No. 64 JUNE. 1970 Contents include: page Stepping Stone or Shrine? by The Rev. Bertram Woods 4 Jesus in Relation to Survival by Cyril Harrison . . 5 There Is No Death by Rex Thorne...... 6 Living Radar by A. W. Rossiter...... 7 Euthanasia by Dr. Robert Crookall. .... 8 The Rosenheim Case by Canon J. D. Pearce-Higgins . 11 My Heaven or Theirs?by Dudley Alexander ... 12 Self-Knowledge by E. Joy Wragg...... 13 A Faith for Today by Herbert Taylor .... 23 Members’ Psychic Experiences...... 12 Readers’ Forum...... 16 Book Reviews...... 21

TWO SHILLINGS CANADA & U.S.A. 30 cents SOUTH AFRICA 25 cents The Churches’ Fellowship for Psychical and Spiritual Studies Headquarters: 5/6 Denison House, Vauxhall Bridge Road, London, S.W.l (01-834 4329) Founder—Lt.-Col. Reginald M. Lester, F.J.I. President—The Worshipful Chancellor The Rev. E. Garth Moore, M.A., J.P. Vice-President—The Bishop of Southwark Chairman—Lt.-Col. Reginald M. Lester, F.J.I. Vice-Chairman—The Rev. Canon J. D. Pearce-Higgins, M.A., Hon. C.F. General Secretary—Percy E. Corbett, Esq. Assistant Secretary: Maurice Frost, Esq. Hon. Religious Adviser—Rev. Dr. K. G. Cuming, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. Hon. Advertisement Manager—Major Ronald Newton f Patrons: Rev. Canon C. F. Harman Rev. Dr. Maurice Barnett Bishop of California, U.S.A. Rev. Dr. Leslie Weatherhead Bishop of Pittsburgh, U.S.A. Rev. Lord Soper Bishop of Ibadan, Nigeria Rev. Dr. Leslie Newman Bishop of of St. Pauls E J At t cnv I P Rt. Rev. Dr. G. A. Chase George H. R. Rogers’, C.B.E., M.P. The Rt. Rev. Gordon Savage Dr. R. Crookall Very Rev. Dr. W. R. Matthews Countess of Lichfield Ven. E. F. Carpenter Beverley Nichols, Esq. (of Westminster Abbey) Dr Raynor Johnson Bishop of Portsmouth Very Rev. Lord Macleod Sir George Trevelyan, Bart., M.A. ______Rev. Canon E. ____T. Davies Lady Trehearne And others prominent in the Church, Science and Public Life who have expressed their sympathy with the general purposes of the Fellowshio as set out in the prospectus, without thereby necessarily endorsing all the individual views put forth in this Review or at loSSmeelings oftheFriiowship Members of Council— Chairman—Lt. Col. Reginald M. Lester, F.J.I.; Vice-Chairman—The Rev. Canon J. D. Pearce- Higgins, M.A., C.F.; E. J. Allsop, Esq., J.P.; Mr. J. E. Atterbury; The Rev. A. Barham, B D • Miss M. Brice-Smith; The Rev. Dr. K. G. Cuming, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P.; Mr. P. Corbett; Robert Crookall, D.Sc.,Ph.D.; The Rev.B.H.Davies; Mrs. Helen Greaves; The Rev. Richard Hatt • The Rev.CanonC.F. Harman; The Rev. Chas. Harrington; MissP. Harrold; Major E. G Lang* Mrs R. M. Lester; The Rev. J. Macdonald, M.A., Ph.D., B.D., S.T.M.; The Rev. H. Martin M A ' B.D.; Mr. Malcolm Myers; Mr. P. N. Pearson; The Rev. A. E. Reynolds; The Rev. J s’ Smith M.A.; Mr. G. Stoneman; Mrs. C. Toyne; Mrs. G. Vivian, B.A.; The Rev. G. S. Whitby M.A.’ B.A., B.D.; The Rev. Bertram Woods Committees— Executive: Chairman—-Lt-Col. Reginald M. Lester Healing Central Advisory: Chairman—Rev. Dr. K. G. Cuming, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. Hon. Secretary—Mrs. R. M. Lester Hon. Assistant Secretary—Miss H. Tutin Study of Mysticism: Chairman—The Rev. Richard Hall Hon. Secretary—Miss V. Staff ! Study of Psychic Phenomena: ! Chairman—The Rev. Canon J. D. Pearce-Higgins, M.A. I Hon. Secretary—The Rev. Allan Barham, B.D. Scientific Research: Chairman—The Rev. G. S. Whitby, M.A., B.D. Hon. Secretary—Mr. H. V. Bearman \ AIMS AND OBJECTS 7%e aims and objects of the Fellowship are summarised below, but can be read in fuller detail in the official prospectus. . .J^eFflfwsh!p'f0U^^ 19r4-:fX%s/°f & study of the wide reaches of theparanormal and extra sensoryperception in their relation to the Christian faith. The field of study includes psychical phenomena, mysticism, creative meditation ^Ss^’ pSychKal lUCludeS such Phenomena •» telepathy, clairvoyance, clairaudience, precognition and There are two classes of membership: Members and Associates. Those eligible for membership must be members oj churches affiliated to the World Council of Churches, the British Council of Churches, the Roman Catholic Church or a Church of the orthodox tradition which believes in Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour of the world. Members of other Wl‘h'" ** CategOries are eligible for Associa,e Membership as the Council may from time The Fellowship is entirely dependent for its funds on the generosity of its members. The minimum subscription is 201- per annum, which includes the Quarterly Review free. Those who can subscribe more are asked to do so and Covenants are greatly appreciated. ’ The Fellowship is an ecumenical body of Christians from Churches of various doctrines and traditions, who have in common a desire to advance psychical and spiritual studies by the exchange of ideas and experiences. This Review exists to provide a forum for such exchanges, which do not necessarily reflect the views of anyone except the individual contributor THE CHURCHES’ FELLOWSHIP FOR PSYCHICAL AND SPIRITUAL STUDIES QUARTERLY REVIEW

JUNE, 1970 ______

Hon. Editor: Reginald M. Lester, Hon. Asst. Editor—Rev. Edna V. Rowlingson, m.a. Headquarters: 5/6 Denison House, Vauxhall Bridge Road, London, S.W.l (01-834 4329)

CLERICAL CONFERENCE 10s. (members 8s.); reduced charge for students A conference for ordained ministers, lay readers attending the Saturday evening youth sessions, 5s. and theological students will be held in the Chapter Meals can only be reserved for non-residents if House, Southwark Cathedral on Monday, October notified by noon on the previous day. 12, from 10.30 a.m. to 4.30 p.m. The morning session will be devoted to ‘Healing’ and will be led by the Rev. Dr. K. G. Cuming, ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING M.R.C.S., l.r.c.p. The afternoon session will be devoted to ‘Communion and Communication’ and The Annual General Meeting will be held on will be led by the Rev. D. Bretherton. The chair­ Saturday, September 12, at 2.30 p.m. at Canterbury man will be Canon J. D. Pearce-Higgins, Vice­ Hall, Cartwright Gardens, W.C.I. The agenda Provost of Southwark Cathedral. will be announced in the September Review. If application forms have not been received with Notices of motions or nominations for Officers this Review, they can be obtained from Head and Council should reach the General Secretary Office. A supply of the combined programme and not later than August 28. application forms is also being sent to branches and are available for any member to pass to those who may be interested. DEAN AND CHAPTER OF ST. PAUL’S The fee for the conference (excluding lunch) will We have been notified that a short time ago the be 7s. 6d. Dean and Chapter of St. Paul’s included our Churches’ Fellowship in their Sunday morning prayers at Holy Communion. We would like to METROPOLITAN CONFERENCE express our appreciation of this kindly action. As already announced, the Metropolitan Con­ ference will be held this year from Friday (tea-time) to Sunday (lunch-time) on September 11,12 and 13. SPIRITUAL FRONTIERS FELLOWSHIP It will be held at Canterbury Hall, Cartwright SEMINAR Gardens, W.C.l, which is situated just behind St. Pancras Town Hall and is only five minutes Arrangements are now complete for the coming from both King’s Cross and Euston stations. visit of some 60 members of our U.S.A. counter­ The speakers will be: part body, the Spiritual Frontiers Fellowship, to a Sept. 11—Lt.-Col. R. M. Lester, Dr. Martin week’s seminar in London, from Monday to Isirsiel Friday, July 27 to 31, to be held at Kensington Sept. 12—A. N. Other, Rosemary Brown. Close Hotel. The evening will be specially suited for young There are still a few vacancies for C.F.P.S.S. people. Dr. D. M. A. Leggett, m.a., (Vice- members, and those who have not already regis­ Chancellor, Surrey University) will give a challenge tered who wish to attend should apply without to youth by his lecture ‘Has Life a Purpose?’ further delay to our General Secretary at Head­ During the next lecture period two young people quarters, stating if they intend to be present for will give a challenge by youth which will be the whole week (charge 30s. Od.) or for individual followed by discussion. sessions (charge 8s. 0d.), and also if they are Sept. 13—Helen Greaves, the Rev. Dr. K. G. wishing to attend the festive dinner which closes Cuming, M.R.C.S., l.r.c.p. the conference on Friday night (charge £2 5s.). The charge for full accommodation at Canter­ Mark envelopes “S.F.F. Seminar”. bury Hall and all lectures will be £6 10s. Od. and No applications are needed for the Healing applications, together with remittances should be Meditation Service being conducted by Col. and forwarded to Head Office by August 14. Mrs. Lester at St. Luke’s Church, Redcliffe Other charges are: Morning or evening sessions, Square at 6 p.m. on Thursday, July 30. with each future issue, starting with the current one. A summary of the principal forthcoming events will be published on the front page. R.M.L. One of the interesting developments of recent months has been the increasing interest by young people in the work of the Fellowship. Although From the Secretary’s Desk our newspapers are full of reports of teenage violence, and television seems to go out of its way Once again, I am able to report that our progress to publicise this side of the younger generation’s isjjeing maintained. The steady flow of new mem­ activities today, there is no doubt that a majority bers indicates that we are consolidating our are genuinely and sincerely seeking some answer position in Great Britain and, at the same time, to their frustration and apparent aimlessness in there is a steady interest from overseas. I would life. like to see new groups and branches formed in We in our Fellowship must be ready to supply Wales and the North-West so that the overall the answers to their questing. The important position in Great Britain is strengthened still steps being taken now by our colleges and schools further. Members in these areas who would like to panel will undoubtedly usher in a new era in our support such activities and meet other local mem­ work. It is hoped that all our Regions will give bers are invited to write to their Regional Organiser priority to the plans set out in our March issue by or to me. the Rev. A. Barham. Fellowship Diaries for 1971 will be available in A further point of interest in this direction is the August and can be ordered through branches at number of enquiries we are receiving from agnostics, 5s., or direct from Head Office at 5s. 6d. As they who by various means have come across our contain full information about branches they can Quarterly Review, and are interested to know more be valuable for dealing with enquiries. about our study and findings. (In one week I had A new development has been the supply of enquiries from three groups of agnostics in different recorded lectures on tapes to members overseas. parts of the country). One helpful feature in the Those wishing to avail themselves of this service quest of these people (mostly in the 20 to 30 age should advise the speed required and whether tapes group) is that they are at least open minded, and are are required for two-track or four-track machines. ready to look into new ideas and new thinking, free I would like to hear from any member who is of any barrier of dogmatic prejudice. also a member of the British or Universal Esperanto Much of this new thinking must start in the organisations. This enquiry has arisen following a schools, continue into the universities and so on visit from a member in Holland who conducts to take its place in the offices and factories. But we services in Esperanto from time to time. must have a clear picture of what sort of world we Interest in Scandinavia is growing and I was are trying to build, so that all may work together delighted to hear that Eve Lejman of Lund had to that end. written a five-column article which was printed The well-known writer, Laurence Easterbrook, in one of the largest daily newspapers in Gothen­ has given his idea of this, which is indeed a Christian burg. world in the broadest sense of the term. He says: It is of interest that two of our branches (Nor­ “I see it as a world where we are happy because we wich and Port Elizabeth, South Africa) are now can forego gratifying every whim; where we are led by doctors of medicine. Also, two members of free because we have learnt how to discipline our­ our Medical Section saw colour films of psychic selves; where we are contented because we are at surgery which were shewn in London in April. peace with our surroundings; where we are great The films had not been well chosen but they gave because we have become so aware of the wonder of an indication of the value of films in this kind of our creation that we enjoy true humility. ... It is research. a new domain of the mind and the spirit that lies Testimony of Light by Helen Greaves (second ahead.” edition, 27s. 6d. incl. p. and p.) is still having an § § § important impact. I hope that every member will read this book. Its publication has created an Owing to the expansion of our regional activities added surge of interest in our work and members with the forming of more and more new branches, can help this surge by ensuring that it is available it has now reached the stage of making it no longer in their local public libraries. Another of our possible to include regional news in the main body publications which is having an important impact of the Quarterly Review, as it is beginning to limit is An Approach to Mysticism by Dr. Martin Israel too much the space available for articles, book (5s. 6d. incl. p. and p.). The increase in book sales reviews, readers’ letters, etc. It has therefore been in 1969 was phenomenal and, in conjunction with decided to have a roneo-ed Regional News inset the increase in the number of speakers visiting 2 schools and also the increase in One-Day Confer­ COUNCIL RETREAT ences being held this year, indicates that, in part, we are an educational body supplying a need which Members of the Council went into “retreat” at Benifold, Surrey in March, for two and a half days, is not being met by the Church nor the Ministry and this proved of great value and inspiration to ali of Education. If I am right, this is a sobering who attended. The Retreat was directed by the thought as it also reveals the responsibility carried Rev. Dr. K. G. Cuming, and the theme was: by all officials of our Fellowship—whether they “The Vocation of the Fellowship in Church and serve on our Council, at Head Office or in our regions and branches ‘in the field’. This thought World Today”. reminds us of our first duty—to arrange our daily At the first session, Mr. Corbett took the mem­ habits so that we each become a suitable channel bers “up the mountain together” to review “our for the Holy Spirit. When I attended a meeting vocation in the Church”. The second session was of church-men a few years ago, the clergyman led by the Rev. G. S. Whitby, who—during the speaker made this statement, “The priest-ridden ascent of the mountain—pointed to “our way attitude has got to change! The laity are the ahead; where we are going; what we are being coming people”. I suggest that the existence and called to do”. progress of the Fellowship confirms his belief. The next session was “on the mountain top” P.E.C. where Dr. Cuming rested awhile for “communing NEW PATRONS with the Spirit”. The final session was taken by We are happy to welcome as a new patron the Col. Lester, bringing members back down the Very Rev. Martin Sullivan, Dean of St. Paul’s. In mountain, and reviewing “what we have learned” a letter to our chairman, he writes: “I know that during “our ascent of the mountain”; what practi­ my distinguished predecessor was very interested cal insights have been realised, and what is our task in your work. I shall be happy to serve in the ahead, concluding with a general summing up. capacity of a patron”. The Retreat ended with a short Service of We also welcome as a new patron, Lady Thanksgiving, on “going back into the world”. Treheame, who has been most helpful to our General Secretary in his recruiting mission to Wales.