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GATT/CP/108/Add.1 ACTION RESTRICTED GENERAL AGREEMENT ON LIMITED C GATT/CP/108/Add.l TARIFFS AND TRADE 30 July 1951 QRTGIMAI^EMGLISH CONTRACTING PARTIES The Territorial Application of the General Agreement A PROVISIONAL LIST of Territories to which the Agreement is applied ADDENDUM Document GATT/CP/108 contains a comprehensive list of territories to which it is presumed the agreement is being applied by the contracting parties. It also contains a request to each contracting party to give careful scrutiny to'the relevant portions of the document and to submit any alterations that might be required» To date the governments of the countries named below have requested that the entries concerning them should read as indicated. It would be appreciated if, other governments would notify the Secretariat of their approval of the relevant text - or submit alterations - by 1 September 1951» in order that a revised list may be issued prior to the opening of the Sixth Session. Part A Territories in respect of which the application of the Agreement has been made effective CZECHOSLOVAKIA DENMARK (including Greenland and Island of Disko, Islands of Zeeland, Funen, Lolland, Falster, Bornholm and the northern part of the peninsula of Jutland and some 1700 small islands),, FINLAND (Excluding the area of Porkkala leased to the u\S,S,R,) INDONESIA (Consists of Java and Madura, Sumatra, Bangka and Billiton, West, South and East Borneo (also called Kalimantan), East Indonesia comprising Celebes, Molucca Islands and the Indonesian part of Timor, Bali and Lombok and several hundreds of adjacent islands), ITALY (Excluding Zara, greater part of Venezia Giulia with Fiume and Pola (except Gorizia), Petit St, Bernard and Tenda, and 1+ small areas transferred to France), GATT/CP/lca/Add.l Page 2. NETHERLANDS NETHERLANDS ANTILLES (Comprising Islands of: Curacao, Aruba, Bonnaire, Saba, St. Eustatius, St. Martin (Netherlands Part).) NEW GUINEA (Western half of island of New Guinea and islands off the coast.) SURINAM NORWAY (including Svalbard (also knoi/.Ti a3 the Archipelago of Spitzbergen, comprising i.a. Bear Island), Jan Mayen Island and Antartic possessions (viz. Bouvet Island, Peter I Island and Queen Maud Land), SWEDEN (Including small islands off the coast and islands of Gotland and ÛLand.) Part B Territories to which the Agreement has not thus far been applied Denmark FAROES, THE (A county of the Kingdom of Denmark) .
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