04 Publisher‘s Letter 06 Cover Story - Welcome to Hillary Resort 11 Business Spotlight - El Pedregal Azteca 12 Things to see and do 14 Photo Essay - Cuenca Street Art Cuenca Expats Magazine Business Spotlight - Ruffolo Design Photography 16 Cuenca, Ecuador 18 Dog of the Month www.expatsmags.com 18 Everyday Spanish cuencaexpatsmag @cuencaexpatsmag Business Spotlight - Crossroads Restaurant 19 #cuencaexpatsmag 20 Culture - Russill Paul 21 Business Spotlight - Rione Hotel 22 Business Spotlight - CleanSystem Cover Photo: Courtesy of Hillary Resort 23 Expat Profile -Berenice Lopez 24 Art - Janda Grove Contributors: 25 Business Spotlight - Dr. Fausto Astudillo Carol Boe, Janda Grove, Susan Herron, Keith Paul and Tina Paul, Juan Picón, Christine Poulin, Jorge Andrés Romero, Ruffolo 26 Meet the Neighbors Design Photography, Pedro Zabala. 27 Cuenca From Above Staff: Friendly Faces 28 Managing Partner: Ed Lindquist
[email protected] 095 981 9747 Publisher: George M. Forgues
[email protected] Proofreader: Janice Ruffolo Sales Michelle Chacón - 099 581 6577 Gabby Patiño - 099 625 4406 Frank Pauta - 098 760 1771 Andrea Vásquez - 099 511 1773 Cuenca Expats Magazine is published by Expats Magazines Group. Any reproduction or duplication of any part thereof must be done with the written permission of the Publisher. All information included herein is correct to the best of our knowledge as of the publication date. Corrections should be forwarded to the Publisher at the adress above. Disclaimer: The paid advertisements contained within Cuenca Expats Magazine are not endorsed or recommended by the Publisher. Therefore, neither party may be held liable for the business practices of these companies. © Expats Magazines Group, 2016 2 | Cuenca Expats Magazine www.expatsmags.com | 3 Publisher’s letter grains and spices found in Ecuador into your diet and cooking? Do you wonder what changes you need to make in your cooking and baking because of the high altitude of Cuenca? Here something else you may want to do.