. '

; oi' ' .. :I' , ...... ·, ~ . : . ' '" .. .. --- . ----·. ···: .. i l ·,.. J.,··. -· . .The DAILY~s--~roblem ·Fight for, not · again~t, _Is Nohe- Da~~·s. .··:; -your DAILY.- -It-is-· ~Problem.· . 'l · -· fighting for you . - . . •e ' 'i ··.:·.<:I ... ; I ilil ·. •' I I I I ~' •

.. ,. ·. yoL.2. N0.·41· r: UNIVERSITY OF ·NOTRE DAME;:-NO.TRE DAME, INDIANA; slJNbA.Y;· DECEMBER z, i9z:f ·· PRICE 4 CENTS I ... ·- ...... ~·------~· ... t . . '.• ~ ·.· ~~::: ·. t .. ·.' . ' J, •• p • ••

Me(ropo_litclli ··club. 1 r·-:-"i~is~-~~~Ei~·.. T~Lio'6"- t JuniQ~ Stag Supper . ; .: :;:;·.,.cAMPus::·.. : :·Dance.·Tickets>Out! - to Be Held at LaSalle G,LEECLUB . ·; . ' ' . s· .. Tickets fpr 'u~e; Metr~politan' clu~' l The':~~~re_ ·?ain~ reserves· '?e- i. :.'The'' J.unior -'stag~suppet:, r _which ·. ·sy_.n_''_-A·:·_T_ .· .. H.._ .. dance t9 be l1eld in New Yor~·dur;- ·!feated..tlie UTn1vers1ty -ofd:Tolei:Ifot; j will :be·. given at. the: LaSalle ·hotel ;;1· C" :ing the. Chri:;;tmas ;vacation :will ·.be · k3 .1 ·to. 0 'at o1 edo yester ay: a - = on Dec.e~~~r 13, ,will. be th~ ou~ _ -·.JO- ENTERTAIN . · · ...... · placed on sale .. Monday. -The tickets ·j ernoon: · '· · ·: ·· · · · ..· · ·': '!; 1 standing ev.ent .. of 'the .post-Thanks- Feel rather rem:iniscent this may be . prdcur~d . from : Josepl). : ·The following members··of the! giving .season.. .'~he affair is plan- Burke~ 427 Walsh hall, or·from any ! va'rsity squad made the trip: r hed ·,to_ 'cl-eat a better -spirit of fel- Will Appear in Mishawaka on D.ei:.· morrin~. -o- ~o- of 'the ~e~l:ie~s· o( the (!lub,. / Th~? ·! .. FrisJpg the m~mbers of .the .·. ·. _12 'i Dr.·· .arowne· ·-WI' II Dl'_rect _·. ·· ·· · ,I, · ·'' .• ·.# danc.e:-,yill. ~~. held ~nem.em!?.er \,27~, I· Newman; .. Barry, Wh~lan,.'·Stack,:. ~lass ~and . consequently .the.· co-: ..

