiHitmmiiHitMMMHHiiiiimimiiMiimmtimimiiiiiimiMminiiimtiiMMmHiimwHmjMmutimxtuotOditiiiiMiHiiHiHnimiiimmiitniiiiHiiutititiiiutiiHiHiit aq him ajqj, Hao.w asnoq ?q8ji aaxos XBpsanqj, Xbmb pa?g«d oao) «m? jo op o? Moa qSnoua gaM. sj aatmuns m m ssaaianq pav juapisaa pajaadaaa s[apotn ajajosqo joj pne ip HI uaaq esq oqAv peapno ‘8 jg pas aMoaq ip ^ « naaq saaaX Xa«m sdincvs «»»J 9 H ? S ,A!a *M uzisjbao aiuaajxa ui su jj ?s u a \ Xjqunb J° saaqBg ‘sujg ?SfJAY puaqAvoaay •qaaAi isb[ Xbp auo uognog jo uo? joj SBq oqM. 'aaaan ’* K ‘kuojsij jaadnog 'kSuih paaauiiuBH XnBrgujoaig puourqatH— saojnquisici -aaq?y uiBiniM sag ‘aaqjoui s.uojsaAY »3® »« ______*8J9 U2 0 ) 8n 3 ______sag jo spans aqj aja.w u.v\ojg UBfnn ure)|[ 'ptrepjoj auiipuj^j tpiOMipnog ssiIM puu uojsaAV aaiuia 'SJIV THHSVYN j n o o ) X j o ) 3 « j8I)«8 atw pjnd Xj9A9 9>piu oj u i i « 9 ‘*03 >iaaAV ?s»i 3 M p u v 9 8 ip u «< f3 ji9 i]i 9 p ? j 8 X[uo Anq 9^ Xq punoaSaa atgSua anoX aA«q o? ueg aBeaeo Xnp auo aojXnx «Mj O «aivT jo spans | ‘snaaan aqi aaa.w uohuoh jo .u>iX«x XasuHj|jo qinH »pn«lO 'saiv ‘a a p p s.uosaap jnoX |px •paqsuianj Xgnjaaaq.) saauaaajay ’saadi? oOGl J° uoijRAiJin;) « 9 o q s s ^ u a u i o ^ p u « s ||« u o u o i p n p a j skiiv P «« PI«U0(I.)IV ui«!li!AV sajv | U9H 'saw m i* Xepung pad s *aa?q8 aqi aajju paaiuduq si saojouaj ?soiu jo X.niai.njja oqj, uoijilmnsuo,) ssuf) 0 0 ’ 1 $ * 3 A l8 ||IM 9 M X|UO s X « p O M ] 9 S9 q ) JO J Xuuaa ; -nBp am n pu« u b u iuih 3 H «JK pn« pin: no jo auiuuiui) |iin: aa.wnd iRigSiao atssoi^ ssjj^ I jo uosaapuan M uqof -saw pu« 'j|\i 9 J9 q u o i)U 9 in oj snojduinn ooj sSuivjj jaipo Xuej/y pm: sainjs mnuanax ’saiv' pu« miv j -JiaaAV ?sbj jo Xapao^ S9QlS u 3 *Xhp sa A ip p j 110 Sunpa aaaAi Xaq? aaaqM 0 0 * l JOJ UOUI|9g 9)UOJ^ J9 Q SU9D p -iioiV tiopSpon ?»! qaanq.) isjjdBg j ‘mn saBft oj ojm? Xq dja) B apBOi ...... MU 11: M H ll M11M MIIIM Mini 111 MIUI4IIII It 1111 IIHt IIII till HI IMIII1MIII r Ml II11J MI Ultll r 11 tl I inn MIH n II HI M IMf II HUH Mllim IH riMtl I lllliu aq) ) h uoijHiaossv l<>oq >s Xnpung j ‘asnqf) uibjih '«JIV Xq pa|UBdiuoa 00*1 J°i 8U!S:1?H ®qjacJnS *SCU 9 — ------— --1------rro-i------iaa* j am papuajp aaiqd siqj moaj auiog j -;>h uojinoH jo asBq;) auiBjY -saK 00*l sueag m u io p p e j s q j z i •SiiiuaAa Xnp | Ai:puiis saH3i*a a saiamu ’sai\: j 'ojnB Xq dan aq? | SL‘8 ?B spe^s sanjeaj jno jgBaoj j(uoq miS ,|(> qaanq.) jsi[i:saa.\uifl aq) }i: pa ; -Uv' jo sjsanS aq) aaaA\ uopSpon | SupBiu ‘Xijiubj puB amApjv saiJBqo ♦ ------•q.)i:aail u<>nn<>[[ jo a>p»oi) oaj) A.t}] qinoS jo xpm 110(1 «aiv’ pun aiv J ‘aaqjoaq s.amAiajv uw q?IAV aaeq 00*1 JOJ S9LJDB9J SUBD g I ♦ „ISSM Sj 3j3q/v\., ui 3IX 0H XOVT •Xiqmns aaAo Ai:psaupaA\ ?sh( uojiuoh : Xnpuns ?uads aisj anbsaag jo uaapnqa 00’l Joj STE?ad «qj®dng subd g UOSl.l.lOIV ,MSS.MI ’ S.l IV JO IS.Ml^j ,M(t S I! A\ jo ppix a ii q jay «.i IM ‘aajqSuHp aaq jo j pui* eillAiai^ sesoiv 'sajv pin* -ajv ! AVOS3Na3M •>[.M l.Mlll'I A\.l\ Jo S.Mll.I \' H S.IIV' is.miS oqi si:a\ saw3i?H a|U«H 'KIIV u{bSb 5iaBq uiaq? autoaiaAi oi 00" l .IOJ UJ03 SUBD 8 I qoa.w jsiq auna,) aailsnp pHiS aan spuajaj Xu mu ajaqx 'qaant ■...... p 111:|s| ji: 'op )UII|I ,\\ .-i <'MI .1° Xopluia sajv a.tjsis aoq jo jsanS aqj sha\ Xanq i )s»?i aaaq uuhj aiaq) oj XgiUBj Bjq 0 0 * l $ JOJ S9 0 JBUJ0 J, SUG3 g ♦ ..UIX u!