smle The Faculty of Newsletter July 2013

The Faculty achieves designated body status

The is now but I regard it as the sort of work we an official designated body for the should be doing. revalidation of doctors. This follows the “One of the obligations which passing of new legislation relating to we now have as a designated body the professional appraisal of doctors is to keep up-to-date records for all drawn up by the Department of Health. doctor members, regardless of their Revalidation is the process by designated body, who have a which the General Medical Council prescribed connection to the Faculty. (GMC) confirms the continuation of a This is because an appraisal covers the doctor's licence to practise in the UK, entire scope of a doctor’s work and if which is carried out by a designated there are any issues raised within the body. Being on the GMC’s approved Faculty about a doctor's practice they list of designated bodies is recognition have to be communicated to the of the Faculty’s professional standing appropriate designated body. This is and the culmination of the detailed only a formalisation of what we are work carried out over a number of meant to do anyhow under the years by Dr Sara Eames, Dr David guidelines for good medical practice.” Owen and Faculty Chief Executive, Cristal Sumner. Generous grant Faculty Council has appointed A network of appraisers from within Dr David Owen as its Responsible the Faculty is being developed and an Officer, who will oversee the appraisal appraisers’ training day attended by a processes and make recommendations guest speaker from the GMC’s to the GMC about revalidation of The Faculty’s Responsible Officer, revalidation team has already taken Faculty members. His responsibilities Dr David Owen. place. The idea of arranging appraisal will include ensuring there is an workshops for any members who may integrated system for monitoring Significant development feel slightly intimidated by the doctors’ performance, recognising Becoming a designated body will revalidation process is also being good practice, and encouraging primarily affect those members who considered. development and learning. are solely in private practice, as The British Homeopathic doctors have to be revalidated through Association has kindly provided a their main places of work. Doctors generous grant to assist the Faculty in who have attained their MFHom, or setting up its processes, to fund who are Specialist Registrants or training and to allow the Responsible Fellows, and practise privately with Officer to attend meetings and give no NHS practice have a prescribed the necessary time to the important relationship with the Faculty and are work of establishing an excellent able to select it as their designated appraisal and revalidation system. body. Doctors from the above groups All doctors are reminded that it is have already been contacted and to the responsibility of the individual to date it appears 24 members will seek ensure that they have an annual revalidation through the Faculty, with appraisal, and from 2013 this has to be IN THIS ISSUE: this number expected to rise over the done in accordance with the widely News 1, 3 coming months. publicised Medical Appraisal Guidelines Editorial 2 Faculty President, Dr Sara Eames, (MAG) which is based on the GMC’s Feature 6 said: “Gaining designated body status Good Medical Practice. Any member Viewpoint 8 is a significant development as it goes seeking advice or further information Case studies 12, 15, 16 some way towards ensuring medical on revalidation should contact Cristal Research update 17 homeopathy as a career pathway in Sumner or Dr David Owen using the What’s on 19 the future. Inevitably it will entail extra dedicated revalidation email address: work and responsibility for the Faculty, [email protected]. •• editorial

A voice from the Faculty Council Andrea Wiessner

Faculty council recently decided that we love. So if you have any ideas why place and we might be moving more each council member should take it in not contact your local representative towards Psora. Being hopeful, recovery turns to write the editorial for simile , or share them through more informal is possible and in sight – so let’s and for this issue that honour or channels. You probably read in the last remind ourselves of some of the hardship (I’ve yet to decide) has fallen issue of this newsletter that we have reasons why we should feel hopeful. to me. As the Faculty’s Treasurer I’m a number of vacancies for regional As you will have read on page 1, well aware of the financial constraints representatives. Why not get involved the Faculty has been appointed a within which the organisation has to in this way and help to shape the designated responsible body for operate. These are economically Faculty’s future? revalidation. This is an important difficult times, but I’m pleased to Reading and hearing about all the development as it gains greater report that through prudent budgeting challenges homeopathy continues to recognition for the Faculty and its and other measures the Faculty looks face, started me pondering on which professional role from the medical set to achieve a sustainable financial miasm we as a community might fall establishment. We must thank our basis on which to build for the future. under and Sankaran’s Ringworm President, Sara Eames, Chief Nevertheless, any ideas you might miasm definitely comes to mind. For Executive Cristal Sumner and our new have to increase the Faculty’s income those of you who are not familiar with Responsible Officer, Dr David Owen, would be warmly received. Rajan Sankaran’s expansion of miasms, for all their hard work in securing this The vitality of any organisation the Ringworm miasm is characterised momentous achievement. depends on its membership, and as Chris Day mentioned in April’s editorial, your participation is extremely valuable “through prudent budgeting… Faculty looks and desired. The more we all actively participate in the Faculty’s affairs, the set to achieve a sustainable financial basis more vibrant our organisation will be. . We are a relatively small community on which to build for the future ” and therefore everyone is encouraged to contribute, in whatever shape or by trying and giving up; the keyword Something else has made me form, as this will create an even more being “trying”. For aren’t we trying very hopeful for the future. Recently dynamic organisation and also help to hard again and again to correct, I participated in the Congress for promote homeopathy, the discipline inform, raise awareness etc. Another Complementary Medicine Research part of the Ringworm miasm is in London and was blown away by “accepting” which alternates with the variety of research that is going trying; “accepting” alternating with on in this field. Apart from some great effort. Another characteristic of this homeopathic research and basic smle miasm is “irritation”. There certainly science into how homeopathy might seems plenty of that! work, there were studies of other The Faculty of Homeopathy Or is the pathology deeper? Do we CAM disciplines, as well as Newsletter try to do the utmost, the impossible, discussions about spirituality and stretch beyond our capacity and try to mindfulness. With papers being Editor: John Burry do the superhuman to prove what we published in conventional medical Consultant Editor: Cristal Sumner do and convince? Often only to admit journals on acupuncture, mindfulness that it has been to no avail and and spirituality, doesn’t this indicate Faculty of Homeopathy destruction is happening before our that the medical world is beginning Hahnemann House eyes like in the Cancer miasm. to look at more holistic approaches 29 Park Street West Luton LU1 3BE At other times we might fall more to treating patients? And I’ve heard into the Sycotic miasm: hiding what glowing reports about the quality of Tel: 01582 408680 we do, being a little secretive about the research presented at the Fax: 01582 723032 our work, avoiding confrontation and Homeopathic Research Institute’s Email: [email protected] maybe, I suspect, even feeling guilty. very first international conference in Web: And some of us, I am sure, experience Barcelona. Maybe even more reason All the material in this publication is copyright our community from the viewpoint of for members to engage in research and may not be reproduced without permission. the Malaria miasm which Sankaran into homeopathy. The publishers do not necessarily identify with characterises as feeling stuck with These are just a few reasons or hold themselves responsible for contributors’, correspondents’ or advertisers’ opinions. intermittent attacks. Feeling why I’m optimistic about the future; persecuted, hindered, obstructed a future where the true value of Design: Wildcat Design [email protected] and harassed are key words for this homeopathy is recognised. miasm. Feeling unfortunate like a Printing: Berforts Information Press victim is common too. Dr Andrea Wiessner However, healing might be taking Faculty Treasurer

2 •• news

NHS homeopathy axed in Lothian

NHS Lothian has announced that 72 per cent of all those unaware was taking place.” it is to withdraw funding for who responded were against He went on to say the homeopathy. The decision the service continuing to be health board failed to listen to was made by NHS Lothian’s funded by NHS Lothian with actual patient feedback in the board at their June meeting 27 per cent in favour of retain- form of general correspond- and is based solely on the ing funding and 1 per cent ence and feedback at public results of a recent survey undecided. However, those meetings, instead concentrat- carried out as part of a public who campaigned to save the ing only on the flawed online consultation. service have questioned the survey which was hijacked by Professor Alex McMahon , validity of the consultation anti-homeopathy campaigners NHS Lothian’s Director of process and in particular how living outside of Lothian. This, Strategic Planning, Perform - the survey was conducted. he says, skewed the survey’s BHA Chairman, John Cook ance Reporting and Informat - “NHS Lothian’s decision results. Mr Cook also high - ion, said: “We have consulted comes as no surprise,” said light ed that of the written to get NHS Lothian to reinstate the public and listened to their John Cook, Chairman of the responses – where people the service, and several views and the survey results British Homeopathic Associa - included a local address – members of the Scottish are clear in showing that the tion. “The health board has 85% wanted funding for the Parliament have offered their majority of people who took been predisposed to with - service to continue. support. The battle to save part are against us continuing drawing the service from the Immediately after the the service is over: the battle to provide homeo pathic outset of its farcical consult - health board’s announcement, to restore NHS homeopathy services.” ation process; a consultation the BHA and local campaigners for the people of Lothian has The survey results showed that many patients were started work to explore ways only just begun.