. 1 ,vas just: wondering .if ~ou :e~ in the Hotel Astor...... ·,: . ;1 ·.. : ·=.Eggeirian; Brown, ,H: ·Eaton, :·.w; 1 operation .of ·each individu~l. n1em- _·.. _ :Conce_r_ f_ ;_·Colorful. Program, member Ed Casey, the pyr_omamac ·.:The' cdmmittee has planned many ! Eaton, McNabb; Sexton, .Dooley; I ber ;is .. solic~ted. . The supper:. Will i of Badin hall. · ~nl_lo,vati~ns ·and_'fea~ur.es ... a~d, it _i~ ! Gl~rnn, Cou?hlin, .. Wallace, Ge- j. tak_e: ~h~ -~~rll1 o~ a~cla~~ meeting_ ~t . ~homas Hodgson, president of the .· · , .. · ·.:. : . ~ -o"" · --o-.. . · ' expected that,_the dance 'Ylll.b~ espe~ 1 netsse, Kestmg, -Fmch,.; Lamont, - whtch time plans for the future will Notre Danie . club, announced That ,.;~s. wa·y back ,in··.192o:· ·A cially successful.· · .· · :·-:. i j Farrell, Gl~ckert, Sharer, and.1 b-e placed befm~e the class; follow- yesterday .that the organization- will ~ophi~ticated .Sophom pre ~told Ed.. to - · : Manager Sutliffe. . . . , , · f ing the procedure of a civic. organ- appear: in its first concert of the thro\V, his. c1garette _,butt~, behm4 :- ",·.: -:··. · I'· ·Furth i· · · " t · 'r ... ' tj ization · ... ·.: --··· year. December 12, .in Mishawaka: the:rad~~to~. -~o- . -o-. , . :·. :;; CONCERT WINS·! J'~vaiiabi: at.;l~~t~~~\~= riAi~iq . :... <. ·:·:- • ·' .. '·. The entertainment will be given un- · ];:ddid: EverYthing ,;.ollld have · · · · · · · · · · : ! w~nt to ~r~s, · · . i BROWNsoN IN ~;r- :i~h~~~~';."s ~~~h~~';,n;l~r ~~:~ f::t1a£~!!:.~~::i;~;:~~e:~~j SJUDENJf~VOR i{~·ofc~.·p,[Ji'N' "] .. ·.. · n~~l'ny--·-~···:·6.· -•- 7•·· ~;E,~~~~::h~~'~:!~{~~~~~\~ p~'ido thi.nk of}~·· . :..... - '. : .. '': . ·- .: ...... : ! -.~. u 1:; r. lti.K ·' a ·. the _presentation of a colorful pro- . , -o- . -o-· : .'· . . ·.· ...... , . : . · ·· -~ NIT ~-AT Io N ·--~---- ·.. /· · ·· J · · gram. Dr. J~- Lev.is Browne will di-· ~·:A. \~eek later:Ed,,told.hi(~orine~ M.a'cta.v,en ·:, Qu~rtef, :of Brilliant - 1 ·. ' . ';;,; -, '"' '' :·-.:: rect this initial· concert;: .. hall mates that he liked the atmos~ ··A f' ·f 1 p · d b · C'f' : · ~ · . .. ·. . .. :. This: year's. Glee.·. club program phere· over in :Br~w.nson. •· · · ! ·'·' r IS. S: s·· ra1se . Y· .n .ws;. . . .. _· _ . _... ! . _ . , :I :~ichig~·n -':Cify:.t~·gj,o~.J~am·_ ·Beats differs radic'ally !rom those offered . . ' .. •.:: . .:.o.:·: ·.:o.:.· ' ..-. 'P.te_se, rits_ ·.v__ arie_d':P.ro'gr·am.::· : I I t h II Ch M dd by former clubs. --Several difficult' ·: Fi·~d Meehan,: re~iderit of Loweli-; c . . • . 'st·u· de; ;n' t' - ; ur'•g''''d'' .. t :!;~4a' k', ·-~A -:l'c'' ' .. ; . n er a ;· amps. on. u y_. numb'ers' an~. to . he presented,-- one ville' and of Corby· hall, enters ~ :· ..,.rhe:Macfarren '_Symphony quar-: . • s : e .'0 m. e.' .PP 1. ai . ·'.' ' Field ·:·White· Scores]·'' : . . of which is Brahm's "Rhapsodie" plea for:just~ce._: .-·:···: '. . tet delig~~e.d'::-.Iarge :and e:=ceptiori-: ':. flO.~ .for Mem~ershlp Soon;,.,,;! . ' in !which Miss Decker a'Ssists the . ; '·.. -' . ' .· .::o.: . :-o:.·' :. . ... ally apprec~~t.Ive audience m W~sh- ' .. Cl ' . 1 . . . . ' i ',._.Th.e. ; ~roy.rnson-: ··HalL: .pigskin :club.. As a. featur~, providing an. It isn't fair, according to Fred, ington hall last' night by a plE!asing . .-·.:: .. ass-m anuary. -.'' . I squad,-.contenders for;the.interhall abundance. of ftin, the nursery to permit a· person born i~ Cana.da,: pro'gral:n ; of" 'classi~al ·'an'd modern . 'st. d : t . h;·· l 't ' -~ ; :' N ·t : .chai:flpio'nship,. :,encounteied- their ~·byrne, "Old King Cole," will b'e of- .. _,vhoH~t.er'_i_n ·life_ .ha~ ~~e· go~d ta~~e. :music: ·• .. '·.·_, ··.·.-_. · .:_ .';· ... _;: D~m~: d~u~c~s ~~~be~ {Z~~: 'o/th! ;tr~t" '·4~f~:~t-.::~t: A~n-~~ :field,. M~_chi 7 fere~ .. I To_ help_- diversify the pro- to move to Long: Beach, Cahforma,: · . '!'? He~b~:~: 1.f~~f~~ren, . -~nl~Ia~~ Kni hts of· C~lumbus. -~re. u; ed t6 g f oug game.·;; .. ,. : y:· .. · •• ,_. •. ,, •: ·' : well her:finished- artistry. 'Mrs. Gal.: ~~m~ _place!.'.< ·:: _ -: : :. ··-- .. : (·, :;· ~ ; ~a: h1s_i#ht a?d·' ~ood; .. ~~~.!.e~~ _· -:~---~ : }~~~~;~nis I~pec~ed~f6:nbe :~:elar~-! · O~tweighed _40p9u~ds. t_o 'the ·n:~t'n; 'loway has· chosen several numbers ·.- <~ ·· .. _-o- :.-o-·- · · ... _! Jego .o.~,y~l.a,. ~~pist, a~~,}srael; este_yerinitiated'intheNotr~D~m_e!'the:hght:Brownsonwarr~o~s dazzled by-Godowsky· and· Rubinstein for 1 1 · We· adVIse_ -Fr.ed to: tak~ .the mat ; Turek, • ~·- vwhmst, · · · demonstl'ated ·c · ·r .. M · th · "th" t · · .. 1"-l :the·:war: veterans -by a'brilhant· pass- her part' of the program~ She en­ ter.' up in :our >new:· correspcin~ence: marked ability ~·and artistic' percep-· · 0t':~c.I, ·h. · o~el. '·- _da~ ·b.. lr. _Y ;abPJ:l.ti ~ ing· gam1e intermingled with' n·urrier- 'joys an enviable reputation in musi- - 1 P · f 'th pi' s · ·l:it'id . Th ·. k f W"ll" · . ·D .. ca wns ave. a rea y. een. su mi -, ...... · . . I ..f . . . . CO ..Umn:.< · .. O~er-:.'=' ... " -~,:.·:e .. ~·:;::::_,;~~:on;.:'_ _ _,e ,W?r .:0 · I_ lam• ax,,·_~-~d, and .tbe:-total.i~_.expe~t~d.:.tol OUS.·~ine.plunges; ~i~e after time Ca 1·cm!es.-o thiS VlCimty.- , ~~Lthat:_; ._ .. : . ·_··_:· ._. · ~, :..... ,;.i :-.> .... < Vl_ohm_st,, ~~s go?d-:-ov~rsha.~?wed,. ·reach:_at. le~·st 90_,: _.. .. A. banquet:.,0lll ~~~ :; heayy, '-~~e.~IO-~ :_. b::ckfie,ld., ,~v-~~ . The. club will present one of Dr. ,-...::- c:.:;/~~7'~:~';--C.:h:::·:, Q --.~-:-. :SQ. --.--h·:'·, ~, ''d:--/-::" --."' ~, .h,· -o~-- ' '''· .·'. .. - higton hall programs~ . ':. · .. .. c~~nutg ._e11tr~nce. to ~h~ :fj'p~J;th.~P.~--: bert;.:ooDockman,, 'Halpm; ·· · Smit4; high school has extended ari iilVita- · :.Did anyl)~dy find il iittl~ 't~9-.:not'e .·. The entire·:. progr~~-. in~plvirig gree: at. :this.. tim,.e, -:~.f.r~m :· Hel,lry! W.hite!! .. ,~urray, :·.; .Cohe~, : DeLeo, 'tion to: Notre Dame 'to .attend the . book?.'. ,-~he- -~ppmesday'· }3ook~ we 'techni~al. skill:: of.· the:, _highest. de:- .Barnhart,.' .Gr!-in~ .:~mgh_~~ ~·: ;,._. ·.;;.; Topaslky,. Muntz, Ryan :and -Br~d- conc-ert; · ·~ ·. ' .. . ca!f'!t,::_._:'I('j~I].'.~ ~_i)rofe.ss.,o(s~e-~·~r4 gree;.·.. was .. played .with: warm.tlf',and i A c?rdml I~VItation If! exten~e~: ~ey_.· ';., .. f. J- r, ...... '. ·:.::L:• .. : .·· . : .1-. · ..· ". . _book:··:rt ·1s:·the ~qo~.'r~h~~--.C~~~~ 1 ~s c~Ior~ .,'J.'h~ quart~t}ef~ !l?t~n~~um- ~o.~all .stuti.e.n~_ m~_Il1bers_, ...o~ ou.t. of_. ,,,,'fh.~.. :.~H~Aes~; ,of ._th~ .. B:r.:~wp.:>on ...... , ... \. the names of all'·our ·frlends -~nd done to·give a fimshed andocolorful t,o.:w.n.,~oynclls, t~_,_atte.~·uj,;th_e,,.regu: team thm year IS d.ue largely to t~e ·RARE -DEIICS· .eiie'mies\vho:aJ!e.'going'~(),make:the_i::r; ri·e'sentation. ':. :·' · .. '· ... ::'· .. :. .-:· .. :;::· ·lar ~f?