As with any set of rules, there will always be areas that need tweaking or adjusting after print, so here is the list of amendments to the army lists in Blitzkrieg Commander IV!

All Lists All CO entries should have a Limit of (1) All Trucks entries (with the exception of Italian Breda TP32/40 trucks) can carry 2 units so should have a special ability of Transport (2), instead of Transport (1). All Jeeps should have Low Profile and Fast special abilities. All INF:CAV entries should be amended to the following: Description Pts Type Mv AP AT CA Hits Save Platoon (Cavalry) 40 INF:CAV 25 2/30 - 5 4 -

Remove AP stats from all Motorcycles entries in all lists. Any lists which include units with the Veteran special ability, add the following to the Notes: • Veterans: If Veteran Infantry have been bought, then all Infantry Support, AT and Infantry guns can add Veteran for +10pts per unit. These additional units cannot exceed 50% of the number of Veteran Infantry units. Bicycles Add Bicycles to all British (except Norway/Africa), Belgian, Dutch, Chinese, French, German (Early/Eastern Front/ Italy, NW Europe), Greek, Italian (except Africa/Eastern Front), Japanese, Norwegian, Rumanian, Soviet (Early War/ Eastern Front, Early/Eastern Front, Mid/Late War) and Yugoslavian.

American (All Lists) Alter dates to 12/44+ and alter to Recce Suport. Move to Recce section, with Recce Support ability. Remove M20 Utility from Recce section. Add Exposed ability to all M3 GMC entries. Adjust all M15, 37mm AA entries to an AA value of AA: 2/40 Adjust all 37mm/40mm AA guns entries to a Hits value of 3. Move L2 Grasshopper aircraft to the Recce section on all lists.

American (Tunisia) Add T19 GMC to Support section: T19 GMC 105 ART:IG 25 4/100 4/40 2 3 - (3) Exposed, Restricted Arc Add to Armour section: M3 Lee 115 AFV 20 3/80 3/50 3 4 5 9 Restricted Arc

Blitzkrieg Commander IV Army List Errata 1 American (Far East) Universal Carriers in the Vehicles and wagons section, add in a limit of 3 for the American list.

In the Armour section, adjust LVT stats to: LVT(A)1, 37mm 70 AFV 20 1/60 2/40 4 4 6 (12) 1/44+ Amphibious LVT(A)4, 75mm 95 AFV 20 3/80 2/40 4 4 6 (4) 6/44+ Amphibious, Exposed 6/44+ Amphibious, Exposed, LVT(A)4, Ronson 95 AFV 20 1/40 - 4 4 6 (3) Restricted Arc, Flamethrower

Add LVT to Vehicles and Wagons section: 11/43+ Amphibious, Exposed, LVT(A) 60 VEH 20 1/40 - 4 4 6 - Transport (2)

British (All lists) Remove the following Accurate description from all of the Notes, as this is covered in the main rules. • All Off-Table Support (Light / Medium / Heavy guns) have the Accurate special ability, so deduct one die when rolling for artillery deviation. All Vickers A9/A10 CS units have an AT stat of #/40 and the following note: Vickers CS : These tanks only fired Smoke rounds and do not get the +1d6 for being within half-range of the enemy, nor the +1d6 for MG attacks within 20cm. All mention of Sniper in the Notes should read as Sniper (Capability) instead. Remove Amphibious special ability from all Vickers MkVI Light Tankette entries. Alter the unit type for Off-Table entries for Priest and to ART:SG. Move Auster air observer aircraft to the Recce section on all lists. Off-Table Support ‘Sexton SPG, 25pdr’ should have the Accurate special ability. Remove from all Notes: • Counter-Battery: Field artillery units may not be used for counter battery fire.

British (BEF/AFrica/Norway/Far East/Italy/NW Europe) Universal Carriers in the Vehicles and wagons section, add in Limit of 6 for all British lists and Limit of 3 for the American list.