Faculty chief wins award New reps community recognise that we have every - thing to gain by working together towards announced common goals. The Faculty is delighted to “Cristal is a woman of many talents and announce two new represent- sets a standard and an example for us all to ati ves have joined the match. I look forward to working with her for Members’ Committee. Anne many years to come in our common cause of O’Reilly and Dr Margaret Reid bringing good quality homeopathic treatment will be representing the to the attention of as broad an audience as interests of veterinary possible.” members and those members Accepting the award Cristal said she was living and practising in North surprised and honoured to be acknow ledg ed East England respectively. by the Society for her work. She thanked Dr Trish Ridsdale, Mem - those Society members with whom she has bers’ Committee convener, developed a close working relationship, extended a warm welcome saying she had only played a small part in to the new recruits, saying helping to promote unity. their contributions and She went on to add: “It is glorious to see represent ation would be how the homeopathic community has come most welcome. together to unite into one powerful voice. The Members’ Committee Faculty Chief Executive, Cristal Sumner As a profession we have made significant still has vacancies for regional The Society of Homeopaths has honoured the strides over the past two years, which can representatives in South East Faculty’s chief executive, Cristal Sumner, with be seen in the growing confidence we have Scotland, Central Scotland, an Outstanding Achievement Award. Cristal in sharing our messages, defending what South Wales, East Anglia received the award in recog nit ion of her work we do and managing our collective reputation. and South West England. in helping to unite the homeo pathic If we are patient and continue to work A vacancy also exists for profession in the UK, so that the profession together, we will in time silence the critics a representative from the together can meet the challenges it faces. and succeed in placing homeo pathy at the Faculty’s podiatrist group. Philip Edmonds, chair man of the Society centre of people’s approach to healthcare.” Anyone interested in the of Homeo paths, said: “Over recent years Introduced in 2010, the Outstanding above vacancies should I have had the pleasure of working more Achievement Award is awarded to those who contact the Membership closely with Cristal and have been hugely have made a major contribution in the field Officer, Tracey Simmons impressed with her commit ment to of homeopathy over the previous two years. at tsimmons@facultyof homeopathy; her drive and determination The award was presented to Cristal at the homeo or call to make sure that we in the homeo pathic Society of Homeopaths AGM in Bristol. 01582 408681.

3 •• news

NHS Choices objectivity questioned

Attempts to change the biased Association (BHA), as the clinical studies and patient and prejudicial information patients’ advocate, wrote to reported outcomes. This is about homeopathy that the Department of Health (DH) then followed by the negative appears on the UK’s biggest complaining about the lack of findings of the Science and health website, NHS Choices, objectivity of the NHS Choices Technology Committee report have met with intransigence homeopathy page and in and a flippant comment made from the website’s editors. particular the omission of the by Dame Sally Davies, the The content on the homeo - government’s response to the chief medical officer, dismiss- pathy page currently serves as negative conclusions made in ing homeopathy as “rubbish”. New logo nothing more than propaganda the 2010 Science and Tech - The letter points out that no launched for the sceptic movement and nology Evidence Check into other page on NHS Choices astonishingly even includes homeopathy, which features begins in such a way. Homeopathy Awareness a link to the anti-homeopathy prominently on the page. The letter goes on to state Week (14-21 June) saw campaign group Sense About Surprisingly, despite the that while the BHA accepts the launch of a new logo Science. Why this link was website being funded by the the editor is entitled to her designed to identify all considered relevant for inclus - DH, they replied that “content opinions and to express them professional homeopaths ion became clear, however, must be checked for consist - freely, personal views should who are members of one of when it transpired that the ency with the policy position not undermine the balance and the registering bodies, as well editor of the page is a supporter of the Department on health impartiality of the content that as to serve as a symbol of the of Sense About Science, issues, but that the Depart- appears on NHS Choices. unity within the profession. frequently retweeting their ment does not make decisions For if the website provides a The “H” logo was specially Twitter messages, and has about what NHS Choices biased viewpoint on homeo - designed by Pentagram, an even had an article published content should be – NHS pathy, how can the public be internationally renowned firm on the group’s website. Choices is independent from sure of the accuracy of the which has designed some of Even as answers were the Department .” So it appears information on other NHS the world’s most iconic logos. being sought to concerns publicly funded NHS Choices Choices pages? Homeopaths registered with about the NHS Choices can write what it likes! In a further development, the Alliance of Registered homeopathy page and the Undeterred, the BHA is the BHA has contacted the Homeopaths, Homeopathic editor’s impartiality, the editor seeking to resolve this issue Information Standard question - Medical Association, Society brazenly took to Twitter to through other channels. ing the right of NHS choices of Homeopaths and the Faculty declare: “Happy to state that A letter has been sent to the to continue to carry its quality will be able to use the logo. I have an interest in evidence- Secretary State for Health, mark. The Information Stand - The new logo is not based medicine and debunking Jeremy Hunt, highlighting the ard is an independent certific - replacing the Faculty’s logo woo: no-we-won’t-be-watering lack of balance and objectivity ation scheme commiss ioned or is it designed to be used -down-NHS-homeopathy-info.” of the homeopathy page by NHS England for all organ- instead of the medical and While this clearly suggests produced by NHS Choices. isations producing evidence- homeopathic qualifications the editor is predisposed The letter asks the minister based health and care inform - members have attained and against homeopathy and to compare the homeopathy ation for the public. Any organ - proudly list after their names. unable to produce a balanced page to other pages for similar is ation awarded the Informat - But it is hoped all practitioners overview of the complement - therapies. The other pages ion Standard is said to have from the registering bodies ary medicine, NHS Choices start with a fairly lengthy, undergone a rigorous assess - will adopt the logo and assist disagrees saying the content objective description of the ment to ensure the inform - the public in finding a qualified was independently approved therapy/treatment and without ation they produce is clear, and regulated homeopath, by a GP. But even though NHS assigning a value. accurate, balanced, evidence- including private practitioners Choices editorial policy insists By contrast the homeo - based and up-to-date. from the Faculty. on having the website’s con - pathy page opens with a neg at - It is the BHA’s position All members are tent reviewed by an expert in ively phrased description with that the NHS Choices homeo - encouraged to support this the appropriate field, they have the word “treatment” in pathy page fails to meet a initiative and display the confirmed they don’t know the quotes. It goes on to inaccurat - number of these criteria and new logo – along with the details of the experience or ely describe homeopathy as should therefore have its Faculty’s own emblem – on qualifications – and therefore “dilute substances”; and then quality mark suspended. your stationery, websites and the suitability – of the doctor uses the word “claim” in The Information Standard other promotional material who carried out the review relation to its therapeutic has responded saying it is and help to promote homeo- of its homeopathy page. effects, which is dismissive investigating the BHA’s pathy as a unified profession. The British Homeopathic and not represent ative of complaint. A brand book has been produced to offer guidelines New members Mikova, nurse Mr Saran Zeb and vets on how to make effective use The Faculty is delighted to welcome and Miss Caroline Cutmore, Miss Clare Povah and of the new logo, along with a congratulate several new members who Mrs Ann Wood. From abroad we welcome range of promotional material have attained their MFHom in recent months. Dr Ester Cela (Luxembourg), Dr Silvia Estival demonstrating how it can be From the UK Dr Charlotte Batchelor, Dr Iveta Medina (Spain) and vet Ms Lori Leonard (USA). displayed.