~_tlJ!g ~~d:.m~ti~t~ons_of.J:{qtre efforts of Coach Barb.e;r.a~~ C~:ptam . .Jl\ ·L . bow: in·'tne··:column-,::together=·with ::.: · · · _:,: ·: ._;: .· -~'1'. :c.-·D.'. ·.. · J),ame)J~'!n-~Ik ·:r:rll.:nsfer:,to th~:l~- f"iJ.Il~~rn,. tog~ther, ._,vtth. ~~~~~h~J: · · the·:cs·candal·: which· "we-' collected ... _. ... · _l_,, <'' :. . ., .... :··: ··.-· cal orgamzation Is l:lrg~p! ,lru,t_-;this Aloysms. :l ,,,...... ,, ... ; .. ' ... , ... • . IN. LIB··· RA.. RY ~~~~;~\he"' t~f~~~t ,'~.~ d~.~:. \V~ Chi~~s¥~ i:l~b" GliDb~s, ,·,,·.· ·, ;~;~;~/~: ~~~:~~I~~y'.' ~:: ~:.t::~:: c;&~Jd~P.~p''~Y. brFeTs : <' I . . . . ·,_,;:-.,. :<.,.o-:, ~o-.~ ·,._., ;··;~ ... - ,.. UCCeSSTU . ance ·r~-.. - .. _,_.,_,_,~~"-'"::7""-::-"-:-"-.+ ...... '·- .. ·. · .. · · · ·It has been conclusively demon- ' . ..-- I :· :·· THE·· D''A.}T 'Y '· ;' : ;i . ·. Short Storv Prizes · .· · ·· · · · ·· . ·. ~ · strafed by Eddie~ Luther '"tha("six ·_ ~~o:-~~~':l~~!e? ~· ~f?UP,~es_ ~tten?~~ l ~·' .. . -; .H. ~ ~ ,'~::::.~·.j, :~-~i~·.f {::;I/ ;; o::y; ; ':;'i .(; ...... : ·. ' -Ohme.~e. Prayer .B~arns 0~ Display_ ~~oi>Ie''can·--:ride·hi··a·~Ford:coupe·< ..-:·: ·the .Thanksgiving· aance given--i;n 1 QUESTION·NAIR·E· · = ·,.-~,:;rh:,:S~u~~d~_ .offici~1 ?r~an of: the,:-: ·"in library·- Three ·.complete _ · :: : . · : .: ,:..o- . .:o:- · . - : · the "Red:Room of the LaSalle hotei; ·• · -" · -('- . ' 1 CathQhc, .. Students .:M:1ss1on Crusade -. .. . . 3 · _ · · :h~ \!~~~~t~~~~:I~as ~i/~:~J~u~~ Ch~cago! T~mrs.da: . nigh~, . ~y th;~ t:i~~.'Y~i{~'.:¥~~ci~.~- ,i;~!ftii~~,',~i(~~~)· a~d ;the_t ~nly :iri~e:·~coJle,g~ate ·,Cat~~ .' .' .. , . ·' , '~ .> :C,o_pieS. _- • .. the steedrig·wheeC"':. -.. :• .. -;;(i.:.-: C~lCag~,_clu~,of ~~~r~;·~~.I?-~··:· .. ,_. ..:: .. ~ 1. '· '': The'·storieslwjll~be•jhdi,e.(l'bytl1ei1: Chmese t~mp_les. Th.ere are t~ree_ ;-: H;is ·o~ly remark was. an almost cording orchestra...... :~~ : Roy t yh!iUVln, !Bro\~llson hall, I cori·ectn~ss ·tv j 'th'e'':acceuted-~~stari.: ~omple~e- coples• showmg both· Sides l_naudable . "Whee!"- as the. car . Through tlie efforts oLth~ com-" LJournabsh II_:, .. •!l' • ~ .:. i clal·ds;:of·,shoi·t~stoi;y·~;,~iitiiiO'• .'a11d m;detaiJ:...... ~oun.ded.::·:a · corner · ori J eftersoii.' niittee the dance proved a· big, sue.:: i· :·· .'.U~ .,-.;ould. ~e::in·, fay or of.' more j by:.the :trueness; to,Jife·· an'd q~~he ap:; ,; ..... Th.ese ~ boards· ~orne from. three ·. s,;t_:_re~.~.. ·_·_..··_ ... ·.. _'~,_ <_._._-._. ::_·. ,._._, ·__ :.' -:·.. ::· ::·'_".·_:·.. :_··.·.,.... ··-..·. cess both, ~.ocially imd_:':financi_ally .. j of:,:~h~ ::Sal~,;·.a~d .less ··of.:·the =·. peal .of ~their·,the~e. L ·: ·;:/.. :!" l :·_ ,; d1ff~:renb~ tdemfples. t.. hThGe MtaTnchu _ , . 0 0 . · .:~:'The committee . follows:-· .0\ven :·Regmald::Denms· an~ ,_the.~Cle-..:e"'!' ... ~ ...... ;, • " . · .q. ·. _ prilyer o~:r: · fOI!l .. e rea em-' . · ::; Wi.sh I .couid..7.find !,_that: lit#e 'r.eg. Desniond,'>chairinan; Farnk-.Duffecy~ !·hind :Symphony type· ~of'·' e1_1!e1:- -, ...The prlzes. are: ~ 1 first,' $50 ' sec ples. _at Jehol m. the · sou~h~vestern · . 35 15 . ?ook. : 'Sterrible to. have to get this Stanley Walsh; Toin Walsh, Arthu~. 1 tainmimt·11 .• , . r:-- ·.:· . ,: · ·: ,:::'i··· t ~d, $ , an~d th~d, f $ h J~se£h part of 1\ianchurm. The Tibethan . OJl(without it. · .. · · Bridewell, - Stephen Pietrowicz, =:'; · , . ,,;·>. ··,: -~:.<., :.· ·~. ,· :-;.:<:!: enger, _presi en ° t e·.. 0 r.e prayer.. boai·d ·is a·niong _the collec- i.i :. : .·.,.·.:~~; --o-. -, ~-<·_._-··.::"'' Charle·s:.chouffet, Joe Foglia;~· John !h~.~?~~~?- .-;~B~J;e~, ;-Er..~~?ma:n:!: g~.::awt,_:.~;.~:~:~c~¥~ft~tfJ tion· ·from: the· Monasteries of -Pf.·:hhad~it:there":wouid ... be'some Deyere·ati.~;~ ... Jo~·.;_:;Rig~Ji; Edward!--~,·-'·.~\~~·)[,;,:-1 ... ::<: .. ·;,. ,.,.= ~ . Io: ..an °. . . . Lhassa,.··the-·-/'Forbiddel1'·City'~: of st tl" · · ' ' ·· .. · · • · · ' · Barry :Francis.;·cro\vley ·J.· Raymond -·1 :;·:.. ''I,.. t4n~.k t~e·;programs .:m~. all:,1 will give ~~ta~le_d mfor~a~I~n _t() ?-Jl Tihet;- The· _third is from the Lama· :;·ar•·!~~·~.'te!:~-~~~ 0~~~·>:~\.)?:.:<;;~ __ :-.!._ · · '· · ··· . · · . .: · , .' · · ·"· · ·. · ·· ht ·, · ' ·. '. . . · , ·I Notre Dame wnters des1rmg to en- G · t M r Th · :. ~~e Oliver . lobby is an· awfully !~~~~~st~ri~ J~.~~~ M{v~~~t~~~~~!~4: : t;;CT!\v ::·~~~it~:; ·_~,~~ca~~~~~~·-:C~~~l ier· :t~~' confest: .,,vhich -c19ses Jtine "'::e~~ 1:~~~~i :: ·t~e~~;~s~ab; ca~~~ .· nice place to sit about ,1 o'clock in Spet1;c_er, --~i~hard ~ibbons, Thomas.~ l·m·erced!l:'.:•'';:·< :---:,,.·. ·. · :.: U -' · eh~J?1~~it I 'rfli.e ~'nly -~~s·s~; for the stud~nt at the entrance' of tne ·Lammoriier . · :::T~at'll:beenoughofthat. the>cluhonJantiary2... .::::!!a e. ·.m0 1;? · ..~.r:·s? ... muc . 0 ej body are at 7:30 and 8:30.a.... m., library.· · · ·-· - .. · · · ·.;.- ·1 c 1assica1 · · , ' ~ - and not· at the 10:15 parish mass, · L, · .. . !Wh<>-:~~~s::itTfi~t-;;id;·.~'Yoli.do~'t' ·.. s.~E:E~skiN-··MoN.oG~·x~~- ·;;. ir· _. Ref~se·d·i~:ii~~~-~rde; · · :_ l a'ccording:toian rlrii{ounceme~fjli~a~ ···_"·cLAss-Es ·susPENDED:: . ~now the'' half ~of· it; dearie?!;:··-_· .... :, .·students·"- baving',,' Notl;e_,._. Dam~ i. ; · 'r':Th,~. p~ogi·am~. are·, a!l ·right! by. the Department. of J?Iscl_~hn~.. :: ___All_ c!~~S.~~ will be susp~nded n~xt._ . , .. .·: , -o- :.o~.; · · : · · monograms on. \vearing apparel are ;! for that kmd of ent~rt~m111~nt, lj yesterd3;Y· Aftenda~ce ~t the. Ia~~- Satur~ay,. Decem}?er 8, _m _()bserv­ ·i~nd who :was· it that:said,; "Well, again_reminded _of .the· recent r~lin~. ;1 .but they se·e~ .toc.o~e · ov~r. the j· masses .Is a d~rectivwlatwn· o~J·t?~~ ·ance· o·f ~he ·Fe'ast'cf the· Itinnacu!ate 1 •. You can't get what you. want by. by -~h~ ·. Athletic . Boa!d_. ~~hich . pro:-~ i 1l1e~~s ,pf-.:~o~~( o.fr:the: st_udents.'!i : regulations of· the Fort Way.ne\4!.0::- Conceptwn,-· a . holy day of obhga­ _arg~in.g;.~ '.you::· can·· alw'aysi;;.take:>; a hib!tsjthe :·. w,earing ··of·'- monograms : j . J oh~ . Har\~ood, Carroll hall,:-!' .c~~.e,. ~~~5 '~!~.~-l ~~-~t,~ps~- ~~d~. ~:V. ~~~e ;-ion;' a~cord.ing to :an,announce'~ent_ P.·._,n•. ir.~y.··for_c'e?~·o·-~ .._, : : ~,' :· ·' .·-· -. · by ·any ~xcept those to \yhom th,e~1 1= Architecture ·r:· -•1-. • · • .. . . J ,Dame. · . · . · - -{~~ Issued from. the .office· of the J:?Irec-,. 0 were award~d .... · • . · •.. · · . , i( r!:::r~iTh({ehtertainm'eritS' 'are :rn.uJ~ 1 .- Any . further d1sregar.d .~o.f~;t_lils _tor. o_f )~tudtes. . · .. .t Figure. t~a~ one. out; .. It .is .. hoped ?Y · t~e .. authoritie~· i!-ical enough, but 1, should . adVise' =i :1;ul!~g · ~~. st.~d~~t.s, '':i~.I. r. r.esul~{:ti;._~1 . __: :r'h_e_ Noyell?l fo.r ~he':Feas~_starte<;l_ ,,, : ~ '(Contl·n·. u~eod-.. · -n__ .o·_~P._a·g"e.:.?·. ).·,·;"·'.:;.:.; ._··.· .th;t. f~r~~~r ac~u~~,--'~I~l; _J:IO_t_.b~.- ~~c~: J~o,i-'