______FOR YOUR DIARY THE BOOK CLUB Saturday, June 20 We are often asked questions about the Book West Midlands One-Day Conference, Old Club and we hope that the following explanatory Palace, Worcester. notes will be helpful. Saturday, July 4 It is only by the support of the members of the Bishop of Bristol at One-Day Conference, Book Club that we have been able to publish our Senate House, Bristol. own books. The existence of the Book Club Tuesday, June 16 ensures us of immediate sales. At College of Psychic Science: Mr. Derek Manuscripts are continuously under review by Homer-Riddell, “The Spiritual Significance our Editorial Board and every effort is made to of Psychic Studies”. choose those which are most suitable for our July 4 and 5 members. Naturally, it is impossible to cater for East Anglian Conference, Pleshey Grange, every individual taste. Members of the Book Club Pleshey, Chelmsford. are allowed 20 per cent discount on one copy only, and three books are issued each year. Membership July 27 to 31 Spiritual Frontiers Fellowship Seminar with of the Book Club not only supports the basic C.F.P.S.S., Kensington Close Hotel, London. educational work of the Fellowship but also enables members to build up a home library from which September 5 to 19 C.F.P.S.S. Oberammergau Pilgrimage. they can lend books to friends. At present, about one-eighth of our members September 11 to 13 support us in this way. Please help us to change the Metropolitan Conference, Canterbury Hall, proportion to seven-eighths! London, W.C.I. Our next book may have far-reaching effects as it October 26 to 29 deals with the prohibition against mediumship in South-West Region Annual Conference, Trecam Deuteronomy. Hotel, Torquay. (Bishop of Crediton opening). (Full details of these events will be found in Please remember to notify your Change of REGIONAL NEWS, inset). Address to Headquarters. 3 MEDITATION STEPPING STONE OR SHRINE? Members will recall that we asked them to make by April 1,1970 (the 16th Anniversary of the inaugural The Rev. Bertram Woods public meeting of the Fellowship) a day of united A Christian is one who accepts Jesus Christ as prayer for the progress, guidance and solving of the His Supreme Lord, whose ‘Way’ he follows without Fellowship’s material problems regarding Head­ hesitation, whose ‘Truth’ he accepts without quarters accommodation. question, whose ‘Life’ he makes his unswerving We held a small prayer group composed of the goal. Christ is the one Infallible in his life, for he Committee of the Torbay branch at our home on believes that when Jesus said, “He who hears these that afternoon and in the meditation which I gave words of mine and does them is like a man who I felt that a symbol of what the Fellowship repre­ built his house upon a Rock; and the rains descen­ sents was given. ded, and the floods came, and the winds blew and In our meditation, we were grouped around the beat upon that house, and it fell not, for it was Fellowship Tree, the seed of which was planted in founded upon a Rock”. He spoke the literal 1953, and thinking back to April 1, 1954, the day truth. on which the tiny seedling was brought out and It takes most of us a long time to reach this planted in the open. Mentally we watched it grow degree of ‘Surrender’, and we need props and helps and slowly take shape, tended by many loving of one kind and another to reassure us and encour­ hands, by the dedicated workers and servers, until age our progress. Fears and uncertainties shake it now stands, a fine sapling of 16 years. It has our little faith, and doubts inhibit our confidence. gradually grown and spread, its roots grounded in Many Christians (I have found) are uncertain the Scriptures, and embracing other lands; its about the reality of life after death. This sad fact branches reaching skywards and stretching out in was one of the inspirations which led to the found­ welcome, giving shade, rest and protection. It has, ing of the C.F.P.S.S. We wanted to say to such with God’s blessing, withstood the winter storms ‘doubting Thomases’, “There is evidence to prove and harsh frosts of misunderstanding and criticism. the reality of life after death. It is to be found in Andfthough often on April days we see dark that range of human experiences which are called clouds, it is an appropriate month, for April is a ‘psychical phenomena’. Let us help you to become month of contrasts, like Life itself, for at the acquainted with this evidence”. Numerous have moment although there may be clouds overhead been the Christians whose faith has been greatly and a gentle rain is falling, we see above our strengthened, and whose religious experience has Fellowship Tree the symbol of hope—a glorious become vital by the information coming from rainbow, telling us that however dark the clouds psychic sources. Many too have been those who may be, God’s presence, His Light and His Love, have graduated from scepticism and agnosticism are always with us, hidden perhaps for a time behind to a strong faith, not only in the Hereafter, but in sorrows, disasters and man’s inhumanity to man. the spiritual reality behind it. More have become Surely the symbol of the rainbow, the sign of Christians through their understanding something God’s covenant with man, can truly be the symbol of the evidence from the psychic, than have lost of our Fellowship—the sign of hope to all who their faith through it. In fact I know many who come seeking healing of heart, body, mind or belong to the former, and not one of the latter! spirit? Interest in the psychic is a wonderful stepping E. Grace Lester. stone, but it is no more than that. To make it a goal or a shrine is to make a wrong assessment of its value. For we have to admit that, although a WHOSE FAULT? certain amount of the information coming from this source is sound, there is much that is unreliable, Thou has not failed, O Lord, and the source itself is therefore suspect. Much Nor anything that Thou has said or done alleged information on Life beyond Death is Proved false; spurious, and for Christians at variance with what But only that Thy Church has lost its grip. Christ teaches. E.g. I have read in books purporting There are those who can deny Thy Name, to give information about life and relationships And those who wrangle for a place of fame. in the Other World, that there is sex and marriage A unity of purpose has been lost. and the begetting of children there. Jesus said, An emphasis on doctrines, strict, has cost “In the Resurrection there is neither marrying nor The unity that Thou didst pray should be. giving in marriage, but they are as the Angels in How can we now regain simplicity Heaven”. To propagate the fundamental facts After having spent years in investigating psychical Proclaimed by Thee, and shown by many acts? phenomena, which investigation built up my faith E. G. Lang re the Hereafter tremendously, and revitalised my 4 religion, I turned again to study the teaching of regarding human survival, this historical demon­ Jesus on this subject. When I was not so sure about stration of its reality has become an integral part life after death and wanted proof, I was apt to read of the authentic faith. Christ is known not into His teachings that which I wanted to find. merely as a figure in history, but he is known Now that I was no longer concerned with ‘proofs’, more immediately and particularly in “the power I was able to approach Jesus’s words with a fresh­ of his resurrection.” ness born of confidence. One amazing discovery I There must also be some significance in the made was the absolute certainty of Jesus about life report of Matthew concerning the departed beyond. “saints” who appeared to many after the Resur­ rection: also in the statement of Peter that “in the body he (Jesus) was put to death: in the JESUS IN RELATION TO SURVIVAL spirit he was brought to life. And in the By Cyril Harrison spirit he went and made his proclamation to the imprisoned spirits” (1 Peter 3:15, 19). From This is not a dissertation on the teaching of the earliest days, the active association of Jesus Jesus about immortality, but rather about his with the “dead” has been part of the Christian precise role in the economy of immortality. In conception of the work of redemption—though the first place, the use of such terms as the not always clearly or consistently defined. One “after life” are not really warranted because, as of the objections raised by some psychic investi­ the writer of the Johannine Gospel pointed out, gators (particularly those believing in reincarna­ Jesus saw the life of man as a continuum, related tion) to the orthodox doctrine of the atonement, not only to eternity but also to time. This is the with its rather restricted principles of salvation, import of the concept “eternal life.” Life as is that in certain respects it does not square with noumenon transcends time while infusing it with the circumstances of spirit-progression, as re­ its own qualitative values as real existence; so vealed through various channels of spirit­ that life in time is basically one with the life communication. eternal. Death is not a kind of birth into a new This objection, however, may arise from a phase of existence, so much as a stage in con­ long-standing misunderstanding over the real tinuity. The taking on of the physical body and place and function of Jesus in the actual redemp­ its shedding are only episodes in a spiritual tive process. One suspects that amongst the early odyssey which is essentially eternal. Experience, Christians there was a strong dislike (inherited however, is quite another matter. Whatever from Judaism) for things psychical, which pre­ formal envelope the spirit-entity adopts for a judiced them when they tried to explain Jesus specific purpose of self-manifestation and self­ and his mission in terms of metaphysics. Was expression, it affords values of experience which Jesus, in his own person, expressing in some are part of the raison d’etre of being and definitive revelatory manner something which the existence itself. Father, in his infinite love and compassion, has In order to gain experience, the psyche has to always been doing for man, whether in this world suffer incarnation, undergoing a temporal state or in the world to come? At all events, the of forgetfulness in order to concentrate upon narrow penal doctrine of atonement is no longer issues vital to its own development. That this acceptable. In this respect what pregnant sug­ circumstance involves difficult ethical and philo­ gestion there is in the opening words of the sophical problems is inevitable. But they are Epistle of Hebrews: “When in former times God problems created by the necessity which gives spake to our forefathers, he spoke in fragmentary rise to the circumstance itself. The questions and varied fashion through the prophets. But “why?” or “to what end?” can only be answered in the final age he has spoken to us in the Son by die spirit-entity itself after it has completed whom he had made heir to the whole universe, its immediate quest and profited by its experi­ and through whom he created all orders of ential adventure. existence.” Christians have always felt the fundamental In seeking to determine the place of Jesus in importance of immortality among the principles the context of immortality, we have to regard of their faith, and the fact of the Resurrection him as having some unique position in history, by has been made the pivot of that faith. Whatever which he somehow stands above the temporal else it was, and whatever its actual form, the and the spatial, while having a real and active Resurrection was a revelation of the reality of function in both. His position is at once transcen­ survival, not only confirming an age-old intuition, dent and immanent. He has not merely passed but demonstrating it beyond the shadow of a into history: he has passed into the very process doubt. That, at least, is how the early Christians of history as its eternal Lord. Wherever man saw it (1 Cor. 15:20-23), and in spite of the is, whether in the physical body or out of it, critical reserve of many modern Christians there is the manifestation of the dynamic 5 THERE IS NO DEATH by THE ST. AUGUSTINE Rex Thome HEALING On a beautiful July evening in 1952, Roger came home the proud holder of a small trophy he had won as the best First Year Cadet in his school’s SANCTUARY Cadet Force field day presentation. His pride was This new sanctuary, set in the beautiful not merely in his own success; his elder brother surroundings of Addington Park, will whom he hero-worshipped had (on the same be open from April 1st - September 30th occasion) won all the other nine trophies, so to receive resident patients in need of spiritual healing. Roger’s triumph completed the family effort, and although his ‘egg cup’, as he belittlingly called it, Treatment by laying on of hands will be was dwarfed by the shields and rosebowls which available from trained healers. Christopher could display, its importance was, in Come and benefit from the peace and his eyes, no less. Five weeks later he died, with his beauty and the healing vibrations in­ mother, in Parracombe when the over-swollen herent in this place. waters of North Exmoor wrought disaster in Lynmouth and nearby. For full details apply to-.— Among my first reactions to these losses was the The Hon. Secretary, desire to put out of sight anything which would The Seekers Trust, recall memories, and amongst the things to be Addington Park, stowed away were Roger’s photograph and his trophy. An unexpected chain of events some months Nr. Maidstone, later led me to investigate the claims of those who Kent. declared there was sufficient evidence to prove enclosing S.A.E. please beyond doubt that personality continued beyond death and that under definite conditions communi­ cation between people on both sides of the barrier could be established. The astonishing accuracy and insight of Mrs. Estelle Roberts’ clairaudience and clairvoyance soon removed my doubts and shattered influence of Jesus, and the token of his redem- my characteristic scepticism, but it was not until tive action. No one is outside the operative the summer of 1954 that the following events took power of grace; and the process of human place. development, on its psycho-spiritual level, is time­ On a small wardrobe in my bedroom, just inside less. It is, indeed, the grand subject of eternity; the door, I had replaced the photograph and the for who can place a limit to our exploration of trophy, on a suggestion from Roger, at one of my the infinity of being, or exhaust its manifesta- sittings with Mrs. Roberts. Returning home one tional possibilities? evening I opened the bedroom door to find both Jesus has not opened up a new highway into articles on the floor at my feet, by the wardrobe, eternity, so much as laid bare a highway which in no way damaged, which was surprising as far as has always been there; though men have the glass in the photograph was concerned at any repeatedly missed it in their search for other ways rate. The rational explanation which occurred, and which, in so far as they are availing, will be satisfied me, was that a gust of wind had flicked the found to converge in the one throughfare which window curtain, quite near the wardrobe, arid leads directly to the Centre of Reality. When knocked trophy and photograph off together. The John presents Jesus as saying: “I am the truth freaks of bomb-blast were still a recent memory, and I am the life; no one comes to the Father and apart from making a mental note to keep the except by me” he was stating nothing but the window only partly open I gave the incident no truth. Christ, as the objectification of the divine further thought. love and the divine purpose for man, embraces Some three weeks later, under the same circum­ the whole race and is the archetypal man. He stances, the trophy alone was on the floor. A is the apex of spiritual progress and moral rational explanation again sufficed; not the same fulfilment. Psychical investigation is simply a one, for this time the window was not open. It demonstration of the Christ-purpose in redemp­ occurred to me that the good lady who came in to tive operation in spheres where mankind, freed help with the chores had chosen to ignore my of the flesh, has the opportunity of learning its instructions that all cleaning in the bedroom should accumulated lessons and profiting progressively be left to me and had undertaken some dusting, in by its store of experience. the course of which she had forgotten to replace the 6 trophy. When after the lapse of several days, I was not actually there in front of the television returned at the end of the day to my empty house camera, wherever it was situated, the bright spot to discover the trophy again on the floor, this time would not be able to make a faithful moving some six or seven feet from the wardrobe, and no picture of her on the screen in front of us. window open, it occurred to me for the first time But supposing we were privileged to attend a that an attempt was being made to add to the Royal