4 •• news

US sales of homeopathic and herbal medicines

Research carried out by market that so many users of homeo - research analyst Mintel pathic remedies are confident estim ates U.S. retail sales about them relieving their of homeo pathic and herbal symptoms suggests that remedies reached $6.4 billion once people have used these in 2012, up almost 3% from products and experienced 2011, which means the market the effect iveness, they may has grown 16% over the past be more inclined to use them five years. in the future. Therefore, There is more good news a key marketing message for the homeopathic and herbal remedies sector too, with Mintel forecasting sales to continue to increase over the next few years. By 2017 sales are expected to reach $7.5 billion, as more Americans become proactive about their health and the availability of these medicines Tracey gets on her bike increases through mass retailers. for homeopathy Emily Krol, health and well ness analyst at Mintel, The Faculty’s membership its supporters to enable it to explained: “Recalls of officer, Tracey Simmons, is fulfil its aims: traditional OTC (over-the- getting on her bike to raise • Promote wider access to counter) remedies, a holistic money for the British Homeo - homeopathy for everyone approach to health, and pathic Association. During the • Encourage more research more availability in traditional month of August, come rain • Provide high quality retailers all helped to fuel or shine, Tracey is abandoning information to the public growth in this market. The her car and cycling back and • Educate healthcare sector is primed for continued forth to work, a daily round trip professionals about success as U.S. consumers of eight miles which will total homeopathy increasingly seek products 176 miles over the month. that are natural and organic, Tracey is not a keen cyclist To support Tracey’s 176 mile particularly as it relates to and confesses not to have cycle challenge, visit http:// healthcare. This is especially to convince non-users to ridden a bike regularly since true for families with small try these products, such as she was a teenager . She is TraceySimmons Alternatively, children as many OTC medic - including users talking about preparing for her challenge by email tsimmons@british at ions are unsafe for children their positive experiences cycling a few miles a couple or call her under the age of two.” with the products, could of evenings a week and at on 01582 408681. She continued: “The fact prove effective.” weekends, but still admits she is not looking forward to the homeward journey each day as it is generally uphill all the way. Veterinary Dean “I decided to take on this challenge for two reasons,” The Faculty of Homeopathy is seeking applications for says Tracey. “To raise money the position of Veterinary Dean . for the BHA and also highlight how important fund-raising is To commence office in January 2014. to the charity. Hopefully, my Any veterinary member with a VetMFHom is welcome to efforts will encourage others apply. Deadline for applications is the 31 October 2013. to do something they enjoy, or maybe a complete a challenge, to help raise funds. If interested in this position, please contact Cristal Sumner As a charity, the BHA at [email protected] or call 01582 408674. relies on generous donations and the fund-raising efforts of

5 •• feature

Evolution of homeopathic practice in the results of a North American homeopathic

Dr Todd Rowe is the president and a founder of the American Medical College of Homeopathy where he trains medical students in classical homeopathy. He is a licensed homeopathic physician who has been practising homeopathy for more than 20 years. Dr Rowe has recently conducted a survey of homeopathic practitioners in North America and kindly agreed to summarise the results for a UK audience. This article presents data from the North maximum amount of data. We made an largely left unchanged between this American Homeopathic Practitioner effort to minimize respondent fatigue, survey and the survey in 2006. Survey completed this spring (2013) by however despite this, the response rate the research department of the Amer - by the end of the survey was only 60% Summary of changes from 2006 study ican Medical College of Homeopathy of that at the beginning (this was similar Roughly two-thirds of the responses to (AMCH). The results are compared to a to the results from the 2006 survey). questions on this study were essentially previous US Homeopathic Practitioner General response to the survey was unchanged from the results of the Survey completed in 2006. positive, although some found certain previous study. The changes noted, questions ambiguous. however, can be used to examine the Description change in the homeopathic community A research study consisting of a survey The following targeted groups were in the last seven years. of homeopathic practice was conducted included: by the AMCH from January 2013 to • All North American homeopathic Demographics March 2013. The study consisted of 48 membership organisations The survey found there are still far more questions and was done in an online • All North American homeopathic women homeopathic practitioners format. The survey took approximately schools (alumni and faculty) (74.6%) than men, while the average 15 minutes to complete. The questions • Homeopathic software company age of practitioners rose from 49 to 55. covered six primary areas: Demograph- mailing lists Practitioners are predominantly white ics, Homeopathic Training, Nature of • Homeopathic pharmaceutical (86.2%) with the greatest concentration Practice, Style of Practice, Success in company mailing lists of homeopaths found in California Practice and Continuing Education/ • Homeopathic conference directors (19.8%), New York (10.6%), Arizona Service. The research was approved by • Homeopathic certification (10.2%) and Minnesota (7.2%). Three- the AMCH Institutional Review Board organisation mailing lists quarters (76%) of all practitioner operate (IRB). • State homeopathic licensure mailing from a solo practice. The purpose of this study was to lists There is evidence that more people develop a picture of homeopathic • State homeopathic association from healthcare professions are being practice as it occurs in North America mailing lists attracted to homeopathy, as there was a today. It was our hope that this study • National homeopathic bookseller 20% increase in the number of respond - would help the homeopathic community mailing lists ents who said they previously had a to better assess its strengths and weak- • Forwarded emails from homeopathic career in health related occupations. nesses and to better plan its future practitioners This is supported by the dramatic rise course. In addition, the purpose was to in the number of MD homeopaths that examine how homeopathic practice has In all there were approximately 600 appears to have occurred since the changed in the last seven years since the homeopathic practitioner respondents 2006 survey: 26.4% in 2013 compared previous study we conducted in 2006. to the survey, although not every with 10.2% seven years ago. This survey was difficult to design. participant filled out all of the However, among the respondents The work group that constructed it made questions. This compared to the 1,164 there were few from the other every effort to keep the survey as homeopathic practitioner respondents conventional medical professions: Nurse short as possible, while garnering the in the 2006 survey. Questions were Practitioner (NP) 3.5%; Registered

6 •• feature

Nurse (RN) 4.8%; Doctor of Veterinary from health insurance companies was ment they provide patients, with Medicine (DVM) 3.4%; Doctor of recorded at 14%, up from 11% in 2006. figures very similar to those from Dental Surgery (DDS) 0.7%; and However, the amount of pro bono (with - 2006. Almost half of respondents said Registered Pharmacist (RPh) 0.4%. out payment) work that homeopathic they achieved an “Exceptionally good practitioners do decreased response in multiple domains”. In by 28%. treating the chief complaint 42.3% North America: In 2006 over half (51%) of reported an “Exceptionally good patients had been referred response”. Partial response to treat- by other patients. Although ment was recorded in 22.9% of cases. practitioner survey this is still the primary source On average negative reaction to treat - of patient referral, providing ment or no response to treatment was Education, training and research homeopaths with 38% of their patients, reported in 2.6% and 7.5% of cases There was an increase in the level of more people are finding a homeopath respectively. Patient reported satisfaction educat ion in the respondents. For via the internet and the rate of online also remains extremely high. example, the rate of doctorally referrals to homeo pathic practitioners prepared homeo pathic practitioners increased by 46%. There was also a 45% Validation and limitations increased by 50%. rise in the number of patients referred by There was a fairly high concordance On average undergraduate homeo - the healthcare professions. Interestingly, between the results of this study and pathic training now comprises of 664 it appears 10% of patients arrive in the the one performed seven years ago. hours attending lectures and 381 hours homeopaths consulting room after hear - This would argue for validation of the clinical training. But there has been a ing a public talk about the healing art. results of this study. Generally there decrease of 45% in the use of distance LM prescribing is becoming increas - was also a higher response rate on this learning technology in homeopathic ingly popular and is replacing the usage survey than the previous survey by 20%. training, highlighting how homeopathic of higher potencies (200c and above). The primary limitation of this study education in America has yet to embrace online learning. On the subject of continuing educat- ion or continued professional develop - ment (CPD), respondents on average attended 45 hours of conferences and seminars, as well as completing 72 hours of self-study. However, the amount of time practitioners are setting aside for research has fallen by 60%, as they appear to be more focused on clinical practice.