± U|y- } ..sujBag mjjon aqj aaaq/v\.. • * i [ i p. ii. MUo s i:i[ qqa\\ [.Mli::(i M IV •■l,)ini:j jo miiupanojf aqiax sstjV paAoiu uonnoH jo jjanang paaj -a^ ‘XHpsanqx jsiq jiiwaf) j -Xspmaiq aaq 8u| ______U I9q) JO 9 111 O S ______! A v a s s n i pub a v q n o im a i 3 U ) i v o uqop saiv pm: ajv jo sjsanS aqj aaa.w -aq ?i 'Xspsanx uo aaMoqs paea b aaq aoSmqi J() ? u D uofl 'sajv' pm? aiv j 3abS ‘iBJidsoq jioojsoojv aq? ?b m 8| 9JV 9J9J-J— 0 0 * 1 $ JOj 9 U H XJ9DOJQ 9 q ; UI s S u i „'suodE3M jnoA ’ S 11 l >| l!. I J' 11 11! 11,1 Xnpuns puapMD oq.w paoj.wBJj ui^V sajv jo spuaia^j asoOLO,, |>m: ,,p|00 sn-ix.. '-Mi'M pm: .ipqip.i .M.iol'.u: [\; ‘. > >( t:.i < j A[nu;.| -J9 JJO |CID9Cls 9 A B q [[B q S 9 M $X ?p O M ] 9 S 9 q ) U Q uopPMU sajY pm: mjy .jo sjsanS aqj -aBqng pjBUOa -A'»:|(l [....J «>wi n-iv i:im:.in \ | • u i ■ > ■ > sli|l * .# >1 i:a (i .»i |opi pq.) ' \ q so.i,) 'uos o.ioAv uassnji aiianqj saiv’ pm: aiv’ i Xq paplnaao Xiaauiaoj *uubj quiOD?!X .1. >s l; i ii .i 11 » i >s \ i ’ H,W'( ['ii >: |■1.111 r11 ■' M i!PM 'uos.n:,) i:[ir/ •iios.ihj A'snqi iiubj qqa.\\ aqj uo asnoq aqj oj aiiuihj <1 a ail? ll° asnoq aqi o; XguiBj .. U'M S.MIM I s .Ml A I I:I! >• w 1 'i 11 i ■ >■ I ui m .i.i.w iintaSo.nl .»i|i in iai:d Siij>ji!j WPZ pro p.i£Z aaqui9AO^[ II .Ml 11 i \\ .'IK .1.1. >1 ( | ' II' M 1 1 . | 11 |. • I , siq paAoiu smi puapiiD uoppqw ajY’ siq paAoiu smj uosaapuan jadSBf i ’ * ■ i ■11 [, I, .»soi|.|, u.iAin si:a\ \ni:.*p|i:i i: pm: Aiqums sai’Siqq iqp>ll 'saiv' jo sisaiiS ()BOJ 6|qj ^paBueqo saeh saaiix.. s.iippLi ‘sSuipiPta Misiuii jo iiiwaSoad i: oqi o.io.w ppix anqjuv 's-iiY pm: miv; uo iiubj puHiaAai:) aqi o; 3faaM siq? a odd ns isoA.i i:i| oqi aojJY’ 'Mini * i n? J* ui i i B s s n a l A I V in iM XgiuHj siq aAoiu hj.w puHjaAao q a Xijpan^g puie Xepuj no i:11o111o,j un.'j.ioino oi pojoA si:.s\ t[ A v a a m v s NOdDdOH 1SV3 Xq paXopluia sj oq.w aaiug saiasqo i ! Auiuoa.i a i:p,ip ii:s no Siuio.tin on'nn.i;) S9A(? I oi'i ji: ooinipno i j i: od.n:[ i: si:.\\ .*.ioi|.|, I • S « 3M a L| J L> d M> [ i q a\ qjaOA\ -i?iaa pajjsiA Xaq? aaaq.w sjbibo uioaj '[OOl()S Xmqioinos uuq Suiaq oj jqSno SuiSujs ♦ .ssog ai|) Bu i ui L’j.iaiu 3 ,, aJi.'iu >.> | '.m Xupsanqx uo aiuoq pauan?aa jojXbx » '1 ill'II U..1I1" A pill' ..'pi'ii II! v oi no.ip[npi aioiji iorf j;:ni pm: s\i:[ .mj) Xoipi p[ni>ifs in inoinXopIino pnq oj sjaadxa aidsaj * 1 >’M l .1111.sM \ •I' iro ... p..ii : n 11 Ti u n.. \ >(aa.w jsbj xoj Miioand pm: sojini j[i:i| olio pm: auo a a ° ; § SjpqojiM j^ I I •Al| ■'!() "I P \ i • I' I n I 11M| a pm I!!) miv uojsog ui iqiri ‘aajsis siq a.mu »: paanjdRA aajaano qaoug -ji\[ ! 11 11 ii v, is N \M 11 p- ■ 11 ■ > i 11' i. I i. • o) posno.i.nii si: n\ a'.iahoo oj i[.mi( a\ hi uiof 111as ,m[ oaoqj moaj |>m: ‘Xupnoiv u u. u'i \i:11 In I I n|"\|;j ..'m| tiiiii[ oi|d. '.n:oA' jsi’i nt:m 1 .miira'.ia Iijmi nnnn.ia [|i.\\ aq aaaq.w aoSmig dVOH H1H0N 1* pm: v! \ ''' pu ■ I i m | p • • 111 • noo sso[ i|i!’A op ip A.inssooon pnnoj aoj Xnp.uuns l.l'M aulsanji) Xi?g - (I. '■ ■ | 'I n: i >.\ i w ■1- I i'H \ \ s i: a\ u •innoo.ii: [ooip>s .M|l pi IJ'Mp Sunox -sXr[) A\aj b aoj aaaq auioq a.Mii oS.n:[ i: o'ji:ui pm pin: suoinfiad a IV Xq p.Mm:dnio,).)i> aaa.u Xaqj aiuoq aiaqj ji: ajB snauujq uj aajqSnnp jjaq? , UOI)H)duJ3X.. -oaddi: auo uiipi.u do.o| oi .i * pa * * nj nanjaa aiaqj uq -qoaAv isiq SunoA qjpw aaiuiuns aq? ?uads eABq oqM ui NunaHSVM iNVAaa ip: aoj popiAoad • ) a sJi\: pm: a iv' jo sjsanS aaa.w ; aiJJun^ajv pooMuXq -sj^ puB -j w SXISQ JBHOQ Avaiad sim\ Xpm:o povnn pm: stnnnod jo it:oaj pm; qSnoaqj paaojoiu ‘iqaijsjjig jo z, oaa ‘8 ujuaA9 x bpijj uo suo.ion.»S i: ‘popnoixo smu inpi jpaSnoo aapm?’’i X.qanof) iiBsng pm? siah(I naoj UBq u.woj, aq? uf jeddns b a.uas pu« aiBs 8BUiisijq3 ibuuub j}9q? pjpq u ia A3 y 3 LUt‘d p in ..X p o q X s n g ,, Vp..ui.