Stetson University College of Law Campus Map

Y PublicSafety, 1219 61stSt. S. T V

13th Avenue South Rosa Apartments, 5850 13th Ave. S.

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Crummer M S U H h t u So F t

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Walking Tour Stops H. Eleanor Naylor Dana Other Destinations U. Self-Service LaundryFacilities 1st,East: Dean's O”ce,O”ceofAcademic V. Questions?International CallPrograms, (727) 562-7800 WALKINGA. Plaza MayorC ourTOURtyard STOPS H. SuccessEleanorand NaylorBarP rDanaeparation Hall Ser(Administration)vices L. AdmissionsOTHERan dSDESTINATIONStudent Financial Planning 1224 62nd St. S. 1st, East: Dean's Office, Development/ 1st,West: Sebring Courtroom W.AfterVeterans officeLaw hours,Institute, call our B. Mann Lounge (1st) Alumni Relations M. M.Sideba BistrorBistr (1st)o (1st) andand A. Plaza Mayor Courtyard 2nd: FacultyO”ces,Faculty Support 6101 13th Ave. S. 2nd: Courtroom 203, Seminar 202, 1st, West: Sebring Courtroom, JD’s Cafeteria FacultFacultyyMeeting MeetingRoom (2nd) (2nd) Public Safety Department at B. Mann Lounge, Residential Life, (1st) I. H. Jackson Crummer Hall Y. Public Safety: 1219 61st St.S Law Review 2nd: Faculty Offices, Faculty Support (727) 343-1262. 2nd: Courtroom 203, Seminar 202, 1st,East: Nemec Auditorium N. N.Booksto Bookstorere 3rd: Development/AlumniRelations, Law Review I. (CH.lassr Jacksonoom A) Crummer,Nemec O” Hallce Complex, O. O.Business BusinessOce Office Communications 1st, East: Nemec Auditorium 3rd:, Communications, ADA Advocacy Center P. P.1st: 1st:Registra Registrar,r, Huma HumannResour Resourcesces C. Great Hall (Classroom A), Nemec Office Complex, C. Great Hall 2ndAdvocacy,East: Jaco CenterbClassr oom (E), 2nda2ndnd 3randd: Dormi3rd: Dormitorytory F F D. D. CharlesCharles A.A. DanaDana BuildingBuilding Classr2nd,ooms East:F Jacoband G Classroom (E), Q. Q.Buildin BuildinggE:Pro E:fessional ProfessionalEducation, Education, 1st:1st: Govoni-StauntonEleazer Courtroom, SuiteGov oni-Staunton 2ndClassrooms,West: Reiter F andClassr G oom (D), EventsEventsand Faandcult FacultyyOces Offices (ElderSuit e(LawElder Center),LawCenter), CourtroomCourtr Hoom H Fa2nd,cult yOWest:”ces Reiter Classroom (D), R. Suites and D 2nd:2nd: ActivityActivit ySSpacepace Faculty Offices R. Suites andDormitory D Questions? Call (727) 562-7800 J. Florin Roebig Courtroom S. A, B and C E. E. EleazerEleaz erCourtroomCourtroom J. Florin Roebig Courtroom S. Dormitories A, B and C K. StudentCenter T. Facilities Management After oce hours,call our F. F. SebringSebring CommonsCommons (Horseshoe)(Horseshoe) K. 1st:StudentFitness CenterCenter ,Student Lounge T. Facilities Management U. Self-Service Laundry Facilities Public Safety Departmentat G. G.DollyDolly & &HHomeromer HandHand LawLaw LibraryLibrary 2nd:1st:Studen FitnesstA Center,šairs, Residential Student LoungeLife, O” ce 1st: Information Technology and of2nd:Career Studentand Professional Life, CareerDev elopment, V. International Programs: 1224 62nd St. S. (727) 343-1262. 1st: InformationTechnology and Media Development, SBA, SC 201 MediaServ icesServices SBA, SC 201 W. Veterans Law Institute: 6101 13th Ave. S. 2nd: Seminar 208 and 209 L. Admissions and Student Financial Planning Y. Public Safety: 1219 61st St. S 2nd: Seminar Rooms 208 and 209 1/20192/2021