AAP (Apollo Applications Program)
Index AAP (Apollo Applications Program), 118, 255; exposure, 323, 418n.21; relative, 134, 163-65,173-77,239,266, 17,47,86,90-93,99-IOO,334·See 403nn·34,35 also Crater ages; Crater counts; Abbey, George, 279 Geochronology; Maria; Stratigraphic Abelson, Philip, 379n.60, 381-82n.19 sequences Abulfeda chain, 286 Agglutinates, 342 ACIC (Air Force Chart and Information Agnew, Spiro, 240, 4I4n.14 Center), 37, 42, 43, 52, 56, J09, 156, Air force, 31,32,33. See also ACIC; AFCRL 167, 374-75n.16, 428-29n.24. Seealso Albedo, 2, 70-71, 342-43, 402-3n.32; as LAC age indicator, 88, 91-93, 285, 334, Adams,]ohn, 178, 405n.7, 426n.49 342; of blocks, 147; of craters, 147, Ad Hoc Apollo Site Evaluation 342; mare-terra contrast in, 2, 36, 342; Committee, 284, 3 I I of maria and plains, 87-88, 334-35; of Adler, Isidore, 261, 393n.I6 Moon, 206; of rays, 91, 92-93,342; of Aeon, defined, 5, 369-70n.7 slopes, 91, 92-93,147,342 Aeronutronic Division (cameras and Albritton, Claude, 13,39 capsules), 82, 96, 387n.9 Aldrin, Buzz, 78,122-23, 188; as Apollo AES (Apollo Extension System), I 16-18 II LMP, 182, 188, 199-206,208,222; AFCRL (Air Force Cambridge Research other assignments, 130, 182, 184 Laboratories), 26, 33, 68, 88 Allen, Harvey Julian, 48 Agena (rocket), 150-51 AlIen,]oseph, 264, 268, 271, 273, 274, Ages, 5, 345; absolute, 47-48, 208-21 I, 275,277,278 255-56,280-82,329,334-35, AlIenby, Richard, 114, 405n.13 41 In.28, 4I7n.17; absolute versus Alpha-particle spectrometer (orbital), relative, 5, 28, 100,3°7,334; bedrock 261 versus soil, 2 I I, 245, 345; Alpha
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