In practice Respondents to the survey reported an average of 11.1 new patient visits per month, which is marginally up on 2006. The average number of follow-up visits increased slightly from 36 per month in 2006 to 44.9 in 2013. The average length This form of prescribing saw a 61% was a decline in participation by of the initial consultation rose from 106 increase compared with 2006 and is members of the homeopathic minutes to 110.8 minutes, while the thought to be partly due to its use in community. Our initial study included average time spent with a patient at a complex cases. approximately 1,200 participants. This follow-up visit increased by one minute Practitioners are now treating many study included only 600 participants. to 43 minutes. more children and older people. The Since the data was less robust, it made The fees charged by American survey found the number of children it impossible to study some of the sub homeopaths have risen steeply; on being seen by homeopaths increased by populations examined in the previous average homeopaths charge $265.28 33% and the number of elderly patients study with statistically meaningful (£171.16) for an initial consultation, visiting a homeopath increased by a results. In particular, participation from and $96.30 (£62.13) for a follow-up staggering 178%. Canada was limited which made inter - appointment: increases of 29% and The survey also found that there are pretation of Canadian data less reliable. 26% respectively. The average annual an increasing number of homeopaths Our hope is to repeat this study in income for practitioners has also risen practising “clinical homeopathy”. For the ten years and that this study will serve significantly from $49,508.08 purpose of this study “clinical homeo - as a baseline of comparison. The full (£31,942.66) in 2006 to $79,953.28 pathy” refers to graduates of the results of this survey research and (£51,585.94) in 2013, an increase of course for physicians, which Boiron those of the 2006 survey can be found 61%. However, the size of this describe as training in clinical homeopathy. at increase may be due in part to the community number of medical doctors who took Results part in the 2013 survey. Homeopaths continue to report high Dr Todd Rowe Practices receiving reimbursement levels of positive responses to the treat - MD MD(H) CCH DHt

7 •• viewpoint

“Epidemic … Mass Vaccinations … Children in Grave Danger”, screams the media. What is causing these One million Britons urged to alarming headlines? Is it typhoid, cholera or smallpox? No, they are ‘get a jab’ to avert measles crisis talking about measles – a regular childhood illness that most children sail through. According to the World Health Organisation (WHO) there were approximately 158,000 measles deaths Measles – globally in 2011, but the organisation states: “More than 95% of measles deaths occur in low-income countries with weak health infrastructures … why all the fuss? Most measles deaths are caused by complications associated with the disease.” The WHO goes on to say: “Severe Dr Jayne Donegan give s her personal measles is more likely among poorly and draws similarities with the nourished young children, especially those with insufficient vitamin A, or whose immune systems have been weakened by HIV/AIDS or other diseases. As high as 10% of measles 500 cases result in death among populations with high levels of malnutrition and 450 1 lack of adequate health care.” 400 Are children in Europe and the United States suffering from malnutrition? Do 350 they have HIV/AIDS? If not, why all the 300 fuss? 250 Measles in the UK 200 In the UK measles used to occur in epidemics about every two years, 150 starting in the autumn with the peak 100 being in April and then waning for 50 another two years. 2 In the nineteenth 7 4 1 8 5 2 9 6 3 0 7 4 1 8 5 2 9 6 3 0 7 4 1 8 5 2 9 6 3 0 7 4 century when social conditions – 0 1 9 9 9 8 8 8 7 7 7 7 6 6 6 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 malnutrition, poor housing, drinking 1 water contaminated with sewage – were similar to those in poorer countries fig.1 – Measles • Deaths per million • All ages • England and Wales 1901-1999 Source: ‘20th Century Mortality’, Office for National Statistics, England today, it used to be a feared killer here also. But all that changed long ago. In England and Wales the death rate In fact measles and other childhood dose added in 1996. Nevertheless, declined from over 1,100 per million infections were so much regarded as in 2012 the number of laboratory cases in the mid-nineteenth century part of normal childhood development confirmed measles cases in England to a level of virtually zero by the mid- that in the 1960s mothers sent their and Wales had risen to 2,016. 5 1960s. children off to measles, mumps, chicken This has been attributed to parents’ Was this due to vaccination? No, pox and rubella “parties” so they concerns about the possible side- 99% of the reduction in deaths due would get them at the best time – in effects from the MMR vaccination, to measles in England and Wales childhood. Whereas today these same but it is also an acknowledged fact occurred before the introduction of the diseases are described as so likely to that about 5% of immunocompetent measles vaccine in 1968 and has cause death or disability that the only children receiving their first dose of continued to fall since then. (see Fig1) sensible choice is to vaccinate. MMR vaccine will have mild measles In 1964, Dr David Miller, who at The introduction of the measles with fever and rash. 6 the time was Deputy Director of the vaccine in 1968 was widely credited for What happens, then, when Epidemiological Research Laboratory the lowering of measles notifications in unvaccinated children get measles? in Colindale, Middlesex, stated: “In the UK. However, the uptake was only Measles outbreaks in unimmunised this country at least, measles is now 33% in that year and the level did not people tend to be mild in those who usually regarded as a minor childhood get above 55% until 1980 when do not have underlying medical illness through which we all must incidence was already well down. 4 conditions. In communities which pass, rather than as a public health The MMR vaccination was intro - generally do not immunise, the attack problem.” 3 duced in the UK in 1988, with a second rate in infants less than one year of

8 The first step in this process is to recognise that the infection is not your enemy but your friend. From a holistic point of view, diseases causing fever and rashes are regarded as detoxifying processes, enabling the body to clean Doctors warn of measles 'epidemic' itself out and go up a developmental step. Suppression of such processes as parents shun MMR jab is thought to lead eventually to long term, chronic illness. The most important part in this process is fever. There is a substantial body of evidence indicating that fever is a beneficial response to infection which improves the ability of the UK hit by measles outbreak immune system to carry out its function and that reducing fevers can increase morbidity and mortality in view on the measles outbreak in Swansea severe infection. Heinz Eichenwald, outbreak in France in 2010-11. Professor of Paediatrics at the South Western Medical School, University of Texas, states in the Bulletin of the WHO: rubella at a beneficial age an epidemic “Fever represents a universal, of measles swept across the country ancient and usually beneficial response in 2010-11 where 8% of cases were to infection, and its suppression under under one year old and 34% were over most circumstances has few, if any 20 years, when complications are more demonstrable benefits. On the other common. 13 hand, some harmful effects have In France, from having less than 50 been shown to occur as a result of reported cases of measles per year, suppress ing fever. It is clear, therefore, there was an increase to 600 in 2008; that the widespread use of antipyretics 1,500 in 2009; 5,000 in 2010 and should not be encouraged either in 15,000 cases in 2011. As we know, developing countries or in industrial m

o 15

c having measles is not a problem in society.” . k c

o itself. The problem is the associated t s r

e complications such pneumonia and Treatment t t u

h encephalitis, which in France caused But it appears no-one knows how to S


4 two deaths in 2010 (1 death/2,500 nurse a case of measles any more. 7 r a

c notified cases) and six deaths in 2011 The WHO’s guidance for treating s i u L

(1 death/2,500 notified cases). There measles is clear: “Severe complications : o t

o haven’t been case fatality levels like from measles can be avoided through h P this in the UK since the 1950s! In supportive care that ensures good Is immunisation the answer? terms of health outcomes, we seem to nutrition, adequate fluid intake and be going backwards. treatment of dehydration with WHO- age is low because of protection by the The measles cases were not coming recommended oral rehydration solution. superior maternal antibodies derived from outside the EU. The European Antibiotics should be prescribed to from natural infection compared to Centre for Disease Prevention and treat eye and ear infections, and those derived from vaccination. 7, 8, 9 Control states that less than 10% of pneumonia.” Almost without exception, deaths European Union (EU) cases were Is this what happens? No! occur in those with underlying medical imported and more than 60% of those The first thing that children are given conditions or poor nutrition or in those came from another EU country. 14 So is paracetamol or ibuprofen to reduce religious groups who refuse timely we are talking about generally well fed their fever – despite the fact that the medical care when complications and well housed people with a clean WHO doesn’t recommend it and the occur. 10, 11 Those most at risk of water supply. NICE Guidelines 2007 state. complications from the disease are Then why are some patients suffer - “Antipyretic agents should not also those least likely to produce a ing complications that can result in routinely be used with the sole aim of good antibody response from being death? As colleagues will know, on reducing body temperature in children given the vaccine. meet ing a virus whether you get infected with fever who are otherwise well …” at all or have a mild, disabling or even and they should only be considered The French outbreak deadly episode will depend on the state “… in children with fever who appear France has had the MMR vaccine of your immune system when you meet distressed or unwell.” since 1986 with coverage of over 90% it and how you treat the ill ness. What - They also stress: “Antipyretic agents for the first dose and 40-70% for the ever the state of your immune system, do not prevent febrile convulsions and second dose. 12 So instead of children you get complications from not treating should not be used specifically for this being able to get measles, mumps and infectious diseases correctly. purpose.” 16

9 •• viewpoint P h

o However the NHS Choices website t o :

g recommends them as first line. “If your a r y

child has measles, you may find the y i m following advice useful: use liquid baby / S h

u paracetamol or ibuprofen to relieve t t e r

s fever, aches and pains.” t o c

k Some GPs recommend antipyretics . c o

m six hourly, in hospital they are given four hourly, alone or in combination (even though NICE advise against using paracetamol and ibuprofen together). Antihistamines are given for itches and coughs; antibiotics are given when there is no bacterial infection – just in case. And children are fed, over heated and kept in stuffy rooms. Is it any wonder that they get complications? In 2010, 30% of French measles cases were hospitalised (38 % under one year of age, 47% over 20 years). In 1963, 1% of cases in the UK were sent to hospital and 13% of those were for “social” reasons. Even more incredible, of the cases admitted to French hospitals, only 30% had complications! 12 If they don’t have complications (and even if they do) why on earth would anyone in their right mind send someone with measles to hospital? When you have measles – the disease or the vaccine – it lowers activity of your cell-mediated immune system. 17, 18 You therefore become more susceptible to infection by the tuberculosis bacillus, viruses and subsequent bacterial super-infection, so the very last place you should be if you have measles is in a hospital full of sick people, infectious diseases and MRSA. The main complications of measles are infections. Six out of ten deaths from measles are from Severe measles is more likely among poorly nourished young children – WHO pneumonia.