,, ' . , :.( ·. •'' ·.. ..· ... :.· . ' . .., •_.' '"·· . '' ·· .. '. . •. ' .. · . 2 NOTRE DAME DAILY Sunda.1J, December 2, 1923. r···NOTRE- DAME DAILY Campus By-Paths .Don't Wail About It ··Official· . ! . - • •• - • . ' ' (Continued from Page 1.) ' , · .Write About It . · Univer~ity. Bulletin .· ' · University o( Notre Dame official daily paper,. published every morning ~c~pt Tom Hodgson has . made an ex­ Monday, Wednesday and F':iday during the academic year by the Notre Dame Da1ly haustive · study of telephone poles. C~py Collected_ from DAILy Company, Notre Dame,. Indmna. This is your column Tom has gone into the subject with ----~ulletin Box. _at _4:30 all his usual vim and vigor and. is p.m. . -: .. -· · Entered ns second class matter. at the· post office of Notre Dame~ Ind. The Daily docs not stand respimsiblc for ... CHAs~:A.·M~GONAGLE ·· . prepared to . give a five-minute any opinions or facts printed in this speech on their origin, nature, use · · .· · · · · dimartment. ' · · Editor.·. · Subscription ·rate, $4.00 per year; by mail,· $4.50. Single copies, four cents. and .variety. -o- -o- Editor· of -NOTRE DAME DAILY.: BULLETINS. Ask any. of the boys who were at The :sophomore who takes it up- . Bulletins must bo in' 'th'e bulleti ·~ on himself to criticize seniors. for at the Main building before · 4 ·30 n box ' College Inn Thursday· night. • th h. the DAILY office oin Walsh· h~ll •. bor in no t carrymg_. e canes t ey voted 6 :45. . No bulletins r.eceived after e~ohre EDITORIAL STAFF · -o- -o- to carry, niay ,•. • • . ·In the same spirit of fairness it must be admitted that it sandpapers given it; it won't be·the last. Neith_. terit of his days, ·Even if he never . · .. : . Rocky Mountain Club...... one's s_oft 'spots to ·see ·the word N ot_re Dame linked with language of_ er is ·the Oliver the only plac_ e \vhere· gets a satisfactory answer to his Rocky _Mountain. club. meets. at 12:30 · . d' T~esday m the. Journalism· room of the this kind; And the -irritation is more aggravated by the knowledge that it has been given; Consult · fhe queries regar mg. -the seniors and L1brary.: -.Very Important.. . · . Notre· Dame ranks with the foremost. in matters of clean ethics and Sorin hall directory. · their canes, he may still' fret his lit- ~::::;:::::======. . . ( . £ ) tle frets and no one. will mind. -:-: cleart mindedness. Because one man or teiJ. men or that matter is -o-: · -o- , .that ol~ stuff speedin'. Jam on.yer 'brain-lazy enough to "spiceu his conversation with 'obsc~nities is no A former member of' the staff ' ' ' . . . ·A. ~ENIOR.' 'Qrakes, yuh. dub, and pull up. ter excuse for· placing so lofty .a name alongside the ·dubious figure-gym- has interested a 'Mr. Reed of South . the curbin'." · · · · . . 'nastics sh.own ab_ove. It is .bad tast. e.> Princeton .or any· ·of the other Bend in a. bra.nd new· proje.ct, an· I···,.· T ... ' .. fi: ·· . d' . . ._. ,. l'b · · · ~- · · ,. : . o_ an ear ne1 y- a JUStedin rhet- colledgesbthfltt.~vte'rf.e'mt en.tionbed in thtet,cotl}u~n \~Ot~ld feel much the.same as oyster I rary. o-· -O- . , ' TOm Qther eens .. oric a_ sentence like that·causes we. o a ou -1 1 1 were roug1 1 · o leir no Ice. , · · • . ·· . near y .as much. anguish as the. ten The plan is ·this: The oysters are' 1 · ._It is very hard to ·find· a path of life on which the man \Vho swears k.· t . . . f t b t d· . _· AND. R.. H.. E.·T' · · R. IC. dollars. and: costs; Imag1n:e Officer ' . -- £ . f .h. . d f ep .care u 11 y a u 1 a e a- an. ~ m- B_ULL. 5 0 G . does.notwa.lk B ut_we b e1eve-t1at_ewer_o I 1 ·Imareturne out rom d d··· th ·rh·ry·· Persons'de- · · · ross.addressing: -Mr .. Blankthat II · tr· · f · · I · I · A d l'k · · b I' · th t · t exe m e 1 ra · · ; To .the coll~ge student who has way! .Of course. it· is unknown eN~ egesD· 1an _rhom anybp ace£. e se~. · . n ~ I ewis.e w~ e Iev:e . -t~ 11 . siring oysters ·for stews or' such' had intensive training, the ignor- wh th M Bl · k h .. 'f .1: otre ame t e: num er. 0 .· t 1le swearmg· 1eglOn; IS c~mpara lVe,y.1 may draw them out BUT each'arid .ance of _iJie ·aver . r .. ' . . . e. er r. an as ,a car, or.1 ' ~~~all. ·}~he ~?.!_t~~f Jn~_in~r~JI~d a -~tin~,. ~cca1,1_~e i~~v_a~· ..~a~~~-~s_te~r ~I!~ _i~ ;:v:ery.i~oy&ter,.:i~ust:;be:.'-i:et11 rned:..to~ appalling:~~ cindee~~~~~~h~~;;a~,J: _h_¥_§.I.~h~ye ~a_:_~!.:2V?~.th~h.e_)'iQUld"--. _ was untrue. .. · · . . Its shelf after It has been stewed. must be careful h · · t · ·-th ~pee~,. bu~ at ;any rate, kmd reader, · . ··' , · · . · · . . . . . : w en we ?'e m: e JUSt Imagme It! ·. - , . : · ~ -o- -o:- .. . . . ·. region of cold facts and simple sta- . . . · ·. . . . · Reference ~ oysters · can be kept' tistics; we . are able· to inform our . ·Suppose. }hat mstead . of· usm~ . ·ARTFUL BRISBANE over night; _circulation oyst~rs ·.can. large' reader following. that not :a hsucdh bharbtardlsms: and slang,' the cop .1· . . Mr. Hearst's famo~s columnisfmust h.ave been recently called to b~ kept for t\':'0 wee~s ... A notice; sirigle: policem·an in either Oniaha a 's ou e :' · task for. some· of. his .wild ~speculations by .an annoying· professor. At will·be sent when th~y a!e .~ue. Liricoln; or Fre.morit (a sp:eCiaFin: ''Eh,: there, · ~my· worthy. wight. least it is difficult to ·explai~ otherwise the column. of criticism which . -o- . -o- .. vestigator •left : this" afternoon for ;Kindly slacken your momentum and ·. I tlu~t \Vriter. directs against· colleges in the November 24th issue of the Not so good: Grimd.>ISlaiid):,_lis a 4octor of phi:- approach into ·near ·pro.ximity with .Chicago Iferald and Excl1iliner. ·· · · . · · . · · . ' -o-: -o.:. -Iosophy'or· has'·written 'a treatise th~.. cu~bing on the.right/' .