- pin: poonpo.iini s::.s\ opjaq aqi •P'lJV uojsog jo napXg g \7 xajV puu ‘aiv’ ji q.unqo a w aq? jo pjy sajpaq 9qj, . 1 • 01 All \\ •---■< •:•up: ■-ii q p w u ai .'.o: \'-)i oinnoAo APpsoipp no \o[i!'| saiv Suiuaoiu XigiuoiY aaaq SuuBai pm: M|Y noAid sc.u apnnoaos poiion[si:j 111..ill • o.i,mi) moaj paaojoiu Xqaau jo jauj uos Xaq? aaaqM. ‘uopSpon ?s«a o? paAOUi oi[i a'm oisnm niainis>ini:i).L I'Mnods pm: uojiumgi AV IV s-ilV pun 'aiv’ aARq Avoaao ohrsi sjjv puu 'jwi pm: .io(si:d oqi Xq nouuos 'qupM ao\- qoni poo3 XaaA j.iodaa jou lUBqBaSui ?jag -sjj^ pus ‘jjv -sasMjoiN,, ‘aanjoid Big aq; U! 0003 Xiipsamix uo Siuuoao oqj n; qoop)/) j_ op s.iojunq aipp aiuoq siq oj pauati? ‘K?uaaRd aaq q?iAv pua qaaM aq? ?U9dv Jt OX ft n U ft ff n r/ » P 2 » f( it o fi / J - j n o H in a pub s s v i o NOISVO n: qo.inqo ji ■ ) oqi jn pp'M so.ma.ios o.i suq aadaais aaiiRAV I,u,! s!)an.) II q.)o?spooA\ jo aaqBg Xjjbh 's jk A v a s a n H x rfinAinsqnnipp [i.’Uods oq ||1a\ o.ioq.p ii i (11 w XuiMliuo.) ui Suijuuq uaaq shi{ •?sbi XBpjn?t?g uo UO?I9Ai spioqos jo plus ‘paojoi:,! oq.ss '• ssujv ‘lIMPlaA i:j | jo uoa\() g.LU oaf) sai\: puB j k jo ?sanS aq? sbm PP ^ ^ 0 0 *SZ$ sSunj p »^ 9 S o m j l ,| .p 111 p 11 [. m 11 inoso.nl oj.mi s.i. ii| •Kinuoill • ssriy ‘uo?ut*o jo uo?joj\[ Xjjbh ’j W 0 0 * b b $ s^unj J9|nS9^j uo ooud oq; Sui>(9ui ‘J9 q ino111 I[V snl>111.*{• _\ o JO dUloq oqi a a 11 ao anoj jsnd aqj aoj dim:.) Suijaods -8ui?u.w sjq? ?b 8ups9iBA CZ61 ‘61 'A0N J° n n: uoou.toiji: a >:(*an 11:s pp'M sha\ panog : in paXopluia uaaq aAi:q Xaqj aaaq.w •uo;) si sXep iRaaAas joj ?sg qois aq? -ui9AO^j Suijnp pjo§ sSun^ ||?e u o Q l$ jo ^u h o d s i q l"oq-'S uoj.qj ipi ■*'!) JO 3 1111,)0u 1 y aqiu j iMuuqniuqux uioa.j pauanjaa uo uaaq seq oq.w xboh ajuuy -gjjn >iaa.w ?sbi auioq pa |9I99dg e 9Al8 IJIM 9M UIOOJ 9JO)S 9q) p99U 9M 8y MIOiMl.I01 ju Xupung [ 11H a.\i:q asuoqaiiqa\, PM' saj\; pm?- .ijy saug- |U p,* 1 a 11 (j su.w oq.w MMoog MU.\\ punj -uan?a.i sqjuoui (BJdAas joj uojsog U( .loq jo J11. M l! )oS( (11 s puu uaaq suq oq.w XofUBj sapinq;) 'jft ______9Uib ^ j ‘uoijnojq ______•a.iq 1 uj qn‘op iqo.i japs aqj span.woj ‘Jil 'JIi J° uins SS.MI||I SlPM.l.tS oqi X(| XRpuog mu aqj poz11uo.i pm? SuiuaAa X??panji?g A(?uaaaj luaqBJS " a 1: J V 'M pM[[>:» SU.W O IV. !) sag- aaqjo jsod iqo oqj ill op?s XpilHa apmu ui ?aag sjiy ‘Ja?sis aaq pa?iS{A qao?« XuBduioo saai^oag paBSSnf^ ‘dial Sminuq i: SiuXof aiuoq u p[aq jooqas XamiinuI aqx •pn°A\ Jaddfi jo nBg uj.wpg vgJW- III o.n: a' m|i pm? pnoi.Ij i: Xq [ioiin:d aid •jaujoo ______... - ...... Xq pajnppjnuiq^ ______I I l O Ml. r dbbsi in o: n ah : si:ss o|| a' i: | mi n jns 1111 I'^ojj (j •sogi;) iqii'i Xq pauindiuoaaR s??av aqg aq? ? asnoq Avoaaf) aq? o?U( I’puns q a.i.mi n i:.p . n1 O M.\ r '- mv pm: a | Y 'sjiio. n:d siq jo oinoq s.inoq m ui pmqjaoti Sui>{mu -qaBA\ paAoiu aABq XgiuBj pus jbXoh pXojj oqi n: poAia.n: noisosi Jo .smi’ j iiia./j s qouo.) uospiiH Jaq uojsog s i * n p n < 111 w ii i: in so.) |{ [ i l t:| m o? ! ’Xnpung uo >joojg JaXQ O? paJO?oiU X|f •>|..o Va j- [ s s O I | | s ! I < | 11 m ’ I i ■’ 1: \' '.loqm.l siq jo q iimp aqi Xq l[ij( qSnoaqi o.