Advice issued by professional homeopathic associations: a survey of websites

The debate about the value of In this context, it is relevant to evaluate the effectiveness of homeopathy for specific is as old as homeopathy itself. 1 Recently, it contents of the websites of professional medical conditions. Subsequently, this has reached new heights when ‘the end of associations of homeopaths. This was the information was extracted into a table homeopathy’ was proclaimed by a leading purpose of the present survey. In particular, (Table 1). medical journal. 2 A central issue in this my aim was to monitor what therapeutic debate obviously is the scientific proof of claims are being published. RESULTS efficacy of homeopathic medicines. 3 Thirty associations’ websites were located Homeopaths tend to either claim that METHOD of which eight were excluded because of conventional science does not provide the The websites of all professional the language restrictions mentioned tools for evaluating homeopathy, 4 or that homeopathic associations were visited above. Of the remaining 22 sites, 12 much of the clinical trial data are (date 5 August 2008). Those using published statements about the demonstrably positive. 5 Yet independent languages other than English, French, or effectiveness of homeopathy for specific systematic reviews of rigorous studies German were excluded. All sites were medical conditions (Table 1). 7–17 regularly fail to confirm this notion. 6 searched for statements on the These data show that about half of all

Table 1. Statements from websites.

Organisation Statement Comment British Association of Homeopathic Dozens of claims; five examples: aconitum treats shock, belladonna for Under the heading of ‘Homeopathic Veterinary Surgeons high fevers, colocynthis for colic in horses, hamamelis for bleeding first-aid medicines’ from wounds, hepar sulph for septic infections British Homeopathic Association ‘Many conditions can be treated effectively by homeopathy, from asthma, Extracted from the FAQ section rheumatism, arthritis, eczema to … cuts and bruises’ of the site British Homeopathic Dental ‘There are remedies which stop swelling … reduce pain … cure ulcers Extracted from ‘Why should you Association and cold sores and many more’ visit a homeopathic dentist?’ Malaysia ‘Migraine, gastric, stroke, diabetes, hypertension, cancer, fibroid, renal Under the heading ‘Diseases that failure, brain tumour, blood clot, hepatitis, gout, arthritis, low sperm count, respond well with homeopathy’ impotence, stammering, tonsilitis, infertility, and children diseases’ sterreichische Gesellschaft für Dozens of claims; five examples: aconite for infections, arsenicum album Under the heading ‘Homeopathic ŐHomöopathie (Austria) for burning pain in stomach, belladonna for flu, cantharis for bloody urine, medicine cabinet’ (my translation) hepar sulfuris for infected skin lesions Homeopathic Medical Association ‘Cuts, bruises, minor burns, insect bites, hangovers, etcetera. Also extremely From ‘What can it be used for?’. The (UK) effective for allergies, depression, phobias and much, much more’ site also contains a section entitled ‘Immunisation’ which implies that homeopathy is preferable to immunisations Homeopathic Medical Association ‘Homeopathy helps for winter vomiting bug’ Extracted from a press release of Canada dated 14 Feb 2008 Irish Addiction, allergies Under the heading ‘Testimonials’ National Center for Homeopathy ‘Find out recommended remedies for this year’s flu ...’ Under the heading ‘Help in epidemics (US) and crises’ New Zealand Homeopathic Society Dozens of claims; five examples: memory loss, vaginitis, labour injuries, Under the heading ‘What can asthma, croup homeopathy treat?’ The Society of Homeopaths (UK) Acute fevers, sore throats, toothache, arthritis, eczema, asthma, Under the heading ‘What can anxiety, insomnia homeopathy treat?’ Verband Klassischer Homöopathen Acute bacterial and viral infections, allergies, migraine, chronic pain, (my translation) Deutschlands (Germany) proneness to infections, diseases of the musculoskeletal system, psychosomatic problems