· . · ' . '·: . . . ·. . . . . , . I . .· . Eugene·: Nooon and "Jolin' .Cecil for··· his' 'inaster's': degree; :This A'··w'arm. and ~o;dial fritimdship · After .an' intended clever and ironical thrust at the college football Daly made a trip to the~ 9rient :·the charge, of course~· is so serious ':i;hat might have arisen. After exchiing· playeriin tl1e beginning, Mr. ~risbane shifts his attack to the evil' in- oth·er evening .that was not .spon- it;is-not.-m~ae lightly:_-. We. are pre~ irig ·cards ·and being. invited· o'ut by fluence of colleges in general in the: statement that: · sored by the College i:>f. Conime,rc'e. pared to·.furnish n·ames and license Mr.. Blank to.· see his collection of ~'It takes _a _boy of. stron.g mi~d to endure several years of false . -o- .. -o- . num_ _in_ te.. rested ·persons .. ··:_: cameos .. 'the ·:·officer could' .. contiriue The scouts . report :having. seen ~e!-'_~_:to' · standing, false glory, false importan~e, fa~se fossilized theot!es, and ~: ;Tiie; speed': "cops" are .the worst in cultured tones:. ' :. . . then come out fit for life's real work;" . . this pair at the Gold(m Eagle con-:- · · - ' · ·· · · , · · · · suming we dmi't··kno\V what> We offenders in the inatter·of pure arid --: ''{am :Sure,· ¥r. Blank; :th.at this. He· next. m~k~s the. startling assumption that: .. . . . · • . . . always read bills of fare froin right uns9il:~ :dic~ion, . It is especially illegal . acceleration; was·. a o mere 'Had Lincoln gone to college you would never have heard of him." to'left·anyhow: . ,...... ' a~noymg t_o b~ b_rotlght up quickly c;>versight ori your .. part;nq~ awan· . . .. Contrary to the ex~sting belie£, therefore, Lincoln must not have -o• _0_. With an ungrammatical sentence ton and deliberate~ effort to violate · ~~en gifted, with a "strong mind." It is hard to imagine what a great Words taken from to day's lit- like t?e. •:_foll~wi~g: . · ,: . . :',.: : ~ _: :. ; the spirit. and principle -.of the law. ~an \Voodro'\v Wilson mig~t be if he had not. b'een hindered. by his• col- terimce of the philosopher_of "The "Hey,- you- egg, w,he~e dya get ~Co~tinued bnj:)~ge 3.) · lege training. · _ ·. . · · Dead Rat~': "Johnn:e,- you can't · · .... :. -. -; ..... · ·' .· : · ·. ~Ir. 'Brisba~e next. resurrect~ the· dusty examples of men who have champ*ne .. tliem ' to'· death O~l a · ' · ·· . .. •· · · ; , ~ttained prominence with. little. schooling~· Yet to place a few of these' Coco;.cola ·income,." ·: .. !; ,.. · · ~- r' ...... -o- . -o.:. . ' . r .. most :successful gra(luales of experience, as· Brishane might call them, 2 . John Gallagh(ir:-lia:\ring inade.fre~ ·' ''' '' J i.".' .. <' ' ,,. ·•· · · . besid~ the ordinary' graduate of college _is obviously no just-comparison. , "J 'I ' • f I ~; ~ '' • quent:. trjps. to Mishawak~l ·h~s; be- . f\:s _a rn:~tter. of -fact 'the college graduate who .fails to make good becomes 104-106 .Nortb'·Michi~ari·Street .,: NOTRE DAME come a student of Kipling: .. · · · .. '' 206 · Sou'th .Michigan Street~·:. · · _· CAFk~E~I·A': conspicuous. becau_se ·people 'believe he has had greater opportunity. "Me •that J:Iav~ beeen what f hl\-ve 337-.3111 South :Michigan· Street .... . ON CA_:MPUS . . . . But_ if a .college. training _is· to be r~garded as. a handicap; surely these ; 122 West· Vfnshington .Avenue -: . . . beeen,..r . . . . . · : .·:· - 119-121 West Jefferson Blvd. ' · CLARK'S LUNCII ·ROOM men have been JUdged too harshly; :. · , . ·. . . . . , .. Me that have seen· what I" ~ave ; :- ·107. E.· Washington Avenue · .15 to 19 W.' 6th St.·. There is 'of course, an implicati·~.Il-that. Mr. Brisban~·s diatribe . ·seen, . · · · · • · · · :, :32 ~ . yr. e~t. ,S?uth, Street · . ; , GARY, IND; ,,._ f:· against·: colleges· was inte.nded merely to ·console, the, grieving parents 'Ow can I .take on: with grubby. old - .:.. ·:; -~. f ; ~: ~ ·.: who .cannot send their 'children to: college' or to. encourage. the' youth · · · Notre ··Daine:agarie." ·• · .:: · : ,;·.'- .""'·· :.;.·:·•·· ·~ ·r . who cannot continue his ~ducation. ·But ~vidently, the·influ(mce it. may ·-o- -o- •. have~u'pon prospective-college students. who have .the .. means:and some . The burden of:this: extra column :desire to obtain: more learning is ~not considered .bT.the :writer.. It Will make· i(necessary to have more . _hardly .fair to. man'S reputation. merely. to. soothe scouts,_'·more .emissaries •as: it were~ ~?U~ ~s~el? ~e~troy. O~e, in -foreign ·fields; and distant halls: ()·~ ~.1f..;:!ClaF.k'~S an~t er,s. _ ·:·. · ·.l -- •• . ·; .'·.. :;,_r, ·.'i' · ·,·. ,.. ,:,_r::· Sshhhh !-leave all communications ' • ~' I ~·; < ! " • ,,- < ~ I ·:: .;_: : ~ .. beneath the. old_mil£i-stone,. or in . :---···· · •• .· .M~.. C~r.~wner~Help put _over Notre ·Dmne's: gre~t~st blockad~; th'e holiow stump: · Be_ sm7e no ,one P?-rk outsid,e the' quadrangle. . .: . ; · sees you,~ for· the· ,blood-red·. finger .:::_J;·;>:t ..i;n, : ,·~,'II ··. ·o'" m.. ,:,,· ...: s:, ·.·. ,. I'. :! . ·...:....·..,.-,..---;-----'-'---~'---.;.;;·__ , ._, .,.... ·ao·.. ofi anger and. death· points .. at .. Mr: .> ...... -.1 had:a·good_·one-.-· . ;M •·1· -: ..T, · ·- k-~~- ·t:······ __ $!:_;·s ·o;:·o. ·_ . . · : , · ~o~: ~ ~ · ~o-· ·.· · . · ;: · - s· sO .' ·Bu·t I.; w·as: prevailed; .upon to .. ,.. $ ·,~,, ::;J: ea; IC e.s;·;· .. .~·· .· " ·· cha~ge.it.-~--- .. ·.. ·;.·_;1, :·: -~ :._;. ~ :·. >.: l·.: ·; './:.'·; i ·;.~~ rr:he_ N.o~rc Dan1e '~piritdoe.s yob come ou~:Of a ho~n. : · · · , ., · -·:-o..- •· .: 0 ~ . . . ' -. . Discretion -is'~the· better part of ~-~~e?uvcivlliz~~J~n_ _'I~i~~~t-:~~t·~e· ~~ney-mad if it were not" ~~~ey~~ va~o,r. . -o-. -o:'· ·. ,, : ... i, ._:(;oJd·~f a#,(;pJi~~~·L"otati~ns. ···.