\oap Xasaaii spwag am?f i-un?j puB uo?ia4\v AV O *SJK PUB 'Jj^i 11: - i: a\ in ):q ii.mi! | ,i.n MV oj po| | i:o suioq ‘ ■ q q o |v [) s.i[V spaoaoag •(){;■» •?SBl ABpiJ^ UO q?JOJUBO U( l-O ' i-iq JO oinoq oq i 11: si n i:Miqoi |v oj (ip-fj itioaj Xiiiu.)Aa XRpsanqx ls,!l aagi:.) ssainsnq R sr.w uo?iaAV AY O NDIH3IAII1 M3N : •■•( l lo o i,i.i;| .uopooqx '-MV XajsaA qoaiiijo aqi ji: aaddns jsaA.iuq S M XBJURH UI S0AIJ '11 ’ n i :.i 11 p m: [ 11 s v’ oqi du di.il u poA.ios ap>.n.) sin.wag saipug aqx -iqaa SUIJISIA si XofuB^ saiJBqo -8JIV[ ; ifin ■|,|o U 1 Ml: l| : .mj Ainu.Miu ai:|mio|v ij-q aajaog quuag Jiao.w ?srj uojjnoH u{ ' I I i A I 11 [ [ i: spoo.v 1 HI "II'U'I q.n:q.) aaqjo.iq ■ s.i |v pun ‘uoiuiv ‘saiv ‘saaoiu aaq saAijRiaa pa?isiA ppjx Xq?oJoa 8«IK 111 opil'..o.t,AIM[| p.M uud uiooo -nni.s\;.[ | )o.q4 jo sqoo.ss o.s\i jsnd aqj JsanS aqj uaaq |qno w q.ij q as jo I, lo«| llo.ss Mm sa: po |.ii m |. i.i a j suq uu.iXius jo uuag Xqng "saj^ NoaoaoH l I 1 O |] ) | ,\\ A MAS 1 AS i.i X i: jo 11: .so in ossi M.tqiimu Xaaiaiuaa ui joi spwag ]{ •.lajuadaRf) f) g sag pm? 'a g Xm: mo.ii sopm ’.I [ oq 'jooisoo.iy oqj ,\\ oqi uo iiioiuimoui i: jaaaa oi Xnppig jo auioq aq? ?r A\a?s uaqajq.) r ua? iioa , 11: m j ij l.s\ P v\\ :•( m dv 11 as111 in su.w a.iAOfi jo Xasstgi m jy -ju oj SuiuaAa XRpsaupa^\ qauaui(rl \’ suo! to,..up Oil I " ums v r -aiv uaoquug nooaqag saiv .1° I. I p o (| . 1 O 'O , I ‘ I q SS ,.i .sup i: i u od a "Usou3 oqi >|oo.s\ tst:[ Xnp auo aunqg .wax 11! 9.1 a.w u.woj siqj uioaj (Bjaxag* .mj .,imqoo| m ' s\ '.MM ii a ) s.i |V O) po.Mioiu si Mil.) H '1 sa jv pm? MJV ' A'aaAODaa i: 11 o ] y a '; o 1111 (|. pup mup IIV w|q aoj pauiRjaajtia a.n? sadoq jqSn® i: m |so[ sms', ' U S', o giq pm? ARpanjRg uo qaoqs r q?fAi m n ![■ .o.i;) STM NVH1M3HS wwoiAi u.,w i; nip M •I IV -III. uud uaqapijs sr.w uosaapuan saiaRiff) Mllli.l sow I'o.n . ! I AS n!UO| I 1 'm i: i • sajug 1 uosaap '■< ) iV iuq>.io;j pm: saiug p.n:.wo}j 'uoaXg i -nan sapiRig) 'aaqjo.iq aaq jc ssaum aqj Xq Aupung uo aaaq pagR.) sbav uo? S u n j 3joo}soojiy aijj^ : ao jo |,■ '•-SUjV P.lol a.ma.i.wi” ] ‘uo.iXq quuaq a.ia.w s.iaauag a n 3 1 j >i v o ■ ,o AS MU 1 jo isaq guq 'Silljig.Mqji; qa.mqo aqi jo .iojsriI • -au jn jo iiosaapueH RiguRiv; ssjg 11 • q 11 ss . m m ns o 13UO,) !P>a,) Aaq 'aau.io,) snauujg U08 !'V (1 (! -a iv g: qaanq.) aqi m uoou.iajji? Xup.injug -.lapuan sapiRq,) sag' pm? -ag sjuaaBd •-aiMi-v 'll 'iPii! In ilPi'iUl ■s Hi 111 I.I, 110 ppiq aaa.w saaiA.ias luaauuq 'sauaX siq qjpw pua qaaa\ aqj ?uads uojiuoh I u d •MU jo !| 1 Uo |) o!|| i;;i 3igoq o3 i: aatj 'puouqy uos aaq jo jo uosaapuan aop sag put? -jg A\Op I -f JS.Ml.lH pi|.,l ;; oU.ll'l Mil \ M im ; | \ M i M.iopo.ig aiuoq aqi g: 3 i a->i)UioAo\' ‘Xupsanqx jiiouiaujas sanx a?l? uj asnoq 3 U !18W Suo.ijsiuay aqj oj u.wo? stq? moaj Ag d.Tiil ■ a X 'll"), ijlirj 1II: 1M|:: poA.i.r t !'■ •! 1' u; p|.>; > X.iom;.( sa jy Xu.wu possud quining.>g; Xsjaji sag; 'oiup siqj aa j j ; ■ .loq Xq pop iua 1110.1 -p'd"- iiiuh.m , J...I ■ ! n u i; m y ’.ii»i[ i(n|o11 pp) m: jo 11: quuuncpgj Xsjag ’SJgj -uiRj siq paAoiu suq aiupuRA apXi3 XRpuog uo aajuada» 3 paj^ $ * * s a a *u> sgiq ou Xud j[uqs : p:t|l oippid , M | 1 Xj ‘OOIII A - . M 1 j -M 111 I 1 ‘ M I l imo i ii: o j a i: p uo j v no qooag 'b’jjiS pm? niia>[oj aaqjo -non o) u o a 13 si o. poll s.'iqi ■ouioq Xm I"11' ’Ol . \p\ 'lli: ' suss \ -ui' l g ;.| MIV sopisoq ‘span.) st! paAiaaaa qjn?i mag* sag* pm? 