Election Day and the Scrutiny
5 Election Day and the Scrutiny 5.1 Election day is the culmination of an intense period of activity by political parties, candidates and the AEC. On election day 2001, over 11.25 million voters attended 7,703 booths, presided over by over 65,000 AEC officials. The largest polling booth was at Wodonga (in the Division of Indi, Victoria), which issued 7,746 votes on election day, including ordinary, absent and provisional votes.1 The largest ‘super booth’2 was in Sydney, where a total of 8,338 ordinary and declaration votes were issued. The smallest polling booth was at Perisher Valley (in the Division of Eden Monaro, New South Wales), which issued a total of 30 votes, including ordinary and declaration votes. The Sydney pre-poll voting centre (in the Division of Sydney, New South Wales) issued the largest number of pre-poll votes, while the Division of Maranoa in Queensland handled the largest number of postal votes.3 Counting of votes on election night concluded when the last vote was entered into the AEC’s counting system at approximately 1:30am on Sunday, 11 November 2001.4 1 AEC, Behind the Scenes: the 2001 Election Report, Commonwealth of Australia, 2002, at: http://www.aec.gov.au/_content/when/past/2001/bts/index.htm, accessed 21 May 2003. 2 The term ‘super booth’ refers to the situation where a number of normal polling booths for different Divisions are located in the one polling place. Usually, these are located in polling places where you would expect a large number of absentee votes for other Divisions, for example, Sydney Town Hall.
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