· ,, ·•. ·,. · _Lea~ t~e c_Qh.iJl1.n ·out ifit's.sho~t, •': ~ .. '~~~·-~~~~{ij~~.~~ds~~e~l~~~~off~ld•~~b~: ~·~~:~~~~~~~"~~~~~~~~··~"~~·~·,~~;~~--~-~~-~·~-~~··~'·~~··~~~~~~~~~~-~~-~\·;~;~;.!~I~:·~··~·~~·

. '_,

J . · ... I . '· .' Sund.a.11,. December.~; 19~8. · ·NOTRE DAME· DAILY

FROM OTHER PENS. ·.The record· of the team. to date ·in another direction and out of I r;:======:; has been remarkable... The players danger. . . ·. . . '[ ... From Off Stage (Continued from Page 2.) and the coach are a fine crowd :of ·· · · · "Clothes Make· A man of your knowledge of Greek sportsmen. It .was· a great pieas- The line, too, is outstanding.. The ure to· sec them at "Princeton this particular star who struck myfa'J?-CY ••• ,.,...c~o~c~~~t.-.~c•••!• recognizes at ·once that a stricture the-Man'' fall, even though we were·· over- . was·. Oberst, a 203-pound .tackle, • AT THE THEATRES. upon· the momentum of automotive who· 'vas a vital factor in all of the BUT ·REMEMBER--· Oliver-"The Covered Wagon." vehicles is both' just and necessary whelmingly defeated. · I :hope we offensive efforts . of the western Clothes Palace-"Joveddah De Rajah!' ~especially in view of the decreas­ will see them back next year. eleven.' . Oberst is fleet for a big ·need ~con- · Orpheum-" A Man of Might." ed birth rate and waxing mortality · In .a team like . Notre Dame it . imin; and iii .equally strong on the ~;;:o;..~~PI stant atten- ·' L'aSalle-"The Gold Digger." rate." . . . is difficult to select the· outstand- 'offense . an·d · defense. He .. opens tion to re-· . Blackstone-"Men in the Raw." · · Policemen really should_· be doc­ ing · figures.: Rockne ·developed a -huge holes d1rect line· plays, flies tain their in appearance :_ ·.,~.-o.-,u~o~.-.c•:• tors ,of philosophy.· Nowadays all a perfect machine, and·· such a . rna.:. out to the· end on swinging plays, . '• . . policeman .can tell you is that. you're chin~_is successful, hi a great meas~ and g~ne;rally, plays hob with the lu~~and snap• ./ James Cruze fooled the movie­ not supposed to put your· flivver in We can do ure;· because personalities are· sub- 'defense... ·Dqwn field . he is· fast. as it. going crowds when he produced front· of water hydrants or that ordinate to a·.great extent. Against the end. ·"The Covered Wagon." Instead of Suits Sponged. and Pressed, 10th and 0. is two blocks to your Princeton. his first String backs- · · · ; · · 50 cents · the epic movie of the ads, which al- left and one to your right. What a Miller, Layden, Crowley arid Stuhl- .·. Naming . players., .with : Notre . ways makes us cautious and four potent influence for good officers- of dreher-proved sensational · in all Dame,. as I said, ·is difficult. ·.I be­ The· Service bits richer, he· has produced ~ great the law wouM be if, for· example, aspects of the g·ame; .. but ,when lieve Rockne could sen:d in a steady motion picture and an enJoyable they' could tell the casual· passerby Rockne sent second string . backs stream. of players until . he had a .Tailor ·Shop ·three hours. He has· idealized our into the game the westerner's back- new eieven and still. not; greatly that jelly-fish are not used as a but­ 110 East ·Washington Ave. boyhood favo~ite-an. assortment of ter substitute; that Mexican jump..: field lost little of its cunning. · · cripple its. offensive po'Yers:, pioneers, ·per1ls, Ind1ans, and res­ • Below Max Adler's ing beans don't understand Spa~­ It's ri.'wonderful eleven. . cuing troopers added to a simple ish; that Goethe and n·ot Schiller A: ,Heady Quarterback. (Copy.right, 1922, ·by the Bell Syndicate.) l£:=::::;======:.11 •plot. .. The plot preserving the three wrote "Ach, DriLieber Augustine," Stuhldreher, I will·say, is one of dramatic unities of an. ante-b;ll~m and that~a professor won the war. the . headiest quarterbacks I ever movie:· a dark-complexiOned v11lam, -Daily Nebraskan. have seen.- He ran his plays against a fair- haired .heroine and· a hero us with almost faultless judgment whose features exude heroism. His series of selections is uncanny. Our interest in the plot alw~y be­ . On~ of the new ideas th~t the ·In addition he is a brifliant ·runner.' ''WALI{.-OVER''- gan and ended with a study of the New York University has inaugu-' Layden is a· marvelous ·fullback. stance employed -in the final fade- rated, ca!led the .. Freshman· Advis- He runs lines and ends i.Vith dash TO ALL ~t . . ory C.ommittee, is for every fresh- and judgment, and .is a hard mari " .. But Cruze had so~e mone.y left man to have . a personal friend to stop in the open field. Crowley, over after · he . had · bought the among the upper classmen tci assist· also,· is· a brilliant opi:m-field. run-. wagons. and so he hired a man him in giving his best to, and get.:: ner,,with an uncanny knack of,mak.:. ~is. named Torrence -:- Ernest To~­ ting the most out of first year ing . tacklers· throw themselves off :,; 'rence. It was really too bad· that at ,college. ,balance and then of ~hirling _away he·. hired this man . afterwards, be­ cause when Torrence gets through acting you really wonder why Mr. lflE EXTEND AN INVITATION TO USE o·uR Cruze bought so many wagons, and What They Say.. I if he couldn't have- got along with­ For Refreshments TELEI;HONF; out Lois Wilson, and have let some­ By WILLIAM W. ROPER Aft~r t~e $hqiv_'. one else revive Kerrigan .. In. fact, Coach Princeton Fo()tball Eleven.· ·PLACED JUST INSIDE· OUR. FRONT DOOR . ·.:· Torrence should .have played ·every - '' . .

part except th.ose taken by the (Continued ·.. fro-m . Yesterday.) Visit . . ' · . horses and the other scout~ . A quick opening· play. equally as JT IS· THERE FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE The picture is filled with an ar­ good is directed just inside ·(If· the tistic use. of big· scenes. Simplicity defensive tackle. with ·the offensive ·and e~actness, ·in" spite of the mon­ :end and tackle cross charging o'n .. ey 'spent, are the effects so admir- the defensive guard. and tackle l"e-: ably striven for, arid· ~btained, by spe.ctively. ·.This play is ue:cd from James Cruze. Emerson Hough had the first position of the backfield The Blackstone· Clouse's given him a prairie fire, . a buffalo :without -a.~-shift.· · · ··· · hunt, an Indian attac~, and a river ;A ·Play Without· a Signal,' .. C~ndy Kitchen c'rossing: scerie~ iri which ·:the long : . . . . ~ -W~l~~O.ver .Boot ·:shop·· - train 'of. 'covered . wagon's' ford 'the Stuhdreher, the· Notre Dame quai·­ terback, has a very clever fashion .. Next to the Blackstrm~ · deep;,.broad wate~s'.of 'the _·Platte; South.Bend··· ·btit'if Hough described them. as well of taking the ball from center with.: Theatre as Cruze depicted· them;. then I am out a· signal and driving ahead for a· couple of yard,s ..·.• A;.· play without ~going,'to.:.be out__ t\vo··dollar~ fo~ .. ~ 1 ·last year's best seller-or. have. you a -~sigil'aF:'is 'practically:-::·certahi -to !.!==:=~======-===::::::::::::::::::~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~ ·--~-iiiiiiiiiii-.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiOOiiiiiijiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~;;;;;;;;iiiiiiiOiiiiii~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~-~.-•.,-~--- iiiii_•__ ,iiii_:_iiii __ ~ an·y -b~ck' number Posts? get the· offe~sive ·Ii~e standing up. G.:H~. _This is used with particular ciiect do\vn ·near the goal 'line. ., If Notre Dame· has a~y weakne~s · The . fa.culty entrance to. the s·ee­ at· all I would say_ it is in the pro­ ond floor of the main building- is tection. afforded the kicker and the . ,being repaired and_ repainted.. The speed 'Vith· which the kicks are got.: · steps ·have b~en ·replaced · and' the ten ·off. hall"redecoraied. ADLER BROTHERS . . . .