'a g jo aiuoq aq? ?r aagna l,Jo[ ollIA uq AS ()( j ooiIV• 0 pi ipv [ (( j | 11 • t r-1 M I • • • *.l • t N\ 1 i » -IllXq.i ! IV I Xupqi.gii ;n aaq jo aouoq ui paApmaa 1 1? su.w uojiuoh ?o asRij3 'a g wajj XRpuns uo qau?Bdz?(vi{ - m i:p V ' ,!i 1! I! ' -IIV : o r> I A niLW i ' O 11 A A\ SS aa.woqs pauo jsod aqj aoj spuaiaj aaq ° D Snjq ppij^RO 30IJ0N '.M.IIISU i.L : sm i:;' \ ij 11 p;.| 'X.nq ) :i m q m i 'aosiono’ i PI 1:11o( | ?|uuq 1 iii saqspw 111 nq g sauiup 'sag- qunag saiv put? a g jo ?sanS aauujp aqj sr.w uojiuoh jo 3m>[ Xang ssig ! Jfooaq I u \ [ m, 'i!M|Ms.ug ’! A ■ rm i q, Xup- ip.,.\\ no guq u.woj. Mpio.qqqs i,? dpi) Suijunq • qaa.w ?stq Xt?p auo aaaq v.uipoad m:a aoiiai.isuoo pm: |[i>[s A"o)dnaqin:g ui o.uoj.o; •dq.w |o.i uu.i i: iy ' iii.pl.'. .a, | . i; qi iu M( SUSS a. Mi up . M 111 11 d V u no qaa.w jsiq sXup [uaaAas juads • I.I ...S\ m o .m||o .mn.sMMpij ,M|i saAijRiaa uo Sugn?a aaa.w uo?fnoH jr.q? jsaq aqj man XaaAH auai3 "IIVA ''I M.WflM 'supidiiioj. >gn:a,.| ag- aoj ugiq pinq.) sag- !?uu' ag pm? uojiuoh ■UU|.iu..| 's.i |v ' ii ui p.nm H| suq ouoqd.q,. 1 ss.m \ jo aa?uadat?3 quBa^q sag puB -jg -Xq pm? qjiuaq aoj suoijiuudo.id :m ;[ ''11!• i A -- ii".a ."i | .>: |.... r, ; IV u q i jo ospiq aajsog -sag- pm? 'ag JO ol III I I | qaa.w ?st?i sXnp inaaAas ssau(snq uo •jA.aja.ing ooj; .jo an() a>p:j oj Xsna ■3 UIJ001U J)|t:k n.’pu.l niiiioim 11:1111 •qumingaiv Xsja •in: .iioii m m n n RjsnSny ui srav u na*pg Xuoq?uy •ssiiRaaq paaaa.jaad a.unu aqj gy jjojsq Quio.o Xjaodoad Auui su ssauisnq ...... n ; 1 o.i ijd ui i:.) oqx 'sag- ‘aaqjouipuuaS aiaqj jo p:aaunj aqj ' o 1II U | \ uojiuoh uj saAijBpa q?j.w qaa?w aaiul Xiajn[osqn ‘ssapioio.) ‘ssajaopo Jaqjo qans jousmu; pm: 'jdruqmiq aqj ■SugioA.I ol(| 11; I 1:1 011:1 IMiajju oj XupanjRg aaaq aaa.w uajjRq ui o.i.M| oj 111 ss dm au i iunq q • . ss jsiq juads suaAa?s QIPHAY S8IIV ■ssaiajSRX 'sai j.iadoad Suiinaiaq 9U}Uj):xa ‘aajsnaj n juioddi! ‘KUiji:p> jptqj puu a olid n s .umud 1: aoj mi d X upsaiqp jo qumingaiv [qou.iy 'sagT pm: 'ag dAoad ‘puajju Xinai Baojjpaaa pn:s eqj 1 o o | .111. i o u X o 1' u o 11; as n 11 ss ' .s' u. m | i u y qRuung o g g put? ujoaun uj saA|? -ig iRiiijsajui sji ui aiapluio.) pm: mil s■ 11:IV 1'? xpuug J II sag; qg.w aiuij qopj.w jtj ‘uoouajoj aqj Uj (J s.gv jo ssoqdoii pm: 'X|.|iu.s<\' >|M"A -iqa.i SinjisjA sj aa?uad.iR') aSaoaf) qsnoaqj si g o [naamiv jsaiaang loom ig pogAig o.n: piy ;q dV '"I.I, >g Xsiaq -sag- ‘aaisis siq jo qjRap 'd iu | \ .1.-q 111| M.q, q •wo\ oqi jo .loqiii-Mii u 'qaoy A\oy jn pin: ssaugi aqj Xq qaa.w jsri aaaq no;jRdilsuoo jo niaui|i:oai aqi ui ' S >( o o AS X HIM II JO SSOligi 3 uil[ U .10 1.11! 9 H 1 U 3 1 9)[J uo uoipiojf U| 'uos.Mijug .iojso' i U|v Xq oinoq poiuud ‘IPU rr U IA'lVf J" Xupang.'s Xu.wu possud 'u.woj siqj jo poguo su.w uajjuq jo luuqjopi Xauag «■)■• 1.1(0 ,'U(1 ji: P[.U[ oq -uioo.n: o.ioas pin: 'soAiiupu i|iias Xuis adXjp mussug I[I.U i'•aoppo.i,) jo 3 u| mapiso.i po3 u in: Xauogjaiv suuioigp •jqSiu Xupung jsiq sSmg aqj XRpuns qatiauin Avax «I XgiuBj -JO.MU jsaij A111 sqiuoui o as j u.ioiju Xup.iiiios )si;l A i f.) J)u; 1 pm? !jdn.uV i" q po)).'.) 