function “in the flesh”, as we say—would strength of the convictions that had been building the position be so very different? Our first answer up through other types of evidence. My scepticism to that would probably be, “Obviously it is quite was not entirely vanquished however, for, picking different!” Well, what really happens when we up the cup and returning it to its place, I spoke actually ‘see’ someone? The light reflects back aloud to the empty air, “You’ll have to do better from the person in front of us into our little twin than that if I’m to be fully convinced.” ‘cameras’, forming in each of them a tiny picture on Little did I anticipate what was to follow. About the ‘film’ inside (that part of the eye we call the a week later I went into the bedroom to find retina); pictures that are actually upside down. that the cup was nowhere to be seen. Nor did I find The action of the light produces a chemical it until I had made a proper search and discovered activity there (just as it does in our kodaks), which it—under the bed! To get there it must have either varies with the light and shade in the small pictures. passed through a heavy bed coverlet, or the latter Minute impulses are thus aroused, which flow must have been lifted to allow it to pass. Yet the along certain ‘wires’ (the optic nerves) to a part of house had been empty all day. This was sufficient the brain and produce a disturbance there. The for me: my convictions were complete. Putting the pattern of this disturbance follows and keeps in cup again in its place of honour, I could only say, step with the pattern of the pictures in our little “You win!” ‘cameras’ (just as the pattern on our television That was the end of the demonstration, I screens keeps in step with the pattern that is being assumed. Evidently it was not enough for my photographed by the distant television cameras), young man and his friends, as the following episode but it is only a ‘translation’, so to speak, of the made clear about a month later. Happening to look scene in front of us into a different ‘language’, a at his smiling photograph as I began to get ready language of nerve impulses and brain reactions. for the day’s work I said to him “If you were really Strictly speaking, it can only be regarded as the smart you’d turn your egg-cup upside down. Now effect the light rays ultimately have on our brain that would be real proof,” and with that I went out matter, through the medium of the ‘transmission of my room. The words were entirely jocular, for I apparatus’ of eyes and nerves. This brain disturb­ needed no further proof. Half an hour later, ance is what we are responding to when we say we having completed the household chores, I went 'see9 someone. upstairs again and stopped dumbfounded on the Of course, this is not the whole of the story, for landing. The cup was on the floor again, in the ever since babyhood we have been experiencing middle of the bedroom doorway: and it was upside impacts on our senses, and the brain has been down! No one else could have heard my joking computing all the data it has received. But the words for no one else was in the house. Once again process is so unconscious that we pay no heed I restored it to its place, but this time leaving it to it; just as we can become so engrossed in a upside down. “It shall stay that way until you want television play that we completely forget the camera to change it,” was all I could find to say: and crews, the transmitting apparatus, the electrical sixteen years later it is still unchanged. impulses that surge back and forth in our aerials and the intricate mass of wires and other things LIVING RADAR behind the screen. So, ‘learned experience’ plays a great part in our seeing and recognising what is by A. W. Rossiter in front of our eyes. We become so expert at “Yes”, we said, “we saw it all on television; we scanning our two little ‘screens’ that we quite saw them climb down and walk about on the forget the fact that when we say, “I see the Queen” moon!” It probably never once occurred to us (when actually looking at her “in the flesh”), what that all we had seen was a rapidly moving spot of we really mean is, “I am responding to a certain light, and all we had heard was something vibrating disturbance in the cells of my brain that was in the television set. initially caused by the light rays reflected back Possibly we do vaguely realise the fact if we ever from Her Majesty!”—and we would richly deserve stop to think about it, but still we shall go on all we got if we often talked like that! All the saying, “I saw the Queen”, or “I saw the Prime same, it happens to be the truth of the matter, Minister”, whenever they appear on the screen— and how far different is it from television viewing! it is tiresome and unnecessary to be too precise in We are something like walking radio sets, ordinary conversation. In any case, it’s near tuned to respond to certain incoming ‘signals’ enough to the truth, for we know that if the Queen from our surroundings, for a similar process occurs 7 with all our other senses. With all five of them, him as a present physical scene. In view of this, all we can respond to are patterns of disturbance the fact that clairvoyance seems to be aroused in our brains, patterns which, admittedly, are sometimes by one who has left the earthly scene initiated by the objects outside our bodies but and yet at other times by the still-living, may which are not by any means exact representations seem a little less perplexing. of them. But we have learnt, from life-long prac­ It might seem a far cry from radio and television tice, to associate these internal experiences with sets and radar to “psychical and spiritual studies”, the objects that cause them—somewhat as a but pondering on the familiar and the ‘known’ radar operator, after practice, instinctively associ­ can often help us to understand the ‘unknown’. ates the pattern on his screen with the ship or plane that is causing it. However, unlike a modern radio set, the appara­ tus of our bodies enables us to ‘tune-in’ to only a EUTHANASIA very small number of the ‘wave-lengths’ available, by for we are sadly limited creatures. As St. Paul said, Dr. Robert Crookall “Now we see only puzzling reflections in a mirror”. I venture to suggest a few points for consideration (1 Cor. 13. 12.) How absurd then, to think that on this subject. My main thesis is that it is unwise very little can exist beyond that which we can to undertake definite and irreversible action in apprehend with our five senses. As absurd as to circumstances that are not definitely known and assert that no broadcasting station can possibly fully understood. Secondly, any safeguards exist beyond our shores, simply because our own envisaged must be clearly stated so that their real radio set could only get the B.B.C.! impact on the situation can be properly assessed: But let us go a little deeper. Sometimes one there must be no vagueness in so important a can have a mental experience which is hardly matter. distinguishable from one usually aroused by an Physicians and surgeons in general take a exterior object, and yet there is no object there to materialistic view of death, as of life: to them death initiate it. We can see things and people “in our is merely the end of life. To those who hold that mind’s eye”, as we say; we hear folk talk in our view everything seems simple—there comes a time dreams, and we can imagine and invent. Yet in the terminal illness when euthanasia would be a there is nothing outside ourselves to cause the kindness to both the patient and his relatives. experience. No outside stimulus is present, so To us who have studied psychical science an what can be the nature of a stimulus that can so additional point, rarely considered by medical mdn, vividly initiate one? Here is a mystery! It is is involved. This concerns the general relationship almost as if a television screen could suddenly of the “super-physical” Soul Body to the physical light itself up in the dead of night and re-enact body. In the “birth” of the Soul Body it may be items from the previous evening’s programme permissible for us to sever the connection between after the aerial has been disconnected. the Soul Body and the physical body—to break the How do we manage it? Sometimes it can even ‘silver cord’. happen without our trying, for in our dreams we Our further remarks can carry no weight unless are quite unconscious of any effort on our part; there is reason to believe that human beings do, in we watch the performance as if we were mere fact, possess a “super-physical” Soul Body which spectators of another’s activity. If I, the real ‘I’, as it separates from the physical body, forms a cord­ can create or initiate brain patterns in this way, like extension. We have adduced much evidence in so that the effect is as if I were being made aware this connection. of objects and people when, in fact, they are not Before we can consider the matter of “loosing” there at all, perhaps other entities can also do this the “silver cord” and so terminating a life, we must to my brain substance. In this way I could be review what is known about the relationship be­ made to see a ‘vision’, which would seem real tween the Soul (Body) and the physical body in enough to me, and yet there would be nothing general (for the “cord” is merely a temporary physical there to touch. With such considera­ extension that subsists between them). tions in mind it seems easier to understand what, The fact is that we simply do not know the relation­ perhaps, happens when a ‘sensitive’ describes ship between Soul and Body, though, as we shall see, persons and objects which he says he can ‘see’ psychical science strongly suggests a certain rela­ quite plainly. tionship. But, such being the case, it is not wise to Nowadays telepathy is being increasingly ac­ be too sure concerning the desirability of severing cepted as a proven phenomenon. Apparently one any connection. F. W. Westaway’s Man's Search person can so act on another’s brain cells as to After Truth, described the relationship of mind to cause him to think the same thoughts. It seems a body as “the greatest of all world enigmas” and Sir small step from this to causing him to have a Julian Huxley, f.r.s. said “We simply do not yet mental experience which would seem as real to know what is the basic relation between mental 8 activity and the physical brain-activity. It is little way from you and has no need of your pity, for extremely important...Medical men, philoso­ through that withdrawal, his awareness is almost phers, etc., are divided upon this matter: some wholly confined within his unifying (Soul) body”. believe that mind and body are essentially one and The continued, though only partial, connection the same thing, others that they are two different between the Soul and the body, misunderstood by, aspects of one thing. In marked contrast to this and therefore inexpressibly sad to us presumably state of affairs, all those mystics, clairvoyants, has some value to his Soul. The “communicator”— people who have had out-of-the-body experiences as already said, an exceptionally wise one—did not and “communicators” from “beyond” who men­ recommend euthanasia. tion it are unanimous in insisting, as a matter of Professor F. C. S. Schiller told of a woman who personal observation (not of supposition, hypo­ was insane. Occasionally she went into trances (on thesis, etc.), that Soul, mind or consciousness is our interpretation, her Soul Body being temporarily absolutely distinct from the physical body. Many free from the physical), in which condition she go further and declare (again on the basis of per­ communicated, mediumistically, in a perfectly sane sonal observation) that the Soul, mind or conscious­ and sensible manner; it was the body, and not the Soul, ness uses a body, the soul, psychical, etheric, etc. that was at fault. Schiller commented: “It would body. Some go still further and say that this seem that our conscious personality, that is, what is “super-physical” Soul Body can contact . the traditionally called ‘Soul’, is not so strictly tied physical body, and work through it, only via a down in its manifestations to its body ... as the “semi-physical” feature, the vital body or vehicle scientifically ‘orthodox’ suppose. The body machine of vitality: this, they say, is a necessary “bridge”, may become disordered in ways which irresistibly “link”, “ladder”, etc. between our Soul Bodies and suggest that the 'Soul' is destroyed or deranged; but our physical bodies (so that if a significant part of it they do not prove this and all the time it may be leading is extruded from the body—by an anaesthetic, by a a life of its own in another 'sphere', or another severe shock such as a bomb-blast, by suffocation 'plane', though it cannot express this life through a in drowning, etc.—we become unconscious of the body which is no longer its possession in any effective physical body and therefore of the physical world). sense". The Professor—also an exceptionally wise Moreover, they tell us that apparitions, etc. of the one—did not recommend euthanasia. The fact is dead can be seen by mortals only when some that in these profound matters we are quite “out of specially-constituted mortal—one with a specially loose, fluid and extensible vital body—provides our depth”. (usually all unconsciously) part of his “bridge” for We now consider the matter of the “silver cord” the purpose. These ideas, if true, would serve to extension, the “loosing” of which constitutes the explain many otherwise inexplicable phenomena. last event of earth-life. In The Supreme Adventure, To my mind it is almost certain, though not, of I cited three “communicators” who, describing course, absolutely certain, that they are true. their own “passing”, said that the “cord” had “snapped”. A number of “communicators” were According to “Vettellini”, the exceptionally quoted as stating that help was sometimes needed wise “communicator” of P. E. Comhillier, The in rupturing the “cord”. An alleged. discarnate Survival of the Soul, “Children who die young are doctor told how he helped in the birth which superior Spirits”. He continued, “Often complete mortals call death. He said, “When the Astral imprisonment (of the incarnating Soul Body) in Body has emerged from the physical, it is still the physical body does not take place for them”. connected with it by a magnetic cord which is His suggestion was that, even in the absence of severed so as to completely free the spirit”. He normal mental activities that are carried out continued, “With some (doubtless referring to through the body (and which, to average persons unduly sensual and materialistic people) the process who are in normal health are, of course, of supreme of liberation is diflicult and complicated; with others value), certain Souls gain from what may be little more than the mere contact of Soul with body. (spiritually-minded people) no assistance is neces­ This, of course, sounds “far-fetched”, yet some­ sary”. He explained, “These are advanced Souls thing similar is said by other “communicators who have been in the habit of leaving their bodies concerning the other end of life and this may during sleep”. “In most cases the Guardian Spirit possibly have a bearing on the question of euthan­ and arisen friends of the one who dies come to him asia. at last to break the ‘cord’ and bear him away”. Myers told Geraldine Cummins (The Road to Such helpers, often called “deliverers”, are Immortality), “Scientists have not in the least doubtless aware of the conditions obtaining in each realised how very detached consciousness—or the individual case, and any “forcing” they may under­ Soul—is from the body”. An earlier “communica­ tion” said, “The aged apparently mindless man is take is their own responsibility. We mortals are in in no sense mindless. He has merely withdrawn a a very different position regarding these matters. 