Remarkable Cures People's Stork, Tuesday, February Use
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HERALD: MORNING, S, 8 T4BLE LOS ANGELES TUESDAY FEBBUABY 18^1. DAILY'HERALD. THE PEOPLE'S STORE. United States Signal Service. Report of observations taken at Los Angeles, February 3.1891: How Lost! HowRegained, Remarkable Cures People's Stork, Tuesday, February use. Bar. | Ther. 3,1888. MADE BY a. m. 30.02! 45 85 p. m. 30.10; 56 71 Our new year opened in real, good old fashion yestqrday. The little downpour Max. tern., 02: mln. tern.. 41; rainfall put new into thingß, and those who had been holding back .28; for season, life and confidence 24 hours, rainfall 3.40. opened their purse-strings to such an extent that many of the old familiarfaces bargains DR. Indlcutlous. were seen at our counters taking advantage of the offered in WONG! lightrains inthe eastern portion of Southern California. AT Or SELF-PRESEKVATION. A new and HIS SANITARIUM, onlvGold Medal PRIZE KSBAY on NER- NEWS NOTES. VOUS and PHYSICAL DKBIUir,UK- OUR GREAT lOe. SALE! RORS Of YOUTH, EXHAUSTED VITAL- There is a telegram at the Postal tele- ! ITY,PREMATURE DECLINE, and all 713 S. Main St., Los Angeles, Cal. graph office for | DISEASES and WEAKNESSES of MAN. John F» Bolles. For the benefit of those who did not get around, we will continue the sale to- ! 300 pages, cloth, gilt; 125 invaluable pre- Come and hear Cross the scriptions. Only |1 by mail, double scaled. Continent day, while we are preparing for our next important event, which willbe our Consultation iv person or by mail. Expert in Six Days. Is given at the Central treatment. INVIOLABLE SECRECY and Baptist Church tonight by Rev. J. S. 1CERTAIN CURE. Address Dr. W. H. Parker, The secret ofDR. WONG'S remarkable cures over other Chinese physi- Dill. Admission Ior the Peabody Medical Institute. <\'o. 4 Bull- cians is due to the fact that he represents the fifth generation of eminent free. OPENING linen St., Boston, Mass., or P. O. Box 1803. G. R. Mcintosh, of Santa se- VALENTINE ! SEND and learned physicians, all of whom graduated with highest honors from Paula, the leading medical schools ofChina, Emperor's signa- cured the Electioneer filly Princess of- .stibßkravoluntary pri?pI'll']I and all received the |' the press and I 1 II »./,?\u25a0 ture to their diplomas, A full account of which will be given in tomorrow's issue. of the cured I.MJIJ » ftQW. thus appointing them physicians to the royalty. fered by tl;e Examiner to the person testimonials * These secrets in medical science, discovered and possessed only by them, have guessing nearest to the population of urfi,M,d 100 Sa,e l been perpetuated and handed down from father to son. Dr. Wong is a direct the United States. DRUG DEPARTMENT. AMUSEMENTS. following We have°added a number of new lines descendant from the great physicians: His father, Dr. Wong There are undelivered telegrams at Right goods at proper prices. Tone, was a son of Wong Gim, whose father's name was Wong Jin, the great to our airea dy long list, which will be LOS ANGELEB THEATER. Chinese botanist, who was a son ofWong tbe office of the Western Union com- per departments H. C. Wyatt. Manager. Ojie, who was the greatest physi- Chemically pure powdered alum, found in various 'on sale. NEW cian of his day. It was Wong Jin who, after discovering great medicinal .pany forD. H. Cilane, or Irland, 2, care lb 5c PRICE WORTH. RALE WEEK ONLY! properties ofseveral hundreds of roots, herbs, barks, leaves, etc., which, up J. S. Poland & Co., G. F. Smith. C. P. Copperas, per lb 4c 36c knee pants, per THIS Boys' pair 10c SATURDAY MATINEE! to this time were unknown, published a number of books en the subject, Pearson, Mrs. E. B. Davidson. Gum camphor, per 14-lb. package. 12c 35c Child's felt hats '. 10c some which are now in the of 5c of possession Dr. Wong of Los Angeles, and are A complaint was issued yesterday Celluloid fine combs 20c Flannelette suitings, per yard. .10c COMPANY, 250 years old. soap, per ... 4c suitings, !WALLEXROD & STOCKWBLL'S over against J. B. Rapp for maintaining a Fel's Turkish bath cake 20c Worsted per yard 10c FROM THEIR White cocoa Castile soap, per cake 4c 15c Ladies' solid colored hose, pair. 10c ~ public nuisance. Rapp is charged with Dr. Hovt's tooth-ache drops, per bot- ; ALCAZAR THEATER, S. F? nighway 25c Silkscarfs 10c ..PKBBKNTIBO... blockading the public with tle ". :., 10c 25c Ladies' cold embroidered hdkfs»loc OFFICE HOURS?From 8 to 12 a. m.; 1:30 to 5:30 p. m.; stakes at the extension of Franklin pills,per bottle 10c per yard THREE GREAT COMEDY SUCCESSES. Dr.Hovt's auti-bilious 20c Red flannel, 110c Tonight street. Swan down face powder, per b0x.... {)c 20c Misses' fast black derby ribbed THE MAGISTRATE! 