'oouoa.wuq o;go\- sag; Moisis uo lassa.v poopi u pa.llijdna SuiARq Sill puB pui?H 3 pai?A\ p a jp p uosdmoqx U A[lip qao.v a o \' imuj ouioq poii.mio.i 'uuigri -ipid'p si: -a 11 i: 111.n:. ) \\\ oM.I".q ) aoq XiggsiA imoq suq "o Ml) UO J1M[) U.1AU1 A (p’M * 'mil jut.lossy siso[11.i.io1111,|, qoojsoo.iy .mq qg.w Xupung pm: Ai:panji?s juads »q s[ ^’MIJOX aogg.w oqi puads 01 uoos -a g h H u.wooag aiuuy ‘sxg oqj jo soojdsnu oqi .iopun s; ■Xiuuoo ') dll.l "ssug- -q giouquq aoj oAU.q oj jaadxa uognoii jo qaRiH aqamqo 'sag ■?ai?A\a?s uaoqm?s 'sag ‘ja?q8 n«p aaq oqi oi 11sia sgi ’.i11oq in: moao Sinisiq -'|m:q 'pn.uo.iiij n |.,i.i)s|p pm: ‘qo,, is. m.i y p[imo(| uos pm: oouoa.siuq jy mag; i Xq paiut?diuooai? qaaM ?st?i auioq aaq j m * w 3 > in.Munn:iMo|Uo oqi ■soigmuj [uiinin: i" am moo aqi in 'i.mqqst: \\ _j. • mim.iir,} -s>iao.w [Umoaos aoj iguuioa •aaiqSURp aiaqj SigjisiA aat? miaXiug J 0J j)aUan?aa aaaq aaiuuins eq? ?uads pm: ap)t:jo3oA siq qg.w so;i[o.\ou .ssmi si sai:js aqj jo 'AV oSaoD:) p|«s j.. a.ioji|..,|. ..qi <, j. giss oq a.ioq.w ‘Xupuog- uognon 01 jo uopSwag h sauiup sag- pui? aiv ! ollAV ‘Bung) jo ?at?n?g u «m n *sjg ( jdnjquRg A'uniu oi Xi.iud aqi paiua.ij oq.s\ 'Maisap asanoa aqj sr aans sy qjaua aqj liia.w uo.1.1 u; 1 001) -sag- pm: a g- MJUH puRp) 1 gunjj.w siq? ?r innsn bb gaM st* ?ou soidn.nim:; | uj n imii.j u .... , a [[()J* aqi Xq Xupuoiv isiq paun:|.io| o? samo.) jqSg-.iRjs aqj ignq.w uaoq.n:a([ sag- sag- •aajqSuRp aaq StgjisiA si pnoy 4ug? aiuos aoj q?iBdq aood ui uaaq 1 jo ao j j uiu oqi uj •no ,u u.woi ui VI aqj jo jaR.wajs rzjih IM Sl?ij oq.w umoj s}q? jo uaz{?{a pajaadsaa a 111.iaos pin: poMpunq .mo (iioqy ‘qRUiin(i.)jv •aq XiqRqoad ‘Sug>[ui.wi i: Samoa •.iojclnaquug uj oun.qv jo J.mmx si:.w aimuu}] jo ogq.\\ aouoaop.| 'sag’ pm? paSR ur aaoiuaH aaziag ‘a g -spl oq; jo U()is|.\[(j luoqjao^ aqj joj s | s o 113 siq oi s | u.mii Xsiag sag' .1° IR.iaunj aqj papuaj?R -aq uo}joiu tiAii.w siqx -soarav ui ' giom g:oa 1 iu d x ?b Xsp Hiogooxo 3 ui.sm.is jo |.n: oqi in sgo.i >Iotaaiuiri .wax mo.ij .laqiunu t? ajinf) -MAR.l? punos a>ig 'jq.3g asmiaaq l>a?!Ug oqj jo jam:.') joijjsiq oqj uj aoj [ 1: g d s o 11 pmqiaoq 1: 01 uosuuup ; -uog paaanaao ipiq.w q?nap uappns ao pm: ■opinn p|o in: si oq.ss smupy BJOJJP9JQ ;o 0u|ioap4 JSj|j ;o aogofg u 1 \\ pom ud uiooo 1: Xpuuji ,) || .1 c | 'i|JiI aaqiuaAox 'Xup.in)??S 'Xoq Xqi?q 1; sjq jo uanai o? pauappBs eaaAv uoeaap a |v uio.i.l a.) i A a ) s pipuopls pin: aun:3 moisoq ,*i 1 ip I quR.13 sag- puu '.ig’ oj u.iog -lion S9ianq3 jo aaaq spuauj aqx jo |ua|d '.Mini poo3 i: 3'uiXofiio gu o| 0110T; suq Xo[auq || [• Xq sauoX Xuum ■qao.w jsiq ssauisnc| Xt?pan?t?s ‘ g x ‘*l90?8poo,\Y gaq.iup •oo.lojoji 'sdmuo smupy noag oqi ju qao.ss jsiq l s t M U w q aoj po.soplmo uooq suq oq.w opq) p;.| uo nisii3ny ui su.w smupy .wu.ipuy ui aago3 uqof jo ii?aaunj aq? pa aada.qs .(, aoj iui.u:jy 3uiiunq sXi:p a\oj i: mods ‘ 1111 a i: j y '.njui.w puajji: Xag?H aojatiRg ‘sag puB u g Pl,;|io( i. > i y aoj iih.1,1 .) \’ pm: lima;) .) .) aiv '.qsi oiihsoag oqi .mi mouiXopiuia suq oqs oaaq.w snaNNii •uo?inoH jo Xai»H JB1S 5 SDOD : suo; in ii]S(|iis jo inna;) h ;> pm: uosoumc h g a jy lUUsoq 01 aUo3 suq 3 uo[a(i o;ga\’ uop.iof) a g jo s?sanS aauujp Xupung a.)iuauL.[ ji [ aiiSuadg ■ >1.) O W | S l! [ U.WOJ •Rlll.iojgi!,) ‘pOO.WU[3UI *1 [UI a.ia.w XapiH aoianug sag puB‘ j g aadaajg 3 a ( [ ) uo[o.).iu;) (11 S p 11. Maj no .Wuiiiuo su.w ao3 uug pm: idsoi[ u iu giommua) aoj pmt|iao,| o) 1 u poi.mq su.w pasuaaap aqtp ‘z i aSt? Suiuaoui .l,)Ult!.l,.