9 HEALING NOTES investigations. That book drew replies from so We ask your healing prayers for: many clergy and ministers that the idea was bom William Blewett, a member of our Mental in my mind of founding a Fellowship for study of Illness Healing Committee for several years and an this subject within the Christian churches. active speaker for the Fellowship. We learn that Lord Dowding, famous for his great leadership he is seriously ill. in the Battle of Britain in 1940, combined the Paul Beard, another active speaker at our Fellow­ qualities of a spiritual vision with a soundness of ship Conferences and public meetings, and Presi­ judgment and dedication to his duties in this world, dent of The College of Psychic Science. He has and was an example of a man who realised the undergone a serious operation. importance of keeping a proper balance between The Rt. Rev. Gordon Savage, Bishop of South- the spiritual and the material. In spite of the high well, one of our Fellowship’s active patrons, who office he held with such distinction, he never lost has had a serious breakdown in health, and is his humility, and he was always ready to help and having to relinquish his bishopric as a result. advise the bereaved. His work will now continue * * * * in a higher sphere. R.M.L. I would like to thank all members who have notified me of their healing work. When receipt of these notifications appears to be complete, I hope DESIDERATA to compile a list of those practising healing, (One of our Canadian members has sent us this interesting contribution, commenting that though (ministers, lay healers and groups), and have this written almost three centuries ago, still seems stencilled and available for all who may be inter­ ested. applicable today. It was found in Old St. Paul’s Church, Baltimore and was dated 1692). E. Grace Lester. O PLACIDLY AMID THE NOISE & HASTE, & REMEMBER WHAT PEACE “We will remember tfyem.. THERE MAY BE IN SILENCE. AS FAR Violet Bellamy as possible without surrender be on good terms The Fellowship has lost another loyal and active with all persons. Speak your truth quietly & clearly; worker in the passing of Mrs. Violet Bellamy, of and listen to others, even the dull & ignorant; they our Exeter branch. Only the day before her sudden too have their story. Avoid loud & aggressive passing I had received a letter from her enclosing a persons, they are vexations to the spirit. If you generous donation to our Headquarters Fund. She compare yourself with others, you may become wrote: “The Churches’ Fellowship has meant vain & bitter; for always there will be greater & more to me than I can ever express, and always will lesser persons than yourself. Enjoy your achieve­ continue to do so. Without it, where should we ments as well as your plans. Keep interested in be?” To that I may add: “And where should we your own career, however humble; it is a real be without these loyal and valiant workers and possession in the changing fortunes of time. supporters?” Exercise caution in your business affairs; for the R.M.L. world is full of trickery. But let this not blind you to what virtue there is; many persons strive fot The Exeter branch has asked that the following high ideals; and eveiywhere life is full of heroism. additional tribute from them may be added: Be yourself. Especially, do not feign affection. Many members will have met Mrs. Violet Neither be cynical about love; for, in the face of Bellamy, and will remember the charm and elegance all aridity & disenchantment it is perennial as the of this gentle personality. She was one of the grass. Take kindly the counsel of the years, original members of the Exeter branch, and all gracefully surrendering the things of youth. who knew her felt the richer for it. Her “promo­ Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden tion” was sudden and unexpected, but we are sure misfortune. But do not distress yourself with that her happiness and joy at her present reunion imaginings. Many fears are bom of fatigue &, is complete, and we are happy for her. loneliness. Beyond a wholesome discipline, be F.J. gentle with yourself. You are a child of the Lord Dowding universe, no less than the trees & the stars; you Just after our last issue had gone to Press, news have a right to be here. And whether or not it is came through of the passing of Air Chief Marshall clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding Lord Dowding. Indirectly Lord Dowding was as it should. Therefore be at peace with God, responsible for the founding of our Churches’ whatever you conceive Him to be, and whatever Fellowship, for it was the result of a talk he had your labors & aspirations, in the noisy confusion with me some 20 years ago that I was persuaded of life keep peace with your soul. With all its to investigate psychical research, from which one sham, drudgery & broken dreams, it is still a of my books was published recording these beautiful world. Be careful. Strive to be happy. 10 THE ROSENHEIM CASE have followed this unfortunate girl to her new place of work. The girl on several occasions during the by course of the events showed considerable signs of Canon J. D. Pearce-Higgins distress, and was pronounced by a psychiatrist to This is a short summary of a remarkable be of unstable character. She almost certainly was poltergeist type of case which has been happening one of these people with a loose vehicle of vitality, since the middle of 1967 in the office of a lawyer and some psychic sensitivity which enabled the named Adam in Rosenheim near Munich. (Based phenomena to take place. In this account only on articles published in Grenzgebiete der Wissen- brief mention can be made of the many other typical schaft by Dr. Andreas Resch—11/68 —11/69). phenomena—movements of chairs, and other At first there were breakdowns of the telephone. objects which repeatedly took place. The inter­ Over and over again calls were cut for no obvious ference with the electrical installations of the reason; sometimes the phone rang, and after telephone and of the power supply are the most taking the receiver the line was dead. On putting astonishing incidents. The comical comment of on the receiver the phone rang afresh. (This Mr. Paul Brunner who did a part of the technical happens so often in London that we don’t take survey for the electricity works is rather delightful! any notice, or blame paranormal forces—appar­ “It is downright depressing to have to think that ently German telephones are better behaved!) In it can be of catastrophic effect in technical installa­ spite of scrutiny—even to a change of apparatus— tions, that through the influence of such forces all the firm of Siemens could find no defect. So the sorts of reactions can be caused which take place post office was called in. They replaced the whole beyond the will of responsible persons. Solely on installation and set up the new apparatus with a this ground, it would be desirable in the public fee-counter. From this it became evident that the interest if the relevant sciences could succeed in counter recorded calls which had never been made. enlightening us as to the nature of the obscure No explanation for this could be found. On connections involved”. In other words it is October 31 a new apparatus was again installed. outrageous to the materialistic mind to think that After this the breakdowns ceased. The interference psychological forces can disrupt or interfere with now transferred its attention to the electric power the normal working of electrical or mechanical supply. This showed itself by the blacking-out of installations. Too bad indeed! • . • neon tubes with a loud bang, and by the blowing The extreme importance of this case is that it of automatic fuses. Finally even electric light bulbs was extensively observed and scientifically tested exploded. Very surprising was the fact that after­ and recorded, and is first-class evidence of PK, but wards the neon tubes were found to be twisted the ‘relevant sciences’ still don’t know the answer! 90 degrees in their sockets, a quite inexplicable phenomenon, because the rooms are some 10 feet GALILEE high, and the lamps can only be reached with steps. A scrutiny of the wiring in the power supply Oh lovely hills of Galilee, revealed no defects. On the other hand, ammeters, Enthroned in time’s blue distant scene, which were installed, recorded up to 50 amps Roll gently down to that dear sea— without the fuses blowing. A perfect setting for His Theme. A third form of disturbance now began-;—of a To feed this sea with water cool, more psychical nature—lamps and later pictures The Jordan river silent flows began to swing. As so often happens in these cases And. while His Presence lingers still, the actual beginning of the movement is never The air with wondrous beauty glows. noticed, partly because observers do not of course know which object is going to be affected next. And all around is charged with power Peculiarly striking was the fact that a filing As from these hills He calls to men, cabinet weighing about 350 kilograms moved some To meet the challenge of the hour 11 inches away from the wall—striking, because And give to Earth His Peace again. the only two people present at the time were two Many are called, but few will hear— female clerks, (H) aged 17, and (S) aged 18, Self makes demands, and many fail: respectively. It was quite impossible for these two The Peace of God—or mortal fear— girls to have moved this cabinet, because it took Tis ours to choose which shall prevail. two full grown men to do so with great difficulty. The solution appears to be one of a typical Above the Hills of Galilee, adolescent poltergeist focus, in this case Miss S. Enthroned in time’s blue distant scene, The phenomena—with two exceptions—only occur­ He waits in patient Love to see red when she was present. She has now been His work complete in you and me. dismissed by the lawyer, and the phenomena have R. P. Beesley. ceased. We do not know whether the phenomena (Sung to the tune ‘Galilee’). 11 MY HEAVEN OR THEIRS? Carpenter, Archdeacon of Westminster, presided by over a meeting arranged by the Catholic Study Dudley Alexander Circle for Animal Welfare. This Society was I have so often heard or read of people com­ founded by an Anglican, Mrs. Dixon Davies, and plaining that no idea is ever put forward definitely through the initiative of Cardinal Bourne was later as to the kind of future life to which we can look given a constitution. It has always been ecumenical. forward. It appears to me that even those who Also, its principal ofiicers are Churches’ Fellowship “return from the Other Side” mostly only give us members; Canon Carpenter, hon. treasurer; Miss the idea that they are “being trained” for certain Ruth Plant, hon. publicity officer; and Sir George work. They do not seem to have “gone over” with Trevelyan, one of the Society’s delegates to the any scheme of work which they might have started Pope. Sir George also will preside at a four-day on earth, and which they might have asked to be conference of the Society at Attingham Park in allowed to continue. June. I have always loved horses and dogs, and I pray The Society has had three pilgrimages to and believe that when I pass on, I shall find myself Lourdes, where members were permitted to carry in “The Happy Lands”—a heaven made for them, their banner in the processions publicising the and to which they will be allowed to refuse entry animals’ cause. On October 4 each year—St. except to those humans who have loved and Francis Day and World Day for Animals—mem­ understood them. bers of all denominations attend services with And I hope to find in those “Happy Lands” a special emphasis on the animal cause, and at one world where the word “Self” is unknown, and its Anglican church — St. Francis, Barkingside — heavenliness is to love and be loved by our beautiful animals, including a horse, came into the church for companions and friends. I expect to find also that a special blessing. all the animals there will have evolved to a state Many conferences are arranged to keep members when their intelligence is equal to ours, and that we up to date with immediate problems and suggest shall be able to converse together—probably by any positive action that can be taken to alleviate thought transference. suffering. Our Churches’ Fellowship representative I like to think that we shall have no power over on the Society is Miss Ruth Plant, The Crippetts, them, and that we shall just be friends, trusting and Jordans, Beaconsfield, Bucks. loving each other. All around us our dogs will be ranging far and wide, and I am sure that our dear dogs and horses are just as much Christ’s as we are, MEMBERS’ PSYCHIC EXPERIENCES for after all He made them! I was living in a cottage we had just built at Then will be the time to bow our heads in Peterchurch. One day we decided that we were gratitude, and to ask for His blessing on our work tired of heavy work, making a garden, moving of healing and comforting all those poor creatures house etc., and took our lunch out to the hill coming over in pain of body or mind, largely caused on the opposite side of the valley. by man’s brutality. Soon after lunch a cold wind blew up and During the summer months I used to put my we left for home. A bright sun was shining and dear old pony, Bubbles, into her loose-box in the it was about 1.30 p.m. when we started back. daytime, and she would lie down happily in the We came down the road from Michaelchurch straw, and I would go in and kneel down at her Esckley over the river Dore, winding past Vow­ shoulder, with my arm round her neck, and she church church and school where the road would go to sleep and dream, with her muzzle on straightens out. There is a deep ditch on the my knees. “The Happy Lands” were very near left (now filled in) and a high bank on the right. then! About 100 yards away an old woman was {This article in rather longer form, has been advancing briskly towards us down the very reproduced as a folder with a coloured illustration on middle of the road. As she came nearer I the cover by Ninette Butterworth, whose Christmas could see that she was wearing a felt hat tied cards are familiar to many people). on with a rough rag—the usual clothes of any working woman. She was carrying in her left THE CHURCH ASSEMBLY AND ANIMAL hand a red wicker basket full of groceries. She WELFARE continued her walk in the middle of the road leaving no room to pass on either side! Morjorie, The Board for Social Responsibility in the preferring the bank to the deep wet ditch, swung has had a commission sitting the car over to the right hand side. The old recently on “Man and His Environment”, which lady had her bright blue eyes fixed on mine and has a special section on animal welfare. A whole was in front of, and almost touching, the left day was taken up in debate on this section. wing of the car. Instinctively I looked away for In April one of our patrons, Canon Edward a second and turned round to see her just past 12 the back of the car and watched her turn into SELF-KNOWLEDGE her cottage gate. We both gave a gasp of By E. Joy Wragg relief and said, “Well she’ll be for it one of these days.” How to attain to self-knowledge is a problem The next day we saw in the ‘Hereford Times’ for everyone. It is not a problem that can be that this old lady had been killed by a lorry on solved once and for all, as the self never becomes this spot two days before we saw her. static and fixed at one particular point in a Marjorie Pugh. lifetime. One’s self is always changing because it is associated with a living, developing organism. On August 16th last, our second son Martin Self-knowledge has to grow and develop along­ was married to Margaret Fell at the Parish side the self as it grows and develops. Church of S. Mary Magdalene, Richmond, Surrey. People generally have the idea that one can A professional photographer took the custom­ get a measure of self-knowledge through intro­ ary photographs before and after the ceremony. spection, looking within at one’s thoughts and Of the 36 prints from the exposures we noticed feelings and memories. But it is not so simple a psychic extra on my face in one group photo­ as that, although many people try it from time graph. When the album of finished prints to time. arrived last weekend, all the photographs are To take an example. I have memories of perfect except the one indicated shewing that the myself looking at someone else doing a job in extra must be on the negative. a clumsy, roundabout fashion. This situation Studyisg the extra with the help of a magni­ stimulated me to suggest a better way of doing fying glass, I suddenly was impressed to turn that particular job. Perhaps, on occasion, I the photograph upside down, and made out the have even taken over a job to show what I mean features of another face with moustache on my in a practical way. Perhaps I have done this kind chin and beard falling over my forehead. This of thing too often. For I remember a young face I’m convinced was that of Cardinal Roberto friend saying, “You always think my ways are Francisco Ballarmine (1542-1621) who has been wrong.” Or more bitterly, someone else saying, a very strong influence in my life. “I wish you wouldn’t interfere.” Eileen Palmer. If I am wise, I hold my tongue after apolo­ gising and try to be less interfering in the future and