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Simile Jan 10 smle The Faculty of Homeopathy Newsletter July 2011 ASA dialogue begins The Faculty, British Homeopathic Associat - Disclaimer dismissed ASA and CAP guidance on advertising ion and Society of Homeopaths, along In an effort to resolve the issues around so it is “legal, decent, honest and with our lawyer and a representative evidence it was suggested to the ASA truthful”. Nevertheless, we are very from our communications firm met with that an agreed disclaimer could be included determined to defend wording that is the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) on websites noting the current contention appropriately referenced to a verifiable in late June to discuss their advertising around evidence. Unfortunately, the ASA evidence base . guidelines for homeopathy which were flatly rejected this idea because, in their circulated in late March. view, a disclaimer would not change the Valid complaints? While the homeopathic community fact that other statements within the web - The ASA did say they have been swamped is pleased to have opened a dialogue sites are not “compliant”. A somewhat by complaints about homeopathy web - with the ASA, it must be reported the surprising stance considering we have sites and recognised that the vast majority ASA are not going to be easily moved found evidence disclaimers are used by of these complaints have been instigated from their positions. others in the Health and Beauty sector by anti-homeopathy campaign groups There are still many items still in in which homeopathy is grouped. and not concerned members of the public. dispute and a letter highlighting those This points to a disparity in the The Faculty’s position is that the ASA areas has been sent to the ASA for application of the Advertising Code and should first address the core problem, response by the 14 July. However, highlights another issue which we fully which is not the marketing of homeo - discussions did produce some positive intend to follow up with the utmost vigour; pathy; it is a complaints system which developments. that the ASA has adopted a more stringent allows the ASA to be controlled by a The ASA agreed to consider our approach to issuing guidelines in relation small but well organised group pursu - proposal for a proper evaluation of the to homeopathy than it does for conven - ing a particular agenda. Respond ing to evidence in homeopathy. It was also tional medicines. Further evidence of this complaints generated by this type of agreed that a meeting should be was presented in the form of an earlier campaign is not in the public interest. arranged between the homeopathic correspondence from the ASA where they organisations and the Committee of clearly state “...the bar is set particularly Next steps Advertising Practice (CAP) to discuss high for homeopathy because of the Follow-up correspondence has been advertising language. implausibility of the mode of action”. issued by the ASA to members who have Yet the ASA insists their guidelines for received complaints between March and Evidence impasse homeo pathy are not different from the June, which requires signed compliance We have made emphatically clear our view rest of the sector. to any items they still find in breach of that the ASA’s position on the evidence the code by 18 July. This pro-forma is which relies solely on the conclusions of Inconsistent advice outrageous! We are therefore advising the flawed House of Commons Science We, along with the other organisations, all members to respond that they are and Technology Committee Report is not also highlighted the lack of consistency unable to sign it due to the fact that the acceptable. They use this to defend their in the advice given by CAP which makes ASA is engaged in constructive dialogue position “there is no evidence to substant - advising members and supporting them with their professional registering body iate the efficacy for homeopathy”. Using a in meeting the ASA’s requirements regarding those very areas addressed in non-scientific document as an authoritative impossible. The ASA explained that CAP the letter of compliance. and definitive evaluation of the evidence operates as a different department and Our strategy with the ASA is still in homeopathy cannot be defended on therefore they could not discuss this one of engagement, to elicit change any grounds. matter in detail. But agreement was and demonstrate to them that we are The ASA agreed to consider another reached that representatives from the a responsible profession. We therefore process for reviewing the evidence homeopathic organisations should meet await their response to our letter, submitted by us. We proposed that the and work with the CAP team to develop particularly in relation to the letters of ASA secure a statistician with expertise a vocabulary for use on websites that is compliance. If the ASA shows no in systematic review to assess individual appropriate and useful for our professions interest in constructive engagement RCTs