| JV . ) lioq;au.) 11,10 w101( a.Miiiiins sjqi 3 ui.mp <" ‘MPIAV uoos o3 01 sioadxa sioqai\ piAiqi pauqoDi pm? jjaj aq uaq.w ssiqa .loimtf Xupung ?siq q.);aamn A\ax «! ll«H »M? xapjg "().) pU().l|jU}| qooisoo.iy pin: ,io3m:g aqj jo aaquiaui u 3 uja.ii ‘q \) 'y jo AW .11 P[uuo( 1 •) 1 v us upsamgp ao3 m:<| in ouioq siq 01 jr paqxRaad URUIS0 3 H H ’A9U [ a,)doo[g .p ja oqi aoj qao.w |oua pio.) 3 iuop uooi) suq J Jit ua;) poii.mio.i [ouq.M man.) A'.q.nq] 'sag' sajunpR.iS o.wj .laiu.ioj aipp 'p.iRqoi?! uo?joh uumaoqg oq.w 's[[ iqs| jo q.iuoji ui|o|‘ a jy Il'aaag 'VI pu •qguoq' pm: 3 uiA.ii pa.13 'uqof ‘suos .moj ujjg sag jo jsanS pua qaa.w aq? bb.w : s .w 01 '.loanj' puu.13 jo ig po.so.idug qoiiiu si s[oqoi\- p;.| ■piiRqsuq aaq sapisaq ‘ssoj aaq uaiioui •qg ‘uoiuuiRH XaplRX tt-iou ss|g [oj si: su.w (in-. , OI(| ill oa.ios o| u.wu.ip uooq "(|[ oqj. •uumaaqg aoj X qoudu.) •pmqiaoq 01 ouo.3 suq gioupiq [u 1:1 (sa.1111.Md MaX.wus .mus| 'saag :a.n: aunX 3 ui aqj 'jqSnoqj Xaqj aaaq.w ‘iqu.iojgRV) i sajug 'sag put? ’a g oj ?no saoS X?{U iiuiuaaqs; qii.w uosuas oqi jo oiin:3 (Ujoads oq 111 as aaoq.p iqSjU Xup nsin oqj aoj saa.n|jo .won oq.f nuoX oj paAoiu Xaqj aammns siqj Xpip 115 UJ j -muiuoa aqj jo Xq?t?diuXs aqx '?uap isai) oqi poXupl looqog i|3i|i i j i.ia o | y -Minus ‘aa lUuqx uiiaug- oqi 11: ‘suoui.y ix.Mi inui.miua gi.w .woguri g: qaanq.) un 'aunqg pm: g;n «ai?iv J<> sjuapisaa { oq? Ja.\o japtS q?iM pa?BJ?soad XaMUd X<| . sXuq looqog., puu niioq j s I j d 1: {1 oq,|, 'giasaad oq 0) piqS sauaX Xuum aoj uaaq puq XasuiRg j ?‘noqt? sj xoum 'sag ’sai?.> jo ?uoaj n i a a a w qu.) aogy Xq ,.‘iq3 !\- mqois aiin,, su.w puu ouioq g: goj XpoqXaoAa '.Miq •S.IIV pm: "ag -qjRap aaq jo uanai uj Sujuiina jo ?iq»q aq? u{ «t?A\ pgqa •aSpni su.w a.nidus oq,p muiuoAo pm: noon oj paAOiaS Xplaap si: ga.w si: paqaoqs aq? pins aqs .ioj xouh 'sag uo auiBiq ui oo.iojoj[ U A\ O 1 , M | 1 o.suo aoq aa>pn:g 'uos pm: uosauiug |iioui|o(| -aajji? qjoq gilj gioqu Suiaq qo.inqo oqj a.ia.w spuaiaj Xuum aag Il!H saigy on saaRpt sa?i?g sag ?t?q? Pl«s 8f ?i ,rJ IVA rI XIAUIM a.\uq oj Xaaos a.n: spu.uaj Xinan Mo[| jo suauq 3 ;<( ,M(| iu 3 un|so.ii|l .won s; qao.w oqj ig poiso.mgg qoiiiu Xao.v pa jo Xpiamaoj ‘uiu.iojni:,) ‘imo.waiSui •Ksttd o? at?.) aqj aoj p??oa aq? jo apjs 1 'M i'J 1 a‘1 \' *'i•>j[11.• 11 n: i... ji:, | •uoos oAg oj ia>{.)ouggjy oi 03 oj tool! pin: •uiiaug- ,) \’ jo aoioua.p luiiouuu -moos XpoqX.iaAH qooqos Xupimg oqi jo Xosiuug -g 0X1:3 'sag- jo qjRap aqj X(( Smjir.w uaaq puq pgip aqx •Siqjooiu pji;s aaojoq euioa -xa pm? uiauj .laq jqos Xiiuaaoa p[.Mj aoiu[ ur-m .won u posuqoaud Xiiuaaaa jo isoaogg aqj in poqsi: Suioq suo;j oqi jo oaaq paAiaaaa su.w s.wax •pagiq Xi?ur?8ui puv Xv.itM'H'Jd Xnu si: ssoujsnq joqjo qons job -mil uajv 'Xj.ind asiadaus u ppMjmii ' >|oo.ig aoa(j jo a j 1 q \\ g- soiuuc ag' |-sail!) Xm: 111 ‘ \.>| ja 111 j aqaiq,) ,.| Aog Xq Xasuauy 'a sXbj 'sag qoit.ijs sr.w auop aq pgio.) Suiq?Xut? sutj? pub jdnaquRq oqj ouiiurxo oojsnaj sajv axis (>i paaaq ji?3 spuaia.j jo .\')ai:d '^imv 1 p«q 'Sig jsaaaJig Xguioadsa su.w .qqui I aaojaq pm? ai:a aq? jo ?uoaj uj pBoa % juioddB ‘siunqo apqj oai.uq3 3 g Aag "si | oq? sso.i.n? ur.i aaqjoiu sg moaj Xbmb •KjogpojD pg?s oqj ouiij qoiq.w jb uoouojoj ppMjmij aiURji' S-*1V .1° aiuoq aqj 11: 'aoSiioq -g giwq puuqsuq aoq agq.s\ ,) 111 jo poaii g:oa3 aqj piaj XpoqXaoA.) A OX- uooiiaajju Xupung qaanq.) 'g 'll , 3upn?ajq ‘aSi? jo sanaX 9 jnoqB ‘sa?t*H ■ •qj .it >'• 'o|- • . > (,i m ", | -y Iliads su.w Suiuaxa jURsnapI Xaa.\ y spio.ss isiq ijoaoxo..| ao.