only offer help when invited, even ignoring someone’s sigh of bafflement or despair. So through remembering such processes and reflect­ “WHITE LODGE” ing on them, people expect to achieve some measure of self-knowledge. But remembered SPELDHURST, experiences have lost their freshness and are Nr. TUNBRIDGE WELLS, KENT conditioned by subsequent thoughts and feelings. Telephone: SPELDHURST 166 Moreover, we do not recognise the changes time has brought about in us, nor allow for them as If you are seeking retreat for a while from modem turmoil we shall be happy to welcome we reflect on memories of the past. you to our lovely house, which lies in a most It is doubtful too, whether self-analysis even beautiful setting of trees and lawns and is with help of a psychiatrist is the best way of designed to help you to find attunement and achieving self-knowledge. Analysis is a process spiritual regeneration. of breaking things down into parts, but to know There are daily meditation periods as well as a healing service each week and taped the parts is not necessarily to know the whole. recordings or Mr. Beesley’s lectures are avail­ A scientist may state that water consists of H2O. able on request. In addition, if anyone wishes True enough, but that does not really tell us to have a personal interview, this can be anything about the nature and function of water. arranged. There is a house of meditation for private I have observed that I have a propensity to use in the grounds and quiet spots in the interfere with other people’s doings. I may be gardens for those seeking seclusion. convinced of it and make sincere efforts to cease Courses of study in Mr. Beesley’s methods interfering, but I am still quite ignorant of of healing are arranged from time to time for those who wish to prepare themselves for why I am sometimes tempted to interfere. I am service. ignorant of what my relationship is or ought to The house is centrally heated. Each room be with the other person. I may not have has a lovely view, as well as interior sprung grasped what the whole situation really is at all. beds and hot and cold water, and meals are wholly vegetarian. The new problem is how to achieve a pene­ A brochure will be sent on receipt of a s.a.e. trating and unbiased introspection as things happen, so that the “I” as observer and the “I” as actor or doer and the attendant circumstances, 13 in which both “I’s” are involved, are all equally is capable of detached self-knowledge, self­ part of my full consciousness. In other words, control and reverence for that divine self within instead of examining and analysing memories of all men, including oneself. experiences and thoughts about oneself, one simply looks at oneself, moment by moment, never anticipating future action or reaction, TIMES OF TESTING never looking into the past, but looking at one­ Apart from the deeper soul-testing, most periods self at the present moment, so that in that moment of testing and crisis, in the early stages at least, if one is completely aware of oneself in the situa­ viewed objectively and logically can be seen as tion at that moment. If one can look in this way, opportunities presented for the purpose of putting without premeditation, without thought or action, our spiritual strength, power and understanding memory or sense of time, this honest looking at (attained as yet on the mind level only) into mani­ the whole may bring about an entirely new festation and expression here on the plane of sense of self-awareness. In the moment of complete everyday living. For, having ascended up into self-awareness, there is complete self-revelation— heaven as it were: to the mountain top of illumina­ self-knowledge of a wholeness never attained by tion to some degree by the faithful discipline and analysis of stale memories. application of meditation, we have, as an imitation This can only be discovered by practising this of Christ, to come down again and manifest in the constant looking within and around, moment by flesh. As Christians we must be able to prove our moment. As I practised it I wondered what I discipleship in the flesh, in earthly conditions, might discover about myself that I had not known otherwise we are no different from the “un­ before. I was willing to pay attention to any­ awakened”—we cannot “see” the Christ and His thing that happened to me while it was happening Coming; we preach but do not practise. If we —just to look at it—not to evaluate it or analyse stand firm and see our difficulties, our problems, in it in any way. this light it will be much easier. What is more it is On one occasion, I had been writing for our very stand in faith and our attempt to link-up some time, and was absorbed in thinking out with the Christ forces that has drawn forth the very a problem. But I was interrupted and called conditions necessary for substantiation. into another room. On the way, someone asked The ‘dryness’ in prayer and periods of aridity me a trivial question. My reaction was a flash the disciple undergoes after the first phase of of anger and an urge to sweep aside the intruding Illumination is a testing period but these are not question as ridiculous. But my alert observing real trials as such. Here we are once again being self immediately cognised the whole situation. shown the life we had when unawakened and thus I stopped dead as it were, overwhelmed, “Why this, too, is a victory for it is a testimony to that this sudden anger?” The answer came at the which we have learnt and experienced. They show same instant. “I hadn’t switched off.” that we can no longer live as previously without the How obvious it seemed afterwards. I had divine Light and Life consciously within us. We left my desk, but I had taken my problem with have to know what is, seemingly, ‘not-God’ in me and so was not living in complete readiness order to desire God and love God. Later we for the next situation as it arose. Never before receive our true testing, but, always, it is drawn had I seen so clearly how important it is on every forth from personal conditions and from forces occasion to be calmly alert and ready to adjust that we, ourselves, have set in motion. Many more to any circumstance of life as it occurs. are being tested and tried in this fashion today and are achieving liberation and freedom and are being Incidentally, in such moments complete self- strengthened by the helpers which are, indeed, awareness one sees oneself and the situation many for we are encompassed with a cloud of entire. There is no time-sequence. One knows the witnesses. It is indeed a high privilege to have our WHOLE instantaneously. Actually, there was faith and discipleship put to the test and examine no ‘question’ and no ‘answer.’ They came after­ ourselves in the light of test conditions. wards when attempting to put the experience After the first phase of ‘testing’. . . this word is into words. used but later is seen in a different light, a deeper What one might call, immediate introspection, aspect... for as yet the ego-self (still perhaps being or instant self-knowledge inevitably leads to self­ strong in us) may feel it has obtained some glory control. Tennyson associated a third state with in undergoing such a test. Sometimes, even, it may self-knowledge and self-control—the state or feel it is suffering for the world, for world or condition of self-reverence. This form of de­ planetary karma, for Christ and, in so doing, tached affection for oneself is necessary, as with­ earning initiation. Later the suffering and trials out it one cannot know compassionate affection may be seen as the Cross—the bearing of humanity’s for one’s neighbours. It seems that to love one’s sins in some small measure with Christ. Although neighbour as oneself is only possible when one in one sense it may be that we are taking a share in 14 the burden (and who has not partaken in the chaos, We know, of course, that the natural unregener­ the web of aggression, negativity, depression, weak­ ate life is made up of problems. Remove number ness, evil in sending forth the destructive energies one problem and number two problem takes its in thought and action?)—we must keep our sense place, assuming gigantic proportions as I know to of proportion by keeping our eyes on the Cross or my cost. Therefore, we must look to the cause as the Crucified. Later we shall see that the Mote in stated before. “The fault, dear Brutus, is in our own eye, our own sins and weaknesses overrule ourselves.” Yes, we are seen, ultimately, to be the those of others and this itself promotes humility cause and the problem usually our own reflection and annihilates any self-glorification. Also there is hard though it may be to grasp this when our the point that those who have not started to evolve problem is so near and we are so involved. spiritually have less responsibility than we, in their For many of us our present spiritual trials may blindness, and the fact that they will pay for their mean being faced with a difficult person, a difficult ‘sin’ later will aid us in tolerance for we inevitably problem. We have to learn to agree with the reap what we have sown as the Master stated, and adversary, thus demolishing its power and then the Old Testament, Obadiah, ch. 1, v. 15: “ ... as hand all over at the door of the kingdom within. thou hast done, it shall be done unto thee; thy This takes the problem out of our minds—and at reward shall return unto thine own head”. that moment it is solved. The inner teaching of all religions, epitomised Consider that God is good, perfect and therefore and exemplified in Christ Jesus, all agree in their cannot create imperfection but only perfection mystical philosophy. The Indian teachings, the and can only see perfection. We mirror our own sages and seers, speak of karmic retribution, self­ imperfections in others and in our problems and enquiry (vichara) as did all the mystery religions in draw them from situations, from people. The their initiations through to the ancient Greeks who clearer the mirror, the clearer the life and the more had inscribed over their temple door: “Know peace and freedom. (We may even have an Thyself”. Jesus knew “all that was in man” and unconscious crisis-wish or illness-wish as some the disciple following, in imitation of the Christlife, have an unconscious death-wish ... the problems learns to accept his reaping, knowing what is in of both sickness and suffering can be very deep himself through the clear mirror of Christ. and, again, we must not judge. Yet, we learn, eventually, having accepted our probationary Thus we see, too, that we must not judge, for ... lessons, paradoxically not to accept any more “with what judgement ye mete . . .” The manner problems ... to be detached or unattached from and method of the judgement we mete to another problems. Then they do not exist, cannot exist, will be the manner and method of our own judging. but this is an advanced state of spiritual maturity. One sees, quite suddenly, that one is forever It comes from many experiences of agreeing with the meeting oneself and one’s own projections, facing adversary and handing them over in double-quick oneself in the universe: one’s own sowings and time. One learns to detach oneself from weak reapings. If one accepts them willingly, agreeing emotions, temper, irritation, worry, crisis and thus with our adversary and looking unto our Master problems have no power over us and disappear. Christ who has overcome sin and the world ... if But this practice comes only through the ever­ one faces these steadfastly they shrivel into nothing­ deepening of our spiritual life and experience and ness and our ghosts are eternally laid. Turn away through being ‘found’ and thus rooted in our Centre instead and they will magnify—become fearsome —having achieved what in the East is called and assume gigantic proportions. Samadhi and in the West as spiritual betrothal So one comes to see that all one faces in the leading to the spiritual marriage or, living always universe and in the trials and sufferings are one’s from the Centre. own past evils in differing form: the many faces of Admittedly at first students may feel it hard to the ego and its chain-reactions. Understanding “work over” these problems by acceptance and by and freedom comes with facing, agreeing with one’s surrendering to the Christ as they link up in an ever­ adversary. It is here in the depths that the cry deepening communion with Him and His Forces of must be made for deliverance. Who, then, but Light, but it is a path we all travel and, at this time, Christ can answer? He it is who has overcome all the Forces are urging us on with this Coming that that can face man and can lead man on to his Tudor-Pole so aptly described. Christhood. One learns to bless the seeming It helps to try and realise only the inward divine enemies for they, themselves, are our lessons, our in each person and situation (later we see only the teacher, our guru and are used to shape our spiritual divine, the Christ). The outward difficult person character. Through this, serving humanity as our may be our own reflection and faults or a scapegoat planetary Body, as co-workers with Christ, be­ for our guilt-complex or even an excuse for martyr­ comes not just a repayment for one’s sins but a dom and self-suffering. When we pray for them helping in a small way towards the balancing of the and bless them in Christ’s Name we see them in a Light-forces. new light, through this intercommunion. Thus, 15 again, we learn a new lesson as, by our spiritual Though we may find joy and wisdom, and indeed growth towards the full stature of Christ we become great help and intuitive learning in ancient teach­ more tolerant, charitable, compassionate and per­ ings, books and philosophies can we call on them ceptive, realising, too, that perhaps the difficult for help in our darkest hour? Can we call on them person may be a ‘lost person’, bitterly unhappy in our spiritual agony and can they help us to drink inside and who lacks our own inner security and the bitter cup? Can we really call upon a teacher peace. They may have been deeply hurt, have an or a guide, on overself, higher self, principle, life aching void and are hitting back at the world. This force? Where is our help in our darkest hour? ‘difficult’ aspect could well be a cry of help as, for The answer is that there is only one who can instance, the child who is always demanding deliver, can succour and strengthen. We cannot attention by being naughty. Or, indeed, they may serve two masters or teachers. We arrive at unity have been chosen for this purpose in our incarna­ in diversity, at “oneness” rather than diffusion and tion and thus are a blessing in disguise. Once we diversification. We find then, as Christians, there grasp these principles our insight enables us to is but One to call upon—the Lord Jesus Christ perceive the situation in its true light and, instead who is the way, who became the way and whom we of concentrating on our own sense of grievance we know. And the Father (for “I and My Father are can then reach forward to help. We must, however, One”). We call upon the Christ who became man reject the idea that all suffering is caused by karmic and ascended into divine being (as He had descen­ propensities ... we must never judge another . . . ded) and we are saved. We need victory and for as Jesus said it is not always so for sometimes victory is His Life in us. It is our darkest moments it is for the glory of God and the redemption of that are a crucial test of faith—however much others thereby. True it is that, later we will see all knowledge and wisdom of mind and intellect we our own difficulties as stepping-stones to liberation have—and then we understand why Peter is called or, as the chisel that helps to carve our perfection. the Rock. The Rock of realisation that “sees” the Do not despise the chisel!!! So, eventually, as Christ—the realisation founded on God Immanent pilgrims we will see that these have been our greatest and Transcendent. When we really see Christ as blessings and wonder at their former power over Lord by seeing this simple Truth which is always us. That difficult person, that crisis, that suffering coming, always here, and which the forces of the (it is self that suffers) was the very media by which man-projected world always seek to slay, to we were found in God and liberated. crucify, to nullify, we are indeed ‘found’. And The main importance is, that in order to be given seeing Christ as Lord we know God only as Love the strength and vision to come to this liberation and can have no fear. If we feel the Christ-forces we increasingly draw from our daily