British (Africa) entry should have a date restriction of 9/42+ Remove 1st M3 Stuart Honey entry in Armour section. 2nd entry should then read: M3 Stuart Recce 60 AFV 25 1/40 - 2 3 6 1 6/42+ Exposed

Adjustments as follows:


Daimler, Dingo 75 AC 20 1/40 2 3 6 1 Exposed, Low Profile, Recce Daimler, Scout 100 AC 30 1/40 2/50 2 3 6 1 6/42+ Recce

M3 Stuart Scout (Recce) 80 AFV 25 1/40 - 2 3 6 1 6/42+ Exposed, Recce

Armoured Cars

Daimler 55 AC 20 1/40 - 2 3 6 1 Exposed 80 AC 30 1/40 2/50 2 3 6 1 6/42+ Low Profile Humber 60 AC 20 1/40 - 2 3 6 1 10/41+ Low Profile


Grant M3, Scorpion 140 AFV 20 3/80 3/50 3 4 5 1 (3) 4/43+ Engineer, Restricted Arc

Matilda II, Scorpion 150 AFV 15 1/40 2/50 3 5 4 1 (3) 10/42+ Engineer, Tough

Blitzkrieg Commander IV Army List Errata 2 British (Italy) Add Low Profile to both Daimler Dingo (Recce) and Daimler Dingo (Armoured Car). M10 Wolverine moved to Lend Lease section. Add M3 GMC to the Armoured Car section: M3 GMC, 75mm 110 HTR 25 3/80 3/60 2 3 6 1 (3) 10/43+ Exposed, Restricted Arc Add the following to the Notes: • Air Superiority: +2 modifier to die roll for air superiority until August 1943, full superiority from September 1943.

British (Far East) Change M3 Grant to M3 Lee.

British (NW Europe) Add Low Profile to Daimler Dingo in Armoured Car section. Add Low Profile to M3 Stuart (open) in Lend Lease section. Remove ‘Recce’ from Daimler Dingo in Armoured Car section. Remove date restriction Sexton Off-Table entry, and add the Accurate special ability.

British (Airborne) Move Jeep, Vickers from Lend Lease section to Vehicles and Wagons section. Remove Motorcycles entry.

Chinese Remove ‘Recce’ from BA-6 in Armoured Car section. Remove Amphibious special ability from all Vickers MkVI Light Tankette entries.

Finnish Remove Amphibious special ability from all Vickers MkVI Light Tankette entries.

French Move AMC35 and AMR33/35 to the Recce section, add Recce Support special ability and increase points by +20. Add Cavalry, Recce unit: Cavalry (Recce) 60 INF:CAV 25 2/30 - 5 4 - 1 Recce

German (All Lists) Alter Panzer IV, Jagdpanzer entries to Low Profile. Add the Elite and Fearless special abilities to all Tiger I, Tiger II, Jagdtiger, Sturmtiger entries. Adjust all Kubelwagen and Scwimmwagen entries to: Recce Type 82 Kubelwagen 45 VEH 25 1/30 - 2 3 - 1 Low Profile, Recce VW 166 Schwimmwagen 55 VEH 25 1/30 - 2 3 - 1 Amphibious, Low Profile, Recce Vehicles Type 82 Kubelwagen 25 VEH 25 1/30 - - 3 - Low Profile, Transport (1) Amphibious, Low Profile, VW 166 Schwimmwagen 35 VEH 25 1/30 - - 3 - 1 Transport (1)

German (NW Europe/Eastern Front) Sd.Kfz 251/21 should have Close Assault value of ‘4’.

German (NW Europe/Eastern Front/Italy) Add to the Notes: • Schurzen: Any Panzer III, Panzer IV or StuG units may add the Tough special ability for +5pts per unit.

Blitzkrieg Commander IV Army List Errata 3 German (Eastern Front) Remove ‘Recce’ from Bicycles in Vehicles and Wagons section. Remove AA ability from the Zgkw, 88mm in the Halftrack section.

German (Africa) Remove Panzer III E, 3.7cm from this list.

German (NW Europe) Amend Panzer IV description and limits: Panzer IV, Jagdpanzer/70 175 AFV 20 3/80 4/80 3 5 4 3 Restricted Arc

Italian (All Lists) Add Breda TP32/40 truck to all lists: Breda TP32/40 15 VEH 20 - - - 3 - - Transport (1), Wheeled Add Low Profile to all L3/35 entries. 65mm Cannon attack stats should be altered to: Cda 65/17, M7 65mm 80 ART:IG 10 3/80 2/40 3 3 6 1 (3) Low Profile, Mountain Gun

Italian (North Africa) Remove P26/40 from the Armour section.

