MARC Code List for Countries: Part I
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Code Sequence PART II: CODE SEQUENCE Discontinued codes are identified by a hyphen preceding the code aa Albania ce Sri Lanka abc Alberta cf Congo (Brazzaville) -ac Ashmore and Cartier Islands cg Congo (Democratic Republic) ae Algeria ch China (Republic : 1949- ) af Afghanistan ci Croatia ag Argentina cj Cayman Islands -ai Anguilla ck Colombia ai Armenia (Republic) cl Chile -air Armenian S.S.R. cm Cameroon aj Azerbaijan -cn Canada -ajr Azerbaijan S.S.R. cou Colorado aku Alaska -cp Canton and Enderbury Islands alu Alabama cq Comoros am Anguilla cr Costa Rica an Andorra -cs Czechoslovakia ao Angola ctu Connecticut aq Antigua and Barbuda cu Cuba aru Arkansas cv Cape Verde as American Samoa cw Cook Islands at Australia cx Central African Republic au Austria cy Cyprus aw Aruba -cz Canal Zone ay Antarctica dcu District of Columbia azu Arizona deu Delaware ba Bahrain dk Denmark bb Barbados dm Benin bcc British Columbia dq Dominica bd Burundi dr Dominican Republic be Belgium ea Eritrea bf Bahamas ec Ecuador bg Bangladesh eg Equatorial Guinea bh Belize em East Timor bi British Indian Ocean Territory enk England bl Brazil er Estonia bm Bermuda Islands -err Estonia bn Bosnia and Hercegovina es El Salvador bo Bolivia et Ethiopia bp Solomon Islands fa Faroe Islands br Burma fg French Guiana bs Botswana fi Finland bt Bhutan fj Fiji bu Bulgaria fk Falkland Islands bv Bouvet Island flu Florida bw Belarus fm Micronesia (Federated States) -bwr Byelorussian S.S.R. fp French Polynesia bx Brunei fr France cau California fs Terres australes et antarctiques cb Cambodia françaises cc China ft Djibouti cd Chad gau Georgia MARC Code List for Countries page 37 Code Sequence gb Kiribati kz Kazakhstan gd Grenada -kzr Kazakh S.S.R. -ge Germany (East) lau Louisiana gh Ghana lb Liberia gi Gibraltar le Lebanon gl Greenland lh Liechtenstein gm Gambia li Lithuania -gn Gilbert and Ellice Islands -lir Lithuania go Gabon -ln Central and Southern Line Islands gp Guadeloupe lo Lesotho gr Greece ls Laos gs Georgia (Republic) lu Luxembourg -gsr Georgian S.S.R. lv Latvia gt Guatemala -lvr Latvia gu Guam ly Libya gv Guinea mau Massachusetts gw Germany mbc Manitoba gy Guyana mc Monaco gz Gaza Strip mdu Maryland hiu Hawaii meu Maine -hk Hong Kong mf Mauritius hm Heard and McDonald Islands mg Madagascar ho Honduras -mh Macao ht Haiti miu Michigan hu Hungary mj Montserrat iau Iowa mk Oman ic Iceland ml Mali idu Idaho mm Malta ie Ireland mnu Minnesota ii India mou Missouri ilu Illinois mp Mongolia inu Indiana mq Martinique io Indonesia mr Morocco iq Iraq msu Mississippi ir Iran mtu Montana is Israel mu Mauritania it Italy mv Moldova -iu Israel-Syria Demilitarized Zones -mvr Moldavian S.S.R. iv Côte d’Ivoire mw Malawi -iw Israel-Jordan Demilitarized Zones mx Mexico iy Iraq-Saudi Arabia Neutral Zone my Malaysia ja Japan mz Mozambique ji Johnston Atoll na Netherlands Antilles jm Jamaica nbu Nebraska -jn Jan Mayen ncu North Carolina jo Jordan ndu North Dakota ke Kenya ne Netherlands kg Kyrgyzstan nfc Newfoundland and Labrador -kgr Kirghiz S.S.R. ng Niger kn Korea (North) nhu New Hampshire ko Korea (South) nik Northern Ireland ksu Kansas nju New Jersey ku Kuwait nkc New Brunswick kyu Kentucky nl New Caledonia page 38 MARC Code List for Countries Code Sequence -nm Northern Mariana Islands sh Spanish North Africa nmu New Mexico si Singapore nn Vanuatu sj Sudan no Norway -sk Sikkim np Nepal sl Sierra Leone nq Nicaragua sm San Marino nr Nigeria snc Saskatchewan nsc Nova Scotia so Somalia ntc Northwest Territories sp Spain nu Nauru sq Swaziland nuc Nunavut sr Surinam nvu Nevada ss Western Sahara nw Northern Mariana Islands stk Scotland nx Norfolk Island su Saudi Arabia nyu New York (State) -sv Swan Islands nz New Zealand sw Sweden ohu Ohio sx Namibia oku Oklahoma sy Syria onc Ontario sz Switzerland oru Oregon ta Tajikistan ot Mayotte -tar Tajik S.S.R. pau Pennsylvania tc Turks and Caicos Islands pc Pitcairn Island tg Togo pe Peru th Thailand pf Paracel Islands ti Tunisia pg Guinea-Bissau tk Turkmenistan ph Philippines -tkr Turkmen S.S.R. pic Prince Edward Island tl Tokelau pk Pakistan tnu Tennessee pl Poland to Tonga pn Panama tr Trinidad and Tobago po Portugal ts United Arab Emirates pp Papua New Guinea -tt Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands pr Puerto Rico tu Turkey -pt Portuguese Timor tv Tuvalu pw Palau txu Texas py Paraguay tz Tanzania qa Qatar ua Egypt quc Québec (Province) uc United States Misc. Caribbean re Réunion Islands rh Zimbabwe ug Uganda riu Rhode Island -ui United Kingdom Misc. Islands rm Romania uik United Kingdom Misc. Islands ru Russia (Federation) -uk United Kingdom -rur Russian S.F.S.R. un Ukraine rw Rwanda -unr Ukraine -ry Ryukyu Islands, Southern up United States Misc. Pacific Islands sa South Africa -ur Soviet Union -sb Svalbard -us United States scu South Carolina utu Utah sdu South Dakota uv Burkina Faso se Seychelles uy Uruguay sf Sao Tome and Principe uz Uzbekistan sg Senegal -uzr Uzbek S.S.R. MARC Code List for Countries page 39 Code Sequence vau Virginia vb British Virgin Islands vc Vatican City ve Venezuela vi Virgin Islands of the United States vm Vietnam -vn Vietnam, North vp Various places -vs Vietnam, South vtu Vermont wau Washington (State) -wb West Berlin wf Wallis and Futuna wiu Wisconsin wj West Bank of the Jordan River wk Wake Island wlk Wales ws Samoa wvu West Virginia wyu Wyoming xa Christmas Island (Indian Ocean) xb Cocos (Keeling)Islands xc Maldives xd Saint Kitts-Nevis xe Marshall Islands xf Midway Islands xh Niue -xi Saint Kitts-Nevis-Anguilla xj Saint Helena xk Saint Lucia xl Saint Pierre and Miquelon xm Saint Vincent and the Grenadines xn Macedonia xo Slovakia xp Spratly Island xr Czech Republic xs South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands xv Slovenia xx No place, unknown, or undetermined xxc Canada xxk United Kingdom -xxr Soviet Union xxu United States ye Yemen ykc Yukon Territory -ys Yemen (People’s Democratic Republic) yu Serbia and Montenegro za Zambia page 40 MARC Code List for Countries.