meditative are too deep for us we must realise these Christ- contemplation and, as we learn to go within during forces are Love and then fear is cast out. Only the day also—having laid all our problems and the those who have been tested and tried in the fire— whole day at the door within—so, in proportion the fire that is Love can really know God in Christ will our strength be, our spiritual growth and and the true Oneness of Life—“they that are Christs perception. We will find increasingly that the Lord at His Coming”. has indeed gone before us in our everyday affairs and the way is made wonderfully smooth. As we come increasingly closer to the spiritual so it READERS’ FORUM reflects in our outer life and we learn to ask nothing of God save to love and to serve. As we Voices from Radio come closer to the Christ within so we learn to see Christ increasingly in the outer. That which is For a few years I have been hearing voices, released in heaven is made manifest on earth, in apparently coming from my transistor set when it is the flesh. At first it is easier to “see” Christ in the switched off. This happens about 2 a.m. I keep disciple than God made manifest in man, ordinary the set by my bed and although the voices are faint man, but joy and perfect freedom come as one does they waken me up. recognise and serve and commune. Sometimes I hear faint conversations going on When we are really “encompassed” with our among a number of people with occasional laughter; enemies of fear and doubt; when we are, as can then there seems to be a lecture of speech in happen, assailed by psychic or demonic forces or progress. I have only been able to catch a word even may feel down the bottomless pit or abyss and here and there. If I switch the set on, there is in eternal hell . . . where then is our strength? In silence at once. such soul-trials (which show that our redemption I wrote to the B.B.C. “Who Knows” panel a few draweth nigh) we have neither the strength nor the years ago to see if they could offer any explanation. power to agree or accept or transcend. Where then The answer they gave over the air was that when a is our strength and our deliverance? On whom do wireless set is switched off it can act like a crystal we call? set, and as I was living at Aidershot it could be 16 picking up something from the Army, or the Royal letters let me say that I am sure the people who Aircraft Establishment at Farnborough. ask this question must realise that there are I am now living in Eastbourne and occasionally sensitives with high intellect—they can only be still hear the 2 a.m. voices. generalising). After reading about the Raudive Voices in the Well, having thought about it since it seems March Quarterly Review I wondered whether a to be a point which is recurring, I am wondering switched-off set could act in any way like Dr. whether it is a pointer to the fact that generally Raudive’s tape recorder. One difference is that the speaking we give too much acclaim to the voices I hear are not aware of me. Do other people intellect anyway and do not give enough to the hear them, I wonder? emotions, intuitions, the sensitive side of man. Eastbourne, (Mrs.) Maude Newton. In this age of Degrees and all the talk of educa­ Sussex. tion and the development of the brain is it not time that we should balance up a bit and turn Telepathic Rapport our attention to the other side of man? There has been considerable mention in the This is the law of supply and demand coming Quarterly Review of Rosemary Brown’s alleged into effect. The youth are demanding the nourish­ mediumship in producing musical compositions in ment of their souls to balance up this material the style of some of the great composers. In this highly intellectual age. connection reference has been made to the difficulty Until those people who judge only with their of the communicators in “getting through” the intellect begin to feel and know with their souls subconscious mind of the medium, of the conse­ there is no hope for humanity; is this not so? quent befogging of their consciousness, etc., etc. Seeing the rarity of good telepathic rapport and We need a balance in all things. communication between the living what logical Wendy Mason. reason is there to suppose that it is easier between Winchester, dead and living, or between dead and dead for that matter, in which case how rare must be a real Raudive Voices “communication”. ‘Telepathy’ is taken for granted as an existing fact, also other ideas which are As a trained radio and television engineer, I feel given names and so come to be regarded as truths I must criticise the report in your last issue, which, whereas in fact they may have no correspondence although written for the non-technically minded, with reality at all. My own experiences with could have explained more clearly the test conditions mediums would rather incline me to the opinion, under which the experiments were carried out. and of course it is still only opinion, that ‘telepathy’ For instance, it was stated that a Faraday cage does not fit the bill. If this is so, all this talk about was used to provide electromagnetic screening. In ‘befogged consciousness’ will not do. I think more fact, a Faraday cage provides electrostatic screen­ attention should be paid to the conception of the ing. A transmitted radio signal does contain both universal—collective unconsciousness—(still only electromagnetic and electrostatic waves, but it is names for what we do not understand). This only necessary to receive the electromagnetic survival of the human “personality”—(another content of the signal for a receiver to work. If undefined term) in any form in which it might be then, as I presume, the cage was used to provide recognisable would then indeed be a puzzle. Dr. screening from radio waves, it would not have been Crookall’s researches would seem to be of great of any use, and in any case, spurious radio fre­ value here, and perhaps if we pondered on some of quency signals could have been introduced into the the concepts which we take for granted when speak­ instrument by its connection to the mains power ing of life after death and decided whether they supply. were really valid or not, we should not have to I make the above comments, because, in use, an postulate difficulties to account for the apparent instrument such as a tape recorder or record player failure of our theories to fit the facts. I agree with will under certain conditions pick up and amplify Mrs. Lester that automatic writing is one of the these signals and, in the case of a tape recorder, most fruitful fields in which fantasy may run riot. superimpose these on a magnetic tape. In fact, in Leigh-on-Sea, W. G. de Baughn. the industry, occurrences of this nature are not Essex. infrequent and are generally easily corrected. The fault normally takes the form of a “dry” joint or Too Much Intellect? faulty connection, having the property of rectifica­ tion of radio frequency signals, which are then fed I have had it said to me now many times into the rest of the circuit and amplified. “Why is it that a large majority of sensitives seem to emanate from people without a particularly I am not disputing the possibility that the high intellect?” (Before there are hundreds of “voices” were genuine spirit voices, but merely 17 pointing out that from a purely technical viewpoint the ground to mark the spot. It was of Syrian the presentation of the report leaves a great deal thorn and took root and blossomed at Christmas. to be desired. “That is the legend,” concluded the lady, “but Exeter, Christopher Howard. we who live here know it is true. One can’t Devon. be mistaken about a thing like that.” Purple Colour So the answer to the well-known hymn, Blake’s “Jerusalem” (tune Glastonbury) In your last issue the Rev. Trevor C. Green asks if any reader could explain the significance of his “And did those feet in ancient time Walk upon England’s mountains green? son’s “purple preference”. I cannot explain the And was the Holy Lamb of God significance but I share the experience. I am now In England’s pleasant pastures seen?” 85 (and nearly blind). Purple has been an absolute is “Yes.” One can’t be mistaken about a thing reality to me since my early childhood. It seems to like that. have the quality of “Life”, as no other colour does. Brecon, (Mrs.) Marion Holbourn. Except green—all other colours are just “colours” S. Wales. to me; but purple has personality, purpose, life as well as mystic beauty. As a child if I was hurt or (This legend is of course well-known.—Ed.) frightened I would “mock-up” purple. It would envelop me and I would feel safe and unafraid. “On the Resurrection Morn” Now I invariably use it for healing. I first get the Do you not think it is time that the Easter hymn sensation of quiet peace stealing over me like a “On the Resurrection Morn . . .” should be gentle wave—but no sound. It is absolute quiet. taken out of church hymn books? Surely the When I sit at the bedside of a dying person, I young people who attend church today, do not “see” hands wafting gossamer veils of transparent agree with what is written in this hymn ? We, of the material over the bed. They are always purple, C.F.P.S.S. know for certain that such words are but sometimes the light or the transparency tapers not true. Are Moses and Elias, who appeared with to pale violet. I think the purpose is to assist the Our Lord on the Mount of Transfiguration, still departing spirit to pass in peace. awaiting the time when they will once more have I find that every colour is en rapport with its ‘soul and body reunited’? Cannot something be own musical note, but I have not studied this done to take such hymns out of church hymn deeply. books ? York Street, W. Adair-Roberts. St. Leonards-on-Sea, (Mrs.) L. R. Thomas. London, W.l. Sussex.

The Glastonbury Legend THE B.B.C. and C.F.P.S.S. In his description of a pilgrimage to Glaston­ On B.B.C. 1 Canon Pearce-Higgins discussed bury Mr. Atkinson makes no mention of the with Rosalind Heywood the subject of Survival legend which impressed me most when I visited on the 6.15 Sunday evening programme on May the place some years ago. 3rd. The following Sunday, on the same pro­ I came out from the ruins like one in a dream, gramme, the Rev. Dr. K. G. Cuming was inter­ and crossed the road to a little tea-shop. I was viewed in a feature covering different aspects of the only customer, and the charming lady who Healing. served me, realising that I was deeply impressed It was unfortunate that he was not given the by the holy place, asked me whether I knew opportunity of replying to Dr. Louis Rose’s that Our Lord had once visited Glastonbury. I incorrect remark regarding Dr. Carl Wickland’s am afraid that I felt a little sceptical at first, work, as recorded in “Thirty Years Among the but not for long. She told me that Joseph of Dead.” These were not cases of devil possession, Arimathea was a tinsmith, and every year he as stated, but rather cases of unenlightened, lonely sailed from Palestine to buy tin from the Cornish and ignorant spirits who did not realise they were mines. One year he brought with him his nephew dead, and who were causing so much harm to Jesus, then a lad of 17. They encountered a mental patients. storm and put in for shelter to Glastonbury which Mrs. Lester has collected many examples of such was then an island—the Isle of Avalon. possession from the experiences of members of They were storm-bound for ten days, and the Fellowship, since she formed the Mental Jesus wandered about the place making friends Illness Healing sub-committee. with the people, who loved him. On May 7th Col. Lester was interviewed by After the Crucifixion Joseph called to tell the Radio Nottingham on the Fellowship’s Healing people what had happened. They decided to build work, with special reference to the Healing Medi­ a little church to his memory. Joseph chose the tation Services which he and Mrs. Lester were site for the high altar and stuck his staff into conducting in the Churches. 18 which can be rendered through the psychic field) in cases where the suspected cause of the trouble was by outside and unseen influences, i.e. by pos­ session. Qualified psychiatric and medical members serve on this committee. Medical section. (Formed in June 1969)— composed entirely of doctors, with the object of studying the mechanics of spiritual healing.

Healing Services Regular healing services, with a clinic and counselling by a doctor in charge, are held on Mondays (2.30 to 4 p.m. and 6.30 to 8 p.m.) at Lambeth Healing Mission, London. Enquiries should be made of Mrs. Gwen Bacon, 39, Lexham Gardens, London, W.8. or to Fellowship H.Q. (’phone 01-834 4329). Isle of Iona Healing Services, with laying-on of hands, are taken whenever and wherever possible by the ST. COLUMBA HOTEL, next to ABBEY, and the smaller ARGYLL HOTEL on seashore offer a Rev. Dr. Kenneth Cuming (M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P.), peaceful holiday In homely atmosphere, with superb and Healing Meditation Services with laying-on views of Inner Hebrides. of hands and intercessory prayer are also taken Brochures from Mr. and Mrs. JOHN L. WALTERS, in Anglican and Nonconformist churches in Iona 204 and 234. various parts of the country by Lt. Col. and Mrs. R. M. Lester. A list of a panel of speakers on particular subjects is also available on request from H.Q. HEALING WORK OF THE FELLOWSHIP Anyone requiring healing for themselves or (By request, a leaflet summarising the Healing work their friends, either by laying-on of hands or by of the Fellowship has been prepared by Mrs. Lester, intercessory prayer (absent healing), or wishing and may be obtained on application as mentioned to know of the nearest minister, healer, or healing at the end of this article). prayer group, should write to the Hon. Sec., H.C.A.C., Mrs. R. M. Lester, 57, Petitor Road, The aim of the Fellowship is to restore the Torquay, Devon, sending particulars and a “Gifts of the Spirit” (enumerated in 1 Cor. 12) stamped addressed envelope. which were present in the early Church, and among these is the gift of healing. The healing work of the Fellowship is Christ- centred, and it is freely given in His Name to all Our study groups are encouraged to study who ask, whatever their colour or creed. Healing, not only from the Biblical angle and the work of present-day healers, but to develop and practise any gift of healing which they may possess, by prayer and meditation, by laying-on of hands, and also by prayer groups for absent healing or intercessory prayer. PILGRIMAGES AND CONFERENCES The healing work and study is under the guid­ ance and supervision of the main HEALING As we go to press, our Iona Pilgrimage is just CENTRAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE (formed starting. Two very successful Conferences have in 1954). It is composed of clergy, doctors and just ended; our Southern Region Conference at laymen, who meet four times a year. In addition Bournemouth and our Northern Region Confer­ there are several sub-committees, who, if necessary, ence at Scarborough. There was an excellent meet more frequently to study their special area programme of speakers, and a happy atmosphere and interest. These include the Mental Illness throughout. Healing Committee (formed in 1965). Full reports of all these events will be given in This was inaugurated primarily to study, help our next issue, in the Regional News section; as and advise (with special reference to the help well as the forthcoming West Midlands Conference. 19 NORFOLK & HEALING TRUST Registered Charity 259183 49 ST. PHILIP’S ROAD, NORWICH, NOR 87G Telephone: Norwich 25304 Trustees: The Reverend Michael W. Parker, o.s.l., (Chairman) — Mrs. Sheila M. Drew (Hon. Sec. & Treas.) Mr. Pat T. R. Duffield Patrons: Noel Armstrong — Edwin A. Barnard — Revd. Cyril D. Blount — Anthony Brooke — The Hon. Mrs. Patricia Coghill — Ian Gilmour, m.p. — Robin Harrison — Dr. D. K. Milne Henry, m.d., ph.d. Olive Hudspith — Major E. Giles Lang — The Rt. Hon. Countess of Mayo, d.d., ph.d. — Derek Neville — The Hon. Monica Parish — Dr. I. C. B. Pearce — Mabel Poster, s.r.n. — May Ranger June Rawlings, s.r.n., h.v., q.n. — Rt. Revd. M. D. Srinivasan, b.d. — Connie Winn Dr. Christopher Woodard Private consultations for healing, etc., with the Rev. Michael Wynne Parker Postal Help Absent Healing All enquiries welcome WE HAVE GREAT WORK TO DO PLEASE SUPPORT US We ask for your prayer and financial help (Covenant forms available) Also available: Time to Reflect, by Michael W. Parker. Price 2s. 6d. “This is a delightful book, full of comfort and strength and wisdom”.—Canon Gilbert Thurlow, Vice-Dean, .