Japanese Points values should be altered on: Type 92, Sokosha (Recce) = 60pts Type 93, Sumida (Recce) = 60pts Type 92, Sokosha = 30pts Type 93, Sumida = 30pts Type 1, Chi-He = 75pts

Russian Lists Swap Russian for Soviet in all lists.

Soviet (All Lists) Add the following to all Soviet lists, below the Platoon (Cavalry) entry: Platoon (Cavalry, SMG) 35 INF:CAV 25 5/10 - 5 4 - (3)

Soviet (Late War) Add note for IS-2: • IS-2: These units can have the Fearless special ability at a cost of +10pts per unit.

Soviet (All Lists) Add to all Soviet lists: Bunker Buster, Fragile, 203mm Tracked Howitzers 150 ART:IG 10 8/100 8/40 2 3 - 2 (6) Slow Firing, Tracked

Yugoslavian Remove ‘Recce’ from T32 in Armour section.

Blitzkrieg Commander IV Army List Errata 4 Special Abilities

Add a note at the beginning of the Special Abilities on page 76: These abilities are also designed to allow players to customise their armies. Any ability can be added to units at a cost of +5pts for positive impact characteristics and -5pts for negative ones. And vice versa, existing characteristics can be removed at -5pts (positive) or +5pts (negative). Not all of these abilities appear in the existing lists but can be can be added at the discretion of you and your opponent.

Add to the Special Ablities list: Elite [R] No command penalty when assaulting the enemy, and deduct 1d6 when rolling for Suppression/Fall Back.

Fearless [R] Deduct 1d6 when rolling for Suppression/Fall Back. This ability is accumulative, so can combine with the Elite ability to deduct 2d6, etc.

Fast Amend the entry for Fast as follows: Fast [C] Fast vehicles are specifically noted for their speed (such as motorcycles) and are -1d6 to hit with direct fire, when moving. A Fast unit must have moved at least 50% of its normal full movement (excluding the double on roads for Wheeled units) to gain the Fast benefit. Use a marker to indicate that it has moved this distance. If the unit is shot at before it completes 50% of its move, the unit is not considered to be moving Fast at that time.

Flamethrower Add to the end of the Flamethrower ability the following: For vehicle mounted flamethrowers and infantry man-pack flamethrowers or infantry upgrades, see Page 37.

Green Add to the Green special ability: Add 1d6 suppression dice for every 2 suppression dice received (cumulative with other Special Characteristics).

Rear Line This ability only applies to INF:IG entries which do not have a Movement value. Remove it from all Jeep, Priest SPG and M12 entries.

Recce Cavalry Adjust all Platoon (Cavalry Recce) to the following, keeping the Limit stats as per the original list, as well as any additional Special Abilities originally listed: Platoon (Cavalry Recce) 60 INF:CAV 25 2/30 - 5 4 - x Recce Support, x

Sniper Amend Sniper (R) to Sniper Team (R)

Stubborn Add in the following Stubborn ability for German Volksturm troops: Stubborn [R] These troops defend their ground doggedly. On a ‘greater, but not double’ outcome in Close Assault, Stubborn units do not Retreat a half-move directly away from the enemy unit that they are on combat with. Instead, they remain in combat but will become Suppressed. However, any supporting units (that are not also Stubborn) will retreat by a half-move. The Stubborn troops will not be Knocked-Out if a further suppression is applied.

Unreliable Remove Unreliable from all entries (T-28, Elefant, Tiger) and remove Unreliable Special Ability from Page 80. veteran Add to the Vteeran ability: • Deduct 1d6 Suppression dice for every 2 Suppression dice received (cumulative with other Special Characteristics). Suppressed Veteran Infantry and Infantry Support units are automatically considered to be Dug-In and receive the defensive effect of this.

Blitzkrieg Commander IV Army List Errata 5