7 to 8:30 p. m. mW CONSULTATION FREE. The wonderful Baldwin children, as- Hoyt's Genuine German, cologne... .14c hose, per pair }10c ! Augustin Daly's 7-20-8! 1-22-tues-t)rur-sttn-lm sisted Medicated toilet paper, per package. 25c Eye shades by other artists and musicians, per 25c. UOc TURNED UP! appear evening Compound cough syrup, bottle. 25c Nottingham lace tidies, each. ,Uoc j DIME will at Illinois hall this Try Ifyou don't get immediate re-- perydilOe I MUBEE-THEATER, in a series of impersonations and dra- it. 35c Fancy millineryribbons, Saturday MaUnee. THE MAGISTRATE! CALIFORNIANorth Hula, Near First Street. Tbe Popular Family Resort. lief, bring itback and get your money. Boys' suspenders, per pair .10c NOW ON SALE. 1-28-td matic specialties, with new costumes and 50c 29c 25c SEATS WEEK COMMENCING SATURDAY, 31. stage appointments. Pond's extract, size ,15c Heavy unbleached cotton flanj JANUARY resolvent, $1 size 74c yard Cuticura nel, per ... HOUSE HALL, IT will JlOc THINK OF" Hi Mrs. Charlotte Perkins Stetson Wine of iron and cinchona, $1 size.. .65c 20c Unbleached Turkish bath to well 10c OPERA 110 South Main street. JUST I address the Woman's club Wednesday Rubber water bottles 98c 15c Ladies'vertical stripe hose 110 - - A Maximum of Amusement for a Minimum of Cost I c afternoon, February 4th, at 2 o'clock, in Bulb syringes '.' 35c 25c Tracing wheels JlOc JOHN S L ATE R-! SENSATION, Temperance temple, corner of Broadway Grand Sale of Valise*. 25c Silk garter web, all colors, pet First appearance inLos Angeles of ANOTHER AMAZING Temple streets, subject, So- yard 10c and on the Imitation alligator leather, durable Owing to great success, has returned MILLER'S cial, Domestic and Human Life. 20c Crystal handled jelly dishes 10c FIVE NIGHTS and extra finish, heavy nickel plated 25c Shoulder shawls...: 10c JOE ONLY! MUSICAL COMEDY COMPANY! Mr. Harold Perry, proprietor of the frames, etc. We quote the following seats, COMMENCIKi: 25c Chair perforated ..flOe 4TH, SHARP. Novel Specialties, ostrich farm near Santa Monica, has set prices: FEBRUARY AT »:15 Inan Olio of New and re- 20c Gents' hemstitched handkfs... -10c All of'the marvelous photograph and sealed plete with Mirth,Mimicryand Music apart the proceeds of admission next 10-in. large valises. .$1.25, regular $2.00 20c Ladies' pineapple cloth hem letter tests given each evening. Friday for the benefit of the church of 12-in. large 1.49, regular 2.25 stitched handkerchiefs 10c Admission. 25 cents. St. Augustine-by-the-Sea, and valises.. Sittings daily Hotel Nadeau. 2-3-6t First production inLos Angeles of the ladies 14-in. large valises 1.65, regular 2.50 20c Ladies' mourning hemstitched I will provide refreshments to the visitors. 16-in. large valises.. 1.95, regular 2.75 handkerchiefs 10c 25c Stamped splashers HALL. During the month of January last past Give Away Free .a Handsome Walk- linen HOc rjU'RNVEREIN We the police made 185 arrests, accommo- ing; 20c Imported zephyrs, all shades, 11, VANISHING Cane! 2 oz. for : .10c WEDNESDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY TP LADY! dated 30 homeless individuals with lodg- We Give Away Free a Handsome -Walk- Machine oil, 6 oz. bottle OIv AND...!.. Startling! Puszllng!! Mystifying!!! ings, 31 in the receiving ing; Cane! 26c 10c received persons 25c Linen dress canvas, all shades. .10c GOO OO NN X OCO EBB RJUt TTTT hospital for medical treatment, found 13 sterling Silicias, OOOONNNCCK R R T restored them to with either silver or heavy 15c extra quality vlOc C O O llg8 EE KBK 1 KRIDER! lost children and their rolled Remember we give 20c Shaker flannel, per yard ,10c OCOONNNOCK RR T parents, impounded 40 ani- gold head. COC OO N NN OCO KEF. RUT and loose away a walking 20c Turkey red doylies,"each ,10c The Human Salamander. mals. free handsome stick AND ... with each suit. 20c Linen face towels 10c W. L. Lyon swore to a complaint yes- 20c Pure gros grain, ILLUSTRATED LECTURE $6.50 Men's dark cassimere suits $3.98 silk satin and THUMA! terday to John Long put No. 9, per yard 10c ....0K.... have under 8.50 Men's grey frock suits 5.50 Enigma. bonds to peace. 20c Men's seamless socks 10c A LOST ART ! The Parisian* keep the Long and 12.00 Men's Scotch plaid suits . 6.95 Boys' toys ,10c 20c butterfly Lyon have both been living at the 13.00 Men's all-wool tweed suits 7.99 8Y.... ? Winona house on Temple street, 20c Checked nainsooks, per yard.. .10c The Latest Improved and 15.00 Men's cassimere and tweed 20c A. W. .WIIiLHARTITZ... an over some . Children's side elastics, per pair.lOc had altercation petty mat- suits 9.25 ter, when, is 26c Binding ribbon, 10 yd piece for.