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homeopathic associations recommend a disclaimer stating that none of these m_content&task=view&id=43&Itemid=66 (accessed 9 Jan 2009). homeopathic treatments for a wide range statements is supported by evidence from 14. National Center for Homeopathy. Help in epidemics of conditions some of which are serious, controlled clinical trials. and crises. even life-threatening. There seems to be Therefore, it seems to follow that the es/index.jsp (accessed 9 Jan 2009). little agreement between these recommendations by professional 15. New Zealand Homoeopathic Society. What can recommendations. homeopathic associations are not based homoeopathy treat? on the evidence from controlled clinical asked-questions/(accessed 9 Jan 2009). DISCUSSION trials. As they are, at least in some cases, 16. The Society of Homeopaths. What can homeopathy According to this survey, many related to potentially serious conditions, treat? http://www.homeopathy- (accessed 9 Jan professional homeopathic associations this advice does not seem responsible. It 2009). provide rather concrete recommendations may therefore be hardly surprising that, in 17. Verband klassischer Homoeopathen Deutschlands. evidently aimed at the lay public. the UK, more and more NHS trusts reject [Association of Classical Homeopaths of Germany]. 22 Frequently mentioned indications include homeopathy. &task=view&id=15&Itemid=41 (accessed 9 Jan asthma, eczema, and infections. 2009). It is relevant to contrast these Edzard Ernst 18. McCarney RW, Linde K, Lasserson TJ. Homeopathy for chronic asthma. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2004; recommendations with the evidence from 1: CD000353. controlled clinical trials. A Cochrane REFERENCES 19. Kiel T, Witt CM, Roll S, et al . Homoeopathic versus review entitled ‘Homeopathy for asthma’ 1. Ernst E. The heresy of homoeopathy: a brief history conventional treatment of children with eczema: a of 200 years of criticism. Br Homeopath J 1998; 87: comparative cohort study. Complement Ther Med found six such studies with a total of 556 28 –32. 2008; 16: 15 –21. patients. Its authors concluded that ‘there 2. Anonymous. The end of homoeopathy. Lancet 2005; 20. Vickers AJ, Smith C. Homeopathic oscillococcinum 366(9487): 690. for preventing and treating influenza and influenza- is not enough evidence to reliably assess 3. Gold PW, Novella S, Roy R, et al . Homeopathy — like syndromes. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2006; 3: the possible role of homeopathy in or a key to the future of medicine? CD001957. asthma’. 18 No data from controlled clinical Homeopathy 2008; 97: 28 –33. 21. Ernst E, Pittler MH, Wider B, Boddy K. The desktop guide to complementary and . trials seem to exist for eczema. 19 In the 4. Milgrom LR. Journeys in the country of the blind: entanglement theory and the effects of blinding on 2nd edn. Edinburgh: Mosby/Elsevier, 2006. case of infections, a Cochrane review is trials of homeopathy and homeopathic provings. 22. BBC News. NHS trusts ‘reject homeopathy’. available of homeopathic oscillococcinum eCAM 2007; 4(1): 7–16. 5. Mathie RT. The research base for homeopathy: a (accessed 13 Jan 2009). for preventing and treating influenza and fresh assessment of the literature. Homeopathy 2003; 92(2): 84 –91. influenza-like syndromes. Its authors DOI: 10.3399/bjgp09X407036 conclude that, ‘although promising, the 6. Ernst E. A systematic review of systematic reviews of homeopathy. Br J Clin Pharmacol 2002; 54: 577 –582. data were not strong enough to make a 7. British Association of Homeopathic Veterinary general recommendation …’ 20 For other Surgeons. Homeopathy works. types of infections, for example, hepatitis, (accessed 9 Jan 2009). herpes simplex, herpes zoster, or upper 8. British Homeopathic Association Incorporating the respiratory infections, there are either no Homeopathic Trust. FAQS. or no convincing trial data. 21 As to the (accessed 9 Jan 2009). other conditions mentioned in Table 1, 9. British Homeopathic Dental Association. Why should compelling evidence from clinical trials is you visit a homeopathic dentist? 21 (accessed 9 Jan also lacking. 2009). Homeopaths might argue that the 10. Faculty of Homeopathy Malaysia. Why homoepathy? clinical trial is not an adequate method for _new.html (accessed 9 Jan 2009). establishing the value of homeopathy. 4 A 11. Ostereichische Gesellschaft für Homöopathie. full discussion of this question would be Homoeopathie. [Austrian Society for Homeopathy. beyond the scope of this article; but even Homeopathy]. (accessed 9 Jan 2009). if we accepted this notion to be true, one 12. Homeopathic Medical Association — UK. Frequently would have to insist that this is made Asked Questions. clear to the readers of the websites in (accessed 9 Jan 2009). 13. Irish Society of Homeopaths. Testimonials. question. One could, for instance, include

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