References 6. George SMC, Sen M and Elliman D. BMJ 2012;345: e6973 7. Sutter RW, Markowitz LE, Bennetch JM, Morris W et al, Measles among the Amish: a comparative study of measles 1. severity in primary and secondary cases in households, J 2. Brincker JA, A Historical, Epidemiological and Aetiological Study of Infectious Diseases 1991;163:12-16 Measles (Morbilli; Rubeola): (Section of Epidemiology and State 8. Outbreak of measles in a religious group – Montreal, Quebec, Medicine) Canada Communicable Disease. Report 1995 ;1:1-5 pubmed 9. Lennon JL, Black FL, Maternally derived measles immunity in 3. Miller DL Frequency of complications of measles, 1963. Report on era of vaccine-protected mothers, J Pediatrics 1986;671-6 a National Inquiry by the public health laboratory service in 10. Novotny T, Jennings CE, Doran M, March RC et al, Measles collaboration with the society of medical officers of health. Br Med outbreaks in religious groups exempt from immunization laws, J. 1964 Public Health Reports 1988;103:49-54 brmedj02558-0019.pdf 11. Rodgers DV, Gindler JS, Atkinson WL, Markowitz LE, High attack 4. Immunisation Uptake Rates – completed primary course: two year rate and case fatality during a measles outbreak in groups with rate England and Wales 1966-77, England only 1978-195/6. religious exemption to vaccination, Pediatric Infectious Disease Department of Health Statistics Division, Communicable Diseases Journal 1993;12:288-92 surveillance Centre, UK 12. Parent du Châtelet I et al Spotlight on measles 2010: update on 5. Number of laboratory confirmed measles cases in England and the ongoing measles outbreak in France, 2008-2010, Euro Wales Surveill. 2010 Sep 9;15(36). pii: 19656 http://www.eurosurveillance. HPAweb_C/1223019390211 org/ViewArticle.aspx?ArticleId=19656 13. Epidémie de Rougeole en France, Donées de déclaration obligatoire

10 •• viewpoint

By trying to eradicate measles and suppress fevers are we trading a generally benign childhood illness for a chronic disease with a higher death rate? A study of a measles outbreak in 1997-8 in a Steiner community in Gloucester, England, reported that there P h

o were no severe cases. Moreover, 62% t o :

E of the respondents to a questionnaire m i

l reported a strengthening and maturing i a n

o of their child both mentally and


u physically after the measles infection. r z a

g Dr Duffell from Gloucestershire Health l u /

Authority remarked: W i k “The findings of low levels of i m e

d morbidity associated with measles are i a similar to previous studies in the Measles rash United Kingdom and support the notion that measles is not a severe A blessing in disguise? less frequent in the measles group. illness in most children. These cases Are there any benefits to having Inhaled corticosteroid use was more were, however, in fit, well-nourished measles? A study conducted by the common in the group without measles children from a community that Danish epidemiologist Tove Rønne and (these all indicate lower incidence of advocates a healthy lifestyle and there and published in The Lancet in 1985 asthma in the measles group). 21 were insufficient numbers of cases to found that having measles with a Furthermore, a statistically significant observe many of the rarer sequelae.” typical rash was associated with a inverse association between measles However, it appears advocating a lower incidence of developing immuno- vaccination and atopic (allergic) healthy lifestyle is not an option that reactive diseases, sebaceous skin sensitization was found in relation to the Department of Health or GPs offer diseases, diseases of bone, cartilage allergen-specific serum IgE level of 3.5 to parents who ask what they can use and certain tumours in adult life, unlike kU/L. 22 This clearly identifies that those as a viable alternative to measles the “atypical” variety with suppressed with measles had less allergy. vaccination. rash that occurs in people with immune Then in 2000, Thorax included disorders and after vaccination. 19 research highlighting how early A version of this article first appeared In 1995, the results of another study exposure to measles and family size in The Informed Parent in 2011. The appeared in The Lancet that found may be associated with a lower risk of full article can be read at www.jayne- having measles was associated with adult onset doctor diagnosed asthma. 23 a reduction in risk of the skin testing Paracetamol use is also associated positive to house dust mite at age 14- with increased wheeze and diagnosed Dr JLM Donegan MBBS DRCOG DCH 21 years. 20 Another study found that asthma in the countries with the DFFP MRCGP MFHom sensitivity to house dust mite was less highest sales. 24 There were 1,131 frequent in children with a history of deaths from asthma in the UK in 2009 Please note that almost every reference measles than in those without. A (12 were children aged 14 years or referring to measles quoted in this history of nebulized salbutamol use in under). 25 There haven’t been that many article recommends that children are A&E in the previous 12 months was deaths from measles since 1941. vaccinated against measles.

en 2010 et donées provisoire pour début 2011 20. Shaheen SO, Aaby P, Hall AJ, Barker DJ, Heyes CB, Shiell AW, surveillance/rougeole/Point_rougeole_220311.pdf Goudiaby A. Measles and atopy in Guinea-Bissau. Lancet. 1996 14. Annual Epidemiological Report on Communicable Diseases in Jun 29: 347(9018):1792-6 Europe 2009 ECDC p25p172 publications/ 21. Kucukosmanoglu E, Cetinkaya F, Akcay F, Pekun F. Allergol Publications/0910_SUR_Annual_Epidemiological_Report_on_Com Frequency of allergic diseases following measles. Immunopathol municable_Diseases_in_Europe.pdf (Madr). 2006 Jul-Aug: 34(4): 1469 15. Eichenwald HF Fever and antipyresis Bull World Health Organ fichero=105v34n04a13091040pdf001.pdf [online]2003; 81(5) 2003:372-74 22. Rosenlund H et al,.Allergic disease and atopic sensitization in php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S004296862003000500012&lng=en children in relation to measles vaccination and measles infection. &nrm=is Pediatrics. 2009 Mar: 123(3):771-8. www.pediatrics.aappublications. 16. NICE Guidelines 2007 Feverish illness in children. Assessment org/content/123/3/771.full.pdf+html and initial manage ment in children younger than 5 years pp 8 & 23. Bodner C, Anderson WJ, Reid TS, Godden DJ. Childhood 27 exposure to infection and risk of adult onset wheeze and atopy. 17. Shaheen SO, Aaby P, Hall AJ, Barker DJP et al, Cell mediated Thorax. 2000 May: 55(5):383-7. immunity after measles in Guinea-Bissau: historical cohort study, articles/PMC1745751/pdf/v055p00383.pdf BMJ 1996; 313:969-74 (6a) 24. Newson RB, Shaheen SO, Chinn S, Burney PG. Paracetamol 18. Aaby P et al ‘Long-term survival after Edmonston-Zagreb measles sales and atopic disease in children and adults: an ecological vaccination in Guinea-Bissau: Increased female mortality rate’ analysis. Eur Respir J. 2000 Nov: 16(5):817-23. The Journal of Pediatrics 1993:122:904-8. 19. Rønne T, Measles virus infection without rash in childhood is 25. related to disease in adult life, Lancet 1985 Jan 5;1(8419):1-5 _key.html

11 •• case study

P is a 45-year-old woman. Her chief complaints are chronic phlebitis and recurrent uterine myomas. She writes on her form: A blood clot caused by fibroids pressing on the main artery and vein in my leg has affected the valve in the veins in the right leg. A Doppler test last year confirmed that the valve is not working and therefore a reflux of blood occurs. I need compression stockings to contain the pain. She says: “My leg’s been getting gradually worse. The pain is constant and severe. It’s worse when I’m walking, standing and when I get tired. I think that nothing can fix this.” On examination her greater saphenous vein is visibly swollen and inflamed.