Are you searching for this ? A central London centre for private interviews with sensitives in a peaceful atmosphere Weekly lectures of high standard, offering a complete cross-section of the psychic field from research to mysticism (Including joint lectures with the Churches' Fellowship) FRIENDLY ADVICE ON PRIVATE PSYCHIC PROBLEMS (BY APPOINTMENT) OPPORTUNITY FOR MEDITATION & PRACTISE OF SPIRITUAL HEALING FINEST PSYCHIC LIBRARY IN ENGLAND (OVER 10,000 VOLS) QUARTERLY JOURNAL LIGHT (Free to members) Apply for Membership: COLLEGE OF PSYCHIC SCIENCE 16, Queensberry Place, South Kensington (3 mins. Tube) Phone 589-3292/3 The College holds no corporate opinion, is not a Spiritualist organisation, and invites members to investigate to form their own private views.

20 guides. The style is easy, but repetitive and wordy, ^BOOK REVIEWS j and one feels that the book could with advantage be condensed to half the size. At the same time it contains a valuable lesson for all involved in Christian witness today, that Beyond the Stars, by Richard Hall. (Mitre Press. ‘Love is the Key’, and that ‘The joining of those Price 12s. net). who link in love is of the utmost importance in this This book of poems, by Richard Hall, will be dark world’. welcomed by many of his friends. They are original E.V.R. in style, sometimes down to earth, sometimes reaching for the stars. Explore Your Psychic World, by Ambrose and Olga To criticise a poet is a difficult task, for every Worrall. (Harper & Row, $4.95). artist, in whatever medium he is working, must be Our many readers who have read the previous himself, and, in many instances, above his critics. book The Gift of Healing, by these dedicated and In this book we encounter a man who is honestly gifted healers, will look forward with pleasurable struggling to express reality through words. This anticipation to this new book by this husband-and- explains the rough caste and metre which we find wife team. here and there. The present book is based on a series of seminars We may perhaps think that certain dramatic on spiritual healing conducted by the Worrails in pictures might have been expressed better in prose. New York, and those taking part in the discussions Personally I like them and feel their strong impact, included psychiatrists, scientists, medical school and I can honestly recommend this book to anyone professors and para-psychologists. The range of who can see beneath the surface of things and can topics touch on many major fields of extra-sensory grasp the inner meaning of the struggle. perception, including one’s aura, prayer healing, The long poem, “Custodian of the Portal”, is a possession, psychometry, prediction, etc. courageous attempt to be autobiographical—no The Bishop of the Methodist Church,Washing­ easy thing in verse, but Richard Hall has a mastery ton, writes: “This book is steeped in spiritual and of words above the average. psychological insights and knowledge, and never A musician, author, lecturer, minister of religion claims more than has been ‘seen and felt’. . . . and chairman of the C.F.P.S.S. Committee on Written for those who need assurance as well as Mysticism, Richard Hall has great gifts. healing, it can be received as a process of growth, I hope the publication of these poems will be a and the way to new and greater revelation. . . . No great success for him. sensitive reader will escape the rare feeling of being E.E.C. in the company of penetrating minds and hearts”. The River of Light, Teachings, recorded by Jean A thoughtful quotation of St. Augustine opens Marshall, Alison Evans and Peter Marshall. the book: “Miracles do not happen in contradiction (Regency Press. 35s.). to Nature, but only in contradiction to that which The teachings given in this book purport to have is known to us of Nature”. On this, the authors been dictated to a circle of three people, during the comment: “Before the beginning, God brought His year 1968, by a celestial Guide. There are many perfect law into being. This was Causation, the act ‘writings’ which claim to have come from ‘Beyond’. of causing, the introduction of an agency by which It would be well, therefore, in putting forward such an effect is produced. The perfect law makes ‘communications’, to supply as much available possible all creation”. information as possible. We should like to know There are particularly interesting and valuable more about the ‘sitters’, also ‘Gwyneth’ and her chapters on “force fields of healing”, “laws and claim to be called ‘the lifegiver’, a title which, we superlaws”, “you and your universe”, and “a time feel, belongs to the Creator alone. for silence”. The discussion of all these matters at The book contains some very fine Christian the seminars described, opened up a new under­ teaching for everyday life and some trenchant standing by doctors and spiritual healers—a new descriptions of evil propensities in today’s world; interrelationship and even a new interdependence. clear teaching is also given as to the meaning and The authors say that it has opened up “a new day in value of Church Sacraments. which all of us can explore questions that have long The difficulties experienced by souls who enter held mankind captive in his chains of superstition, the life beyond with little or no knowledge of fear, scorn, and ignorance; questions that too spiritual truth, are outlined, and the task of often—because of these chains—we have been ‘helpers’ in bringing them light and aid, is described. afraid to ask”. Hard work is expected! Temptations still assail us! Apart from its general interest to all members, The theology here is confused and the conception this book possesses such excellent matter for of God decidedly crude, but it is shown that en­ discussion that it would prove invaluable to our lightenment comes through many religions and study groups. R.M.L. A Pilgrim’s Progress ... To Peace and Under­ INTERNATIONAL RESEARCH standing. By J. S. Rymer. A recent News Letter of the Parapsychology This is a review of the first seven of a series Foundation of New York contains reports of of pamphlets written by A. Pilgrim, between 1965 research in Britain, Denmark, Finland, France, and 1969. It contains a number of quotations Germany, Italy, India, Israel, the Netherlands, from his writings, to illustrate the account of his South Africa and the U.S.A. spiritual pilgrimage. There are 13 pamphlets A research team from Freiburg University used in all. electronic techniques when investigating polter­ In these well-written little booklets, A. Pilgrim geist cases, Video tape, a voltage meter, infra-red tells us that he was aware of a Call from God rays and an automatic camera were used. in his youth, as a result of which he eventually A meeting on psychic healing was held in New entered the ministry of the Church of England. York under the auspices of the Psychiatric Research As the years passed he began to question many of Foundation. the tenets of the somewhat narrow evangelicalism The Parapsychology Foundation has now been in which he had been brought up and to feel accepted for affiliation to the American Association dissatisfaction in the orthodox teaching of the for the Advancement of Science. This Association Church and its outlook. His mind was expanded has 300 affiliated societies in the fields of science, to see the truths of Christianity in a new light, medicine and engineering. Its objects are “to as was revealed through the study of psychic further the work of scientists, to facilitate co­ science, sensitives and visions. He abandoned operation among them, to improve the effectiveness what seemed to him narrow, limited views and of science in the promotion of human welfare, his conceptions about God, Jesus Christ and the and to increase public understanding and appreci­ Bible underwent a great change. He became ation of the importance and promise of the methods convinced that true Christianity was contained in of science in human progress.” the teachings of Spiritualism, and this led to his P.E.C. being obliged to retire from the ministry. There is much wisdom and good judgment in these little books. It is interesting to follow the author in his mental progress. He is neither REGIONAL OFFICERS credulous nor dogmatic, and naturally, he knows (At the request of many members, names and his religious history and the Bible well. addresses of Regional officers are given hereunder.) One would question his unqualified conviction of the ‘deadness’ of churches. Many who have South-West—(Devon, Cornwall, Somerset and shared his disillusionment have yet realised that Lyme Regis) to Mr. J. E. Atterbury, 14 Bucke- the Church must be assessed apart from its ridge Avenue, Teignmouth, Devon. faulty profession, and it may be that our author, South—(Berks, Dorset (except Lyme Regis), like others, may want to bring his ‘further light Hants, Surrey, West Sussex, Wilts), to Mr. P. N. and truth’ back into the Church! Again, all Pearson, 1 Honeyhill House, Wootton Bassett, could not agree that the complete answer is found Wilts. in Spiritualism, which, to many, has been a South-East—(Kent, East Sussex) to Mr. G. Stone­ stepping-stone to still higher things. E.V.R. man, Dormer Cottage, Coombe Road, Otford, Kent. The Tragedy of the R.101, by Major Oliver Villiers, East Anglia—(Cambs, Essex, Norfolk, Suffolk) to D.s.o. (C.F.P.S.S.). Major E. G. Lang, Three Wells Farm, Blo’Norton, Some years ago a series of articles ran through Diss, Norfolk. our Quarterly Review, consisting of a summarised West Midlands—(Glos, Herefordshire, Shropshire, version of the remarkable communications alleged Staffs, Warwicks, Worcs.) to Mr. S. T. Jones, 73 to have come through from the pilot and his brother Goldthorne Avenue, Wolverhampton, Staffs. officers of the ill-fated R.101 airship, giving highly East Midlands—(Derby, Leics, Lincs, Notts, technical details of the real cause for the disaster. Rutland) to Miss F. P. Harrold, 5 Sheridan Major Villiers has now had a Roneo-ed booklet Close, Lincoln. completed, giving the whole story of all that led up to the disaster and its amazing sequel, together with North—(Cumb’d, Durham, Lancs, Northumber­ extracts from the verbatim reports of the sessions land, Yorks, Westmoreland) to Mr. W. Allen, 134 with the noted sensitive, Eileen Garrett. This, of Smith House Lane, Lightcliffe, Halifax, Yorks. course, is one of the outstanding cases furnishing Scotland—to Mrs. I. Walker, 114 Mosspark Oval, very high evidence for personal survival. Glasgow, S.W.2. The report is available on loan from our Head­ London Home Counties, Wales and Overseas— quarters Library. to Head Office. 22 A FAITH FOR TODAY | the complex; in place of the inefficient came the By Herbert Taylor | efficient, and on the developing physical basis, mind enlarged its capacity, its awareness and Just think of it! understanding. The thought that God is experi­ There might have been nothing at all—no space, mental is not a new one: what is essentially modem no sun, no planets, nothing. is the recognition that God is passing the evolu­ Or there might have been just dead substance tionary responsibility to man himself, and entrust­ with no potentiality to change as time went by. ing to him the high task of conserving, developing How different things actually are! Ours is an and transmitting the treasures of life. unfolding universe of unimaginable immensity Is God benevolent? Is God loving? This is and antiquity—a universe which brought together the characteristic about which people want as­ tihe necessary elements and conditions for life to surance. It is easy for one who has enjoyed a develop on this earth. Only when scientists point full measure of health and happiness to acknow­ out to us the many factors that were essential do ledge the love of God. But what of those who are we appreciate the wonder of their provision. afflicted in one way or another—by illness, injustice, They are too numerous to be described, but a few cruelty, fear, disappointment or grief. Such of them may be mentioned. The earth’s orbit sufferings may be caused by human activity, but had to be in the temperate zone of the solar system, they happen in God’s world. There are also the since life can acclimatize itself to only a limited disasters of nature over which mankind has no range of temperatures. The size of the earth— control; storm, tempest, earthquake, volcanic neither too large nor too small—was important eruption and drought. And for each one of us, to ensure the retention of water and an atmosphere, however fortunate we may have been, there will Radio-activity had to be low, otherwise the com­ come the moment of death which for many plex molecules of which living matter is composed implies annihilation. Is God loving? would soon have been destroyed. The earth’s It is only by listening to those who can speak satellite—the moon—was necessary to control with conviction based on knowledge like Jesus, the rhythm of nature. Moreover, most chemical or the mystics who have had a revelation of the elements had an essential part to play in providing true nature of reality, that we can really believe for life’s needs. that God is love. In “Watcher on the Hills”, Is it not amazing that all the necessary conditions Dr. R. C. Johnson studied the testimony of the and materials with their tremendous potentialities mystic and he was satisfied “one might call the should be available? Does it not suggest to us the mystic the scientist of ultimate things; he is himself operation of a Supreme Intelligence? Is it not both the observer and the instrument. It is he who understandable that Sir James Jeans should write: has verified in his experience that the basic data of “Mind no longer appears as an accidental intruder religion are trustworthy: that God is, that He is into the realm of matter; we are beginning to infinitely beyond us and yet infinitely near, that suspect that we ought to hail it as the creator.” He is Love and Beauty, Wisdom and Goodness— Can we know anything about the Supreme Perfection’s own unutterable Self.” Intelligence as we find it expressed in creation? Jesus used the word “Father” to convey the The first characteristic that may be inferred is benevolence of God, but what made his revela­ dependability. The physical universe behaves in tion the good news that changed the world was his predictable ways