COVER PAGE i. project name Planting for the Future: Financially sustainable agroforestry systems and payments for ecosystem services ii. project location (country, sub‐national jurisdiction(s)) Current Instances: Loreto and Ucayali, Peru Wider Geographical Area for Programmatic Approach expansion – multiple provinces in Peru iii. Project Proponent (organization and contact name with email address and phone number) Proponent: Plant your Future Contact Person: Jenny Henman Email:
[email protected] Tel: 07828 608711 iv. Auditor (organization and contact name with email address and phone number) Auditor: Rainforest Alliance Contact Person: Campbell Moore Email:
[email protected] Tel: +1 202.903.0717 v. project start date, GHG accounting period and lifetime January 16, 2012 The project lifetime is 30 years, and the GHG accounting period, as well as biodiversity and community benefits assessment period are the same. vi. whether the document relates to a full validation or a gap validation Full validation 1 vii. history of CCB Status, where appropriate, including issuance date(s) of earlier Validation/ Verification Statements etc. First Validation viii. the edition of the CCB Standards being used for this validation 3rd Edition ix. a brief summary of the project’s expected climate, community and biodiversity benefits Deforestation of 7.9 million hectares was recorded in the Peruvian Amazon from 2000‐2009 (MINAM, 20111). This has caused substantial biodiversity loss, contributed to climate change, and perpetuated poverty amongst local communities. Unsustainable smallholder agriculture and ranching are the principle drivers of deforestation and degradation in the Amazon basin of Peru. Planting for the Future aims to relieve smallholders of their reliance on these activities by implementing a market‐orientated agroforestry model following a programmatic approach.