. . ' .I SOUT.H~--BEND ·~PALACE THE· ·.' -. 107-109 S.- Michigan Street J.QS w.. Washington· ·Street .. THEAT1~~E - ,· ·.. ··--·' .,. . . .

. ' /' ' ,_. . '.' ·qr.phetun . NOW PLAYING· .. :· JOVEDDAH-DE .RAJAH . TODAY' (SUNDAY) ON~Y> India's Master-Mystic and . PRINCESS ALGA. . .•.' .' ·>"WILLIAM.DUNCA~ < · . ·The •Marvelous·. Egyptian :-In- · · .. Seeress · · · - GATTISON. JONES AND '.'A: MAN: .OF. ELSIE ELLIOTT . .. Tuxedos .MIGHT'' 3. OTHER. STAR ,ACTS - .. VIOLA DANA . ... Actio?! ., .. Action! . , -,-In-·.,._ .. , _ . ]~Xactly Right-.-~ . _. _. .'·.-AI1d~... · ~'ln·search of a· Thrill~' "FIGHTING BLOOD" Mati'nee, 22~; Night, Sunday ~ ' ~ ; ' Every turn·-of the lapel; every :.~'- Story ·. N ~mber Eight and· Holid~y ·Matinee',,, 22c , line .~f. ~on tour is pre~is,cly cor- and_. 45c; plus· t~x. · · .. . ' ..- . ' rect." :Style and quality. essen- .. · ·. <· ~ · ·, tials carried out to' Hie minutest . ' , ' ...... - detail. . Trimmcd··,vitlr rich silk .... ONE'· .:WEEK. B~Gi.NNING · . - ...... - f.: ~-..- ·-· _,- \ .· - -·. OLIVER ·_ T_ONIGHJ·:· -- ; . _.:THEATRE. Nillhts -:'-~~-~I·=~·~·==~· =~ M~t·.·.2.30. Twice. Daily'. ' 8:30 :< • THEREAFTER . • • " • • ¥. • : •• ~ I . I

. Greatest American Picture oE All Time; Terrific· in Its" hitens.:' . l' l .·:

· . · · .:. . ity; :Unsurpassed in Romance, Adventure· and .. · , . . '1. • ~'- • Massive, Rugged Grandeur · - · ' . · JESSE. L. LASKY Pre_se~ts ··smart -Tux ·Vests I :. __ :,.,at ·$5, $.6 ·and· $7~50 ~

' • t' ·, .. ~ ' ~ ·' .•. J:; '•

·- The Paramount Pictu.rization , •·· J

··-· -· ·:. RO.CKNE~:PL-ANS- ·- r~:~s t::ce: t!~~.':~~~e pt~l:~qJ!rt!~: ~:.:i:;;e~!~~e1a~~n:.~:~mb~e:;t;;i;;~ ~~:~~~-b~r\~-~:~i~~ ;l~S ,~~:~~:~~ ::s · . . · · have been. bolstered . by only . one the best form. Desch· was leading will.: eventually .··develop: :point win- '·(lie Herr & Herr ..cb .· consistent . runner. - .. This .. year~ ·the field in the' qualifying. trial·~ at ning' men in these~ events,. with the ..• TRA·c· Ks· EASON Rockne will. have Kennedy~ Cox, the conference ineet . when he material that is now at hand... . STUDENTS' SUPPLIES • -. Conli~ and. Wendland. · With the ex- tripped over'. the ·Jast hurdle~ ··. Tom· Lieb, .who. copped, the .. na.:. cep'tion. o'f Wendland," :..vho has spe- '!'he . high hul:dle . event. i~ ·wei~ tiona! ~itle in the: discus throw; :Will 120 South Michigan Street . . . • . cialized in ·the two mile and whose taken care of by: two -lEitter n-ien; be one .of. last year's stars, whose _. . . --- -; · d' PI ~peed ·and. fo~~' have improved Adam Walsh and-- Charley. Casey~ absence. from the team will be no- . . . . '. . : ~ .. ~. } .. -: Candidates .. Report j Gra s aces 'greatly !furing. the harrier. season; From. the freshman ~~~mks,. R~ckn~ ticeably f-elt. Adll!U W~lsh, whose .· -·MU t Be· f'llled. Material · -~he other three men . crin readily .will probably get. a few performers football, work has uut him il! line .·,.OFFICE PHONE'· 'RES. PHONE·...... s ' adapt themselves to a mile or' half- to. bolster up this event. ·. ' . . . for ni:itionai horior~: \viii be· ·a.. seri.: Ma.in 689_ MAiD 1162 .A 1847 . • . -.P_ romising. . mil~ run.·. . . .. ' ·. .' '· : The field events, pqle vault, high 'ous contender in: ihe 'disc'us! event: Rockne has two other . promisi~g jump, discus an!f: shot put, wilf p1~e.:: Several meri from last yeai·'s fi·csh- . . ., . . ., \Vith:the meeting last week of ali half milers in Barber and Bid,velt sent .a trying problem for th~ Irish mari team will' als0' be candidates Dr. Edgar S. Lucas.;., · prospective track candidates, Coach .Barber has already won his ·letter coach, particularly the high _jump fo; tile event~· . . DENTisTRY .. ·· · ... ,· · · Knute K. ·Rockne. began prepara- .in:this .·event, and Bidwell- starred and ·the pole vault.·.· '!'here_ \vere . tions for what appears. to be one of in the .distan·ce runs on iast s_easori's several 'men on last. year's vm·sity -· ...... 1' _Dr. Robert-F.--:i./•icas .· the most ·successful track seasons ..Frosh.squad .. ' . . .. :' and freshman squads that were .. out I·._:·_: c_.:·J_j.· ·-.A.·_.s_. 'SI.F__ ·. 1 E_.-. _D_·. ···:.·_.···.·. :_. ! ever at. Notre Dame. . In the ··dashes, the Irish· sprint for letters· in these events, but none . __ - - . . Extractinc an_d Sur~ory ~f . .'Uae · record~d L~st · _·.-, , _. Mootla and .Jaw. . . . : -· year the Irtsh trackste.rs ~et With team will be well fortified by Lay- of them attained the p~rfection of FOUND-A ·slide-rule in Fr; Irving's class­ room.· Owner may -have .same by seeing : va.rying success -in their· ~~g. meets den, Barr, :and 'Crowe, th,e ·latter Dave Weeks in the jump .and Eddie .J.' M. S. Buridiq. , \Vtth Yale, ·M.-A... C., ~llm01s, and being ri recruit from :the Freshman Hogan in the vault... It is 'highly Bro•. ali>honsus. . : .. ·. . , ... ' ...... \. · at·t~e _Drake re.lay.s, and conclu?ed team of last year. Layden and probable. that· the ·.brilliant •, coach ·======:::======::== SOtrrH BE.t;lD; I~ DIANA . : .. :. the season by WI_nnmg the state t:tle Barr_ pe'rformed in br_ illiant. style in Rockne; -whose c~pabilities' :have · · ·, ~S· · -··[·t 'rir· · 1 '}~' - , ·, · - - : . -. ay · ~ rr·z 1,_jz ~towers . · · ..at ·th e. ·P ur d ue mee t , an d P 1acmg the 100 ·and 220 dashes, haVing . _:fifth m the western conference completed- the season consistently~ . . . - Bey· er an·d JJ7eber· ; meet at Ann Arb,or. _ . _ holding to the fast time· of 10 arid EYES EXAMINED· Considel'ing the brilliant shO\Ving 22 seconds. Layderi won the 100 . Sp\ ·e·.·. e·. d'~-- ·-' " .FLORISTS . . ,,\ . .: made by the distance. runners in at the Aggie meet in a little faster .; · •.: · ;; · · 225 N/Michigau Strcel ,. ·' 'the cross-country :work this _fall tran 10 seconds. · i which closed with the retaining of Th. . h. dl d t "Il b.: 1 WI · · · · 1922· ·. e ow ur e even s e _ ·the state harrier title won m , mt'nu th k-· f th · h · · ...... "11 b d f · · s e wor o e c amp10n When th~t irrit~tiit•[(~o~ ~ ·. . :. R oc k ne WI e assure o some Gus Desch h . . d t" . I ,.,_ · ·· · - d t · 1 f th 'I · d ' w o game - na 10na . :_ .Ff!r !l~e:; m~:ny.;o~c,~-;i~ns yo;i .. ·very g?o . rna eria or . e mi ~an prominence in 1920 and' 1921 b · ·: me~t.c~~es~~vh,e~ you .pick: . two mile runs. .'Captam Kennedy, h' . . . ~ tip the. pieces ·of. what·' was . · •will . surely; attend· in ·the: ·1 d · f th - · h t · k · - d. · 1s ·_ sensationaL work. His cons1s- 1~. LEMONTREE ._· 1 \. ,. ea er o . e r1s rae · .squa _1s t t . . . · 'once, a pair o.£ gl~ssis~y_o-l(·: . ~ .. • :cit,y) you :w'ill need 'a ' ·expected to ·finish his last year of en wmmng. streak that lasted for South'.. Bend's · YELLOW Le~ding- Optomet~iit · ~intercollegiate competition as :one .two years was slowed UP. a great . want . tlie nnn~y~n~e. bi:ie'£~ ~ , . ,.. - -·- ...... and· Manufacturing· Optician -. · -~ of the fastest milers- in college That's· one of· our: missions .· :JUST phone-the:girl::zd~en .;. ranks~ - -Kennedy is a 4 :25- miler. 222 ~ : S •. Michigan .Street. · ~we are expert on fast· rc-. • ;-'and ·judging· by the ·form ·he·· has 1f it -comes from' Berman's, , you ~ant_ ~o._n.e_··~nd ·we'll be :. , . . pair. work-and .. yet . speed Ph~ne Linc~ln-.6504 . shown· in the cross-country__ runs, th~re in-'a·jiffy- - . . ' . . ~ -. · -it must be ."good. ~(-)~J.-.c).-..c,~)~~~~- 'the Notre Dame track fans ·can ·ex-· n'e;~~ _rnak~s ~is. l~se. accu­ ••~- :~·: ._ ...... ' : ~-: ~ ... • • ~ ~ '"; •• - > / . pect to see the· Irish star better his ra.cy. ~.time to a:_consideraole ·extent: .:Ken- · ·- ·Ma_h_-·Jon... g ... g, ··._·s· -e~s· .THINK- .oF· .BURKE ' 11edy Will long be rememb~red. in .·YELLoW·:,: ' .... ' : ~: < t 1 ••. , ~ ,:· • J .~ Notre Dame athletic. history by- his - . -.... · · · E. J. CAIN, Mgr. · and you: think of Real: Eye Service . courageous··run.···at ·th~ ·conference· ...· ···:. ·. --P~iced From , ... :CAB·.; meet last June when his . running ·shoe was torn· from his foot and he $1.95 to $40.00 · .,._ ;·,·_:.CO>:::::·,-_: __ :_~_·:::··-: : continued in the race for. half .a :.mile till he _was fo1;ced. from· ·the · ' · , . -::track ·_by the intense pain- '0{ his Come ·in and let us show .~P 1lo ?r~ )w)!iN·- 5¥4o:, .:.~·-; ··cinder-torn foot. · - . them ·to you... . 2i2 ·SOUTH· MICHIGAN ·. , .. ; Fo~ the Illi~oi{~~d D;a~~-;~l~ys ·-~B-. ~-·R' M·. A-·.-N· ·'S :_· Rogers' ·stor~s ·in Ft;··Wayne~ Linia; · " ... ,:_ ,... · this seaso~ Notre-Dame will be able O~io, Sprhigfield, III; and Lafayette; .·, . . .,. .~. ·...... DR~ J·~ BURKE>· ·.· : :;~a~.r~;ep:ts~fbl~o~~~~~b::n!'~~a:.~~ . s_. P_·. _br.t. GQ_9~S ·Stp_.re .-. . ,, . \ ,.. ··-.: ~ ...· ~- ·. ·_·_·:rTHE -::::: /; .. ·:,.:: : :o'v~~~2o years i~ ~h~~--S~l~~ .i'oc~#~~.- .: compete' witFthe distant quartets . - . . M'. h... a1 .. . ·- .. ,_,. . ,.. c''"·. ' ... 230 South .Michigan. Street' .. . '·._.· ... _:'_.!___'.!-'r.ho __ em._.. _dol __t~h.taern·cme' .i,drudln~s- ..~vheas'vtee_~._-nf'o. src.. hmoaonlsY .... · ·.. - . ·n··. ·. ·-I~'>r7\:C>/\:;t::•,,, ·.;._~ ~~UTHBENI?· IND:,,, '·.· _ _ _ _ .. ·: .. ·_cuo'· d ·.-. .·.---·. ,';:--:_,.:.. ': :, .. :~ ·. J.ii)JZJ..:f.::::\.:li.>>: :--.·.·. ,.-,'. _.· ._Bu~h:e.a.,_Glaas~s.. :E1t"the Eye.: .. --- ·.... _._ -· .. -. -- -·- · ...... :-- ..'... -< ·· ------·.. -_ · ·- :-:---'!--':-- --- '---:·::..~~-- -~---- ~-----~----~---~------~-~~..i!! cC,,.,~,-- ·~s·trirlitr·c=""~ ·', iABNiD R~:- .• :~::.-l>h~~. nrain 313:--- -~--:-,...---