Do you have any other problems? P: I have uterine fibroids. I have had two embolisations but the fibroids appear to be aggressive. They keep returning. My abdomen feels bloated and inflated. After a period I feel like a balloon. There’s definitely a link with the leg. My leg is more painful around my period time. I had a myomectomy six years ago, but after one year the fibroids had returned just as badly.

How are they affecting you? P: My period is not painful but I’m The alien i n having big clots. They were better for a few months after the myomectomy. During the period I eat more – I’m Dr Jonathan Hardy offers a case of a woman who feeding that part of the body. feels she has a parasite inside her, draining her Say more about “feeding that part of blood and energy. of the body”. P: They are very aggressive … it all seems to be linked … I know I eat more during a period. I have to eat more. Just describe this again. Don’t worry What are your periods like? if you’re repeating yourself. P: Enormous blood clots: thick and dark. Say more about having to eat more . P: I’ve got to fill it. It’s like having So I know the fibroids are not dead! P: I feel hungry. I need to have another organ in the body. I need enough They’re not sitting there doing nothing. something to eat – it’s a feeling I need energy for the body and for the fibroids. They’re active! The worst thing is the to feed. It’s like having a part of the pressure. I feel I need to make a hole in body you need to feed. Say about sucking up your blood . my abdomen to release the pressure. P: The worse thing about fibroids is Say more about that. that they are just something which is Her husband is with her and he says: P: I compare the fibroids to aliens. At doing nothing, growing and sapping my “She is working very long hours and the end of the day a fibroid is made of energy. it’s a similar situation to before when blood, it sucks up my energy. I need to she had Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.” fill it. Say more about doing nothing. P: It’s pressing on my arteries and I’m P: So I’m falling apart! Say more about that. getting recurrent bladder infections. P: I need the food to eat. The fibroids are pressing on absolutely Say more about that. every organ of my body so they’re P: I am exhausted. And I feel depressed. Say more about aliens . causing damage. They’re pressing in P: A fibroid is just a ball of blood and every direction and externally. I thought Can you describe yourself to me, muscle. Those things suck up my after the myomectomy “OK it’s under please? blood and my energy. control” but then they just came back. P: I’m described as honest, energetic

12 being hidden from me. The pace never stops. You can’t have people sitting there waiting for something to happen and doing nothing.

Say more about that. P: I have these people working under me and they are just not doing their job. It really stresses me. I cannot stand it when nothing is moving on, when these people are just sitting there doing nothing.

Case analysis

See the comparison chart of animal and parasite themes overleaf.

Specific Hirudo symptoms: Mind: depressed, sad, sluggish. Abdomen: severe and painful distension Extremities: inflammation: blood vessels. Thrombophlebitis

The most fascinating part of this case is the correspondence between the patient’s perception of her physical condition and the stress of work. She talks about the fibroids as if they are living things, sucking her blood and energy. Specifically, she says: “They’re

P not sitting there, doing nothing”. The h o t o thing that stresses her most at work is :

A l

e her staff “Sitting there, doing nothing”. x side e y So this must be the point of concord -

F u r

s ance in her case, the meeting point of o


/ body and mind and the disturbance

S h

u which needs to be healed. t

t e r s t o c

k Prescription: Hirudo medicinalis 200c, . c o

m one dose every two weeks. Hirudo is the medicinal leech. The remedy is made from a tincture of the animal. and helpful. I’m stubborn. If I know I’m Say about the stress. right I’ll push it. I do speak my mind. P: I shout at them. Nothing happens if Follow-up appointment at one month: I’ve been getting a lot of stress and I’m not involved. P: I’ve been better. I’m not needing the pressure because of people not doing stocking. their work. I’m trying to make people What makes you good at your job? understand their responsibilities. P: The job gets done. I’m always trying How’s your appetite ? to resolve the problems. I don’t just sit P: It’s slightly less. Say more about that. there and do nothing. Inaction – I don’t P: I’m kind and helpful up to a certain like inaction. I want things moving. Prescription: continue one dose every point, but if people abuse it they’ll feel two weeks. the pain! Say more about that. P: I want things to move on. I don’t Follow-up appointment at ten weeks: What is the biggest stress you have like things piling up. There’s real pace P: My leg is fine. It’s not troubling at work at the moment? with our current job and it’s very quick. me. My period was different. Much P: The problem is the work is meant to less clotting. My appetite is much be done by some people working under What would the opposite of this be ? better. I’m not craving food. The me and they have “slopey” shoulders P: Everything at a standstill when discomfort in my abdomen is much – they’re not facing up to their responsi- nothing’s happening. less. I’m less bloated. Things seem bilities. Everything is hitting me in all to be going well. directions. (She does a hand gesture of Say more about that. her hands coming towards herself.) P: I probe more to find out what’s Follow-up continues.

13 •• case study

Animal themes Parasite themes

They are aggressive Sitting there doing nothing

Aliens I have to feed them

Sucking my blood and energy Sucking up my blood

Hitting me in all directions Sucking up my energy

Sapping my energy

They’re not dead Hirudo medicinalis Growing The medicinal leech ( Hirudo medicin - alis ) is an animal which falls between being a parasite and a predator. It does not kill its victim. And although it feeds from the victim’s body, it does not live in or on the victim as do true parasites. In medieval and early modern medicine, the medicinal leech was used to remove blood from a patient as part of a process to “balance the humours”. The use of leeches began to become less widespread towards the end of the 19th century but leeches are now making a comeback in conventional medicine, especially in microsurgery. They provide an effective means to reduce blood coagulation, to relieve venous P

h pressure from pooling blood (venous o t o insufficiency), and in reconstructive :


i surgery to stimulate circulation in k i m

e reattachment operations for organs d i a with critical blood flow, such as /

H i c eyelids, fingers and ears.

e t

n Hirudo medicinalis has been u n

c approved by the United States Food Uterine fibroids and Drug Administration as a prescript ion medical device. Other clinical applications of medicinal There are a number of common Very demanding people • leech therapy include varicose veins, themes in Parasite remedies: Wanting to “suck” from others • muscle cramps, thrombophlebitis Greedy, in eating and in life Materialistic – only satisfied by • • and osteoarthritis. The therapeutic Selfishness, ambition material things • effect is not from the blood taken Photophobia, averse to light, night Disgust • • in the meal, but from the continued creatures Problems with water: internally i.e. • and steady bleeding from the wound Uneven appetite – may eat rapidly the urinary system, externally eg • left after the leech has detached, and avidly or not eat for days dislike of swimming, and as well as the anesthetizing, anti- Cold – physically cold and cold symbolically i.e. emotionally • inflammatory and vasodilating proper- emotionally Self-centred, only talk about • ties of the secreted leech saliva. The Desire meat, raw steak, bloody food themselves • most common complication from Complaining • leech treatment is prolonged bleeding, Parasitic remedy characteristics in although allergic reactions and patients: In some cases, as in this one, the bacterial infections may also occur. Clinging or need to be intimately patient is not the one in the role of • Other parasite remedies include: close to another, attachment parasite but perceives their state from Pulex irritans (common flea); Cimex Putting their own needs first, the point of view of being parasitized. • (bedbug); and Pediculus humanus indifferent to the needs of others (common louse). • Subverting the behaviour of another Dr Jonathan Hardy to their own needs MA BM FFHom*

14 •• case study P h o t o :

