21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–16 Edition)
§ 137.200 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–16 Edition) codeloflfederallregulations/ ‘‘Fungal alpha-amylase,’’ ‘‘Fungal a- ibrllocations.html. amylase’’, ‘‘Enzyme’’, or ‘‘Enzyme [42 FR 14402, Mar. 15, 1977, as amended at 47 added for improved baking’’. When any FR 11827, Mar. 19, 1982; 49 FR 10097, Mar. 19, optional bleaching ingredient is used, 1984; 54 FR 24894, June 12, 1989] the label shall bear the word ‘‘Bleached’’. Wherever the name of the § 137.200 Whole wheat flour. food appears on the label so conspicu- (a) Whole wheat flour, graham flour, ously as to be easily seen under cus- entire wheat flour is the food prepared tomary conditions of purchase, the by so grinding cleaned wheat, other word ‘‘Bleached’’ shall immediately than durum wheat and red durum and conspicuously precede or follow wheat, that when tested by the method such name, without intervening writ- prescribed in paragraph (c)(2) of this ten, printed, or graphic matter; except section, not less than 90 percent passes that where such name is a part of a through a 2.36 mm (No. 8) sieve and not trademark or brand, other written, less than 50 percent passes through a printed or graphic matter, which is 850 μm (No. 20) sieve. The proportions also a part of such trademark or brand, of the natural constituents of such may so intervene if the word wheat, other than moisture, remain ‘‘Bleached’’ is in such juxtaposition unaltered. To compensate for any nat- with such trademark or brand as to be ural deficiency of enzymes, malted conspicuously related to such name.
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