were it not so, scientific laws; demonstration that death is not annihilation but could not be enunciated and life would be chaotic. the gate to immortality. Therefore, those tragic No less a scientist than Prof. Einstein declared that human lives that make it so difficult for us to intelligence was manifested throughout all nature; accept belief in the providential care of God that the world was an ordered and comprehensible must be thought of as incomplete, but with hopeful entity, and that he believed in God who revealed possibilities. Fresh experience awaits them. This himself in the orderly harmony of the universe. is not only the teaching of religion; it is the view The beauty in the world around us speaks of the of many academic writers. A careful analysis activity of an artistic mind. Indeed, the glory of of evidence is made by Prof. Hornell Hart in form, colour and sound is sometimes so breath­ “The Enigma of Survival”. At the end of his book taking that we have a sense of a presence and the he writes: experience becomes a revelation of God. “My own conclusion is this: Human personality Another characteristic that may be inferred is does survive bodily death. That is the outcome patience and a willingness to experiment. Over which I find emerging when the strongest anti­ countless years the universe has been the scene of survivalist arguments and the strongest rebuttals a gradual unfolding of latent possibilities. Many are considerd thoroughly with dispassionate open- have been the disappointments, but the successes mindedness.” Similarly Dr. Robert Crookall on our planet enable us to discern a general direc­ asserts in “the Supreme Adventure”: “The whole tion of development. From the simple evolved of the available evidence is explicable only on the 23 hypothesis of the survival of the human soul in THE POWER OF THE SPIRIT It is belief in immortality that sustains faith in the The power of the Spirit is paramount. In fact a Soul Body.” love of God and the worth of each human being. it can also be said that the Power of the Spirit Faith, in this materialistic world, needs to is so limitless, so incalculable that it is the source overcome the widely-held view that mind is only a of all other forms of power. manifestation of the brain in action and that it When we come into possession of this priceless could have no separate existence. We should take note of the views of two scientists who believe realisation our first thought can naturally be that body and mind are different categories. Sir “How can the Power of the Spirit help me”? John Eccles, one of the greatest authorities on the Before this question is answered, two facts brain, has said that its structure suggests it is the concerning this Power are known—as follows— sort of machine that a ghost might operate where the word “ghost” is used to designate any kind of (1) Its presence with us, individually, is constant, agent that defies detection by such apparatus as is whether we recognise this fact to be so or not. used to detect physical agents. (2) Its power is unwavering and if we could A similar conclusion was reached by Sir Charles Sherrington. In “Man on his Nature” he wrote; visualise it, it would be seen that each one of us is “mental phenomena on examination do not seem immersed in an illimitable ocean of spiritual amenable to understanding under physics and substance which is quite invisible. chemistry. I have, therefore, to think of the brain To revert to our question “How can the Power of as an organ of liaison between energy and mind, the Spirit help me”. This spiritual substance can but not a converter of energy into mind or vice versa. We have, it seems to me, to admit that become creative when operated upon by the energy and mind are phenomena of two categories.” thoughts that we think. So, here we are, at the Modern man cannot be blamed if he often feels centre of all power and we find ourselves in the insignificant and ephemeral. The faith that can driving seat and with the ability and freedom to restore meaning and worth recognises his high choose whether we shall drive on the Right or the purpose in this unfolding universe. He shares Left Hand Path. In the driving seat we make with his Ultimate Source the responsibility of full use of our thought and by these means we can producing a better world. Sin is then a failure to measure up to the task and so fall short of his make of our lives what we will by choosing the true potential. And in an evolving world pain type of thought we allow to enter our minds. The and suffering are often the price that must be impact that your thoughts make on the spiritual paid for transformation. The translation of vision substance surrounding you turns these thoughts into reality has never been easy, but burdens are into form and circumstance. lightened when the original inspiration is sustained. Clearly the faith of modern man must not be a What an opportunity to become creative not matter of mere words; it must exert power. It is only to help yourself but to help others too! here that prayer and meditation come into their How to do this? Set aside each day a few minutes own, for it is through them that the will of God for quietude and when all the senses are lulled may be sought and spiritual power gained for its and the peace infiltrates and surrounds you—ask fulfilment. In the west we have tended to stress the Infinite Presence, the Source of all Power, the importance of good deeds, loving service and compassionate involvement. Jesus commended what service can you render to others, and having such conduct. But we seem to have neglected the asked the question, remain quiet a little longer spiritual disciplines that charge the power house. and listen. We are like the disciples of Jesus who could not W. A. Goulden. understand why they could not help a boy who was horribly convulsed. “Cases like this require (from a Tibetan teacher) prayer,” explained the Master. Religion is not an * * * * idea or a theory; it is the life of God in the soul. Teach us, good Lord, to serve Thee as thou COVENANTED SUBSCRIPTIONS deservest; to give and not to count the cost; to Members who are able to do so are asked to fight and not to heed the wounds; to toil and not covenant their subscriptions. It costs them no to seek for rest; to labour and not ask for any more, but the Fellowship benefits from the refunds by the Inland Revenue. Covenant forms will be reward, save that of knowing that we do thy will. gladly forwarded from Headquarters on applica­ Prayer of St. Ignatius Loyola. tion. (1491-1556 Adaptation). 24 AMENDMENTS TO BRANCHES LIST CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS Southern Region Surrey, Caterham Branch: Leader: Rev. Graham Suther­ land, Flat C, Cedar House, 91 High Street, Caterham, (Rates are Is. Od. per word private and 2s. Od. per Surrey. Secretary: Mrs. Louise Zajdlic, 9 Town End, word trade; minimum 25 words. Box numbers Caterham, Surrey. 2s. Od. extra per insertion. Apply to CFPSS Poole Branch: Secretary: Mr. A. J. Kinsman, 18 Mansfield Advertisement Manager, Major Ronald Newton, Close, Parkstone, Dorset. 14 Ashburnham Road, Eastbourne.) Home Counties Region Harrow Branch: Leader: Miss P. Field. Secretary: Mrs. B. McLachlan. DELETE. 'T'HE JENKIN’S, Exeter branch. Away August Middlesex, Harrow Branch: Leader (temporary): Mrs. September K. Saunders, 46 Somervell Road, South Harrow. Secre­ and are willing to let their superbly tary and Treasurer: Mrs. C. E. Brown, 58 Beverley Drive, situated bungalow, rural sea views, to C.F.P.S.S. Edgware, Middlesex. HA8-5NG. couple. Car essential. “Moongate”, Stoke Hill, West Midlands Region Exeter. (Telephone: 75991). Birmingham Branch: Secretary: Mrs. M. Wall. DELETE. Leamington Spa Branch: Secretary: Mrs. Collier. DELETE. Leamington Spa Branch: Secretary: Mrs. Kipling, “Cloister T5 OSE HOUSE, HINDHEAD, SURREY. Noted Crofts”, Leamington Spa, Warwickshire. for first-class vegetarian food-reform catering, South Western Region Regional Secretary (Subscriptions'): Miss F. S. Wood, interesting books and lovely country. H. &. C., “Freshfields”, Morleigh Road, Harbertonford, Nr. Totnes, central heating. Exceptional recommendations. Devon. Good transport, fast trains (Waterloo-Haslemere). Weston-super-Mare Branch: Leader: Mrs. R. J. Richins. Brochure: Mrs. CadouxNicholson. Tel. Hindhead DELETE. East Anglia Region 389. Norwich Brandt: Chairman: The Rev. Parker, o.s.l. DELETE. CHURCHES’ FELLOWSHIP FOR PSYCHI- Leader: Dr. I. C. B. Pearce, b.m.,, m.r.c.s., l.r.c.p., Millfield Roydon Road, Doss, Norfolk. CAL AND SPIRITUAL STUDIES. Applica­ Regional Organiser: Mrs. Lang. Telephone Garboldisham tions for Prospectus and Declaration of Faith may 253. be obtained from Headquarters at 5 Denison House, South-East Region Vauxhall Bridge Rd., London, S.W.l. Brighton Branch: Leader: Mrs. Nancye Marjoriebanks, Flat 2, 7 Third Avenue, Hove, Sussex. Secretary: Mrs. B. Withers, 20 Chalfont Drive, Hove. OVERSEAS ADVERTISEMENT RATES South Africa Display: Outside Back Cover £16 16s. Od. Port Elizabeth: Leader: Dr. B. J. F. Laubscher, 1507 Oasim North, Havelock Street, Port Elizabeth, South Africa. Full page £15 0s. Od. Canada Half Page £9 0s. Od. Liaison Officer: Mrs. Burnett, 1084 Foster Avenue, Quarter Page £5 0s. Od. Cocuitlam, B.C. Eighth Page £3 10s. Od. Vancouver, Point Grey Branch: Secretary: Mrs. O. M. Beaton, 3274 E. Boulevard, Vancouver, B.C. Classified: Trade rate—2s. 6d. per word (minimum 0s. 0d.). Private rate—-Is. Oqfpe imum .). OVERSEAS NEWS Box numbers- Brazil Prepaid Series: Discount of Our member in Sao Paolo, Elsie Dugubras, has same cop sent us an interesting report of the work of the Spiritual Federation there where all help given is free. The Federation is visited by 30,000 to 40,000 each month. Statistics show that 70 per cent are troubled or ill, 20 per cent are dissatisfied with PSYCHO-THERAPEUTIC LECTURES the teachings offered by their religions and 10 per cent are interested in psychic and spiritual matters. A series of lectures will take place at Caxton Lectures are given by professors, teachers, Hall, Westminster during the coming year, by Mr. doctors and those qualified in various subjects. Ronald Beesley, principal of The College of Instruction is given in psychic subjects. Psycho-therapeutics. The title for the series is Healing is given and also taught. The weekly “The Emergence of Cosmic Forces” and the Intercessory Prayer is described as follows: monthly series will cover a wide field of this “It is a quiet, silent meeting, charged with the important subject. Copies of the 11 lectures will be desire to help people, organisations and countries available at 20s. the set on application to the in distress. Others affiliated to the Federation join College Secretary, White Lodge, Speldhurst, Kent. in this work at the same time, thus forming a strong The Caxton Hall dates are the fourth Wednesday and beneficent flow of prayer to those in need”. in each month from May 27 onwards. 25 NEW BOOKS------NEW BOOKS Regency Press SPECIALIST PUBLISHERS IN THE FIELD OF OCCULTISM, SPIRITUALISM, HEALING AND OTHER ALLIED SUBJECTS. AMONGST OUR RECENT TITLES ARE

THE PERENNIAL RELIGION AN ANALYSIS OF SENSE EXPERIENCE By FRANCIS FOSTER By A. R. GLEDHILL The Christ who emerges from this book, though This brilliant study of sense experience and its no longer virgin-bom, is a much nobler and application to life will be acknowledged as defini­ lovable person, more relevant to the modern tive on this fascinating subject. world than the Christ of the Churches. This Hardback 15s. (by post 16s. 6d., USA, etc. book also deals with scientific evidence advanced $3.00) to prove the existence of God. Hardback 45s. (by post 48s., USA, etc., $5.00) LIFE IN THE HEREAFTER By ELIZABETH M. THOMPSON Intimate details of life after death from Sir Walter A FAITH FOR THE NEW AGE Raleigh, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Mary Queen By DAVID VAUGHAN of Scots, Lady Jane Seymour, Catherine of This anthology of 200 Spiritualistic extracts is a Aragon. unique new contribution to Psychical Research Hardback 21s. (by post 22s. 6d., USA, etc., and Christianity endorsing and profoundly illumi­ $3.75) nating the Nicene Creed's clauses. Hardback 25s. (by post 27s. 6d., USA, etc. MYSTIC MAN $4.75) By MARK WESTERN Mystic Man is a 14-week course in basic develop­ ment. It gives actual exercises and experiments, of A PSYCHICAL EXPERIENCE a mental and psychic nature, to enable the readers By ROBERT ALEXANDER to develop their own psychic abilities. An essen­ A reader writes: “I have read this book twice and tial for the modem mystic. will read it again. It’s a great book.” An original, Hardback 18s. (by post 20s., USA, etc., $3.50) unedited record written to evaluate the day-by- day psychical and spiritual mysteries of the un­ MOSAIC written initiation into the four comers of the By MARGARET WOODS universe. Hardback 21s. (by post 22s. 6d., USA, etc. Margaret Woods has done thirty years of research $3.75) into mysticism and occultism and the book con­ tains some serious thought on these matters. Hardback, illustrated 25s. (by post 27s. 6d., WHEN THE MORNING STARS SANG USA, etc., $4.75) By MARGARET MACKENZIE This book shows that Astronomers who regard GOD’S BEAUTIFUL SONGSTER Astrology as an ancient superstition are as far off By MILDRED BUTLER the mark as enquirers who want only fortune­ Through the exercise of innate capacities, all can telling. learn to use this simple, yet wonderful law of Hardback 18s. (by post 20s., USA, etc., $3.50) universal harmony for their own and others’ practical benefit in daily living. Hardback 21s. (by post 22s. 6d., USA, etc., THE RIVER OF LIGHT $3.75) By JEAN MARSHALL Goodness in each man lies like the sleeping THE STORY OF PIERRE beauty until a kiss of love awakens. Within these By TOM BRIBSON pages is that eternal kiss, the never-ending river In this story the author expresses his deep con­ of light. viction of the awareness of the presence or God. Hardback 35s. (by post 37s. 6d, USA, etc., Laminated Boards 10s. 6d. (by post 11s. 6d., $6.00) USA, etc, $2.00) REGENCY PRESS (London and New York) Ltd. 43 NEW OXFORD STREET, LONDON, W.C.I, ENGLAND Tel. 01-240 3044


Published by The Churches' Fellowship for Psychical and Spiritual Studies, and Printed by The Devonshire Press. Printing House. Barton Road, Torquay