together with a knowledgeable and meets the Advertising Code. we will be adopting a far more researcher in homeopathy such as Dr As a professional body the Faculty of confrontational stance to defend Robert Mathie. Homeopathy wishes to comply with the homeopathy and our members. News 1 • Research update 5 • Case study 6 • International focus 11 IN THIS ISSUE: Feature 13 • Comment 16 • Book review 17 • What’s on 19 •• editorial I have every sympathy with the Faculty and Society representatives who are attempting to negotiate with the Advertising Standards Authority over homeopathic website content (see page 1) . It is not easy to shift such organisations from their chosen direction of travel… …and usually the best one can hope circumstances, despite there being no Medicine to promote holistic medicine for is a compromise. However, at least published evidence base of which we in the NHS . The College aims to raise a dialogue is in progress. are aware? Or perhaps we have a “gut the acceptance of an integrated In this edition we reproduce a very feeling” that this or that will work? We approach to health among statutorily comprehensive article on evidence-based may even discuss a case with a colleague registered healthcare providers, CAM medicine written by doctors Bayliss and at a CPD event? Indeed, research shows practitioners, politicians and the public, Tournier (see pages 13-15). The authors that UK physicians prefer to use by running courses and publishing point out a number of limitations in colleagues to assist in their clinical books, journals and films. I attended applying EBM, for example patients with decision making rather than electronic one of these courses at The Royal rare disorders or multiple pathologies resources or textbooks. 1 Isn’t that what Botanic Gardens at Kew recently and who are excluded from RCTs. There individualised treatment is all about? listened to a fascinating array of are also difficulties with patients being Dr Helen Beaumont presents a very excellent lectures on both scientific and treated with several different medicines interesting long case “Burdened by clinical aspects of CAM practice. On administered concurrently. Here Ambition” (see pages 6-10) that this occasion they were mainly, but not prescribers are relying on the evidence describes a familiar scenario in these exclusively, associated with herbal base for individual interventions within modern frantic times. The style of writing medicine. Given the shift in emphasis the portfolio, there being no evidence makes it easy to read and hopefully will from homeopathy to an integrated base for the portfolio as a whole. encourage you to submit examples of approach, reflected in the renaming And then – how many experienced practice in your own discipline. Short or of RLHH, I found the contextual nature practition ers restrict their interventions long – both are most welcome!The vets of the College’s activities very useful. to EBM alone? Most doctors do not held their annual conference entitled For more information on the College of have the time to apply evidence-based “Animal Energy 12 – All in the Mind” Medicine go to www.collegeofmedicine. medicine to all their clinical decisions in conjunction with the International (there are over 10,000 published Association for Veterinary Homeopathy Faculty member Dr Hamish Boyd medical journals worldwide). How many (IAVH) in the Peak District at the has become Scotland’s oldest graduate of us use interventions based on what beginning of July. There were after gaining a second degree 54 years we know can be successful in given contributors from the UK, USA and after his first. We offer our warmest Germany. With the number of congratulations. He graduated with an attendees rather lower than usual, Open University degree in humanities mutterings in the bar seemed to be at a ceremony in Glasgow on 28th May of the opinion that to encourage more 2011. Now aged 85, Hamish Boyd smle people, perhaps future conferences qualified in medicine from Glasgow should include items in the programme University in 1947 and worked at for less committed colleagues or for Glasgow Homeopathic Hospital for more The Faculty of Homeopathy those who were just starting out on than 20 years before he finally retired in Newsletter their homeopathic journey, as well as 1981. I say finally because I well for the more experienced practitioners. remember attending at least three of Editor: Steven Kayne The Faculty might consider something his retirement parties over an eighteen Assistant Editor: John Burry similar for the Congress in Bristol next month period! His book Introduction to year. A very satisfying development has Homeopathic Medicine was a standard Faculty of Homeopathy once again shown the Veterinary teaching text for many years. Hahnemann House 29 Park Street West Medicine Directorate’s commitment to I have received an enquiry from Luton LU1 3BE safeguarding the future of homeopathic a colleague about the ceramic bust veterinary medicines.
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