J a n a

B e h r /

S h u t t e r s t o c k . c o m

touch. There was never any vomiting. The diarrhoea contained varying amounts of mucus but no blood. Micky was Colic attack! unwilling to move during the attacks and lay stretched out on either side. Veterinary surgeon John Saxton presents Movement produced some arching of the back. Flatus was passed but more a case of recurring canine colic. could always be heard in the abdomen. Other than during the attacks he was Micky, a five-month old Boxer, presented First consultation not a “windy” dog. There was total with repeated attacks of colic. The only In mid-December, Micky suffered a loss of interest in both food and water. pup in his litter, he had been bought at severe colic attack, with much Micky’s growth had been good and six weeks old. His owner was committed flatulence and pain but no obvious steady in spite of the attacks, with to homeopathy; hence he received no cause. Initially he refused his breakfast satisfactory weight gain. conventional vaccinations. He received and the colic developed a few hours Diet was a tinned organic commer - a combined canine nosode 30c, twice later. The owner had self-prescribed cial food, described as “a growth form - daily for five days at eight weeks, then Carbo vegetabilis and Nux vomica 30c. ulation” augmented with goat’s milk and four weekly doses from 12 weeks, The situation eased and by evening vegetables as available. The appetite followed by monthly doses until six Micky was eating again. He had was classed as “excellent” and his months of age. This regime was still diarrhoea overnight and was then thirst as “normal ”. He showed no being followed at the time of the first completely normal. interest in any food other than his own. consultation but there did not appear The same thing happened 10 days He would sometimes eat grass but to be any time connection between later and he was treated in the same the owner felt that this was essentially the attacks and the administration of way. The owner reduced his food playful, and there was no increased the nosode. slightly and because he had a tendency tendency to eat it linked to the attacks. Routine checking at eight weeks to gobble it down, she had started to Other than linked to the colic his motions found no abnormalities. The only animal divide each meal into two courses. appeared normal and laboratory examin- in the house, he was an extremely Over Christmas and New Year there ation found no abnormality. lively, friendly puppy, even for a boxer. had been further attacks. The owner, Micky had some fear of noise but He had been weaned at three weeks on her own initiative, started giving could be easily reassured. He apparent - old and had received a proprietary Carbo vegetabilis 30c once weekly in ly enjoyed heat but “was never still long wormer from the breeder. He was the hope of preventing the problem. enough to get too hot ”. He was happy subsequently given a prescription This was unsuccessful and similar to be outside in the cold, rain or wind. He wormer at 12 weeks old, 48 hrs prior attacks continued at between 10 and enjoyed fussing but was too energetic to the nosode. No ill-effects were seen 14 day intervals. During attacks the to remain still for long. At the time of and no worms produced. abdomen was hard and tender to the examination there had been an attack

15 •• case study •• case study

three days previously but all appeared Case taking with I was on the oral contraceptive pill for normal once more. There were no ten years but have been off for a year other health problems. Dr Raymond Sevar because I got a brown mask on my face. Before the Pill my menses were The first consultation with this patient Treatment very painful and I would faint from the took place in January 2001. E is an The owner was advised to withdraw pain, and I was very hot and groggy for attractive 27-year-old lady with green goat’s milk from the diet and move to three days before and during the eyes, long dark brown hair, who has a the food’s adult formulation and cease bleeding. I love eggs and milk and vivacious and open manner . the routine use of Carbo Veg. Mag cheese and hate celery. I am always phos 200c was supplied for acute use. E: I have had allergies for the past two thirsty. If I miss a meal I get incredibly Another attack two weeks later years. At my parents’ home there are a hungry and get a bit dizzy if I stand still. followed the usual pattern. The lot of cats and dogs. Whenever I go to Usually I am very bubbly and positive accompany ing diarrhoea was sent for visit I start sneezing as soon as I see and cheerful and open and friendly and laboratory examination but, apart from the cats and my nose blocks. I can’t enthusiastic. I am always out with my the presence of mucus, was normal. The breathe and I’m wheezing and tired for friends and I love loud buzzing parties. prescription was changed to Morgan the next two weeks. I have had a But I get depressed every time I take Bach 30c twice daily for four days. blocked nose for two years and lately a course of steroids and lately I have There were two attacks after that: I have been worse when vacuuming felt like a crumbling tired shadow of a mild one six days after completing – I wheeze. I have been having lots of my old self. the remedy and a second moderate colds and chest infections and had lots I am really scared of spiders and attack one week later. The acute of antibiotics and steroids which help a mice – if either of them was to run remedy was changed to Colchicum bit but I am back to square one when across the floor I would just freak out, 30c and the owner was requested to they stop. My whole face feels blocked and I am absolutely terrified of fish, make further enquires about the with catarrh. I have stopped the even dead fish floating in the sea. weaning process. inhalers as they don’t work. In the next month there were two Analysis point 3 attacks of moderate intensity. The pattern Analysis point 1 She communicates clearly and a picture remained unchanged and Colchicum Isopathic treatment with cat of Phosphorus emerges. She is vulner - seemed not to accelerate recovery. hair/dander may be useful at some able to suppression and may require a It transpired that Micky’s mother had stage in her management . tubercular nosode at some time . produced minimal milk and had been unwilling to let him suckle. Micky had E: I have not been well since I went to Treatment been clearly unsatisfied, and had New York two years ago. I was really Gaertner (Bach) 200c, one pill, three immediately been moved onto artificial awfully ill with Salmonella. I had all the doses 12 hours apart. Then two weeks feeding. He had been introduced to tests and I definitely had Salmonella. later, Phosphorus 12c, one pill daily. solids at three weeks of age and I was very ill for about four days then. completely weaned by five weeks. I was so tired and just not well for Consultation – March 2001 A prescription of Lac caninum 30c, many months and my allergies have E: I feel so much better in myself even twice daily for three days was given. been bad since then. though we are having an attic converted A severe attack occurred after the and there is dust everywhere. I feel I second tablet so his owner had stopped Analysis point 2 have more energy and I am going to the the Lac caninum, giving only acute She has never been well since Salmon - gym again. There is less catarrh and it remedies. The attack resolved as usual. ella enteritis and the diagnosis of is looser and I feel less congested. This Micky was fine until a mild attack Salmonella was confirmed by culturing is the best I have felt in a long time. 10 weeks later. The owner had given Salmonella enteritides from her stool I went to my parents’ house and one dose of the Lac caninum and all had sample. Therefore the indication for the cats didn’t really bother me much – settled. Another mild attack occurred Gaertner is clear and since the indication I didn’t wheeze or gasp. I am still after four months and the Lac caninum for Gaertner is so clear, then the working the long hours but my energy was repeated. After that there were related remedies also become clear . level is up to 90% and I’m now not no further problems. feeling finished from 4 pm. I don’t feel E: I work ridiculous hours – usually 11 so chilly but it is spring. Before my Conclusion hours a day for almost two years. menses I had no symptoms. I was not Experience shows that Lac remedies I have been a vegetarian for 14 years hot or sleepy or faint and the bleeding should be considered wherever there because I just became averse to eating was OK. I am still thirsty. is a history of early weaning and/or meat. I have had an allergy to fish since nursing failure. Lac bovinum has I was five years old – I get a red rash I advise the patient to continue with proved useful for mastitis problems all over. I have become allergic to Phosphorus 12c daily until she forgets in dairy herds where standard penicillin these last two years. If a cat to take it. Then in July 2001 the patient management procedures involve sits on my legs I get a rash and my telephones me to cancel her review. separation of mothers and calves eyes stream with tears and I wheeze 24 hrs after birth, the remedy being for two weeks. I am always chilly. My E: I am so well that I don’t need to see used on both animals. father says my house is far too hot. you. Everything is fine. I sneeze with warm air heaters. My John Saxton energy level feels only 50%, but I still Dr Raymond Sevar BVetMed MRCVS VetFFHom manage a five mile run twice a week. BSc MBChB DCH MRCGP FFHom*

16 •• research

•• research update Further work on BHA research nanoparticles Our systematic review and meta-analysis of placebo-controlled trials of individualised homeopathic treatment is proceeding well. The synthesis of This paper presents an updated results is being carried out according to the study protocol published in the evidence-based model for the nature BHA website’s Research section ( Our systematic review programme ). The corresponding review and analysis of clinical trials in veterinary homeopathy and mode of action of homeopathic is also well underway. Our work on model validity of homeopathy trials was remedies. presented recently at the International Congress for Complementary Medicine Recent studies reveal that Research in London and at the Homeopathic Research Institute’s conference homeopathic remedies contain in Barcelona. nanoparticles (NPs) of source materials formed by “top-down” mechanical Robert Mathie, grinding in lactose and/or succussion Research Development Adviser, British Homeopathic Association (forceful agitation) in ethanol solutions. Silica nanostructures formed during succussions in glass and/or From the journals biosynthesized by specific plant extract tinctures also may acquire and convey epitaxial information from remedy Antimalarial potential of China 30 c and source materials into higher potencies. Chelidonium 30 c NPs have enhanced bioavailability, adsorptive capabilities, adjuvant reactivity, electromagnetic and quantum properties compared with their bulk forms. NPs induce adaptive changes in the organism at non-toxic B

o doses (hormesis), serving as salient, t h

p low level danger signals to the h o t

o biological stress response network. s :

W Activation of stress response effectors, i k i m including heat shock proteins, e d

i inflammasomes, cytokines and a . c

o neuroendocrine pathways, initiate m /

H beneficial compensatory reactions .