SOUTH .~1AIN' STREET .• ... -.,,- '::ic:-;;. > .·,-;; , ~DR-.. R.·D.'.D.UGGAN· =====::::::::======'', .>·The S~u~f.-1zrs•·.-L'~'iiiii!,ry)o~· .-:\· .<',. ··.,. n~NTis1<.; ··.:~ .::; : ~ . 1 -Teleph~ne: L •. 6542 . Po~ular Pric~~: ·_ ·:; .:.:.~ ':; .:,~·.. ~:~i~~(iY.~ar;;,,._· ... :/ -·. ·· · · 561 F~~n,iers Tru:~.f'-~uH~in'g.' -.. - . !· '~\- .. _:; ~··~~~r- ~~-- ~~~). .. ., ·~ . . N~WI: Y, EQUIPPED ..

. ,.·.

omC:e:" co~. :iJouu .. A.V"i ·aiic1 x..­ . ' fa,.ette .nt,d. ..

1-- Residence:: 215 S. Taylor SL -.Dr~·· J~ B~_;BERTELING · Office, ·Main 675. Res., Mala· 1111.: · ':·~.TELEPHONES ~ · . · &tit!:l ,n~ri-~ ·- -fui. :-. - .... :0 •• •

··.·.;. ,_ ... THAi• (ari:J.iliar 'Iirie · of th~ •_ ··-~ :_·_ ~-·poet. Riley .. comes. f~rcefully -to :mind;~ in this kind· of weather~': . Tq ·keep Y~L!! ·:._fe~t. thoroughly·.· :; .. dry .and )V?:tiT.li$~ :th~e--great. ·thing·· ' · ·-now. : ·; . .'.I

. . ' Th~·--shoe pictured is· stYled -\~ith a -Smile 'for. _ Sunny- Days-·. ~~t packed: with ;t waliop: for , · Ead'.Weather~ ·.:. · · · · -· · .. · : · · · · . . . '. -, ~ - ' .' '. ~. - •' ..,. ,• -.~ ··~. - "' . . . "' . - '; . . . ! . I·.· . ·:~ l~~e~-~~.os~II_.th_e ~ai-;through. f_.: - ~"' -·::·-?visit·: The P@~~eiPhia •.

··.·•·•·•·.:P•IIl.·~ . - .. • , • • , • ..--. ·r . ·o •.. ·.·Ku~hn· ·_(:o~f~~~i~#e~y ··; ·: ... __:_-.:.·.:FQ_otwear of·~iiashioiZ~----_-._ ·.I' .....•••...•... ;l~S,~)di~hig~ri·:sf" .·· • ·. ~~~ Credin, Candy _, , a_nd--Lunches: · · ..

!,' ., . ' . ., . .-.·.·- 1-.:-. -... ·.:'. .- .. t. ';')'