\o( | m soAiiupoa Suiquiu ‘ g pn:s pm: 'Xus oj Sigq jauios iqi ju iqaq su.w lu.iuuuj sig iiaap I pm?io}i 'sag pm? ’ag jo pgip gtuus « X up ju .Mg uo 'iniiunii n: |o:_\ -| u; s\ ' 111: Xq paXofua su.s\ j SiggsiA suss ooSno'i .Mignug 'sag* puq aaquads qou;,[ [uupiAipig aqi liqopuuaS Xjua.w 1 pm? sjjasnqaRssng j uaq.w aSRgiA aq? uj giq SuipiljM pu« *P3 30UJO oq? JB ppq oq m-w saojipojo JO a iu 1 j jiiRsuapl Xaa.\ 'SuuiaAa aqj dpia.w isiq jo jqSiu Xup oj aiguA .)p|UI aq) ‘p.gqj pm: :aiuoq JO lumufuag aaqjo.iq 1? sa.vRai osp? an doajs R u.wop aiuo.) ?snp SujAt?q Ximojb uijaoiu jsaij aqj jrijj puu Ijdruqutiq pojuo 8 .jo .lapao ,M|j a.ia.w aajjoa ‘oqi:,; ‘saqai.w [ -sailpa.\\ ‘sII'?q pmqs] g: .iujg uaaisug aqj ui apgti aqj puooas '[ooqos Xup X.qdujj anqi -sag pm: Xau.n?a>i X.i.irh Xaa.v ai?a aaq SuiAiap sbay xoum '8jIYt -rpnipu a j n i» 'l-Maa.i 11 ' 11 o p U Ar f -puns jo smouiqsaajaa suoiagap Xq ! aqi jo Sigiaam u papuaiju igiaug- .) \ -mis aqj in apigi aqi su.w aidoj jsaij sag- ‘ssau>p)is siq jo j.nul aajuaaS •s il« j puRisi moaj auioq SufAjap M'vs •Ml ?:jad '< I ‘ A".V J'J .imp ii mj pa.wogoj sauruS pm: diisniv -?:j j sag; pm? sagis dll,!''sl asmIV !"n: ag- aq.p 'KSaigsnq pm: jaodaa s.Xaujaaoag aqj qSnoaqj aaqjRj aaq aoj paaua op q.w ppq.) pio aeaX xjs t? aaAO uiu .i/yj io jvqj m m 3 A,[o.Iol[ s U 'I f ix . 'SuuiaAa Xupuojv 'puoa Xjuuo,) aqjj •qaa.w (siq iua>l aqi uaq? js.nj aoiA.ias asiuag '3 ig pm: asnoq jdaq suq oq.w aaaag q?n?j X[ji;juap!.).)t? ‘uojiuoh ‘xoum P^JIV vllu ' uo auioq aiaqi ju doqsig aag -sag- pm: jaog jo muqqigg wcuioigg Mag- ‘s.aaj -jaoui aqi jo aSauq.) >[ooj juap|saad aqj :s.iojq3nup anoj pm? Xapia.I put? puijA •sag uaq.w ‘H 'aox ‘uoouaajjt? Xupsau ■1 ■plus,.,!. ,j 1: i-ua isu | pu 1: >oOJ-So ■m oj uoaiS suXs Xjaud asiadaus y \ -qSiiop aaq oj j 1 s 1A sXup A\aj u uioaj uuag o^f) ai\; uuaquas A\ ?l,n:-l3 'aaopoaqd, ‘up).)Uiri 'agsa'l tsuos a.\ij -po'AV paaanaao juapjoat? p»B XXa.v y V 111U,.. > .. (11 in u>"> 1 pi, q j j.'i "■‘VM JO q.M.i '■Ml •qaa.u jsiq ‘sSumnun.) sugg 'sag- aiuoq pauanpia ppjx ,) uoag sag- puu gazuii’ (! 'uuni^o,) g g 'apiuo,) ‘spuaiaj jo jsoq R sapjsaq sso[ siq .-q>U a' | pn: .1" s.ioiqio.io M|| , .►1 .1. pu 1: MIV Xjna.lial aaq qg.w sXup .wajj 'sauaX uaaijn goa,) 'asi:q,) g A\ ‘Xaijaun a>iaiq.) u.iuom 01 s.)Ai:a,i ag SI 'A°.M ‘?q^Jd. SHIN VNHAWS idnaquua 1 U l!lads uopSpon jo ppjx i:S[.() 's-gv | moao aoj uaas (oil pnq aq oq.w pm: •3 'aoirj ■;.[ j.iaigy 'SAag ‘.3iguaAa : f 5-f • I) s; I 1 r 1 ...... q.raa.qi -.j nopuX’i sqauAS (i.w 1 jsiq oqi ao.j StngsiAi MoSuug ui saAg Oq.w aaqjo.iq siq uioaj' pirn u'hou'.ia'iju .dj 1" Sigaup giasaad | ;o aajjuua oqj uj uaaq suq aqs aaaq.w igoauri uioaj jjsiA u SuiAiaaa.i si suuioqx M kL '-lIV s.iajsiuuu ua.vas a.ia.w aaaq.p 'qi< •Xojdnaquua -I jo japj pauanjaa suq qjiiug Rjo.ig ssgv a>ii:g aaqmaAOX ‘uopSpon u! qaanq.) jsijdRg = -«ia »MJ jo uojsjAja ujoqjjo>j oqj joj 'auuj r aoj qaoA\ upw sn.)[naund ju sdim?.) uo.i.Cg aqj ji? dpi) aqj qg.w jam suojjigaossy' I(>oq.)g ; | «®Jt:js pojjug aqj jo jano:> j jjajsja aqj uj aqs aaaqA\ ‘Xuprag ‘ ksuiv ‘aaua.iAu:g Suijutiq sXup .waj R uioaj Xups.mqx Xupung jo uoissas pmum: iiognon if spual.l J XlIRm aoq O J S . w a u SlllSRapI I IliiiimmiiiijiillllMilMllltlUllltmilllllMIIHIIHHIIIItMilOMIIHIMMtHHItlMtllllHIIMIIItlMMII'IIIHIMHMHMMIMIH'H'IH'tHMMIlMtHMWtMMMHW** ••jcjipajo ;o OuijaajM jsjij ;• »0)jofg 01 jua.w jjoq.iaqmag uX[aAH sajv auioq pauanjaa .laq.iug y g -.iiv

xH O ia a o v d lod ‘To ?iaaaKaAo.v Avasa^aa.YY ‘sa^ix NOJLiaoH