e across the interconnected networks of l l the organism as a complex adaptive Cinchona officinalis Chelidonium majus system. Homeopathic remedies act by This study was designed to evaluate the activity (p<0.0005), with 89.2% chemo- stimulating hormetic adaptive rather efficacy of Cinchona officinalis 30c and suppression which was higher than the than conventional pharmacological Chelidonium majus 30c in combination standard drug, pyrimethamine (83.8%). It effects. therapy against lethal murine malaria. Five also showed a moderate curative activity, The authors conclude that updating groups of 12 BALB/c mice each were with complete clearance of parasite in terminology from “homeopathy” to administered orally with 0.2 ml/mouse/day 50% of surviving mice, and enhancing “adaptive network nanomedicine” of different drugs, and their antimalarial the MST of mice up to 26.8±2.8 days. would reflect the integration of this potential was evaluated by Peter’s 4-day The authors conclude that the combinat - historical but controversial medical test. The combination of Chin. 30 and ion of Chin. 30c and Chel. 30c has system with modern scientific Chel. 30 exhibited complete parasite efficacy against Plasmodium berghei. findings. clearance by the 28th day post-inoculation, which was similar to the positive control Rajan A, Bagai U. Antimalarial potential of [artesunate (4 mg/kg)+sulphadoxine- China 30 and Chelidonium 30 in combination Bell IR, Schwartz GE. Adaptive network primethamine (1.2 mg/kg)] group. Both therapy against lethal rodent malaria nanomedicine: an integrated model for the groups exhibited enhanced mean parasite: Plasmodium berghei. J homeopathic medicine. Front Biosci (Schol survival time (MST) 28±0 days, whereas Complement Integr Med 2013; 10 : 1–8. Ed) 2013; S5 : 685–708. mice of the infected control group survived up to 7.6±0.4 days only. The The Faculty’s Twitter account now has 922 followers. preventive and curative activities of the combination in comparison to the To keep up to date with the very latest news and views positive controls [pyrimethamine (1.2 about homeopathy join this vibrant social media forum. mg/kg) and chloroquine (20 mg/kg), respectively] were also evaluated. The Log on to combination had a significant preventive

17 •• events

•• examinations calendar 2013



MFHom / MFHom (Nurse) TBA TBA 20 September 2013


Assessment 11 October 2013 Glasgow 9 August 2013 Assessment 18 October 2013 Luton 16 August 2013


MFHom (Dent) 13 September 2013 Luton 12 July 2013

What’s on the website

Members-only area

Valuable new information is now available in the Members’ area of the Faculty website.

n Guidance for promoting your website

n Peer appraisal forms and information

n Congress presentations for review

n Media toolkit

To access the Members’ area you will need your user name and password to login – for a login reminder email: [email protected]

18 •• ecavseen tss tudies

•• what’s on Hypnosis (V Walters), Traditional Chinese Regular meetings Medicine for dentists and their patients (L Hua) • Venue: British Orthodontic Society W Surrey & W Sussex Homeopathic Group 12 Bridewell Place, London EC4V 6AP 20/08/2013; 17/09/2013; 15/10/2013 and 19/11/2013 – Event Time: 20:00 until 22:00 Cost £95 Hygienist / £125 Dentist Members include doctors, vets, dentists and pharmacists. The aim of the group is to act Reserve your place by email: as a forum for ongoing learning and support, covering all aspects of homeopathy and [email protected] medical practice. The Punch Bowl, Oakwood Hill, nr Ockley, Surrey RH5 5PU. The Canadian Homeopathic Conference • Charles Forsyth on 01737 226338 (office), 01737 248605 (home), 07802 293006 (mobile) 2013 (3rd annual event) or [email protected] Dynamic Harmony Event Date: 18-20 October 2013 Leeds Homeopathic Group Venue: Crowne Plaza Toronto Airport Hotel, Regular meetings in the Ramada Jarvis Hotel, Adel, north Leeds. Toronto, Canada • Jutta Prekow on 0113 203 7329 or at [email protected] For more information visit Manchester-Liverpool Homeopathic Group Meetings for discussing homeopathic cases and other matters relevant to homeopathy. Open to doctors, vets, nurses, pharmacists of all levels. Gifts of the Mother: the matridonal remedies Location varies, so contact in advance for details: Event Date: 19/10/2013 from 9:30am • Dr Eftihia Metallidou on 0161 4747301 weekdays 12-4.00pm or email: [email protected] to 5:00pm The seminar will study the themes of the matridonal group, the provings of the individual remedies and will feature a number International Conference on Materia Medica of the future of cured cases on video. Homeopathy in Agriculture Event Date: 28/09/2013 – 05/10/2013 – II ICHA 2013 This is the first part of our lecture series of Speaker: Dr Jonathan Hardy Event Date: 07/09/2013 – 08/09/2013 a new Materia Medica Pura course, which is Venue: The Unitarian Cross Street Chapel The 2nd International Conference on planned to run for several years! Cross Street, Manchester M2 1NL Homeopathy in Agriculture (II ICH 2013) will This year’s course week will take place in The seminar is open to medical and non- be held at the State University of Maringá Niendorf/Timmendorfer Strand at the Baltic medical homeopaths of all levels. 6 CPD (UEM), Maringá – PR, Brazil. Over the two Sea, Germany. A new course project with hours. Price: £60.00 (refreshments included) days, leading researchers in the field of Dr André Saine. homeopathy for agriculture will discuss the • For more information visit: • For more information or to book a place, latest developments in homeopathic science please contact: Dr Eftihia Metallidou on in both its scientific and practical aspects. a/materia_medica_of.html 0161 4747301 weekdays 12-4.00pm or • Contact: Professor Carlos Moacir Bonato email at: [email protected] (Conference Coordinator) Complementary therapies in dental Biology Department (DBI) practice 69th Congress of Liga Medicorum State University of Maringá – UEM Event Date: 04/10/2013 Homoeopathic Internationalis Av. Colombo, 5790 What does the future hold? (B Teall, P Event Date: 16-19/07/2014 Contact phone: +554430115290 Wander, PDarby), Practical uses of cellular Homeopathy on the move: strategies, or +554430113789 medicine in general health and dentistry (R healing, simillimum, simile. Event e-mail: [email protected] Wilson), Basic Homeopathy for beginners (K For more details visit: Hajikakou) , Classic Homeopathy (S Farrer), Venue: Palais des Congres – Paris, France. Experiences in Holistic Dental Practice • For more information visit: ii-icha-2013/en/invitation (D Sutcliffe), Acupuncture (T Thayer),

Free listings Viewpoint

simile reaches Have something to say? all Faculty members. So to promote your events and Want to get something meetings make sure they are is off your chest? included in future listings.

Copy deadline for the Share your views with Faculty members October 2013 issue is 30 August. through simile’s Viewpoint feature. Please contact: John Burry at Contact John Burry on 01582 408682 or [email protected] email [email protected] e or call 01582 408682

19 •• contacts

Who to contact at the Faculty

•• staff

l Cristal Sumner – Chief Executive: l Lilia Russell – Executive Assistant to Chief [email protected] Executive: 01582 408674 [email protected] 01582 408676

l John Burry – Communications Officer: [email protected] l Mohammed Saqib Ali – Digital Marketing Officer: 01582 408682 [email protected] 01582 408680

Robert Mathie – Research Development Adviser: l l Education: [email protected] [email protected] 01582 408683 01582 408680

l Nilesh Mulji – Financial Controller (part-time): [email protected] Faculty of Homeopathy 01582 408678 Hahnemann House, 29 Park Street West Luton LU1 3BE

l Tracey Rignall – Membership Officer: Tel: 01582 408680 • Fax: 01582 723032 Email: [email protected] trignall 01582 408681

•• faculty council

l Sara Eames, President: l Russell Malcolm, Dean: [email protected] [email protected]

l Liz Thompson, Vice-President: l Patricia Ridsdale, Members’ Committee Convener: [email protected] [email protected]

Helmut Roniger, NHS Secondary Care l Christopher Day, Veterinary Dean: l [email protected] Representative: [email protected]

Patricia Donnachie, Nursing Dean: l John Saxton, Immediate Past-President: [email protected] l [email protected]

Jonathan Hardy, Independent Practice l l Ralf Schmalhorst, NHS Primary Care Representative: Representative: [email protected] [email protected]

l Lee Kayne, Pharmacy Dean: l Jane Greenwood, Promotions Convener: [email protected] [email protected]

l Tariq Khan, Podiatry Dean: l Andrea Wiessner, Treasurer: [email protected] [email protected]

The publishers do not necessarily identify with or hold themselves responsible for contributors’, advertisers’ or correspondents’ opinions. Design by Wildcat Design, email [email protected] • Printed by Berfort’s information Press